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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1928, p. 9

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-- IEEE Big Selling Event | Oshawa Merchants Announce The Oshaw SUCCEEDING 1he Oshawa Daily Reformer Y., FEBRUARY 22, 1928 a Baily Times od TWIN DOLLAR DAY SECTION -- a UU -S -DOLLLAR DAY 36 Merchants Participate in Semi-Annual Event Friday and Saturday to Be Red Letter Days in Oshawa Choice Stocks to ' Be Seen in All Dollar Day Stores How? How? How are we going to get rid of that monster stock? For once, the merchants of your city are worrying, ever so slightly, They have put in big stocks of goods for you this week, for is this not the Twin Dollaf Day selling event that takes Oshawa and Ontario County by storm? You won't have to look over old goods, out of season, that must be sold at any cost, when you come to town on Friday and Saturday of this week, The retailers of the city know what they are doing when + they engage in a dollar day . selling campaign, and ev- ery one of them will be . pight on the job tomorrow, : tting ready final details or cneir invasion Friday , and Saturday, They are doing everything possible to, co-operatively, make Dol- lar Days' successful, The 'anly way you can appreciate itis to satisfy your curios- ¢ and see!' LE T0 VISIT CANADA: "A. E." Guide, Philosopher snd Friend of Irish Peo- ' + ple to Lecture -- Toronto, Feb, 22.--A leading poet not only of his native. coun- try, Ireland, but of the English- speaking world, is to visit . To- ronto this month "td 'lecture un- der the auspices of the University of Toronto on "Some Personsli- ties in the Irish Literary Move- ment," He is George W, Russell, perhaps better kpown in the Lit- erary firmanent as "A, E.," poet, artist and all-round genius, Mr. Russell is the editor of the "Irish Statesman" and has been # leader of Irish thought for many years. He is an Irishman who has achieved fame and done much for his country without taking part fn politics. With Sir Horace Plunk- ett he played a prominent part in organizing the Irish farmers on a co-operative basis bringing about the establishment of co-operative stores and creameries and doing much to improve the economic po- sition of the tillers of the soil. A stout, heavy man with a mas- sive head adorned with heavy brown hair and a copious beard, he impressed one as a thinker and 8 philosopher rather than a poet. While the range of his poetry is not wide it is intensive, most of it being along the lines of 8 deep meditation on nature, emphatically that of a panthiest. Discovering and encouraging new Irish poets is Mr. Russell's pet He is also a painter .of snd is quite at home dis- . philosophy, politics and He is engaged on a limited lecture tour through the United States, and his } FRUIT GROWERS AT OTTAWA SEEK EXCISE EXEMPTION Ottawa, Feb. 21.--A delegation re- presenting fruit growers of the Nia- district was received by Hon. § A. Robb, Minister of Finance; Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of Na- Revenue, and Hon. W, Mo- therwell, Minister of Agriculture, this Unprecdented Business An- ticipated on Both of Twin Dollar Days -- Great Pre- parations Have Been Made to Make This Occasion the Greatest Ever Held in This City -- It Will Truly Be a Red Letter Event Friday and Saturday, February 24 and 25 promise to be red letter days in the history of Oshawa. These are Twin Dollar Days and are 'being taken advantage of by many of the leading' merchants who are offering various attractive bar- gains to the shopping public, Dollar Day was originated in order to give merchants an op- portunity of showing what won- derful values could be given for a dollar, In the case of articles sold for less, the same principle ap- plies, As a rule there is a single dollar day but this year the mer- chants working in co-operation with The Oshawa Daily. Times de- cided on a Two-Day-Sale, which will give everyone a double oppor- tunity of visiting the stores. There is not a single branch of retail trade which has been