_--t PAGE TEN IES SOFTBALL SEASON OPENS--BELLE ) THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1928 VIL LE SENIORS HERE TODAY Oshawa Ladies Sottball .Schedule is Anriounced The schedule of the Chevrolet Ladies' Softball League was an- nounced today as follows. June 6--Chey. vs Buick. June 8--Whitby vs, O.M.L June 13--O.M.I, vs Buick. June 15--Chev. vs. Whitby. June 20--0.M.I. vs. Chev, June 22----Buick vs, Whitby. June 27--Whitby vs. Bulek. June 29--Chev. vs. OMI. July 4--Whitby vs. Chev. July 6--Buick vs. O.M.I Aug 11--0.M.I. vs. Whitby. 13--Buick vs. Chev, ~=Chev vs. Buick, 20--~Whitby vs, O.M.I. 25--0.M.1, vs. Buick. 27--Chev, vs, Whitby. 1--0.M.1. va, Chev, 3--Buick vs. Whitby. 8--Whitby vs. Buick. 10--Chev. vs. O.M.L 15--Whitby vs. Chev, 17--Buick vs. OM.I, 22--0.M.I. vs. Whitby. 24.--Buick vs Chev, July July July July July July Aug, Aug. Aug. Mg. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1rinity 21-16 Defeat U.A.C. Juvenile Game In a fast and furious game last night at Cowan Park, Trinity scor- ed a decisive victory over the Uk- rainian Athletic Club by a 21-16 score. The game was not as loose as the score indicates. Feeling ran high during the game and 'only the good judgment and coolness on the partof some of the players sav- ed the struggle from being a free- for-all. Each team used two pitch. ers--Partridge and Knox for Trin- ity and Sewchuk and Merch for the U.A.C, The line-ups were, Trinity--Wilson, 2b; Lovelock, vf; Brown, 1b; Knox, cf, and p; Hurst, If; H. Major, 3b; Ginges, e; W. Major, ss; Partridge, p, and cf; Amsbery, 1b, U.A.C.--A, Hercia, ef; Chasczw- shi, rf; Charnaz, 2b; Starr, ss; Ritzie, If; Sewchuk, p; Merch, 3b; 4 P. Hercia, 1b; Patterson, c.+ Score by innings: Trinity 04603250 VAC, 40109101 Ssh 1-21 0-16 PYLE COMES ACROSS New York, June 1,--Charles C, Pyle, who promoted "Red" Grange, Suzanne Lenglen and lastly the Los Angeles to New York foot race, made good his promise tonight when he paid $48,800 in cash rizes at Madison Square Garden o the winning '"hoofers'™ of the "Bunion Derby." The money was paid in bank drafts and was presented individu. ally to the winners just before the wpening of the 26-hour team run- ping race which the promoter stag- -- great p 5 is » ed as a "consolation" attraction to counter the $100,000 debt that ac- crued from the transcontinental derby. This attraction will end at eleven o'clock tomorrow night. MAJOR DUGMORE TO COME TO CANADA London, June 1.--Major Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore, painter and or- nithologif, whose wonderful real life cinematograph pictures of the hig game of Africa have been popu- lar, has decided to visit Canada this summer. He, will sail from Liverpoo! in the Canadian Pacific liner Montrose on June 15, and after taking a series of cinemato- graph pictures of the Stampede at Calgary, will proceed to Banff and from these outfit an expedition into the Canadian Rockies for the pur- pose of securing moving pictures of Canada's big game. CITY GARDENERS (Woodstock Sentinel Review) It is a splendid work which the city's gardeners are doing, Their contribution to the beauty of their city is worth a great deal, and they reap their rewards, not alone in surveying the glory of what they have accomplizhed in their gard- ens, but in the knowledge that they are performing a splendid piece of civie service, The home without a garden beautiful in these days is the exception rather than the rule, and those citizens who are doing such excellent work in civie beauti- fication are finding benefits in health and enjoyment which can- not he inspired by any other source, Toronto .....ee Newark Buffalo . . Montreal .... Rochester . Jersey City ... Reading (vine Baltimore Toronto ! 3 Jersey City .. 16 Baltimore . Other clubs not scheduled. s Toda, Rochester at Toronto re) and 4p Buffalo at Montreal . Newark at Baltimore, Jersey City at Reading. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won New York ..ciovanse d Philadelphia . Cleveland ... St. Louis «vv Boston ,.. Detroit +, ..v4 Chicago Washington Friday's Scores Detroit. ..... +.5 Cleveland Other clubs not scheduled, Games Today Washington at St. Louis Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at Detroit. Boston at Cleveland. EERE EERE) Cincinnati New York . St. Lous .. Brooklyn Chicago ... Brooklyn .. Pittsburg . Boston Philadelphia Friday's Scores New York Cincinnati St. Louis 7 Boston Games Today St. Louis at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Boston. Chicago at Pittsburg. Jrooklyn at New York. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost Kansas City ....v000s 19 Indianapolis ,.,.. St. Paul .... Milwaukee Toledo Minneapolis ,, Louisville ..,, ERR) Columbus .., (EERE EREE) HUDSON / Onthe Open Road erformance aster /ndeed / Its performance has centered on Hudson the most dramatic public interest ever extended any car, Thousands, riding daily, are carrying the story world-wide, They tell us that they travel faster in city traffic, because of flashing getaway, swift, smooth acceleration and instantaneous t contro at easy steering and four-wheel braking give, This extra range and actlvity of Hudson power, as everyone knows, are advantages exclusive to the Super-Six principle and to itscompanion invention on which patents recently were granted. In every phase of performance there is effortless ease, from its smooth, swift getaway, to sustained high speed, and back to the soft instantaneous stopping action of its four-wheel brakes: Power is so smoothly delivered in all ran that you are scarcely conscious of it, ges of performance With the development and increased capagity of the Super- Six principle came also the creation of a chassis engineered in every detail to provide safely, continuously and economically for the speed, power.and safety of the motor. A thrill, never to be forgotten, is in store for you when you take your first ride in the new Hudson Super-Six. *1600 UP Sinch : spe $1635 (Rumble Seat $35 extrd) ar + $1700 Cosch $1600 Roadster $1660 Custom Buyers can poy for cars out of inch Chasis ,Standerd Sedan $1660 ustom Victoria $2120 Landau Sedan $2120 = Custom 7-Passi Sedan AR prices £. 0. b. income at lowest avai Obie hap Jor Ioterest, handling and ssammes HUDSON Super-Six CHADBURN MOTOR CO. OSHAWA--ONTARIO " BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE 610 S548 41 S13 A437 5 Rochester ..... m) Brooklyn eevee, | Philadelphia .... Pittsburg .... 10 Chicago .....v.4s PC. 574 S74 574 A333 532 348 SPOR1 SNAPSHOTS ahead--what do you say? cipal of the Collegiate promptly lone slant, and fielded .1000. mad, Girls are funny! soccer will put the natives in break, please! lished in this edition, Lindbergh is generally credited with being one of the ' bravest males that ever lived, but for supreme courage we nomi- nate the umpire behind the plate in a girls' ball game. . Let's pretend: You call one of the dear things out on strikes in a moment of indescretion; said D. T. shrieks "what?" now go The Base umpire has the outfield to demonstrate his '"Pad- dockian" talent, if any, but the balls and strikes arbiter is grap- ped between the screen and two ball teams. Speaking of the screen, the girls presented a pretty picture last night at the Collegiate grounds, woven into the sieaters of the four teams that performed in the opening games. The contests were billed as exhibition affairs to officially open the league, but the girls didn't fool around. Every color under the sun is Mayor Preston tossed the first ball and A. E. O'Neill, prin. missed it. That was one of the few occasions when a student had a royal chance to razz a teacher and' get away with it, but we failed to hear even a murmur. T. B. Mitchell, chairman of the Board of Education caught the Mayor's Malleables' first pitcher was afflicted with big-heartedness walking the Chevrolet players with rare abandon. Chevs were all set to start a'slugging bee. Perhaps she did it just to make them After a change of mound artists Chevs didn't have things all their own way. The fielding 'displayed improved as the game progressed; in fact all four teams showed the result of persistent drilling, Training a girls' ball team's not such a bad job at that. We wonder if the coaches are inoculated against poisonous glances. The ladies have no difficulty in attracting a throng of spec- tators, which surely goes to show--something or other, {Oshawa Collegiate is sending fifteen boys to Cobourg this Monday for the District High School Track and