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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1928, p. 5

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Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Stat Reporters and Corespondests COLUMBUS A ---- Columbus, July 24.--Mr. Sam- son Roberts underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis in the Osh- awa General Hospital on Tuesday. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mrs. E. Taylor and Master Doug- las Waddell. of Toronto, spent a few days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson. Mr. John Bromell has returned home after spending the past week with relatives at Detroit, Michigan. ~ Miss Evelyn Ellins, of Brooklin, visited for a few days this week with her grandparents, - MF. and Mrs. Levi Ellins. Miss Jessie Ormiston is visiting with her aumt, Miss Nellie Ormis- ton, 5 Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson and Mr. Russell Richardson, of Ash- burn, called on friends in the vile lage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Robt Hannah are visiting the former's parents, at Bannogkburn. Several from here attended the Conservative pienic at Oshawa on the Lake on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Glover, of N. Oshawa, visited at W. Bromell's on Sunday. Our girls' softball team jour- néyed to Thornton's Corners and played a game with them, the game ending in a defeat for our girls, hat. they are hoping for hetter luck neért time. Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor, of Pick- ering, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. BE. Wehber, on Sunday. Remember the Sunday School pienie to he held at Oshawa on the Lake on Tuesday, July 31, Mr. Elmer Glover, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with his paremts, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Glover, Miss Maxine Pereman is visiting relatives at Oshawa this week. Mr. John Dyer, Miss Elsie Dyer and Miss Mary Peever, of Oshawa, spent a day last- week at Niagara Falls, Miss Marjory Stinson, of North Oshawa, is visiting with her grand- mother, Mrs. Wm. Boynton, for a few days. Wae are sorry to report Miss Ina Pereman under the doctor's eare. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Melville Fostgr, of Oshawa, is spending his summer vacation with his aunt, Mrs. T. Pereman. Miss Vera Magee, of Brooklin, visited with her cousin, Miss Nel- lie Boynton, one day this week. Mr. Everett Tink, of Brooklin, is spending a few days at E Web- her's. Mr .Ross Murison, of Madoe, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr, 'and Mrs. A. Murison, Miss Grace Luke, of N. Oshawa, is visiting with Miss Margaret Scott. Mrs. W. Robson, of Toronto, is visiting this week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ellins, Keep in mind the Sunday School pienic on Tuesday, July 381. KEDRON Kedron, July 24.--Misses Lor- raine and Jean Love visited with friends in Toronto on Friday. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. -- Quali Food Products for 43 Years The latest ideas in stuffed olives are obtain: . able in INVINCIBLE olives, They set the Try them--many "INVINCIBLE' foie lain and fancy var. P means "the best " and only the best are "INVINCIBLE", EN y How xtracts, tine, Puddings snd Custa bis Marsachino Cherries, Bakin FELT BLOCK THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1928 Wo Re Hous the Siva) on 4 baby girl le : ALLE Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett and family visited Arthur Clarke's Sathasinm, visited with- relatives ere. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Philp, Burketon, and Mrs. Philp, of Lind- say, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke. Miss Lorraine Pascoe spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. McCullock, of Orono. Mrs. N. Gimblett and fami, visited in Maple Grove on Monday. Miss Olive, Luke, of Toronto, and Miss Audrey Werry, of Osh- awa, are holidaying with relatives in Montreal and are also taking » trip through Quebec, Miss Luella and Mr. Arthur Hep- burn motored to Bowmanville re- cently. Miss Allie Wood spent the wees- end with her parents in Oromo. Congratulations to Miss Elda Mountjoy on passing her recent music examinations at Oshawa. Mr. Walter Hepburn and Miss M. Thompson, of Toronto, visitea his uncle, Mr. W. Hepburn, here, Mrs. Harold Porch, Jacksonville. Florida, who spends the summer months in Toronto, is visiting her friend, Mrs. Harold Mountjoy, Mrs. Armour and Miss Armour, from Ebenezer, and Mrs. Hamil ton, and Mrs, Trick, of Oshawa, were at F, H. Crossman's recently. Mr. Albert Luke has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks' holidays at his home here. Miss Kathreen Flannigan, Co- bourg, spent Sunday at 8, Conlin's, We are glad to hear that Masters Mark and Frank Hancock are able to be out again after having their tonsils removed at the Port Perry hospital last week, Mrs. 8. Conlin and Miss Margue- rite Conlin spent Monday in Tor- onto. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, July 23.--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heaslip entertain- ed their neighbors and friends to a dance in their new garage. Mr. Heaslip has one of the finest and most modern garages we have yet seen and hefore it had been used he kindly allowed the North Osh- awa people a dance, The music was good, Mr. Heaslip himself helped at the piano, Mrs. Calhoun at the piano with Mr. Calhoun with his violin, Mr, Farrow with the violin kept lots of good music for the dancers. The lunch was sery- ed around midnight and consisted of sandwiches, cake and orange crush, Our thanks to Mr, and Mrs, -- A I -- Guaranteed .s. 84d thither | Pink Capsules Joc Indigestion I HS cred TRONTO | i Tomorrow Night! - Radio Fans tune in on CKCL, between 9 and 10 p.m., Friday evens ing, July 27, and hear the special Oshawa Program sponsored by, Dingman & Mason KING ST. W. AT CENTRE ST. Cannings, King St. W. Flintoff & Sons KING ST. W. Thickson Motor Sales BOND ST. W. Lycett's Real Estate KING ST. E., AT CELINA ST. Grand Cafe UPSTAIRTS Bowra Electric Shop SIMCOE ST. N. Wilson & Lee SIMCOE ST. N, KING ST. E, ~ | i 1 | Rundown Try Fruitactives" D% let nerves and a run- Er a blood ( ta FREEE Thos. Heaslip for their generous hospitality. Messrs. Davidson, Tay- lor and McQuade called for the square dances. