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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1927, p. 2

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4 I p | | E 1 : owmanvi e a vil 8 Sut Re R dn in all two inch b { pine To | weouncil 10 hu ¢ mains, This was the report of rman of the Waterworks Com- ec who "said 'that much: money being: lost 'because: many pipes "the -eity 'were mot metre but that 'Wsers were on a flat rate, There "over. 300 usérs of the town ig water who were not. Msg. ¢ water, declared: Mr, Caverly ' various reports of the .eam- which were pagsed. iby the ail showed that -somé ef the ittees 'departments had deficits 'the | year and needed supple- ffary prams which were given, or balance for the year, « he Roads and Streets Committee, hictr Reeve 'M, Elliott. was man had a balance og. $358.00, i beginning of the year they for' a grant of $5,500, but rs $5,142, . The relief com- niftee, . o- fwhich M7 H, Minore is iran, alsa' spent léss than it as-expected, The committee asks on arent of $3,801 but spent only The. police' spmmittee also a a balance of $46.60. George W, | James, Chaifmam of: this committee, heeds that iivalthough they ha equeésted $2,600: ae the beginning of Jeary, ! they: had only spent he cemetary": Iepartment had a od of $10356, having spent only 1394.46 witen it was estimated they uld need: $1500.00 W, H, Thick: m, "deputy reeve and chairman of i Fire wBDepartment, announced that although they were shown to be pyeedgawn $164.27, they had not been preditedy with the $150, which the b Shes of, Hagpton sent to pay for theshelprendered by the local fire { depampment during the disastrous firgrswhich the local fire-fighters h stop from spreading through the town. Town Clerk' John Lyle pointed out that the money had been received too late to eredit it to the department report; The fire commit gir $5,164.27 during the year, one % ¢ public property committee, of WW: A. Edgar is chairman, also were overdrdwn dari, the year. | | They pent $5,716.50 durmg- the- year ality it was estimated they. would $5,300. The: printing and d sia ry committee, of which W, erly is 'Chaitman, was also slight: esdrawn, having spent $574.04 oh was estimatgd tiiey Jayopld ni he contingent account, which is Idpked after "hv. Town, Clerk John 1gle as $260.57 over what is was mem would he 'spent; It was pid nfiited at * the beginning 'of the Yeon, that $2,000 would be sufficient. Bobby: "My brother has taken up Prefehj German, Spanish, Ital- and~Greek." Old Gentleman: iat 'does he study?" obby: 'He doesn't study; he's 5 a -boy." i: + 3 > LACKHEADS = Blackifesds quickly by a ¥ simple met} that just dissolves ; them. GEA ne ounces of peroxide , ffom you, ggist, rub this with a wet cloth briskly, over the blackheads-- pou will wonder where they have gone. Usj7) "Goodness! and gq 7 0 wo bd 3 ki atin © Sons he Street West, Oshawa AR Pe' Yow a sepom It's to be $1.00 Wight . in the "Basement ineer | fk night bye Hae averlyi Toff service and show it not only to + (By Staff Reporter) ° indi Dec. 19--"Rotary bY p of Zralesyiond) and business Ro ithout a secret vow or eel hi ve Accepted the Rotary 'idea ervice and 'who ave mideting to y together the Rotary philosophy themselves but to others," declared Rev. Edward Baker, D.D, Principal of Albert College, Belleville, in an address to the Local Rotary Club on Friday at noon .in the Bowman House dining room, The read. .nced of the times is not only to do a real service to those in our particular city, provipee, of country, but it is to serve others in- ternationally," gontinued the speaker, "that we may. have an advancement in, understanding with 'the business men of other countries and thus pro: mote international peace, "Are you living out what Rotary means? Are you trying to help sdlve the problems of your fellow man and are you putting into effect He philosophy of Rotary? Let us try and let us also remember that man is what he would be, not ywhat he is," concluded Dr. Baker, who joined the * Belleville Rotary Club nine years ago, following a visit to a meeting where he became much im- pressed with the work carried on there. Following a motion hy Percy Cor- bett, which was seconded by Milton A. Minore, President Frank F, Mor- ris tendered the Club's visitor "the hearty vote of thanks which had been accorded orded by all prese all present, ANNUAL MEETING DURHAM BREEDERS Holstein Breeders' Associa tion Meet at Port Hope-- Elect Officers (By Staff Reporter) Port Hope, Dee, 17--With 35 mem- bers of the Durham County Hol- stein Breeders = Association present "here at their annual meeting, officers | for the coming year were elected and it was decided to hold' the next an. nual méeting of the association in December, 1928, at Newcastle. The following were clected: 'Pre sident, H, Seymour, of Cavan; Vice President, A, J, Runnalls, RR, 1, of Port Hope ; 'Secretary Treasurer, H. Jose; of Newcastle. R. R. Stevens, of Bowmanville; was appointed field. man, with L, C. Snowden, of Bow- manville, his assistant. Directors and Sales: Committees were also appoini- At 1 o'clock the members of the Association met in the Queen's Hotel and enjoyed a splendid banquet, Pro- fessor Wade Toole, OAC, Guelph, in a comprehensive address, gave the breeders encouragement and some good suggestions for more. effectively carrying on their work. 'R. M, Holts by, Port Perry, Canadian Holstein fieldman, told of the rapid strides that this brecd had made in Canada and of the bright future for dairying in Ontario, 'J, X. Kellough, Agricul- tural representative, complimented the Association on their enthusiastic meeting and stated that the Depart- ment of Agriculture were trying' to inaugurate a Better Live Stock Cam- paign. He also asked that the As- sociation take, an interest in - the Junior Farmers of the Coupty, "Speaking ot pathing in famous springs," said the tramp to the courist. "I bathed in the spring of '86." Phone 783W | 130 To gables: loaded down wih wonderful values of China, e, Pictures, 'Reed Work; Pattern: Wall Pockets Ed edmond ches Sowamons Special-- id Enos. Smoking Stands ., $1.00 Berman > 7-1 "BASEMENT GIFT SHOPPE" y i Gift for any lady; "Tonight : CASES ETE \ WHITBY TAXES 'PAID BY DEC, 12 , eons of of $09,461.43 Higher Record ' | Will Apply on Balance of $13,406.47--Report at als ; fos ; : (ny Staff Reporter) | Columbus, Dec. 19.--Over 80 percent of the total tax bill of Bast Whitby has been pald according to information secu from' Tax Collector H, L. Pas The total tax oll amounts to' $69,461.43 and already over $56,054, "i as been paid tothe collector, This is slightly higher percentage than that of 1926. The outstanding amount of about $13,406.47 is now being collected from the delinquent additional three per cent as the last day upow wirich 'taxes were Jecelv, able was Décember 12, The final session of the Baat Whitby Council was held last Thursday when Collector Pascoe gave his report. e was highly complimented by the council on the good work he has accomplish- ed during thé year." The outstanding poll tax 'will also be collected under terms pro- vided in the statutes. Considerable discussion was held at the recent session of the Coun- cil on the advisability of colleeting the assessment of taxes half year- ly. It was finally' decided that whiel such a system might he de- sirable especially by those rate- payers owning property in the im- mediate vieinity of the City of Oshawa, it was impracticable un- der the regulations of the Assess- ment Act by which the rural muni- cipalities are governed, THE SPIRIT OF YULETIDE The spirit of Yuletide 1s In the alr, In hearts, in homes, aye, every- where; Ringing glad hells in merry strain, Hark to the glorious refrain! Glory to God in highest heaven Who has to us a Sacious given, Echoes that song o'er vale and hill-- On earth be peace, to men good- will. That spirit first came dwell On earth what time Emmanucl A kingdom and throne resigned To be the Saviour of mankind, down to It fills our hearts with gratitude, To