WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times favites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column. Send in a postcard or phone 35. Mrs. O. Culley and M ell visited friends in Toronto, on Thursday. s a "a Mr, Jude, Oshawa, visited his parents in Beaverton recently. Ld * * Miss Eva Tanks was the guest of the Misses Mahood, Lindsay, yes- terday. a Ll Ld LJ Mrs. Robbins, -of this city, is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Quick, of Bowmanville. . L - Mr. Andrew Dobson was a recent guest of hig parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Dobson, Beaverton. : tT | . Mr. Herbert Hines, of Déseronto, spent a few days in this city this week. . to LES | . Mr, and Mrs, Thomas McDowell were recent guests of Mrs. J. B. Tudhope, Orillla. » L * * Mr. Harvey Knight was a recent visitor at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, F, 8. Knight, Port . MeNieoll, LJ] . ] Mrs. W, Piatti and little daugn- ter, of this city, are visiting Mrs. Piatti's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Brennan, Orillia. Ll LJ] * . Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Mundy, and' daughter, Lois, were in Orillia yes- terday, visiting the former's moth- er, who is seriously ill. LJ . LJ] Mr. G. L. R. Stott, of this city, was a Grade B (66-74 per cent.) graduate in the Bachelor of Arts Pass Course at Western University. LJ * LJ Mr. and, Mrs, Eber Snowden and daughter, Margaret, are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Snowden, Maple Grove. LJ * Miss Jean Dryden, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, A, Drgden, Brook- lin, was among the successful 3rd year students at McMaster Univer- sity. x ¥ ov» Dr. and Mrs, H. E, White and Miss Margaret White, of James- town, N.Y., were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Fursey, Mary St, this week, » LJ Mr. Epic Henry, under-graduate of the University of Toromto, 1s spending the summer with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Henry, King street east. . - . Miss Isobel MeLaughlin is en- tertaining at a dimner damce this evening at Casa Loma, Toronto, in honor of Miss Margaret Bull, whese marriage takes Place. on June 6. * - Miss Eicamor Turnbull, of Tor- onto, is giving a bridge this after- noon for Miss Margaret Bull, whose marriage to Mr. Allen G. Findley, Toronto, takes place next week. LJ * - Mrs. A. Truman, Division street,' and Miss I. Stones, of Buffalo, N. Y., are sailing today for a three months' visit with relatives in Eng- land. } * . Mr. John Lang, Customs and Drawback® Department, General Motors of Canada, sailed today for Scotland, where he will remain for the next two months. io. | $= Mr. L. W. Rige, of Bowmanville, was one of the students who gra- duated by examination from the Faculty of Medicine of the Western University, of Ontario. . L] L J Messrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, J. H. Beaton, H. A. Brownfi and J. D, Kervin, officials of the General Mo- tors of Canada, are in Regina, at- tending a meeting to decide the site of the mew General Motors plant in that eity. * Ld » Miss Velma Crouse, who is to be married this month, was the "raison d'etre" of a miscellanequs shower last evening at the home of Miss Dorothy Hainer, 86 Albert street. The guests were the mem- hers of the Parts Department, Gen- eral Motors of Canada, where Miss Crouse was formerly employed. LJ LJ] " and Mrs. Qlide, Mr, and Mrs, Smith, Mrs. Coulston with Wor- shipful Mistress Sister Hurst, of. the Loyal True Blues, No. 66, were the honored guests at a banquet held last evening in Toronto by Victoria Coronation, No, 1, organ- ized 40 years ago, 'A variety of dances, 'songs, toasts and speeches made up the social hour. . * J] LJ Mrs. W. R, Grose, Colhorne St., was hostess yesterday at a recep- tion tea held in honor of her daugh- ter, Mrs, A. Tennyson, who recent ly returned from South America, Mrs, (Grose and Mrs. Tennyson res ceived the guests, the former wore a navy georgette gown and the lat- ter looked charming in a printed crepe dress, The table was decor. ated with pink and white flowers and candles, Mrs. E, F, Farrow poured tea and Mesdames Roy and Shaw, Toronto, sisters of Mrs, Grose, and Mrs, E. J, Luke assist- ed, : ' Mr. Jule 35 whahogany Walt or Och Pr fuses The Apex Electrophonic ---interprets the very soul of HAE which. others are already accomplished PHONIC, out in NJ in the record the individualisyo of the vocalist instrumentalist qualities in, is reproduced with absolute The Electrophonic is new. to compare it except the performance of with the artists Models Priced from $115.00 to $385.00 WILSON & LEE 74 SIMCOE THE COMPO OOMPANY, LIMITED, LaCHINE, MONTREAL Ontario Distributors:--THE SUN Srigcish Columbia Distributors:--THE VANCOUVER BECOED CV. VANCOUVER. Complete Stock of Apex Electrophonic Records always on hand. HARRIS MUSIC SHOP 11 Simcoe Street South distortion or blatancy. Every