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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1927, p. 10

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"Tonight's Best Features .m. KTHS a Springs. Third LS (345) Christmas pro- 3 wi Lutheran Chorus. reach Canadian uw Vi Tsim HER CNRO (135)~Ostawa, artists program. Columbia Chain: The Captivators and TN Album." 109) Mpls.-St. Paul Third Tn- *{nr--Lovisvitle. Christmas uta = onight aft 2.00 § a. :--CKCL., a a WCFL, WEAO, WFI, wdss m. Red Trier ower Wear We R EE, tly WRC! also hy 8. R 8 Capa § "ain wught: mus The w M AQ (448)-Chicago, YMCA. ex- WGY, WRC 0.00 WAR (370)--Kansas City, Morning Bib lesson. OUSEWIFE FEATURES } [ WOC (375)--Davenport, i 8.30 Red Network Dar Ho dete | + 14 +1 9.00 a.m. Hoa Ga3)=Des Moines. Victor to 4 Record: progra . : if 9.30 w wi 379) = Detroit, "Tonight's po FA FOV $10.00 Wi. W #429)--Cinci. Women's hour. ia ©1010 w Ls (315)=Chicago, Home question oN n-- {10% Cie (357)=Toronto. Shopping news: x 1 WAU (2s)--Columbus, O. Soripture; y music k WhZ (9) Springfield, Mass. Organ; ! © (353)--NRoston. Women's hour fl . J (2M)--Milwaukee, St f 4 > } (2)7)--Akron, O. usic, ' F (492)=N. Y. Vocal talks, 3 (484)--Chicago. Municipal prog. i i (366)--Chicago, "Newspaper Man." . Nay (306) ~Chicago, Home manage- . ment period, Wir (416)--Chicago, Women's hour, ! WS (476)--Atlanta. Homemakers' hour. 111.30 WAMD --Mpls. Musical program, WHO (333)--Des Moines. Organ, 3 ! 12 Noon WBCN (288)--Chicago. ome ser 3 vice, 1 WER (366)=Chicago. Women's hour, WIM) (294)=Milwaukee, Request or- { gan recical, £12.30 KM A Rin Shenandoah, Ia. Ruby Trio, yf . 12.45 KFAB (309)~Lincoln, Neb. Betty i i Whi i (341)~Nashville, Farm question |] DOX. - NOONDAY CONCERTS : 12 Noos WALU (283)--Columbus, O. Musi. \ | Wi. 8 (345)--Chicago. R. F, D. Dinner i | botio (508)--Phila, Luncheon music, { 12.05 WL W (428)~Cinci, Noon-day musi- 5 i {R15 yi AF (492)=N, Y. Rolfe's orchestra. = | R30 CrCE Jane Montreal, Mt, Royal Or. i che vy id 1 Ww. ABC ' (326)--N.Y. Luncheon music. : i | WPAM (400)--Cleveland, Orchestra fl concert. 1 pm; gl FCA (357)--Calgary, News; wea- tehia (322)--Moncton, Music, ! KOI, (278)--Council Bluffs, Ta. News; music, Ne KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Concert, KVOO (349) Isa, oon program, WwW lipls. Studio program. Weio (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Farm our, WOCFL (48)--Chicago, Organ, 4 (370)--Kansas City, Around the mn. WOR (303) =~ Buffalo, Concert en- semble, A Wo iid (416)=Chie, Organ, Al Carney, Ww 3b Li )--Chicago. Petite ensemble. Wiz N. Y. Luncheon music: | als } WM 1 0 --N.Y. String ensemble, i} (470)--Atlanta, Mu, (2)4Y~Milwaukee," Luncheon 115 W P (319)--Detroit, Tuller Trio, f ¥ fu, (535)=Des Moines. The assador 1.30 WHFAA (500)=Dallas, Address; music, wy ¥ GBS (349)--N, Y, Scripture; musi. A 13,40 we A (306)--Chicago, Drake ensemble, # ie t i Tuesday Programs ' \ AFTERNOON