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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1928, p. 2

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"PACE TWU DAMAGED IN CRASH WITH OSHAWA TAXI (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 24. -- In an accident about 9.30 Sunday mora- ing a car driven by Miss Alva Griswold, Toronto, was badly damaged when it collided with one of Johneon's Taxis from Osha- wa The accident occurred at the C.P.R. overhead bridge about a mile west of town. Miss Gris. wold was travelling east and it is alleged that the taxi did not make the turn properly. It ia also al- . Jeged that the driver of the taxi admitted he was at fault, No charge has been laid. TWO CARS DAMAGED IN SUNDAY MISHAP (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 24, -- Two cars were badly damaged in an ac- cident about six o'clock Sunday afternoon and Cecil Flett, Oshawa, drove his car into a light touring car driven by Mr. Morden, Bow- manville, It is alleged that Flett's car skidded over thirty feet. The cars were taken to lo- cal garages, It is understood that no charges are being laid, IS FINED $25 ON AN L. C. A. CHARGE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 24,~Harry Clayton, of Bowmanville, was fin ed $25 and costs in police anurt yesterday morning on a charge of drinking in a public place, ('lay- ton was arrested at a late hour on Saturday night by Chief of Police B. Venton who laid the charge. This was the sole case to be brought before Magistrate W, F. Ward yesterday morning, Senuine Orange Blos- som Betrothal Ringsare shown in hundreds of exquisite and beautiful stvles andwhapes. 8 Visit this charming store--you will be de- lighted with our large selection of gifts for the bride--~at popular prices, D. J. BROWN JEWELER Y0 King Street West, Phone 180, TF 2 | | 4 \ fl Ten of the oldest employees of the, a Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. at | Smith, PRESENTED WITH FRAMED TESTIMONIALS UPON THEIR RETIREMENT . framed testimonial, (1) Harry 23 years in the factory; Bowmanville have been retired after |(2) Robert Greenfield, whose hobby is many years of faithful service, and | photography; (3) William Richards, each men bea been presented with | aged 76; (4) Richard Widdicombe, aged 92, who has -been with the Pp » eventy d birthday a week ago; over 17 years; (5) Richard Hobbs, aged | ( 89, nearly 17 years with the company; (6) Richard Hamlyn, aged 76; (7)|t Thomas Hamlyn, who celebrated his been 15 years with the company; (9) Rubber 8) John Doncaster, aged 64, who has he plant of. the Goodyear Tire and Co. at Bowmanville; (10) Robert Lindsay, aged 71, who has bees with the company since it started; (11) David Morrison, aged 80, eighteen years with the company. He is an accomplished musician. WHITBY Representative--]JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15--Office 484 Spesial County Committee Meets inister in Ottawa Today on Atherley Bridge Question . (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 23.--The special committe of the county council on the vexatious Atherley bridge question left Whitby this morn- ing for Ottawa where in conjune- tion with a committee from the Simcoe county council it will con- fer with Hon. Chas. Dunning, Minister of Railways and Canals, The party is motoring in the car belonging to County Engineer D, J. Kean and includes John Ross, reeve of Thorah township and chairman of the county roads and bridge committee; Reeve Albert Jackson, Whitby ,and Warden G. M. Forsyth, reeve of Pickering township, Several weeks ago the two spec- fal committees from both coun- ties met together at Orillia *fand discussed ways and means of get- ting the Dominion government to contribute 40 percent of the total cost of the erection of the bridgo as according to a promise which the counties claim was given by the department of railways and canals when the work was under taken. The government, howev- er, claims that it is only liable for 40 percent of the total cost nod exceeding $100,000 or {in other words $40,000, When the hridge was completed it was found tha. the expenditure in its ocnstruc- tion exceeded $100,000 because « changes insisted upon by Dominion government engineers, WATER STILL T00 GOLD FOR BATHERS Whitby People Sweltering in Heat Find the Lake Disagreeable (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 24, -- Bathing at the lakeshore or in the local har- bor