note--even the most subtic tone inflection music now bas been in the RO- every instance all that is the true tonal fidelity, . There is nothing ST. NORTH RECORD CV., TOKONTO, ONT, Not plump, Fashion Notes Paris is featuring yokes at neck or hip line. Wax dahlias are a spring vogue for buttonholes in London. Paris is showing informal din- per gowns in satin or velvet with circular fullness at the sides. Sr -- The new trend in Paris is a tub® like silhouette in front and the full, rather flaring back with the descending Remline, which gives |. the effect of an entir¢ly different gown when viewed from the back: Glue dissolved in hot vinegar will keep soft if the bottle is tight- ly corked except during the very coldest weather. One part of vin- egar to two Tatts linseed oil or sweet ofl makes a good furniture polish. When washing a white silk slip for the first time, put a dessert- spoonful of powdered borax into water, enough to cover the gar- ment. Leave soaking for half an hour, then wash in the usual way. Your slip will not then grow yel- low with washing. AN ORDINARY GIRL by H. E. Garden, I don't suppose you'd notice her, When walking down the street, To you she would be much the same As any girl you'd meet: not thin---just med- inm-- . Bobbed hair that doesn't curl, And not surpassing fair--in fact An ordinary girl. "I can't think what he sees in her," I've heard some folks declare And so I'll tell you what I see, And what I know is there; Something that's loyal, true, And priceless as a pearl-- It is the darling heart of her, That ordinary girl. tender, And when the mine And hugs it to her side, She draws me straight heart, And there I would ahide. And some may be more heautiful With golden hair a-curl, But she possesses all my love My "ordinary" girl. ! Sunny Magazine. Tagan slips her arm in into her AT il} A clever apron design that al- most covers the dress entirely. It is most comfortable, as it has wide straps to prevent slipping off the | shoulders. Design No. 279 is es- pecially easy to make and only re- quires 2% yards of 40-inch mate- 'rial with 234 yards of binding for the 36-inch size. Patterns cam be had in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measire. Percale, smart checked gingham, English broadcloth with shiny finish, print- ed sateen and cotton pongee are appropriate. Price 20 cents the pattern. Our Fashion Book, illustratin the newest and most sede] styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find ........ cents. Please send »atterns listed be- low: BI23 vonnss BlZe winpsn PROVIDED » wnppopsowsperpph Price, 20 sels suk, gira or 8p oy delicious day are aski Blend--43¢ of for "SALADA" Orange Pekoe per i-lb, Have you tried it? TE CT a -- an---- | Household Hints | Now is the time to eat eggs, as they are cheap and plentiful, and there seems to be no limit to the number of ways of serving them, for they combine so well with other kinds of food. An effective use to which old newspapers can be put is in wiping over the gas cooker after use. This clears off, without much trouble, all grease and dirt, and saves a lot of time, trouble and expense in washing old dusters, which would otherwise have to be used, Cucumber sauce for fish--Beat one-half cup cream very stiff and season with salt, pepper and add gradually two tablespogns vinegar. Pare, chop and dgain one fresh cucumber. Add toa the cream sayce. Serve in sauceboat. ¥ Suede shoes or articles of suede can be cleaned with turpentine in this way: Put the shoes on trees or pack them tightly with soft paper. Then dip a clean rag in tur- pentine, and with it rub the shoes rather briskly. When all the dirt and grease has vanished put the shoes on a window ledge, or in some airy place to dry. The odour of the turpentine will soon vanish, and the appearance of the shoes will be greatly improved, A simple way of scenting bed linen and table napery is to gather a quantity of red rose leaves, gpread them in warm sunlight to dry, and to every handful of dried leaves allow half an ounce of orris root and a springling of hay salt, Fill your jar in'alternate lay- ers with these, and stand in the linen cupboard. New York reports that velvet and velveteen have attained unex- pected importance in the coating and ensemble field this spring, and sheer velvets, chiefly black, and colored velveteens are the items speeltically demanded. The fuchsia satin evening slipper ret8ins its favor, and it is stunnng wth green, or hlack, or blue, and even with a red frock, while with pastel evening dresses the fuchsia slipper is particularly smart, We Want To Be Your Family Druggist l.. ; Make it a point to visit our store whenever in need of anything in our line. We sell all the standard, well known lines of Proprietary Remedies Sick Room and Nursery Supplies Toilet Soaps, Toilet Powders Skin Lotions and Creams "Ripst Ald" Items Perfumes Rubber Goods, Etc. Bring your Physician's Prescriptions and your own Family Recipes here. You will always get the exact ingredients the prescriptiof calls for, without the slight- est deviation, KARN'S DRUG STORE Next to P.O. Phone 378 We Deliver FARMER'S WIFE "GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E, Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Wilton, Ont.