. RE BISHOP ANSWERS JOTNSON-HIGHS On Revision of the Prayer Book--Asks Pertinent Question ------ Londén, May 16.--The contro- yersy on the revision of the Church of England Prayer Book between Right Rev, Arthur Foley Winning- ton-Ingram, Bishop of London, and sir Willlam Joynson-Hicks, Home Secretary, which was precipitated by the Bishop's action in circulariz- ing London members of Parlia- ment, urging them to support the pew measure ,today again found a prominent place in the limelight by reason of a lengthy statement made by the Bishop of London in reply to some remarks of the Home Sec- retary. Sir William un-Hicks, a few days ago, com... .4 on the Bish- op's circular, and declared hig cone viction that passage of the recently revised Prayer Bok would be far more grievously regarded through- out the country than its rejection would be. The propriety of the Home Sec- retary's action in identifying him- self so prominently as a Cabinet Minister with the opposition to the revised Prayer Book has been call- ed Into question by some Conserva- tive members of Parliament, They point out that the value of his opin- Druggist Tells Eas to End Bladder Weakness No matter what your age may be, how long you have been trou bled or how many medicines you have tried without success--if you are a victim of Bladder Weakness and Urethral Irritation, causing days of trogblesome annoyance and nights of hroken rest--you should try the amazing value of Dr, South- worth's URATABS at once! Made from a special formula, successfully used in the Doctor's private practice for nearly 50 years--URATABS are particularly designed to swiftly relieve the pain and misery of burning Urethral Irritations, Backaches, Bladder Weakness and Getting-up-Nights, Safe, Pleasant, Inexpensive--and supplied by all good druggists on uarantee of money back if not satisfied, If you need a medicine of this kind, try URATABS today! ion is only equal te that of any other devoted som of the Church, but that it may be magnified in' the popular miud because of his Jposi- tiou in the Cabinet, Commended by Commitice Added interest was leat to the coutroversy today by the decision of the Ecclesiastical Committee at a meeting in the House of Lord: that the revised Prayer Book measure does not prejudicially af- fect the rights of his Majesty's sub- jects. The committee also expressed the opinion that the measure shouid be. proceeded with, In his reply to the Home Secre- tary's remarks, the Bishop of Lon- don said he regretted that Sir Wil- liam Joynson-Hicks seemed entire- ly to ignore the fact that the old Prayer Book can be used without alteration by any one who wishes te do it, That was a fundamental point, yet it was often left out of sight. The Bishop declared he was anxious to remove the conscienti- ous objections of those who voted against the measure, but argued that the Protestant feeling among the laity had been unduly invoked by the Home Secretary and others under a genuine misunderstanding. Referring to the Home Secre- tary"s mention of disorder in the Church, the Bishop asks: "Do you find it so very easy to produce order in the State, even with the most effective police in the world?" He reminds Sir William Joynson-Hicks that he had prom- ised to ,deal with night clubs and drinking clubs, but did nothing, be- cause his party and public opinion were against him. So, contends the Bishop, public opinion, was against a policy of prosegutfon in the Church. No Lack of Courage "You taunt us with want of cour- age," he tells Sir William, "but at any rate we had the courage to produce a bill which you have done your, best to defeat, You would have found us more sympathetic if you had the courage to produce your proposals to deal with the night club problem," The Bishop denies that the ob- ject of the reservation of the ele- ments for the sick was to placate believers in some form of transub- stantiation, and adds: "You do not like to repudiate transubstantia- tion. You personally, I believe, hold what are known as reception- ist views on the Sacrament, which views, of course, are legitimate in the Church of England, But what vou don't seem to see is that there ; another way to regard the Iloly Sacrament besides yours, whieh is not transubstantiation and is quite as legitimate in the Church of Eng- Jand as your own. This is the doc irine of the real presence of Christ in the aScrament, which has been THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1929 -- Why Not End Constipation? "Fruit-a-tives" a a sure remedy F your teoth were aching would you put painkiller in it all the time and let it get tory remedy is The a » While relieving congestion, strength- ens bowels, liver and kidn actwithoutdaily medicine. is why Fruit-a-tivesis the ubilc favorite. Made only of fruit juices and tonics, its whole effect on the system is natural and strengthening. Try it, 25c and 50c a box. ntm-- pronounced as tenable in the Church of England both by the Court of Arches and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. "I don't beliéve that you realize how many of our people hold this view or how much consideration we owe them, In the matter of the res- érvation, if the sacred elements are the Body and Blood