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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Jun 1928, p. 6

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3 . 'Suburban and District News -- Zion, Jume 1.--Mrs. J. E. Mec Master and sister, Ms. Olive Jar. shaw and daughter Nancy, accom- panied by Mr. A, D..MeKendrick and two soms, Victor and Bobby, of Orangeville, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden and children were Sunday guests of Mr. Roy Langmald, at Eldad, and attended the anniversary. A great many attended Eldad an- niversary on Sunday and Monday. Our little lads were defeated in football by Solina little lads. SOLINA Solina, May 30.--Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, Maple Grave, at Mr. Blake Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Pierson and Jack, Miss Evelyn Massey, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Louise and Nelson, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Gordon, Misses Elva and Irene Westlake and family, Oshawa: Miss Margavet Pascoe, Mrs. M. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Pascoe and Miss Marjory, Mr. W, R. Al- lin, Hampton, and Miss Anna Os- borne, Ebenezer, at R, J. McKes- sock's. 4 Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hunt and Er- nest, . Bawmanville' and Mr. Cecil Bush at Mr, 8. Bush's. Mr. and. Mrs. W., H. Nicholls, Mrs. Snider and Miss Williamson, Courtice; Mr, and Mrs. Nelson and family and Mrs, Clarke, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Louse Cryderman and family, Hampton; Mrs, Pat. Whit- ney and baby, Tovonto; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Somerville and family, of Cherrywood, at Mrs, Fanny Rey- nolds', Mr. Hamilton, Miss Spinks, Mr, and Mrs, Will Rundle, Toronto, TE ------------------ CHIROPRACTIC D. E. Steckley, Chiropractor and Drug- less Therapist, will be in the office, 146 Simcoe street north, every afternoon snd Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, Forenoons by appointment Residential calls made in town and surrounding district, Consultation is free at office, Phone 224, . "ROOF LEAKING?" Well Just Call . HAYTON, THE ROOFER He'll fix it Get an Estimate 185 Arthur St. Phone 1648W \ Mrs. Jds. McKenzip znd David, Columbus and Mr. and Mys. James Crossman, Taunton, Miss Marie and Dorothy and Mrs: M. G. Rundle at J. T. Rundle's, Mr. and Mrs. John Allin, Sam and Alfred, Bowmanville, at Mr. Art. Millson's. ) Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cryder- man and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Os- berne, Gwendoline, at Chas. Smith's. Mr. J. Smith's. . Nir. and Mrs. R. 'Taylor, Jennie and Frank, Mr. Walter Kilburn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Or- miston, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Mr. Ross Lee, Miss Doris Stainton, Mr. and Mrs, I. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. W. Riddell and Miss Ilene, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crossman, Jean and Miss Lizzie Reeves, Hampton, at Mr. Frank Thompson's. . Mr. and Mrs. Mak. Penfound and Hazel, Oshawa, at W. T. Baker's. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Nelson and Muriel, Toronto, Mr. Paul Williams at 8S. Williams', Mr." Walter Buss, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Kedron: Mr. and Mrs. 'Hoskin Smith, Mrs, N. Smith, Enniskillen; Miss Flor- ence, Messrs. John and Newton Ashtop, of Shaws, Miss Edith Pas- coe, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Wilbers and Grant at H. KE. Tink's. Mr. Russell Reynolds, at A. J. Reynolds'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Mackeys and Howard, Brooklin and Mrs. Sam Griffin, Detroit, at Mss Mary Hag- arth's. ' Russell Smith at J. Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Bragg and family, Providence; Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville; Miss Nora and Geo, Kerslake, Hampton: Mur- fel Moore, Tyrone, at John Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson and Marion, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson and Dorothy, Brook- lin; Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Vice and Murray, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Jean and Helen; Mrs. W. Lammiman, Sr, Oshawa; Miss Nancy Lammiman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Van- Nest and Charlie, Oshawa at Mrs. Susie Yellowlesgss', Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lord, Mrs. Jose, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Jose and