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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jun 1928, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN RADIO NEWS , ¥Cantitued From Page 13) WHK (265)--Cleveland. WHK Ensem- NEG n-atantic City, Concert or- " hae Soe Ca TY Jam: ge ah gi fo 8 AL R13 . Woo WHO: NON, "WOAF, WHR cE S, War Corambia Hank "Sian + WOR, WCAU, WAG RC, WGHP, WMAQ, SNOWO, KMOX, BC, KOIL, WSPD. Blue Chin: She Wayside Inn: WIZ KDKA. . K (220)--St. Paul. Musical i WRBM, 0. 4 What, (285) ltimore. String quar. Wea (23)--Northfield. Vocal, (265)~Clev Vocal trio. Te ¢ web 76 --Towa City. Music. 485 WFLA (317)--Clearwater. Studio. WLS (HS)--Chicage. German program 2.35 CN (433)--Ottawa. Fireside period. 9.00 CFCF OD Monreal. Musicale. CKGW (312)--~Toronto. Light opera. CKNC (517)--Toronto: nstrumental Quartet, Minute BC Red Chain: --The Cabin Door: WEAF, WTIC, WTAG, WLIT, WGY, WCAE, KSD, WHO, WBT, WF, Ww NBC Blue Chain: Great Composers Hour: WIZ, WHAM, KDKA. KMMJ (20)--Clay Center. Vocal xs0 (227)--Clarinda, The Newsboy; + vocal, fo WHA (235)--Raltimore. Concert, WCAH (24)--Columbus. The Singing Sheriffs. Ww ceo (405)--Mpls-St. © WEEI (508)--Boston, © WFLA (203)--Washin, WHAS (322)--Louisvi WLS (345)--Chicago. WLS Hippo: . drome, . $7 WOC (375)--Davenport, Good © Quartet. WOI (265)--Ames, Ta. 4-H Boys Club, . WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Studio pro. FRbin (261)--Mpls. Popular program. WRVA (284)--Richmond. Olde Music 1 LA (476)--Atlanta. Concert. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Studio. 930 NBC Red Chain: Fisk Boys: WEAF, i 'E WTIC, W Paul. Musicale. Musicale, ton, Musicale, . Studio music an T WOW, / KPRC, WOAI, w HAS, WSM, WMC, WSB, WAT, Columbia Chain: "On the 3 WCAU, WMAK, WAIU, : WOWO, ! KMBC, WSPD. . KFAB (319)--Lincoln, A.C, Instrument: al Sextet. KYW (525)--Chicago. Dixie Trail, bid (353)--Springfield. Aleppo Drum Front WNAC, WCAO, WKRC, KMOX, oe x = Sdn (34)--Chattanooga. Musicale. WHAM (280)--Rochester. Rainbow ixed Quartet. LS (M5)--Chicago. International re- Ww (428)--Cinei. Tnstrumental trio. 45 WRVA (254)--Richmond, Tabernacle Male Quartet, TIME TABLES Wow" LC he TAME, 1201 am, or West oe" am, oy thin 1 ily. bo am, Bair except Sunday, 7.34 pom, Dally Sund N al aagept | unday, : f { 10.05 a.m, Daily, i 204 pm, Bal except Sunday. 8.03 p.m, ally except Sunday. 1,10 p.m, Dail a.m, Daily, All times shown shove are times trains Bepart from Oshawa Station. CNR, TIME JA8LE Effective May 20, 1928, | times given are Standard pot Daylight | 3 ' / 823 am, Dail sep Sunday, 58 a.m, Sun Say oni 1 1 59 a.m, A8 pm. Hit except Sunday, ,32 p.m, Daily p.m, Daily' except Sunday, (S37 we & \ ' 1 na BE-om 2% SSast, »» »39 7s Bi Pa .m, Daily ily. aily except Sunday. 3 except Sunday, , Daily. , Daily om. Sund ay only. aily 'except Sunday, | Whithy, Osha Bowmenville BUS LINE wm momo ATRYNE - Ht 111] §3 2 HHH} - 4] z Sei nees §8 Bi: oils I R11 11111 BRRREFERES 8 i % f i el Bie 11d i 34443 i i 38 f } 1111 ¥ 33555 Nii he i " pr} will' Ned KSTP (20)-St. Paul Musicale. KTHS (00)--Hot Springs. Classical fine (357)--Muscatine. Home folks hour WAIU (283)--Columbus. WFAA (545)--Dallas. J HAS HAS (22)--Louisville. Studio. WIAX (4)--Jacksonville. Recital 2 J o-Ny + Slumber music: also WOC (¥5)--Davenport. Crescent hour WSB (4%6)--Atlanta. Sears Roebuck FRG (400)--South Bend. Studio fea- tures. WTMJ (30)--Milwaukee. Music Box Review. RMEC (220)--Kansas City. Song ve: "School xo, (319)~Council Bluffs. woo (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. Concert. WDOD (24)--Chattancoga. Frolic. = WFLA Gist, Peters! Jest (270)--Atlanta. y R (422)--Newark. The Witching hr. 10.43 KER (294)--Houston, Concert. 11m REAR (319)--Lincoln. Memory Club. KFSD (441)--San Studio. KNX (337)--Hollyw Calmon Lubo. viski, violinist, WEMC a Berrien Springs. Light- house ensemble. WRR (461)--Dallas. Music. 11.08 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St, Paul. Concert. 