3 3 ; | § SESE TIRE SUBMARINE CREW THOUGHT TT -- The Oshawa Daily Reformer LL OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1927 2 FISHERMEN] 'MAROONED ON ERIE ISLAND Louis Franke and William Myers Have Been Missing Since Friday (By Associated Press) Toledo, Yohio, Dee. 21--Balked in an effort to locate by aeroplane two Aen believed marooned on the jce bound West Sister Island in Lake Erie near here, efforts by coast guards and others to bring them to mainland went forward to- day, Two aeroplanes tried yester- day to establish communication with the men, Louis Franke and William Myers, but without success. One ship was disabled in landing but the other cruised the length of the is- land without sighting the men. Francke and Myers have not been seen since last Friday when they put out into' the lake to raise their nets, Watchers reported they ap- parently were having difficulty with their boat and were drifting towards the island, VETERAN BIG GAME HUNTER KILLED Judd Falls Victim of Infuriated Wounded Elephant (Cable Seryice To The Times By Canadian Press) Nairobi, British East Africa, Dee, 21.--William Judd, Afri can sportsman, known through the big game world for his prowess in the hunting field, has finally fallen a victim to the dangers of his favorite sport after braving them successfully for thirty years. While hunting yesterday, he was charged by an infuriatel wounded elephant which mangled him as his son battled vainly to save him, Young Judd finally killed the enraged beast, but the veteran hunter was dead when his son reached his side, BUTTER, GEESE REPORTED STOLE Mrs. Alice Rodesky, East Whitby, Reports Theft to Police Provincial police -are investigat- ing the theft of ten pounds of but- ter and two geese from the: prem- ises of Mrs. Alice Rodesky last ry Mrs, Rodesky resides in East Whitby township, just north of the city, and about midnizh* the thieves broke into her barn and stole the above mentioned ar- ticles. A lock on the house door was also broken, but in the inves tigation made by Provinci~l Cons tables this morning, nothing war found" to be missing from the house, and it has not been deter- mined whether the men who enter- ed the barn made any actual entry into the residence. A complaint was made to the city police this morn- ing, and the case was immediate ly turned over to Provinei~l offi cers for inw fom. Charger will probably be laid in the wear future. FIRST ARREST INTOXICATION CE STORE OPENED | "c=? The first' man to be arrested on a charge of intoxication sinec the liguor store onremed here once more, wes Martin Gloster. He apr in police court this morn- ing before Magistrate A. F. Hind and was remozded in custody unti! Thursday, December 27. The re mand was at his own request, since he was not ready to proceed wit" the hearing. He was arrested br constable of the local force on Sim- coe Street south about 11:30 last night. Moderate northwest winds, fair toni-Lt and Thursday; mot much change in tempera- tare. " RE Broyles is alive today, A to move or speak, Unable to Move or Speak Girl Listens to Funeral Service Over Her Casket (By Associated Press) Luray, Va., Dec. 21.--Having listened to the funeral * service preached over the coffin which she spent the night unable to signal those who believed her dead, Miss Fannie brother, who stood about the casket with other mourning relatives, noticed a twitching of his sister's eyelids, and the funeral services were halted and 'resuscitation efforts begun. In a short time the girl was able to talk, She said she was aware of all that occurred around her as she lay in the casket but, still stunned from a blow on the head from a tree limb that fell upon her, was unable Mayor Preston May Be Given Acclamation in Coming Civic Election Nominations 8 Only Two Days | Awty But Mayoralty Can- didates Fail to Announce Intentions -- Ald. Swan- son May Not Seek May- or's Chair STIFF FIGHT IN WARD TWO Attack on Ex-Fire Chief is Likely to Have Some In- fluence on Election -- Ald, Marks Likely to Run for Council With civic nominations only two days away, the consensus of opin- fon is that Mayor Preston will be: returned to office for a third term by acclamation, It is understood that efforts in certain quarters to have Ald. Ernie Marks contest the mayorally have proved abortive, and the possibility of Ald. Swan- son's running for the mayor's chair are said to have dwindled to the vanishing point despite his re- iterated statements to citizens "that Preston will be oppozed and if no one else does it, I will" Public resentment at the trea. ment given Ex-Fire Chief Cam eron at last night's Council session s being