--*'I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .. through the Change me wr thought trial. first bottle gave and I have told others what me. I am willing for you to r if you choose." --MRs. ETERS, Wilton, Ontario. ~ Ask Your Neighbor Our Daily Recipe Liver Patties Now that liver has made the grade socially, a new and accep- table luncheon dish is liver pat- ties. Dice cold liver and put a little pimento in the white sauce. Kohl-Rabi J A vegetable quite neglected by many is kohl-rabi. Cut in halves crosswise, boil in unsalted - water until tender and serve with Be- chamel sauce. NUT LOA Four good-sized potatoes, 1 cup chopped nuts, 2 tablespoons but- ter, 3-4 cup milk, 2 eggs, 1 tea- spoon salt, 1 teaspoon mixed seas- oning herbs, 4 tablespoons bread: clumbs, ! Boil potatoes until tender and put through a ricer, 'Add butter and milk and beat well. Beat eggs well. Add to potato mixture with nuts and seasoning. Shape into a roll, roll in erumbs, and bake in a well-buttered pan. Bake 30 min- utes in a moderate oven, A mixture of English walnuts, pecans and almonds is very good, or all pecans or walnuts can be used. MOCK LOBSTER SALAD One pound halibut steak, 2 cups strained canned tomatoes, 1% cup diced celery, 1 hard cooked egg, 4 stuffed olives, mayonnaise, Tie fish in cheese cloth and simmer in 4 cups boiling water to which 1 teaspoon salt and 1 table- spoon lemon juice have heen add- ed, It will take about fifteen min- utes to cook the halibut tender. Drain, Place in a dish and pour over tomatoes which have heen heated to the boiling poinwe after straining. Let stand four or five hours, When ready to serve, flake fish and combine with celery and mayonnaise. Serve on a hed of lets tuce and garnish with slices of phard cooked egg, olives and snips of pickled beets, Fruit Cookies One-half cup stoned and chopped dates, 1 teaspoon soda, 1-3 cup boil- ing water, 1-3 cup hutter, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, b tablespoons chopped nut meal 1 3-4 cups flour, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, 1-8 teaspoon salt, 1- illa. Sprinkle dates with pour over boiling water, until cool. 2 teaspoon vans soda and Let stand Cream butter and grad- ually beat in sugar, Beat until creamy and add egg well beaten. {Add cooled date mixture and nuts and beat well. Mix and- sift flour, cream of tartar and salt and add to first mixture, Add vanilla and mix «thoroughly. Roll out on a slightly floured molding board, cut | with a small cooky cutter and hake twelve minutes in a hot oven. RHUBARB SHERBET Two pounds rhubarb, 1 lemon, 11 cups sugar, 42 cup seedless raisins, 1 tablespoon gelatine, 4 cup cold water. Wash and peel rhubarb and cut into inch lengths, Ceok in just enough water to prevent burning until tender. Add sugar and rub through a colander.' Drop raisins in boiling water to cover for thirty minutes. Add raisins and lemon | inice to rhubarb puree and return to the fire. Bring to the boiling point and add gelatine softened for five minutes in cold water. Remove at once from the fire and stir until gelatine is dissolved. Let cool 'and pour into mold of ice cream freezer. Pack in four parts | ice to one part ice cream salt amd let stand two hours or longer, | Jellied Nut and Celery Salad One cup nut meats, 1 1-2 cups minced celery, 1-2 cup heavy cream, 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine, 4 tablespoons cold wat- MOUNTED POLICEMEN TRY LIFE AS SAILORS Edmonton, May 31.--Alberta's "Far North"--that long stretch of hinterland served by the Mackem- zie River and the Western Arctic --is to have this year a "floating detachment" of tem men of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, ine cluding a wireless operator, for patrol and other work in Northerm waterways. = Their home is a 95-foot auxi- liary schooner with 150 horsepow- er engines and a cruising speed of eight knots an hour, now nearing completion in Vancouver. It will be named the St. Roche. Corporal A. Paisley, well-known veteran of the Eastern Arctic, will be master mariner. The: St. Roche will leave Van- couver early in June and tackle her maiden voyage; northward om the Pacific, thence through Bering Strait and east down the Arctie coast to Herschel Island, head- quarters for the Mounted Police in the Western Aretie. With the growing importance of trading, trapping and other indus- tries in the North, police officials Lthave felt for some time the need of a schooner strong enough to withstand severe Arctic storms. The St. Roche will always be in close touch with radio stations on land, and thus facilitate the task of patrolling thousands of miles of