11.10 WJAX (341)--Jacksonville. Organ, 1.2 WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Sacred Vocal. Belcanto Male concert 11.30 CNRC (433) --Calgary. Music. WGN (416)--Chicago. Popular artists. WSM (335)--Nashville. Hawaiian Serr enaders. WTIC " (535)-- Hartford. Capitol Thea. 12 mid KFSD (#41)--San Diego. Naval | Training Station Band. ) KOA (326)--Denver. Saxophone music, WHO (535)--Des Moines. Organ. 12.30 a.m. NBC Pacific Chain: Fisk Boys: KFI, KPO, KGO, KGW, KH], KHQ, KFOA, KOMO. KSTP (220)---St, Paul. Organ. KVOO (39)--Tulsa, Organ. WRR (461)--Dallas. D-Xers Jamboree. yu (476)--Jowa City. Midnight Clu 18 Exe (517)--Edmonton. Instrumental. RADIO TALKS--FEATURES 2.45 p.m. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. ional League, Chicago Pittsburgh. Baseball, Cubs vs, Baseball THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1928 xbaR (V0)--Kamsas City, wor (303)--Bauffalo. Supper music. WOR (422)--Newark. run giches. Xx rhe (@3)--Atlantic City. Follies Ber- Fike (469)--Wash, Le Paradis Band. WSAL (¥1)--Cinci. Heuer's Oschestra. WWJ (353)--Detroit, Dance. 10.30 WCAU (337)--Phila. Club Lido. WGST (270)--Atjanta. Georgia Aces or- chestra, WPG (73)--Atlantic Cy Follies Bergere. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Dance. 11.00. NBC Pacific Chain: Shell Orchestra: KPO, KFi, KGO, KGW, KH}, KHO, KFOA, KOMO. KMBC (270)--Kansas City. Ouchestra. Wi (3)--N.Y, Cotton Club. M (337)--Nashville. Orchestra, S (300)-- Hot Springs. Orchestra. ¥ Paul. Orchestra, WIM} (294) Milwaukee. Frolic. 11.45 WSB (476)--Atlanta. Troutt's Melody Artists. 1245 am. WDAF (¥0)--Kansas Nighthawk Frolic. 1.00 ¢ SRY (291)--Vancouver. Midnight frol- Supper Rorreon's City. KF1 (469)--Los Angeles. Dance orches. (Copyrighted, 1928.) SPITE-WORK (Toronto Star) The village of Linwood had no sooner secured fire protection equipment than a fire occurred and destroyed it. This appears to show that Fire is capable of spite- work, FRASER'S HAIR RESTORER Relieves itching scalp immedi. ately. Promotes healthy growth of hair, Tones up the scalp. Banishes dandruff, Sold on an absolute money back guarantee to give satisfaction For le at Barher Shops and Beauty Parlors WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. WJIAX (341)--Jacksonville. CFCA (357)--Toronto, Program 2L0, London, WEAF (492)--N.Y, Baseball scores. NBC Red Chain: "The World To: day": WEAF, WJAR, WFI, WRC, WT AM, bu WHAS, WSM, wl Ea 2)--N.Y, Dialogue, 'Marri- WEkaw csc Spiritual quar. ter-hour, $s WSAI (361)--Cinci. Dog Club, WWI (353)=Detroit. Baseball scores, RF NF (461)--Shenandoah. Letter Bask: Baseball Baseball, from Wrax (341)--Jacksonville, scores. WHN from St, WNAC (461)--Boston, die." WTIC (535)--Hartford. 7.45 CNRO (435)--Qttawa. da's National Parks." 8.40 WCFL (484)--Chicago. (394)--N.Y, Boxing contests Nicholas Arena. "Jean and Ed. "Sports," Address, 'Cana. Theatre Club Players, : '8.45 WHA (333)--Madison. Economic Re- WHE (265)--Cleveland, Health talk, WOI (265)--Ames, Ia. Short course, ig Reg Deer, Alta, Newspa- KFuo "s45)-St. Louis. Young folks hour, KMBC (270)--Kansas City, ahout Everything." WOC (375)--Davenport, WM AQ (448)--Chicago. Andy": KSTP KNX (337) Hollywood. 5 KPRC (2949)--Houston, KOA (326)--~Denver. Gon ® DANCE TO THESE : . NBC Red Chain; A, & P. Gyp- sies: WEAF, WCAE, KSD, WCSIT, WDAF, WEEI, WGN, WGY, WHO, WJIAR, WLIT, WRC, WSAI, 'WTAM, WTIC, WWI. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Nighthawks. WFAA (545)--Dallas. WGY (380)--Schenectady. WMAK, Something Dramatic art. "Amos 0 Playlet. Amos 'n Andy. Play, "The Original Collegians. Orchestra: Merrymakers. WOK'T (210)--Rochester. Miller's or: KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. chestrs. KFAB (319)=Lincoln. Orchestra, KSTP (220)--St, Paul, Orchestra. WBAL (285) Baltimore, Marylanders wos (422)--Jefferson City, The Ramb- oe (411)--Montreal. Jack Dennie, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Dance. Worth, Dance or: WBAP (500)~Ft, chestra. WCAH (#4)--Columbus. chestra, WCFL (484)--Chicago. Savoy orches. CKG W(312)--Toronto, Supper dance. WADC (238)--Akron, Al Ransom or- chestra, WCOA (250)--Pensacola, Old dance, EE a -- --.