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heaslip and children to Toronto on Thursday. Miss Wilkes, of Toronto, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Thos. Heaslip, over the week-end, and attengen the opening dayce given by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heaslip to the com- munity in their new garage. Miss Betty Harber, of Sudbury, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Chant, Miss Madeline Moon, of Whithy, is Visiting her cousins, the Gulli- vor children, ENFIELD 25 Enfield, July 24.--Mrs. John Hep- burn is visiting at Columbus, Mr, and Mrs. John Trebell, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Trebell, Stratford, Mrs, Frank Page, Misses Helen and Pauline, Mr. Max and Mrs. Arthur Page, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S, Page, Mr, Fred T. Ashton and Miss Jean, Toronto, at Mr, Will G. Smith's, Don't forget the garden party at Mr, Edwin Ormiston's on Wednes- day, August Ist. The Johnson enter- tainers will give a very entertaining program, Good cats are being pre- pared, Red heels are the vogue in this place, judging' by recent scenery, (On shoes of course). Mr, and Mrs, Fred West and sons and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Henry, Oshawa, visited with Mr, Wilbert Ferguson and family, Mrs, Wm. Peare and grandson, Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Prescott, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Osh- awa, and Mr, and Mrs, Everett Or- miston, Bowmanville, with Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs, E. W, Pascoe, Brooklin, Mrs, 'Norah West, Owen Sound, and Miss Lena Niddery, To- , ronto, with Mr, and Mrs, Geg, Or- miston, Miss Ruby M. Smith is visiting in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and daughter Margeret, motored to Lake Simcoe, recently, Miss Dorothy Pascoe visited Brooklin last week, in | SPIRITUALISM NOT * FORTUNE TELLING Conan Doyle and Lodge Testify in Prosecution in London London, July 25.--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sir Oliver Lodge, leaders in their respective fields of literature and science, appear- ed as voluntary witnesses in West- minster Police Court to defend spiritualism against ' the cynical charge that it is fortune telling for money and therefore illegal. The case was a test one--the police against Mrs. Clare Cantlon, whom they accused of "having pro- fessed to tell fortunes." Miss Mer- ey Phillimore, secretary of the London Spiritualist Alliance--of dl} which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is president--was accused of aiding and abetting her. Sir Arthur, testifying for the de- fense, said that the' purpose of a spiritualist seance was double. "The higher purpose," said Sir Arthur, "is the wish to strengthen what we regard as the central core of all religion--the way in which man is carried on after death. The lower purpose is to get in touch with our loved ones who have pass- ed over, and to investigate various phenomena. "The Alliance fis not concerned with telling fortunes." Sir Oliver Lodge said that the popular idea of fortune telling was "an absurd procedure." "I usually listen to a reputable medium," he said, "and then judge for myself." Cases against both the women were dismissed on the ground that they were first offenders. But Mrs. Cantlon was ordered to pay $50 costs of the prosecution and Miss Phillimore $100. INCOME TAX COLLEECTIONS WELL ABOVE 1927 MARK Ottawa, July 25.--In spite of the further 10 per cent. reduction im the income tax, collections of this tax for the current fiscal year have piready passed the $50,000,000 mark, and show a substantial in- crease over the same period last year. Up to yesterday the income tax collections, as reported to Com- missioner Chester 8. Walters, to- falled $50,048.82801. as com- pared with $44014.787.54, or an increase of $6.034,035.47. REWARD" WHEAT CLOSELY WATCHED Western Growers Waiting to See Whether Rust Develops Ottawa, July 25.--This is the apprehensive season among the wheat growers of the west, waiting to see if rust is to develop. "We are holding our breath remarked L. N. Newman, Domin- ion cerealist, who left for the Prairies to look into the situa- tion, not so much as regards the possible spread of rust as the re- sults being carried on extensively in developing a grade of wheat that will be rust-resistant., With the discovery of this new grade, known as "Reward" wheat, Mr. Newman has had a great deal to do. This year it has been sown on 400 acres of experimental farms, while 467 farmers are growing it from the limited samples diftri- buted among them. The new wheat {is not rust- proof, but its virtue, _-- from being of very fine grade, Mes in it growing so quickly as to be mA- ture before the rust season devel- ops with the humid weather, Along that line the results so far have been most encouraging. If its practicability is established, mil- lions will be made for the western wheat growers, The damage from rust is a very serious factor in some parts of the west, and nearly a day was spent in the House discussing it just be- fore the session closed. The potential seriousness of the situation was emphasized and es- pecial stress laid upon the need of research and the adequate pay- ment of those who engage in it, POLITICAL LEADERS IN PANAMA JAILED Arrests Made to Halt Alleged Threats of Uprising Panama City, July 25.