PROGRAMS ¢ 20 1 n. WGHP (319)--Detroit, Home hour, bs \ Wi (303)--Bulfalo, Radio Trades con, { Y. Loew's Theatre, 309)--N.Y, Orchestra \ ta. Radio farm talks "Daily Menu Jakland, Concert i 2) -Clay Center. Special [ 0 366)--Chieago. Studio prog. y PEL i 2) -Boston, Studio program. WITAM * (278) -- Rochester. Eastman Theatre, WAMAQ (448)---Chi. Musical potpourri, 8.00 CN ))--Ottawa, Musicale, Pow Ki 8)--Council Bluffs, Musical Ww (288) Chi. Popular requests, W hs -N.Y. iid de) Wi f0)--Phila, Recital, WB 7)--Kansas City, Ladies' hour. 7 35 15) ohes Moines. Orchestra X (306) Chi. Artist recital, (357 nto. Popular music, Bali. Salon orchestra. )--~Kansas City. Star's Y. Musicale, A Trio, songs. EE Organ. + 4.30 oon. Musicale, p ! in, Neb. Orchestra. Manhattan Trio, Homemakers hour, Mpls. St. Paul. Readers' i84)--Chicago. Rest hour, ] )--Denver, Matinee for : yy WHILE YOU DINE 3 3 5.00 pom. KDKA (316)--Pitts. Dinner con. 4 f 5.3 ienectady. Dinner music. Rochester. Dinner music ) J mbus, OQ. Dinner J WCAE Gin --Pitts. William P, E \ FF (492) -NY, Waldorf toria: 3 ' IRC, WTIC. ' 3 ro eac-- 3 ET a -_ ¥ JIIITTTY al 41 bi ST 13 i § | ii a3 | i § Fl 11 i zea . i + . EX . - is 2 profitable companion. £ It rémoves the odors of dining or smoking from the 5 breath, soothes the mouth # 3 and tongue, allays thirst g 3 and 2ids appetite and 4 digestion, \ a - £0 § hd med: Yao 0 4 lh Diaper AE hy ille, ed (75) Chimes. dibs Yuck F LE, v. ToNiant announ- 15 Wi (353)--Detroit. inatrls. WBZ 20 333)--Springlield. Music, .30 KSO (227)--Clarinda lar Entertainers. (285)--Baltintore. Male tet. od F. (492)-N.Y. National Musical: WSUN (517)--St. Petersburg. St. Pet- i feta i ¥ 2.45 Wino (306)--Chicago. Ballads. 8.00 KFNF (462)--Shenandoah. Mixed prog. KMA (395)--Shenandoah. String Trio, KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Vocal, WADC (297)--Akron, O. Concert. weir (278)--Detroit. Tuesday, k Even- Musicale. W AX (341)--Jack'ville. Recital, WNYC (535)---N.Y. Vocal. ) on have, Red Network: --Sealy i Weavers, from WEAF, KSD, KVOO, WCAE, WDAF, WFAA, WEI, WEBH, WGR, WGY, WRC, WAM, WWI. WAMD (225) Paul, Musicale. WCAU (261) "Fhila. Singers, WosHo (361)--Portland, Me. Thea WEAO uintet, EEI (448)--Boston. The Pilgrims, WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Fla, Songs. WGBS (349)--N.Y, Concert, WHAS (322)--Louisville, Concert. WHB (341)--Kansas City, Concert. WHN (394)--N.Y, Vogal. WAR (545)-- Buffalo, Buffalo Theatre SAL (361)--Cinci. Brunswick program 8.45 WEY o r-Cine, Accordion and Strand (283)--Columbus, Neapolitan University of (236)--Muscatine, Ia, Home Folks Hour Worth, WhAP (500)-- --Ft, Quart Wish (389)--Chi, Artist recital WBZ (333)--Springlield, Mass, Concert. WGHP (278 etroit. Studio, WHK (265)--Cleveland. Concert, WHT (306)--Chicago, Musicale, WOW (508)--Omaha, Popular and old time music, WSB (476)--Atlanta, Feature, WSEA (263)--~Norfolk, Studio program. 