EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS ROCKWOOD NURSES GRADUATE These graduates were amnounced at the Rockwood Hospital Train- ing School for Nurses, at Kingston: Miss Agnes McNamara, Marysville; Miss Millicent am Kingston; Miss Verna hy Miss Kathleen Odessa; Miss Myrtle Harte, bin; Miss "Lydia Smith; Renfrew. BECOMES MILLIONAIRE W. H. Gilbert, born in a log cabin, half a mile east of Seeley's Bay, twelve miles from Kingston, 48 now a millionaire in Cincinnati, Ohio. When eighteen he went to Cincinnati, where he worked up to be manager of the Buckeye '\§oun- dry. Then friends helped him into a partnership and he finally "hought up all interests. He is now seventy years "of age and still re- tains an active interest in his busi- ness. Relatives stil] live at See- ley's Bay. He is a cousin of Pre- wmier Bracken of Manitoba. SON DIES AT BELLEVILLE Joseph Alfred Davies, 25 street, Belleville, passed away in the hospital there, Saturday after- noon after a short illness. Mr. Davies was well known in' Belle- ville, having been a conductor on the Canadian National Railways for some time. Six years ago he lost a leg at Port Hope when in the performance of his duties he was run over hy a train. The deceased wag born in Toronto, 42 years ago, being a son of the late George Da- vies, and of Mrs. Davies, 85 Rose- wear avenue, Toronto. He was Pine ( ed Church and also of the A.F. &A.M., and RAM. He was con- nected with the Railway Trainmen and the 1.O.O.F. Surviving are his widow, two sons and one daughter. ---- NO PROPER RECORDS Robert Cole, grocer appeared be. fore Magistrate W. H, Floyd in Col- borne, Friday afternoon charged with selling lemon and other ex- tracts contrary to law. Sufficient evidence was not forthcoming to secure a convietion on that charge so the information was amended per record of such sales, as requir- ed by law, for which a fine of $50 and costs was imposed. Mrs. Robertson of the same village was remanded for one week on a charge of keeping liquor for sale, WOMAN SERIOUSLY INJURED A party of East York residents, on their way to the bedside of a dying brother in the Belleville Hos- pital, went into the ditch on the Provincial Highway six miles west of Port Hope on Saturday after- noon, with the result that Mrs. R. Davies, aged 65, of 85 Rosevear avenue, East York, was removed to the Port Hope Hospital with serious injuries. The car was dris ven by Redvers Davies, and cop- tained, besides Mrs. Davies, who is his mother, Mrs. J. Taylor and H. Taylor of 81 Rosevear avenue. The car swerved out quickly to avoid another automobile, and car- omed off the pavement, heing con- siderably damaged. Mrs, Davies received a hroken collar-bone, a » member of the Tabernacle Unit- J 2 it. You need it after the heavy Pn of whole IT ~- a cris Made by The Canadian Shredded e crisp, cruncly p, crunchy Hei Y redded Wheat Company, Ltd. J ~ Srosie-for LONG & (0 BONDS Office: Reford Bu WELLINGTON STS. TORON S. F. EVERSON, Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Phones 143 and 144 GRAIN Local Manager Above C.P.R, Office Brotherhood of to a charge of mot keeping «4 pro- THE QSHAWA DAILY JIMES, \ MONDAY, MAY 28, 1928 Fe! | ed "ale and o hile Mrs, J. 24 oer aur. | | hed cuts. Immediately altar th the accident the party learned Mrs. Davies, whose sudden illness was the cause of their trip, had died in the Belleville Hospital. . PRESCOTT MARKET 1S ACTIVE Favorable market conditions pre- vailed in Prescott Satu offerings. a week ago, selling at 80c a dozen. Butter, 40c to 42¢ a pound, Chick- ens sold for 35¢ a pound, and were scarce. Asparagus Sol at 3 bunches for 25¢; lettuce, 5¢ to 15¢; celery, 15¢ to 20c a head; spinach, 2 pounds for 25¢; pota- toes, $1.50 a bushel; new, 3 pounds for 25¢c; radishes, 5c; table onions, Sc: rhubarb, 5¢ a bunch; toma- toes, 25¢ a pound, and cucumbers at 10c