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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1927, p. 1

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x \ \ 4 / The Oshawa Daily Reformer 7 SHIP'S CREW Head Office of Steamship Company Order Tug to MISSING SINCE DEC. 6 Although 14 Days Have Elapsed Officials Hope to Find Vessel (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Dec, 20--The head of- fice of the Canada Steamships Lim- ited, sald today that the tug Whal- en had left Fort William last night to continue the search for the com- pany's missing package freighier Kamloops, unheard from since De- cember 6, The Whalen will search the north shore of Lake Superior, as far as Late Islands, She car ried an ample supply of provisionr blankets and clothing to take carc of the crew of twenty including two women that are on the miss- ing boat, The Whalen is a ver: powerful tug. Port Arthur, Dec, 20--Althoug! fourteen days have elapsed sincc the freighter "Kamloops", carryin- a crew. of twenty, vanished some whagiXy upper Lake Superior, hope is Jished in marine circles here that the vessel will be found, Or the strength of this popular belief, a telegram was despatched yester day to the Department of Marine and Fisheries at Ottawa, urging that ice breakers be comnissione" to ¥emrch about Isle Royale for th missing freighter, Intentions of the department are unknown here 20 CHINESE REDS ARE EXECUTEN Include Fourteen Students Among Whom Were Four Girls (By Associated Press) Hankow, China, Dec, 20--More than twenty Chinese reds were exe cuted pver the week-end. Four teen students, Ancluding four bob bed haired girls, were shot Sun- day. While the executions were in process a mob of so'diers and cool- jes gathered. "Kill the Commun- ists; down with Bolshevism", they shouted, "Down with imperializm" one girl shouted before she was TERRIFIC EXPLOSION ON PLANE BR ---- © (By Associated Press) San Diego, Calif., Dee, 20.--A terrific explosion occurred about amidships of the U, 8. navy, sero- plane carrier Langley, anchored in San Diego Bay today. Flames im- mediately broke out and envolved the ship in an immense cloud of smoke. The naval tug Koko snd San Diego fire boat were dispatch- ed to the scene. GETS THREE MONTHS CARRIER | Thomas : mo NEW HEAD OF OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL RECEI\VE SALARY $2,800 TFire Chief R. P. Day of Pem- PROPOSES DRILL TO PIERCE SELL OF SUB TO RESCUE CREW (By Associated Press) Mamaroneck, N.Y, Dec, 80 «=A hollow drill which he , would pierce the shell of the submarine 8-4 in fifteen min- utes and permit connections for air and liquid food was de. scribed today by a telegram to Admiral Drumby, aboard the U.8.8, Falcon by Harry Davis, mechanical engineer of this city., The tool, evolved by Mr, Davis for use in the rescue of the submersible's crew, could be made by any mechanic in an hour, he said, but wo'd re- quire uso of an electric ro. > which would operate under water, CARFITTER ON TREE CHARGES TVW. Fi-itto D2 Tried on Add inne] Charges cf Se lous Nature H. W. Elliott, formerly Children's Aid Society Inspector for Ontario County, apneared before Magistrate A. F. Hind in police court this pmornin for preliminary hearing of three further charges of a serious nature arizing out cof ac¢lions during his tenure of cfficee. He was not asked to plead and thro gh his Counsel D. A. J. Swan-on elected trial by the next Court of Competent Jurisdiction, Following the conviction registered against Elliott at the recent session of the Coun'y Court and which notice of appcal was entered, Crown Attorney J. A. McGlbbon int'mated 'here 'would Le several additional charges laid ageinst the former offi- cial, The oficnces for which Elliott appeared this morning were that he did commit two action of gross in- decency and cne other of a more serious nature, Following today's hearing he was 'aken back to the County jail at Nhitby where he will remain, bai "eing refused, until his appeal is 2ard, and until the chargges still tanding against him are settled, GET TWO YEARS ~ CNTHEFT COUNTS ed to a charge of theft, Cliff Wake- field and" Thomas McGlen, alias Reid, of Port Perry and were sent d to two years less one day in the Ontario Refor- matory, by Magistrate Purdy last t. accused were arrested in Sound where they were ab- andoning the stolen car. Provincial Cons! George E. Cookman found the 90 skunk skins which were in the car, at