God the Father, great and good; His only Son, He freely gave The world from BSatin's power .to FAVS, And bids us to His temple bring Obligations to our Saviour King, He spreads the board with Yule- tide cheer ' And gathers round it loved ones dear, Or sets our 'thought a-roving free To where dear absent friends may With lavish hand, o'er carewora earth He scatters joyous festal mirth; Hate, discord, wrone and guile, Vanish before His heavenly smile; We, in His presence, lay aside Our sordid selfishness nd pride And find true happiness abound, And bliss -- In blessing those around, envy, Soirit of glad festivity, Who decks the laden Christmas tree Fair holly wreathed, to Him we owe Our homes entwined with mistletoe, And these bright blessing far sbhove-- True hearts aglow with Yuletide love. Spirit 'benign, Who to and fro, Twixt friend and friend, art wont to go With gifts and greetings, are due to the story old, yet ever mew; Best wishes, warmest love eonvey To all our friends now far away. which Blest Spirit, with us still abide - Beyond the poyous Christmastide. A welcome guest the whole year through, . With influence sweet our hearts " endue, And in our souls Thy song instill-- Glory to God, to men good-will. ~-Mrs. A. PF. Calder, Peterboro a ---------------- . If all the stories about the power generated by the kick of a mule are true, we can easily sympathize with the colored man who had been sent skyward by 'one of these of- fended animals and who was lpok- ing for the worst when he once sen. terra firma on the return p. A draft of Missouri mules had just arrived and 8 new private made the mistake of going too near ope. His comrades caught him on the rebound, placed stretcher and started for the hospi: tal. On the way the injured man regained consciousness, He gazed at the sky overhead Jd felt the swaying motion of the stretcher, Feebly he lowered his shaky hands over the side, to find only space. "My gosh!" he groaned, "I ain't even hit the ground yet." Friend (to racing motorist): "That last run of yours was splen did. I hear you broke your previ ous records." Racing Motorist: "Yes, Ah four minutes, two ribs and a leg. owners wha will have to. pay an WE qe "me osawa DALY TIMES - MONDAY; DECEMBER" 19,1922 Edifice Rededicated at pressive Service Sunday Morning By Rev. Canon C. R. DePencier--Church Was. Partially Destroyed By Fire Last Summer -- Organ to Be Replaced (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Dee. 19.--All Saint's An- glican church here was re-dedicated at the morning service here yester- day by the Rev. Canon C. R. de Pencier, rector of St. George's An, glican church, of Oshawa. One of the largest congregations thaf has ever assembled in the edifice was in attendance and heard Canon dePen- cier preach an inspiring sermon, All Saints church was partially de- stroyed by fire during the middle of the past summer and work of re- building it was immediately begun by the parisiioners, It is now almost completed, Referring to the disastrous firs, Canon dePencier mentioned the fact that the edifice as it now stands is even more beautiful shan it was for merly, The decorations have been much improved, and while not all completed it will be within the course of a few months, The organ, which was destroyed will be replaced and as the preacher announced, will be delivered and in- stalled in a short time, It will be dedicated at a special service. A num- ber of memorial windows have becn offered and will also be dedicated. It is quite possible that the Rt. Rey, James Sweeney, the Bishop of To- ronto, will officiate at this dedicatory service, Rev. Mr. Wright, rector of All Saints, was not present at yesterday morning's service, he exchanging pul- pits with Canon dePencier, NOTICE TO WHITBY SUNSCRIHERS getting The Times by mail ' at the delivery rate of 10¢ | a week if they will notify the Whit by representative, Ivers Kelly, OF She ffs wi, WWRchSiun 6 Dols 94 All Saints Church Re- After Rebuil JURY: CHARGE Hl BEING HEARD § W. B. Widner