E mAGE Si DOCTORS REJECT CANCER THEORY English Surgeon's Reason for Increase is Not Accepted Glasgow.--Lecturing on "Medi- zine and Crime" before the mem- bers of the Alchemists' Club of Glasgow University, Dr. R. AM. Bronte, the pathologist. advanced new ideas with regard to the province and duties of the expert witness. Dr. Bronte holds that a wedical witness, no matter what his emi- nence, should content himself with giving the cause of death. He denied that a doctor was more gualified than anyone else to re- construct the manner in which a crime was committed, and said: "In my opinion his evidence should be confined, with rare ex- ceptions, to his' post-mortem find- ings. Take, for instance, the dist- ance at which a firearm is dis- charged. i One often reads of a swearing to so many feet I ask you on what scientific facts does he base this evidence? Has he any special training ur any more experience than the man in the street on these imat- ters? Many of us in the war gained an experience of bullet wounds denied to our predecessors. and doctor away. | a fellow-being's pend. 1 submit that the farthest we | are entitled to go is to describe | the appearance of the wound aud | and the absence or presecce of powder grains or scorchinis. the direction of the bullet, with the | injuries caused to the organs in | its course, and the second wound | if one be present. | 1 have mot used the term "en- | trance" and "exit," as experience | has shown me the fallacy and | lusion | life may de THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928 LEAGUE'S CRITICS CHIDED BY PAPER Utterances Declared Propa- ganda of Thoroughly Mis chievous Character London, Feb. 23.--The Times error of any such One often hears medical men swear that death had ocenrred not more than or less than---hours or days ago. Is such evidence based upon any scientific grounds? It would' perhaps be an im- provement on our presen: system 1if the doctor make his examination | and report before he had the history. of the case. 'OUAKE ENLIVENS APN ELECTIONS editorially chides the overjealous League of Nations Union enthus- ias(s for some of the recent criti- cisms of the British Government disarmament and other League policies. It says: "If such utterances were iso- lated they would not be worth entioning, but unfortunately this kind of thing. dinned into the ears of uniformed audiences, all over the country is propaganda that often assumes a thoroughly mischievous oaracter--moreover many of the trained speakers at the League of Nations Union make a point of extolling every country but their own and imply that Shock Causes Confusion at Pells But No Damage Reported Tokio, Keb. 22.---Ballot boxes throughout the Empire were open- ed Tuesday but the result of Man- day's general election is not pected to be made public until to- dav. ex- | Britain alone is lacking in good will---a grotesque travesty of the truth. The League of Nations Un- ion has done useful work in the | past and has made the aims of the | League widely known. But the | pioneer period is over. The Lea- | gue principles are accepted abso- lutely by every party in the state, Cool judgment and steady pur- pose are much more wueful to the causes of peace and disarm- ament than sloppy enthusiasm or partisan preaching." A League of Nations | Union | AUTO DEMOLISHED | FIRE CHIEF HURT Feb, 22. -- Fire Chief Charles. Jenner and his chauffeur, R. Sinclair, had a re- markable escape from inury or | death tonight when the Chief's | light roadster crashed into the rear of the new ladder truck at Dundas und Adelaide Streets. The ' heavy guy pole projecting from the rear of the truck plerced through the engine and hood on the Chief's car and entered the rear of the driver's seat directly be- tween Chief Jenner and Sinclair. The ladder truck had stopped at Adelaide Street, between a street car and the curb, The Chief's car was following immedi- ately behind and when the brakes were applied the car skid- ded 'heavily iuto the rear of the truck. The pavement was ex- tremely slippery at the time owing to the slight drizzle that was fall- inp. Chief Jenner's car was demol- | ished. Neither man was cut by glass, although the windshield was splintere by the impact. Two of the ladders on the truck were broken. The accident occurred at 9.30 o'clock while the department was answering a box alarm at Dundas and Eva Streets. The call prov- ed to be a false alarm, as did an- {other call to Talbot Street and the C.N.R. tracks. BRITISH AIRMAN London, Ont. | BIRTH CONTROL THREAT TO RAGE Declared More Serious Men- ace Than Disease or Plague New York, Feb. 23.