Field Meet. The winners of the various events have all their expenses paid for a trip to Toronto in September for the (Interscholastic) Provincial Championships. The local talent are expected to romp home win- ners in several of the events, although weakened by the loss of a few sure point getters due to failures in examinations. BR A win for all the Senior teams in the baseball, lacrosse and good humour for the week. A The Oshawa Golf Club has distributed the Fixture Card for the season to its members and an interesting pregramme is sched~ Jled, Today sees the commencement of play for the Cowan trophy and a large field will participate, The fixtures for 1928 are pub- THORNCLIFFE CLOSE FINISHES It is not so often that the col- ors of W. H, Wright are seen in front, but the running of Friday's, feature race at Thorncliffe was one of the occasions when the Canadian sportsman had the pleasure of leading the winner in- to the charmed circle. Royal Watch, a handsome looking son of On Watch, was the ong to seep in- to the limelight and when he beat the heavily backed favorite Mol- lie Elizabeth he sent many of tae big players to the cleaners, Royal Watch's victory came with the running of the Riverdale Purse, a dash of a mile. There were eight starters and Mollie El- izabeth looked in a soft spot and her people accepted odds of 1 to 3 about her chances, It was ex- pected that the mare would go to the front and lead her field throughout, but Royal Watch proved a stumbling block. As a matter of fact. Mollie Elizabeth was never able to take the lead at any stage of the trip. In the run around the first turn Royal Watch moved up on the outside, and straightened out, on the back streteh he assumed command,, leadng the favorite by a head, At the half mile pole Fleming was standing up straight in his stir- rups and it looked as if he might toss it off. Fleming Tinally sat down in the saddle again and Royal Watch hung onto the lead like .a bulldog. At the furlong pole Brown went to the whip on Mollie Elizabeth, but the mare was unabe to improve her posi- tion and the finish found Royal Watch a winner by half a length' and gradually drawing away. Twelve lengths back of the first two followed Lower Five and then came Hoity Tofty, The program was an ordinary one, framed to suit the poorer grade of horses. Six of the seven races were claiming affairs and three of them were at sprinting distances, While the fields lack- ed class they were well matched and stirring contests were in order. The winners of the first two events were home by the smallest of margins, noses sep- arating the first two at the finish in both races, Nose finishes resulted in the first two races. In the opening race Showery lasted long enough to get the decision over Highland Daisy, with Jake Jacoby a 62 to 1 shot third. Emplette, the fa- vorite in this race became rattled when the saddle bell rung as she was walking around the paddock and she never became settled. She was taken outsfde for the boy to mount and when Pierce did get up the filly reared andthe jockey fell off, the filly running loose around the open air paddock for several minutes. Botanic came from behind in the streich to beat Torrence a nose in the second race, while in the third Doppa Alicia, making the second start of her career, romp- ed home a winner by over a length. She was a field horse. Another fiéld horse to win was Js and Ands. The latter ac- counted for the Canadian-bred race when she came from behind to beat out Mad Mullah in the stretch. Bill Warren scored bis second win of the meeting when he led LOUGHRAN RETAINS LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CROWN FROM LATZO Ebbets ¥leld, Brooklyn, N.Y. June 1.