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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Mar 1928, p. 2

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BOWMANVILLE Melbourne E. Turner, Representative ADDR AT SCHOOL CLUB Rev. George Mason Deals With Child's Life at Home (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 14.--Rev, George Mason was the speaker at the regular meeting of the Bow- manville Home and School Club held this evening at the Central Public School, A large number of mothers were present for this spen- did address, which dealt in a large way with details concerning the child's life at home in reference to his right training while in school, The speaker's subject was suite ably chosen to agree with the above outlined facts and was "The Home in School education". To begm with, Mr. Mason outlined the sub- Ject saying that it composed sug- gestions of ways which the home may assist the schoo] in enabling the children to obtain a better and more stable education. As an illustration for parents to follow, the speaker mentioned one important fact, and that was that parents should mot do children's homework for them. The real duty in the case as cited and one which would have a more lasting effect was that advice and inspiration play a larger part in the prepar- ing of children for next day's les- sions, Another important role the par- ent may play in the home which would make studying an easier and more enjoyable thing according to the speaker circumscribed around the following point. Too many par ents today give less time to their children than ever before, In or- der to make an atmosphere and studious attitude towards studies, it is most necessary that the fa- ther or mother display some inter- est in the difficulties of the child. He must be able to look to the parent as a source of information readily obtainable and obtainahle in the right way. An example was cited, A child would study more, would like studying the more, 1f it had a parent employed in a household duty near it, or work- ing in conjunction with it, On the other hand, Mr. Mason dwelt with considerable length on the attention of the parent to the state of health of the child, He urg- ed a medical examinalon regular- SUBSTANTIAL opportunities to one who your experience, ete., to OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE BUSINESS WOMAN retail specialty shops throughout Canada requires the services of a capable business woman to manage their shop in Oshawa. The lady selected must have been in charge of women's wear, hoslery, or similar department in a larger store, or one with previous chain specialty shop experience. This 1s a responsible position offering remarkable in the success of the business, For this reason, the person appointed will be required to subscribe for a small amount of the company's Preferred stock, paying 7% dividends, with which will be given a bonus of Common stock, redeemable, if desired, at any time on leaving the company's employ, Inquiries will be treated in strictest confidence, Write in first instance, giving full particulars of R, CO, SMITH & SON, LIMITED, ADVERTISING SERVICE AGENCY, 82 Front Street, corporation operating will take a keen interest West, Toronto, Showing of Spring Millinery A brilliant and fascinating array of becoming models for matron and miss--interpreted in the season's newest straws and fabrics, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 16 and 17 at Miss V, 45 KING ST. WEST SS SS Xi Caldwell's DIR), (Bb THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1920 ly on the child whether disease or physical condition requires it or not. Without health in the child's condition, excellence in education is unlikely, The encouragement of vigor pro- ducing habits, the presence of fresn alr at all times and by suitable and vigor-producing food, the standard of the child is upheld by the par- ent. Factors which give a consistent support to education as matters of great im are the conversa- tion, and the reluctance to furnish every opportunity of the best edu- cation, Education may be inspired. It is so done by the parents being in- terested in educational themes and by reading and providing interest ing and educative material for the child's betterment, Continual con- versation concerning historical, mechanical, and literary subjects will inspire children to obtain and read books that deal with this in- formation, THIRD OF SERIES OF 8. 0. E, EUCHRES (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, March 15.~--The third of a series of euchre parties held in the Sons of England lodge rooms last Tuesday night under the aus- pices of the juvenile department, Lord Renfrew Sons of England Lodge was well attended consider- ing the weather conditions, Sev- eral good games resulted and Miss Lougheed succeeded in winning the first prize for ladies while Mrs, W, Aashton reecvied the second prize. W. Brown and J. Milligan ranked first and second respectively for the gentlemen's prizes, The even- ing was concluded with the serv ing of tasty refreshments, The junior memhers who stage the event deserve credit for the way they act as hosts and for the keen interest they are taking in the work of their organization, 'RISH NIGHT AT WHITE SHIELD CLUB ------ (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 14.