--Birth con- trol is a more serious threat to the human race than disease or plague and might practically wipe it out in 100 years, in the belief of Profes- sor ~James W. Mavor, biologist at | Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. "We do not always realize how vital for the species is its rate of reproduction," the biologist said in an article published in the North American Review. "If, and the thing is by no means impossible, not occur, the social disorganiza- tion due to lack of workers might induce a returm to ocnditions simi- lar to those preceding of civilization." PORTLAND AND CANAL ROAD Portland Canal Short Line Rail way, from Stewart east, will uiti- mately be Peace River to provide an outlet from that district to the coast, was announced today. The charter for the line was recently from Sir Donald Maun by the Van- couver Holdings Company, in which is associated Hon, and English interests. : : DOG SAVES A LIFR a Boston bulldog, put Stamford on the animal map giving his life for his master when his house" took fire this morning, William Emanski, roused, from a sound sleep when Jip pulled the covers from licking his hands and barked Mr. I Emanski had to climb throug) a window, The firemen burned to a crisp beside the bed. man should suddenly discover and perfect some means of birth contro! which was universally and easily obtained, the human spe- cles might approach extinction in 2a single generation. applicable STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT "Even if actual extinction did Cs the advent TO TAP PEACE RIVER Victoria, B.C, Feb. 22.--The safest fonied About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. built through to the | % it, bought Low rental. H. H. Steven BUT DIES IN FIRE Stamford, Conn., Feb, 22.--Jip CHARLES M. MUNDY c/o Mundy Printing Company, Limited early today by | a grocer, was Telephone 35 or 312 him, found Jip | 4 B The only disturbance during the election was an earthquake cen-| speaker from a church pulpit | tering at Yonago, in the Shiman | Monday declared that the war | province. This caused confusion | mongers were shricking across the | at the polling places and stopped | Atlantie, and relations hetween clocks, People ran from their | Britain and the United States homes. No casualties were report-| were worse than at any time in ed. There were no riots or fight-| the past fifty years. ing during the election, although - - charges of violation of the 'elec- | MR. e tion law during the campaign ap- NIPEG AND KENORA Feb, 22.--Hon Peter | room proximated a thousand. | Oftawa, | It was unofficially estimated that | Heenan, Minister of Labor, is en 75 per cent of the 12,000,000 en- | route to Winnipeg in connection | titled to vote under the new man-| with industrial matters in the on a A mmm bat | hood suffrage law exercised their | Manitoba Capital. While there the to Penn. Station -- in the {| vights This law extended the | Minister will address the Trades of Gurment Omir. 1) wa saw so 'many varied and so many apparently impossible wounds that we at any rate wou!d nesi- tate before dogmatising and giv- ing evidence upon which perhap: WINS NEW LAURELS Captain Hinckler on Record Flight From London to Australia Bandong, Java, Feb, 23. Bert Hinckler, British flier who, ar- rived here Monday after a 600- mile flight from Singapore, en route to Australia, has added fresh laurels to his reputation, Already possessed of the dis tinetion of making the first non- stop flight from London to Rome, Captain Hinckler, since he hopped off from Croydon, England, in his baby plane on Feb, 7, has made what is called the longest solo flight and the longest flight accomplised in such a light plane, His was also the fastest journey ever made hetween England and India, but his time of 14 days | from Europe to Java is four days | longer than was required by Lieut. | Koppens, a Dutch pilot who last | October flew a monoplane