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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Sep 1928, p. 2

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PAGE T'WO WHITBY Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15--Office 484 First Annual Sparts' Da At Ontario ospital Was Big Success, Many Compete Keen Competition Features All Events -- Sple Prizes Offered Through turing and Wholesale Generosity of Manufac- Firms (By Staff Reporter) * Whitby, Sept. 13.--The first an- nual sports' day to be, held at the Ontario Hospital, staged on the spacious hospital grounds, yester- day afternoon from 1.30 to 5 o'- clock, proved a marked success and provided much amusement for all who took part or were present as spectators. The weather was de- lightful and the events were run off without difficulty. The patients provided keen competition in their events and entered into the spirit of the occasion. Some splendid . prizes were offered through the generosity of several well-known manufacturing and wholesale firms, The area in which the sports were held was a large green hound ed by neat steel posts and flags, For the benefit of the large audi- ence, which included several hun- dred visitors, benches had heen erected on both sides of the field, A tent stood at the north end of the field, housing the prizes and was in charge of two uniformed nurses who presented the lucky winners with their awards. The Whithy Citizens' Band, unden the direction of Bandmaster Broadbent was in gttendance and varied the program of sports with several pleasing selections, Marked skill was shown hy the patients in several of the events and the old army game of tilting the bucket was one which caused the most amusement. A large frame was erected from, which was suspended a wooden hoard through which had been bored a hole. Tied to the top of the hoard was a basin containing water, A man would sit in a wheelbarrow holding a long wooden pole while another man would propel him towards the frame, The trick is to pass the pole through the hole and in the event of failure the hoard is of course struck, causing the hasin tn empty its contents upon hoth men and wheelbarrow, Several of the players received a good dousing, but seemed to enjoy it as much as the audience. Credit is due to Dr. G. H. Stevs enson, medical superintendent, his ptaff and assistants for the ahle way in which the field day was conducted. Its success merits re- pitition in the future. BIITISH AMBASSADOR TO JAPAN IN OTTAWA Ottawa ,Sept. 12,--Rt, Hon, Sir John Tilley, British A:abassador to Japan, with Lady Tilley, are the guests at Government House to- day. He would welcome a Canadizcn Minister to Tokio Sir John toid newspapermen. He is on his way back to Japan after a months' holi- day in Britain. He will leave Ot- 'tawp: Thursday to continue his jour- ney west, In Ontario there is a motor for every nine persons, and they are mostly full.--Owen Sound Sun- MOVING ANYWHERE HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE CARTAGE QCA A 'COLEMAY, 5 NCE «ad WHITBY C. OF C. STARTS ACTIVITIES To Discuss Extending the Town Park and Improving Harbor Entrance (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 13--~Two live local issues, the question of extending the limits of the town park and of im- proving the harhor entrance, will be the topics of discussion at an open meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce to be held tomorrow evens ing at 8 o'clock in the town hall. Every citizen is invited to this gath- ering which should prove of real in- terest to those who are interested in the growth, development and beauti- fication of Whitby. The chamber oY commerei has just received its charter from the Dom- inion Government and at an execu- tive meeting held Wednesday even- ing it was announced by Mr. F, M, irwin, local lawyer, that the constitu- tion of the new body had been prov- a. It is a well known fact that the purchase of land and building to the north end of the town park at a reasonable price was suggested re- cently to the town council. The civic fathers turned it down on the ground that they. were not aware of the opinion of the people in the matter, Tomorrow night's meeting will give the people a chance to express their opinion which in indirect way will reach the council, Improvement to the harbor en- trance is a matter which would be of real interest. At present the road to the harbor passes through an un- sightly district of swamp and dump and the land around the harbor is rough and uninviting, Visitors com- ing to Whitby wonder why the town does not take advantage of its splen- did lakeshore location which could be made into a genuine beauty spot and recreation pagk, The chamber of commerce is faking the right cue for a bigger and better town, - ASHBURN Ashburn, Sept, 12.