ner Alleged to Have Made Utterances Denied at Trial (By Staff Reportar) Whitby, Dee. 19--A charge of perjury against W, B, Widner of Toronto is: heing heard before Ma. gistrate A, F. Hind of Oshawa in the local police court this after- noon. The charge arose out of an automobile accident on the Kings: on-Toronto highway, just eusc 01 this to town. It is alelged that following the crash that Widner, the ddriver of one of the cars stat- ed that "if he had three more inch- es he would have made it" and "that he was responsible for the accident", It is alleged that he made these utterances, which were denied in court, to Willlamr David- gon of the Davidson Garage, High- way Traffic Constable Reid of Pick. ering who was present at the scene of the accident and to Leonard Bath, the driver of the other auto- mobile. A number of witnesses in addition to those mentioned will appear. Magistrate Hind of Oshawa ls trying the case owing to the fact that Magistrate J, E, Willis of Whiby is a witness. Widner figured in a civie action We know well enough what he meant, but what the new country ma- gistrate acty sally said in his address i ng as I am on the bench you can rely upon me alw ays tamper- ing with justice and mercy. fas oN ARAN 1 0 Tf Join Our ¥ Club-- | ware, Dinner Set OUR SPE $5 Then pay $1.00 each week until fully paid, We will deliver your set before Christmas, Wonderful large assortment of patterns and shapes to select from in fine Engliech And French dinner- The "CHAMPION" 04 Piece Dinner Set White with Gold Lines $1980 BREAKFAST SETS In Black and Orange Daisy Flat Pattern 34 Pieces $8.75 J 0 Christmas : A 0 NOW! ra Bor our window it you world like ti sie bouss beautiful hostiful diner ware, and don't forget ow 10 King 51. W. oT GORE tio li DD. J. Brown "The Jeweller" Phone 189 ing Program Cltan, Sparkling Glass and Crockery: - Every home-making woman loves to have glassware and crockery spotlessly clean. The best aid for this is Gillex, A teaspoonful to a dishpan of water--no soap--leaves ailth ------ [= |mjOw] +] -- = -l L FOR ¢] MADE BY E.WGILLETT CO LTD.- MAKERS OF MAGIC glazed surfaces absolutely scumless--just as clean as clean can be. Let the dishes stand in the Gillexed water for a minute or two, then wash gently with the dishcloth and drain. The result is a joy to the Syeaigiery 8 dish perfectly bright, sparkling, sterilized. LEX ALL BAKING POWDER cage here last week, losing out in an action brought against him by Leonard Bath and several other persons in the aceident, He was convicted recently in lo- eal court of reckless driving and fined $10 and costs; U, 8, ADMIRAL RAPS OFFICIAL RED TAPE Washington, Dec. 19 --Attack- ing what he described as "too many orders from Washington" Rear Admiral Thos, P. Magruder told the House Naval Committee Fri- day that officers afloat were given little discretion in planning their work. He cited in this connection arrangements made for the flight made last summer by Clarence Chamberlin, and carrying mail to the Leviathan while that ship was several hundred miles at sea hound for Europe. Magruder, then commander of the Philadelphia navy yard, said that he received orders giving in minute detail arrangements for delivery of the plane, the amount of gasoline to put in it, and other arrangements, i Ottawa, Dec. 16.--The Domin- fon Government is to make another effort to get before the Privy Council in London the Alberta re- sources question. It is certain to be brought up again this session. The unsettled state of matters at the present time is held to be an obstacle to the transfer of the re- sources which, with the educa- tional condition attached, the Gov- ernment here is willing 'to hand over, When recently the Fedaral Gov- ernment sought leave to appeal to the Privy Council from the judg- ment of the Supreme Court here upholding the constitutionality of the educational classes of the au- MONTREAL ALDERMAN ELEC. TED Montreal, Que, Pinsonnault secured a majority of 7 votes over Tancrede Fortin, K.C., in the