Prize Winners at Port Perry Annual Fair The complete list of prize win- mers at the Port Perry Fair held Jan Friday are published as fol- \ [H AGRICULTURE Brood Mare--Grant Christie. Pair in Harness, 3200 or over-- Robert Baird, Jas. Stark, . Foal of 1928--Grant Christie. Best Cylesdale Mare, any age-- Grant Christie. Best Cyldesdale Mare, any age, foal by side, Bank of Commerce Cup ~--G. Christie. Brood Mare--Geo. King and Son, |S Jos. Strong and Son. One year Filly or Gelding--Thomas ne 1 Wo year old Filly or Gelding-- S Jos. Strong and Son. Foal of 1928--Jos. Strong and San, |S Geo. Kerry and Son, Pair in harness, under 3200 lbs.-- Geo. Kerry and Son, L. Byers, Best Agricultural, any age--Geo., Kerry and Son. : ses ht Hor Brood Mare--Thos, E. Lane. One year Filly or Gelding--John Medd and Son. Two year Filly or Gelding--Isaac Vernon, F. Martin, Dr. McMaster, Foal of 1928--Thos. - Lane. Single Roadster, under 15 1-2 hands --Jas. McMillan, Dave Dowson, John Medd and Son, Single Roadster, 15 1-2 over--Wes- ley Page, F, Hortop, L. Byers. Lady Driver--R. Vernon and Son, High Steppers High Stepper--John Medd and Son, W. Page, Ed, Harris, Ponies, 12 hands and under--G, Christie, Dave Dowson, Ponies, over 12 hands and under 13 1-2--R. Vernon and Son, Geo. Kerry and Son, CATTLE Shorthorns--Pure Bred Bull cali, under 1 year--M, Fralick, A. J. Howden, HE, Pugh. Heifer calf, under 1 year--H., ELE, Pugh, A. J. Howden, H, E, Pugh, Cow, 3 years or over--H, E, Pugh, Bruce McDonald, Clifford Coulter, Heifer, 2 years and under 3--H, E, Pugh, C, Coulter, 4 Heifer, 1 year and under 2-H, E, Pugh, C. Coulter, C, Coulter, Herd of Four Animals--Clifford Coulter, Milking Grade Shorthorns--Bruce McDonald, Bruce McDonald, Bruce McDonald, Holsteins--Pure B Bull, 2 years and under Coulter, Bull, 1 year and under 2--Geo, Smith, Bull Calf, Smith, Heifer, under 1 year--R, M, by, Geo. Smith, Geo. Smith, : Cow, 3 years or over--Geo. Smith, Geo, Smith, Heifer, two years and under three --Geo., Smith, Geo. Smith, Heifer, two years and two--Geo, ith, Geo, Smith. Sg of Four Animals--Geo, mith, Ey and two of Progeny -- Geo, ith. eas ge Vo class, boys' and girls' com- etition--J, A, Howden, Geo, Smith, obert Howden, SHEEP Leicester Ram Lamb--Ambrose King, brose King. Ewe, 2 years ing, Ambrose King. . Ki, re Ewe--Ambrbse King, Ewe Lamb--Ambrose King. red 3--Clifford under 1 year--Geo, | Holt- Am- over--Ambrose MARCONI SHOP | The Best in Radios Kingston Rd, West Phone 882 r 4 {ddd ld Lid Aged Ram--C, Coulter, Smith, Shearling Ram--Wesley Wesley Page. - Ram Lamb--Geo, Smith, C. Coult- er. Lwe, two shears or ovef -- Geo. Smith, C. Coulter, Shearling Ewe--Geo. Smith, C. Coulter. Lamb--C. Coulter, Geo. Geo, Ewe Smith. . Horned Darsets Shearling Ram--G., H. Mark and on, Ram Lamb--G. H, Mark and Son. Ewe, 2 shears or over--G. H. Mark and Son, G. H. Mark and on, Shearling Ewe--G. H, Mark and on. Ewe Lamb--G. H, Mark and Son, G. H. Mark and Son. Berkshires Boar, under 1 year--G, H. Mark and Son. Breeding Sow, Maurice Fralick, Breeding Sow, under one year--G. H. Mark and Son, 1 year or over-- amworths