--Congratu+ lations to Bob Duff and son who were so successful in recelving a generous fhare of red ribbons on their horses at the Toronto Exhli. bition, School re-opened last week with our former teacher, Miss Bernice Werry of Kedron as Principal, New seats and desks were put in and other improvement were made to the interfor of the building during the holidays and everything is now in fine shape for a promising years work, Miss Emma Fisher who has spent the greater part of the vacation with her mother, Mrs. E. T, Fisher has returned to Toronto where she is engaged as Registrar in the Gen- eral Hospital. A much talked of movement for the hetterment and upkeep of the cemetery of Burn's church came to a head last week when a meet- ing was held and a committees ap- pointed to notify those who have plots here, and are too far away to look after them themselves, to donate a small sum toward the cemetery fund and their plots will be well looked after. The commit- te is made up of Mesdames Brash and Heron and Messrs Jno, Miller and George West. Generally speak- ing the cemetery is usually kept in splendid shape but this will have a tendency to make it so there will be no neglected looking plots. Mr. George West enjoyed a short vacation with his family at Lake Couchiching last week. During his absence the apvil was skillfully handled by Mr. Harold Allin, of Bowmanville and a former appreas tice of Mr. West's. His many friends were glad to see "Happy" making the sparks fly again, ---- The corn-borer, the peach moth and the grape hopper are all in our midst. The farmer'earns every dol- lar revenue he gets and more too. --=8t. Catharines Standard. Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 SIR J THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 DEPORTATION LIKELY FOR ONE HARVESTER Ottawa, Sept. 12.--Deportation proceedings will probably be taken in the case of an English barves- ter, named Edward Evans, it was stated by officials of the Depart. ment of Immigration today. Word has been received by the depart. ment that Evans was convicted of serious offence and was given the option 2 a jail term» or leaving nd. ccording to the provisions of the Immigration Act, no one com- vieted of an offence {involving moral turpitude may enter Can- ada, officials point out. The present whereabouts of the man is unknown to the department, but he is believed to be somewhere in Manitoba. A court df inquiry will be appointed to investigate the matter as soon as he 1s found, it is indicated. CLAREMONT Claremont, Sept. 11.--Mr. and Mrs. Wilker of Tavistock, have re- tarned to their home after a pleas- ant visit with their son, M. J. and Mrs. Wilker. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Reid and son, Ivan, who have heen holiday- ing with friends and relatives in Copetown, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, have returned home. Mr, Georee Banbury who has heen auite 111 we are glad to say fs {mnroving, Mr. Ed. Linton is makinz exten- sive Improvements to his residence. He has nut on a new ronf and ia now puttine: dawn new floors and making other imnrovements, Mr. William Mundell, who has heen attendine the funerai of his sister. Mrs. Wm, Snroat. of Ver- dun, Man., has returned to his home here. Mrs, Sproat and her hushand have heen residents of verdun for forty-five vears and wera among the earllest settlers of that district when the chief res- idents were Indians. Mrs. Towner and Mrs. Redman nf Glen Major, snent a day recent- ly with Mrs, Lynn, Mrs, Fdward (ihson Is visiting relatives in Detroit, Harvesting oneratfons are now nearly aver and the farmers arn husy rettine in their fall wheat and fn a short time filling sine will he the order of the Aav. Corn is a good crop, many fields being extra gond, Mrs, Hensted and ehildren nt Vassar, Mich., who have heen visit- ing at the home of Mr. 7. H. ard Mrs, Beal. have returned to their home, Mrs. Phillips, Mre. Rowe and Mrs. Nicholson nf Toronto snent a dav recently with Mr. and Mrs. Chidlow. Wa ave glad to know that Mr Frank Conner is gradually improv. ine after his serious aceident, Rev. McLellan spent a couple of days last week with his family at Thurstonia Park. Our continuation and public schools are now going full swing with all the old staff In charge. "The drunken driver must go," says a newspaper heading, That's just the trouble. He always does go.