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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Feb 1928, p. 11

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HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, {HURSDAY, rEBRUARY 9, 192. The Shortest Route Between Buyer and Seller---Phone 35 MODERN FIVE ROOM hardwood floors, all streets PTET TEES J ear gy JOHN H, RENWICK, ORGANIST hy ho Studie A conan t street. Phone 200W, (Feb, 3-Mar, 3) M. OF PIA forte. 613 hi + avenue. hone 2361), Jan, 18-Feb. 18) ANNIS. BAR STERS tare ub ie + ¢ . n \ ER AE uh Bi AF Bi 8a TER dori ! (38) 3 SIN LAIR K.C. BANK N Be ding Sie lyr) ios®rH P MANGAN BA BAR ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con Cg a Ea, Buta Fi { t. East. wa HH Kg 51 phone ow & CREIGHTON-BAR ers, | veyancers Notaries Pu ete. (Office over Siudard, Ban ; t e 13. & epson, BA, T K Creighton. WA, p ah GERMAN & MAC enzie, rristers Conveyancers. otary ie, etc All hranches of minal and Civil Law Money to Office aver Lamble's store 2 St. east. Phone 940 D A , Swanson, H N German, F G. ackenzie . PARKHILL, BARRISTER. A Sandor, Notary: Public, Convey: ancer, money to loan: Disney Bldg. ite Post Office Phones, office in residence, 2239) ( LOUIS 8 HYMAN AND COM ny, Barristers Money to loan. er Dewland's Store, 16 Simeone street north, Phone 67, residence 1807W, (th _ Medical Cr ----- RE ---------------------------------- MRS. J. W. JAMES [8 PREPARED to give vocal lessons to beginners 284 Festubert Ave., Phoae 1561). (Feb. 2-Mar, 2) EC A hooks + 'Drew street east tH 466. ARTHUR LYNDB. VOCAL THAGH ar 1 fAmbadry Qonservatary, * rmto) pupils prepa exams oe Fridays, 92 Sim. one 8t. North Phone 371) A ) Insurance DAVIS AND SON: INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency m Oshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies. (118-tf) WHEN PLACING SURAN( E 'consult R. N [ohns, 80 Simeone north Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected (Oct 11-1yr.) a a Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON 621) | a security of thelr motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 8 King St, B 1441) UNLIMITED 'FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages Building loans Arranged Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420. (96 tf) ADANAC GARAGE AND MACH: to Durrant INE Shop, successor Machine Compan) machinery fepal N ing teeth installed, W. Phone 1214, Undertaking fa Ambaaoce * Reoience 1 t street east Chimney Cleaners GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK, NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell, Agents for Chimney Fire Kx- tinguisher, Phone 2719W, 877 Short Celina 8t, (Jan, 18.-Feb. 18) Rectal Specialist PILEA AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business Dr, Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard st, B, Toronto, ' (Jan, 19-Feb, 17) Woodworking C. H, MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St, B. Phone 2854), We specialize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors and frames, (ote) DR, BE, R, BARTON, PHYSICIAN surgeon and obstetrician, Office and pesidence 143 Simcoe Br. Phone 8621, Non, (Jan. 12-Feb, 12) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building loans. Legal work done at this office. A Parkhill, Barrister ~~ Disney og Phone 1614 (176-t: DR. 0, W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and vesidence, 656 Simcoe street north. r, Arlington, Phone 24165, Lt oi (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) DR. R, E. McMULLEN, PHYS! gi hn nt ciate 0 y meo ur Phone 2602, (114t0) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYS! cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Spe. cial reference to maternity work snd diseases of women Two years' post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor, Brock) phone 303 (118-t0) Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Bullders and Contractors--Ilarge stock used timbers, joists, planks, sheeting various dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft., piping trom % in. to 10 In, plumbing, strue- tural steel, complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limitea. Salvage Department, ronto, Ger vard 4100. (Dec. 30-Mar. 80° WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber. lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F Beecroft Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh awa, phone 324. (69-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- on, Accoucher. Office and resi- es King St. East, corner Victoria St, Cshaws. Phone 94. R. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN. 2 of infants and children. Of ne residence, 97 Bond east DR. B. cian bd sus . worl Aid 9 re Dory Block. Phone 2050, Office open 9 am. to 9 p m. Residence 161 King East. Phone 3416. (tf) a BA Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DPR. F T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Joronts, wil be o his office over Ju vell's Dr Store each Sanurday, from 1 be | pm. for consultation and treatment of ear, pose and throat only. y tmepts maye be made at store. Phone (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist HAZLEWOOD, PHYS! Surgeon, special attention and Electro DR. B. F. RICHARDSON, IN- terpist and post graduate New York over a years study on the t. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a. gto 4 pm, 7 to 8 p.m; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointment (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) DR. A. W. HARDING, POST GRA: duaste at Harper's Hospital, Detroit Edinburgh and Vienpa. Austria 1% Simeoe street N. Phone 1499 Residence 2548. (Jan. i3-Feb. 18) RE Dental Dk. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store. Simcoe St. South Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex traction. Phone 231, res. 2082. (1480) AES ---------------------------------- DR. § J PHILLIPS, DENTIST. OF fice over Bassettss Phone 950: Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FAINTING, PAPER ing, inin e wen I ry ricer right Work Suaranteed. 151 Huron street hone tf Beauty Parlors CECIL HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, 19 McLaughlin Blvd, phone 4627, Marcelling, Facials, Superior Hair- cutting, Scalp Treatments, Open evenings, (Feb, 7-Mar. 7) LADY MASSEUSE, FULL BODY treatments, Ladies only, Treat- ments by appointment, Phone 8143, 250 Albert street. (Jan. 14-Feb. 14) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESS- ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampoo- ing, and maplcure. 661 Simcoe street morth. Phone P18M for appointment. (Jan. 31-Feb, 29) Orchestra REGENT DANCE ORCHESTRA, music for all oceasiops. Phone J. Watson, 28384M, or G. Rey- polds, 693. (Jan. 28-Feb.23) Transportation CARTAGE AND TRUCKING nable prices Work done by day or hour. Phone 1286M or 53W (Jan 12-Feb,12* COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR ae 8 Bond St West. Phone 6 trucks for prompt service Moywg van and Slomge waichouse uipment Baggage sferr and from all trains {i Veterinary Surgeon g SHIRLEY. VPTERINARIAN. rer feo ( C.S DICKENSON. VS DISEASES of all domestic api d 1 yr Lereated. DPR H M COOKE. 9 SIMCOE ST ao Mitchell's Drug Store +d L E HUBBEI! DENTIST oxid oxygen gas for extras Office. Royal Bank lions Phone 948. residence. 13788 3u W. H GIFFORD. OFFICE DR Regent Theatre Residence ) 105). C. E. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- Bldg lia Bivd., Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West Lite Assurance Company of Canada = = Engineering and Survey'ng DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR jo Land Surveyors cers, subdivisions, town municipal engineers. so Bg 4 Oshawa. Phone 1635. (04h) Window Cleaning and Ciwil Engin- | sorted Wanted to Buy OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANFRS ~fouse cleaning. mondwork and floors screen and storm windows put ob and - removed. Phone 1302W. i MR S. 4 DEALER IN and all ki metals. ¥ ook onlled tor. Toons' Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 82 Elgin east. Mrs, Annie Pent: land, managing corsetiere, Even ings by appointment Phone 442) (1880) _ Watch Repairing F, A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited, (29-tf) Architects SEAL 0000000000000 o Classified Ads, Minimum charge--30e, A Each insertion le por Three 1 : iB bd ! fivet (three cents a ). Minimum charge for three i insertions, 60 conte. Box number 10¢ additional oy for 30 words o tent 18 cents a word per month for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3% Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment, Articles For Sale BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, 10' iron beds and brass beds, com- ! tresses, twenty and dollars, at nine and ten dollars, | sliding couches, child's crib, ! sideboards, extension tables, chairs carpets and rugs, 6 coal and wood cabinets, 17 Prince street. (32-c) | GAS RANGE WITH HIGH OVEN | for sale $10. 331 Centre St. Phone 1106, (32) | FOR SALE ~ STRICTLY NEW anywhere in city, Phone 896. C k STENHOUSE = GENERAL foe! Ek, md oya n ilding. e Res. phone 909), ud as Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St,, Phone 1847M. (10tf) Sy I I Te EE Furniture SECOND HAND DEALER, 188 Bloor St, East, Phone 1617M. (Jan, 18-1 mo) Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR-| § ing, Mr, Brown, Phone 1132M. (Jan, 28-1 mo.) Tire Repairing PIANO, APARTMENT BIZE, nearly new. Bargain for cash eo terms arranged, Phone 2433J. (31-¢c) | FOR BALE--A QUANTITY OF corn fodder. Apply to F. E,! French, North of Thornton's Cor pers. Phone 1708). (31¢)'! | APPLES! SPIES, SWEETS, ' Baldwins, ete. vegetables. or barrel. 84 Park Rd, 8. Delivered. F, Shaw, Phone 631, HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale Good condition. price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square eet of floor space. before new addi- tion was erected. It just the thing for a store or spartment block. Apply C. M, Mundy, Oshawa; Daily Times, Telephone (1006-tf ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Lire Tires for sale Jamieson Bros. e 438 (tf) , Cleaning and Pressing IF ITS A SOILED SUIT OR confidence, Repairing and alters tions dope by expert tailors, Prompt service. Telephone 509. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) WANTED--CAPABLE GIRL FOR general housework, Used to children. Sleep home. Apply 106 Bruce street, (33-b) EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for small , References re- quired. Apply 23 John St. (29tf) YOUNG RESPECTABLE GIRL wanted take care Es Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Apply 248 Burk street. : (38-2) | FURNISHED ROOM. FOR GEN- tleman, private home, board if de- sired. Eight minutes north Mo- tors, conveniences, Phone 2433J. (31-2) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen. Private home. Near General Motors. Apply 272 Jarvis street. (31-2) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Also extra meals Riven and meals at 11.80. Apply 97 borne St. E. (Jan. 30-Mar. 2)! ROOM AND BOARD. THREE, minutes. from G.M.C. Phone 25477.) 314 Haig St. (32b) y. __~ LOST--SILVER FOX FROM F. A. Van Gunter i Ranch. Lost end Found y 's Silver Fox ersons are requested mot to shoot this animal. Phone 332 r 11. (32h) LOST--WEDNESDAY MORNING | seven o'clock, ist watch, be-| i ONE OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, 1927 model. Like mew. Mileage 4.- 000 miles. Price $925. $400 cash. Balance easy terms. Phone bungalow, conveniences. Two hundred cash. Balance $3,600 on monthly pay- ments, Wm. D. Peebles. east, Phone 869, FOR SALE--3 cash, payments. Wm. Peebles, 869, 9 Bond east, ROOM HOUSE garage, hen house, large lot. $100 Balance $1,600 on monthly Phone (32-¢) EE Roy . te) t ; to WANTED--BUILDING LOT IN good location in city, State loca tion, and lowest cash price to Box FOR SALE~BRICK AND § seven roomed house. partly attic, Modern, Lot 40 x 207 Burk m. phone 1430M. CCO inished | Piano, cheap. Apply Box "J* . Double o garage, A bargain, Apply after 6 p. awa Daily Fimes, (30e) | Five 5 ROOMED BUNGALOWS $400 down. To see Firat pe conte ' por these, phone Mr. Barrow, at 2201. i (31-c) for sale. FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK veneer house. 