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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1928, p. 1

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E> Eo aot ar] * wa Baily Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. BUY HOME ON Royal Cust MASSON ST. oyal Cus Then M . lo pia 3 | ill Pave Two Mile y Stretch North of City ms Commission Sndcast the Gotham's M a -- (By Associa: 1 Press) 0) Secretary of State for Do- n affairs, answered a wide e of questions, "A fine, dig- ceremony," ~ was his com t on-the opening of the Fed- 'Parliament at Ottawa yes- day, which he saw for the first # His attention drawn to: the pecént. cabled criticisms made by ; Mw Lioyd George of the speech bo rg in Canada -by Col. Amery 1) ently anxious to snatch some y capital--he had better wait Je reads 'my speech more a. Amery had not heard of protests from the. United i pr in regard to British prefer-| tarifis United States shipping but pointed in Se eg was Smpossible for Bris 'ships id ister steamer Bi Between. "for instance wall and feu Francisso" working against -- Canadian Press) P n Hrd ; Ont, Jap. 27.--Prov- 1 h a at Domviie stated ! that Anthony Laurinoff and |b Bd binson of Brie 'Pa. who were rescued from a open boat near there will recover from frost snd the results of exposure. g t with 8 cargo of liguor for export and when their launch FAB; OBL out gasoline, abandoned it and took s row boat. They were prevented from landing by ! - ice and were In the opem no 2m Wednesday afternoon " ul Thursday evening. sanity defense and we have told. him Whitby, Jan. 27. = Columbus road, which is an extension of Simcoe street north at 'Ross' Comers will be paved for a dis- tance of two miles north from: the city limits, it was décided at | this morning's session of the Ontario County Council in Whitby. "A recommendation to 'this 'effect: was 'introduced by the * | committee on county roads' and after considerable discussion was 'approved. The paving of this two-mile stretch will cost $56,000, It will be twenty feet wide, ATTORNE Defies Lawyers to Keep Him Off Witness Stand in the "Trial HAMPERS DEFENSE Hicloman's Plan Would Seri- ously Affect the Case for Counsel (By Canadian Press) Los 'Angeles, Jan, 27.--William Hickman upset the plans of his de- fense attorneys today, defied them to keep him off the witness stand and declared that 'in the face of their (ie eh fl Di | ian Parker, g with his lawyers 3 pro- hr yo a ed his own plan, said would seriously: hai.., .. . fense, "We do ndt want iekman to take the. witness stand in w of his in- h. "Of course if he determines 'to talk. we cannot, <¢ im. $0," said Such a move would seriously injure defense plans." 4 WAGON FACTORY OF TEXAS PENITENTIARY DESTROYED BY FIRE (By Associated Press) Huntsville Tex, Jan. 29 ~The wagon factory of Texas penitentiary here' was destroyed by fire and brought under control, early today. No prisoners escaped and there was no disorder, the wuthorities an- nounced, Reports that the fire had been started by prisoners as. part of a plot to escape were circulated when the flames severed the electric wries and left the institution in darkness APPEAL OF TAXI DRIVER DISMISSED; 10 YEARS; 30 LASHES (By Conadisn Press) Toronto, , 2] ~The appeal of Pres i driver of Fort Francis, Ont., convicted of rape and sentenced to ten 'years and thirty 's has been dismissed by second ourt. . Complainant is a fit ik 4 / is i | i i 1 $ | h i : i f L | v y which his counsel, Jerome Walsh, and Rickard Cantilic. ELECTED WARDEN ONTARIO COUNTY G. M. FORSYTH Reeve of Pickering Township, who at the opening session of the 1928 Ontario County Council Tuesday afternoon received the highest honor which the county can bestow in municipal circles when he was elected ward . : Photo by Campbell COLLEGE 1S DEAD Rev, Francis L. Farewell, Principal and Governor of Whitby Institution Passes Whitby, Jaen, 26--Rev. Francis L. Farewell, B.A., Principal and Governor of the Ladies' College, Whitby, died at his late residence here tonizht, following a brief fll- ness. The sudden nature of his death came as a great shock to his associates. At all times an ardent prohibi- tion worker, the late Mr. Farewell, on Tuesday of this week, had head- ed a deputation which approached the Onterio Liquor Control Board with a view to preventing the es- tablishment of a yendor's store. in Wh'thy. That same day he had » attended a meeting of the Board of Governors of the college of which he was Principal, Board of Trade President Rev. Mr. Farewell was promi- nent not only in religious and edu- cational eireles, but also in public life. He was President of the Whitby Board of Trade at the time of his death and at one time was presced to take a leadinz position in the town's municipal administra- tive body; He was a graduate in arts of Vietoria College, University of Toronto, and had been Edrea- tional Secretary of the Methodist Church of Canade for a number of years. In 1917 Rev. Mr. Farewell suc- ceeded the late Rev. Dr. Hare as Principal and Governor of the La- dies' College, and under his super- vision, the institution had prosper- ed until at the preesnt time it has the largest attendance and waiting list in the history of the organiza- tribute to his memory, Pro- . B. Sissons, 2a member of Directors of the col- : "Throughout patient almost who had habitually others before self. 2.15 this morning on FOR RECTORY Church of England Buys the Property of Dr. Shirley FOR NEW PARISH According to information received 'oday Dr. Shirley has sold his resid- nce at the corner of Masson