vigorously expressed, No. » few declgre that while his dis- missal may have been the best thing for all parties, including the "ormer chief, the attack levelled at him in the City Council will have a direct influence on the election to be held on January 2. It is believed, however, that Ald. Swanson went to the City Council meeting Monday night with his mind definitely made up to contest the mayoralty with Mayor Preston, His attack launch- ed on the Town Planninz Commis- sion, Ald, Morris and T, K. Creigh- ton of the firm of Grierson and Creighton, and the mayor was be- lieved to have been designed as the opening gun o! his campaign. Having overiooked the vital point in his arraiznment of the Town Planning Commizsionp-- which was that the plan of the Alice street extension district was ten years o!d--it is believed that Ald. Swanson's strategy floundered into an attack on a public servant who had resigned--not been fired --and whose statement of out-o'- pecket expences had been sent to the Council et that body's request The stiffest alcermanic fight in the city is glso looming in the south east ward. It is understood that both Ald. Marks and Ald. Miller are running in that ward, and that Ald. Swanson will be a cand'date for the 1928 Council should he withdraw from the mayoralty race, Ex-Mayor Trick is slated as one candidate from the south east sec- tion. Ex-Ald. A. J. Graves is also in the field from the south-east] ward. Mr. Graves is a prominent mem- per of the Canadian Legion, but in accordance with the constitution of that body is not running as 8 Le- ion candidate. It is stated thai his eandidacy 's going to be actively opposed in 'ome quarters. in the belief that]. as a non-commissioned of the Salvation Army he is com- mitted to striet enforcement of the 'aw without fear or favor. Such a Council member would not be wel- omed, it is stated, amongst the "ection that w-nts police force con- fined largely to traffic duty, Ex-Ald. Graves, however, Is said to be makinz am effective campaizn, He is widely known, and will get into the fight with after Christmas CITIZENS WARNED AGAINST COLLECTORS FOR CHURCH LEAGUE The citizens of Oshawa are warned against giving subscrip. tions to some person who is supposed to be collecting on behalf of the 'Oshawa Church Hockey League', Nobody has an? authority to make any such collections and they may be identified by the nai:es of cer. tain Ministers on tho list who have not even subscribed, The names are being vsed to delude others into giving. £hould this person call, kindly dctain him and notify the police, D, STRETTON, Vice-President, Oshawa Church - Hockey League, GHILDREN FOUND 10 BE NEGLECTEE Three Sons Separated from Father in Juvenile Court A father and three of his sons 'oced Judge A. F, Hind in Children's Court yesterday afternoon, con- victed of charges ageinst them. and separated from each other by order of the court, The father was charged with neg- lecting his children, and was con- victed on the charge by Judge Hind who suspended sentence on recom- mendation of Crown Attorney Mec- Gibbon. His three sons were con- yicted at the last session of the court of - stealing cigarettes, wire, ete, frcm the Oshawa Ra'lway Co, and for receiving stolen goods, be- ing remanded for scntcnce until yesterday, As a result of the "ap- parently criminal start which they were receiving in their home, Judge Hind ordered that the four sons and two daughters of this man be madc wards of the Children's Aid Society, and that the parents move from this city to some other point, within the county, by Jan. 5th. The father agiced to the conditions, under which sentence in his case was sus- pe! Three sons of a hard-working, hon- est father who broke down and wept during most of the proceedings, pleaded guilty to charges of joy riding and of recciving stolen goods, which had been taken from the Oshawa Railway Co. The counsel for the defence pointed out that the parents were good citizens, with a large family ot support, and asked for leniency, Crown Attorney 1. A, MecGibbon ~ recommended suspended sentence, since this was the boys' first offences, and the magistrate concurred, putting them and their parcnts on a recognizance of $200 each, NO WORD FROM TUG SEEKING KAMLOOPS {By Canadian Press) Port Arthur, Ont., Dez. 21--No word has been received as yet from the tug James Whalen which left Monday night on the combined mission to bring light keepers of the district and look about Isle Roy ale for the missing lake freighter Had the tug found any trace of the Kamloops, it was expeeted to return lcet nizht but otherwise ihe plan was to go on to Battle