JICK PAINT 1 P; 1] i 4 matgin of only onc. goal. and only were wot by a margin of more ee Aa Boston ihe BC __!\»» old or * htest spot in the perform. of United States teams against 'their Canadian was Detroit's to 0 triumph over Canadiens of are setting a dizzy I Your Kidneys Are Troubling You Bay About Dodd's Kidney Pills Read What Mr. Kendall Has to ow. Brunswick Man Tells Why . Dodds Kidney Pilg Are» k, N.B,, Jan. 17,-- (Special) ht to the point is the state- t M®, Wm, L. Kendall, R.R. 1, th of Keswick, makes with re- gard to Dodd's Kidney Pills. | "Dodd's Kidney Pills are the Hest medicine I have ever taken, Y have used lots of others but 's are the best, I could hardly hten my back, After tak- ing one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills "X felt = great deal better, I bought another box and before it was half gone I could straighten up my back with ease," Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely and simply a kidney remedy, They pot directly on the kidneys, | strengthening them and putting them in condition to do their full | work of straining the impurities put of the blood, Dodd's Kidney Pills have restor- od sound health to thousands of troubled men end women, Give . the material at once, Men's Heavy Rubbers. Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St, W, Phone 2141 treal, who pace, It " the only defeat suffered i = the Flying 'Frenchmen so far. |i; 's went into the lead £3 1 1 proved their standing with two wins and no losses, While the first game, that be- tween the two church teams was nothing to rave about, the second tilt between the two Gemeral Mot ors Clubs was a dandy and was uctive of some good hockey. oft ice however spoiled and prac- tically would allow no combination | work whatever, although both teams tired hard, But 56 paid admissions were registered last night and consid- Ing the fact that a double header was on the bill, this is very poor. There are quite a number of games this mn of the county this week and that effected the attend- ance not a little. But the odd half hundred who were there certainly got thelr money's worth 1h the second exhibition, Following a consultation between the executive and managers of the two teams, it was decided that due to the poor ice, three fifteen minute straight time periods would be in order, A rush a few minutes before the bell rang settled the Motors' game between Buick Paint and Service. Elliott, a brother of the League President, received the disc af the line and worked hls way through managing to get past Siwashowi for the winning count, It was a well earned goal when the natural conditions are taken into consid- eration for both teams were lab- oring under an awful handieap. The first counter of the second game came about three minutes after the opening of the game, Service got it, Drinkwater scoring on a clever and fast play, From then on until the end of the game, it was rush after rush from one end of the rink to the other, Smith and Drinkle were the outstanding players on Service, while Neill in goal was also playing a stellar ex- hibition, The score at the end left Service one up on Buick Paint, In the second, however, Naylor, centre, tied the count, he getting a Buick Paint goal, At the end of a grind in which both teams gave all they could, the score was tied at one all, But with a short period to work on a tie game, the players took the matter seriously and whipped into action, Attempt after attempt was made to score, I remained for Elliott to notch, The teams: Service--Goal, Neill; defence, Blliott, Lowe; centre, Drinkle; forwards, Smith and Little; subs., Donald and Kellar, Buick Paint--Goal, Siwaskowl; his Walehing it_ all, The lint Juric dl was, anything, the best . clashed 0 poy|in section A of the. Oshawa, City | BO "LQ" MCh tie "Box Carter ous $iodi te Dox Hockey League last night at Brad- |g put the Presbyterians ahead' to i overwhe- go! ley's Rink when Presbyterians Eoin, thers I] the Sejing pen The four" Canadian] Were outscored 7 to 3 in & very |! He Satis youl by Hee hd ou 24 joreraasponalfoously played contest, In the sec [NE Wd heady stick work. 1t waa res Tad Toes Tod |g orice" wilh about 'ive minutes [2oriod and the goal waa certainly Nine « |! nosed out Buick Paint 2 to George three in second. making, the couynt-3 to 1 at the end of . that frame, Prresbyterians seemingly 'fell apart that stanza and could. do nothing with the red and white, - Gibby, Rorabeck and Clarey were the men who netted the goals. RA The final was about the.same calibre of hockey with four more goals to mix it up,' The Presby- terians scorqd two, Pu and Clarey doing the 'trick, while the Anglicans got ahead with Clarey, Gibby, Rorabeck and Gunn count- ing. J Presbyterians--Goal, 'Pollick; defence, Carter and Brown; centre, Purdy; forwards, Rutherford and Conlin; sub,, Williams, St. George's--Goal, Willis; de- fence, Courtice and Lovelock; centre, Rorabeck; forwards, Gunn and Clarke; subs, Service and Gibby, Referee, "Flash" Joyce, GORMAN DETERMINED TO WIN AT OLYMPICS St, John, N.B,, Jan, 18.--"I am going to the Olympics with the de- termination to win," Charles I, Gorman, world's amateur skating champion, declared mst night," in making known his decision to rep- resent Canada at the champion- ship meet at St, Morits, Gorman's statement dispels all rumors to the effect that he would not skate at the Olympic this year under the colors of Canada, It is expected that he will leave for Halifax on Friday to embark with the sest of the Olympic party on Sunday morning for overseas. Following the world's meet in Switzerland, Gorman will make a tour of the Scandinavian coun- tries, skating exhibitions for the purpose of advertising Canada, he stated, Gorman declared that he was feeling "fit as a fiddle," and was in very geod shape. His fine showing at the races in Newburgh about two weeks ago would seem to emphasize his statement, The champion has been training on much longer skates than he had used formerly. The reason was that the course at St. Moritz would he very much longer than he was used to, an dconsequently there would be more straight- away skating. ' A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACT oad on i TY RR wi Chesterfield We STATE it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in sre of finer quality and hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price, LisesTT & MYERS TOBACCO CO; or CANADA, LIMITED THEY SATISFY snd yet THEY'RE MILD 9 - sterfield to Montreal, where they will also display their wares, and from there to Halifax where another exhibition game will be staged. They will board the Red Star liner "Arabic" on Sunday, Janu- ary 22nd and sail for Europe the same day. Before taking part in the Olympic games they will play one exhibition game at Antwerp, Belgium, proceeding from there to St. Moritz, Switzerland, where the Olympie games will be played. After the games have been played, the team: will visit Vienna, Berlin and Prague, where they will give exhibition games. They will then visit Paris, going from there to London and Liverpool, from where they will sail for Halifax March 10. Travelling with the "Grads' are the representatives of Canada in the speed skating and fancy skat- ing classes, while officals of the Ontaro Hockey Association will make up the rest of the party. The. party will be comprised of the following: -- The Varsity Grads Hockey team, P, J, Mulqueen, Chairman of the Olympic Commit- tee, W. A. Fry, Past President of the O.H.A., Sheriff J. P, Plaxton, also Past President of the O.H.A., W. A. Hewitt, Secretary O0.H.A., Ed, Robertson, Ross Robinson, speed skater, Johd Fastwood, Montgomery Wilson, Harold Bal- lard, fancy skaters, Mrs, Dr, Lou Hudson, Mrs. W. A, Hewitt, Mrs, E. DeLeight Wilson, Mrs, A. Mas- Phyllis May, Constance Wilson, Cecil Eustace Smith, Maud Eus- tace Smith, while Messrs, Putman, Tollefson, Lehan, Thompson and Dupuis, who are skiers, completes the list, Ont. Regiment Boxing Show to Be Best Yet Everything 1s about ready for an- other big night for the fight