bd cm ---- ¢ le 1 oF THE 'OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1927 N. SINCLAI LAIR K.C, BANK ding. (116-1yr.) eit B.A.~BAR- J - Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- $y ey to loan, Office t, Oshawa, Phone 4. Res Tra phone 837, ) RIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR: isters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ic, ete, Office over Standard Bank, intrance Simcoe St,' Phone 13, J. ?, Grierson, BA, T, K, Creighton, iWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- lenzie, Barristers, onveyancers, Jotary Public, ete; All branches of 'riminal and Civil Law, Money to san, Office over Lamble's store, 2 ting St, a Those 940. D. A. wanson, N. German, F, G. dackenze. {Siskel Upon of | street a on Plione 466. For Rent The SAEs STUDIOS, IN structors on Hawallan or Spanisn e | guitar, ukelele, tenor guitar, man del! Open for engagements. Wilson and Lee Music Store. Phone 2388. (Nov, 24-Dec. 24) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE 10 acce 1) ano, or- gan and socal mi. no booklet I parears: will be fur TequeR, 68. Drew tf ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH: er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams, Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe 'St. North, Phone 371J., Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The o! "est Fire ency in Oshawa, putable Fire Companies. (118- th) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance "wants atiendcd to and your interests protected, (Oct, 11-1yr.) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST martfages, Building 'loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420. (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM' LOANS (1201) \. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, jolicitor, Notary Public, Calvey: - neer, money to loan, Disney Bldg, pposite Post Office, Phones, office | 014; residence, 2239]. (62t) OUIs 8, HYMAN AND COM i any, Barristers, Money to loam. 4 ver, Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe treet north, Phone 67, residence No cc sion. Building loans, Legal work "done at this office. A, J Parkhill, Barrister, * Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176+tf) Contracting 7, W. ENGLAND AND R, DOUG- lags, bricklayers and ' contractors work taken hy the thousand or by day work, Repair work of all de. Jw (4) | seriptions, Satistaction guaranteed. 318 Divigien St, Phone. 2670W. Medical (Nov. 24-Dec. 24.) JR, C, W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, N A jurgeon, Obstetrician, office and Building Supplies esidence, 656 Simcoe St, N. cor, WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS | \rlington, Phong 2418, Ln 12) ed timber. lath, shingles, sash, doors | JR, R, E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- ian, surgeon, and obstetrician, Of- {ice and home, 456 Simcoe street | outh. Phone 2502, (114tf) and interior trim, Beceroft Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh awa, phone 324. (69-11) Painting and Decorating "| JR, HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- xian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. ial reference to maternity work nd diseases of women, Two years' ost graduate experience, nd residence 167 Simeoe St. N,, cor, Brock) phone 303, (119-tf) ll JR, WEXAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and resi: lence, King St. East, corner Victoria i 't, Oshawa, Phone 94. JR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, | liseases of infants and children. Of- | ice and residence, 97 Bond east. hone 1155. % OR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- ian and Surgeon, special attention iiven to X-ray work and Electro- heo opY: Office, Disney Block, Phone : 1060, Office open 9 am, to 9 p. n, Residence 161 King East, hone 2416, (tf) lar, Nose, Throat Specialist 1} OR. F. T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR treet West, Toronto, will be at his fice over Jury & Lovells Dry store each Saturday, from 1 till vm, for consultation and treatment f diseases of ear, nose and throat mly, Appointments maye be made t drug store, Phone 97, (49-tf) Dental JR. D, R, DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Nard's Store, Simcoe street south, Jitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- stered for extraction, nurse attend- Office | 2067W. R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPE R- hanging, graining, etc. Twenty years' experience, Prices rigint. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street, Boone « -t Elocution =| tion. TWO ROOMED UNFURNISHED flat to rent, Modern conveniences. Three minutes walk from General Motors. Apply 280 Halg St. (148¢) SHACK TO RENT. APPLY 144 Roxorought avenue. (143-¢) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, suitable for young, couple.. Phone FERRER REF ERRF EATER EERE BJ Notice Re Classified Ade Effective immediately, clos- ing time for classified ads. 9.30 am. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. 'Ads for Too Laté to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 a.m. TETTTeTTeeT | i FETE FEE PTE be PPPPTTTTETTTTY PPP PTV PREY IY Apply 118 Summer street. (143-c) TWO GENTLEMEN ROOMERS wanted, Willing to hare robm. Breakfast if desired. Apply 73 Mechanic St, Phone 69J, (1420) ro TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. No children, 270 Division St. (142b) FOR RENT--SIX ROOMED FLAT and kitchen or rooms, Heated. All conveniences. Separate entrance. Immediate possession. Apply 16} Verdun Rd. (1420) insertion--134 cents i word. Minimum charge--30¢. Each subiougent insertion 1c per word. i Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insert' oms (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. | Box number 10¢ additional 'FURNISIZED ROOM TO RENT. Suitable for one or two gentlemen Meals if preferred. 49 Kenneth Ave, Phone 148817. (142¢) RENT--FOUR LARGE UN: with bath, R. Also raraid FOR furnished rooms block from C,.N. Ona 4 Professional or Business Cards, $250 per month | { for 20 words or less; 10 cents 4 word por month for each addition ! word, TIMES CLASSIFIED .28 COST LITTLE; ACe : i] Situations Wanted OFFICE POSITION DESIRED BY steady young man. Phone UN © Board and Roqms WANTED--BY YOUNG MARRIED couple, board with one or two un- furnished rooms in refined family, a Rae R AAR ERR rooms not necessary. 3 "jy 14035 ata) hl ds Daily Times. (141.¢) TO RENT FOR WINTER, NEW SOMBRE 6 roomed furnished bungalow |}; = ROARDERS TR so RS Every convenience, Box "B" Osh: | ma 3 y jafne I: awa Daily Times. (143-0), ates or | Ba Dec. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED . oe rooms to rent. All conveniemcey, |} Classified Ads. Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY--BRICK RESI- dence in good district, Will pay $1,000 down. No agents, write full information Box 353, Oshawa, P. 0. (142¢) MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and pou hi Goods called for. Phone 2060M. Residence 3 Mill street. (111tf) Help Wanted--Male SALESMAN WANTED, MARRIED man, with family, 25 to 35 years of age, smart appearance, good education essential, hond mneces- sary. Apply Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times, (143-c* YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR OF- fice and warehouse. Imperial Oil Ltd., Court St. Phone 374. Reid Nash street, Whitby, Motors, Dundas (Dee, 1-Jan, 1) Real Estate for Sale CHE AP FOR QU 10K SALE, Grooms Ave, $2,200, five room house, conveniences, large con- crete cellar. Large lot. Small de- posit, Phone 432M, (143c) MISS EVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of Elocution, graduate of Ontario Ladies' Collere, will prepare he. ginners and ad:anced pupils for "Il platform work, Apply 192 ing street .east, hone 134. (Dec, 2-Jan. 2) 2) Parloks MARIE RENWICK'S BEAL TY Shop,' 9 Celina street, at- Watson's Barber Shop, Water wayes, mani- Paauty cures, marcelling, Phone 2653, (Dee, 6-2an.6), Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVINuL, LOCAT, and long distance, W. Borrow: dale, 609 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 1618, (Dee: 1.Jan, 1) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- ited, Simcoe St. S., phone 2613, 242 Front St. E., Toronto, Phone Main 7637. Superior Trangporta- tion Service, ; (42t1) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age. B85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to SIX ROOMS, HORTOP AVE, HOT air furnace, all conveniences, Im- medicte possesgion. Terms arrang. ed, Phone 181, from 5 to 8 evenings. (143-145 147b-150-152) ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, six or eight room houses, rig' brick veneer. hard wood rim | just completed. All conveniences Phone 1537W or 2072, (Nov. 23-Dee, 231 _Help Wanted--Female WANTED EXPERIENCED POW: er sewing machine operator. Apply Geheral Motors of Canada, Ltd. Oshawa, (143¢c) WANTED--RELIABLE MIDDLE aged woman to take full chargé of 2 home: Family