--Peterhoro Examiner. PICKERING Pickering, Sept. 12.--Mr. and Mrs. G, Whithy, are having a two weeks' vacation, which they are spending in Western Ontario. Miss Ruby Collins, of Toronto, spent Tuesday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Monney, Mr. and Mrs. A, Boyes, accom~ panied by Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Annan, spent the week-end with relatives in Belleville, Miss Mildred Douglas, of Torofi- to, was the guest of her grandmo- ther, Mrs. A. Burrell, for a few days last 'week, Miss Ida Cook, of the Mimico high school staff, spent the week- ond' with her sister, Mrs. E. J: Stork. Mr. Wm, Cullis, visited relatives in Orono, on Monday. Mr. Lyndon Cronk, left this week to take up his studies at the Pickering College, in Newmarket, We wish him all success. Rev, J. S. and Mrs. Ferguson, and son Walter, and daughter, Do- rothy, spent Tuesday with relatives in Peterboro, The Ladies Ald Society of St. Paul's Church, met at the home of the Misses Law, on Wednesday af- ternoon, A number from the village at- tended the Oshawa Fair this week. Mrs. Wm. Burt, and sons, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jabez Hallett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stork, of Belleville, were the guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Stork, on Sunday, Miss Glenna Gilmour, of Dun- barton, visited her friend, Miss Ethel Bray, for a few days last week. The Women's Missionary Societ: of St. Andrew's Church, met at iid home of Mrs. W. J. Clark, on Mon- day afternoon. Mrs. M. S. Chap- man was leader of the , ad program on "Oup Red Eyes--Styes Styes won't return if you use DR. PETTIT'S EYE SALVE-- the ' They came the lists at the Banff Hi dance too--to the tune of with a number of thering. They al from Yanooyver and Ga the piper. , Five Braw Highland Lassies thors; all had their ls of Miss Jean Gauld (centre), to ente: ing and their seann triubhas and ho Mr. and Mrs. Grant Arnott, Miss Nellle Arnott, and Miss Pearl Toms, motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday and spent the day there. Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Redditt, and family, are enjoying two weeks' holidays. Mr. Redditt's office, as manager of the Standard Bank, is being taken by an accountant from Stouffville, The Ladies Ald Soclety of St. Andrew's Church met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Westney, on Wed- nesday afternoon, Dr. and Mrs, Fallalse are moy- ing into their new residence this week. Dr, Fallaise does not ex- pect to move his office from its present stand, for a few months. The house owned hy D. Crawford, which they have vacated is to be occupied shortly, by Mr, and Mrs. A. McLennan and family, Owing to the absence of Rev. W. R. Sproule, rector of St. George's, the congregation of that church joined with St, Andrew's Church in its services on Sunday, and the spirit of good fellowship, which pervaded the services was benefi- eial to all. Rev. J. 8, Ferguson preached two splendid sermons. Magistrate Clark had some in- teresting visitors on Monday morn- ing, in the persons of four young- years, who were picked up by Con- stable Chester, near Port Union station. The oldest girl, who was spokesman of the party, declared that they were from Cincinnati, and had ridden all the way on the Exhibition, was too 'fantastic for Canadian National the story and as the children did not have the appearance of having travelled any distance, Mr. Chester took stérs, ranging from seven to twelve | bumpers, in an effort to see the | As | stald officers of the law to helieve, | them to the Children's Shelter, Oshawa, to remain there until he could locate their people. Upon arrival there, they were recogniz- ed by the officials of the Shelter, as the Brown family, who had been there, on sever? occasions. As one of the children was badly bruised from an alleged beating by his father, the authorities are investigating their home life, and wil lendeavor to keep them from wandering aimlessly about the country, The annual school fair, is to be held in the Memorial Park, on Tuesday, September 18th, and the Women's