--Tommy Loughran, cagey old ring general, tonight warded off the wildest thrusts of Pete Latzo, once a champion himself in the welterweight realm, to hold tight to the light-heavyweight crown 'he must defend twice more this Summer. The Scranton coal miner might have won the championship of the 175 pounders if his swirling attack and long overhand swings had been confined into a space of ten rounds. But against the Philadelphia ring master, rating the pace cleverly and saving his greatest efforts for the final five rounds, Pete had lit- tle chance. Even so, it was a final display of class and all-round ringmanship through the last five rounds, a final solving of the ay- enues that led to Latzo's iron chin and pudgy body, that brought Loughran home the winner, ready for Jimmy Slattery's brilliant at- tack on June 21- at the Polo Grounds. Pete could not theet the pace of those final rounds, and the shade he earned through the first ten sessions faded into semblance of a rout, The Associated Press score sheet gave eight rounds te Loughran, § of them in a straight march to the final gong, while Pete earned four of the first ten and held the clean- cup champion even in three others. Loughmp Needed Space Not until the closing rounds did Loughran discover thdt he must keep away from the plush-covered rope boundaries of the ring to save the title. Then the all-round class of the champion took effect, Latzos wild swings to the head and body slipped by where the leg room was and Tommy cuffed the challenger into a tired but dogged plunger at the final bell. The story was different in the early sessions. Loughran fell of- ten into Latzos trap amd tried to fight the rugged challenger, who grew fromthe welterweights to thy 176-pound class = without even a stopover among the middleweights, wherever he found hip, smashed him heartily on the ropes, caught Tommy - with lopping smashes to the head and ribs, and several times had the champion holding in 'temporary distress, Latzo"s pawing tactics cut Loughran"s chin in the second round and broughtb lood from his left eye and lips in the fifth ses- sion. , Pudgy Pete showed only a bright red splotch above the left kidney at the close, where Lough- ran had reached him with a stream of overhead rights in the last rounds. The show brought about 18,- 000 of the faithful to Ebbets Field, bome of the Brooklyn National Lea- gue Ball Club, despite ome post- ponement of the fight from last 'Wednesday. Loughran scaled in at 173% pounds, while Latzo, with much of the weight he has acquired still about his body;. weighed 168. GET THE BIG ONES Complaints are still being made of the failure of the police to get the big fellows in the bootlegging trade locally. The small fry are gpasy, but the bootlegging will nev- er be ousted from its profitavie status till the leaders are forcea 10 quit or suffer the penalty for their home Long View by a head in nei i closing race . lawbreaking. ample in the centre of the ring, Latzo | C.0.B.L. Dates Are Revised The revised schedule of the Central Ontario Baseball League is as follows: A June '1--Peterboro at Kingston. June 2.--Belleville at Oshawa. June 2.--Deloro at Peterboro. June 4.-- Belleville at Kingston. June 6.--Peterboro at Belleville. June 6.--Kingston at Oshawa, June §.--Deloro at Kingston. June 9.--Oshawa at Peter- boro. June 13.--Petgrboro at (2 games). June 13.-- Belleville ton. 'June 16.--Deloro at Oshawa. June 16.--Kingston at Pcoter- boro. June 20.--Oshawa at Belleville. (2 games), June 20.--Kingston at Deloro. June 23. -- Kingston at Peter- boro. June 23.--Oshawa at Deloro. June 27.--Deloro at Kingston. June 27.--Belleville at Oshawa. July 2.--Bellevile at Peterboro --(a.m.). July 2.--Peterboro at Deloro, --(p.m.). July 2.--Kingston at Oshawa. ~(2 games). July 4.--Peterboro at Kingston. July 4.--Deloro at Belleville, July 7.--Oshawa at Peterboro. July 7.--Kingston at Bellevilie. July 11.--Belleville at Deloro. (2 games) July 11.--Peterboro ton. July 14.--Belleville at Oshawa. July 14. -- Kingston at Peter- horo. July 18. -- Peterboro at Belle- ville (2 games), July 18,.--Deloro (2 games), July 20. -- Belleville at 'Kings- ton. ! July 21.--Oshawa at Peterboro. July 25.--Kingston at Deloro, July 28.--Deloro at Peterboro (2 games), July 28.--Oshawa at Belleville, Aug. 1.--Kingston at Belleville. Aug. 1.--Oshawa at Delero, Aug. 3.--Deloro at Kingston, vAug, 4.--DPeterboro at Oshawa. Aug. 6.--Oshawa at Kingston (2 games), Aug. 8.--Belleville at Deloro. Aug 11.--Kingston at Peterboro. Aug, 11.--Oshawa at Deloro, Aug. 13.--Kingston at Deloro, Aug. 15.--Deloro at Belleville Aug. 15.