Orangeville. The skins were valued at about $200. JUDGMENT GRANTED AGAINST WHITNEY London, Dec, 19. --Sir Douglas Hogg, Attorney-Genersl, today se- cured on behalf of the Income Tax ¢ i (By Staff Reporter) ; Port Parry, Dec, 17--Having plead- broke is to Succezd A. C. Cameron -- Duties Will Commence Fchruary 1 -- Lt, Culling to Be Acting Chief in the Meantime CAMERON'S BIL IS RECEIVED | Humane Society Iaspector, Judge Ruddy of the Police Commission and Membars of Court of Revis'on Are C.azled Ilo -oraviims -- City Maps V.I'h Ce:t About $10C30, olor: to Comr:liica Fire Ciel BR. P. Lay broite, was lat nll chic! of t: 9 C.lieva +! Jer me 1, In tre moz.. @ lieut, Culling of tae Fl.e Dc artment will seve as acting fire chie', Chief Decy's imitlal calary will Le $2,800 a year, four hund ed dol- lars move than was paid Chief Cameron who retired on Dee, 15, \ Mr, Cameron presentel a sta.e- ment of sums he was ott o? poclzet throu h h's recent yeas o! revvice The st; ted total was $682,503, made up o? special work $17..50; secre- tarial service for two years diz- shared by Mrs. Cz: cro 525003 telophone in house two years $50; gas and oll for car $144.00; lous y in"maintenance $1,400; wiring chief's office $6. Fe also drow attention to the fact that he had 'aen mo holidays. N., 8B. Baird was granted an honorarium of $100 as humane in- spector; Judze Ruddy was granted $150 for h's sorvice on the' police commiggion; each member of the . Court of Revision was ' granted $160, | The finance eommittee's report advielng the hiring of Donevan and Smith as special en-ineers to prepare a registry plan of the eity was referred to the finance com- mittee and City Engineer with a view to getting advice from the inspector of lesal offices of On- tario as to starting a resurvey of the City of Oshawa, end przparinz (Continued oy raze 10) TRAPPED ME IN SUBMARINE NEAR DEATH Faint Signs of Life Are Still Apparent on Sunken Craft RESCUE THWARTED Tapping Heard Todey Cra- ried No Code Messcges (By Associated Press) Report ea F.ereilng. of Provincetown, Mass, Dec, 20.-- Faint sounds were heard from wit' 4 the sunkca submarine S-4 | 8 ..n o'clock today, but these not s!gnals officers of sub- | oa 'ne 8-4 sister ship of the il nied eraft, sald, It aprcared to hose on the surface that tie sur , vivors of S-4 were making vain e:- Jorts in their own behalf, lean!ire t'e weather cond! tons coutinued to remder reso attempts Impes:icle, Wind a> ng &t thot hcur we'e mu? wor a t an et any tims elrce t whi r'ne was rammed by coo goad Cer'royer Paulding olf th ha Lor last £aturday. As the salvo ~e crew i::potientl awaited better ceat conditions * renew diving "oporationr, Cent. Ernest King, in clarge of this de- partment of work, sald there was but litt'e hope that any of the im- prirened men would be taken o alive, Pro,' ~lown, Mess, Per 20 Faint g'-u5 of 127e we: » still gpoar ont this : orminz on the sunlen submarire 2-4, The oscillator o" 3-8, a slz'cr ship of the ill-f ted craft, which is in position near the wre~k, picked un gicncls from thr submerged vezcel at 8:15 o'cloel, The taprinz hLeard eerly todar carried ro co'e messages. It we believcd tI'~t the 8! men who pav heen imrrizoncd {in the torped room of the £4 since Saturdr were row too weak te rap out or the side of tl:e vessel orderly me scges in internctional code wh'- had been received om previou Jays, As the nredicament of the pris oners con nued to grow move des- crate, their comrades on the sur- '2ce were held to inaction by the torm and rou~h water which made llvinz operations diffienlt and langerous, (By Associated Press) , Kansas Ciiy, Mo,, Dee, 20 The dazed mews that her som, William Edward Hickx an, had been identified as tho kidnop- and slayer of little Marian in Los Angeles, Murs. WEST NEW YORK HAS COLD WAVE Effosts Are Being Made to it makes a difference. There have been no arrests in this city on charges of intoxication since the liquor stcre opened. The state- ment is not made, however, that You sce, our police were no drunks. force is too small to adequately pa- trol the town, { There were two men in the fire hall fast might, a udlice officer says, and they had been patronizing the Gov- erameat store. However, they could | night. » Hickman's Mother Dazed By News of Son's Atrecious Crime E.s Hickman declared today "It's all a terrible mistake", OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, 20, 1927 RAIL OF CHIL i Pembroke Man New Fire Chief : AL Oshawa Daily Times 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. After "Absolutely Indentifying" Prisoner As Slayer of Los Angeles Child, Police Find Out Mistake Man Caught in Police D-agnet Was at First Thought tc Have Been Villam Edward Hickman, F ployee of Bank Whose Motive Might Be Vengeane: Against Father--Fingerprints and Photograph Tallied With Police Records Se ------------ (By Associated Press Pasadena, Calif, Dec, 20.