--Irish ight was the theme of the White 'hield Club's regular meeting held in St, Paul's lecture room last night, The meeting was well at- tended. The rooms were decorated with shamrocks and green paper and took on entirely the aspect of St. Patrick's Day. ) Ofcers elected for this term were: Mrs, Gatchell, president, Mrs. W. Clarke, secretary, Mrs, Brown, treasurer, Mrs, Blunt, cor- responding secretary. Reports for the last six months were read and adopted. PERSONALS (By Staff Reporter) Rev, J. 8. Harrington, of Tor- onto, who attended the annual meeting of the Whithy branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Tuesday night, was the guest of Rev, T. G, A, Wright, Byron street, yesterday. Master Billle Ruddy Is confined to his home on Byron street, through iliness, Miss Helen Jackson, nurse fin training at the Toronto Genera) Hospital- visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Jackson, Center street, yesterday, ATTEND FEAST ESCAPE DEATH Thousand Homes Wrecked By Earthquake But Only Four Killed (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Teheran, Persia, Mar. 13--The feast of Ramazan, during which peo- ple remain awake most of the night, today was believed to have prevented a large loss of life when two severe earthquakes shook Newhanddan and Sistan districts. Although a thousand houses were destroyed and as many more damaged in one village, only When Father Carves Father carves the meat, but Mother buys it--and she always trades at Gates', for that's where the prices are most pleasing for economical house. wives, Our meat calls for second and third por. tions, Here are juicy bargains: Sweet Pickled Shoulders .... . Pea Meal Back, 2 or whole Lb. 18¢ 35¢ Sm. B'kfast Bacon, £ or whole 25¢ Lard, 7 Ibs. for ... TT $1.00 Prompt attention to 'phone orders. : WE DELIVER S. A. Gates 22 Simcoe Street North tz Phone 396 et four persons were killed and one ser- iously injured, JUDGMENT RESERVED ON WOMEN SENATORS Ottawa, March 14--The Supreme Court of Canada reserved judgment late this afternoon on the question of the right of women to occupy a seat in the Dominion Senate. Argument based on a reference by the Goyernor-General-in-Council as to whether a woman was a "person" within the meaning of section 24 of the British North America Act, res- pecting qualifications for appoint- ment to the Senate extended through- out the day. The reference to the Court was granted at the request of five Alberta women--Mrs. H. M. Ed- wards, MacLeod, Mrs. Nellie F. Mc- Clung, Calgary, Mrs. Emily F. Mur- phy, Edmonton, Mrs. L. C. McKin- ney, Clareholm and Mrs, Irene Parl- by, Alix. For the Attorney-General of Can- ada, Hon. Lucien Cannon, Solicitor- General, and Eugene Lafleur, K.C, Montreal, contended that women were not eligible for admission to the upper chamber under the BN.A. Act. Quebec Province, through Charles Lanctot, K.C,, supported the :ontention; while Hon. N. W, Row- A, KC, Toronto, on behalf of the setitioners and Alberta, argued for he admission of women to the Scn- ate, Old Salt (at the Tar's Tavern): 'I've got a riddle to ask yer. If a 'erring and a 'alf cost three ha'- pence, how many could you buy for six-pence?" > Voice from corner (after ten minutes hard thinking): "I say, Bill, did you say 'errings?" "Yes, I said 'errings." "Drat it, I've been a-reckoning | of mackerel all this 'ere time!" Gay Walls transform the somber room In all the decorations of your home, there's not a single item that adds so much beauty at so little cost, than well chosen Wallpa- pers. They either make or mar the beauty of a room, but it chosen with care, your rooms receive that touch of individual charm which at once reflects your good taste, We shall be pleased to give you expert service on your painting and papering. Patte"s 85 Simcoe Street North Phones: 125, 1846 WHITBY Representative James Holden Phone House 15 Office 434 ONE APPEAL OUT OF SIX GRANTED Judge Ruddy Hears Appeals Against Assessments in Whitby (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 13.--Out of six appeals the ruling of the Court of Revision for the town of Whithy was confirmed In all but one as- sessment by Judge Ruddy in the court of appeal held yesterday morning, at 10:30 o'clock. Kyrle Southwell alone succeeded in hav- ing a reduction made on the as- sessed value of his property, Bas- ed on the purchase price the judge considered $3,665 too high and set $2,665 as the proper figure. With the exception of Thomas Jubb, who was disputing his fin- come assessment all the other ap- peals were for reduced land and building taxes. " Jacob Bryck, who owns consld- erable property at the north end of the town, argued that $5,080 was too high a valuation because his land was devoted to garden vegetables and hay and not pro- ductive enough for the amount of taxes he was paying. His Honor advised him that if he. did not consider his property worth while holding he should sell it. Levi Dudley contended that he should be given