of Christ to you in the morning when you receive them, so are they also to the sick in the afternoon." Appeal to Clergy In regard to the adoration of the Sacrament, the Bishep says, "No human beings; not even the Home Secretary, can prevent a devout Christian kneeling in any church and saying 'Jesus, Lover of my Soul,' whether the Sacrament {3 reserved or not, What can be pre- vented is the offering of joint pray- ers so closely connected with the Sacrament that they are meaning- less unless the sacred elements are present, This can be prevented by an appeal to the loyalty of the clergy themselves, an appeal which, if they treated it with confidence, would meet with an almost univer- sal response." The Bishop says he would be very much opposed to the practice of giving Communion from the re- served Sacrament to those who could "really ' come . with little trouble to the service. Continuing, the Bishop of Lon- don says to the Home Secretary: "Your last point is an alleged dis- crepancy Let my saying -that nearly all the objections urged in the PParli ntary debate have now heen met, and asserting on another occasion that there is no alter- ation in principle between the amended book and the deposited look, IT must confess that I see no diserepaney' at all, The whole con- ween tention of the House of Bishops was that opposition to the meausre was due to a misunderstanding, as was shown by same of the objec~ tions mentioned in the debate. Whe could seriously believe that we wanted to discourage praylug for the King, or wanted to return to unspiritual views om Holy Com- munion, against which the Black Rubric is supposed to guard us? Objections Met "These objections, therefore, have been met, but with no breach of principle. So again it was decided in the de ted book to confiné Communion with the reserved Sac- rament for the sick. The condi- tidns under which perpetual reser- vation was to be allowed were more definitely in the amended book, and we lost in consequence the support of the Bishop of Trure and a good many of the Anglo- Catholic priests and the laity. But there was, in our opinion, nod change in principle, "May I ask in conclusion what you and your friends are aiming at? Is it to drive the Anglo-Cath- olics out of the Church of Eng- land? Do you want to repeat the awful mistake of our ancestors when they drove out Wesley to the great and lasting loss of the Church? On any showing our Anglo-Catholic friends are a very powerful and devoted body of men and women, specially well known for their work among the poor. Is not the policy of our large-hearted Archbishop, Right Hon, Mest Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson, far wiser--to keep the Church of Eng- land truly comprehensive. "No one wants to drive out those who are ultra-Protestant in their doctrine and receptionists in thelr sacramental views, Cannot the peopie on your side be generous not only to keep within the Church of England, but to make happy in the Church of England those $o whose work and devotion we owe so much? ALGONQUIN PARK--MAGIO WORDS TO THE FISHERMAN AND CANOEIST Algonquin Park is embraced in thousands and thousands of acres of northern forests set aside as a Provineial Park. It is ope of.the finest fishing districts in Canada. The fighting varieties are all there --small mouthed bass. biz 'lunge and speckled trout. Hundreds of miles of waterwdys, free camping places without number, good ho- tels, Highland Inn at Algonquin Park Station is a commodious and excellent headquarters, Get a 'copy of the illustrated folder waiting for you at the near- est office of Canadian National Railways, which will give you full details, : WILL ENTER PLEA OF SELF DEFENCE Sunday Schoo! Teacher Kills Man in Pennsylvania Church Munhall, Pa., May 16--Self-de- fence will be the plea of F. J. Tyr- rell, 53, attorney and Sunday school teacher, who shot and killed Phillip Clark, 36, in the First Chris. tian Church here Sunday. After he had been formally ar- raigned on a charge of murder, 'Tyrrell told his counsel "It was his Ite or my life." He will be held in the county jail pending the com. pletion of a coroner's verdict. Shortly before regular Sunday services were to begin Sunday, Tyrrell was seen to leave the pul pit where he had been preparing the lessons for 'Mother's Day' ex- ercises. He walked to within five feet of Clark, drew a gun, and fired three shots at him, two of which entered his body. The other smash- ed a small watch in Clark's pocket and was deflected. Running to the door Tyrrell warned others not to interfere and left for his home. He was arrested a short time later, Heals Eczema In 7 Days or Less Hore is a surgeon's wonderful prescription now dispensed by pharmacists at trifling cost, that will do more towards helping you get rid of unsightly spots and skin diseases than anything you- 've ever used. Not only does this great heal- ing antiseptic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds, but bolls, abcesses and ulcers that are discharging are almost immediately relieved and cleanly healed. In skin diseases {its action is little less than magical, The itching of eczema is instantly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of barber's