offers too severe relief for the majority of Whithy people who have heen sweltering in the heat of the last few days. Acording to the more hardy who have penetrat- ed Lake Ontario's surface, the water has kept surprisingiy cold considering the time of the year. Anyone wishing a dip would do : 83 hill Your Final Opportunity TO GET ONE OF THESE WEATHER PROPHETS This advertisement will not appear here again. If you haven't mailed or brought in your order, act quickly, for our supply will not last long. Our price, while they last, only 69¢c, This Coupon 69c¢ and Good for One $1.00 Weather Prophet AN EXCELLENT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONg Guaranteed the Bosi When the weather is fine, the two children will be out, and when bad weather is approaching, the witch will come out 8 to 24 hours ahead of rain or snow, The hygrometer will forecast the weather better and more reliably than general weather reports, It also has Thermometer, Elk's Head, Bird's Nest, etz. Mail orders 10c extra for packing and postage. § JURY & KING ST, E, Phone 28 LOVELL SIMCOE ST. 8. well to plunge int the lake's icy depths In a hurry, swim about in a hurry and come out in a hurry, for those who may attempt to wade out from shore taking their immersion in gentle degrees will find it a difficult proposition, Ae. cording to the old saying when the wind is hlowing from the lake to the land, the water will he quite warm along the beach because the warm surface water Is circulated shorewards. When the wind is offshore the surface water is eir- culated away from the land and its place taken by the colder wa- ter, Apparently then one must conclude that inshore breeze: have been rare of late, 43 SENIOR MEMBERS IN BADMINTON AND TENNIS SECTIONS (By Staff Reporter Whitby, July 24, -- Forty-three senior members have now regis- tered in the mens' and ladies' ten- nis and badminton section of the Whith, Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club while there are also a num- ber of juhior members. The two courts on the west side which were completed several weeks ago are now in sp'endid shape und ave draining well after rains, The re- maining two courts on the east side will soon be in readiness after more rolling. The poles for the nets are in place and also the framework of the fence which guards both ends of the courts, M-- WON LAURELS AT BIG PICNIC HERE (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 24,--Ernie North am, a field day chamnion of the Whitby high school, was success- ful in winning further laurels at the Conservative plenlc at Lake" view Park. Oshawa, last Satiraay afternoon when he won the 100 yard dash by a close margin ov- er Murray Kohen and Bill Bagel, who came in second and taird re- spectively. The prize consistzd of twa fine broadcloth shirts. Sr-- WRONG NAME GIVEN (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 24.--A name which appeared in yesterday's issue in connection with the motor accident north of Brooklin, Sunday after- ooon, in which several Oshawa young men were injured, as R, Lee, 75 Hogarth street, should have been Leon Rolston, same address. Pir /orIndige ipsules stion ISSUED BOGUS CHEQUE TO PAY FOR MOTOR CAR Lulu Moore Arrested Here is Also Wanted in Whitby (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, July 24.--Lula Moore, alias Lula Mitchell, who was ar-| rested in Oshawa last Saturday aua | was brought hack to Toronto ou a | charge of passing a | worthess | cheque to a Toronto taxi company, | is wanted in Whitby, Chief of Po- | lice Guneon told the Times today. | Miss Moore has heen employed at the Ontario Hospital here and a short time ago she is alleged to have purchased a car from a lo-| cal dealer giving in exchange for it a cheque of $1,000. The cheque proved worthless and is now in the possession of the police, When | arrested in Oshawa, shed is sald to have driven from Toronto to that city in a taxi, the fee heing $15, for which amount she is sald to have attempted to exchange a cheque, Arrested in Belleville Whithy, July 24.