Boar, under 1 year--Wesley Page, Wesley Page, Breeding Sow, one year or over-- Wesley Page, Wesley Page. Breeding Sow, under 1 year--Wes- ley Page, Wesley Page. Yorkshires Breeding Sow, one year or over-- Clifford Coulter, Breeding Sow, under Coulter, Lawson Honey. Bacon Hogs Best Pair Bacon Hogs--Lawson Honey, C. Coulter, POULTRY White Rock Cockerel--E, Langstaff, Mrs. Fred Raines. White Rock Pullet--Mrs. Raines, Mrs. F. Raines, Dorking Hen--Mrs, Thos, Caesar. Game cock--E., C, Langstaff, Game Hen--E, C. Langstaff, E, C, Langstaft, read ame Cockerel--E, C. Langstaff, E. C. Langstaff, g Game Pullet--E, C, Langstaff, E, C, Langstaff. : White Leghorn, Cock--Lorne Bage shaw, Chas, McGill, White Leghorn Hen--Frank Al- lin, Mrs, H, Fonley, White Leghorn Cockerel--F, Allin, L. Bagshaw, Black Minorca Cack--F, Allin, _Black Minorca Hen--Mrs, Thos, Caesar, Chas, McGill, Barred Plymouth Frank Allin, Frank Allin, Barred Plymouth Rock 1 year--C, C, F, Cockerel--F, Hen--F, Allin, F, Allin, Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerel-- Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet--F, Allin, F, Allin, Cock--E, C, Langstaff, Mrs, Frank Crozier. Brown Leghorn Hen--E. C, Lang- Brown Leghorn Cockerel---E, C, Langstaff, E. C, Langstaff, C Langstaff, E, C.' Langstaff, Rhode Island Red Rhode Island Red Hen--Mrs, aMec- Kitterick, Mrs, F, Crozier, Williams, Nelson Williams. White Wyandotte Cock--Frank Al- White Wyandotte Hen--F. Allin, F. Allin, Allin, F, Allin, White C. Langstaff, Frank Allin, Ancona Hen--Mrs, H, Sonley, H. Kellett. Silver Laced Wyandotte Cock-- Hen--E, F. Allin, F. Allin, Brown Leghorn staff, E, C., Langstaff, Brown Leghorn Pullet--E, f Cock--Mrs, Frank Crozier, Rhode Island Red Pullet--Nelson lin, Frank Allin, White Wyandotte Wyandotte Pullet--E, Ancona Pullet--C. H, Kellett, C, E. C. Langstaff, F, Allin, Silyer Laced Wyandotte C. Langstaff, Frank Allin, Page, Al Rock Cock--| THE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES. WEDNESDAY, SEFIEMBER Zo, 1940 Allin, F Laced Wyandotte Pullet--F. in, F. Allin. N Allin, F, Silver Spangled Hawburg--E. C. ilver S led Hamburg Hen--E. C. taff, E. C, Langstaff, Bred to lay Barred Rock Cock-- Frank Allin, Frank Allin, Bred to lay Barred Rock Hen--F, lin, F. Bred to lay Barred Rock Cockerel --F. Allin, F, Allin, Bred to lay Barred Rock Pullet-- Frank Allin. Any other variety -- Cock--Thos. Caesar, Mrs. Frank Crozier, Any other variety hen--Thos. Cae- sar. Any other variety Cockerel--F, | Allin, Thos. Caesar. Any other variety Pullet--Thos. Caesar, F, Allin. Ducks Rouen Duck--E. C. Langstaff, E. C. Langstaff. y Rouen Drake--Frank Allin, E. 