-------------------------- -------- - ATTAGK MADE ON COSMETIC CRAZE Dermatologist Says Millions Are Spent Each Year to Ruin Skins Columbus, O., April 25.--In their unguided seareh far youth and school girl complexions, Ameri- ean women today are spending more than $120,000,000 anpually for the privilege 'of ruining their skins, according to Dr. L. K. Me- Cafferty, New York dermatologist In an address to the Columbus Academy of Medicine, Mr. MeCaf- ferty said the "'cosmetic craze" Is @ grave problem. Good soap and water are the only worth while external aids to beauty, he said, but the average woman is deeply offended when ad- vised to use it. Many stubborn skin diseases, he mS -- C-- said, are caused by the application of powders, rouge and dyes com- taining orris root and analine dyes. Experience is Cited It has been his experienge, he declared, that more facial erup- tions are caused by eye brow pen- cils than by poor digestions. it is not only women, however, whe ruin their appearance with cosmetics, according to the skin specialist. Bald headed men, who go through a daily ritual with a bot- tle of hair restorer, not only insure themselves of being permanently hairless in many cases, but bring on premature wrinkles and facial blotches, he declared. One difficulty in treating a wo- man with a skin disorder, he said, is to persuade her to confess she has been using cosmetics. When confronted with proof, he declar- ed, they insist their colored cheeks and lips are naturally so. Enlarged pores are practically incurable, he said; and are only aggravated by use of astringents. A genuine case of eczema is rare, according to Dr. McCafferty, des- pite the number of skin eruptions labeled with the mame. Psoriasis, he said, is the only skin disease comsidered incurable. The need of diagnosis and de- sirability of regional anaesthetics were stressed by Dr. Oswald I. Lowsly, also of New York, in dis- cussing urologic surgery. He denied cancer in humans can be cured and warmed against too much faith in promises of enthusi- astic cancer workers. He sald, however, that cancer can be transplanted and cured in plants and predicted that the same will be true of humans. Stones: in the kidneys or blad- der must be crushed or removed by surgery, he said, warning that attempts to dissolve them may re- sult in injury to the body tissue. JUDGE O'HEARN OF HALIFAX Ottawa, April 25.--Hon. Walter J. O'Hearn, K.C., Halifax, has been appointed Judge of the County Court for Halifax City and Coun- ty. -Official announcement to this effect was made tonight. The new Judge 1s a former Attorney-General for Nova Scotia. SHERBROOKE BOY KILLED BY TRAIN Team in Which He Was Driving Struck by Express Sherbrooke, Que., April 25.--Ro- land Gosselin, 14-year-old som of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gosselin, was instantly killed, and Wilfred Heth- erington, 18-year-old, both of this city, were seriously injured when the wagon in whieh they were rid» ing was struck by the southbound Canadian National Railways pass- enger train at a level crossing. Hetherington, who is in the em- ploy of Stenon's grocery, with young Gosselin, was returning from the municipal dump in a one- horse cart. Whether they saw the approaching. train is not known, but the horse had cleared the tracks when the locomotive struck the rig. ---- ENSEMBLES DRESSES \ The aving Wh Store! EMPIRE WEEK SALE MENS SUITS TOPUOATS 4 BoysSUITS nin \ S = ANNI \ Entire stores. Modish New A glance. at our price tags will prove to you that our 'prices are as low, if not low- er, than those asked at cash AY Women' s and Misses' DRESSES (OATS $17.50 3 Avpeakng new dylen wid ia any indescribable A beautiful ht Boot vc Sl fo oy $19.50 Silk and cloth styles for dress wear | and sports wear. ki SENSATION AL EASY TERMS! Men's and Young Men's' SUITS $2250 A wonderful showing of wonderful values in mart \. and the materials are of the highest order, ENSEMBLES $27 50 Boys' SUITS 67 Simcoe St. N. Save Money With Your Credit! BRONX BANDITS HOLD UP GROCER In Excitement Robbed Mer- chant's Wife Falls Out of Window New York, April 25.--Peace and quiet in the neighborhood of Brook avenue and 134tn street, the Bronx, was upset when two young bandits held up a grocer in his stare and caused the grocer's wife to fall from a window as she at- tempted to call for the police. The bandits escaped with about $185 and the grocer's wife suffered a gash on the head. Entering the store of Joseph Kirchbauer, the two bandits order- ed the grocer and Samuel Loch- linstein, a milk driver, to hold up their hands. The two were then led to a rear room in the Kirch- bauer apartment. There, to the surprise of Mrs. Kirchbauer, who was in the room, they were search- ed; $160 being taken from the milk driver and thirty cents from the grocer, : The two men were then barri- caded in a closet, and warning Mrs. Kirchbauer to remain quiet, the bandits dashed out of the store and escaped in an automo- bile. As they reached the street, Mrs. Kirchbauer released her husband and the milk driver and ran to the window overlooking an areaway to call the police. In her excitement she leaned too far out of the win- Jdow and losing her balance fell to tha ground. The two men car- ried her back to the apartment and a doctor was called. STEWART TALKS ON CANADIAN MINES Says Development Has Made Amazing Strides in U.S. Speech Washington, April 25.