of three. Phone 2358W. (141b) Office closed till after New Year. Apply- opposite 81 Ontario St, (14 FOR SALE--FUMED OAK ENNIS piano, made in Oshawa, Just like new. Will sell at a bargain, May be seen at 10 Bond street west, Phone A, F. Cox, Ford dealer, hs (143¢) ' ROAD KING, 3c) PEED BICYCLE, for either boy or girl, Apply 204 Haig Street. (143-¢c) FOR SALE--KITCHEN CABINET, china' cabinet, 'kitchen table, and small refrigerator, Apply 140) Division street, : evenings after 6 em. OET YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT, A! beautiful canary singer. Guaran-' teed from Eugene Goodell, 126 Burk St. Phone 13247, (1421) (143-b) | to rent. Phone 1728J, (141 COMPLISH MUCH aan | FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR 2} « TELEPHONE 3§ i gentlemen, Board if desired. Pr! Ask for Classified Ad D . vate, 46 Kenneth avenue. Phone | ment, yi Auction Sale 13937. (141-e) (JI... Eh i rrr UNDERSIGNED HAS RE- FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS LH instructions from Johnp Je ent Plivate Home. Exgellont iF Nemisz to sell by public auction IY 1 etiate'. pousesslon © Articles For Sale on Friday, December 23rd, 1927, A Ll 4 'at one o'clock on lot 31, con. 3, ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND in Darlington township, (a half Motor Cars lumber for sale, storm doors, 75 mile north of the Kingston High- cents up, hot air furnace, in up, 'way), five acres of standing tim- NASH SALES AND SERVICE.| .o date. condition, oak mantel, her, Will sell in quarter acre lots, Twenty-five different models to -atest style, These articles This timber consists of mixed choose frem. Ask for demonstra '@vailable till Friday nls week. wood, Terms 10 months credit ion approved joint note and 5 per cent discount for cash. Parties buying lots will have two years to take wood off. BE. J, Pomery, ' Auctioneer, 18% King St. E., Oshawa, Phone 1013M. (141-143-145) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR RENT OR EX- change, two acres, seyen roomed house, barn and garage in Colum- bus. Will sell cheap or accept 3 good building lot in Oshawa as part payment. Phone Fred Conlin, 1654 r 14, (142¢) NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Dec, 19.--Every- thing is coming along great for the ts and Christmas trees, FOR SALE--APARTMENT SIZE, three burner gas stove, Nearly new. $20, Apply Phone 971M, (142¢) FOR SALE--USED GEHRARD- Heintzman Upright Piano in splen- did condition. Just lately re-gcon- ditioned. + For sale on reasonable terms to reliable party, Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (1410) EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for general housework, Phone 586. PRIVATE SALE 'OF HOUSEHOLD furnishinzs. Contents of 6 room home, 207F. (1414) | house. 159 Simeoe St, 8. (189-tf) GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT |CHRISTMAS TREES FOR: SALE. hougekeepin . Small. family. Good | Balsam, Spruce and Cedar. Phone Phone (142b) [1724W. (137) Wanted to Rent nt, Phone 231, Residence 1087. (tf) | and from all trains, (64-tf) » dati HOUSE WANTED TO RENT. SIX R. S.J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, oF Veterinary Surgeon or seven rooms. Central, Phone ice over assetts', one H Smith Potteries, 472. (143-c) Residence 306, 4-1 yr. | DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, JR. H, M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. worth, over Mitchell's Drug Store. sas for extraction. Phone JR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, litrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac ions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. hone '948, residence, 1378M 35-1 JR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Phone 1780. 66-tf Regent Theatre Bldg. Ingineering and Surveying tesidence. 669, J ah, S,M JONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR > Kard Surveyors and Civil Fy sub-duyisions, plan: uh, engin re Phone beds. * dlodzss) 'RESSMAKING, LADIES' AND irls' coats and dresses done rea- onable. Phone 732). 136 Glad- tone avenue. (143-2) "IRST CLASS DRESSMAKING nf gamodsiling a6 97 King siren (Déc. 8.-Jan. 8) RESSMAKING, P PLAIN p ICY Le St. : Mies | 1 (Nov. 26-Dec. 23) \LL KINDS OF DRESSMAKIN™ one at yeasouable Call at 2: owe {ASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, A 8, gor 1S. Hen 0 or anzond hand Asoo Pr gable_beuiv' morfl Phone i493). 