. soup Two tablespoons butter, one cup elery, cut in one-inch shreds, two dium sized omioms, cut im stripe wise, 1 eup carrots, cut ir hne-ineh = shreds, one-half shredded cabbage, three table- Ppoons minced parsley, one table sugar and ome quart meat % 'butter, Add all vezetables but ™' Julienne strips except cab hege and parsley, and" cook slow- v until slihtly brown, stirring "ten, Add sugar, cabbage and arsley and cold meat stock to 'ogotables. Simmer for one hour. 't stock is unseasored. add salt "nd peresr. Serve with a smaun "unantity of vegetables in each 'late (or toui'lon cup) of soup. CHIECE CRACKERS Spread sa'tines or arv thin un- sweetened era-ker with butter, "prinkle with grated cheese and "ut a dash of paprika on top. Lay bn a shallow pand 2nd place in a hot oven until crisp and slightly browned. Serve with soup course. CELERY AND TOMATO ROUTL- LON : Cut two st lts of celery ilue "nd boil in a quart of water with four bouil'on cubes. Poil one our, then add ore smell can of tomatoes, Cook slowlv fifteen min. vtes, Strain th*ou~h a fine s'eve 'or the senn should le very elear Serve with a dash of hi~hly sen! soned whinped erecam. Use salt and a dash of ta"rsco to flavor ithe eream before whipping, OSHAV'A & DISTRICT Murdech's New Address Murdoch's Insurance mow at 27 Warren avenue. (142¢-248¢) Christmas Suggestions Doll lamp, bed lamp, towels an! other fancy goods. Also hts on lp at £2.50, $3.50, 85.00 "iss V, Caldwell, 45 King stree; went, v (143b) Service | I -------------------- } WHY NOT TRUTH? | In a lounge of a West End res- taurant a little girl and her mo ther were awaiting the arrival of 2 friend, Presently a man with ¢ Aintp eame and sat down near them, "Oh, mamma," said the little girl in a ~lound, startled velce, 'look at that men, Fis legs are onger than each other, Isn't he wwiul," Thagvoman bent over the child nih spered fiercely: sh! hush, you He'll hear you!" "But," protested the little gir} vith a bewildered look--"hut does- little imp! THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1927 WINTER GRIPS GREAT BRITAI Snow and Rough Winds Take Toll on Land and Sea ---- London, Dee. 20.--Winter still held Great Britain and Continental Europe in an obstinate grip to- night, while frost, snéw and rough winds heaped up their casualties on land and sea. Fierce gales continued to. whip the British coasts. The small schooner Pearl sank off Kinsale, County Cork, her crew of five perishing. Great liners from Aw- erica reached port enshrouded in ice 36 hours behind their sched- ules after tempestuous voyages, and- other steamers are still being buifeted, moving at hall-speed, while many in England mourn the late arrival of the Santa 'Clau: bounty they are bringing, Lijeboats Smashed / The steamer Minnekahda, frou New York passed through & heav, storm on her way to Plymouti, whe.e sue arrives today. Lifeboats 'and ventilators were smashed, | The schooner Pearl, carrying , coal from Gloucester, drove ashoic ne.r Oid Head off Kinsale las. n.ght. Her position was first dis auverd by the ald of headiights o. | a motar car, The crew were seen | clinging to the mast, making piti- ful cries for help. The Ga:rewctown Lite-Saving Station fired rocizets over the ves- scl, but the sound of voices sudden- ly ceased as the mast to which the crew were clidging was swept a A lifeboat eame 20 miles from Court Maes..eryy, but was too lata. This morning the Pearl was high 'and dry on a reef near shore, but | there were no sizns of lile, | In Belgium, where seven are re- ! poried dead from the cold, the in- habitants are shivering in the bit- terest temperaures for nearly half a century, The blizzard-like stretch, whieh h:s already extended 130 hours, is taken larzely in a holiday spirit in London, where snowballing was indulged in by thousands of youngz- sters, a:d hundreds of small lakes in the metropolitan area have been alive with skaters. One London shop sold $5,000 worth of skates in three days, while the hospitals are treating scores of fractures due to falls, 83 Below Zero Moscow, Dec, 20, --Moscow ex- perienced the coldest pre-Christ- mas weather in forty years last night, when the thermometer regis. 