a reduction on his resi- dence on Dundas street west, nn account of the vicinity of a pump factory and a garage which he considered made {ts location un- favorable. This property, however, fronts on the mnrain thorough- fare, and as it includes a fine home the 'assessment was confirmed at $4,180. George Robb, treasurer of St. Andrew's Preshyterian church, appeared on hehalf of that congrezation for a reduction In the manse assessment, sitnated on the corner of Gilbert and Center streets. His Honor did not con- sider $5,150 an unreasonable valn ation and dismissed the appeal. The valuation of $6,270 on the property and fine home of Dr OC. F. McGillivray. Dundas street east, was also confirmed. The ineome tax case centred around the law regarding exemp- tions on earned and unearned in- come. Mr. Jubb objected to pay- ing taxes on his unearned income because this plus his earned in- come happened to exceed a certain amount set as the limit for ex- ception by the government. - Had his total income been $50 less he would not be required to pay taxes on his unearned income and he considered this unfair. However, under the terms of the act his in- come assessmrent could not be re- voked. Town Solicitor A. E. Christian acted for the Court of Revision, while Assessor H. Pringle submit- ted diagrams and photographs of the properties in question. The Court of Appeal concluded {ts business shortly after 12 o'cloek. -------------- Date trees in the world total 90,000,000, according to a- recent estimate, Sleepless Nig hts, Bladder Weakness Relieved in 24 Hours If your sleep is disturbed by Bladder Weakness, Irntation, Buming Sensation, Backache, Nervousness and Bad Dreams -- due to clogged Kidueys, Prostatic Troubles, or inflanimation of the Bladder Uninary Tract, do should try the amazing value of Syrol Tablets at once! ' Syrol 'Tablets, which any good druggist can now furnish in sealed packages contain- ing. 2 weeks' supply, are especially designed by a world famous chemist to bring quick relief and comfort to those folks near or past middle hfe who are almost constantly troubled by Backaches, Bladder Weakness, Liritation and restless troublesome nights. On a strict guarantee of money back on first box purchased, if satisfactory re- sults are not obtained--you are invited to try and enjoy the wonderful value of Syrol Tablets today, Any good druggist can sup- ply you, Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 ------ 12 Simcoe St. South RURAL ROAIS 10 BE RELIEVED Ontario Government Ready to Offer Additional Aid from Taxation Toronto, Mar. 15--The Ontario ernment is ready to provide additional relief to the townships and counties from taxation for Pro. vincial and other highways in pro portion to the increase of traffic which is not of a local nature, but it will not assume the full financial responsibility of Provincial highways, since this would mean, in fairness to all, taking over the entire road sys- tem of the province, and ente upon a new field in which highways would be constructed and maintaine: by means of direct taxation. This was in effect the reply given by the Minister of Highways in the Legislature yesterday to the budget amendment proposed on behalf of the Liberal party by R. F. Miller, Haldi- mand, "that this House regrets that the Government, notwithstanding the increased revenues, ] afford relief to local municipalities by assuming the total cost of comstruc- tion and maintenance of the Provin- cial highways." Expounds New Theory Hon, Mr, Henry described the amendment as remarkable, and ex- pounding a theory new to that or any other responsible Legislature, namely, that as soon as revenues be- came buoyant, Government's should immediately enter upon proportionate expenditure. It was the duty of any government, he pointed out, to take from the people only that which was necessary to provide for efficient ad- ministration, The Minister of Highwayys, speak- ing for some two hours, reviewed the progress of highway develop- ment in the province and intersper sed into his address another ultima- tum to reckless motorists, who refus- ed to obey such traffic regulations as providing themselves with spare bulbs for headlights, He called upon the police to deal severely wtih any motorists found driving on the high- ways with only one headlight, The tendency toward speeding and reckless driving also came in for a few timely words from the Minister, who urged that these men be given the full penalty which the law al- lowed, He did not exempt from this the bus operators, among them the employes of the Toronto Transpor- tation Commission, who, he said, were infringing on the law as much as private citizens, The Minister discussed at some length the present highways organi- zation in force in the counties and townships, urging the appointment of efficient road supervisors in every township, rather than continue carry- ing on the work in the piecemeal manner which was evidenced in some instances, No Statute Labor Grants "We are as a people conservative," he declared, "and we cling to old things with tenacity. Statute labor was established in the province 130 years ago, and we still