--A man captured in a drug store here this morn'ng in the belief he might be. William Edward Hickman, caught for the slaying of Marion Parker, was re'ecaced when the police arrived, The officers said the detention was a mistake, Los Angeles, Dec. 20, -- William Edward Hickman, for- mer employee of the Los Angeles First National Trust and Sav- ings Bank, was declared by Chief of Detectives Herman Cline today to have been "absolutely identified" as the murderer of Marion Parker, twelve year old daughter of Perry Parker, one of the bank's officials, Tke motive cf the atrocious crim, police declared, appar- ently was vengcance, Ferry M. Parker, assistant cashier of the bank, was te only bark offizial who opposed the youth's plea 1 after he had" pl:aded guilty some time ago to Arrsst on that charge was respon- "3 discharce foom t\:e bank and Parker had urged that should be given pricon er a jail term. I I:men, Lowewer, was parcled to his mother, then living 'or preke' ~harge: 'ble / Hie! forging che-ucs, 'n Alliambra, California, L ¢ Em 3 The announcement that Hickman had besn identified both "y fingerptint and photograph as the kidnapper and slayer of the =4ild was made by the police after it had been determined that "e was not at his Alhambra address, Neizl:bors eaid thet the family moved a month ago to Kansas "ity, Mo, Three thousand police officers and deputy. sheriffs were en- ged in. tie hunt jos xicw.wsn WO, BCaldell Bled aril, OQ Lue Webd bul Pus susals Cin wdvead BS & Tesuil 04 Mun « VIOUB BAiEBL, CubCucd Waid 60 10ULU 04 LIB 1A wadidOw Ou -3 COUpe UCU by Lue bla, er wucu ¢ deliveavd LUE Camus Wied LW wo baller, ald 8:50 weld Lue pias vulld OR 1.8 1BUBOLL EONS, POLICE «id, Aue Pouce PUOO_VBPa Was vhiaieu Dy tue 524004 18. 80 BS 0 an Wuo ed Lil wad wa AY, volice tcday revc.led they had Josied 8 Med WaO.0 Dowie luey wuld BOL WIVU-E@ but Wao 33 be- «ved to have een tue luie.uaeni- y in negotia.ions beincen tae "BEF Os L.ariop raruer aud iaa- iy of the girl, Tae man in custody came here from Kansas City, wsio,, several wee.s ago and is kaown to have been a friend of Loin tue rarer iamily and Hickman, who was dis- charged from the bauk at waiea Liar.an's faiuer was peiconel oi- ficer. Ee is said to be an aviation en- thusiast, Deteciives pointed to tle slayer's use of tue aviation term *'80.0" In ransom notes as big oi proof that the arrested man might nave acted at least in advisoiy capacity in penning of the death mi:sives. William Edward Hickman, sought as the murde.er of Marian Parker, was reposted to have been idientified in flicht here early today by garage attendants who sold him five gallons of gaso- line, The police declaried they were "ot oa the fu_.tive's trail. Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 20.--A suspect in Marion Parier killing was captured at a drug store be:e ate this morning! and held while the police rushed there in an ef- ort to identify him. Saugus, Cal, Dec. 19--A man sought as a possible suspect in the Oshawa and Toronto to Have slaying of Marian Parker, Los An- geles schoolgirl, leaped from a north- bound Southern Pacific train here tonight when the train was boarded (Continued on paze 8) AVIATCRS ABOUT TO LAND AFTER 46 HOURS IN THE AIR Choles Kingsford Smith, Ause tralian filer, and Licut, George Pond, U,8.N,, who since Sune day have been flying over the bay area in an attempt to es. tablish » mew world's endur ance flizht, reported by radio today thst they were about to land becanse their fuel was chanted, The? had been in the air aout 46 hours, WESTERN HOTELS TRY NEW SYSTEM Place Beer Parlors For Wo- men's Use Only; New Regulations Enforced Edmonton, Alta.,, Dec, 20-- Hotelmen of Alberta, in agreement with the Government Liguor Con- trol Board, are trying out a new experiment in connection with the sale of beer to women in beer par. lors, At least five hotels in Ed- «WO TRAINMEN ARE KILLED AS ENGINE BOILER EXPLODES (By Associated Press) Warcen, Pa, Dec. 20--~Two trainmen were killed in Pennsyl- vania railroad yards here today when the boiler of a locomotive blew up. Ed. Mesger, Erie, en- gineer, and his fireman, as yet unidentified met death when the boiley exploded. 