fam- ily, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs, Frise Toronto; Mr. Perry Cowling and Miss Betty Sargent, Bowmanville; Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and family, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur, Hampton, at Mr, Walter Cryder- man's, Mr. and Mrs. Larmer, Ralph and APEX Electrophonic 10 Ineh Double Sided Phonograph Records 65c¢ Why Pay More? Waltz, Record No. Fox Trot Record No. 8761 Waltz Record No. 8758 Fox Trot Record Fox Trot Record No. 8718 The Waltz Hit Supreme RAMONA Even better than "In A Little Spanish Town" and by the same composer, Apex Record No. 8745. The song Record is No. 26104 Together Hawaiian Guitar Record No. 8755 After My Laughter Came Tears Waitin' for Katy Fox Trot Record No. 8760 The Death of Floyd Bennet Sung by VERNON DALHART on Apex Record No. $762 Was It a Dream? Anything to make You Happy My Ohio Home Song Piano Record. by WILLIE ECKSTEIN. No. 26101 Octo-Chorda Solo. WILSON & : 71 SIMCOE ST. NOBTH The Sun Record Co. Toronto, Ont. Song Record No. 8744 Song Record No. 8723) Song Record No. 8765 No. 8766 Record No. 26095 Record No. 8740 1 Louis, Miss Elford, Blackstock, ab W. T. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Northcott, Zion; Mr. Meredith Dring, Oshawa; Mr. Geo. McCullough, Raglan; Misses Marion and Ruby, Reesoa and Mr. James Reeson, Columbus, at Harvey Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill, Ennis- killen; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow- den, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire and Lawrence, Mrs. Poll ard, Salem; Mrs. Langmaid, Hamp- ton, at Mrs. Roy Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. John Colville, Hampton, at J. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vice at Mrs. Arnott's. Mr. and Mrs. Charleton and Mr. and Mrs. McBride and Bertrum, Peterboro, at C. Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langmaid, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jef- fry and Doreen; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. vanDyke, Maple Grove; Mr. Rey. Jull and Kenneth, Brooklin; Mr Archie James, Mr. Richard Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Mountjoy and Marion, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry and Grace, Enniskinnen: Mr. Bert and Miss Olive Luke. Tos ronto, at Mrs. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Ellens, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vice, Columbus: Mr. and Mrs. Will. Doidye, Mrs. J. Burns, Miss Lottie and Minnie Home, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nes- bitt and Elmer, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mooney, Bernice, Ethel and Maudie, Enniskillen, at Chas. Blanchard. Miss Nora Werry was called to Toronto Saturday morning by thé death of Mr. A. R. Wickeet. The friends in this community sympa- thize with Mrs. Wickett, Mrs. Walker and Miss Laura Wickett. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Cour- tice, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Langmaid, Miss 'Audrey Werry and Meredith | Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, at 8, E. Werry's, Ingpector Snider school this week. Don't forget the silver jubilee of the Selina Women's Institute on Wednesday, June 6th, at Eldad sheds. Good pragram promised. There will be no service at El- dad on Sunday, as everybody goes te Zion anniversary, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Snowden and Misses Betty and Mildred and Master Bobhy; Mr, Harry Freeman, Maple Grove and Mr, and Mrs. Mark. Turner, Oshawa, at Mrs. T. Baker's, Miss Nora Werry and Mrs. W. T. Baker attended the funeral of Mrs. Gilbert at Enniskillen on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. James Dart, Enfield, at W, N. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Found, Bow- manville, at Mr. N. C. Yellow- lees', Mr. and Mrs. Ben, White and Dorise Orono; Mrs. D. Bradley, Miss Viola Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett, Bowmanville, at Mr. P. Walker's. Mrs. Annis, Whitby, at Gordon Leask's. Mrs. James Hancock, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton and Viola, Toronto; Miss Maynard, Markham; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, Mr, W. King, Mrs. Wesley Ellens, Toronto, at J. Mooney's. Mr. N. C. Yellowlees proved the good samaritan, going over to put in the crop for Mr. Halfaecre, Ty- rone, who is 111. Two Interesting games of foot- hall were played Monday evening. The juniors won from Zion hy a score of 1-0. J. Baker refereed. League game proved a keen strug- visited our of SCOPE OF HAIG NEORIAL HONES Original Scheme Found Not Sufficient For Needs. of Ex-Service Men : London, June 1.