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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Mar 1928, p. 5

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A ------------ Ba a a ond mn | CHNAINUAND | SOCLALand {4 coN MEETING {| Rev. E. A. Brownlee, of Toronto, Gives Address-- Prayer Circle Formed A meeting was held in the Y.M. C.A. parlors last night in the in- terests of the China Inland Mission, that interdenominational evangeti- cal missionary enterprise that was founded by Hudson Taylor and that now has about twelve hundred missionaries in China, many of them in the far interior ' The meeting was addressed by Rev. E. A. Brownlee of Toronto, the General Secretary for Canada, and Miss Struthers, the Literature Secretary. Rev. FI. Dickie, who spent thirty-eight years in China under the Mission, and who is now a resident of Oshawa, presided. As a result of the meeting it is hoped™to form a Missionary Prayer Cirele that will meet monthly and help to 'keep alive interest in the work as well as offer regular prayer for it. In his address last night, Rev. Mr. Brownlee dealt with the his- ors. tory of the work and some gf the splendid achievements that have heen accomplished down to the pre- sent time. He also spoke of the troubled condition of China and PRINCIPAL SPEAKS |e. AT NORTH SIHLOE [=e Zoot ek vores LEGION TO ENTERTAIN LADIES' AUXILIARY The Times iuvites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items te this column, Send in a vastcard or phone 35. --Mrs, J. C. Young and son, Malcolm, King street east, are leaving today for a three weeks' visit with relatives in Ottawa. ---NMr. and Mrs. George Price of Toronto were visitors during the week-end at the home of Mrs, J. Hele, 93 McMillan Drive, --Mr, Percy Newton has return- | ed to his home in Detroit, after spending a few days visiting at the home of Miss Mirell Culley, Lloyd street, --NMrs. E. C. Henley was the hostess to the members of the Stalter "Y" last evening when she opened her home at 147 Alice street for the regular monthly gathering. The evening was spent very enjoyably in games and music, then dainty refreshments were served, the rooms being beautifully decorated with St, Patrick's col- North Simcoe Home and School Club regular meeting was held Monday evening with the presi- dent, Mrs, H. Smith, in the chair, The meeting was opened with the singing of "0 Canada," followed by the roll call and the reading of the minutes of previous meeting, Va- rious reports followed and a few items of business were disposed of. A short musical rendered as follows: Miss Marion Ross gave a pleasing vocal solo, Bruce Holloran presented an in- strumental solo, and Mrs. T., Rap- son also gave a much appreciated solo, The main feature of the eve- ning was the address hy Mr, A. 1. O'Neill of the Collegiate, in-which he spoke of some of the problems we have in educating the young people of today. At the close of the meeting dainty refreshments were served and a social half hour was spent, Post 43 of the Canadian Legion are entertaining their Ladies' Au- xiliary at "Fish and Chip" supper tomorrow. night in the market building. Announcement is also made that the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion have accepted an in- vitation of the Lambton branch to attend a social evening at Lamb- ton Park School on IPriday," March The local members will go to town in a body, in a special program was 23. that bus. At the last meeting of the Legion the members of the old Imperials entertained the post, and a fine time was enjoyed. Music publishers now claim that the radio is decreasing the sale of popular songs. The radio goes up another notch in our estimation,-- Kitchener Record. Si A hot breakfast in two minutes THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1928 l . The find with and, dds trad For face, size the book 1174, 'bye-bye" land. made with a yoke that plaits at the neck-line. entire outfit. WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST | 1n74 Baby's First Short Clothes When baby is ready for short clothes mother will be happy to this combination pattern, No. which contains a shert coat, or without cape, short jacket bonnet. Just everything for The simple coat is always a little graceful touch to the ght line. The round collar gives a tailored finish and is cut for comfort. The cape adds warmth for the cool days. It may be sewed in one seam with the collar to the coat, or made and used separately. the cool days and warm even: ings, when just some light wrap is wanted, the simple little jacket with set-in every need. The bonnet, with a re- ver that is becoming to every baby sleeves will quite answer fits nicely by the use of small Cut in one and requires 27% yards for the Price 20 