1't he know fit!" tered 388 below zero, Before a beautifully decorated Christmas tree the children of the primary department of the Baptist Sunday School presented their an- nual Christmas concert. The first number on the program was a re- citation by Muriel Campbell, then the children sang a chorus, " The Christmas Bells are Ringing." The next numbers on the program were recitations by Owen Hales and Mil- dred Gerrard; Lullaby song, was very prettily given by twelve little girls, followed by a recitation from Audrey Campbell and a recitation given by Lorne Fenton. Verna and Targaret Watts favored the gatuer- 1g, at this time, with a well ren- rod piano duet. A recitation giv- 1 by 'Winnie Rice was much enjoy- d, and Dorothy Crook also gave a weltation, The mert number on the rogram was entitled Hippety-TTon v small children, and about eight »* the little girls and boys came ipping onto the stare and sang ¢ leasing little chorus, A chorus 7 the primary next delighted the udience; then Winnie Rice gave nother recitation followed by 2 aoltation from Florence Watts, Nine girls from the Sunday Schoo! resented a delightful drill "I'he tar Drill" dressed in white with silver stars scattered over their lon gdresses, they marched around the platform to softly played mu- sie, Then came 'The Christmar Waites" a pretty little playlette by four of the childrey, at the bac! of the sage was wha renresented r window where there were other children who applauded the carol nd threw down coppers to the singers, The children in the audi ence were getting very impatient 'or the arrival of Santa Claus wher a messare was received at the door saying that Santa was on his war hut was having some trouble with the harness. A recitation was giv en by M:t Btcher, then a playlet!- by three girls from Mrs. Hamil- ton's class "The Next Day' was very well given and, judging from the applause from the audience, was the most enjoyed mumber on the whole program. A recitation by Dorothy Crook, followed by a chorus "Sleigh Bells" from the girls in Mrs, James's class brought this part of the evening's entertain- ment to a close, Then Santa Claus was announced and all the children cheered him and tried to shake his hand, The services of some bf the young men of the audience weru re- IVE your wife, daughter, sister or sweetheart a gift that is both beautiful and useful. Give her a BULOVA Watch--internationally. fa- mous for its exquisite grace of design and never varying accuracy, We have a complete selection of these dependable watches ranging in price from $25.00 to $2500.00 THE GIFT SUPREME! | i WEEE Ios Kesolid gold , , B50 ists bs in solidgold , , $4000 Io igKe polidgold . re fis 14 Ke. solid gold . , $50.90 a -- quested this time to help Santa ais- ted to them by Mr. J. Galt. When all the children had received a gift, names oi the grown ups were called and the boxes of candy were given to them as a gift from Santa Claus. PLAN AHEAD FOR CHRISTMAS MEALS OYSTER COCKTAIL Allow si xoysters for each per- son. Serve on haif-shells if de- sired. These should be arranged on cracked ice in a deep plate around a small glass of cocktail sauce which is set down in the ice in the centre of the plate. (A soup plate may be used for this purpose.) Or mix oysters with cocktail sauce and serve in cock- tail glasses. To make the cocktail sauce: Mix together one cup tomato cat- sup, 3 tablespoonfuls chill sauce, 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice, 3 tablespoons grated horse radish, a few drops tabasco sauce, one-half to one teaspoon salt and 3% tea- spoon nepper, This makes about one and one-half cups sauce, SOUPS . Of course, when it comes to soups, clear consomme suggests it- self as most appropriate for the smple Christmas dinner. If de- sired, you can carry the Christ- mas coloriny even into this course "y addirg to the cleared consom- me a half cupful of raw beets cut 'n small dice a few minutes before serving. ferve as soon as the 'ed color develops, first removing the beet dice. Drop three: or four oress leaves Into each plate of soup. (The bright red color will 'ade by long cooking.) CAN'T RESIST IT (Lordon Sunday Pictorial) A writer says that a woman gen- erally knows what a man is going to say before he says it. And che generally says it before he has a chance to say fit. It is no compliment to be told that you eat no more than a bird, A bird, you