over- looked by the Dollar Day adver- tisers. A person can buy anything. from a lot to a grand piano, from a hair ribbon to an automobile, from a bottle of perfume to a pair of shoes, fropr a hat to a blouse, . everywhere, " of the henefits of these ollar Day campaigns is to bring together -d4 retail merchant in a big co-operative method to put' Oshawa "on the map." The bargains are so numerous and so attractive that people will come into the city from miles out in the country, In fact the offer- '1ings are so tempting that the peo- ple will be foolish not to take advantage of them, ,.On these Dollar Days there is not 'a single thing of retail trade that 1s. not represented by one or more dealers whether it is meat, groceries, dry goods, boot- and shoes, jewelry, men's wear, hardware or what not, that yo are looking for, you will not fai to find plenty of bargains at the Dollar Day stores, a complete list of which appears on ope of the pages of this issue. g to Shoppers This issue of The Times is so full of Dollar Day bargains that it is difficult to see how many more could be. erammed into it. Indi- vidual merchants have certainly excelled themselves in their endeav- or to make these Dollar Days long to be remembered by the bargain loving public. Values of the most remarkable kind are sticking out like sore thumbs on every page of the paper and in many cases where the supply is necessarily li- mited, it is only a question of who can get there earliest be- cause such bargains cannot pos- sibly last long. For this reason it is much in the ingerest of. all shoppers to be on hand as early as possible, even if the breakfast dishes have to wait till later in the day for their morning bath. It would be impossible to attempt to refer to individual bargains and "the special stunts" being adver- tised by various stores, but it will pay every reader handsomely to read every advertisement and make a shopping list from them. That should not be hard to do. But above all, be sure and shop early so as not to be disappoint- ed. VETERAN MINISTER CUTS YOUTH'S LEAD IN DERBY Quebec, Que., Feb. 21--The fif- ty-year-old dog mushing wizard fromr Nome, Alaska, Leonard Sep- pala, startled the dog-loving fra- ternity today when he dashed over the finish line clipping off eight minutes and 48 seconds from the lead held by the youthful Emile St Goddard, of The Pas, Manitoba, leaving Goddard with only one minute twenty-seven seconds' lead fp second day's race of the Quebec International Dog Der- Real Opportunities to Mark Two Day Selling Campaign On Big Twin Dollar Days These two days will mark the high water mark in low and at cost selling to Oshawa's public, The mer- chants have co-operated whole-heartedly in the Dollar Day scheme, as it stimulates interest in their stores, and the few sceptics who attend the Dollar Day festivi:ies, will be convinced that nothing that can be bought, 'or the body or for the mind is lacking in Oshawa's itores. The public is now ina better state, and better off financially than they have been at this season for many years, and thus Dollar Day, with its multitude of bargains and genuine sales, is singulrly appropriate at this time, Realizing all this, Oshawa merchants are preparing to sacrifice their present stocks in order to make ready for the Buying Public's Spring demands, As a result, Oshawa's Twin Dollar Days on February 24 and 25 will be a Festival of Bargins, Goods will be disposed of at prices ranging between 30 and 60 cents of their sales value, The merchants will profit through obtaining the room they must have, while the buying public will reap the richest harvest of true value bargains ever before offered in this city. Dollar Days, it is becoming more and more widely recognized are essential to progressive business, The buyer is not merely taking one store's bargains on trust, he has the pledged word and competition of a community of stores. : Consider that point about competition for a tion in bargains, Oly op Dollar Days oan customers lvalry. for their purchasing favour, Every store taking part