fteh, salt rheum and other irritating and unsightly skin troubles, You can obtain Moone's Emer- ald OIl In the original bottle at any modern drug store. It is safe to use, and failure in any of the ailmomts noted above {5 next to impossible, W. H Karn, Jury and Lovell Limited can supply you at any time, WYOMING DEMOCRATS SUPPORT AL SMITH Cheyenne, Wyo.,, May 16--Wyo- ming county delegations of the two major parties Monday were assem- bled for state conventions with more than a third of the Democrat- |. ic delegates pledged to Governor Smith, of New York. The Repub- licans generally were uninstructed for or against any particular candi date. Wyoming will have six votes at the Democratic 'mational conven- tion and nine at the Republican national convention. ANTI-CRINE WAR GAINING IN FORCE Chicago Judge Grants Peti. tion to Investigate Offences Chicago, May 16. -- Drives against crime and poMtieal corrup- tion gained impetus Monday un- der the direction of the Chicago Bar Association and the Chicago Crime Commission. A petition of the Bar Assocla- tion, asking for a special grand jury to investigate a slaying, dis- orders and {irregularities at the recent primary, was granted by Judge William V. Brothers, chief Justice of the criimnal court. The crime commission, in a hear- ing of several hours before six judges of the criminal court, told what it believed was wrong with | the administration of justice in the county and was ordered to file a statement, giving specific charg- es, dates and names, Heading the special grand jury, will be Attorney General Oscar Carlstrom, appointed by Judge Bro- thers who authorized the impanel- ling of the jury on June 4. State Attorney Robert E. Crowe's move in petitioning. Judge Brothers to hear the request of the Bar Arso- ciation for a grand jury investiga- tion availed him nothing. Judge Brothers ruled that the chief justice should hear the as- sociation's plea, rather than Judge Harry B, Miller, before whom it was filed, but he shortly ruled that the special jury was to be' called, and put the attorney general in charge. COLLINGWOOD WOULD ' DOUBLE DUTY ON SHIP REPAIRS Collingwood, Ont, May 16.--A lar- gely- attended meeting of the local Board of Trade passed a resolution to memorialize the Gowernment, PAGE NINE A Foundation for Every Type of Costume No more does a woman wear one kind of corset with every kind of frock. She has learned that more subtle are the demands of Fashion for va- rious frocks. Just as the 'Sunday best" costume has gone on its way, and the far-famed "'Satur- day nite" baths, so has gone the one-corset ha selection of Gossards will provide you with every type of YS SUNS for every need, corsetiere will ad to advise you and aseist you in your selections, The Gossard Line of Beauty LAMBLE'S 4 King St-E. Phone 528 through the Associated Boards of Trade, in regard to increasing the duty on repairs made to Canadian vessels in 'American yards. While the Canadian tariff only calls for a 25 per cent, duty, even minor repairs made in Canadian' yards to American vessels arc taxed 50 per cent, and no large repairs can be made at any cast. The Government is he asked to impose restrictions similar DRIVE AGAINST SMUGGLERS OF LIQUOR INTO OHIO Washington, D.C,, May 6.--Orders wewre issued today by Commission er Doran for a drive against Cana« dian Tiaaor smuggling into Ohio, W. N. Woodruff, who has just been MC acting administrator for Ohio. and Indiana, was instructed to y | concentrate his forces in' Northern to the present American ones, which | Ohio to combat the smuggling, . He would greatly benefit Canadian ship-| was given an increase in funds for yards, the work. = W. C. SMITH CITY ENGINEER W. C. Smith, who dovoted considerable time and study to the discovery of a suitable mame which was later chosen for this new gasoline station, and is eligible to receive the handsome prize offered by the Ontario Motor Sales for this service, ERCURYD® SERVICE ] ONTARIO MOTOR SALES extend their thanks to all those who assisted in nam- ing of new service station LIMITE We, the Ontario Motor Sales are only too pleased to donate the prize and wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who devoted so much of their time and study to the naming of this new service station. Over 300 suggestions were received which shows the interest the general public takes in matters afesting doestly and in- directly the progress of our city. sl Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. ~ Simcoe Street South Phone 900 Speed and Service -- A FITTING NAME "The name "Mercury" was first applied to the Latin God of Commerce from that of the Greek Hermes, and to whom accordingly were ascribed the other characteristics of Hermes, such as Herald or Messenger of the Gods, a Courier of Tidings, etc, It is a far cry from that day to this but the modern automobile is perhaps the best enfitled to the attributes of the ancient God of Mercury whose worship was introduced into Rome away back in 495 B.C. Thus "Mercury" seems to be lentively appro- priate as a name for a modem service station sup- plying the essentials which give automobiles their motive power and render them capable of speed and endurance that would have made even the