9.30 KPRC (294)--Houston, Arabia Temple Shrine Band. WJJD (366)--Chicago. Children's prog. WHO (535)--Des Moines. Automatic Agitatc WTIC (535) Hartiord. Harmony Belles. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Vocal. 10,00 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Simpson night, CNRR a1- -Regina, Vocal and In- strumenta KFAU a). -Boise, Idaho. Concert. Superior Koll, (319)--Council Blufis, Family reunion. KYW (526)--Chi, Popular songs. WCAU 1261)--Phila, Popular songs. WCFJ. (484)--Chicago, Popular prog. WHAM (280)--Rochester, Studio Des: WHT (416)--Chicago. Your Hou WJAX (341)--Jack'ville. Radio Hour, WIZ (454)--N.Y. The Gamboliers, WOW (508)--Omaha, Popular and old time tunes, 10.30 Red Network: --National Gaieties, WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Folger's Serenade. WENR (285)---Chicago. Popular, WGN (416)--Chi. Phantom violin, WHN (394)--N.Y. Loew's vaudeville. WME (517)--Memphis, Cottan and Morpheus. woo (375)---Davenport. Concert, WSM (337)--Nashville, Program, 11.00 KORA (316)-~Pitts. Theatrical revue, KGO (364)--Oakland. Cathedral echoes. WHAM. (280)--Rochester. Request or- gan music, WHN (394)--N.Y. Organ. WIZ (454)--N.Y, Shunber music, WTAM (400)--Cleveland, Alien revue. 11.20 WGN (416)--Chiago. Music box, 11,30 WAM) (225)--St. Paul. Popular en- tertainers. 11.45 WoB (476)--Atlanta, Concert, 12 mid. CNRV (291)--Regina. Strand Theatre KMMJ (2%)--Clay Center. Organ, KNX (337) ~Hollywood, Feature, A Memphis, 'Midnight frolic. y (275)--Atlantic City. Organ, CLASSICAL CONCERTS 7.00 p.m, KDKA (316)--Pitts. Sacred song concert. 7.30 WHK (265)--Cleve. String trio, " Cluh 8.00 Blue Network : --Stromberg ~~ Carlson Hour, from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WBAL, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, WIR. CNRA (322)--Moncton., Instrumental quartet, WEAO (283)--Columbus. Capitol Col- lege of Music, WAM) (225)--Mbpls. Classical. WEBH (366)--Chicago. Metropolitan Brass Quartet, WHAR (273)--Atlantic City. Seaside trio, 8.10 WBEBR (256)--N.Y. Studio orchestra. 8.15 WLW (428)--Cinci. Crosley Quintet. ' WOR (422) Newark, Recital; also from WEAF. } WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Board of Education concert. 8.30 WhoOD (244)--Chattanooga. Studio program. Win. (535)--Des Moines. Little Sym- Wis ,(345)--Chi. Mus 9.00 Red starr --Eveready artists. from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCCO, WDAF, WE. WFI, WGN, WGR, WGY, WHAS, WIAR, WMC, WOC, WRC, WSAI, WSB, WSM, WTAM, WWJ. Blue Network: --"The Continentals," Ld "Personalities in from WIZ. KDKA, KYW, WBAL, WBZ, WBZ CNRA (22) ~Moncton. Choir. "Cradle KLDs (23%)--Indenendence, Mo. Studio, WRAL, (285)~Baltimore. Ensemble. 'WICBD (345)--Zion, Ill. Mandolin "and Guitar Club. WENR (288)--Chicago. Classical hour. WLW (428) Cinci. Concert Orchestra. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Christmas prog wre (223)--Atlantic City. Hall Dual 930 Kis (385)--Hot Springs. "The Mes- 10.00 NRA (322)--Moncton. Concert orches. KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Instrumental con, WFAA (545)--Dallas. Wednesday Morn * jng Choral Club, WIP (349)--Phila. Etude hour. wCCco (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Recital. : Hour, from A KG, KGW, KHJ, KHO, Gilbert ' TALKS-PLAYS 6.30 pan. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Santa Claus. 5 ied (484) Chicago. Federation of wz J450)-NY, Frank Dole, Wor (476)--Atlanta. Health message. 745 WEAF (492)-N.Y. "The Modern Wo- 7.30 wiz (454)- N.Y. Sots Tgavelagve. WMAK 654) Buia oF Panton) Wear (361) ~Cinci. Tall: on dogs. 7.6 Who (283)--Columbus. Address. -- JRE 3 io KF1, vt, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, Rn Io THESE 8.00 p.m. WLW (428)-Cinci. Crosley orches, 9.00 Cer es Tetatite, O Orchestra. (389)--Chi, Pollagk's. MN Gi) Jackiilie: Dance orches. a3 WHE Q (448)--Chi. Jack Chapman's, Bat La Pan Detroit Hod Tuer, N x Dance oo A 5) Cleveland: Orchestra. WAAC (461)--Boston. Dance. w 508)--Omaha. Brown's orches. £258)--Charlotte, N. C. Fam (05)--Mpls..St, Paul, Civic fe mars NC Business (#48)--Chi. U. of Chi, lecture. Epc 810 wSB x WT WTIC, WTAG, WWI. WIMj, Wi }--Houston. Auction bridge. aks Chaos, 10.3 Wi (280)--Batavia, 1ll. Bible lec- 11.10 Won (416)--Chi. "Sam 'n Hen 1 am. Pacific Chain: Retold Tales, | 348 tons of port of Montreal. "Maggie and otherwise. Rr to Canada during the past year was rhc carriages, at the If that doesn't 'indicate an increase of population it would be a difficult job to classify it I V7 moraing. Hon. J. E. Perrault, brought the matter forward. QUEBEC T0 ACCEPT REPATRIATION PLAN Province Will Receive $150, 294)--Milwauk "Wha N.Y. Melody W: h WM N.Y, 's. 000 from Dominion hat. and Who's W i hoot P wy ins A ay "Fa 11.30 Red Network - Janiseas - to 81s WERD Columbus. "Trend of Dance prog; chestra, from WEAF, WFI, WHO. Assist Work 5." 10.20 WEEI 418). Boston. Ed Andrews. KYW 320) Chicas. C Hotel. 8.30 WNAC (461)--Boston. "Op'ry House | 10,30 KOA (326)--Denver. Dance program. WIP (517)--Nat Agreement ight." KTHS (385)--Hot Spriess. Qechestra. wi QB) --Cimei. Miller. M0 LADY Ga iken, [Nee Hou 12 mid KOI (Count Biufls. Geckos. ---- 915 WOS dlsl)--Jelferson City. Vosational | eT I ce Dance ' Sede, Bat, Jed ign f )--Chicago. scheme 9.30 KOA (326)--Denver. Farm question | 20 WaES Gu-Chicago. a xsl period of three years with a WRNY (ODN. ugo Gerasback. (Copyright, yo grant from the Federal Govern- 1000 Red Net game, | fron ment of $50,000 for each of those WEA Reb, WOAE, WCCO, WCSH, 5h uf 14 WDAF, WEEI, WFi," WGN, WGR LOTS OF BARY CARRIAGES years, i Je rp J iy we boys NEw. WAT WA One of the odd motices of imports | eramen province & meeting of the cabinet Thursday Minister of Colonization, Mines and Fisheries, It was first mooted at the recent in- Wednesday, the details of the scheme were worked out at a con- ference between Hon. Mr. Perrault and W.' J. Egan, Deputy