'C. Langstaff, Pekin Duck--Edna Jackson, Edna Jackson. Pekin Drake--Edna Jackson, Chas. McGill, Any other variety duck--Mrs. esar, Theos. Caesar, Mrs. Thos. Ca Toulouse Goose--Mrs, Frank John- son, Mrs. H. Gray, Toulouse Gander--Mrs. F. John- son, Frank Allin, Any other variety goose--Frank Allin, Maurice Fraelick, Any other variety gander--F, Al- lin, M. Fraelick, urkey Bronge Turkey Hen--M., Bronge Turkey Johnson, M. Fralick. A.O.V. Drake--Edna Jackson, Mrs. Thos. Caesar, Best collection igeons--Terry Woods, Mrs. G, W, Bentley. Special by Peel Bros,--Bred to lay BarredRock Hen--F, Allin, Wesley Page, Fralick, Cock--Mrs, F, Butter Ten Ibs, butter in squares or prints Mrs, Jas. Nesbitt, Mrs, Wm, Medd, Mrs. Frank Crozier, Five Ibs in crock--Mrs, Jas. Nes- bitt, Mrs, F. Crozier, Mrs. L. N. Hutchison, Mrs, Wm, Medd, Mrs. Jas. Boe, Grain and Seeds Fall Wheat--M, Fralick, L. GG, Bagshaw, Six-rowed Barley--Chas, McGill, L. Bagshaw. % Beats--Clias. McGill, Maurice Fra- ick, Rye--Chas. McGill, L. G. Bagshaw, Field Peat--L.G. Bagshaw. Oats -- any variety--Chas, McGill, L. G. Bagshaw. Timothy Seed--Mrs, Wm, Medd, Lorne Bagshaw, Red Clover Seed--L. Bagshaw. i lsike--Newton Taylor, M. Fra. ick, Collection Grain and Seeds, 1 bus, of each--L, G, Bagshaw, Ten ears of corn--Thos, Terry Woods, Vegetables and Roots 6 Turnip Beets--Mrs, Geo, Stey- ens, Geo. Raines, 6 Blood Beets, 1-2 long--G. Raines, Mrs. F, Crozier, 2 Heads Winter McGill, 2 Heads Red Raines, 6 Orange long Carrots--Chas. Mc- Gill, L. Bagshaw, 6Table Carrots--Chas. McGill, Mrs, L. G. Brown, Heads Celery--D, Corbman, Mrs, L. G. Brown, Two Citrons--Geo. Smith, Mrs, A, L. McDermott, Two Water Melons--], F, Gerrow, Stanley Gerrow, 12 RedOnions--Thas, Caesar, Mrs, H., Sonley. 12 Yellow Onions--Thos, Mrs. H, Sonley, Bushel Irish Cobbler Potatoes-- L. Bagshaw, Geo. Smith, Largest Pumpkin--Mrs, L, N, Hutchinson, Geo. Raines, Largest Squash--Geo, Caesar, Collection Tomatoes--Mrs. Newton Cacsar, Cabbage--Chas, Cabbage--Geo, Caesar, Raines, T. Taylor, Mrs. Fred Raines, fa 5 AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVATVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV A COMING TO OSHAWA Direct Week Engagement at Tivoli Theatre, Toronto, Here for from Sensational 2 the THURSDAY 3--DAYS ONLY--3 \/ VYAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAWAWAWAY AY AY AW a J J [) [) [) [) > J ¥ ) [) b> » 1) J 1) > J [) WV [) J ¥ ¥ b. \, Silver Laced Wyandotte Cockerel--| B d _Squash-- i Turnips--L. N. Hutchison, L, L. Six Parsnips--Mrs. G. Raines, FRUIT Collection of Winter Apples--Thos. Caesar, Mrs. L. G. Brown, Collection Fall Apples--Thos. Cae- sar, Mrs. F. Crozier, Plate 5 Alexanders--Mrs. H, Son- ley, Maurice Fraelick. Ben Davis--C, H, Kellett, Mrs. Robt. Jackson, Baldwins--Thos. Caesar. Northern Spy--Mrs. J. A. McKit- trick, Mrs. Fred Raines. Goa enings--Thos. Caesar, Mrs, L, . Brown, Bellfleur--Harold * Sonley, Nelson Williams, Golden Russet--M. Fralick, Mrs. McKittrick. Grimes' Golden--Mrs. L. G, Brown, Mrs. Robt. Jackson, Snow=--C, H. Kellett, Mrs, Frank Crozier, Mclntash Red--Mrs, F. Crozier, Nelson Williams. 