Island, Ninety-four miles along the north shere, pick up a light keepe there and return. WOMEN CIVE PRIZES The prizes given by the Women's Instsitutes of South Grenville for the POLICE SURE HICKMAN IS MURDERER Father of Dead Girl is Able to Identify Voice MORE EVIDENCE -- Two Persons Saw Hickman and Another Man Leaving Apartment (By Associated Press) Los Angeles, Calii,, Dec, 21,-- The voice of the man who made arrangments over the telepiione last Saturday for the ransom of Marian Parker by her father, Perry Parker, was declared today by him to have been the voice of William Hickman, accused slayer of the child, and discharged employee of the bank of which Par.er is an official, Further substantiation of thc theory that William Hickman hau aid*in the kidnapping and slaying of Marian Parker was disclosed with announcement by police today that two persons had seen Hick- man and another man earry sev- eral bundles from the apartment where Hickman lived and place them in an automobile, MRS. LINDSERGH CONTINUES FLIGHT TO MEXICO CITY (By Associated Press) Tulsa, Okia, Dec. 2l--1he tris motored monoplane carrying Mrs, Evangeline Lindbergh and party to ex.ico City where she plans® to spend Ch:istinas with her son, Col, Charles Lindbergh, heoped off from Tulsa air port at 7.45 this morning for Dallas, Texas, The party will have huneac icon at San Antonio, WARKIN G CF DANGER AGAINST FROZEN WATER SERVICES Ciilzens in general are warned to- day aza'nst the danger of frozen wa- ter scryvices and meters if proper pro tection is not provided or precautions taken. The city engincer's depart- ment has cady had to deal with a number of frozen services and it 's pointed out that such can be eas- dy prevented if thought is taken in time, TEREL NCMINATED FOR MAYCRALTY FIGHT IN TORCNTO (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Dec, 21~Three can. didates for the mayoralty of Toronto in 1028 and mine for four positions on the Board of Control, were narned in muni. cipal nominations proceedings today, Maycr Thomas Foster is opposed by Controller Albert Hacker and Samuel McBride, the latter having been defeat- ed in the mayoralty contest last dear, R. K. LAFLAMME, K.C., BECOMES SENATOR (By Associated Press) Ottawa, Ont, Dee. 21--R. K. Qushes, 88 a allan David. L J This Little Bo Thinks of Others Rev, Dr. W, P, Fletcher, pastor of the Christian Church, reported at the of- fice of the Christmas Cheer Fund yesterday bearing an- other precious gift from the tender heart of childhood. Dr, Fletcher was stopped on the street at noon yester- day by a little fellow who handed him twenty-one cents in copper coins. "I am in the primary class," he told his pastor, "and I want you to give this to the Christmas fund while I am at school, It's all I have but it's for some other dttle boy." The minister patted the little Christian on the head for, truth to tell, words were difficult, - The happy lad trotted on to school and Dr. Fletcher carried out the duty entrusted to him, CAL POLICE RECOVER TRUCK V/es Stolen frem Port Hope Lest Night -- Two Men Arrested Sharp eyes of a local police ean- ;tahle recovered for J, R, Grifin, Port Hope, a true: which was s'ol- an from that place lact nicht, At a quarter of an hour before mid- night, a report wis received th-t a ha't ton IPord truck, with "J. R. Griffin, Hardware, Port Hope" on he g!de, had been etolen, The re- nort wes pasced on to.the men of the force, and three quarters of ar hour later the truck had teen re- rovered and wos at the police or- Qce, and two men were in cust~'v 'a the etotion, The m-tter was re fk neted Peel: to the Fort Hope an. thorities who Issved instroctions o ellow tle rien to return to that town with the ear, GHRISTHAS MASS AT ST, GREGORY'S Non-Cathc!'cs of the Cly Are Cor'a'ly Velcome at Services Non-Ccot™oli"s of Oshawa are, as is the case each year, cordially wel-ome at the midnight Mass rt St. Gregory's Church whieh will begin Christmas Day. The doors of St. Gre~ory's Church will be open for some little time before midnight on Saturdav --Christmas Eve--in order that worshippers may be in the'r pices when the solemnly beautiful ser- viee bezins, The great Christmas music of the Catholic Church will be rendered "y its'splend'd adult cho'r and boy- choristers. Pontifical High Mas~ will be celebretedd and the blessing of the Holy Father will be confer- red upon the kneeling multitude, Rev. Father Pench, rector of St, Gregory's will be the celebrant and nreacher for the service lozally, the form of which, throughout Christ- >ndom, is known as one of the most be-utiful in point of ritual 'nd most immressive in its tender 2foration of Bethlehem's Holy Babe, POLICE CHIEF ATTACKED, MOTOR THIEVES ESCAPE Campbeliford, Dec. 20.