cents the pattern, i Our Fashion Book, illustrating newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the 10 cents the copy. Enc low tee PATTERN PURCHASE To The Oshawa Daily Times Please send patterns listed be- COUPON Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, losed find : MEd isriss #iZe ,.0000 EE ERR EE EERE EERE Name srr este RRR R IRR YTS saw SCHOOL CLUB TO BANQUET TEAW South Simcoe School Club Hold Regular Meeting-- Dr, Dougall Speaks Mrs. J. C, Wilson, president, occupied the chair at the regular monthly meeting of the South Simcoe Home and Schoel club last evening in the assembly hall of the school which was opened with the Lord's prayer, A banquet will be tendered to the senior hockey team who won the city school championship, at which Mayor R. D. Preston will present the cup, The junior hockey team and last year's senior hockey team will also be guest at the ban- quet, Mrs. L. L. Corrin was ap- pointed the delegate to attend the 0.E.A. convention being held in Toronto during Easter Week, At the close of the business period Dir. H. 8S. Dougall presented his very interesting and instructive illus- trated lecture on the ancient world. The lecture was enjoyed by all. The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the Na- tional Anthem. MARY STREET HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Hear Fine Address Given By Lt, Col. Frank Chappell Lt. Col. Frank Chappell was the speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Mary street Home and School Club held last evening in the school, giivng for his sub- ject "The Origin of Words and Phrases in the English Language." He spoke in a most interesting and comprehensive manner, Mrs, Frank McLaughlin, presided over the meeting, and an enjoyable musical program was given, a Red Cross dialogue in song by six of the br of Miss Wilson's room and a pleas- ing solo by Mr. J, Fleming, while Mr, Stacey acted as accompanist, The prize of One Dollar for having the most mothers present was won by Miss McLeod's room. After the usual closing exercises, dainty re- freshments were served and a so- cial half hour spent, GURKAS HASTENING TO AID OF BRITISH Basra, Mar. 4. -- A Gurkha bat- talion is being brouht from In- dia 10 Koweit to support the Roy- al Air Force and Koweil forces against an expected Wahabi at- tack from Njed, The Sultan of Koweit"s messengers have return- ed from Riyadn with a message from the Wahabi King. saying that he could not answer for .the Mutaci or Ataibh tribes, and tell- ing the Sultan of Koweit he had better fake his preparations against attack, The messengers add the mustering ribes in Nejd, that they of hostile Address lFown Province , ... Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps or coin, Wrap coin :arefully, srs serra rem RreR * MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS » Get this Music Roll for the Children hiest™ has happened , years. They can sing as they the words are printed on the Roll. And how will play this ILvery boy and girl will just naturally fall in line for "Tin Pan Parade." Get it for your Children at the near- st music dealer's. Some of the other latest "*hits" are: Among My Souvenirs The Doll Dance Arz You Thinking cf Me To-night? Diane The Song Is Ended Did You Mean it? I Told Them All About You Blue Heaven What'll You Do A Shady Tree Henry's Made a Lady Out of Lizzie Your Dealer Hasn't These Rolls, Write to the Kiddies march-tune that pia} they It's cate Q.R.5. MUSIC COMPANY, CANADA, LIMITED 310 Spadina Ave. Toronto 2, Ontario Listen in every Wednesday, 10 p.m., Q.R.S. Hours A TORONTO GIRL CAUSES SENSATION London, March 6.--JFlashing ov- er the ice like an ethereal nymph garbed in emerald green, little Son- HEADACHE RELIEVED ++» QUICKLY move the bowels free from pain and unpleasant after effects. They relieve the system of col .- tion poisons which many times cause a dull and aching head. Remember they are a doc. 1or's prescription and can be given with abso. Jute confidence to every member of the family, All Druggists 25¢ and 75¢ Red P s. PILLS ja Henie, of Norway, won her sec- ond world's championship in ladies figure skating today, with the graceful, spirited Maribel Vinson, of Boston, in second place, Only a few points separated the two in the official scoring, Miss Henie get- | ting 1,865%, and Miss Vinson 1,- 778 points. : Probably the biggest sensation of the whole exhibition was Con- stance Wilson, of Toronto. Clad in white from top to toe, she spun, folated, dived and dipped like a Canadian snowflake. Miss Wil- son's point scoring in yesterday's compulsory figures, however, was not on a level with the other com- petitors, and she was placed fourth with 1,721% points. Third place went to Fritizi Burger, of Vienna. who, in