260. Stevens, cGil y Pewaukee c¢Der- Mott, John Cg nh Lu St. Lawrence--M, Fralick, Lawson Honey. Wealthy--Lawson Honey, Chas, Mrs, cGill. Duchess--Mrs. H, Grey, Frank Crozier, Starks--L. Honey, Mrs. F, Raines. Ontario--Mrs, F, Crozier, Geo, Raines, Any other Raines, Thos. Caesar. Hyslop Crab--Geo. Raines, Geo. Smith, Whitney Crab--Mrs. F. Crozier, Bartlett Pears--Geo. Raines, C, H. Kellett. A.O.V, Pears--L. Bagshaw, Thos. Caisar, Lombard Plums--], F. Gerrow, M. Fralick, Reine Claude Plums--J, F, Ger- row, Stanley Gerrow, Prune Plums--G. Raines, Kellett, variety--Geo, C. H Burbank Plums--Geo, Smith, Geo. Raines, Domestic Science : Collection of Home-made Cooking --Mrs, Robt, Jackson, Mrs, L, N. Hutchinson, Pan Baking Powder Biscuits--Mrs, Harold Hayes, Vera E, Cook, Fruit Cake, dark--Mrs, N, Ewers, Mrs. L, G, Brown, Fruit Cake, light--Mrs. G, W, Bentley, Mrs, L. G. Brown, Half dozen Ginger Snaps--Mrs, 1, G. Brown, Mrs, Gi. D. Bentley, Half dozen, Cookies--Mrs, Jas, Boe, Mrs. H, Grey, Half dozen Date Cookies--Mrs, R. Jackson, Mrs, Jos, Holdershaw, Layer Cake, light--Mrs. Frank Shepherd, Mrs, Robt, Jackson. Layer Cake, dark--Mrs, Jas. Boe, Mrs. N. Ewers, Applie Pie--Mrs, Robt, Mrs, G. D, Bentley, Lemon Pie--Mrs. N. Ewers, Mrs, J as. Boe Jo Nesbitt, Tart Pie--Mrs, Boe, Mrs, as, Nesbitt, ' d Honey in Comb, 5 Ibs--J. F. Ger- row, Stanley Gerrow, "Extracted Honey, 10 lhs.--An- derson, Mrs. Newton Taylor. Heaviest dozen Fresh Eggs-- Chas. MeGill, Mrs, Frank Crosier, Collection Fruit in Jars, (6)-- Edna Jackson, Mrs. Robt. Jackson. 6 Tumblers Jellies, var--Mrs, Fred Raines. Canned Peaches--Mrs., L, G. Brown, Mrs. McKitrick. canned Pears--Mrs, McKitrick, Mrs. L. G, Brown, Canned Cherries--Mrs. Geo, Ste- vent, Mrs, Frank Shepherd, canned Raspberries--Mrs, FP, Raines, Mrs, L, G. Brown, Canned Plums--Mrs. Fred Rai- nes, Mrs. L. G. Brown, Special Fruit Layer Cake--Soo Jackson, as, Boe. Chocolate Pie--Mrs, Pumpkin Pie--Mrs, Mrs. N, Ewers, Jas. pineapple--Mrs, Jas, . Robt, Jackson, Citron--Mrs. ¥, Shep- Thimbleberries--Mrs. Black Currants--Mrs, Currant Jelly--Mrs, F., Raines, Mrs. Frank Shepherd. Crab Apple Jelly--Mrs, L, G, Brown, Mrs, H. Guy, Grape Jelly--Mrs, F. Raines, Mrs. N. Ewers, Mustard Pickles--Mrs. N. Ew- ers, Mrs. Jas, Boe. Tomato Catsup--Mrs. N. Ewers, Mrs. Fred Raines, Onion and Cucumber Pickle-- Mrs. N. Ewers, Mrs. Jas, Boe, Coll. of Pickles, 6 jars--Mrs, Robt. Jackson, Mrs. L. N. Hutehin- son. Loat of Brown Bread--Mrs, F. Raines, Mrs. Frank Crozier. Loaf of White Bread--Mrs. Har- old Hayes, Mrs. Robt. Jackson, Loat of Nut. Bread--Mrs. L. G. Brown, Mrs. Frank Shepherd. Scotch Short Bread--Mrs. Boe, Mrs. R. Jackson. Sponge Cake--Mrs. Fred Raines, Mrs. N. Ewers. Butter Ttarts--Mrs. Mrs. L. G. Brown. Special, South Ont. Beekeepers' Association, best 10 1bs. Ext. Honey --Mrs. Newton Taylor. Snapdragon, six spikes--Edns Jackson, Mrs. H. Guy. Best Coll. Dahlias--Mrs. Boe. Best Basket, Flowers--Mrs. Jas. Boe, Mrs. Geo. Stevens. Asters, 1 var. pink (shell)-- Samuel Fagmer. Asters, 1 var. purple--Mrs. L. G, Brown. white--Mrs. 1 Asters, one Var. Weir, 8. Farmer. Assortment of Asters--Mrs. H. Guy, Edna Jackson. Petunias, 12 blooms, single--Mrs,. H. Sonley, Mrs. F. Shepherd. Pansies, 12 blooms,--Geo. Ral- nes, Edna Jackson. Fern, one pot--Mrs. N. Ewers, D. Corbman. Geraniums -- Edna Jas, N. Ewers, Jas. Cbllection Jackson. We Specialize Portrait Picture Framing hy. Photography WARD PANKHURST Vice-President Announcing CAMPBELLS STUDIO, LIMITE in In recognition of th vices of my has been with me for In turning