--John Vernon Fenn, who Is wanted here on sev-! ral charges of false pretences, will be brought from Belleville to- morrow by Chief of Police Gunson. Fenn was arrested in the Bay of Quinte city a week ago last Sat- urday. He was formerly employed at a local garage and during his stay here he ig alleged to have oh- tained goods from town merchants by giving worthless cheques, TINY LOCOMOTIVE OF CANADIAN TYPE English Narrow-Guage Rail. way Building C.P.R. Pat. | tern Engines London, (By Maily--The lesser size of railway rolling stock in the British Isles is a constant source of amazement and amusement among Canadian visitors, but their consternation will be far. greater shortly when they perceive engines smaller even than the sturdy little English locomotives, in exact re- plica of the trans-continéntal go- liaths of the Canadian Pacific Rail- | way. running mear Hythe, The narrow guage R.H, and D, R.--the Romney, Hythe and Dym- church Railway--in Kent {is the smallest railway in England, and is equipped with carriages, 'goods: vans" and locomotives that are imitations in miniature of the stan- dard size British rolling stock, The change of the locomotive mzdels from the 40 horse power machines of the Great Northern Rallway type to the 48 horse, power en- gines of Canadian Pacific Railway pattern is being made, explained works manager, Mr. G, Chaldecot, because the Canadian style of de- sign permits maintenance and re- placement of parts being effected with greater facility, the outside is not sheeted, and the working me- chanisms are exposed to inspec- tion, Commodious Cars Although the guage is narrow, and the size of the carriages di- munitive, the passengers enjoy every comfort and leg room. The compartments have places for only four persons, but are supplied with precisely the same conveniences, lighting, hardware, etc.,, as their bigger brethfen, LOAN OF ROYAL PORTRAITS REFUSED BY GOVERNMENT Ottawa, July 23.--Many exhibi- tion associations and other bodies are seeking to get the paintiogs of their Majesties the Kihg and Queen, and of King Edward and Queen Alexandra, but it has been decided that, as the paintings were presented to Parliament, they MIDLAND BOY KILLED ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Midland, July 23--By the acciden- tal discharge of a .22 rifle, said by police to have been in the hands of Herbert Reid, 16, Harold J., 8-year- old son of Thomas Arnold, was in- stantly killed this afternoon. The bullet passed through the child's hody and lodged in the plaster of a wall, from which it was extracted by the town and Provincial Police a | few minutes after the accident. The dead boy was watching Reid prepare a room for papering, and it was in the course of that work that Reid is said to have picked up 'the rifle. Reid was Magistrate tions from Crow detained order of Cook, pending instruc- n Attorney Evans, om 1,825,381 CARS SENT T0 SCRAP 1927 Total of Autos Taken Off Road Was 12 P.C, of National Total The average life of motor ve- hiclee in the United States hus heen Increased 14 per cent. large- ly as a result of good roads:, the American Road Builders' Associa tion declares, A total of 1,825,681 vehicles were gent to the serap heap during 1927, the assocfation states, This was 12.05 per cent of the total registration at the beginning of the year, indicating that should this average maintain, the entire stock of motor cars would he replaced every eight and one-fourth years, The average life of a motor ve- hicle was formerly estimated at 7 years. New York led all states in the number of cars serapped, that stae discarding 149,372 vehicien, Nevada discarded only B13 vehicles the smallest number of all states. Arkansas held the highest junkage rate, that state discarding 16.6 per cent of -all vehicles registered at the beginning of the year. South Carolina discarded only 2.8 per cent of the cars registered, THERE is nothing that has ever taken Aspirin's place as an antidote for pain. It is safe, or physicians wouldn't use it, and endorse its use by others. Sure, or several million users would have turned to something else. But get the real Aspirin (at any e) with Bayer on the box, the word genuine printed in red: For Your Drug Needs should not be sent out for exhibit outside, | THOMPSON'S MANY FATALITIES GRADE CROSSINGS Driver Killed as Car Stalls --Man and Wife Perish -- 4 Montreal, July 22.