and illcroft streets, to the Church of ngland and that doctor will, for 1e convenience of those requiring is services, move closer to the busi. ess centre of the city, The Church as recently created a parish in the wrth east ward where work is to be Jegun at once and this newly ac quired property will be the Rectory of the Parish, Rev. R, B, Patterson, Rector of the Parish, will transfer from 'Woodbridge and occupy the Rectory early in March, ANOTHER CHARGE AGAINST AGOSTA Release Sought of the Flier Who Was Sentenced to 'Five Days (By Associated Press) New Haven, .Conn,, Release from New Haven County Jail was sought today for Bert | Acosta, renowned pilot, ' by His 'Exc "| sentenced days behind the bars for viplation of state aircraft laws. charging him with larceny of the | wisp 4 who was day to serve' five A warrant plane *'Spelitorf" from Teterboro, N.J., flying field, was left with the jail authorities last night by New Jersey officers, ed on the flier when he leaves Jail, This will be serv. Jan. 27. ch -. New York, N.Y, Jan, 27.-- Mayer James Walker has the distinction of being the first person © whose photograph was ever broadcast by a radio station over its regular wave length, so that who ever hap- pened to tuned in could ear it. Thousands of listen- ers heared a prolonged squeal, lasting for ninety seconds, and punctuated by a sharp, Rania cracking, as station NEUF put the picture on air, JUST BRIEF SESSION IN HOUSE TODAY State Bill Introduced to Pro- vide Ontari oWith Divorce Courts DEBATE ON ADDRESS Motion on Address Merely One of Thanks to the Gov- ernor General (By Canadian Press) - Ottawa, Jan. 27. ~The day in Par liament, today the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne will be moved and seconded in ons by: J. L. lisley, (Lib-Hants-King) and Arthur Beaubien (Lib,-Proven- er). Yesterday, Parliament was opened ; ellency Goyernor General and: after de iching f formal Long Big "Conftesles in s the House adjourned, In a state bill to provide Ontario ivoree courts was introduced. sue Senate does mot sit again till Tuesday. The debate on the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne will be opened in the House of Commons this afternoon when the mover and SPANISH AUTHOR NOW IN EXILE, REPORTED AS CRITICALLY ILL (Cable Service to The Times by Canadign Press) Mentone, France, Jan, $7. Vincente Blas¢o Ibanez, noted Spanish author, is" seriously ill here at his villa, He is suffering from a grave complication of bron- chopneumonia and diabetes, The condition of the author, who is pow in exile from his native land because of his opposition to the present political regime, s regard- ed as critics! and several physi. cick have been called to his bed- side, ; LINDBERGH HOPS OFF FROM CARTAGENA; BOGOTA NEXT STOP|p New York, Jan. 27.--An all Am- erican Cable Company stated this morning that it had received ad- vices from Caragens Colombia, reporting the departure of Colon- el Charles Lindbergh for Bogota, Charged with having liquor in a place other than his private dwelling house, Arthur Stewart appeared in request. Stewart wet goods on his hip, police state, at King street east. CLUB IN THIS CITY| i 4 | ty i § i i J | ER Kal ! Er f i i $ 4 fs iv hy ! | y was arrcsted with | of the motion will speak. The motion is merely one of thanks to the Governor General for the Throne speech, but members are permitted widest latitude during the debate, It js not anticipated that sitting today will be long, and it may be that there will be only two speech- es, Party leaders will speak on Mon- Before the debate on the address is opened, the Government tabled 2 final report of the Royal Commis- sion which investigated the adminis- tration of Department of Customs and Excise, now the department of National Revenue, FINED $1 AND COSTS FOR ASSAULTING WIFE The minimum fine of $1 with $7.70 costs was imposed this morning by Magistrate Hind on David MecDon- ald, who was convicted on January 21 of assaulting his wife and re- manded until y for sentence, Mc- onald was represented by Col Grierson, who stated that, if possible, both he and his wife should move back to their former home, pear Maynooth, .and leave this jurisdic- tion altogether. They have a , ently not been able to get well since they were married IY years ago. Proposes a Board of Three In Final Report to Customs ering and the next meeting the call of the president-elect, HEADS COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION J. P, MANGAN Well known local barrister who has been elected President of the On- tario County Bar Association, ONTARIO COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION J. P. Mangan, of Oshawa, is President for Ensuing Year BR RO : At the 'annual meeting of the County of Ontario Law Association held at Whitby, Mr, J, P, Mangan, of Oshawa, was elected president of the Assowiation, ris, of Port Perry, was elected 1st Vice-President; Mr, A, PF. Annis, of Oshawa, Miss M, Ray, - Secretary-Treasurer, and alse Li- Mr, Jobn Har- 2nd. Viee-President; was again elected bra'vian; and Dr. Horace Bascom and Mr, Arthur E, Christian were J appointed auditors, Directors was appointed and will consist of Dr, Bascom, who will act as chairman, and Messrs. A, F, Annis, T, K, Kennedy, A, E> Christian, and His Honour Judge Ruddy, The Board of Creighton, W, H. As the fees of the association have been the lowest in the proy- ince, on 8 motion of Colonel Grier. gon, of Oshawa, a resolution was passed in which it was decided that all the members fees in the City of Oshawa, Town of Whitby, Count yof Ontario