--A car stolen in Trenton Sunday was re- covered by Chief of Police Ligat at Campbeliford- yesterday after a battle with two thugs who gave him a severe beating, The men escaped to the woods mear by, but are being tracked by an armed posse, who expect to round them up before morning. Believes Her Son Innocent Of Slaying Marion Parker Mrs. Hickman Reconsiders Decision That She Would Disown Him if He is Guil- ty--"1 Couldn't Do That" She Says (By Associated Press) Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 21.--Re- contention {| Eva Hickman today reconsidered her announced decision to disown kim if its true, and declared she "couldn't do that", disown, do that. But you know how I feel." "When you have children you learn mot too much of them. They interests, they think are busier than they are. Perh oy aro : is why he does nog write. Oshawa Daily Times "10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. TWELVE P. DEA PRACTICALLY GIVE UP HOPE OF LIFE ON S-4; SIGNALS HAVE CEASED Submarine S-8 Moves from Post, Indicating Hope to Reach Men Alive is Aban- doned ~~ To Send Down Divers as Soon as Possible WILL ATTEMPT TO TAP A HOLE Sea Off Wood End May Again Hold Up Opera. tions, Becoming Choppy After Calm -- Expect No More Signals, Believing All Have Perished (By Associated Press) Province Town, Mass,, Dec, 21. Submarine 8-8 moved today from her post beside the S-4, The £-8 had been under orders to re- main in position as long as there was any hope of communicating with her sister ship, Her action in moving away was interpreted as meaning that there was no longer a possibility that life re- mained on board £-4 and that ao more signals might be looked for. Two other submarines 8-6 and 8-3 were at anchor in the inner karbor, a mile and a half from the scene of the disaster, When the Associated Press, boat pulled a.ongside of the Kalcon, diver Tom Eadie said an attempt would be made to send the diver over as soon as the Falcon was lined up with the submarine tender Bushnell and the minesweeper Lark, The minesweeper Mallard, which had taken part in previous operations was not jn line, Ladle, who was the fist diver to Lo down to tue-S-4 last Buns cay, eaid the rescue:s would at- tc...pt to tap a hole in the bu.l of the submarine at the torpedo room and attach an air line, This will require the use of un- der water flood lights such as were uied in the 8-51 salvaging opera- tions, It will be necessary to weld the tapping machine to the hull, The machine is so constructed that wien the hull is punctured and the drill withdrawn the valve auto- matically is closed, The air line Is then serewed on and air forced in. The zea off 'Wood End this morn- ing was flat, but as hours passed it grew choppy and threatened once more to hold up ell diving operations, The operation deseribed by Eadie, olficicls said required the best water conditions, No Further Signals New London, Conn,, Dee, 21.--~ No further giznals have been heard from submerine 5-4, Rear Admiral Frank Brumby, Comman- der of the rescue fleet, reported in a wireless meseaze picked up here today, He announced that the rescue ships were getting in posi- tion to resume diving operations. Weather Improved Provincetown, Mess., Dee, 21.-- Improved weather conditions early today promised to permit resump- tion of salvage operations on the sunken submarine S-4, which had been suspended for two days be- cause of the porth west gale, Dur- ing the might, the wind veered to the north and the sea off Wood End flattened out. The salvaze fleet, which had been standing by helpless since Sunday night, converged early to- day on the spot where the S-4 lies in 17 fathoms of water a mile from Provincetown, The submarine tender Bushnell, which has been in anchor in harbor, moved out to join the fleet. Boston, Dec. 21---Boston navy 7ard today announced that the de stroyer Sturtevant, now under war 'or the scene of the sinking of the submarine S-4, carried apparatus' with which an attempt might be made to calm the troubled seas with compressed alr. The use of compressed air was suggested by Philip Brashear, Princeton Snivetsley. who recently set forth the idea that ships an chored in mid ocean afford land- PRINCE DEFEATED IN SEMI-FINALS (Cable Service To The Times By Comdian-Feuth .) London, 21--Prince of Wales was Doe, Au today in hte semi-final vound of the Royal Navy Squah championships" at Rove] Automobile Club, hy Yr was Licut, Comm. Mackenzie, who defeated him 9-3, 9.7, 9-3, The Prince failed to maintain his gallant winning form that