21) Tire Repairing {LL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRI t Ideal Tire Shop. vio x Specialist diseases domestic animals, cat and oe Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone (56-tf) S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES G all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion ~~ Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone 105]. (131-tf) Fuspiture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEP- arate compartments. 85 Bond street west. Phone 82. Coleman's Cartage and Storage. ; Corseteire CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, $82 Elgin east. Mrs. Annie Pent- land, managing corseticre. Even- ings by appointment. (133-4) a -L Watch Repairing F. A. YON GUNTEN, EXPERT TWO OR THREE FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms wanted by January 3, for light housekeeping. Nownstairs preferred. North of Kine St. Box "0" Oshawa Daily Times. (141ec) Restaurents OSHAWA CAFE. 31 pon» ST, east, We serve a good ml, dinner or supper for 30c. Also fish and chips, served as usual Deliver orders on Friday only. (Dee. 9-1 mo.) Lost and Found LOST---ON MONDAY, DEC. 19TH, a large red fountain pen up town in Oshawa. Finder please phone Archie Morgan at Oshawa Mis- sionary College. (1430) FOUND--A SUM OF MONEY. Owner may have same by paying Shim Satchmaker, repair shop: at goers oa and identifying same, 2 King Street West. Your pat- Apply 59 Greta St ronage is solicited. 2-1f) | APY TRIAS (142¢) DURRANT MACHINE CO.-- WE do all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears installed ; connecting rods re-babbite LOST--IN STEEL'S STORE, FRI. day, December 16, ome $20 bill. | Reward if returned, to 54 Albert street, (141-¢) Window Cleaning gears or pinions supplied "for all makes of cars. 161 King St i! Phone 519 ' Asc ; Kora Bank dng Pho: 149 ne 'House cleaning, woodwork and ) | floors polished, screen and store win dows 1302 t on and removed: Phone Work Wanted HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished by expert. Stairs veneered, Winter price. Phone 2612. (142¢) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS. chesterfields made go wider Work i mans c" 74" Mocha Aoctic 85 st "pits OSHAWA WINDOW | CHOICE For 1618, CHRISTMAS TREES | Christmas delivery. Phone | (132.-t1) ' ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS, | watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of | all kinds, easy payments; imnredi- ate delivery. ' O. H. Dell, 2214 | Simeoe south, Phone 1656. | (Dee. 2-Jan, 2) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale. Good condition. Low price. ! This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new addi- tion was erected. Tt should be just the thing for a store or apartment Nock. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times. Teleohone 35 (106-tf) MIXED HARP AND. SOFT WOOD lahs, £350 per load. Also hone dry bodys wood Phone 660. Waterous- | Meek "sp + (Mar 26-tf) | Pets all Livestock FOR SALE--ONE REGISTERED, pure bred black Pomeranian dog, fifteen months old, average size and a beautiful dog. Apply 64 Me- Laughlin Blvd. (14388 TEAM FOR SALE. and' 8 years old. son Rd. South. (143-c) FOR SALE-- ONE RoLSTHIN cow just renewed. One Holstein cow due early in January. One Durham and Jersey Cow, due Feb- Lruary. T. C. Glaspell, R.R. No, 2, Oshawa. Phone 1651 r a. Apply 72 Rit-; (1420) DUMBER OF LEGHORNS FOR Phone 17267. (142b) Fok BALE pogo LEG- orn hens, 2 years ten barred theks, ten' months old. Phone 906M, DO MAN PINSCHERS. A GIFT for your ehild's pleasure. Protec- tion 'for your family. Medium large, smooth coated attractive dogs. See them'any time during the day or by appointment at Elmcroft Farm, ! Phope 1544. Ray McLaughlin. AL) J (1434) ) | Price's houses, 3170 LBS. 71 The school concert comes first, on December 21st. The Sunday School's on December 23rd. Mr. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, spent a day recently with his sis- ter, Mrs. G. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Stewart and children, Athol- street, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs, T. Solo- mon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover and Mrs. A, Walker, spent a day last veek, in Toronto and visited Mr, Walker at Christie Street Hospital. The correspondent wishes the 'riends and neighbors, each and averyone, a Merry Christmas, also thanks for them co-operating with » her in sending in the news, and 'to the Oghawa Daily Times, a Merry Christmas. Misses Irene and Madeline Val- lant entertained at a party for Raglan friends, recently. Mrs. W. Powell spent Friday, { with Mrs. Vietor Ireland, in Osh awa, who has recently returned from the hospital with a wee son. © Miss Rowena Avery, of Burke- ton, visited the Misses Vallant re- cently, Mrs. Geo. Allin, Park Road, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Pogson. Mrs. Robt. Sykes who fell down- stairs has been quite ill, but we © glad to report she is much im- proved. Mr, and Mrs. Will Glover s en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, pent 'en Glover, The attendance at church on Funday at both services was very | large. Next Sunday the pastor will preach a Christmas service and at New Yerr's service he will take y Anythingls Lost Until Y ou Have Tried A Want Want Ac Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents COURTICE Courtice, Dec. 19.--Miss Flor- ence Courtice, Masters Robert, Douglas and Lawrence spent dat- urday in Oshawa, the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Cameron Trull. On Wednesday afternoon, an. other of our Women's Missionary "At Homes," was held av ne church in charge of Mrs. Albert Rundle"s group. The speaker of the afternoon was Mr. Bott, a re- turned missionary from Japan, who 1s a cousin of Mrs. Rundle, Mr. Bott gave a most interesii.. address, telling of the customs, the education and the religion of the Japanese, One thing which impressed those who heard him was the extreme kindndess and hospitality shown to foreigners who go to Japan, Other numbers on the program were: vocal solo, Mr, Nichol, piano duet, Misses Louise Osborne and Hazel Rundle; vocal duet, Mrs. (Rev.) H, J. Stainton and Mr, Nichol. After the program, Mrs. Rundle's group served a bounteous lunch and a happy social hour was enjoyed. Visitors at the meeting were: Mr, ond Mrs. Joe Langmaid, Mrs. Jack Brooks and © Mrs. Walter Patte, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Osborne and Miss Louise, Bow- manville. This is the last of our W.M.8, meetings for the year and the group system of raising the money and carrying on has been very . successful. Reports were given by the different group lead- ers, and the amount of money io be raised is nearly completed, Sunday services were fine. In the morning, Rev. Dr. Ross preach- ed another beautiful sermon and Mr. Nichol sang a solo. It being the Sunday before Christmas, as is our custom, it was white gift service and the boys and girls and several adults brought their gifts up and laid them around the altar, A beautiful array of gifts, which are sent to some children's insti- tution, Sunday afternoon the Quarterly Review was splendidly taken up by Mr. Young and Miss Thompson, teachers of No, 8 and No. 4 schools. Miss Francis Han- cock sang a solo very nicely. The evening service was evangelistic, and was led by Dr, Ross and Mr. Nichol, The services will be clus. ed on Tuesday evening. Preparations are being made for a school concert of No. 4 and No. 8 together to be given in the church, Next Sunday morning = will be Christmas service. Special music and the sacramentof the Lord's Supper. In the afternoon a pro- gram is being presented in charge of the Ladies' Berean Class. Sunday evening, our _ pastor, Rev, H, J, Stainton will gie an ad- dress on 'The Other Wise Man," with lantern slides. The young people practicing their operetta, Belles of Fol-de-rol," whieh will be presenting shortly. Sorry to note Mr. Parsons is laid up. He is missed at the ser- vices on Sundays. EBENEZER 19.--Three ex- Ebenezer, Dec. cellent services were held on Sun day last at Ebenezer. In both church services the speaker was Dr. Ross, who gave two splenaid sermons. His morning text was, "He Shall Have Dominion From are busy "The they up The Worshipper's League. We welcome to North Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Brunt and little son, who have moved from Solina, and will reside in one of Mr. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Everette Wilson have moved into the house re- cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Ful- ler. The Fuller family have moy. ed into Oshawa. "ea to Sea." And in the evening, he preached from" the text, "The Son of Man Comes to Seek and to ave That Which Was Lest." Mr. Nichol sang a eautiful solo at each rervice and the choir rendered two lovely anthems. A special feature of the morning service was the bringing of the white gifts by the children. These will be sent to some needy ones whom will. be cheered at this Christmas time, The- Sunday school also. had a special session when an open meet- ing was held. The review or the quarter's lessons was taken by Miss B. Thompson and Mr. Yomng who revigw them very ably indeed. Miss Francis Hancock added much to the program by a pretty solo end the closing services were con- due by Mr. R. E. Osborne, our fo superintendent, [FUEL | - Mrs. A, Penfound, of Orono, is visiting with her son, Mr. Clarence Penfound. A Christ tree. and comeert will be heldfat Ebenezer church on Friday evening, December ¥erd, at 8 o'clock. It is (0 ve given by the members of the schools of No. 4 and No, 8, under the leaders shtip of their teachers. It will be good, an deveryone is invited to be present. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was 'held on Saturday, December 17, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Penfound. Agoodly number was present and a good Christmas program was given by the group under the leadership of Miss Mary Fouad. Following the program a social time was spent. We are glad to hear that the girls are well over their objective as far as finances are concerned and they surely de- serve congratulations, Miss Mae Wade, of Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor at home. Christmas services will be- held at Ebenezer on Sunday next: A special Christmas - service with good Christmas music by the choir will be held in the morning, with our pastor, Rev. Stainton in the pulpit. In the evening Rev. Stain- Other Wise Man," which will be ton will speak on the story, "The illustrated by beautiful lantern slides. A Christmas programy will aleo be given in the Sunday school. Everyone is invited to be at' Ebenezer on Sunday, Petem- ber 25. A very serious accident ipgened at Courtice on Saturdady eveminy, when a car skidded don the fey pavement and went into the ditch. Several persons were quite serfous. ly hurt and we hope they will re- cover as quickly as possible. Base Line Christmas tree and concert will be held on Thursday evening at eibht o'clock. Bear the date in mind--December 22nd. Many people in this community are sick with severe colds. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, fro Christmas Wade, 3 boxes for ........., Goods 31 Leader Dry Goods Ph Co. 82 Simcoe St, 8, AR CPR, TIME TABLE Trains 10.07 . 2.08 | oa except Sunday, 12.09 # Westbound Trains Daily except Sunday, Sun, ay only, Daily except Sunday. 4.47 p. Daily, 7.34 pam.~Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, BUS LINE Going West : ian Cues Winky sii 4 awa 6.15 a.m, 7.05 a.m, 7.25 a.m, 7.20 am, 8.10 am, 8.25 a.m, Rh am, are am. 12 am, 1240 30 a.m, 10 pom, 12.30 pam, pm, 1.20 p.m. 2.00 p.m, 2.20 pm, 225pm.. 3.00 p.m, 3.20 p.m, #4.10 p.m, 4.25 p.m, 4.35pm, 4.20 p.m, 5.10 p.m, 5.30 p.m. *5.40 p.m. *6.15 p.m. 630 p.m. 6.45pm. 7.00 p.m, 7.40 p.m, 8.00 p.m, *835pm, *9.10 p.m, 9.30 p.m, 9.40p.m. 10.10 p.m. 10.30 p.m. 10.50 pm, 11.30pm. 1.50pm. t Leave Leave Leave Arrive Whitby awa Bowman. 6.30 a.m, 6.50 a.m, 2.20 gm. 7.30 a.m, 8.20 a.m, 8.55 a.m. 8.30 a.m, 9.30 a.m, 10,05 a.m, 11.20am. 1205p.m. 1240 pm, 10pm. 1.15pm. 1,35 p.m, 210 2.30 p.m, 335 pm. sl0pm 3.45 p.m. Arr.4,00 p.m. 43pm, 4.45pm, 5.05 p.m. 5.40 pm. 5.40 p.m. 6.05 p.m, 6.40 pm. 645pm, 7.00 p.m, 7.20 p.m, 8.00 p.m. 90m. 250mm GA 104s .40 p.m. .50 p.m, .10 p.m, 1 1.00pm, 11.30 gf zo™™ Time marked * are through busses to Whitby Hospital id SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDUL! Going West . ng Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanvil Oshawa Whitby 10.00 a.m, 10.40 a.m, 11.00 a.m, 12.25 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 1.20 p.m. 2.25 pm, 3.00 p.m, 3.20 p.m, 4.20 p.m, 4.40 p.m. 5.45 p.m, 6.20 p.m, 6.40 p.m, 7.45 pm, 8.20 p.m, 8.40 p.m, 9.45 p.m, 10.20 p.m, 10.40 p.m, Going East Leave Leave 'Whitby Oshawa eo a.m, 11.20 a.m, 12.00 p.m, p.m. 1.45 pm, x 3.30 pm. Arr, 3.45 Pp 25», 4.45 p.m, 5.00 p.m, $.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m, 7.35 p.m, 8.45 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 9.35 p.m, 10.45 p.m, 11.10 p.m, 11.45 p.m, Bowmanville--Phone az COAL Stove, $16.00 per ton Nut, $15.50 per ton COKE $13.00 per ton Gi WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 Hard Slabs, load, $3.75 Bodywood, Y/cord, $4.25 "Buy Reliable Fuel from a Reliable Firm" Waterous-Meek Ltd, Yards, Cedardale--Phone 1288 Uptown Office, 66 King St. W. Wi Room--10 Prince Street 2283 Davidson & Samells 38 Simcoe Bt. N. Phone 227 "For Better Shoe Values" STORM WINDOWS Machine Floor Sanding "hw HAYNES 1 King St. Ww. Office phone 455; or 19 R 2 |