have it in some parts of the province today, There are some municipal councils who seem to think that this is the only system. The Government, in assuming the responsibility, for a portion of the roads has discouraged this system and will not pay grants on work so done, 1 am looking for- ward to a session in the not far distant future when I will wipe out statute labor, not because we have not any respect for the old things, but because when they have out- lived their usefulness they should be abolished." The Minister reviewed the progress of highway legislation into the Prov- ince by which in 1920 it had taken cover 80 per cent. of the provincial highway costs and in 1925 had as- sumed 50 per cent, instead of 40 per cent. of the county road costs. The Province of Ontario, he said, had spent approximately $161,000,000 to date on its roads of which $150,000,000 had been sentqin the last ten years, or about $15,000,000 annually. Last year's figure had gone above any- thing, in the previous history of the province with a total expenditure of $18,900,000, Including the $4,500,000 spent on the northern roads this made an approximate expenditure of $25,000,000, "To my mind one of the problems which lies before us now," he added, "is that in years to come we will need at least this $25,000,000 annually for the development of our road system in this proyince, The department during 1927, had laid 239 miles of road of which 130 miles had been concrete, 63 asphalt, 32 penetration and 14 macadam, Tax an Gasoline There had been a great deal of criticism Mr, Henry went on in con- nection with the increase of the gasoline tax by citizens who could not see that they should pay for roads outside the cities which they claimed they never used. He wished to remind such critics that though they might not go outside the city others might come and visit them and that visitors might bring busi- ness. The Minister did not believe that the increase of accidents on the On- tario highways was due for the most part to the speed at which cars travelled. "My own impression is," he said, "that speeding in itself is not dang- erous if the driver has control of his car. I am not advocating however rates of 40, 50 and 60 miles an hour, because the control of any vehicle at that speed is exceedingly difficult. "I think I can report with -con- fidence," the minister continued, "that the use of the driver's license in the province is having a good effect." The Minister explained further the new legislation brought down in the House Which, sliminates the use of spotlights. "We are not i he pointed out, "to EO in the line of a ditch light properly placed in the car. These may be placed under the fender of the front wheel or under the headlight and will fulfil the pur for which they are intended of lighting up the ditch at the side. While not satisfied wtih the con- d| Then all the singers has failed to] § ditions in the provisia-aiih_regacd 1 to glaring headlights the Minister believed progress was being made. "my ack Mow Bay decane, arouse a sense their res hv 1 10 and counties that svery man who at- tempts to drive around with only one headlight ,s be hauled up and given the penalty which the law ides. "The department Sines keep after the speeder and to see that he the foray which was and this respect. due to A farmer took his wife to a concert, and after listening with apparent joy the pair suddenly be came interested in one of the choruses: "All we, like sheep, have gone astray.' First a sharp soprano voice ex- claimed: "All we, like sheep;" next 3 deep voice uttered in a most earnest tone: "All we, like sheep * at once as- serted: "All we, like sheep." "Well, 1 don't!" exclaimed the farmer to his wife. "I lke beef and bacon, but I can't bear mute APARTMENTS | ; For Rent | Oshawa's Finest Apartment House, Simcoe St. North, Four and five room apartments, soundproofing between each apartment, electric refrigeration, electric ranges, incinerators, wall beds, individual connections, roof garden with splendid view. Ready for occupancy about May 20th, Reserve your apartment now. Saturday $1.25 Big Special at Atkins' Hosiery Shop for Friday and Full Fashioned Medium Service Weight Hose in new Spring Shades. Every pair of first quality, Reg. up to $1.95, Atkins' Special Our Spring Stock of Chiffons and Service have just arrived and you will be delighted with the large assortment of new shades, Prices from $1.75 up to $2.50 For value as well as style, see Atkins' Millinery before you buy an Easter Hat, Again you will be amazed at the wonderful style for a fraction of what they might cost you, Atkins' Hosiery and Lingerie Shop 1V2 Simcoe Street South 's Phone 162 Lying in the direct path of the city's immediate great. est growth, and just a block from General Motors, the few remaining lots in 0. offer an exceptional fit. On Ritson , between P. Avenue and Hillcroft Street, on Adeline Avenue and on Trick Avenue, there are a very few lots that may still be bought at original prices. These lots may be pur chased on our regular easy terms of pay- ment, for pro- Fairview Park OSHAWA

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