AA | newspaper published Rs BE ie Sa 500 nb . Fh Ohawa Dally Times In & member of the Cute Dally Newspapers' As nt Toe Untario Proviacial Deities and the Circulations, 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier: 10c¢ a week, By mail (out- side Oshawa carrier asiiveny J limits): in the pian of Ontario, Durham and Northumberland, here in Canada, $4.00 a year; Bh £02 Tv D, Tresidder, representative, y bwin IN US: Powers and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicago -------- 5 MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1928 Temperance Street, Telephone ee + THE PART CREDIT PLAYS ' A proposed nation-wide survey of retail _ eredit conditions in the U.S, should prove of value both to merchahts and the buying public. The latter must pay the cost of doing business, including that incurred for- bad debts, and a statistical study of the size of this burden should be helpful in low- ering it, And it should be of importance to retailers to. ascertain how far they are above or below the average in delinquent accounts and credit losses, Of special interest is the phase of the sur- vey which will deal with installment buying, This old form of extending buyer credit has expanded in recent years until it has become one of the outstanding factors of modern business, accredited by one school for much of present-day prosperity and looked upon by another as a serious threat to financial stability, : The popularity of installment buying makes evident the fact that without the liberal use of credit trade and commerce would be much: less active, Producers and merchants have become accustomed to ex- tensions of credit that would have been con- sidered extremely risky only _a generation ago, While it is agree® that business has been stimulated by the new sales methods, ac- curate figures have long been lacking deal- ing with the efficiency of the practice, The fact that fhe. financial structure of any na- tion is founded upon credit has long been recognized, but beyond generalities little has been known, Through the survey it is hoped to quiet the fears of those pnreasonably pessimistic over the credit situation, and to show to business the economic limitations of the modern credit structure. ---------- "THE THINGS UNSEEN" Under this head the great Chicago de- partment store of Marshall Field & Co, in- serted in the Chicago Tribune a few weeks ago the following unique advertisement: "At the end of their first week in business the owners of a little shop lowered the cur- tains of their windows and went home, "On each succeeding Saturday night the every afteraconm at Oshawa, THE OSHAWA DALY | curtains were e pulled down and kept down | until Monday. "As the little shop grew the suggestion came from many sources that the curtains should stay up. 'The windows are beauti- ful,' people said; 'let us walk by and look.* "The owners had an old-fashioned back- ground.. They had been taught in childhood that six days are enough for the things that are seen. The, first day. of the week, they said, is for the things unseen--rest and worship, and family life, and freedom from thoughts of business. "Seventy-five years have passed. The store has grown until its windows are said to be mere valuable than any windows in the world, But the example of the founders re- mains, and all day Sunday the shades are' down." Commenting on the above the Manufac- turers' Record says: "Is this old-fashioned custom good, in days when so many old-fashioned customs are be- ing crowded out? We like to think so, We like the idea that on thé first 'day of the week the church and the home should come first, "Strong churches and strong homes build strong cities. All the great words of busi- ness--service and courtesy and Kindliness and truth--have their inspiration in reli gion, And prosperity is only permanent where there is reverence, and mutual trust, and faith," Here is a thought worthy of consideration by some of our Oshawa merchants, Sunday is a day when business should be as far 'as possible from the thoughts of men and wo- men, It is not generally thought of as a day for shopping. Why then, should it be a day for "window shopping?" Let's think it' over, EDITORIAL NOTES Some men look so cheap they give them- selves away. The man who sings his own praises doesn't draw a crowd. . ---- ' The first step in the direction of disarm- ament has been the gradual elimination of wrist watches, a Bit of Verse TWO SIDES There is a shady side of life, And a sunny side as well And tis for everyone to say On Which he'd choose to dwell; For everyone unto. himself Commits a grievous sin, Who bars the blessed sunshine out And shuts the shadows in, i " The clouds may wear their saddest robes The sun refuse to smile, And sorrow, with her troops of ills, May threaten us the while; But still the cheerful heart has power A sunbeam to provide, And only those whose souls are weak Dwell on life's shady side, --=S8. D. V., in Ave Maria CHICAGO TURNS 10 L HIGHWAYS Engineers Suggest Roads Be Built in Air Over