know, eats a peck at a time,--Glasgow Herald. FELT BROS. - THE LEADING JEWELLERS F°T*ELSHED 1886 "WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" * South prpPrs srrrep prprrsprrrppers BEPPOIPAP PIII PIPIIIPIIS PEP pprrprpprrprrrs PEs Pras rsrs EEE EET ES YY THE CARE OF MOTOR CARS The release of the building pro- gram which will represent an ex- penditure in Windsor, Oat. eof $300,000 has been announced by John Mansfield, president of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. The program will cover the construction of two building extensions to the present factory of the Chrysler Corporation. The President expects that the addi- tions will be completed by the end of February, in time to handle the greatly increased production 'whieh he considers will be necessary to cope with the demand conseguent to the improved conditions antiei- pated within the next few weeks. The tremendous success of the new Hupmobile 1928 Six, of which more than 3,000 were sold during the first four days the car was dis- played, also resulted in the ap- pointment of 226 new dealers dur- ing the first month following -its premise, and applications for the franchise from more than 6,000 others, it is announced by R. 8. Cole, Hupmobile general sales manager. Mr, Cole reports the company is operating at capaeit: production, Its November ship ments broke all records for am' single month in the company's en- tire history. More than 2,000 un- filled orders were carried ove 'n to December. American Automobil eleased the ful i0 office' stoe The sociation has jus tabulation of th car records for nduran an speed now held oy The tude baker Commander, according to an announcement made here by The Studebaker Corporation of Canada Limited. This announcement Wa: made upon receipt of the official certification of these records from the Washington, D.C., offices of the American Automobile Associa- tion. Most of the records were es- tablished ducing the recent run on the Atlantic City Speedway when two Commander Sport Roadsiers and a Commander Sedan each traveled 25,000 miles in less than 25,000 consecutive minutes. Stude- baker now holds it is claimed every official endurance and speed record for stock oars, regardless of power or price, A new commercial chassis, suit- able for carrying merchandise of unusual length, is announced hy the Reo Motor Ca» Comrany. It is known as the (leneral Utility Chassis and is de ned to carry pay loads rangins m a ton to a ton and a hal" he wheelbase is 143 inches, wi! !~h is 10 inches more than that of the well known Reo Standard Speed Wagon. "No greater tribute could been paid Ch mpion spar! than the fact tia' t' ey ha > ten adopted as stan ad eq ent for the new Fo ' £a A. Stranahan, pres' ' oo' th a- pion Spark Plug (':, "This true because Ford e» 78 on de- signers virtua' 'ted from scrateh, unham ' hy ar ing that had bhsen ¢ 1 elore. Every plece of meter" art and acces- sory was selecte" only after the most exhaustive tests," ' ave a7 entirely new six eylinder wh bile, he Mann 6-72 of 120 inch w!en'hase. a ' 'inet addition to the p c "nt ""non line, is being introduc y ¢ "ferent Li its esign f1 of any previous design | [4 sompany that its appearanc' wrded, it is said, as an ep° sent in Moon his- tory. With a ler er more powers ful engine, and in which is incor- porated & numic" of Wale, a rovements tha* make for © YORE MORE MORE MORE MORE Montreal, Dec. 20.--Two fam- ilies with children had to CUTTY to the street for safety in Friday night's snowstorm when fire of un- known origin broke out underneath their flats in the dry goods store of O. Benoit, 1788 Notre Dame street west, at 1.45 o'clock Satur- day morning. The fire started out with such intensity that a second alarm had to be turned in when it was feared that the whole block was in danger. Firemen and a police squad were on the scene a few minutes after the first alarm was turned in and did their utmosy to keep the adjoining buildings in safety. The families in the flats overhead rushed to the street im scanty attire and were taken care of by neighbors. Had they remained in the building a short time longer they would have been in grave danger. A drug store next to the burned building, owned by X. Bourque was damaged by water. The cause of the fire is not known and the damage could not be estimated. The blaze became so bad that an hour after tke first alarm a second was turned in with additional fire-fighting apparatus, the flames were restricted to the Benoit stere although water and smoke considerably damaged Bour- gue's drug store next door. Fire- men feared for a time that the flames would spread to the whole distriet. -------- FULL NOSEBAGS FOR HORSES ON MONTREAL CHRISTMAS TREE Montreal, Dec. 20.