PACE TWELVE EE --_-- 9) "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM - N Tonight's Best Features 7.00 p.m. WNAC (461)--Boston. Radio Minstrels. NBC Blue Chain: United States Navy Band. 7.30 WLW (128) --Cinci. Island Queen, $.00 NBC Red Chain:--National Symphony Orchestra. 9.00 WSB (#76)--Atlanta.® Evening popular program. 10.00 KSTP (220)--St. Paul. Melody Hour. silent tonight after 7.00 pu: CFCF, CRGW, CONRT, KOA, KOIL, WERBR, WGHP, WOO, WRVA, WCSH. Regular Daytime Programs §.45 am. Red Network: --"Tower from WEAF, WCAE, WEEI, WaY, WRC, WOR (422)=Newark, Morning 6.00 CKCI. (357)=Torgnto, Setting ealth," GR, ym, Jp exe ercises, WAAM (2%8)-Newark, Sunnse hour of music, . 6.30 WMAQ (#48)=Chicago. Y.M.CA, ex- ercises, . 7.00 KENF (461)=Shenandoah, Ia, Sunrise concert, v4 KSO (227)=Clarinda, 1a. "The Boss." Whak (492)=N.Y, Moming devotiona: Ww 7.30 Red Network :=*"Cheerio," WEAF, WEEI, WGY, WRC, 7.45 WOC (373)~Davenport. Happy hour. 8.00 WLW (428)=Ciuci, Healthful exer- from Jises. Waa (48)~Chicago. U. of Chicago rec. 83 WEMC (484)-Berrien Springs. Easly Reming music, ONT, BRC RA wha, San WIK, WRC. * Whe, CKGW (312)=Toronto, Morning musi cale. KOIL (319)=Council Bluffs. Recorded music, Whar (500)=Ft, Worth. Morning mu- sical WDAF (¥0)-Kansas City, Morning Bible lesson. id i 50 WHO (535)--Des Moines. Victor 2.30 wwr (353)=Detroit, "Tonight's in. fier." 9.45 yiLs (M5)~Chicago, Home question 10.00 WCFL (489)~Chicago, Munici| prog. WGN (416)=Chicago. Home nal pros. ment period. WHT (306)=Chicago. Women's hour. WLW (426)=Ciuci. Women's hour, Ww (349)--Phila, Grand organ. WRNY (32%6)=N.Y. "Keeping Fit" 10.15 Red Network:--Radio H Inati- tute: WEAF, \WEEI, WTIC, WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WGR, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WSAI, WELH, KSD, WCCO, WOC, WDAF, 10.30 WAIU (283)=Columbus, O. Devotional service, 11.00 WADC (238)~Akron, O. Organ. WAMD (222)-5t, Paul. Aunt Sammy, WEBH (366)=Chicago. Women's hour, WOO (349--Phila. Langheon music. WQJF (448)--Chicago. Home economics, Concrete road near Windsor, Ont. Easier Riding | b for Less Money '+ + » behind the wheel you'll note the difference when your car strikes a stretch of concrete high- way, Tires grip it... you relax "'» + » and drive without strain or worry. Concrete paving cuts motoring costs radically, It gives more miles per gallon of fuel, takes less out of car and tires. Experienced drivers seek the concrete highways. . . to the bene- fit of communities offering them. 'Advocate concrete paving in YOUR community, It is per- manent, costs little for upkeep and contributes . .. materially loo. to general prosperity and l well-being, La A CANADA CE It's the litle it costs to maintain Se gan Canada Cement Company Limited Canada Philli Cement Com Buildi pany viding Sales Offices at : $e OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1928 Luncehon music, "Dinner bell." Melodies. conc. -St, Paul, Farm br, ansas City. Country- WSR WWI (5 i. Ogen WWNC (@7)=Asbeville, N.C. Lusch- eon mi A (278)=Detroit. Detroit tri 135 WHO. (05 Den Moines. Tak: hunch Special Programs to be Broadcast Sunday Legion A 7.00 WOC (375)--Davenport. "Old Folks Musicale." 8.00 WCBD (345)--Zion, Ill. Mixed quartet; Zion artists. 8.13 NBC Blue Chain: Utica Jubilee Singers. 