waterways. FRENCH STARS WIN . Auteuil, France, May 31--Henri Cochet of France defeated Francis T. Hunter of the United States and en- tered the quarter-finals of the In- ternational hard court tennis cham- pionships today. The scores were 1-6, 6-3, 0-4, 6-3. With hunter's elimina- tio, the United States hope for the men's crown passed from the tour- nament, Rene Lacoste, another of the French "Three Muskateers" reached the semi-final ahead of the field, scor- ing an easy victary over Jack Craw- ford, the young Australian star, 6-0, 6-1, 7-5. Australia's veteran contender for the men's title met with mingled for- tunes, John B. Hawks reaching the quarter- finals hy eliminating the Argentine, W. E. Robson, 6-2, 6-3, 4-6, 6-1, and Gerald Patterson bow- ing to the 18-yearold French star, Christian Boussus, Patterson, who had a hard match the day before, was unable to continue after the third set and abandoned the match with Boussus leading, 6-1, §-7, 9-7, THINGS TO FORGET If you see a tall fellow ahead of a crowd, A leader of men, marching fearless and proud, And you know of a tala whose mere telling aloud Would cause his proud hegd to in anguish he howed, It's a pretty good plan to forget it, : If you know of a skeleton hidden away . In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day In the dark; and whose showing, whose sudden fisplay Would cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay It's a pretty good plan to forget it. . {If you know of a thing that will darken the joy Of a man ar a woman, a girl or a boy, p That will- wipe out a smile or the least way annoy A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy, It's a pretty good plan to forget it. Sua | WINNER TQ GET $1,787,910 IN CALCUTTA SWEEPSTAKES London, May 31--Despatches from Calcutta today indicated that the winning ticket in the Calcutta Sweep- stakes will pay the holder $1,787,910, Calcutta the largest of the sweepstakes on the English Derby, to be run at Epsom Downs next Wednesday, total to date nearly $4,000,000. he difficulty 6f obtaining tickets undoubtedly has shut out many more millions in wagers. The drawing will take place the day be- fore the race. E. R. WHITCOMBE WINS IRISH OPEN Newcastle, Ireland, May 31--Ern- est Whitcombe ,who lost the British open championship to Walter Hagen by onc stroke in 1924, today landed er, 1 egg yolk, 3-4 cup salad oil, 1 tablespoon vinuzer. 2 table- spoons lemon juice, 1 sugar, 1-2 teaspoon pepper. egg yolk. vinegar. Add 1 drop by drop beating Beat in a few drops Continue alternately tablespoon of vineza 1 in this fash- stream beating Beat add oil in a slow constantly until all is used. in remaining lemon juice. gelatine in cold 'wated solve over hot water. to mayonaisse, beating constantly® Fold in cream beaten until firm. Add nuts and ccdlery and turn into | a mold first dipped in cold water. Let stand , several 'hours or over night and serve on a bed of shred- ded new cabbage which has been carefully crisped in cold water, and dis- ROYALS NEAR TOP Rochester, May 31.--Bob Shaw- key had the Rochester Red Wings | popping out to the infielders im | the closing game of the series here today and the Montreal Royals won 7 to 3. The victory gave the Montrealers an even break in the four-game series and advanced them back to the first division of | the Internationa] League ahead of | Rochester, teaspoon | | Mix sugar, salt and pepper with | Beat in a few drops of | oil, | constantly. | > fon until 1-4 cup oil is used. Then | Soften | Add slowly | Think of only your own i Orders BR a ws a a a 2 OS ON SALE SATURDAY Japanese Grass Rugs for verandahs or summer cottages. Nate ural color with colored border and cen= tre, edges bound with braid. Sizes 415 x 7V4 feet. See window. $1.39 each WOVEN STRIPE VERANDAH AWNINGS EY ri ] | ll ve 4 30 inches wide. Colors: Green, Blue, Brown and Tan. Special. Per yard, : 39c New Lower Prices. on all Women's, Misses' and Girls' Coats for Saturday Complete relaxation--real Sleeps Nature's way to ou fit tri RB Di comfort of the Marshall ttress coax tired nerves to pro. sil a restful sleep every night, Let Nature while the second number will fetch | Subscriptions to date in | Pus wide for » moment if you will, your thoughts i 8 Sunlight's many general ious hands and har Sonlight tll save them foom that coarsened, wash-day appeaance. y ; pl boro. one his first national title when he won all the way the Irish open with the remarkable | kes ahead score of 281. The Bournemouth pro-| three day fessional, elder of the two famous] siretc British golf brothers, led the big ficld | tains. He finished seven stro» Archie Compston in the struggle over the links : between the Mourn Moun» The $5,000 Guarantee of Purity means that Sualight is entirely free from chemicals and adulterants. made to dissolve freely into soapy that safely do all the houschold cleansing. . for no other itself 2 boon. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Sse