--Peterboro at Oshawa. The question of speeding up the game was takea up, and the Deloro at Kings- at Kings- at Oshawa. Parkwood Entr * Pennsylvania The R. S. McLaughlin entries in the annual horse show at Devon Pennsylvania, made a very creditable showing in a large field of huhters and jumpers which featured the fam- ous annual meet. Li Miss Eleanour McLaughlin, riding Michael, was placed 2nd in.a field cf 77 in the International Huntets and Jumpers event. Teh judges were faced with a stupendous task in pick- ing the winner, Miss McLaughlin handing her mount in clever fashion to clear the difficuit jumps. The best hunters and jumpers .in America competed over the course which was Wins Second. Place in Field ot 77 at Devon, in Jumpers Event laid out in such a manner as to bring out all the attributes desired in this particular class. The Parkwood Sta= bles' triumph is exceptionally note= worthy. . Other Canadian horses, notably Sis Clifford Siiton's helped to maintain the high stapdard of Canadian Huns ters and Jumpers. The Devon show ranks with the most important on the 'continent there being up to a hundred entries for cach cvent. The spectacle at tracted over ten thousand people on the opening night agd they were well rewarded by the superb horsemanship and breeding displayed. Golt Schedule For 1628 Season Fixture cards for the Oshawa Golf Club for the season of 1928 have just been issued. The schedule is as follows: June 2.--Qualifying round for F. W. Cowan Trophy. Conven- ar, D. B. Swartz, June 9 -- Opening of new Club House. Mixed foursomes at p.m. Dinner and dance in the evening. June 16.--Qualifying round .for Ceatury Competition (G M. Ja- cobs Trophy). Convener A, E Barton, June --Qualifying President's Trophy. Max Evans. June 27.--Oshawa at Scarboro. June 30.--Qualifying round for Club Championship (R. 8. Mg- Laughlin Cup). Convener, J. J. Burns, a round for Convener, aa 23 July July July Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. somes. s Aug. 29.--Oshawa at Cobourg. Oshawa at Rosedale, Mississaga at. Oshawa, Closing Field Day-- Dates to be arranged later, ! DEAR DEER! Berlin, May 21.--A herd of deed today caused one of the strangest automobile accidents on record near the German Capital. Between Grossheeren and Genshagen the car of a Berlin lumber dealer ran into a flock of twenty .or thirty deer crossing a road lead through the forest. In trying te avoid killing any of the animals the chauffeur lost control of the machine, which ran against a tree, 14.--Bogey Competition. 18.--Oshawa at Peterborog --Cobourg a tOshawa. .--Handicap Sweepstake, §.--Scarboro at Oshawa. 15.--Peterboro at @shawa. 18.--Two ball mixed fours and was completely smashed, / \ y 1c Your copy of this survey . (over40 pages) is ready How f/ [ ALEXANDRIA GOLD MINES LIMITED is a development, holding, exploration and operating Company with five outstanding properties in three of the producing mining areas of Canada, namely: Sud bury and Kirkland Lake Districts, Ontario; Portland Canal and Hazelton Districts, British Columbia -- option on control of Alexandria Mine, Phillips Arm, British Columbia. your convenience, send it today for this complete report. This coupon is for umpires wil be instructed by President McFadden to see that all games are started on time, and that no time is wasted hy the teams getting on tho field at the end of each inning. J Bi . sho into All prices at Factory, Oshewe Sao Bumpers and Spare Tw you. ers. a "e yi Bg features. For Chevr The CMC, 'r ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, Limited CHEN PRODUCT OF GENERAL WB ANGLO-LONDON SECURITY CORPORATION | ROYAL BANI T is almost inconceivable that a car so low in price as the b er and Better" Chevrolet d possess so many quality The minute you st: the "Bigger and Better" veyed the wheel in BI DG and style of Fisher Bod TORONTO to ~ accelerator and . +» . its riding comfort » » » its up-to-date complete ness , . . all bear out the im- pression of big-car quality con- by the exterior beauty the new Chevrolet es. When you have looked closely into the deep-rooted, far-reach- ing quali Better" C preciate how ridiculously low , . are the new Chevrolet prices. + General Moiors' own deferred payment plan affords the most comvemient economical wey of buying yowr Chevrole on time, - .the interior luzury of + » » its smooth, motor , , , its quick "=i OTORS OF CANADA, of the "Bigger vrolet, you will ap- C-2-6-288 Ontarie LIMITED