from | Amsterdam to Java, Captain Hinckler expected to continue his journey Tuesday with pr ---- < mm f a hop to SBourabaya, Java, He now Quality Counts |? appears likely to realize his hope | i of bettering the record of 28 days | for a flight from [ILondon to | | Australia made by the mith bro- thers in 1019, LOBLAW * GROCETERIAS €O. LIMITED Personal shopping is endorsed by more than half a million thrifty housewives of Ontario who shop at Loblaw's each week--they have learned that our experts have shown every care in selecting from a vast number of brands and grades of food only those foods which are the very best of their kind, At Loblaw's you shop without being influenced by clerks, with no delay; neither do you need to hurry, and furthermore you are always sure of getting the lowest possible prices. Two Stores: 39 Simcoe St. North 156 Simcoe St. South SE ~ | Here Are a Few Leaders re in Their Particular Line LUX Toilet Soap CRABMEAT 3 cakes 23¢ JENAN WILL VISIT pI on} oo EF | tronehise to 10,000,000 new voters| and Labor Council. Whether Hon, {ord the estimated turnout exceed- | Mr. Heenan will take up with Pre- | cd expectations, mier Bracken the matter of apply- It. is understood that if the Sei {ing the Old-age Pensions Act to tukai, or Government party is de-| Manitoba could not be ascertained | feated the Government will carry | here, On his return the Minister lon until the special s2szion of the [will stop off for a day at Kenora, | Diet. "Ont, ABERDEEN HOTEL 37 Wass baad Bc, ness 5th Ave. NEW YORK Yohn'D. Downey, Mewegrag Director . STRSONAL SIRVi(i 7 SPECIAL LILY BRAND Chicken Haddie DIRECT FROM THE OCEAN TO YOUR TABLE, LARGE TIN Largest sale in Canada hd Lenten Dishes SALMON, Sovereign Brand, The Pick of the Catch, Finest Quality, Sockeye, Halves, Tin, SALMON, Walrus Brand, Qual., Cohoe, Halves, Tin, KIPPERED HERRING, Macono- chie's Imported, 1's DOMINION RES | EE, PRS Heels w 27c¢ The price of Japanese Crabmeat was too high for the average home, but with the improved methods inaug- urated by the Japanese Government in the trapping and canning of crabs ~= this, in conjunction with our modern merchandising system allows us to offer yon this finest crabmeat at a price lower than other fish foods and much lower that lobster, You can serve crabmeat in every way thay yon serve lobster. At this low price we are selling only twelve tins to a customer, - x ROBIN HOOD Porridge Oats With China Premium Large Pkg. 37¢ MOSCOW SUFFERS Singapore Sliced yo | Pineapple 2 un 23C | R FOOD SHORTAGE : : -- Vigorous Measures Being | Finest Santa Clara Taken to Remedy the | Situati PRUNES Moscow, Keb, iy short- Medium 2 bs. 15€ Large 2m: 21¢C age of flour, butter, eggs, Soaps Smyrna Cooking and textiles has reached such a Figs 2.21c| Lenten Foods serious stage here that the au- Sardines 2tins 25c¢ thorities have decided to take vig- Norwegian, in Olive Oil orous measures to remedy the sit- uation, While these commodities may caroni 3 pkts. 25¢ Tasty Cuts Maraschino | r..cy Quality be purchased at exorbitant prices Cherries [Shrimps 23ctin in private markets they are scarce 8-oz bottle 25¢ | Chateau Cheese in many of the government co- operative stores, and in fact some It Spreads or Slices 37c 1b. For 21c government stores have been forc- Sweetheart| Chicken Lobster V2's 43c Fancy 17¢ 23c 14¢ 21¢ 13¢ 21c 3c 13¢ 39¢ Cheese | ROQUEFORT CHEESE, Fancy, French Imported, GRUEYRE CHEESE, Swiss Import- ed Solids. Pkg., GRUEYRE CHEESE, Swiss, Import- ed Solids. 6 portions, pkg., INGERSOLL CREAM and PIMEN- TO. Spreads like Butter, Medium size pkg. 2 Pkgs., CHATEAU CHEESE, Sandwich. 13 Ib, Pkg., CANADIAN CHEESE, Prime-0ld. Fry's Cocoa The World's Finest 1; 1b. tin 24¢ HARRY HORNE'S DOUBLE CREAM CUSTARD A Real Treat for the Whole Family 10 1bs Finest Granulated onochie's Imported, 1's HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce, Mac- onochie's Imported, 13's FLORIDA SHRIMPS, Finest Qual, Wet Pack. Tin, SARDINES, Skipper Brand, Dainty and Delicious, 2 Tins KIPPER SNACKS, King's Plate Br. Really Delicious. 