Minister of Immigration and Colonization at Ottawa. acceptance ject by the Quebec government work will be immediately begun in an endeavor to get back to this province many Quebecers wno have gone to live in the New Eng- land states. Hom. Mr. Perrault said that it is estimated that there are about 1,000,000 French Cana- dians resident in these states. Of course, many of them have been there for many years and it was even for Christinas, Canadian, In Mexico, first you run for presi- dent, and then you run for your life. that only FAT BEEF (Port Rowan News) Prize beef was bought by the Eaton Store for $1.65 per this rate a ten pound turkey sell for $16.50 which would be ¢ to change the taste of the wards goose, and goose is v Why ext ly fat beef is bought by the has always been a mystery to The loin of a prize is more than half fat, and a deal of it is useless for ordinary men. HE'S PRETTY FAR DOWN (Kitchener Record) When a henpecked man sees less to try fo get these to re- wife terrified by a garden worm, turn to Quebec, but there were |7°'7 *™° Hea of where may, he said, who had left tnis|™ the scale of creation. province only recently and with a little encouragement might be per- A YEAR AGO suaded 'to return. (b rder Cities Star) me 108. Just a year age M Ferguson was assuring the "men of reputation be granted liquor permits. ELLA CINDERS--Heading West Again A mo Conselman and Charlie je Plas LISTEN: IF YOU HAD ANY SENSE YOU WOULDN'T CATCH COLD: YOL DIT AROUND IN YOUR UNDERSHIRT AND LEAVE YOUR SHOES OFF- 9END FOR THE -DOCTOR-| CAN'T vesr-- STAND THAT BARKING AROUND HERE: GET: DR: SMITH: IF YOU WERE MORE LIKE HIM: YOU'D BE BETTER OFF: HELLO. HELLO DOCTOR SMITH ALL RIGHT" YES WHAT? OH- DOCTOR SMITH 19 LAID LP WITH A COLD" r LR 0 LITTLE DUTCH [| NO, THEY pce | Lad D3 HANG UP THEIR WOODEN f I ( "IR STOCKINGS b 2 SANTACLAUS 7ILL, DADDY 9 | SHOES BY THE | || FIREPLACE, ! 10] Q 4 \ \ A LD SANTA CLAUS,OR SINTERKLASS AS IT 15 USUALLY VIRITTEN IN HOLLAND,IS THE gE DUTCH CHILDRENS PET NAME EE | FOR SAINT NICHOLAS. @ (EJHERE 15 AN ANCIENT TRADITION | THAT HE MAKES HIS ROUNDS wr ' AS HS A. EE --. | - 7. a ------ bY p-- ' N TE 0 ve A I ol ; ig il L i) : ON WODENS EVGHT-LEGGED HORSE, i 0 DADDY TOLD IM THE CHIMIEY CORNER, | SLEIPNER . THE HORSE WILL NOT | B Me agout JIE HUW! HE Just THEIR WOODEN SHOES IN SIGHT | LIKE A DUTCH UNCLE! ih id Any REC'L AR FEL. LERS ADDITION AN' TM WUNNAFUL, on MULTIPLICATICN AN' TM A ON DIVISION BUT TM NO GOOD AT ALL on SUBTRACTION! ) / | lows AY TRICUNE, ING By Gone Byres ror (wot THE TWO WHATCHA + SWATTED! EY 4 : TILLIE THE TOILER--A Quick Trip! EARD cen" OR, GREAT, A FAC TORY IN PARIS MIE VE Taken MAG ABOUT "Tiras MR WHIPPLE - MAYBE THE DOSS WILL SEND EXCALING ME OVER THERE - = E [1 CAN a7 T PIC TURE MySELE SiLiDINe HAMPS By Russ V/csiover LISTEN Tf MAY BE ONLY A RUMOR BUY A RUMOR TRAVELS AND | GOT TO ON IT AND VM BACK ALREADY

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