had carried him into the semi- STARR GASE IN COURT TOBAY Faces a Serious Charge -- Comp'ainant Testifies This Morning Charles Starr was, commit. ted for trial on a charge of ate tempted rape in police court this afternoon by Magistrate Hind at the close of the pre. liminary hearing, Charged with attempted rape, Charles Starr was arraigned before Magistrate A. F, Hind in police court this morning for a preliminary hear- ing. The cgmplainant, Mrs, Cath- erine Miichell, was the only witness heard, and other witnesses for the crown are giving evidence at a con- tinuation of the hearing this after- noon, The case was heard in camera, the press bein gollowed to remain, Mrs, Mitchel testified that about two o* clock Tuesday a'ternocn, December 6, she had started from her residence, North Oshawa, to come into this eity to do some shopping, when the de- fendant offercd her a ride in his car to Ross' Corners, the end of the car line, When they arrived there, the street car had just leit, and he offer- ed to tale her to her destination on Mill street, but afier stopping thcre had waited fcr her, and instead of driving her home had taken her to Lakeview Park, and, it was stated by witness, assaulted her, later, witness, stated, ofificring her money, which was refused, ANr stru~jling and eryinz for help, Mrs. Miichell was, according to her evidence, driven to the business section of the eity by Starr, who followed her and stayed with her while she did some shopping, and then, assuring her that every- thing would be all right, offered to drive her home, He tools her cn an uafrequented country rcad, however, and again, according to witness, as- saulted her, ' A passing automobile caused him to desist, and he then drove her home, Further witnesses in the case will be heard this afterncon, with the general public excluded from the hearing, EB, EDDY 60. LTD. CHANGES HANDS Acquired By British Match Firm--Hon. R. B. Bennett Large Shareholder (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont., Dee. 21 -- The match business of E. B. Eddy Co., Ltd, of Hull, Que., of which Hon, R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, is 8 large stockholder, is to be tak en over by a new company under the presidency of George W. Pa- ton, of London, England, chairman HT iat H ch 11 £ RECOVER 3 BODIES 0 MN Rescue Workers Hold € Little Hope for Rem Four DRILL AT TOP Twenty-three Other Mem bers of Crew Escape By Elevator (By Associated Press) A Johnston City, Ils, Dec, 21, ~-Bodies of seven miners Kdile ed last night in an of gas at the Steritz coal mine | near here, were broucht to the surface today after all night work by three mine resene cruise, A Johnston City, Ills,, Dee, 2 Bodies of three of seven Mine entombed by an explosion fn Stirts coal mine near here 1 night were recovered early # Rescue workers held little hope the remaining four, The rescue crew drilled at sped today to pierce the rock: vault in which seven miners entombed by the explosion in Stirtz coal mine, near here, night, Whether the rest of men are alive is not known, Tw ty-thrce other members of thi night crew of thirty made their cape by an elevator, but seven wen trapped when their exit was blo ed, Ignition of gas was bel to have caused the explosion, = IREE PERSONS BURNED TO DEAT Perich in Beds as Home Swept By en Early Morning Fire (Ey Ac:soc'ated Press) . Rochester, N.Y, Dee, 21--Thr persons wcre burned to deat' if their beds when fire swept thel home here early today. The de are: Lucy Dicecare, 55 mother ol five children; Elvira Diesaty ven, and Joseph Corona, 30, TVOBRE/KJ'T AT GAHPELLFORA Loc! Police: V/a'ch for the Men Hz:ding This Way Two men under arrest for ho breakinz end assault have esca from Campbellford jeil and heading in this direction accord to a report received at the police station from Willlam chief constable at. Trenton, night, The two men were confined the jail at Campbellford which they made the'r escape evening. The first man, Hankinson, is 24 years old, feet six inches tall, den, 19, who is six weighs 180 pounds, hair and a foir complexion, tonto, 7 as om ¢ a doctor's V1 4 evidence in ysically at a ings were short. F. | 'ard, counsel for xr, a 1 "application for bail. ; ( | Whitt ner at tl J. WwW, 1 some of nounced ing elec January Mayon first th would 1 but whe pressed nouncen fortheon man th chair aj ed that 'election, Reeve 'warden announc for the would anyone | it, and campaig Deput announc for the ed for t declared son was tion, po which h ing the he had at this | | the wor | hoped t in that evening, that he the offic mored, either a WwW. M. which h "that he ho) -« vy de FARPPDEOR 023