Institute are arrauging for a booth of home made baking, and confectionery, to he open for the use of the public, during the fair. FOUR-YEAR.OLD FINN TRAVELS TO CANADA Montreal, Sept. 12--Four-year-old Halme Kauno, late of Finland, who arived at Bonaveture Station last Public Auction Sale One 1028 Oakland Cabriolet will be sold at the rear of 99 Simcoe St, S. SATURDAY September 15 at 10 am, night from Halifax, from Stockholm, He has been in charge of one of the lady passengers, a Mrs, Ekroth, who was traveling with her husband to Winnipeg. Mrs. Ekroth took charge of the hoy during the journey to Halifax and traveled on the same train with him to Montreal, was a passenger On arrival here they found the boy's father, N, Kauna, had come down from McDougall Mills, Ont., to meet his son, The greeting. of father Kauno, however, at first was rather doubtfully received by the young traveler, for the father had left Finland before the boy was a year old, and was consequently a stranger. Efforts of the father to win over the boy succeeded after a short time, and by the time the Con- tinental Limited left Bonaventure Station for Western Canada, the pair had become fast friends, and father had found a devoted admirer. The father is employed as section foreman of the Canadian National Railways, CAN'T MOP KITCHEN-- GAS PRESSED HEART "When I mopped my kitchen I Pras all in, stomach gas pressed so on my heart, Adlerika ended the as and I work fine now."--Mrs, C, Thompson, . Even the FIRST spoonful of Adlerika relieves gas on the stom- ach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from | the system, Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better, No matter | what you have tried for your stom- | ach and bowels, Adlerika will sar- RED ROSE 'IE Ais good ted' The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra cost, is extra good In clean, bright Aluminum soups makes a'big difference at small cost, | brise you. Jury & Lovell, druggist, | | | She SE -- Have gE i liable treatment, ou a Goitre? Now is the time to rid yourself of it. Obtain our res iCall in for information at our Oshawa Office. B00 Simcoe St, South Phone 2558 DR. THONA BALSAM REMEDIES LTD, ---- A Really Good Tooth Brush We guarantee bristles will not come out. Regular 35c. Special 1 Oc essere Riker's White Liniment Best for sprains, bruises, sore joints, etc, Regular 25¢, 19¢ Large Box of Gift Stationery, Lined envelopes har- monpiously blended with delicately tint- AVE WIT H SAT ERVICE EE AFETY: ISF a ACTION Years of faithful co-operation from our friends has enabled us to build up a Drug Store Service, second to none in carefulness, courtesy and promptness, Manufacturers are co-operating with us more than ever to give you more for your money, as may be proved by observing these bargains for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, REAL MONEY SAVERS Scott's Emulsion, : Williams' Pink Pills, mwas nanny for $1.00 Virol ..45¢, 75¢, $1.25 Mennen's Talcum 23¢ Odorono Yardley Face Powder Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 3c 25¢ Shari Perfume Free The famous house of Langlois, New York, have created a new toilet sensation, the Shari" line. With any purchase of $1 or more we will give a 50¢ | vial of Shari Perfume FREE, i will give one 100 page Baby's Own Tablets, Sloan's Liniment ..29¢ Carter's Liver Pills 20c D.D.D. for Eczema 93¢ Mecca Salve .........22¢ Glyco-Thymoline ..30c Heavy metal lunch-kit fit- ted with guaranteed vacuum bottle. $1.49 outfit. Phone 28 For any of these special values and they will be deliv- ered prompt- ly, To celebrate the return of children té6 school and to offer you greater economies in drug store purchases, we REXALL SCRIBBLER FREE | With a purchase of 50c or over of any of the famous "exalt Jemedios Hudnut's Acquaintance Package Free Richard Hudnut, Perfum- ers, makers of Three Flowers and other prod- ucts, allow us to give with each $1.00 purchase of Three Flowers toiletries, one 50c acquaintance package FREE. Jury and Lovell THE REXALL STORES King St. E., Phone 28 Simcoe St. S., Phone 68 | 16 oz, 85¢c Men's or Ladies' Dressing Comb Nicely tapered, fine and coarse teeth, 35¢ 19¢ value. Special...... Roxbury Household Rubber Gloves Prevent stained and irritated hands Heavy quality, Reg. I 49¢ pair Purest Italian Olive Oil Imported from Eur- ope in sealed tins, Bottled in our own laboratory. 8 oz, 45¢

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