fans of Oshawa and district next Tuesday, the 24. y Oh Boy! won't it be a wow. Even an Abadenian won't be able to find anything to kick about at the program of events, George Fudger is up against a really snappy boy when he meets young Goodall, Harold Gatenby, whom the fans will remember for the way he stood up to Bob Cum- mings gnd just soaked up punish- ment, is again on show and is out to wipe out his defeat, and any one who stands in his way in the 118 class, The Club will have a real trump card in their winning hand, and it sure is a winner, in Jimmie Mec- Keanye, late champion of Scotland and a pupil of Tancey Lee, the old timer and Longsdale belt holder, Mack is fighting his first fight here on Tuesday and it's a safe bet to say he will become a warm favor- ite in Oshawa. He alone is worth the money paid for the night's show. Then there is our old favorite, Bill Adams, who will definitely fight this time and he sure will have to go against Ossy Barrie, & real tear away, Stocks, Billy Bell- ingham, Hugh Smith, another new one, but a pocket edition of Jimmie Wilde, Jimmie Moffatt and several more are all training hard and just rearin' to go. Don't be disappoint- ed in not getting a seat. Seating accommodation fs being fixed for 2,000, but only ticket holders can be guaranteed a8 seat, so' get your's in time from» any of the club mem- bers or st the Armouries and be sure of seeing the best night's sport ever offered the sporting public of Oshawa, Playfair Brown, Toronto promo- ter, and other big fight men are coming down, CANADIENS HANG UP SENVENTEENTH WIN Boston, Jan. 18. -- Canadiens, Flying Frenchmen of the Nation- al Hockey League, hung up their seventeenth victory this year by defeating the rugged Boston Bru- ins 3 to 1 here last night, Blinding speed, dazzling passes, and an ability to meet the Bruins at their own game in the way of giving and absorbing bodily pun- ishment, gave the Canadiens their clear-cut advantage. The Flying Frenchmen jumped away to 8 two goal lead in the first three minutes of play. Gagne and Mantha teamed for the first score. Mantha carried down the left side, faked a shote and pass- ed to Gagne, who had 8 wide open Winkler before the Boston goalie could whirl around and get set, "A happy New Year, Pat! And God save Ireland!" said an English girl to an eligible Irish bachelor. "Shure, Phyllis," replied Pat, "and haven't Oi always said ye were intinded for an Ofrishwoman?" "Well, Pat," said Phyllis, "as thi sis Leap Year, why not say I was intended for an Irishman?" 43 SPORT SNAPSHO1S i } Oshawa Shamrocks the Rubber Town juniors rin and "Coxey" Cox sée nothing to it but a walk away for the Irish- men. The Toca xis are doing well and showing when they hit some' in 'the laydovns. If : i ! over to, Bowmanville this evening to meet an Q.HA. setto. Harold-Luke, Abe Cor to make 'a good promise the real fast teams arcund 'Toronto sey, Mrs, A, V. May, the Misses | L the postpc of downs, Oshawa hockey followers should see two good games in the: City Hockey League tomorrow night when Oshawa Railway hook. up with Simcoes in the initial encounter with the Oshawa Daily Times cpposing. Fittings in the second clash. At last night's card the attendance was somewhat disappointing but this was no doubt due to the fact that there has been a full card on at the rink for the past week. However the league managed to clear expenses last night. Weather conditions at the present time are keeping curlers and hockey enthusiasts on edge constantly. The temperature remains fairly high and it is impossible to tell when the mild weather will necessitate Both Oshawa intermediate and junior hockey teams are making good progress in the district schedules. honors and more than that, both should go some distance in the play- The juniors look more promising than for several years, Both are shted for group | BOWLING | POWER PEOPLE Bell Telephone vs. Northern Electric Bell Telephone Haskill +... ,.,.v.