159 Agnes St. Dec electric fixtures, three plece bath, , Wired for electric stove, hardwood { floors, garage, cement drive, deep , lot, For price and terms apply 16 Bond St, W, evenings betwedn /, (20-t0) orated, furnace, French doors, and 9, WANTED -- SECOND JAND $! - (33c) WANTED---STURDY CHEST OR Trunk to hold Scout Troop equip- ment, Reply to Box "F" Oshawa Dally Times. (33-0) For Rent FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM TO rent. Breakfast if desired. Ap- ply 185 Arthur street. (31-2) WAR R. IGHT ROOM FOR rent, slitable jor two el | Centrally located. Phone 15600, (43a) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent. Phone 721W, (32¢) FOR SALE-SIX ROOM BRICK house, furnace, clectric stove and fix- i tures, French doors, three piece bath, Private side drive. Also two lots. Terms at 1220 Clarke St. hardwood floors, garage. | FOR SALE--TWO NEW 4 ROOM i frame bungalows, wired for light, | new garage, side drive, large lot. $2,000, Small payment down and $20 a month carries it. Apply K. phone (3le) Price McKay, Wilson Road, 2437W, or Store Manager Wanted EXECUTIVE POSITION and controls large store in Toronto. with or without experience. complete charge. vesting three thousand Fully secured. Macy's, Yonge street, Toronto, 18s OF- fered as manager of branch store plete, steel springs, new felt mat. I» Oshawa Ladies' wearing apparel twenty-five Operated by corporation who owns downtown Man or woman wil and rockers, dressers, washstands, Fain successful applicant to take Must come well 'recommended and capable of in- ranges in good order, 2 kitchen us ig 285 (33-¢) Wanted to Rent laid eggs in any quantity, Delivered | WANTED--LARGE ROOM FUR~ y Provision (Jan, 30-1mo)! for electric or gas stove. Account- : "G" Oshawa Dally (32-c) nished or unfurnished. ant Box No, Times, r - | WANTED TO RENT-TWO oR ight housekeeping, No children. Box "N" is i (32 three furnished rooms for Oshawa Daily Times. BUSINESS MAN DESIRES FURN Apply Box (31-e) ished room. Central. "H" Oshawa Daily Times, Also potatoes and WANTED TO RENT-TWO OR three unfurnished rooms for light Sold by peck, bushel Mg Mh Bi (31-¢) housekeeping, Daily Times, | . (Jap. 24-Feb. 24) | SARTED THREW ROOMS ON or about March 15th, by married Central or near General (31-1) couple, Motors. Phone 657F. For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Phone 455M. St. E. Phone 1013M, king foreign oil concerns, Do You Own Your Own FOR RENT IN WHITRY, 6 ROOM house, centrally located, 8 piece bath, hardweod floors, with gar- age. $26, Also 3 rooms, $16, Ap- ply Bassett's 1 Simcoe St. (33-¢) 2 WARM UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, suitable for couple, Ap- ply 147 Oshawa Boulevard, (38-¢) FOR RENT--ONE: OR TWO nicely furnished bedrooms, with use of kitchen, First house north west Ross' Corners. (88-8) FOR RENT--BEDROOM. BREAK- fast optional. Apply 238 Golf St. Phone 1841M, (33¢) GARAGE TO RENT, PHONE 774W, (33¢c) * LARGE FRONT FURNISHED {bedroom to rent, suitable for two gentlemen, Centrally located, Phone 214F, (33¢) TO RENT--PART OF RESIDENCE centrally located to quiet couple. No children. For particulars apply P.O. Box 24, Oshawa, (33tF) Take Notice After several complaints and fre- quent warnings in regard to the King St, United Church driving shed, it will be closed to the public, except on Sundays, Mier February 11, By order, the Official Board, (29 Auction Sale A LARGE AUCTION SALE WILL be held at the yards of W, J. Sulley, 40 King St. W,, on Saturday p.m, February 11, at 1.30 sharp, Owing to the illness of Mr, Sulley, the sale will be conducted every - Saturday. Mr, Sulley will put an ad in when further changed. Articles