--Eight per- sons lost their lives in three level crossing accidents in Montreal and district, over the week-end and four others were injured, one of them critically. In two of the accidents the drivers were trying to beat the trains to the crossing, while in the third case the car stalled in the path of an approach- ing train, Four persons were killed near Cap St, Martin, about 15 miles from here, when their automobile was struck by an inbound Canadi- an Pacific Railway Ottawa train, The dead included three members of one family. The dead are: Mrs, Adreinne Charbonneau, 24. Francis Charbonneau, 15, Mrs, Francis Charboneau, mother-in-law, and mother, spectively, of the first two, Patrice Lenielle, 41, Of the four injured in this ac- cident Jeanne Valee, aged 17, is not expected to live, Thought He Could Cross 49, re. The eight persons in the auto- | mobile with Lenielle at the wheel, were on their way to St, Scholas- tique to visit relatives when the accident occurred, and had reach- ed the level crossing over the C. P.R.,, one mile east Martin, the tracks from both sides of the road at the crossing. It 18 be- leived that the driver saw the train ,but thought he could cross before it reached the road, He of pep-giving energy. flakes. Serve fo OIL TANKS BURN Wood River, Ill, July 23--A spec tacular fire, burning fiercely for more than five hours, today destroyed six oil storage. tanks of the White Star . W~ Oh, Boy! What Pep! TIRELESS--full of fun--ready for anything. Pep from morn to night, Happy boyhood! They need Kellogg's Pep. It's such nourishing food--and full Pep is really packaged health! Rich, whole wheat Crisp, crunchy, full-flavored. Packed with nature's vitamins and healthful mineral elements, And Pep contains the bran of the wheat--just sufficient to make it mildly laxative. Helps prevent constipation, Pep peps you up. Keeps you fit, Kelloggs Pep is nature's perfect cereal food, r breakfast, lunch or dinner, cream, Delicious with fruits or honey, Ready to serve, Your grocer has Pep. With milk or whole wheat including the bran Refinery near here, and for a time threatened to destroy the $2,000,000 plant , The loss was unofficially cs- Siated at between $150,000 and $200, of Cap St. | There is a good view of | miscalculated and the engine struck the auto and dragged it. Three of the occupants were dead when picked up by members of the train crew, while the fourth died while being transported to & hospital. Family Wiped Out One entire family was wiped out at Pointe aux Trembles when an automobile in which they were riding stalled on the tracks at ¢ Canadian National Rallway ecross- ing. The victims were: Herbert Smith, aged 40; his wife, Harriet, aged 36; and their son, aged 14. Smith and his son were Instantly killed, while Mrs. Smith died later in a Montreal hospital, Edmond Houle, aged 28. was In- stantly killed when his motor truck laden with sand was struck by a Canadian Pacific train at the level crossing at Iberville, He at- tempted to heat the train, but was struck before accomplishing his intention, Two Die Near Ottawa Ottawa, July 22.--Hilare Trude' and his wife, of Perkins Mills, Que., were almost instantly kill. ed yesterday when a motor car in which they were returning from the Ottawa market was struck by a Canadian Pacific freight train at St, Rose de Lima. Mrs, Tru. del was decapitated and her body carried for more than 100 yards under the wheels of the locomo- tive. Her husband is believed to have choked to death under the the wreckage before he could be extricated. Elderly Woman Killed Niagara Falls, Ont, July 22-- Mrs. Annie McLardy, aged 65, was almost instantly killed late Saturday night when she stepped in front of a Michigan Central passenger train at the Bender av- enue crossing. She apparently did not see the train until toe late. She tried to rum, but was caught by the ecow-catcher and thrown 30 feet, Her skull was fractured and both legs were brok- en. Coroner McGarry ordered an inquest, which was opened this af- ternoon and adjourned until Wed- nesday evening. Born in Niagara Falls, she had spent most of her life in St. Thomas, and later af Ford City. She had been on a visit to her niece, Mrs. Fred De- laney here. She is survived by three sons, Archie, Detroit; Roy, Windsor, and Fred. Chicago. The scene of the accident has been marked by many fatalities, ' Circulation Carrier Boys WANTED! for the Oshawa Daily Times High School Boys Preferred Apply H. BOYCE Department then a --at our fountain of Iced Joy Refreshing ! ! Ice Cream Soda First, the syrup--chocolate, vanilla, or one of. several pure fruit flavors -- next, some freshly whipped dairy, cream -- a Fizz" of soda to mix the two thoroughly-- Ep ys WCE generous portion of rich, smooth Ice Cream, and last--the cold, snappy soda. It's Delicious, Whole- some and Cooling 15¢ KARN'S DRUG STORE Phone 378, Next Post Office

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