\e0e. 150 118 Walton iy sees oe 40s 103 162 139 Jackman .s oe es 4.0 151 105 221 Goodwill 4eus 40 40 oo 136 177 186 Fleming ..vs ve os +o 150 162 162 Crossely +o +0 ov «ve 178 154 121 ANE +0 00 00 sevens 113 159 149 Carr vive oo 00 serves, M5 128 981 1037 1108 Total--3]26, vs, Northern Electric G. Guener ., ...,.... 197 162 151 Bingham ,, , 179 186 120 Velson ,., 289 158 229 Bell .. .. 1342152 103 Sinnons .,,, « 161 217 162 Gardener ,, ,, .. ., 126 120 08 TUMMer ,. +4 vieeeers M7 175 123 ---------- 1233 1166 1166 Total--3285, ' RAILWAY LEAGUE Office vs. Trainmen Corkery +s os +0 +0 5 18 151 151 Parker .o0e 00 +o sees 178 160 Miners .» .o ov ov 50 121 193 Otto +0 +4 +s sssesess 110 183 241 : 707 838 861 Total--2406, p Freight FOODIE ++ 20 2s 20ss%es 4 O'Connor 143 Young .. 157 Dainty ., 202 Dummy .us000 sees »» 110 151 139 790 848 785 Total--2423, RECORD CROWD AT FINAL GAME FOR GRADE IN TORONTO Toronto, Jan, 18.--The largest chowd that ever attended a hock- ey game in the Varsity Arena wit- nessed the farewell appearanie of the Varsity Grads, Canadian cham- plons and Allan Cup holders, and the Dominion's representatives in the Olympii series, which will be held in St. Moritz, Switzerland, next month, last evening and saw the Olympic team lose the first period to th present Blue and White Intercollegiate team by 1 to 0, apply the whitewash brush to the Marlboros, and then open up and swamp their substitutes by 7 to 1, A summary of the game shows that the Grads won by 10 to 2 ,were given the only pensity and bad they wished the score could have been increased consid- erably, as in the earlier portions of the game they took things more or less easily. UNABLE TO PLAY Montreal, Que, Jan. :8--Fraunk Nighbor, veteran centre ice star of the Ottawa S s, be bl to play with his team three or four games, owing to an injury re- ceived late in the second period of the Maroon-Ottawa here fast night. During a "in front of the Ottawa net, a flying skate caught Nighbor on the lower part of his ankle, opening a cut. He col- lapsed on the ice and had to be car- ried off. It required two stitches to close the cut. : Office RO23 ++ sv ves +153 11 201 Chant ., ,,, » 149 179 124 Whinfield ,, ,, ,, ,, 145 200 192 447 550 517 Total--1514, Trainmen Brant |... 22 es seees.108 137 201 St. Anne ..0000 0000. 152 149 138 Smith +, c000 4s sees 161 126 170] 25 421 412 509 Total--1342, Express vs. Freight Express Love iis oo os 0sesees130 151 170 MAROONS, SENATORS PLAY 70 MINUTES TO A 1 TO 1 DRAW Montreal, Jan. 17.~Montreal Maroons and Ottawa Senators battled through seventy minutes of | gruelling hockey to a 1-1 tie, here tonight, Both goals were scored in a hectic first period, Boucher and Munro doing the scoring. The Senators scored first, Boucher's lone effort accounting for Ottawa's goal towards the end of the per- iod, while a similar effort on tne part of Munro tied it up thirty seconds later, Rough play featured the first session, with Bewart carrying off honors with a major ana a minor, His major was for an attack on Dennenay after the latler had taken a crack at the Montreal left-wing- er's head. Dennenay's blow escaped the eyes of the officials, however, and he escaped, NEXT WORLD'S PRO SCULLING TITLE RACE TOBE HELDINU. 8S, New York, N.Y, Jan, 18--The next world's professional sculling cham- pionship probably will be held' some- where in the United States, accord- ing to Bert Barry, 25-year-old British holder of the titles Barry, who won the championship by a tendength victory over Major Goodsell at Van- couver, December 26, is in New York on his way back 'to England, He will sail on the Aquitania January Barry has the privilege of naming the place where the next race will be held. He already is considering offers from several American cities, although the first challege has mot yet been received, Meet First The young champion said his next opponent would be the first challeng- er. He expects Major Goodsell wi ask for a return match. They have already raced twice i nthe last year. In the first encounter Goodsell won easily, but three months later Barry turned the tables, Barry