Rail road Tracks Wo! seeking for a solution involved in building the highway of the future nfl handling tremendous auto- Chicago engineers be- lieve that they have an idea. , and with the back- These , y bioad, thoroughfares wo! rovide a means for high speed traffic with grade crossings eliminated, The elevated highway idea recurs in all s aor settling city difficulties. Chicago proposes build elevated arterial. thorough- in strategic positions, but this scheme received 2 temporary set- back when yoters revolted and turn- down all bond election. hn ation with the rail- s radiate in all direc- i 0 city, with the air i above them at present wasted. rights would utilised for construction of wide streets for high na Spe r ways undoubtedly be great," the coun- committee says. "That the cost - $250,000, or more is | i 7 i I Hie justificatam of the ex- be rout PRES: 3 is propgsed go @ issue projects at | ©! Church, and council traffic | byterian establish an acrial highway district with power to issue bonds and levy taxes. So. serious has the traffic problem become that the proposal calls for establishment of a separate governing body to deal with it. At the same time, the Chicago Mopt- or Club is calling attention to the necessity for 40-foot highways out- side of the cities to carry increasing traffic. This organization expresses the opinion .that even 40-foot road- ways may be cramped within five or six years. For handling eity traffic, aerial highways are receiving the greatest attention and meet highway engin- cers' ideas of the coming arterial thoroughfare within large metropoli- tan areas. FIRST SERMON PREACHED BY SON OF SIE J. EWING Princeton, N.J., June 3. -- The Rev. Rhea M. Ewing, son ofthe late Sir James C. R. Ewing, for years Vice-Chancellor of the Uni- versity of the Punjab and one of missionaries India his first ser- mon since ordination at the First Presbyterian Church here this ev- ening, pecuping the pulpit of Dr. harles R. , pastor of the president of the Pres- Board of, Foreign Mis- sions. Mr.' Ewing, who intends to go with Mrs. Ewing to India to con- tinue on work similar to that of his famous fatber, graduated from Princeton this Spring. The late Sir James Ewing was knighted by the King-Emperor for his notable work in India and was for many years the byterian missionary He died several y the Empire. S AZO. WOULD CREATE BAND Stratford, June 3.--An effort is being made here to form a bun- wredpiece band in tho! collegiate institute, along the sa those orgamized im hich schools ig the United States, 4 Pres- | lines as- 1 tory. oi TELEVOX GAN NOW TALK OVER WIRE Mechanical Man Does Any: thing But Eat--Can Say "Televox Speaking" New York, June 3.--A further step has taken place in the develop- ment of the mechanical man. Formerly it could do nothing but hear and obey. Now it can talk back. The mechanical man, or Televos, .was hailed as the perfect employee when it was first inventee by R. J. Wensle¢y of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com- pany, because it could obey orders and do mothing else. It could not even speak when spoken to. Now the inventor has endowed it with words. When it is hailed over ike teleph it responds ir « well- modulated and deferential voice: "Televox speaking." It can even initate a conversa- tion. If something goes wrong, for instance, at a power substation where the Televox is on duty it can lift the receiver and say: "This is the Televox calling for Main 5000." When Televox is connected with that number the conversation will continue in buzzer code. The man at headquarters will ask by inter- rogatory buzzes what is wrong, and the Televox will reply in the same form--one, two op three buzzes or a combination of buzzes, each meaning something different. In place of wogal chords the mechanical man has had a talking film introduced among fits organs. The words to be spoken are record- ed by photgraphy on a film and introduced into the physiology of the man that was born in a labora- -- At a Clr on't Give In When you' B feeling rather blue, And don't know what to do, When the 'world seems black to you, Don't go on moping ; When the clouds across your sky Look so dark and heavy, why Don't give up with saddened' sigh; Just keep om hoping. When you" he feeling rather down And your sbrrows you would drown Do not pucker up and frown Don't view them gravely; You must try as best you can Just to face them like a m hat is much the better ol And bear up bravely. For the man who'll just be strong When his little world goes wrong, Who will smile and sing a song Instead of wailing; There are brighter days ahead, And his griefs will soon be dead And he'll find his life instead Will be plain sailing. x The Atlantic has been crossed so many times now, that we don't the ber of times. Now more aviators have been seized by the "Flying Bu, and are looking for further fold to conquer, Viz, the Pacific. Oh, waves- of the western sca, You cannot frighten me; No more I'll sail your: crest For the wind I'll ride abreast. ox x What could be meaner than for a traffic officer to take his car out and ride along the highway at 34 miles per 'hour and hand a summons to every one that passed him? * "Golf schedule for 1628 season" --headline, This date was evi. dently a misprint, but neverthe- less, it takes us back to the time when golf was probably (7) as well-known as it is now, and far better played, perhaps. "Aren't rosy cheeks a sign of good health?" "I should say they are." "Well, IT saw a girl the other day who was a lot healthier on one cheek than the other." . If you are angry count 100 hefore you speak; if the other fellow is larger and stronger, then run the counting up to 1000, * o¥ % Man's hanger is a metal ar- rangement that hangs in the clothes closet while the owner's trousers repose in a heap across » bedroom chair, . * Most men are so busy living they have no time to live. ' * % % The day endeth. * Ry What Others Say IN HOLLYWOOD (Life) "That girl that just went hy was Clara Bow." "Well, well, is that so? T didn't re- cognize her with her clothes on. NEAR THE SEA (Kitchener Record) No one in Great Britain lives more than seventy miles from the sca-- a fact that must solve the summer vacation problem for a number of people. ' A FOOTPATH SUGGESTION (Farmers Advocate) The tax notices indicate that farm- ers play some small part in paying for the highways. Would it not be fair enough to tack another cent on the gasoline tax and use the extra revenue in providing footpaths along these speedways for school children and other pedestrians? QUEER RULING (Niagara Falls Review) The recent decision of the appel- late court that there is no such thing as right and wrong sides of the roads for motorists, is bound to cause trou ble. Divers have been going on the assumption that traffic coming in the opposite direction will keep to the other side of the road and, in mak- ing a right hand turn, felt fairly safe, It is to be hoped the matter will be tested and the rigid rule laid down that there is a right and wrong side. Renrut, AIMEE (Detroit Saturday Night) Whether Aimee Semple McPherson will actually pack her fireworks and journey to Zion City on the shores of Lake Michigan, remains to be seen, byt it is currently rumored that Los Angeles' favorite daughter plans an invasion of the kingdom of Wil- bur Glenn Voliva. Mr. Voliva is abroad at present, searching for truth, travelling about until he ar- rives at a spot somewhere in Asia where he can stand on the rim of the world and peer over the edge. At any rate, Zion City is nonce without its stiepherd, and the time is ripe for competition to steal in. But cvangelically, Mr. Voliva's reservation offers very slim pickings. Zion City has been too thoroughly sold on the Voliyvian theses that the earth is flat, that the sun is 50 miles distant and that the force of gray- ity is a myth, to even consider Aimee's choicest wares. Business is still good at the Angelus Temple, too good to warrant risking a flop in territory that has already been work- ed to death. If Aimee is wise, she will stick to the home grounds where the fish bite harder than anywhere else PROFITABLE INSTRUCTION-- Poverty and shame shall be to him PRAYER --Loxd. teach me, me. ila" WH SRY -- for the | MONDAY, JUNE 4,.1928 By Jas. W. Barton, M.D. GIRLS LOOKING LIKE BOYS A new angle on this matter of "keeping thin" is advanced by Dr, S. A. Kropf in discussing the in- crease in tuberculosis among young women. As you know tuberculosis has been gradually decreasing, and it was felt that this scourge would gradu- ally be swept from the face of the earth. However "the sanitariums have begun to notice an increase in the number of patients admitted, and' this increase is among Yo young girls from 15 to 19 years of ag Many of us have thought nat these girls were doing without food so as to be lithe and slim, but Dr. Knopf says it is because these girls want to look like boys." They "are trying to walk, talk, stand, and smoke like boys, and know that if they cat as they should they will get the natural rounded shape of the well formed woman. Now no one is going to quarrel with adults, men or RE who do, not wish to put on extra weight. The penalties of overweight are numer- ous indeed. However it is because these girls from 15 to 19 are just emerging into wdmanhood that the dangers of un- dereating are so serious. Our food needs are in proportion to the size of the surface of the body. A girl 15 to 19 has a frame almost as large as her, mother, and she therefore needs praatically as much food on that account alone. However she is still growing in height and width, and extra food must be taken to supply this growth. Therefore if the girl doesn't get the food, then every cell in her body is just that much poorer in strength. Is it to be wondered 'at therefore | that an ailment like tuberculosis at- tacks so many of these girls? Just when, they need more food than at any other time in their lives they take less. I believe we are all glad to see them indulging in games as do boys. This means a strengthening of heart, lungs, and entire body. These ath- letic girls must eat to keep up their strength for games. But thinking parents, and the girls themselves, would do well to consider this sig- nificant fact that while tuberculosis is decreasing at every otlrer age in both men and women, it is actually increasing in young womeén 15 to 19 years of age, due to under nourish- ment. This is a hard cold fact. i ---------------- WOMAN SERIOUSLY HURT WHEN CAR TURNS OVER Windsor, June 3.--A serious ac- cident to a colored couple occurred at 10 o'clock this morning on the curve at the southern limits of the Town of Essex. The couple were driving .slowly on No. 3 highway, and as they were turning on th curve a tire blew out and the coup began to shimmy. About fifty feet farther another tire blew out, and the driver lost control, as the car left the pavement, hit a stone and rolled over. Eye-witnesses say they were driving about ten miles an hour. The woman was pinned un- der the car and seriously injured ahout the hips and back. The man escaped with some bruises and a bad shaking up. The car is a total wreck, Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South "ROOF LEAKING?" Well Just Call HAYTON, THE ROOFER He'll fix it Get an Estimate 85 Arthur St, Phone 1643W OR -------------- -- 1 Hudson and 1 Essex Coach, late models, in perfect order, new duco finish, Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 9 Prince St.,, Oshawa Phone 1160 Save Your Eyesight You simply, camiot do your best with defective sight. Why not consult W.A. Hare - OPTOMETRIST 3 KING STREET WEST " Hundreds of wear with utmost Hare's Faultless Lenses PARLEY IS PLANNED "ON "FLAG" INCIDENT Ottawa, June 3.--~As a result of another flag incident in which a United States flag was torn from a car and trampled by a Montreal citizen in Montreal. Canada is in- stituting conversations with the United States Government with a view to preventing recurrences on either side of the border. It was a party of Americans from Saranac Lake, N.Y., who had their flag taken from their machine and trampled, the incident happening May 30, according to Willlam J. McQuarrie, British Columbia Con- servative, in the House of Com- mons yesterday. McQuarrie wanted the Canadian Government to pass legislation compelling foreign = automobile tourists displaying their national flag also to carry a Canadian flag of the same size. "Personally," sald Premier King, "I do not like the idea of compul- sory legislation on matters of thls | kind. 1 should think that possib- ly there might be conversations be. tween the legations in Washing- ton and Ottawa as to the practice which each ceuntry might follow in matters of international sauntéey. The question might be dealt wit more effectively in that way than in any other. ~ HE She is Thankful She Read the Almanac Best Dodds Kidney Bill Word shike Weight in Gold 4 fall," Mrs. W. ly triable inte widh 2 Rr Se supe Mw, lieved of o com: p DODDS KIDNEY PILLS 'Stosie-ForLoNG 8G 'Office: Reford AND WELLINGTON 918. S. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa ' Phones 143 and 144 -- Above C.P.R, Office ---- --- Do You Own Your Own 28.2202 0 0000000080208 0 2. TRTTeTTYY w. f) SULLEY Real Estate AUCTIONEER Insurance Loans 41 King St, West Phone 2580=-716J 3-Room House with one acre of good garden land; wondgrful place for chickens, 35 minutes' walk froth Motors, This is a* snap at $1,500. Easy terms, Apply Horton & French Mundy Bldg. 57 Simcoe St. South REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers, R. M. KELLY 610 Bimcoe, St. N, Phone 1668W REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St, West Telephones 572, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F CARTER'S Real Estate 5 King St. E, or phone 1380 ------ Nod .C.YOUNG 4% Prince ST. Oshawa !Ont. p------ Large New House, 640 Simcoe St. Nerth; nine rooms, hot water heating, splendid home, Sacrifice price for quick sale. Will exchange. U. JONES Cor, Bond & Simcoe Sts, DEARBORN RIDGE LOTS Size 40 x 113 $10 a ft. EASY TERMS LOANS & INSURANCE Disney Real Estate 81 King' St, E Phone 1550 C , Post Mice What good is a Budget unless it works? You know how much money you have to spend each month. Food, heat, light, clothing, saving--but your carefully worked-out budget is no good unless you make it work as you have planned. The one who spends the money should know how to buy. To know how requires practice and study. The best text-books in buying are the advertisements in your daily newspaper. They will tell you what you want to buy, where to buy it, the price. This knowledge will assure wise spending. . . Advertisements keep you posted on the newest products and improvements of the manufacturers and merchants, They are competing for your business. Each knows that his product must be good and the price right to get the business of the wise buyer. Advertisements are the daily gauge of business progress. They are filled with interest and instruction. Repd them regularly -- for wise buying will make your budget work.