--The original appeal for a memorial to Lord Haig stated that the money raised would be devoted to the erection of homes. adequately endowed, in va- rious parts of the country for the DODDS KIDNEY benefit of Ex-Service men of all ranks, their widows and orphans. "Experience obtained since our ap- pointment," the trustees state, "in- dicates that applications from Ex- Service men's families for housing accommodation will prove more numerous and more varied than was at. first anticipated. order 40 make the money 'go fur- ther than it would do if entirely confined to bricks and mortar, to reserve to ourselves the right to carmagk a proportion of all future monies subseribed for the provi- sion of a fund, the interest of EE ------------ Men's Work Shirts, Reg. $1. Special, 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W, Phone "83W Opp. Centre St. DEE i li ud "We have decided, therefore, in| which will be utilized to assist BEx- Service men and their dependents with housing and accommodation other than in the Haig Memona! Homes." In regard to the Memorial | Homes, the trustees have provi- sionally decided as follows: For the purpose of supervision and ad- ministration homes should be in groups of not less than 1%, and preferably not less than 20. Homes should be built on the outskirts of [towns so as to facilitate employ- ment for the families oceupying them. Where any town, either by cor- porate or individual action sub- scribes sufficient money to provige |a reasonable and adequate scheme, | pound for pound shall be added { where possible, and if necessary from the general fund, for the erec- tion of homes for that town, Re- novation or conversion of unoceu- 1% give equally satisfactory results at less cost. . Preference im the allocation of homes to applicants shall be' given to the badly disabled and war wid- ows. Although provision has been made for an endowment fund, fami. lies will be expected to contribute atcording to their. means towards the upkeep of their home. It is felt that this provision will re- move any stigma of charity which might otherwise militate azamst the popularity of these homes. POLISH PREMIER'S ILLNESS SERIOUS Marshal Pilsudski Said to Have Suffered Paraly- tic Stroke Warsaw, May 31.--Although no official bulletins are being issued regarding the illness of Marshal Josef Pilsudski, the Polish Premler and dictator, the greatest secrecy is being observed. that his condition is of the most Garden Seeds-- Lawn Seed i Certified Cobbler Seed Potatoes Fertilizer SEED CORN--12'VARIETIES MANGEL SEED--6 VARIETIES TURNIP SEED--4 VARIETIES 'These are tested seeds Cooper-Smith Co. Just South of Post Office It is reported | NS er Wr OS: serious nature. The Marshal is believed to have been stricken with paralysis. He was unable to attend the festivi- | ties in connection with the visit of | King Amanullah and it is believe | that he is being kept in his room in the general staff building here. FERVENT WISH If the Pullman porters succeed in abolishing tips let it be hoped | that they will also abolish that sae- | The Latest Waltz Song '"" Pretty Irish Rose" : By Nelson H Bell, Oshawa Ontario. Published by Leo Feist, Ltd. TORONTO « « «- NEW YORK pied houses whenever expert advice shows this | will be undertaken is eo :aulted w - ------ --_-- ith a whisk broom. CARE cOMMU gle from &tart to finish, Solina hav- inz the edge tiroughout. Bowman- ville presen'cd a very creditable | { line-up, making an Interesting | zame to follow, Neith' r team were | able to score. Reg. Harding hand- | led the whistle. , Planting Is pretty, well advanced {although it is far fr m corn weath- | er. Mr. Frank Westlake 1s busy pouring concrete for barn founda- tion. Mr. I.. Miller is the foreman. The apple 'crop promises to be on the light side in this locality. THORNTON'S CORNERS | Thornton's Corners, May Bie} | Empire Day" was observed in our | school and Mr. J. C. Young, super- | |intendent of St. Andrew's United ' esting talk to the children, suit- | able for the day. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Sully motored to. Toronto on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke and Miss- es Irene and Gladys Oke, of Har-' mony, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E, Allan over the holiday. Miss ¥erna Powell, of North Osh- | awa, visited with her grandmotner, | Mrs. Bradford Powell, last week. The number attending Sunday School on May 27 was 75. We hope for a larger attendance through the nice summer weather. The Ladies' Aid met this week at the new home of Mrs. J. Luke. | A large number of ladies attend- | ed for such a busy time of the year. | After the business of the day was | finished, a we.y pleasant social home was spent and enjoyed by all. . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tonton, of Detroit, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe this week. | Mr. Eli Pascoe, of Detroit, and a friend, Mr. Max Davies. are visiting for a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe. Mrs. G. H. Robinson took a trip to Toronto one afternoon this week. The country is very pretty now | with the blossoms out on mearly | all fruit trees and the lilaes just | opening. City people would be Dealers Everywhere. | well pleased with a drive through | the country to see and enjoy the | 11 Smcoe Complete Stock of Apex Electrophonic Records | Always on Hand | | MUSIC SHOP | Street South | { i EMPTINESS (Topeka Capital) "Is there anything emptier," the | Detroit News plaintively asks, | "than an empty fountain pers" Well, out in the country a mile from anywhere, there is the cmply | gasoline tank. 4 1 | | Sunday School, zave a very inter- | - 7 4... ea view of the track is obstructed, stop and look. CX COURTESY M sure there is a place for you in the ine ahead. 3. Dont be a Ro ' RULES for SAFETY i Brakes, Steering Gear Give your You must observe each one scrupulously all the time Have your car in perfect mech- anical shape -- particularly ; pol | Headlights. our Wndivided allention Je iving. In ing tr y ing. In passing When other motor vehicles try to pass you--let them pase, ® Don't "loaf" where traffic is heavy. signal before you slow dowm, stop, or your course. Always change oe wu VISOL oi Tide: tombe Club aod Sovios Chub of Never back np before asceriaining that the road ply - ernments, ad Hog Ontario's highways are again calling the motorist. Once more the warning--Care, Courtesy and Common-sense-- must be continuously heeded by all drivers and pedestrians if accidents are to be averted,' One of the most common forms of Carelessness, Dis. courtesy and Lack of Common-sense is "hogging the road." Every motorist knows that the "road hog" is the driver who insists on swinging down the centre of the road so that vehicles cannot pass him on either side, Bus drivers do it. Truck drivers do it. Drivers of passenger cars do it, Traffic congests behind the "road hog," Other drivers want to get through, Some do go through and likely meet a "side-swipe" from a car coming the other way, Look at the picture, If you have the "road hog" habit, stop it. You have no right to create congestion and danger for others, nor even to run the risk of being mixed up your- self in an accident brought about by your own discourtesy. Another increase in traffic is expected this year, The accident hazard increases even more rapidly than the traffic. While the Highway Traffic Act provides against practically every type of accident that can be foreseen, rules and regulations cannot control all human conduct. Upon individual drivers, and pedestrians too, depends the responsibility for lessening motor accidents. In its efforts to promote safety on 'streets and roads, the Highway Safety Committee asks the co-operation of every motor vehicle driver. It is of vital importance that each driver shall become "iraffic conscious," that each shall become intimately acquainted with the Rules of Safety and shall eternally exercise Care, Courtesy and Common-sense, Reckless drivers--the menace of the highways--will be weeded out by cancellation of Operators' Licenses and Motor Vehicle Permits. Pedestrians also must ire a new sense of the dangers of the streets and highways and new habits of carefulness, XECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman:-~-HON. GEO. 8. HENRY Minister of Highways : Se v2--J. P. BICKELL, Registrar of Motor Vehicles BRIG.-GEN. D. C. DRAPER, Chicf of Police, Toronto W. G. ROBERTSON, Sec.-Treas. Ontario Motor League THOS. MARSHALL, Sec. Ontario Associated Boards of Trade R. M. SMITH. Deputy Minister of Highways JUSTUS MILLER, Sec. Boarder Cities Chamber of Commerce A J. F. H. WYSE. Sec. Ontario Safety League H. K. CARRUTHERS, Sec. Ottawa Board of Trade Police Chiefs, Presidents'of Boards MAYOR J. WILSON, Gananoque Province of Ontario WM. MORRISON, Controller, City of Hamilton

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