in the Twin Dollar moment, Not merely normal competition, but eorapeti- expect to find such variety in offerings, or such keen YR Rd the antee pennant, eds of items ing lumped together at the bargain thout » ordinary sales value, Scores of offerings will be made below cost. From their advertisements apd special displays, wise buyers will make up lists of articles wanted in advance, and be on hand early to gét the pick of the Dollr Days choicest bargains. ar guar- Days on August 26 and "to their pA The| Following List Is Comprised of the Merchants Who Are Participating in This Big "Twin-Dollar Day' Sales Event WARD'S STORE, 83 Simcoe St. S. LAMBLE, F. T., 4 King St. E.' LEADER Dry Goods, 32 Simcoe S. LEDGER MEN'S WEAR, 26 King E. LUKE FURNITURE Co., 63 King E. MARCONI RADIO SHOP, Cor. Simcoe & King MURRY CLOTHING, 32 King W. NUT KRUST ELECTRIC BAKERY, 24 Simcoe St. S. OILGESSOR, N., 152 King St. W. ONTARIO BARGAIN STORE, 90 Simcoe St. S. McGILL, J. C., 12 King St. E. SCOTLAND WOOLEN MILLS, ; 11 Simeoe St. 5, SIBERRY BROS; Cor. Celina & King STEEL, L. R., 21 Simcoe St. S. THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE, Simcoe St. S, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Simcoe St. S. TTT Pdy PETE A A A) Sed B22 2 BB JR J Ji i J JS Jb Jha a Jha Ja Jean 8 Jt ee me a en a) BUI J he Jt 20 1a 20 a a Jt 2 ne ATKINS, 2 Simcoe St.8. | 1 ARCADE, Simcoe St. N, BALE"S Shoe Store, 18 Simcoe St. S. BASSETT'S Jewelry, 1 Simcoe St. S. BEATON"S Grocery, 18 Simcoe St. S. BRUTON"S Shoe S*ore, 12 Simcoe N. BURNS Co. Ltd., Cor. Simcoe & King D. J. BROWN, Jeweler, King St. W, " COOPER SMITH, 14 Celina St. I. COLLIS & SONS, King St. W. DOMINION C BABAR IAS 223 208 ses a. PAE A TT A rar Bi a a ee a aoe Co., 88 King St. W. EINHORN, S., 502 Sinjcoe St. 8. FAIR, 7 Simeoe St. 8, | FELT; BROS. Jewelers, 12 Simcoe S, , H., 21 Bord St. W. GATES, Meats, 22 Simcoe St. N. HOGG & LYTLE, 54 Church St. JOHNS Piano Store, 80 Simcoe St. KEATINGS, 27 Simcoe St. 5. KINLOCK, DON, 6 King St. E. eee dete ieee eet Ree ete Sete Beh BB 2 A 5 8 2 3 5 8 5% een eee es I J J J J J hh J Je JJ Jt Jee 0 Jo J Jt 6 20 J 200 Jn 2 Jn Se 20 20 200 i a ey EE TT ET A N. PE rR Behe teh bh a Every Line of Merchandise to Be Represented in Big Event Oshawa Merchants Have Ex- celled Themseves in Pro- viding the Most Attractive Bargains Ever Offered in Loca Stores -- The One Objective is to Pease the Hundreds of Patrons Who Will Visit Their Stores on Friday and Saturday Oshawa's merchants stick to- gether, There is hardly one of the larger stores that hasn't signified its co-operation in the Twin Dol- lar Days which are being present- ed for the citizens of this city and county on Friday and Saturday of this week. Placards announcing the event were distributed several days ago in every adjacent part of the county; the local theatres are carrying slides depicting Twin Dollar Days on the screen, and in many other ways the two big shopping days have been hrought to the attention of yeurself--the citizen, 3 From The Arcade, with ladies' wear, to Burn's Shoe store; and from Lamble's, with children's wear, to Felt Brothers, jewelers; and with every other line of business uniting in putting the monster selling campaign. across, ~there is only one possible result --savings for you, the consumer. Ward's departmental store, at Bimcoe and Athol streets, is one of the many stores with special features for the Dollar Days, in novelties and ladies' wear, The Arcade, Simcoe street north, fis giving special selling treats in milady's apparel. Special arrange- ments for the two days have been made by Cilgiesor's, King street west, in dry goods; H. Atkins, Simcoe street south, near the corner of King street, will serve in ladies' silks and dry goods; sand The Fair, Simcoe street south, will also be on the job in ladies' ready-to-wear, But, e'en though the ladies are receiving considerable attention (for, forsooth, do they not han- dle the pay envelope?) the men will also find Dollar Day merch- ants in abundance to fill their clothing needs. Siberry's, at King and Celina