--Political agitation against the administra- tion party reached a critical stage here when 1168 members of the Porras (Opposition) party were ar- rested to halt alleged threats of an uprising. A number of prom- inent Porristas leaders were jailed. The action was the result of mounting criticism of the Govern- ment or Liheral party which was charged with election frauds and irregularities, The climax came Saturday at a Porras party rally where the up- position leaders demanded "Amer- fecan supervision of the November election or revolution!" The Por- riastas had repeatedly sought Am- erican aid in eliminating alleged conspiracies, and Dr. Jorge Boyd, Porras presidential nominee, is in Washington at present. (Dr. Boyd denied recently he was in Washington to request Am- erican intervention.) Among those arrested in the na- tion-wide drive to prevent serious disturbances were: Assemblyman Domingo Turner; Dr. Alejandro Tapia, prominent attorney; and editors of the Opposifion news- paper El Heraldo; Demetrio Por- ras, youngest son of Dr, Belisario Porras, thrice president of Pana- ma, and Juan B. Polo, president of the Porras Club. JUST NATURAL (Hamilton Herald) Some people are complaining that there are too many nickel coing of two different kinds. If we made any complaint it would be, of an entirely different char- acter. We may say that we have never mistaken a nickel for a fiye dollar gold piece. We take no credit for it. It is just a gift. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things ~stop Headache in 20 minutes "break up & Coldover night cauewen7 I LOUNTS AYN SE i tion, ican Continent. .., get, Flowered Organdies New and Very Much In Favor For Hot Weather Dresses Fashion has placed her stamp of approval on Organdy. You will see dresses made of it at any fashionable function, in every style centre on the Amer: Manufacturers of ready made dresses are searching the markets for flower. ed organdies, and are finding the genuine Swiss qualities particularly hard to We were fortunate in placing our order early. Just as soon as we knew how popular the fabric was going fo be, and now we can show about fifteen of the loveliest patterns in Genuine Permanent Finish Swiss Organdy At a much lower price than we could buy them for to-day. 38 inches wide, in pastel shades of yellow, pink, blue, green and helio, Special 89¢c yd ALBERTA APPEALS ON SCHOOL ISSUE Saskatchewan May Be Co- Appellant--Natural Re. sources Involved Ottawa, July 25.--It is reported on good authority here that the Alberta Government has decided to facilitate the apepal to the Privy Council in regard to the schools' question--the great obstacle to the agreement for returning to the Province its natural resources, The Saskatchewan Government, it is said, is also likely to becoms a party to the same appeal, though, in the case of either Government, direct personal intervention is not necessary. Rather, they may agree to back up a private individual who may become an appellant par- ty in the issue, The matter {is regarded as of great importance. The Dominion Government has affirmed its wil- lingness to return to the Prairie provinces their lands and forests, for which the demand has been long, but it is also desirous of per. petuating the schools systems as they now exist and which largely derive support from the school lands, part of the patural resoure- es under Federal administration. Snag Encountered This snag was encountered in the Alberta case when an agree- ment with the province had been reached when concurrent legisla- to ratify it had been pre- pared and in the legislature, had reached its final stages. The fed- eral legislation was then suspend- ed pending a reference to the Su- preme Court as to the constitution- ality of the educational provisions of the autonomy act. The court here upheld the provisions in ques- tion whereupon, in what was de- scribed as the interests of fimal- ity, the Dominion © government sought to appeal to the privy coun- cil. Leave by that body was not granted on the ground that the government was really inscribing an appeal fromr a judgment in. ite own favor, a most anomalous pre- cedure. The case however was not struck off the lists. It is still pen- ding. ' Meanwhile for many months, there has been a discussion of ways and means to get on with the ap- ed and thus pave the way for a return of the provincial domain. It is mow reported that the matter is about adjusted that the neces- sary arrangements will be made and that, having a common inter- est the Saskatchewan government will also be a probable party to the litigation. peal and have it finally determin- |} B HAVE never known of 8 new food product to become popular so quickly, It seems to please every- one's taste, You never guess it, but Kay is mostly ch ese-- snow-white, rich, fluffy Can't "the Weather WEATHER PROPHET | WILL KEEP YOU PREPARED FOR BAIN OR SHINE Guaranteed--An ldeal Gift It is surprisingly reliable on local weather conditions. Made on strictly scientific principles. We have secured a special price on a quantity and as long as they last will sell them for only 69c¢ if you bring this coupon. When the weather is to be fine the two children will come out; when stormy weather is approaching, the witch will come out from 8 to 24 hours ahead of rain or snow, decorated as in the picture, with thermometer, elk's head, bird house and bird, etc. it has four windows and two doors. Bay Sait Frken tor 8 Ofg , Mail orders Limited Time with the Coupon .... 10¢ extra. JURY & LOVELL KING ST. E. SIMCOE ST. 8S. d Phone 68

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