--Mining development in Canada, has made amazing strides in the last few years, declared Hon. Charles Stew- art, Minister of the Interior, in ad- dressing the National Press Club at luncheon here. Mr. Stewart was the guest of honor at the club with, Hon. vin-} cent Massey, Canadian Minister to the United States. Formal welcome on behalf of the United States was made by Hon, W, N, Jardine, Sec- retary of Agriculture, Americans had $500,000,000 in- vested ifn Canadian mines, the Min- ister sald and Canada hoped they would invest as much more in the near future. He sald research led to the bhellef that the Laurentian yield was not confined to central Canada, but probably extended from the Atlantic to the Pacitie Oceans, Mr. Stewart said he believed that extension of the railway to the Hudson Bay in Western Can- ada would open up another new mining field hitherto unexplored. Surveys during the past winter gave reason to hope that the Hud- son Bay route through Fort Churchill would not be closed to navigation more than four months of the year, and Canadians conse- quently had a growing faith in the Hudson Bay Railway as a prac- tical outlet to the sea for products of Western Canada, CANADA STEAMSHIPS LAUNCH NEW VESSEL Quebec, April 25.--The new S.8. Quebec, of the Canada B.S, Lines Limited, was successfully launched Monday morning at the yards of the Davie Ship Building Company, at Lauzon. Madame L, A, Tas- chereau, wife of Premier Tascher- eau, performed the christening ceremony, breaking the traditional bottle of champagne over the bow of the gally bedecked steamer. Premier Taschereau was present at the ceremrony, also His Honor the Lieutepant Governor, the Hon, Narcisse Perodeau, accompanied by Col. Papineau and Col Fages, A.D.C., Hon, R. Lemieux and Mrs. Lemieux, W, H, Coverdale, presi- dent of Canade Steamship Lines; T. R. Enderby, General Manager, Canada Steamship Lines; Hon. W, Gerrard and Mrs. Power, Briga- dier-Genera]l and Mrs. T. L. Trem- blay, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Benoit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Halstead, U.S, Consul-General, the Hon. Walter C. Mitchell, Brig.-Gen. and the Hon. Mrs. Shuttleworth King and New York, April 24.--The Gen- eral Motors Corporation today maintained its position as the world's premier industrial con- cern, when fit reported met income for the first quarter of $69,468,- 576, as compared with $25,907, 139 for fits nearest competitor, the United States Steel Corporation. The automobile corporation showed a substantial gain from its net income of the first quarter last year, $52,661,408, while its steel-making contemporary fell well behind its last year's figure of $30,924,338. General Motors' income was equivalent to $3.86 a per share amounted to $2. 11, com- pared with $3.93 in the first quar- ter of 1928. Last year's Steel earnings, however, were computed PAGE THIRTEEN i [O SC the dpe Lal l Guaranteed AVR AS 5, EA en POP 00ONN0 000000 JIT iii fii Woven in Canada, Barrymore Guaranteed Rugs set a standard for the world in Wilton, Axminster and Saxony qualities, I a gash 0a a Cd ul 32 1) IS your opportunity splay MORE. ENEIEN gns Now 13 ny Featured the Leading foco000 TTL iii iii i, CO, Simcoe St. S. 1: » See Our Large Display of Rugs ADAMS FURNITURE Come in and let us show you our big stock of Rugs, etc, LUKE FURNITURE CO. Phone 701 63 King St. E. Phones 78.79 before the distribution of the 40 per cent, stock dividend, while the motor corporation's 1927 earnings per share were calculat- ed on a comparable basis, des- pite the 100 per cent. stock split- up last Autumn, "Tintex tints the silk coloring the lace" Wee te faded Le rimmed Sk * undies" for be made colorfully new Ii NTS A nything Color url) TAX ARREARS CITY OF OSHAWA In accordance with the Assessment Act, a penalty of 10% % will be added to all arrears of taxes not paid by May, Ist, and the Bailiff in- structed to distrain for the amount outstanding. CITY TREASURER'S DEPT. Oshawa, April 25, 1928 APARTMENTS For Rent Oshawa's Finest Apartment House, Simcoe St. North, Four and five room apartments, soundproofing between each apartment, electric refrigeration, electric ranges, incinerators, wall beds, individual radio connections, roof garden with splendid view. Ready for occupying about May 20th. Reserve your apartment now, Apply J.C. Young ng Res. 909-1 se 5