----------_". eat Moneypenny Shirts and Mercury Hose Sold Dominion Clothing Co- 68 King St. W, Phone 2141 We Deliver Dance or: time Y Chadburs Motor Co. Save Your Eyesight You simply cannot do your best with defective sight. Why not consult i W.A.Hare OPTOMETRIST | | 3 KING STREET WEST | aise of voor Hare's Foultless Lenses FOR COPPER RODS Montreal Firm Applies To Advisory Board for Tariff Duty Ottawa, June 21.--Application for a general tariff duty of 3 per gent. per pound om copper rods was made before the Advisory Board om tariff and taxation here when J. J. Creelman, K.C., of Montreal presented the case for the Eugene F. Phillips Eleetrical Works, Ltd, eof Montreal and Brockville. In his brief Col. Creel- man recalled that the bounty estab- lished in 1923 by Right Hon. W. S. Fielding to encourage the refin- ing of Electrolytic Copper in Can- ada would expire this year. The Phillips Company took the entire output of the Trail Smelter, pay- ing thereon a freight of $13.20 per ton. It was the only company in Canada operating a plant for rolling copper rods, but was in competition in the manufacture of copper cables with four other estab- lishments in the country. All of these were able to import {heir requirements for copper rods free. The cost of the company's rolling mill at Brockville was $456.090 and additional capital employed in connection with the mill alone was $257,015. The average number of employes was 31. Imports From U.S, From the opening of the Brock- ville Rolling Mill in November, $922, until December 31, 1027, the Phillips Company had purchas- ed from the Consoidated Smelters the latter's total output of copper bars, amounting to 16,669 tons, S-- ASKS PROTECTION valued at $4,425,300, but to coms {plete its requirements of this com modity the company had beem ob- }iged to purchase from the United States during the same period 27,- 115 toms, valued at $7,659,622, Col. Creelman declared that there "Iwas discrimination per tom against Canada in copper bars bought in the United States due to am arbi- trary price fixed by the cqprer ex- port association. "The average charge for rolling copper bars into copper rods in the United States," said Col. Creel man in his brief, "for domestic consumption is from $13 to $14 per tom.' For rods exported to Capada the charge was from §12 to $14. a ------ en. PARLANENTARY MEETING OPENS Paris, June 21.--The fourteenth international parliamentary confer- ence, attended by delegates from 88 nations, was inaugurated in Versailles Place 'Tuesday in the presence of President Doumergue, Minister of Commerce Bokanow- ski, and members of the diplomatic cTDS. Bokanowski emphasized the im- portance of the conference, taking up the tariff problem with a view to abolishing "economic national- ism" which is hampering normal transactions. He called attention to the fact that France in recent treaties had introduced the most favored nation elause as the open- ing wedge for a general of tariffs downward. South America was well repre- sented at the conference, 16 del2- gates from Rrazil, five from Chile, two from Bolivia and one from CANADIAN AUTHOR PASSES' AFTER LENGTHY ILLNESS Cambridge, Mass., June 22.-- William Benjam'n King, know to the reading public as Basi King, the novelist, died at h home here today, after am illn of four years. Mr. King, whos "The Inner Shrine" made him distinguished figure in letters, w born on Prince Edward Island. It was the Episcopalian ministry, and not ~uthorship, which firs called him. After graduating from King's College, Windsor, N.S, in 1881, he became rector of St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral, Halifax. In 1892 he assumed the rectorship of Christ Church, in Cambridge. Al- though he had 'begun to write, fame had mot come to him then. We Repair Anything Bought in a Jew Store BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner -- revision | omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eycs and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK F Opposite Post Office TROUBLE ON SHIP FROM STOWAWAYS British Cruiser Gets Mess- age from Australian Liner Jervis Bay Colombo, Ceylon, June 21.