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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1928, p. 2

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Ls BOWMANVILLE Melbcurne E. Turner Representative rinity (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 26. -- Trinity United Church held its annual con onal meeting tonight in church iself, in order to accom- modate the large number which attended, Rev, J. U, Robins pre- sided, The first part of the pro- gram was quite impessive with community singing and a well- chosen number of musical selec tions, A repory of boys' work in the town and especially in the church ftaelf was given by Greg Colmer, He outlined the boys' work pro- gram and pointed out that four froups of boys met weekly in Trin. ty Churrh, Of these four groups, the average attendance was esti- mated at 43. It was also stated that the bond selling campaign would start this Saturday coming, | and that the boys of this town .would work hard to surpass the objective set fof this community of #185. This plan, if successful , would give the boys' work board , hore money with which to carry : Om, {| W, J, Morrison gave the report . of the maintenance and extension { fund along with the official board |e | The statements made were on- i Jy inclusive of April 1 until De- comber 80, 1027, It was shown that $13,301.03 was raised by all tions of the church during the year of work and that the dif- ferent Missionary organisations raised the sum of $3,607.51 and the Y.P.L. $281, the latter for the [ maintenance and extension fund OHIROPRACTIC Shown endid Reports of United Church Pat the After net CE nk The Sunday School was report. Hn $727.50 ¢ yr -- 4 of which $238 went to the Jaintenance and Estension of the church, ©, Mason stated that there were 33 scholars, §8 cradle roll pupils and 31 in the home de- partment, At the present time, there are 76 teachers and officers of the Sunday school. A teacher's training course had been inaugure ated for some time and of the 37 members, 13 received their certis filcaten last summer, One of the most flourishing ore ganisations in the church ia the People's Society, which boosts a membership of 80. W, Ross Strike gave the Y.P.L, re- port, Mrs, H, Babcock gave the re. port of the Ladies' Ald, stating that the number on the role at at 113, The amount raised dur. ing the year was $362, The flow- er committees of the church was especially active during the pest year and rendered splendid service to the church, The Women's Mis- slonary Society passed an inspir- ing year with a membership of 157 and an average attendance of 82. Group leaders were extreme ly efMelent during the recent term, It was reported that a Missionary Study club had been formed a short time age and was rapidly growing in favor, Twenty-seven members are on the role of the Young Women's Auxiliary, The Mission Circle has 14 members and is also a new or ganisation, The Mission Band is composed of 38 members and the Baby Ban! 110, A duet was sung by Mrs. W, T. Cawker and Melville Dale with Francis Sutton at the organ, A trio composed of Mrs, T, W, Caw- ker, Mrs, H, Foster and Mrs, Jhommen also gave » vocal mum. or, Mr, Sutton gave the report of the dol of the choir for the are 40) members for the choir. It has » member. ship of 18, Hoe also added that an intermedigte choir was in opr eration and would sing ot Sander School on Sunday nest, is 1s composed of junior members of the school, NEWMARKST 5, Newmarket, Jan. 35.--Newmer- Intermediates struck their tonight when they defested i SHE Regular $79.50, f 69.50, * oH 49.50, 35.00, 25.00, 19.50, to Clear at Half Price Fine Imported Needle Points, Tweeds, Broadcloths, etc. Trimmed with lynx, wolf, fox paws, natural or dyed opposums, 1] i] $39.78 : 34.78 24.78 " Come and See These W. A. DEWLAND Es Two Stores Whithy, Phone 318 - Oshawa, Phone 2595 THE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH "HAD 500D YEAR For Schoo! feporied t 'es Auxiliary ission Soc 2 he W. unior M amen ission iety S7 and the Mission Band $3152, The Maintenance and Extension Fund together with the Missions toward tht ind Ttind > ec Board anagers iy aa . M, Kn . 0- thers and T. ip Ay Those flected other Nan ane f A Mellel: holl, , H, H, Jury, Boop E, Cha A. Cawker an J. H, Abernethey, Mr, Jury was slotted to the Board of Trustees, After the business part of the pro. gram the ladies servde refreshments, BR ---- cod ENTERTAINS . A "DELIGHTFUL BRIDGE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 26,--A de- lightful bridge was held at the home of Mm, Alan Campbell, Wel- lington street, this afternoon and evening, when four tables were arranged for eards. Dainty refreshments were serv- od at the tea hour in the dining room,' Mrs, J. A, McClellan pour- od ton and Mrs, Campbell was as- sisted by Mrs, P, Campbell of To- roato, Guests at the perty were Mrs, (Dr.) Hillier, Mrs. A. Tait, Miss M, Allen, Mrs, H. Burke, Miss A, Lyle, Mrs, J, L. Morden, Mrs. J. W, Als exanden, Mrs. J. A. McClellan, Mrs, P. Campbell, of Toronto, Mrs. Ayl- mer, of Peterboro, Mrs, A, L, Hag. erman, Mrs. (Dr,) Hazlewood, Mrs, (Dr.) Bonnycastle and Mrs, Leigh. Mallory. Mvs, Hillier won the first prise for cards and Miss Allan the second, 15 § : HOLD SUCCESSFUL HOMZ COOKING S'.LE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 36-~The La- dies' Association of St. Paul's Uni- ted Church here, held a home cooking ssle in the school room this raoon with a record at. tendance, Many contfbutions were made for the sale and a fing dis- iny was arranged by the mem r", In this ease one of the groups took charge of the sole and expressed complete satisfaction at the resuits, President of the Ladies' Assoc!- stion is Mrs. George Hell sand sec- retary, Mrs, G. Swindell, 5 of a ! 5 tiohy eH FE H TT ik) : i ii : & £ t TEES | ] ] ! | ie i hii tft ; i § 3 RY 11 i } it 2 Ly i 5 8 ; ! &E s i ] if f i LODGE PAYS VISIT TO BOWMANVILLE (By Staft Yoporter) as fol. Childs, of offers' was lows: president, Mrs, 1, J, ent, Mise 0 rE uard and. hry Mre. B. Parker to REE GUELPH O.A.C, HEAD TO SPEAK BEFORE THE figure MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB er Bowmanville, Jan, 26.--Professor J. B. Reynolds, Presidens of ogy tario Agricultural ge, 7 will be the speaker. at the Men's Canadian Club at the Balmoral Ho- te! Friday evening. Professor Rey- nolds is an accomplished speaker and will take as his subject "Is Agricul- ture in Ontario Progressing or De. clining". He will also deal with the question under discussion in relation to the town man, This meeting prom. ises to be a extremely interesting one; and the address will follow din- ner at 7 o'clock. Well Known Resident of Bowmanville Dies (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 86---Frank Burden, for some years a resident of this town, and well-known hy many, dled at his home here thie morning, He was in his 60th year. The funeral will be held at his late vesidence on Saturday after- noon at 3 o'clock and will be econ ducted by Rev, J. U, Robbins of Trinity United Church. The eor- tage will leave at 3.80 for Row- menville Cemetery, Members of the Florence Night. ingale Lodge, No. 66, 1.O.O.F, are to take part in the service. HE ao SHOWN IN WAITBY Increase of $7,7070 in the| | and 300 in north of the C.P.R., part- ly taken over last year by the town in lieu of taxes, The population of the town, ex- elusive of the Hospital is shown a8 3,467, an increase of 300. The hospital should add 1700 to this o total assessment is made up as follows: 1ADAS covet timer nene $564,666 Bulldings «uo semme $1,724,647 BUBDOIE «avnvwant snnen $124,288 INCOME wort mmm mere $86,370 There is an increase of $4,000 in the business mssessment, and in the bulldings of $22,700, where- a8 there is a decrease as alredy noted in the land assessment of about $4,000 and in the income sssessment of about $16,000. The Figures hb Wards By wards the apsessment is as follows: North Wand LADAS «overt oneen $245,047 Bulldings «eevee scmnnes T88,14° Business ..... 51,163 INCOM wens t vwew mun we 31.378 $1,115,612 $207,410 Buildings enema ame T45,175 Business 72,158 Income .oeveeves semen 47,193 $1,072,633 South Warde JANES canis sree $110,108 Bulldinms .cewoons 197,330 Business «oem 480 INCOME vt bt pom 902 $310,815 There is a notable decrease In the Jovy Ward income assess- ment, Tasurance Broker C---------------- HR ---- $4,200 7-Room Brick House, close in, all convenien- ces, in 1st class repair, on paved street, Small cash payment, Six-Room New Brick $4,30 House and unfinished attic, ash trim, oak floors, electric mantel and grate, divided cellar. Small cash payment, * ; Bradley Bros. Phone 169 29 SimcoeSt.S, Oshawa I ANS a 8 AUCTIONEER Real Estate Insurance 41 King Street West $3,800 "oer: taienes atte, all modern conveniences, close to G.M,C. Only $600 cash, W. J. SULLEY Phones 2580, 716), A ---- Better Houses For Sale New Houses Immediate Posgession URIAH JONES Phone 1047TW 461 Simcoe St, N, a ---- Whithy has its share of non-rev- enue producing property so far as taxes are concerned, The roll shows the total amount of exempt- able property, such as the town hed, fire hall, five school build- Ings, the Court House aud Registry Office, Caol and House of Refuge, six churches, post ofMce, armouries, Ontario Ladies' College, and the Ontario Fospital pile of buildings to be $3,066,084, an increase over last year of $25,373, or $432,077 Like every other municipality. able property, Whitby being the County town, its amount of esx emptable property is naturally larger than it would otherwise be, The increase in exempt property covers 'the new addion to the High School, In addition to the above statis tics, the roll gives the population as moted, number of school child. ren, names of those liable for poll tax, number of dogs, and names less than the total value of tax- of oll eligible voters, Its early HORTON & FRENCH _ Phos 9000 Mundy Bldg. SERRES A a CAR1ER'S Real Estate CARTER'S RRAL ESTATE, 8 King 84 EK. return will enable the Council to strike the tax rate much earlier, provided the estimates from all elvie departments are on hand when required, Speelal assessments such as #64,000 on the County BuiHings for sewerasze purposes oaly, and $4,088 on the Harris factory, as- sessed only for school and local fmprovements, net the town some Tevenue, The notices are now being de- livered to the ratepayers. 4 3 ¥ ¥ » J i y ' ) kt A pe ------ pecial Sale NEW PONTIAC "SIXES" To reduce our stock on certain models of the 6-27 series of Pontiac Sixes, we offer a limited number of these cars at drastic reductions under regular prices, Thais money saving Jud foe to interest you. time. All cars in be bought at savings that will not come special sale are which are sure wy: V¥ * 6 Cylinder Performance Every car has a beautiful Fisher body, duco finish, , along with the comfort and big 6 cylinder engine and long life that have made Pontiac "Six" thousands. of so many tens of | MOFFATT Phone 915 A od MOTOR "Our Used Cars Also Mahe Satisfied Customers" SALES 88 Simcoe St. N.

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