each. Plants for transplant. ing were plentiful: Tomatoes, 35¢ a box; pansies, 35¢c to 40¢c a box; asters, 25¢ to 35¢ a dozen. FIRE CHIEF BANQUETTED In recognition of thirty years faithful service in Port Hope Fire Brigade, Fire Chief Richard Ware and «driver John Tozer, were ten- dered a banquet Friday night at the ire Hall, at which Councillors M. Hewson, Sidney Brickell and H. W. Mitchell, members of the Fire and Light Committee were present. "A delightful repast was enjoyed after which a musical pro- gram was given. A feature of the program were the vocal solos given by Oouncillor Moss Hewson who entertained the gathering in his usual capable manner. Messrs. C. Doney and Harvey Yeo provided suitable music and brief speeches were given by Assistant Fire Chief F. Little, 8. Jex, and Councillors Hewson, Mitchell and Brickell. PASSENGERS ESCAPE INJURY When he sought to avoid a colli. sion with a touring car coming on to the Provincial Highway from a side-road near Courtice, Harry Bradley, Toronto, drove his Chev- rolet coach too near the edge of the pavement causing it to over- turn into a deep diteh. Fortunate- ly, Bradley and his wife, who was also a passenger in the car escap- ed injury, but the top of the coach was badly damaged. It is alleged that the driver of the touring car, I. T. Trull, Bowmanville, drove on the Highway without stopping, di- rectly in the path of the Bradley's car. Bradley lost control in at- tempting to swerve to the north side of the road. As a result of in- vestigation of the accident by Traf- fic Officer Gordon Hallick, Fort Hope, a reckless driving charge has been laid against Trull, TEACHER COMMITS SUICIDE Three weeks before he was to | have 'been superannuated from his | position on the teaching staff of the Toronto Technical School, John { Rundle, aged about 63, who was {also Principal of the night school at Oakwood Collegiate, Toronto, committed suicide at Bloomfield between Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Mr, Rundle was a bach- elor, who boarded in Toronto. He LOOK YOUNG Wrinkles make you look old. Wrinkles go hand in hand with eye strain. Garden Seeds-- ~ Lawn Seed . Certified Cobbler Seed Potatoes Fertilizer SEED CORN--12 VARIETIES MANGEL SEED--6 VARIETIES TURNIP SEED--4 VARIETIES These are tested seeds Coop er-Smith Co. Pe South of Post Office 16 Celina St. Have your eyes correctly exam- ined and remove the wrinkles. Proper glasses may be all that you need. | We furnish you with the glasses after an accurate scientific ex- amination. JURY & LOVELL'S Optical Parlors Phone 28 or 29 J Plan EaFly [TN sam a5 OA S_ Across Canada & Baek "sae lun ones! Corresponding fares from othe? po points. Leaving} Toronto by special tran via CANADIAN' PACIFIC, ' Monday, July 23, 1928 Seeing 000 miles of Canada's Mountain Grandeur and' ving World-famous ety Spots ES na 25 7OR0 VALLEY gu (Motor Drivel} Steamer Trips') n d booklet on District Passenger Agent, Dean Sinclair Laicd, Macdonald College P.O. Que, Let Our Experts Tell You Whether Your Furnace Should Burn ' Coal or Coke Solway COKE Jeddo-- COAL GMC. ~----This Service is maintained by this company simply to assist our hundreds of customers in their various difficulties. DIXON COAL COMPANY Telephone 262~4 Lines to Central | Joseph Davies, of Belleville, son has: {quite 2 number of prominent --- Fs --- Arcade News A Big Dress bargam TUESDAY Neat Summer Dresses for Women and Misses Printed Designs in Early Summer Styles. TUESDAY 5 SAVE OUR CASH COUPONS Coupon No. 4121 FIRST PRIZE This Week $8 FREE GOODS Look for the Lucky' Numbers on our Cash Coupons Ct Shop at | THE ARCADE Phone 1000 Prompt Delivery came to Bloomfield to visit a bro- ther over the holiday, it is under- stood, and was taking his meals at the home of a neighbor, Mrs. Christie, When he did not come for his dinner on Saturday, James Eaton and another