--The British cruiser Enterprise has re- reived a wireless message fromy the Australian Commonwealth liner Jervis Bay, out of Adelaide on June 9 for London, stating that she is having trouble with "eight desperate stowaways." The message asked if there were any warships in her vicinity, plac- ing her track at 1,780 miles east and 42 north of Galle,. Ceylon, pro- ceeding towards Colombo. The En- terprise, which is stationed in the East Indies, replied: "No warship in vicinity. Report if siiuation 1s serious." It is thought that the mileage east of Galle was picked up incorrectly and should be 780. as the figures given would place the ship off her course. . No Word in London London, June 21.--The London i|offices of the Commonwealth Line ||said yesterday that they had heard /Inothing from the Jervis Bay, al- though she carries a short-wave {| wireless capable of communicating with London. Agents of the line said that the steamship had 600 passengers and a crew of 120 abroad. THE DIFFERENCE (Toronto Globe) Strikers in Greece were charged by cavalry the other day and six killed. Canada's strikes fortun- ately can be settled hy more peaceful methods than these, / GRAIN ELEVATOR ADDITION PLANNED AT FORT WILLIAM Fort William, June 22.--An- nouncement is made here by tha Ogilvie Flour Mills, Limited, that a contract has been let for the erection of an addifion to the elevator capacity at Fort William salable of housing 1,500,000 bush. els. ------------------------ You can never tell how a gisl will look at the breakfast tanie by the way she looks at the Ball.-- Detroit News. rt ---- Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL ¢RER Om Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell 8 Son BOND ST. WEST ------------ USED BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE 150,000 hard gray brick, joists all sizes. Flooring decking, 1-inch lumber, doors, windows, etc. Lath, metal and copper roofing. All material to be sold at once. * UNITED WRECKING CO. Ritson Rd. S. and Olive Ave, Phone 1105 ELLA CINDERS---What s the Answer? > ES 1 im a By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 0777/7 | COULD SIT HERE ALL DAY AN' LOOK AT THE OCEAN- By C GOLLY- THEM ONE-PIECE BATHIN' SUITS LOOK CREAT- © 7928. by Int'l Feature Service. nc. Grest Britam nghts reserved PEOPLE" --- ---- a ---- THE FIRST fl ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE, | DADDY 9 DR, SIEMENS OF ol GERMANY 15 4 | GIVEN THE CREDIT FOR THAT, TOMMY, ~ AN ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE EDISON'S NOME AND Bo LABORATORY, MENLO [37 THE INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION I BERLIN IN 1679, DR. SIEMENS EXHIBITED A SMALL ELECTRIC LOCOMO- TIVE DRAWING A TRAIN OF THREE CARS, THE TRACK, ABOUT A THOUSAND FEET LONG WAS CIRCULAR AND FOR THIS REASON THE FIRST ELECTRIC RAILWAY YikS CALLED SIEMENS ELECTRICAL MERRY-GO-ROUND, pisos FIRST ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE WAS BUILT IN 1880. IMPROVEMENTS S00N FOLLOWED AND IN A FEW MONTHS HIS MOTORS WERE READY TO PROPEL STREET CARS. IY 1882 HE BUILT A BIG ELECTRIC LotoMonvE FR MASSER 6 FREIGHT TRAM WE'VE ONLY HAD STREET CARS ABOUT FORTY YEARS, BETTY, THEY BEEN KNOCKING DOWN FARES THAT LONG? May A COUPLE OF 4B SOMETHI HAPPENED TO HER 'PHONE WHEN | TOLD HER | LOVED SHE y THA 'S WHY SHE HUNG UP pr OVER --THE BORE AND YOU OVER THE 'PHONE - DID YM CRAZ ABOLY YoU TER! CRAZY, BUT } ow Ral WHAT

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