24 MISSING HOSPICE TRAGEDY Efforts to Find Bodies Stil! Continuing--Work is Hindered (By Canadian Press) Quebec, Que., Dec. 20.--With twenty-four children still missing as a result of the tragedy at Hos- pice St. Charles last Wednesday night, elforts to find them amon; the debris of the destroyed wing are being continued with much vigor. Fifty men are working on the ruins but for the past few days their work has been hindered by storm and large fall of cnow, With prospect of milder weather, ft is expected that searching amonn the debris will be faciliated and bodies of still missing children are expected to be found within the next day or two. FOUR TRUSTEES SEEK RE-ELECTION H. 8. Smi'h, G, B. Norris, A. F. Annis and A, E, Garbutt to Stand Four members of the Board of Election will ask to be returned to office by the citizens of Oshawa at the coming municipal election, They are Trustee Harry S. Smith, chair- man of the finance committee; Trus- tee George B. Norris, chairman of the property committee; Trustee Allin F, Annis, and Trustee Arthur E. Garbutt, - Trustee E. W, Drew, chairman of e man ittee, who was said to be running this year pre- viously, was elected for two year term at the Janvary election of this year and, therefore, has another year to serve, Other trustees serving two years terms are Chairman T, B. Mit- chell of the Board, Dr. Donevan and Trustee Vickery, Trustees Annis and Garbutt were elected to thes Board this year for the first time, Mother--You were very naughty to disobey me and I Ihave punished you to impress it on your mind, Son--Mummy, aren't you mistaken in regard to the position of my mind? - LJ re] CAPTAIN AND FOUR OF THE - i CREW LOS] Collier Pearl of Gloucestel Goes on Rocks and Breaks to Pieces DUE TO HEAVY SEA Wreck Occurs Near Ol Head of Kinsale, Ireland, Last Night A (Cable Service To The Times Canadian Press) : Cork, Ireland, Dee, 20--Bafs tered by furious seas near Olds head of Kinsale last night, Collier Pearl of Glouchester k broken up with the loss of hel captain and four members of the erew, hi : The exchange telegraph coms pany reported that an unident fied steamer went on the roe rear Oldhead of Kinsale, Ireland, 'ast night, Cries of the ¢ could be heard and some of 'th were seen in the rigging whe rockets lit the scene, The ship, which was thought to be a cols lier, vanished and it was feared 'hat all were lost. The p age later drifted ashore, 200 NOTORITS WERE SHONBOUNG Rotary Plow Breaks Thro to Tourists Stranded Near Buffalo Buffalo, Dee. 19,--A lirge ros tary play tonight succeeded In breaking through the snow-blocks ed Lake Shore Road from Jer em Corners to Evans Center, th liberating 200 men, women & children, the majority of 5 tvl.'3ts, who have been lic three days. The snow is four feet deep on the level and twenty feet deep where it has drifted. J It was feared for a time today that 87 persons marooned in the rarage of James L, McIntosh, near Jerusalem Corners, would suffer severely from hunger, but a team of horses drawing a sleigh : with food reached the garage late in the afternoon, g Those who made their way to Boyer's Hotel at Evans Center a the blockhouse, about one-half mile from Boyer's Hotel, after their automobiles stalled in snows drifts, were more fortunate, as ford was taken to both hostel from An~ola without difficulty, Many of the tourists encountered | the 20-foot drifts mear Jerusalem while en route to Buffalo, Turn- | ing back to Evans Center thay found their retreat cut Off drifts almost as high. They m their way to the two hotels and the garacze on foot. Some, however, were forced to remsin in" thes stalled cars 24 hours, hy Discipl s House Of David Still Have Rr Faith Leader Will Arise From Di mopton, and the same number in Jalgary, will provide a separate, eer roomr for women only, and | yomen will not be served after he providing of this accommoda- | tion, in the general n of eer parlors, but will have to pa-; tronize those places where such' separate room is provided. HRI H i i fo Hi ! '8g. Under the present ment, any business thet he trans acts there is open to any Mytersuption. ww we agen 00 ava is + cree meh Smad i. =. EE a pean gy al TTT « -- 1 ---- Ee

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