a cerise costume, seemed to be a red flame darting about the rink. She scored 1,765 points. According to Ulrich Salchow, presideni of the International Skat- ing Union, both Miss Wilson and Miss Vinson have good chances of winn ng ithe championship at Bu- dapert roxt year. Miss Vinson has all th= cash and zrace of a champi- on, #24 needs only a little polish and ner'ection in her free style ex- hibitionz., Miss Wilson is already excellent at free skating, and wants only pace and firmness in execut- ing teh se [izures. Salchow char- acterized Miss Wilson's exhibition this afternoon as the best ever seen in Europe, aud said she would have had fine chance of winning if vesterday's tests had not lowered her score. The speed and daring, the per- fection of the figures the little Nor- wegian girl, Sonja Henie, cut on the ice counted heavily, while her jumps with two complete revolu- tions in the air and her spins on flat skates were revelations to Lou- donrs, who were seeing their first figure skating championship in of Music from Station "C.F.R.B." Toronto. many years. 85 per cent of what you know is leamed through the eye Statistics have shown this It is important, then, that your Eyes BE CARED FOR It you have never worn Glasses and have headaches, get irritab- le, and fail to distin- guish objects clearly, you undoubtedly need Classes. WITHIN Will Tell When We Test Eyes Is Is Done Properly Jury y& Lovell Phone 28 or 20 LHR HI ET TET TT TT 0) OnYour Eyes E TTT TTT An Unusually Com- plete and Smart Collec- tion at $4.98 These Hats comprise all that is new and chic and Pari- sian for Spring. In felt, crocheted visca, bengaline, cellophane and straw. The colors are independence blue, Napolean blue, peach beige, Mother Goose, sand, red and black. Priced spe- cially at $4.08 Satisfaction with your pur chase or mevey refunded, | 3 King St, East FINE ADDRESS AT (OFC. ANNUAL (Continued from page 1) and as a result it was decided to move the plant to Toronto, where the main Canadian factory is sit- uated, "Conditions in the town now," sald Mr. Carlisle, "are much more satisfactory than they were when the plant here was taken to To- ronto. 'No water system was in working order, a sufficient num- ber of houses were lacking, the streets were in a terrible condition as regards to mud and the sewer system was practically useless. un- der this state of affairs. The slo- gan "Some will help and some oppose' is common to a)l locali- ties and when the project was formed to clear np these condi- tions, matters could not come im- mediately to a head. As a result the plant of the Goodyear firm was taken from this town." The speaker stated that in the time of 'the early operation of the plant here, he had predicted that Bowmanville could, he a city of 40,000 people if it took advantage of the possibilities which present- ed themselves at that time. It the whole rubber business had been situated here as wgs planned and conditions made favorable for the employment of the staff, which would at this time number about 3,000, the plant could have been used for putting Bowman- ville on the map as a city instead of increasing a city which was al- ready large, "One industry in a community draws others," the speaker point- ed out, "but I do not wish to erit- icise the officials or citizens of the town who acted according to their judgments at that time." "Coming direct to the Chamber of Commerce as an organization, there are two questions present conditions." He now described the chain store, showing the dif- NO NEW BUDGET PLANNED, BOBB TELLS WOOLLEN MEN Ottawa, March 6.--Woollen cloth manufacturers of Canada appeared before the Minister of Finance this morning to urge that their indus- try receive some copsideration from the Government. The Bud- get, it was declared, had not mater- ially improved the position of the Canadian woollen mills, and some of them might have to close their doors. The Budget was now before Parliament, said Hon. James A, Robb, and jf adopted in principle would 80 to committee. He was not going to bring down a new Bud- get, or make any changes which would involve introducing a new Budget. Showing at the Regent Theatre on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. AL WALSON w SKY HIGH RS" Ya rh AAP SAUNDERS which Comes to the New Martin the last 'three days of .this week. themselves. What does it mean? Why should we have it?" "The nation is made up of a group of individuals, and each in- dividual in himself is part of the group. If you are not active you are not helping the community to be active! No individual can ac complish much within himself, and if co-operation and thoughts of many are ever-present, large accomplishments may be executed and things done for the benefit of the