for sale, Massey Harris Separator, good as new three burner coal oil stove, two gas stoves, one large epamel, top table, one parlor suite, three pieces, one gas heater, two washing mach- ines, one Victrola with records, dne divanette, 6 hens and a rooster, one Simmons iron bed, Terms cash. All parties having articles for sale will kindly notify E. J. Porery r J. E .Bullied, auctioneers, 18% Ki "N" Oshawa Daily Times. (33-¢). the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will offered by on SATURDAY, FEB. 25th, 1028 at the hour of 3 o'clock p.m. at the premises, 80 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ont, the following pro- perty;- ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract. of land -and mises situate, lying and being n the City of Oshawa in the Coun- ty of Ontario, and being composed of the Westerly thirty-seven feet (37) of Lot Number NINE (9) on the North Side of Bond Street as marked on a Plan of Lots laid out on part of Lot Number ELEV- EN (11) in the Second Concession in said City by John Borlase War- ren. Together with a right-of- way for all purposes in over and upon the Westerly seven feet (7°) of the lands immediately adjoin- ing the above described premises on the Hast; said right-of-way ex- tending from the Northerly limit of Bond Street, eighty-two feet (82') to the North, and SUBJECT to a right-of-way for all purposes to the owners and occupants from time to time of the lands immedi- ately adjoining the above deserib- ed premises on the East in over and upon the Easterly seven feet (7') of the lands hereby conveyed; sald right-of-way extending from the Northerly limit of Bond Street, eighty-two feet (82') to the North. The said property is situated in the City of Oshawa at 80 Bond Street West, and on the same is 8 house in a reasonable state of re- pair, ) Terma~--Ten per cent, of the purchase money ta be paid at the time of sale. The balance to he paid within thirty days of the date of sale, The sald lands and build- ings are to he gold subject to a reserve bid. For further particu lars and conditions of sale apply to W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bar- rister, Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa, Ontario. E. J. POMERY, Auctioneer, Osh- awa, Ontario, Dated at Oshawa, this 1st day of February, A.D, 1928. (27-33-39-45) RANGOON SURPRISED Rangoon, Feb, 6--The four Royal Air Force supermarine Southampton flying boats which left Plymouth on Oct, 17 on a flight to India, Australia and the Far East arrived at Rangoon ) from Aleyab in diamond formation today, It was the first time the people of Rangoon had seen a dis- play of this kind, and the airmen were given a most cordial reception. They will remain a week, and then proceed to Penang and Singapore, where they will spend a couple of months, reaching Australia in June, PROTEST ABOUT OIL Madrid, Feb. 6.--The State De- partment has made representations to the Spanish Government on be- half of United States oil companies whose Spanish stocks and equipment have been absorbed by the national oil monopoly, which has been effec- tive since Jan. 1 of this year. Great Britain and France have also pro- tested to the Directorate because of the whereby Spain would liquidate obligations with regard to on account of illness. W. J. SULLEY Real Estate 0 Br! 1 3 HS + ih ii i ¥ » Hi i f i re | 8 £] # | if L | § except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE He . Buin Lent Ema S8 E59, * BSSBLESES ip PYPTPTYPPTYS BEPEOPEREPERES i ES 141111] protean 33% 1.00 p.m, BLL ER PPPOPTTSeL Spm. 6.45 p.m, 9.40 p.m. i BEEF REEEES off Ed 141 I 3 Balak PPPPPTT BpERE 9.50pm. 10.10 p.m, 00pm 113 pom, fime marked * are tarough busses Whitby Hospital » SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Go'ng West la 53 i 21] BREESE FPTTPTe FBEBEEE if Soop agen i v SE EBBESE PPPOE P 11143 and Insurance DISNEY Better Houses For Sale URIAH JONES 461 Simcoe St N.

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