resident broke in the door of Mr. Rundle's roonr and found him lying on the fioor with a firearm in his hand. The Coroner was called, but after an investigation decided that no in- guest would be necessary. The funeral will be held tomorrow, in- terment taking place in Glenwood Cemetery at Picton. TAXI DRIVER EXONERATED A verdict of accidental death was returned by the Coroner's jury em- panelled on Saturday night to In- quire into the death of Graeme Mc- Millan, aged 4, of Peterboro, who died early Friday morning of in- juries received on Thursday even- ing when he was struck by a motor car driven by Wesley Devall, taxi- driver. Witnesses stated that the little boy ran up to the back of the car just as Devall was about to start it, and grabbed hold of the bumper, apparently expecting the car to go forward. Instead, it back- ed up, and two wheels passed over the child's body, inflicting inter- nal injuries which caused death. Devall drove away without know- ing he bad struck the child. Cor- oner Dr. T. W. H. Young presided, with G. W. Hatton, K.C., County Crown Attorney, doing the ques- tioning. V. J. McElderry was pres- ent in the interests of Mr. Devall and questioned some of the wit- nesses. WOMAN TO PILOY PLANE Aviation seems to hold out ex- ceptional attraction to women, and wo- men, especially in England, have made a decided success as fliers. Women fliers in Canada are scarce but indications are that they are giving the sport cousideranle thought. The first womaa pupil to receive instruction in the Toronto Flying Club is Mrs. Staudford War- rington, of 57 Glen Elm Avenue. that city, and a former resident of Picton. being a daughter of Mr. Ed- ward Young, a prominent barrister of Fiction, and cousin of Mr. Ralph Boulier, cf Belleville. Mrs. War- rington Rite 04s Leaside aerodrome regula By 2 tion and when and roceives her certificate w- a yualified pilot sne will fly l2r own Moth plane. Mrs. Warrinzioa is the wile of Stanford Warrington, presidea: of the Com- moawealt, Parkiaz and Service Station, Toronto. Both Mr. and Mrs. Warringtod served overseas in the war, Mrs. Warringion driv- ing an ambulance and their com- bined military record is a wvery creditable one. WELCOME APOSTOLIC ENVOY His Exceilleney. Moasizror An- drea Cassul:, Apozioliz Delegate to anaia 2ad Newfoundland. arrived 12 Tart Hope at 2.32 o'clozk Satur- da morning som Ieterbore', om his first visit 10 the pavish. He was accompanied by his secretary, Murs goer Bearseiti, as well as a 'congregation of St. number of tha reosgionalives «f from Peterboro, and Satacday morning the Mary's Church and many visitors gathered in the Chuieh of Our Lady of Mercy. The beavtiful interior of the church was a colorful scena with the bright tunes of the Paval colors, and white, predominating among the more subdued tomes of the rich paintings on the wall. Mayor R. J; Edmunds and other civie of- ficials were present for the oecea- sion and the official 'welcome on bes half of the town was extended by Mayor Edmunds. His Excellency assured his hearers of the pleasure he had experienced im visiting St. Mary's Parish. He left at 10 o'cleck for St. Michael's Parish, Cobourg, where he was received by Mon- signor A. F. Kelly. REV. Dr. GRACEY--GANANOQUE The remains of 'the late Rev. Dr. Henry Gracey were yesterday after noon conveyed from the home of his son-in-law, George P. Hay, Manager of the Gananoque branch of the Bank of Toromto, to St. An. drew's Presbyterian Church, where they reposed in state for an hour before thef uneral services began. Puring that period a large cons course of his old friends and par- ishiopers paid their last silent tri. bute to the memory of a beloved pastor and a great kind-hearted soul. Rev. C. E. Kidd, who sue- ceeded Dr. Gracey In the pastorate of St. Andrew's, conducted the funeral services in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The