2 Tins, LOBSTER, Positively the Finest Lobster packed on the North Shore of N.S. Halves (6-0z.) Loblaw's Fruit Cake CHERRY CAKE, Really Delicious RICH FBUIT and NUT CAKE. It's Good. Lb, , FRESH VALENCIA CAKE, ih, ....: '» COOKIES, Loblaw's Style. Campbell's All kinds Aylmer except Chicken and Rice 2 tins Z5¢c 2 tins 19¢ 33¢ 3c 25¢ Mincemeat While it lasts 2 Ibs. 25¢ Silvergloss Starch 2 rks. 25C Flexo Ba. 21° Soap can be Shelled Walnuts 49¢ 1. 40-0z. Jar Raspberry or £m tin on | ig 45 c "TASTY" lack of supplies. Purchasers have been standing In long queues 8- | waiting for hours an opportunity to make their limited purchases of necessities. Sometimes they reached the counter to be told that all of the goods of the kind they desired had been sold. Several instances have been reported where the co-operatives ceased selling altogether to the public although continuing to sup- ply small rations to their mem- bers. This situation, recalling the days of a famine, has been attributed primarily to the grain shortage. The resignation of Alexander Pet- rovitch Symrnoff, Commissar for Agriculture, because of failure | to manage the grain storing cam- paign which fell 2,000,000 toms short of the previous year despite the increased harvest, was re- ported Monday. A slight improvement in the grain situation has been attributed partly to the recemt visit of Jo- seph Stalin to Siberia where he issued new imstructions to the officials there in the hope of persuading the peasant farmers to send their grain to the mark- ets. ' WOMAN LOSES FINGER Hepworth, Feb. 22.--Mrs. James Davidson, wife of an Amabel 32¢ 26¢ ATi 3bc Finest Hallowi 36c 32¢ CANADIAN CHEESE, Mild, Finest Quality. Lb., LOAF CHEESE, Ingersoll, Rich Flavor, Lb., Butter High Park 42¢ Ib., Cherry Valley, 40c 1b. Our enormous sales of butter are the re- sult of consistently providing good quality butter at a reasonable price. Our famous High Park Brand is the very finest fresh made butter obtainable. Our Cherry Valley Brand fs real good high scoring quality, It's unnecessary to pay more and danger- ous to pay less. SPECIAL-- McLaren's Invincible JELLY POWDER A DELICIOUS AND MOST ECONOMICAL DESSERT 6 tsi 30c SPECIALLY PUT UP IN HANDY CARTONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We want every customer to try ome carton, but no more than two car- tons will be sold ag this ridicul- ously low price. PURE BASPBEBRY JAM, Ross Br, 16 oz, jar. Jar, ter PURE STRAWBERRY JAM, Ross Brand, 16 oz. jar, Jar, RY-KRISP, Delicious, Appetizing and Tasty. The Original Large Package. , GRAHAM FLOUR, Whole Wheat, Stone Ground, 2 Lbs. CORN MEAL, Fancy, Golden, Ib. ROLLED OATS, Quick Quaker with China. Large Pkg., POST'S BRAN FLAKES. Now you will like Bran. Pkg., COFFEE, High Park Brand, Finest Quality. Roasied and Ground Fresh Daily. . 2 Ib, 20¢; 1 Ib. COFFEE, Loblaw's Special Blend, Steel Cut. .... 3% Ib, 22¢; 1 Ib. BEETS, Rosebud, Aylmer Br., Fau- cy Quality. No. 2 Size Tin. Tim, . . 22¢ CARROTS, Baby Size, Small and Township farmer, had three fing- Tender, Nature's Best; No. 2 Size TOMATOES, Aylmer Brand, Choice ers of her right Land completely Tin. 16¢ Qual. No. 2 Size Tin. 2 Tins, it's Wrapped. Made in our own Bakeries = severed when her hand came fn y - = y _ Fruit Cake 35 ih. {contaet with a circular saw yes- a . - Special-- Pearl White Pure Orange 12 Cubes : Mar Woappch eT I 5 won sien ox ti a Tama . 5 ro wruATIORD NAN FED ware e SOAP|IMARMAL ADE Peaches [Cakes Bugwheat os, | Wd Family Stratford, Feb. 22.--Visian G No.3 i9¢ and Pure Quebec Large bottle 19¢ 21c 48¢c llc 5c 3c 12¢ 57¢ 43c ed to limit sales owing to the Haddie cakes Bordeaux Delicious Assorted Chocolates Halves Crisco For Frying or Shortening MclLaren's Invincible Jelly Powders 4 puts, 25¢ | 3 cakes 22¢ Teas oi 59, Jatinctve Domino 69¢ Bb. ve English Breakfast Style flavor Richmello Sgn Aw= 79¢ Ib, woe [Oxo Cu Yellow Cling | Wheat ASPARAGUS TIPS, Fancy, Calif. Libby's or Delmonte Brand. Picnic Size. Tin, 2 1 Cc PEAS, Aylmer Br, Choice Quality. 27 No. 4 Sieve, No. 2 Tin. 2 Tins, .. c 16¢ RADIO PEAS, Large, Tender and Sweet. No. 2 Size Tin. Tim, .. CORN, Aylmer Br. 15 oz. Tin. Tim, position _of Divisional Freight Agent for the C. N. R. here to the 'same post at Montreal, was sig- | nally honored here today by a dou- | | ble gathering this afternoon and | evening, at both of which events} he was made the recipient of sub- stantial gifts and many eulogistic romarks. | | Snell, recently promoted from the re Syrup Maple Syrup