--Montreal work-horses have their Christmas tree. The League for Justice to Animals has erected an illumin- ated tree in Phillips Square, and the animals which go to the party will get a big bag of feed extra, NOTHING NEW (Boston Transeript) "Children think themselves wis er than their parents." . "Yes, it is an evidence of hered ity. Parents did the same thing when they were children." DEATH TCLL IN DETROIT CITY FOR LAST MONTH, HIGH T---- » Detroit last month registered more than half as many auto fa- talities as New York, which had 85, and more than 60 per cent of the Chicago total of 70, Philadel- phia had 27; Los Angeles, 25; Cleveland, 20; Pittsburgh, 19; Buffa'o and Cincinnati, 15 each; St. Louis, 14; Boston, 13; San Francisco, Baltimore and Mem- phis, 10 each; Washington and Toledo, 9 each. Tctal Deaths 618 The foregoing cities reported the largest numbers of automollle deaths in the list of 77 municipali- ties in the survey area. The to- tal for them all was 618, com- pared with 632 for the same per- fod of last year, or a decrease of atte © 4 een. 3 Tm VI, | Blankets and Down Fil- | led Comforters Always tf Received with Warm Welcome in Every Home ' ns | ALL WOOL BED COVERS -- Beauti- = fully bound with satin. Plain colors and E| checks in rose, blue, mauve, fa pi --_-- Fa Size 64 x 84 at $8.95 each Size 72 x 84 at $10.00 each WHITE WOOL BLANKETS The very best Canadian and Scotch make Size 64 x 84 at $8.95 and $9.50 pair Size 68 x 86 at $10.00 and $11.50 pair Down Filled Comforters From $8.95 to $45.00 each. A something over 2 per cent, Compared with the correspond ing four weeks' period of last yea" the latest Detroit monthly death toll shows a rise of 27 per cent. New York achieved a substantial decrease; Chicago and Pittsburgh suffered a heavy increase; Phila- delphia, Baltimore and Boston re- ported good decreases. Los An- geles, Buffalo and Cincinnati stood still. St. Louis and Washington rose decidedly. Memphis, Tenn, made a terrific jump, from one death to 10. Flint, Mich,, advane- ed to three deaths, as compared with one in the same four weeks of 1926, while Grand Rapids de- clined to one death, compared with four in the 1926 period. Shows Increase for Year, In the rate of automobile fatal- ities per 100,000 nf population Jor the year ending December 8, the Detroit figure of 28.9 is an increase of 11 per cent over the precedin vear, and is easily the worst ame! the cities of more than a milli size, Camden, N.J., had the hig] ost rate of all, with 47 per 100,000 Canton, Ohio, came next with 39 Toledo and Paterson had 85; Mi phis, 34; Cincinnati and Youm town, 23 each; Pittsburg, 82; Ni ville, Tenn., 31; San Diego, C and Wilmington, Del., 30 each; Tas coma, 29, and Flint, 27.83, New York's ratio was only 18, and Phil adelphia's only 17, The Chie proportion was 23.8, and that' Cleveland, 24.2, Flint's ratio for the year rep! sented a rise of 26 per cent in & tomobile tragedies, Grand Rap however, with 18.9 scored a deel of 9 per cent, The average for the entire sup vey area for the year was 21,7 per 100,000 an increase of 3 per cent over the year preceding, 3 years, Every washday thank you in her heart, ---a gift that will be remem- bered 52 times a year formany think of how you save her . energy and strength, keep her young, give her more leis- ure! ALL can joinin, Havea A ---- p-- Wry, NT I Ny yk \ iW, il she'll Then, her a CONNOR/ A Ts ly ase aaiabie shout if you wish. A ment and oils something os you find it most convenient to pay. J. H. CONNOR & SON LIMITED . - nv MOTHER collection (he's good for the lion's share), Let HIM see the nearest Connor desler and arrange for delivery of this wonderful CONNOR Gyrator Electric Washer for Christmas morning, | Watch mother's face when she sees it! You'll be GLAD you gave ) TJ o// GIFT hat' SURE foe | APPRECIATED ( 3 'OTTAWA