by-election held in Ville Marie ward Saturday, to fill a vacancy on Dee. 18---L. H, DOMINION WILL TRY TO SETTLE = ALBERTA RESOURCES QUESTION tonomy bill, leave was not granted ner was it refuged. Their Logd- ships took the position that it was out of the ordinary: course for a | successful litgant to appeal from a judgment in his own favor and, the application stood, It was learned Wednesday that another effort is to be made ta: ret the case heard 'in London so: that the determination may be final. Very probably, if no pubs lic body or organization intervenes, a private party will do so, the cost to be borne by the Dominion Gov- ernment, , THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIN- CARRIES THE ASHES AND WRITES POEMS Montreal, Que, Dec., 18~When Harry Baker is not assisting the caretaker of the McGill Arts Build- CANADIANS. IN CREW ing, he is a poet, "Simple Poems by OF SUNK SUERMARINE Simple Folk," his first volume is | Washington, D.C , Dee. 18-Listed about to appear. "It was Harry," | among the members of the crew of } says a McGill scribe, "who wrote Cy $-4 rammed and sunk yesterday revised version of O Canada which | off the Wood End Coast Guard runs in part like this: 'O Canada, I | station, Cape Cod, were; : love thy frost and snows, better than Rudolph James Rose, electricians the south with all its mosquitoes,' " | mate; father, Robert Rose, of Delia, ------ Alberta, William mate; sister, Mrs, Walkeryiile, Ont, It was said at the Navy ment that all those listed on the crew may not have heen abpard when the disaster occurred, the City Council , The winner polled 833 votes and Fortin 796. ------ New Martin THEATRE NOW PLAYING ROSES PICARDY One of 'the Greatest Pictures Ever Produced SUCCUMBS TO INJURIES ! IN ALBERTA BLIZZARD Calgary, Alta, Dee. 18--Another victim of the blizzard which swept out of the north over Alberta a week ago Monday, Robert E, James, 33 of Cochrane, died here yesterday. He suffered from a fractured thigh and pneumenia contracted from exposure, when a load of hay was blown over on top of him by the storm. I --TE--------r=c--=------ to his erew before quitting time: DOUBLED-DECK SIDEWALKS | 'Now I want every man who is too SUGGESTED FOR MONTREAL ' tired to work 2ll night tonight and Montreal, Que, Dec. 18--Double- {all day tomorrow to step forward deck sidewalks for main shopping |tWO steps." thoroughfares are the latest project Every man quickly stepped for- offered to solve Montreal's traffic Ward except one, and he stood still, problem. Alderman Theodore Mor-! "Well, are you reedy for all gan, president of the Royal Autcmo- night and all day tomorrow?" bile Club of Canada, also fayors' "Good Lord, Boss, I am tco elevated boulevards crossing the city, tired to even take them two steps so that automobilists heading through ahead." could run #-top Montreal. Dempsey, machinist's May Marchand, Depart- Tired--And Then Some After working his erew hard all day one hot day, the foreman sald POPE RECEIVES IN AUDIENSE = FUTURE QUEBEC CARDINAL SDE Rome, Dee, 13--His Holiness. the Pope, Saturday received in audience Monsignor R. M, Rouleau, = Arch- bishop of Quebec, who will be creat. ed Canadian Cardinal in succession to the late Cardinal Begin, at Ie sccret consistory of Monday next, Monsignor Rouleau thanked His Holiness very warmly for the iii which is to be conferred upon him and stated that he regarded it as one conferred upon Canada rather' than upon himself , The Pontiff ans- | wered that it had been his despre | to reward the personal merits of the ' Quebec Archbishop and at the same time satisfy the desires so very fre- | quently expressed by his Canadian i ------ y RI 0 arn Ow | : === Se Cy Day a Pleasure Provide Him With Smokes Cigars vb massrar ET 45¢ up Pipes sessssbsnsnisns BOC WP Cigarettes AARPARARRAPAR RANA ILS 60¢ wp TODAS 5...0s0iisssrssmsiss 0s BOE BP Tobacco Pouches ........ $1.78 " Piccadilly Tobacss, jor ind $1.50 THE REXALL STORES SUPDDLH ORL INN0E

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