community, the country and the world. "The Chamber of' Commerce is an organization which looks af- ter the town's interests to such an extent that probable mis-inter- pretations and wrong business ventures for the town's good are caught before they do harm to the town itself." The. speaker gave sion to the mail which at the present proven so atlractive to tive buyers He stated that the mail-order busines as it now stands is an unfair dealing. It was described as being unfair te the locality from which it attracts attention and finally buyers. It was stated that no taxes are paid by these firms who take the mon- ey out of a small locality and make no constructive work in connection with the towns, and at the same time giving apparent greater value for the money paid. "1 predict that the time will come," said Mr. Carlisle, "when people of all countries will realize the baneful influence of these some discus- order business time has prospec- A Single Sip~ and Throat Feels Fine! Phusicl M ¥ h , lawyers, ho public speakers and all who sufe fer from throat strain and irritas tion find Buckley's Mixture a priceless blessing. Relief is in. stant and positive. A sip night and morning for throat and chest health -- and insurance against epidemic Coughs, Bron. chitis, "F and Pneumonia. Just say "Buckley's" at any drug store, W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St, Toronto 3 0) MIXTURE For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver ae SO EASY NOW 70 BANISH PERSPIRATION ODOUR One never knows when one may offend, Per- spiration odour is so elusive, so subtle, To perspire is natural, even healthful , , , one to two pints daily say the doctors, But perspiration need no lon- ger be offensive. Simply change to Lifebuoy Soap for face, hands and bath, Lifebuoy is all that a superior toilet soap should be --and more. It neutralizes per- spiration. (Costs no more. LIFEBUOY HEALTH S0AP Purifies a:d Protects | LEVER BROTHIRS LIMITED TORONTO ference in method of business to that of the mail order industries. This business, it was shown, pays taxes, and aids generally in con- structing suitable quarters for their stocks. : "I would like to see a legisla- tion passed regarding the opera- tions of different large businesses which would put the smaller lo- calities on their feet again," the speaker remarked. "You can, as a Chamber of Comerce, study these problems as well as any statesman in the legislature." The speaker advised the local organization to join the National | Board of Comerce, explaining that this institution was one of the best in the country. He pointed out that it was almost as powerful in the country as the government itself, and that it should present a splendid appeal to everyone ine terested in the work of the Chame« ber of Commerce, "To make money it is necessary to spend money," said Mr. Carlisle in conclusion, "and an organiza tion can't be run without a finan cial backing. You must try te encourage the people of Bowman« ville and the surrounding district to join the local Chamber for the benefit of the vicinity, the couns | try and the continent." Mayor T. S. Holgate moved a vote of thanks to the speaker which was seconded by W. J. More | rison, 50 Piece English DINNER SET These sets come in two different patterns, Marie and Precillia. The Marie is pink roses with border to match. The Precillia is a broken blue border with basket of flowers in suitable colorings, | | Pay 35 Down 1hen Pay $1.00 per week until fully paid AWA D.J. Brown The Jeweller a 10 King Street West LS Phone 189 SED Spring is upon us. The beckoning; Car." at the lowest price, buy prevail. Below are a few mediate drive-away : very small mileage. age, at a big saving. 1--1924 model car, service always. Chadburn "Springtime" on both sides of the fence; the birds singing; ing--Then is the time you will want a good "Used To make sure you get the car you want and 21927 Essex Sedans in the best of condition, 2--Chevrolet Coaches in A-l shape. I--1925 Sport Model Star Coupe. Many extras, 1--1924 Columbia Six. Coupe 2--1927 Essex Coaches, trunk, snubbers and many more extras, an exceptional buy. |--Ist series 1928 Essex Coach, very small mile. CARS sun will soon be shining the roads will soon be the creeks flow- now while Winter Prices of our cars ready for im- 2--Essex Coaches, 1925-26 models, new Duco fin ish, mechanically guaranteed. "Hudson Coach," new Duco fin. ish and in first class mechanical order. 1--1925 Oakland Sedan, new tires, runs like new I--Chevrolet Touring, in perfect shape. We offer the best terms obtainable and are at your Look our cars over, Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 9 Prince St. OSHAWA Phone 1160

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