Law Association per year, and that members from the Test of the county pay $2.50 | in ~ per year, This tariff will be in- augurated January 1st, 1929. Colonel Grierson was glso res- ponsible for the Association consid- two other items of busi- ness, the first concerning the 1i- brary, where many books had been taken out without the borrower signing for them. A resolution was passed prohibiting the taking of books for more than ten days, and also that no books could be taken out without the receiver first sign- ing for them. The books must be returned and in the library during the sittings of the Supreme and County Courts. This concluded the business for the snnusl meeting, p will be st Recommend Reduction in Number of Points of Entry and Revenue Collected -- Promptitude and Efficiency in Enforcement of Customs Laws Stressed -- Ask Ap. pointment of Staff of Dominion Appraisers With Ex. pert Technical ~ Creation of an Investi- Knowledge gation Branch Recommended -- Many Important Pro~ posals Contained in 25 Page Report on Investigations from Coast to Coast (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Jan, 27.--The final report of the Royal Commission on Customs and Excise was tabled in the House of Commons this afternoon, It is contained in a printed book of twenty-three pages, A score of recommendations, some of great importance to the husie ness world of Canada as well as to the private individual, are seate or inlividuals which figured in tered through the book. There is no mention of specific cases, firms an exhaustive investigation eon ducted by the Commission during the many months it toured the Dominion, Specific cases which the Commissioners considered of sufficient importance to report on are dealt with in a number of interim reports made to the Minister of Natural Revenue, Important recommendations made by the Commissioners are = |as follows: . 1--Appointment of a National Revue Board of three members headed by a chairman with all qualifications of a Justice of Superior Courts, One of the other members should be experienced in Cus. toms matters, and the other possessed of business training, The Board to sit in different Provinces of the Dominion, 2--R suction in number of points at which goods may be en- tered and revenue collected through Canada, 3--Promptitude and efficiency in enforcement of laws relating to Na- tional revenue, 4--Amendment to section 206 of the Customs Act so as to provide al- ternative punishment to imprison- ment, S--Appointment of a staff of Dom- inion Appraisers possessing expert and techuical knowledge of commo- dities Aopen Salle upon to aise. [3 after' examination of nts by the Dominion Board cf Abpraisers, 6-Revisiop and colsolidation of departmental regulations, Establishment of an information bureau to keep officials advised of changes in regulations, etc, HAR B--Appointment of Consular Agents in countries exporting large quantities of goods to Canada, 9--More expeditious disposition of seizures, 10--Appointment of preventive of- ficers by the Minister of National Revenue on 8 recommendation. of regional chiefs of the preventive ser- vice, be the subject of the Civil Service Act, Preventive service shouid not Creation of an investigation branch of the department of Nation- al enue, 12--Enactment of legislation to provide for seizure outside ferritorial waters of any vessel registered in Canada engage or suspected of be- ing £ngaged in smuggling operations 13--Prohibition of issuance of clearances to vessels or vehicles of any kinds carrying a cargo of liquor to the United States, contrary to the laws of that country, 14--The creation of an organization adequate to cope with frauds of un- der and over valuation, A5--Abolition of moiety payments to mental officers. Payments to in s outside service to be 16--Changes in methods of retir- ing, promoting or transferring de- contin partmental officers. 17--Power of compensation of offi- cers to be given to customs collect- Commissioners suggest that the con» stitution of the present Board of Railway Commissioners might be ade opted to a large extent with such changes as the nature of the work might require, he Board of Customs as at pres sent constituted does not appear to operate 'satisfactorily," states the re- rt, "All present members the wre customy officers, ; utigh "are in some re and members should be r rons departmental influence bout have all authority and independence of the court," The Commission points out as des fects of the present system that no written record is kept of evidence submitted, and that evidence is not now taken under oath, Also the pre» sent Board sits only in Ottawa even th it decides upon matters arise ing i various part of the Dominion, e jurisdiction of the new Board as outlined by Commission should be; . A--=To hear all appeals from rul- ings in customs matters, except as to the question of values, which will be finallp decided upon by the Board of Appraisers. To hear all aopeals under the (Continued on Page 8) PILOTS ALIGHT AT HOOGHLY, BENGAL Four Huge Planes on Empire Cruise Have Touched Many Points Without Mishap (Cable Service to The Times by : Press) Caleutta, India, Jan, 27 ~Four huge super marine ts Royal Air ce ah left Plymouth , on October 17, on an em- pire cruise of 25,000 miles, i i India and Australia, in charge group Commander Hew Cave- sein Mg LL ' " Ay p. In Ad . ces have been touched. Cochin and Madras, Chitka Lake, Bi- har and Oriesa states and ay, India. The flight is regarded as of other

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