said there was some talk that Joe Wright, the Canadian and American amateur champion, might turn professional and challenge for the title after this year's Olympic race, Barry's triumphant course follows that of his famous uncle, Ernest Barry, who won the professional championship in 1912, and remained undefeated until 1920, His victory gives England possession of all the main sculling honors, ' Jack Beresford holds the Olympic championshi while the diamond sculls, histor Henley trophy, was kept at home last' summer when R. T, Lee defeat: ed Joe Wright, U.S. TEAM SAILS JAN. 25 Pittsburg, Jan, 18--The Augsburg College hockey team, recently secur ed to represent the United States in the Olympic ice games at St. Morit Switzerland, will sail from New Y on January 25, W, S. Haddock, chair- man of the American' Olympic Club hacks oy Somitter, anounced ete t night. e team wil ay its first gantes February 11. Th Min. neapolis Collegiate aggregation was signed, Haddock said, after he had fully negotiated with num- erous other teams, most of which were unable to accept the Olympic assignment because of financial rea- sons, SENATORS RELEASE CHOUINARD stocky French-Canadian wing. player, has been released by the Ottawa Sen- ator Club of the National Hockey Leaggue to the Quebec' Club 'of 'the Canadian-American procircuit, Frank | made night, adding that the Quebec body had agreed to take over the player's contract which calls for 'an annual re- port in the Ancient City this Friday. It was only four weeks ago that Chouinard was signed by the focals. He has done relief duty as right winger for the world's champions. Madison Square Gardens, New York, Jan. 18.--The New York Rangers had a sweet opportunity to swing into first place im the American section of the National Hockey. ue last night. Les Canadiens, the flying red devils {of Montreal, were beating their rivals, the Boston Bruins, and victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs meant the top oncé more, But--and a big "but"--after leading for two lazy periods full of scrapping and scuffling but 1it- tle hockey, the . Ranger defence suddenly collapsed and the Leafs drove in. two goals in a last fren- zled rally to take victory by a score of 2 to 1, and the Rangers are still second, . Last Saturday night the Leafs raced all around the Rangers in Toronto, winning 'by a score of 6 to 1, So tonight's game was in the nature of revenge battle for Les Patrick's boys, They got their RANGERS LOSE GOOD |HAGEN WILL NOT CHANCE TO SWING LOSE MONEY IN "INTO FIRST PLACE " ROCHESTER CLUB New York, N.Y, Jan. 18.--Ine stead of losing the money he ine vested in the Rochester Baseball Club, Walter Hagen, professional golf champion, will obtain a sat isfactory financial settlement, John Conway Toole, president of the International League, disclosed yesterday. Reports weve that Hagen would obtain $10,000 in cash and $15,000 in club stock in return for his investment, but this was denied by Mr. Toole, Hagen had "nothing like $25. 000" invested in an option om the Rochseter Club when he failed to raise the remaining capital neces- sary to complete the deal, Toole said, The Rochester franchise was sold to the St. Louis Cardinals of the Natjonal League yesterday. Toole would not disclose the amount of the golfer's investment. bumped the Leafs plenty, but they er mn Sgn HOOP SPOON DdRPEEEE oo feoEEEemem-- revenge, for they hammered and didn't get the victory, sm ¢ NEW MARTIN THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ALSO Special Added ATTRACTION The Sharkey and Heeney of- ficial fight pictures taken at the ringside in New York last Friday night and shown in this theatre in less than a week from the actual fight, Blood will tell and the Picture Proves Jt! See It! We also present BIG BOY COMEDY "SHAMROCK ALLEY" FOURTH "The Trail of the Tiger" -- G-1-G-A-N-T-1-C See MILTON SILLS As You Like Him MATINEE DAILY 2.30 p.m. "BEN Final Showing To-night Thursday Friday EE OLIN TIR \'g 70 SESE nL a aun 4 min adm DD. Ae BEE i -- ---- = in