streets, are all keyed up; Don Kinlock, on King street east, near Simcoe, has 'an aug- mented stock to offer; The Do- miniop Clothing Co., King street ;west, is specializing in gents' | furnishings for, the two days; 'Ledger's Men's Wear, King street east, is boosting the co-operative event; the Murray Clothes Shop, on King street west, is featuring men's wear; and Keating's, the men's specialty shop, is also mak- ing special arrangements, | Even the sometimes luxuries will be profitable buying on Fri- day and Saturday, as Felt Bro- thers, Simcoe street south, are showing in their jewelry specials. Bassett's, at the main corner, have 8 fine line of jewelry specially priced; The Jobn's Piano Store, Simcoe street north, are springing 8 surprise which will be announ- ced tomorrow; and radios will al- 80 be, dollar for dollar, the best in price that you will get this seas- on, at both the Marconi Radio Shop, King and Celina streets, and the Luke Furniture Co., King street east. Orthophonic Vietrolas will be a feature at D. J. Brown's jewelry store on King street west. Many merchants are special- izing on Twin Dollar Days in both ladies' and men's furnishings of various kinds. J. C. MeGill, 'street east, is featuring Senps Lamble's, King street east, will | street south, King | Department AL All Dollar 4 Stores ow' With Pennants Pennants are a sign of victory, And when it comes to pennants, showing success, we have seen blue pen- nants, red pennants, velvet pennants, silk pennants,-- all kinds of pennants, Watch for the pennants on Friday and Saturday of this week, February 24 and 25. They will indicate Oshawa's successful stores --these aggressive stores that are engaging in the co-operative Twin Dollar Day effort, Pink Pennants, They will mark each of the official Dollar Day stores, Go to your favorite store on these two days, it will likely be showing these pink pen- nants in its window, If not ~-well, nearly every one of the larger stores in town will, from grocery to des partmental establishments, Watch for and patronize the pennant stores, : h the ¢ L. R. Stee any special attractions in small wares. Burn's Shoe Store, King and Sim- coe streets, "Better Shoes for Less Money;" Errol Bruton, Simeoe street north, in many _speeisl lines; and' Bale's Shoe Store, Sims coe street south, are all 'making special ~ preparations for these selling days with spring stocks 'of boots and shoes, The Nut-Krust bakery, Simcoe is specializing in pastries for the days; Gate's buteh- er shop, Simcoe street north, is giving specials in meats; Beaton's grocery store has specials for the market basket; and Hogg #& Ly» tle, Church street, and the Coop~ er-Smith Co., 'Célina street, are providing for a big turnover in these two days in flour and feeds. In short, the merchants of Oohave have lined up strongly or the benefit' of you onr wife--our most Vaineg ov. --- OTTAWA MAN. I85-HEAD EAST ONTARIO 3 ! Ottawa,' Feb. ,2L--Daniel E. Jolinson, Sparks Street merchant, wag elected .presidept of the East- ern Ontario and Ottawa Distriet of the Retail Merchants' Associa tion of Canada, at their ninth ane nual convention held here today. Other officers elected were: First: Ylce-President, A, Goulst, M:P., ot ourget; Second Vice-President; Chas, Hanna, ex-M.P., of Beller - ville; Third Viee-P, L A Sweet, ex-M.P.P., of Wi or; Treas Fer, A y Collins, of wa; Auditor, Alex. Paso, tawa; Secretary, J, C. A of Ottawa; Executive, B. G. Crab- tree, John Fajterson and Lorne Rochester, Ottawa; delegates to the Prov 'Board, T. W, Col» lins and B. G. Crabtree, CANADIAN NAVAL SER APPOINTMENTS APPROVED Ottawa, Feb. 21,--The appointments in the Roval Cans dign Naval Services have been proved, it was apnounced by the Dep 'of Nationgl Defence today. F. BR. W. Nixon to be paymaster lieutenant, R. C. N. to the "Stadas ona" 28 BELOW AT NORTH BAY North Bay, Ont., Feb. 21.---Ex- treme sub-zero weather has prevailing 'here for several the mercury went as low below. All Roads Lead to Oshawa Friday + and Saturday

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