funeral cortege was one of the biggest and most im- nressive ever seen in Gananoque. The remains were laid to rest in Gananoque Cemetery heside those of his late wife. For 37 years Dr. Gracey served as minister of St. Andrew's Church, and no pastor could have been more beloved than he. On his retirement 13 years ago, after completing 50 years in the Christian ministry, his people and friends presented him with a purse of $1,200 and an address of appreciation. A few years later he removed to Toronto to reside with a daughter, Mrs, I. G. Lowe, of Harbord street. When the Gan- anoque Club was organized in Tor- onto by Mayor W. J. Wilson early in November last the late Dr. Gra- cey was made the Honorary Patron, He wus present on that occasion, and delivered an address to his old friends. pp ------------ Another miner is found allve In the Mather Mine. Now some U.S. newspaper will rake off a fine purse on an exclusive story on "Life in a mine after a cave- in." -- yellow | Do Y ou Own Your own Four acres: of land on boundary of Port Hope with house of eleven rooms and bath room, three barns, two chicken houses, twenty-five fruit trees. Ideal for tour- ist camp or chicken farm. Price $5,200 Reasonable terms. Cutler & Preston 64 King St. W. Telephones: 572, 223 Night Calls: 510, 1560, and 24081 ee -------------------- ------------ 3-Room House with one acre of good garden land; wonderful place for chickens, 15 minutes' walk from Motors, This is a snap at $1,500. Easy terms, Apply Horton & French Mundy Bldg, 57 Simcoe St, South Wd SULLEY. Real Estate AUCTIONEER Insurance Loans 41 King St, West Phone 2580---716J a ee ee i Bode de ded 2 CJ Cd A fountain-pen can he thorofigh- ly cleaned b ysoaking all its parts in vinegar and rinsing well in hot 'HILL ia Did You V Yesterday ] lr CAA DEARBORN RIDGE LOTS 1 Size 40 x 113 $10 a ft. EASY TERMS Large New House, 640 Simcoe St. North; nine rooms, hot water heating, splendid home. Sacrifice price for quick sale. Will exchange. U. JONES Cor. Bond & Simcoe Sts, LOANS & INSURANCE Disney Real Estate 31 King St. KE, hone 1350 C_ 0», Post Office REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purch ses, R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1668W -- ER -------- CARTER'S Real Estate 5 King St. E, or phone 1380 I ---- LUKE FURNITURE CO. Oshawa | "My advice is, Ethel, see the display of values at LUKE'S before buying elsewhere" with 2" on raised frame. Layre Felt Mattress. Regular $28.25, for ... = TRON TR TAT - -- TT I Capen FAERIE | Simmons guaran- teed white layer felt Ostermoor Mat- tress, a universal favourite. The best BED OUTFIT Simmons Walnut finished Bedstead continuous posts and five fill- ers, fitted with Simmons Link Spring Complete Splendid quality Pillows | filled with Down ! choice selected | made in the mew style of three sections. Size x 19. Special with . $22.75 and feathers : service and 26 $5.95 > Guaranteed Coil Spring that will give 3 PCE. BEDROOM SUITE 3 Piece Bedroom Suite of new design made of Birch, finished in beaded Walnut, with decorations. A very fine Suite, comprising large Dresser with plate mirror, new style cheffonier and full size Bed. Reg $114.50, for Very fine quality Mat- tress filled« with white cotton and covered in good quality Art Tick. All sizes in" stock. Reg. $10.25 $8.95 sanmnn » for ... comfort Simmons Springs, that come very reasonable in price and give good service. All sizes in layer felt mattress that money can buy. Each CURTAIN NETS Nottingham Lace Filet Nets in smart, conventional designs. A nice, Byven weave that will wear and launder well. Reg. 49¢, for, 'yd. rans -- 35¢ { LINOLEUM | 4 yds. wide printed Linoleum that will cover your room with- out a seam. Good heavy gual- | ion ity in fates ie tile and carpet pat- a Ropar 4 $1.00 63 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA