PAGE TWELVE [EASTERN ONTARIO NE BELLEVILLE TAX RATE At the regular session of the Belleville City Council Monday night, the rate of taxation for the year was set at 45.6, the highest it has been in some years and a tenth of a mill over last year, The total assessment of the city is now $9,644,907, with an estimated population of 13,500. INJURED IN EXPLOSION Willington Kingston, "22, of Groveton, Ont., a short distance from Prescott, lies in a critical con- dition in the Hepburn Hospital, Odgensburg, as the result of a dy- namite explosion which occurred on his father's farm Monday, He was engaged In blasting stone and had placed a stick in a rock, It failed to explode for some time and young Kingston, thinging it had not been properly set, went to examine it. He was terribly burned and cut about the face and hands, and his left arm was badly crushed. ' RECEIVE MORE POWER Kingston Utilities Commission has received a proposed contract with the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission, which provides that Kingston be provided with addi- tional electrical power required at the raté of $36 a horsepower until its existing agreement expires on December 13, 1937. Kingston is still enjoying cheap power rates 'power, which is \ under the old agreement with the Seymour Company, whose con- tracts the Hydro took over. Kingston pays only $25 a horse- claimed to be much below present cost. The additional power required there will come from the Gatineau. RETIRES FROM SERVICE On June 21 Captain Alfred Light, Director of Music, R.C.H. A. Brigade, and Senior Bandmas- ter in the military forces of Can- ada, retires from the service, being granted the rank of Major on his retirement. Captain Light first saw active service while serving as a trumpeter in the ranks of the British Army in Afghanistan. As a trumpeter on the staff of Lord Roberts (then Brigadier Sir Frederick Roberts), Major Light was a member of the column which took part in the famous march of more than three hun- dred miles in most difficult coun- try, from Kabul to Kandahar, through the Khyber Pass, at the end of which the British column defeated the Amir's troops. TO IDENTIFY GUNMEN To establish the identity of the three men, Joe Murano, Marvin Holly and Harry Craig, captured by the Belleville police early Sun- day morning, Inspector of the Hom- iclde Squad J. Gauthier, of Mont- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1928 A -------------------- real, and his assistant, ¥, Fran- cour were in Belleville yesterday and had a lengthy interview with the men who are confined in the county jail on remand. Craig rec- ognized the officers but he refused to talk as did his companions. Hol- ly is also known to the police. Fin- ger prints of the men were taken and sent to Washington, Detroit, Ottawa and other places. Many calls were received from outside points asking for the description of the men to see if they could be applied to some jobs that had been pulled recently. RUNS INTO PARADE Harold Sayers, Belleville, was remanded for one week on bail of $2,000 yesterday on a charge of driving while intoxicated. It was alleged that Sayers ran amuck through the principal streets of the city early yesterday morning. was the placing of two members of the Argyle Light Infantry Band in the hospital, and the wounding of several others. He is said to have driven his car directly into the face of the moving troops. The band was returning from a parade at the Fair Grounds, and the driver, said to have been on the left-hand side of the road, al- legedly plowed into the parade. Fred Poward received a broken leg. Arthur Rowlands suffered three fractured ribe, and Frank Howard, Harold Grows and Wil- | llam Hart, severe cuts and brulses, Sayers is alleged to have started his wild ride on Front street, when his car Is said to have swung into one awned by EA ---- i -- DIXON'S Let vur experts tell you the most economical way of op- erating your furnace, The information will ba gladly supplied without charge. This IsThe Opportune Time to Purchase Your Winter Fuel Supply By arranging for your winter supply at this time you are guaranteed the summer price and the supply can be delivered either now or later, which ever is advantages in ordering your winter fuel supply now, and let us explain the situation to you, DIXON COAL CO. 1elephone 262--4 Lines to Central . 00 Zon desired, In fact there are many Call us The result of his alleged escapade Leon Walastry, e then is al- leged to have bumped Into anoth- er car, and them into the front of a store on Main street. HORICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETS School methods of teaching Ca- nadian Qistory were scored by sev- eral speakers at the annual meet- ing of the Ontario Historical Soci- ety, which opened in St. Peter's Parish Hall, Cobourg, yesterday. Members were present from al] ov- er Southern Ontario, in the largest gathering for some years. Some members recalled having been pun- ished at school by being ordered to write out long paragraphs of history. How could our children ever learn to love their country's history, or their country, under such conditions? it was asked. Pre- sident Fred Landon of London sug- gested great untapped fields for history writers in Canada in the collecting of local, social and busi- ness records, beginning right at home, and making the material at- tractive to everybody. The 54 vol- umes published by the Ontario His- torical Society were mentioned as containing a vast amount of mater- ial of value to future historians. W. C. Mikel, K.C., Belleville, in a stir- ring address, urged an amendment to the Ontario Custody of Docu- ments Act so as to provide that a public official in each county be de- signated as a custodian for private documents which would be of value for future historians. TROOPS IN CAMP Barriefield Heights is again a military tented place, as the Sec ond Mounted Brigade, the Prin- cess Louise's Dragoon Guards of Ottawa, the Third Princess of Wales Dragoons. of Peterboro,' and the Fourth Hussars of Iro- quois went into camp yesterday afternoon, Colonel L. P, Sher- wood is in command of the bri- gade, The Princess Louise Dra- goon Guards, with a total strength of 135 officers and men, is com- manded by Lieut.-Col, F, P, Ink- ster, the Third Princess of Wales Canadian Dragoons, with a total strength of 110 officers and, men, is commanded bp Lieut-.Col, H. W. Powell, while the Fouth Hus- gars, which for many years had its headquarters in Kingston, and which still numbers many men from this district among its epr- sonnel, with a total strength of 110 officers and men, is com- manded by Lieut.-Col. €, Hand- cock, M.C, MADE UNIVERSITY FELLOW J. Burn Helme, M. Arch, a graduate of the Faculty of Ap- plied Science at the University of Toronto in 1922, has heen appoint- ed University Fellow at Harvard University for the year 1028-29, it was announced from Cambridge} Mass., Monday. Mr. Helme has heen assistant Professor of Arch- itecture at the Pennsylvania State College for the past three years, and has been given a year's leave of absence by the Board of Gover- nors there, in order that he may accept the nomination at Har vard. Professor Helme, after a distinguished course in the De- partment of Architecture at Var sity, studied abroad as Ontario Government scholar the year fol- lowing graduation. He was res- ident assistant to the Town Plan- ning Commission of the City of Kitchener in 1923-24, and, the following year did graduate re- search work at Toromto. Since going to Pennsylvania, in addition to his duties at the university, Mr. Helme has engaged in the prae- tice of architecture and in town planning consultation work. Last summer he conducted an investi- gation abroad for the regional plan of New York and its envir- ons, He is particularly interest- ed in the development of contem- porary architecture, and will pur- sue original investigation in that field at Harvard. = Professor Helme will spend the next two months abroad. He will be in Paris for the International Con- ference on Housing and Town Planning early in July. ' BOMB MEANT FOR WUNICIPAL GOURT Caused Injury to 14 and Damaged Corridor of the County Court _ Detroit, Mich, June 19--Iitima- tion of the courts and robbery were among possible motives suggested to- day for the bombing of the county court building yesterday which caus- ed injury to 14 persons and damage to the building corridor. Inspector John Boyle of the police homicide squad, believed the 'bamb was intended for the municipal courts building several blocks away where nine men are awaiting trial charged with extortion in connection with the cleaning and dyers war, "Some stranger was hired to plant the: bomb and probably mistook the county building for the city courts buildings," the Inspector said, "The bomb was a powerful one; if it had exploded in the confined space of the rest room instead of the court- way I believe it would have wrecked the building and killed many people. Of the injured, none was seriously hurt." NINE PERSONS KILLED Mexico City, June 19--A boiler in a bath house in a suburb of Mexico City exploded tonight, killing at least nine and injuring twelve. The build- ing was destroyed. Police are re- moving debris, in which it is believed the hodies of others will be found buried, \ ARCADE Daily News The triumphal progress of this extraordinary Summer Sale shows how heartily everyone appreciates our ever increasing efforts to give the very highest values possible at rock-bottom prices. More wonderful bargains have been our windows. Store opens at 9 a.m. Curtain Materials at 15¢ 1,000 yards of Fine Curtain Madras and Swiss Nets at duced prices to clear. \ Sale Price 15c¢ Women's House Smocks, 95¢c. Reg. $1.50. 50 only, Smocks neatl made in a host of colors. i Sale Price 95c¢ prepared for to-morrow. Watch greatly ree MORE GENTLE HINTS Niagara Falls, Ont., June 19--Motor tourists will be given a second chance here if the recommendation of the City Council is followed. At a meet- ing last night it was recommended that cards be given to tourists instead oi immediate: arrest, the cards to read as follows: "Niagara Falls welcomes you and hopes your stay will cause you to carry away pleasant recollections, The fact that you are a visitor entitles you to special consideration, as prob- ably you are not acquainted with our traffic laws . Your attention is drawn to the violation of the offence marked below." FLIERS, "WARE COWS! Berlin, June 19--The horn of a cow caused the loss of five lives when a passenger plane was compelled to make a foreed landing near Remsceid, in the Rhineland, a few weeks ago, an official investigation has decided. The cow, while grazing on the field, was struck by the descending plane and her horn pierced the gasoline tank, resulting in the plane catching on fire immediately, CHEVROLET OWNERS fl Reduce the Hazard of fl Mechanical Upkeep Have a skilled craftsman service and check your fl Chevrolet regularly, It's a simple operation that q iW ' 4 Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Works takes only a few minutes, And it will keep your :ar young forever, Factory : Trained 1 Imployees at P--_-- CHE cil Write . ; Phone or VROLE| Call Today 900 Whitby ---- Your Service Phone Oshawa - and you'll be the richer by many dollars, as the Week-end Values displayed at "Lukes" are supreme. Don't tail to visit Lukes this week --A Big Surprise Awaits You. Blue Leather, Well-made 8-piece Dining Room Suite, birch and finished in two tone walnut, comprising Buffet with mirror back fitted with 5 drawers and 2 cupboards, 6 ft. Extension Table and set of 6 Diners upholstered in ROOM SUITE constructed of Hil RS] ORR XXX COG ov im - have just arrived from China. the newest thing and the low prices will amaze you. them over before you buy, New shipment of Colored Rattan Furniture for verandah and sun-rooms, They are very smart and colorful. This is Settee and 2 Chair Sets from $55.00 up. Come in and look $12.95, Learn to take Advantage of Our Easy Pay- ment Plan~-- Hundreds are using it Today. 3-Piece Chesterfield A Real Value See It Today . ; Ne : Snyder's Sani-Built Chesterfield Suite compris- ing stered in high grade Jacquard Velour. A very, It fine suite, at a very, low price. Sa A win) / Barrymore guaranteed Wil- ton Rugs in new designs and colorings at a saving. The colors predominating are fawn, taupe and blue grounds with Oriental efl- fects at mew low prices. 2 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. $7.75 3 ft, x 5 ft, 3 in. ...$12.95 4 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. $23.95 6 ft. 9 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. $37.50 Gft. 9 in. x 9 ft. ...$39.50 9 ft. x 10 ft. 8 in, - $59.50 oft. x 12 ft, ,..,..$69.50 LUKE FUR 63 King St. East NITURE CO. Phone 78-79 Chesterfield, Arm and Wing chair uphol- Special $149, Refrigerators 150 LBS. OF ICE--FREE Finest quality refrig- erators that have been thoroughly tested are here for your inspec. tion. They are moving fast. Come and select yours now. Priced at $15.50 $19.50, $22.50, $26.50 to $95.00 Hammo Couch cover. ed in khaki drill that will give you good ser- vice, fitted on link spring frame. Reg. $14.50 for ......:s. $11.95 Iron Stand for same, Canopy to match $6.95 Others range in price up to $50.00.