9.15 Columbia Chain: United Military Band. 10.00 KTHS (500)--Hot Springs, Music Lovers Hour. Silent all day: CFCF, WIOD, WNOX, WOI, WOS, WRVA, WSBT, WFLA, CKGW, WEAO, WHAZ, chestra, 645 WOR (422)--Newark, Bernhard tow. WMAQ (#48)--Chicago. Sunday WOC (375)--Davenport, 7.00 Levi. Even- Old Folks 130 CRRA (476-2 N.B. Musical Kb Senden, Ta, Farmers Koi. (319)=Counci! Blufis, Pianist. Sunday's Programs RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS 7.30 am. WITD (366)--Mooscheart, Catholic Protestant. 800 WIZ (450)--N.Y, Children's hour, . Religious service. WRBBR (265)--N.Y. Studio orchestra. . 9.30 KFNE (461)--Shenandoah, Gospel serv- ice, KLDS (238)--Independence, Mo, Bible study hour, * WGY (380)--Schenectady, Services, WHAM (280)--Rochester. Services. WLW (428)--Cinci. Sunday School. WSEA (263)--Norfolk. Services, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Services, 92.45 CAE (461)--Pitts, Rodei Shalom Synagogue, WGR (303)--Buffalo. Morning services WIBO (416)--Chicago. Swedish services WOO ' (349)--Phila, Bethany Presbyter ian, 10.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Services. KDKAy (316)--Pitts. Services. | WCFI. (484)--Chicago, Grace M, . Church, WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Organ; choir, WHK (265)--Cleveland. 1.B. WMCA (370)--N.Y, Christ WOW (508)--Omaha, Chanel 10.15 WRHM (261)--Mpls. I.B.S A. 10,30 WADC (238)--Akron. Church of Christ Christ Scientist Austin M, E WSB (476)--Atlanta, Sunday School 10,43 WAIU (283)--Columbus, eniple larael. WCCO (405)--Mpls Paul. Services. WMAQ (448)--Chica Dr. Bradley. WLS (345)--Chicago. Church, 11,00 KYW (526)--Chicag:. ( enwral Church WHT (306)--Chicago. Pat Darnes, ser- monette. WJIAX (341)--Jacksonville, Service WLW 28)--Cinci, 7th Presbyterian. WWNC (297)--Asheville, Services, 11,15 WHAS (322)-- Louisville. Baptist ch, 11.45 WCAH (234)--Columbus. 1.B.5.A, WOGHP (278)--Detroit, LB.S.A, 12 noon KFAB (319)--Lincoln, Westminste; Church, KMBC Church, KSO (227)--Clarinda. Methodist church KTHS (500)--Hot Springs, lst Presby- terian, KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Services, WHO (535)--Des Moines, Services. WOC (375)--Davenport. Congregational WRR (461)--Dallas. Services, 1,00 p.m. CKLC (357)--Calgary, Services. WCAU (261)--Phila, Interdenomina tional. : WEA (492)--N.Y, Interdenominational 1.30 WEBR (256)--N.Y, Choristers. WO) (348)--Phila, Sunday School, 2,00 WPAP (394)--N.Y. Inspiration hour, 2.55 WJZ (454)--N.Y. St. George's Vespers 4.00 WENR (288)--Chicago. Chapel hour, WRC (469)--Wash, Washington Cath- edral, Sa 2 4.15 WOI (265)--Ames, Christian Church U. oi Chicago 270)--Kansas City; Christian oir, 30 WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. Bible class, Vespers. 5.30 00 S (345)--Chicago. Little Church. . WS (476)--Atlanta, Vespers, 6.15 WIP (349)--Phila. Evening services. . 6.30 WBBR (256)--N.Y, Sacred music, 7.0 RENE (461)--Shenandoah, Golden Rule Services. AMA (394)--Shenandoah, service, WOUC) (405)--Mpls-St, Scientist, WEAN Brown Devotional Christ Bible Paul, (545)=Dallas, Radio Class, 7.3) WJAX (341)--Jacksonville, Services. 7.45 WHAL (61)--Cinci, Radio sermonctte, 8.00 WHh (265)--Cleveland. 1.B.S.A. 5.30 KirAU (285)--Boise, ldaho, Baptist ch. WUUA (250)--Pensacola, Presbyterian saryices, WHOLE (270)--Milwaukee. 8.45 WUAH (234)--Columbus, : va) hPRC (24)--Houston. 1st Christian ch. 10,15 KUO (545)--St, Louis, Bible address. MUSICAL PROGRAMS--FEATURES | 12 noon NBC Red Chamn:--Chamber music: Services, B.S.A. ChCI WEAF (#92)--N.Y, "60 Musical Min- utes." WENR (288)--Chicago. Hour of Better Music. WJZ (454)--N.Y, Classical melody. WRIHM (261)--Mpls. Classical music. . 2.00 WEEL (508)--Boston, Music, WIBO (6)--Chicago. Afternoon prog. WLW (428)--Cinci, sand concert, + WRR (161)--Dallas, I.B.S.A, Program. 2.45 WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Baseball: also from WGN, 3.00 Columbia Chain; Cathedral Hou: ; 'CAU WNAC, WEAN, WCAO, WIAS, WKRC, WGH/P, WAMAO, WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, ROL, RDKA (316)--Pitts. Carnegie Music Hall, WWJ (333) Detroit. Baseball Nuvin Field. 3.15 WPG (273)--Atlangic City. Community progam. A 3.30 KTNT (257)~--Muscatine, Variety music WBZ (333)--Springfield. Concert en- semble. WRNY (326)--N.Y, Concert. 1.00 CKNC (517)--Toronto. Casa Loma trio. KFAU (285)--Boise, Idaho. Musicale. ROI. (319)--Council Bluffs. Orchestra. KSTP (320)--St. Paul. Symphony or- chestra. 3 WWNC (297)--Asheville. Sacred music J) WAAT (246)--Jersey City, Twilight musicale. kFUO (345)=St. Louis. German hal! hour, + WEAF (492)--N.Y. The Ballad Singers. 300 KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Gypsy trio. WOO (349)--Phila. Sacred organ recital WRNY (326) "Little Journeys to 5.30 NBC Red Chay Band: WEAF, WCSH, WFI, WRC, CAE, AM, K from n: 'American Tegion WTIC, WIAR, WTACG, / WGY, WOR, 00, wwi, cale. 6.00 NBC Red Chain: Hans Barth, concert pianist: WEAF, WFI, WRC, WGY, KSD, WSAI, WCAE. WCAU (261)--Phila. The Melodiaus. WDOD (244)~Chattanooga. Sacred pro- gram, WIZ (45O-NY. Organ Music: also KWK, WIR. . 6.30 NBC Red (Chain: --Capitol Theatre : WEAF and other stations, WBBR I (256)=N.Y. Bible lecture; music. KOA (326) ~Denver. Organ. WEBAL (28)-Baltumore. Concert or- eaples' | i NBC Hiue . Hour: WJZ, orchestra: Chain: = Collier's Radio KDKA : WV) s WIR, KOA, 'K, KYW, WBZ, WBZA, WLW, ain: Don Vi T KMOX, KOIL WCAU, WEAN, WJAS, KMBC, WMAQ, WADC, b WCAE 0C, W WTM) Sidelights." WW, (353)--Detroit. Piano recital, 5 NBC Red Chain:--Atwater Kent Radio Hour: WEAF, WEE! WGR, EI, WRC WCAE, WWJ, W5Al, WGN, WCCO, NBC Blue Chain: Utica Jubilee Sing- crs: WJZ, WBZ, AWK, KYW (526)--Chicago. utes of Good Reading. WBZA, KDKA, K « Min- Twenty WGBS (349)--N.Y. Feature program. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Little Sym- phony. WADC, WMAQ, WOWO, KOIL, 5 NBC Red WEAF, WFAA, WFI, WGY, wCCo, WSAI, NBC Blue Chai uly: ( \! WAIU, /K KMOX, KMBC, Chain: --Biblical Drama: WWI, WHAS, sWGY, WHO, WOC, WEEI, WOW, KSD. in: High Spots of Mel- WJZ, KDKA, KWK, American olumbia Chain: Singers; United Military Band: WOR, WCAL, VNAC, WEAN, WCAO, WKRC, WGHP, KMOX, KMBC, KSTP (220)--St. WFBL, WMAG, KOIL, Paul, WMAK, WAIU, wWOowo, WTAS, Compnosers hr, KTNT (256)--Muscatine. Variety musie WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Mixed (uartet, WHN WJAX (I4)--N.Y, American Period. (341)--J acksonville. Organ. bid (273)~Atlantic City. Evening mu. sicale, Ww ig (333)=Springfield. Evening musi. cale. WLW (428)=Cinci, Bandbox hour, WSB (476)--Atlanta. Symphony. NBC gram: KFI, Chain: Symphony pro KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, Pacific KH(, KOMO, KPO, KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Vocal. 10.00 C NRW (384)=Winnipeg. Sunday musi cale, KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. "Billy and Helen." KSTP (220)--St. Paul, Ye Olde Fa shioned Tavern, KTHS (500)--Hot Springs, Music Loy- ers WGHP WSuUI Hour. (278)=Detroit. Arcadians. (476)--Towa City, Familiar hymns, 1BO (306)--~Chicago. r dance, 10.15 oo 545)--=St. Loui * Rng Cy i dae pe musicale. WDAF (370)--Kansas City, Concert of- < hestra., WTAM (400)--Cleveland. The Cavaliers 10.30 oR rials. Orchestra, bdr owa N i h 1045 WM (294)--Milw ---- Hani clas: tics. ji 11.00 KTHS (500)--Hot ings. Frolic, WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Texas Hotel Orchestra WHN (3%)---N.Y. Frivolity Club. WIBT (389)--Chica; Gus Edwards... 11.05 KSTP (220)-St, Paul, Amos and Andy. 11.15 (RIC (357)--Red Deer, Alta. Radio our. 12 mid WBBM (389)-Chicago. Dance or- chestra, WFAA (545)--Dallas. Orchestra. . 1.30 a.m. KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Pop- ular dance. Monday Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 1.00 pm, CKNC (317)=Toronto, Brunswick our, WCFL (484)--Chicago. Rest Hour, WHN (394)--N.Y. State Theatre, 1.05 WIZ (454)--N.Y, "Your Daily Menu." 1.30 WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical pot- rn, WOR (422)--Newark. Afternoon prog, 2.00 CKCL (375)--Toronto. Studio music, WEEI (508)--Boston. Edison. hour, WENR (288)--Chicago, Popular quests, » WFI (405)--Phila, Vocal. WHT (306)--Chicago. Afternoon ture. * WIP (349 Phila. Artist recital. wWIiD (366)--Chicago. Mooseheart children. 2.15 KOA (326)--Denver. Organ. 2.20 WGN (416)--Chicago. Artist recital, 2.30 KMM]J (230)--Clay Center. Afternoon program, KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Aunt Sam- Te. fea- (261)--Phila. tension Society, WLS (345)--Chicago. Homemakers hr, 3.00 CKLC (375)--Red Deer, Alta. Matinee program. CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Musicale, WAIU (283)--~Columbus, O. Good Will Club, WRAP (500)--F¢t. Worth. Vocal. WEAF (192)--N.Y, "The Home": also 3 . Trio, Knowledge Ex- WR( WERH (36)-Chicago. vocal. WGR (303) --Buffalo. Tea music, WHR (137)--Kansas City. Ladies' hr. WWJ (353)--Detroit. Studio program. 3.15 WEAF (492)=N.Y. Manhattan Trio: alsn WRC. 3.30 CFCA _(357)--Toronto. 21.0. London. WRAL (285)--Baltimore. Recital. WRZ (333)--Springheld, Mass. noon music, Ww 17 (454)--N.Y. "Over the Teacup": Songs; Program from After WRC, 3.45 WOO (349)-Phila. Grand organ and trumpets, Continued on page 18 iy sg | Wouid You the same make of car Again? LJ Over 87 % of all McLaughlinBuick owners answer yes- a greater degree of owner loyalty than any other leading make of car can claim... Owners know car values! Drive a McLaughlin-Buick and learn the fullest measure of motor-car satisfaction Moffatt Motor Sales, Limite 88 Simcoe St. North OSHAWA, ONT, Phone 91/ MSLAUGHLIN- 'BUICK WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT -- McLAUGHLIN - BUICK WILL BUILD THEM g¥i.6.288 SHOPPING DISTRICT DRY CLEANING If you want clothes cleaned A your s0 they will look Rey, PARKER'S i Cleaners Dyers King Street East - Phones 788-780 YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just phone 2520 and a driver will call, OSHAWA LAUNDRY Sir Every to Dollar Create Spent Out of Oshawa Helps Opposition to Your Own City The Ideal Men's Store G. & W. SIBERR 27 KING Sy ad Service PHONE 1110