aver the Company 1 desire to merit continuance of ronage, Ad A PERSONAL WORD I have pleasure in announcing the or- ganization of Campbell's which has become necessary due to the large increase in the volume of business, both in portrait and commercial lines, two chief assistants, Pankhurst and Everett now be associated with me in the ownership as well as the management of the business, Both Mr. Pankhurst and Mr. Allman are ex- pert photographers and I am proud to have them as business associates. Mr, Allman for fourteen years, Oshawa and district for the very generous support they have given me during the past twenty-one years, and I sincerely hope the conduct of the business in the D, CAMPBELL, President, CAMPBELL'S STUDIO, LTD, Studio Limited, Commercial Work of All Kinds e¢ long and valued ser- Edward Allman, they will Pankhurst years and Mr, seventeen business to a Limited thank the people of Amateur Finishing future will this goodwill and pat- Begonia, 1 plant--Mrs. H, Son- ley, Mrs, Jas. Boe, Sweet Peas, 12 blooms--Mrs, Jas. Boe, Edna Jackson, Special, Fred A, Kerit; Best dis- play Cut Flowers--Mrs, Jas. Boe, Mrs. H, Sonley, Gladiolias, col.--Mrs. J, Weir, Dahlias, col. 6 var.--Geo, Raines, Ladies' Work Bath Towel, Trimmed--Beth Hooey, Mrs. J. W, Weir: Child's Knitted Bootees--YV, Binstell, Mrs. McKitrick, Pair Knitted Mitts--V, 8. Bin- stell, Mrs. L. G, Brown, Kitchen Apron--Beth Mrs, Jas. Boe, Lamp Shade--Mrs. J. Weir, Ladies' Convalescing Jacket-- Mrs, J, A, MeKitrick, Four Serviettes, emb.--V. 8, Binstell, Mrs. L. H. Hutchinson, Four Serviettes, lace trimmed-- Mrs. McKay, Mrs, V. S. Binstell. Library Runner, any style--Mrs, A, L. McDermott, Mrs. McKitrick, Fancy Bloomers--Mrs, J, A. Me- Kitrick, Costume Slips--Mrs. V. 8. Bin- stall. Emb, and Lace Trimmed Step- Ins--Mrs. V, S. Binstell. Ladies' Shoulder Shawl--Mrs. MecKitrick, Mrs, V, 8. Binstell, Sofa Cushion, Round--Mrs. A, L. McDermott, Mrs. J. McKitrick, Soft Cushion, any other style-- V. 8. Binstell, Mrs, J, Weir. Lady's Hat, hand made--Mrs. MeKitriek. * Handkerchief Crochet trimmed --Mrs. N. Ewers, V, 8. Binstell. Handkerchief, tatting trim-- Vera Cook, Beth Hooey. Handkerchief, any other style-- Beth Hooey, Mrs. N. Ewers, Pair Pillow Cases, emb.--V, 8. Binstell, E. M. Jillard, Pillow Cages, crochet trimmed-- Mrs. McKay, Vera Cook. Rug, Braided--Mrs. Frank Shep- herd. . Rug, Hooked with wool--Mrs. G. D. Bentley. Rag Floor Shepherd. Piece Quilt--Mrs. McKitrick. Applique Quilt--Mrs, MeKitrick, Mrs. L. H. Hutchinson. Comforter, home made--Mrs. Jos. Holdershaw. Bed Spread, emb.--Beth Hooey, Mrs. J. A. MeKitrick. Buffet Set--Vera E. Cook, Mrs. McKay. Man's Shirt, hand made--Mrs. H. Guy, Mrs. L. G. Brown. Man's Pyjamas Suit-- Mrs. Me- Kay, Mrs. L. G. Brown. Dresser Searf--Mrs. McKitrick, V. 8. Bimstell, Lady's Nightgown, emb.--V. 8S. Binstell. Lady's Nightgown, any style-- Mrs. McKay. V. S. Binstell. Bridge Cloth and Serviettes-- V. 8. Binstell, Mrs. A. L. McDer- mot. Tray Cloth, emb.--Mrs. McKay, V. S. Binstell. Tray Cloth, lace or insertion-- Mrs. McKay, V. 8. Binstell. Luncheon Set--Centre and 4 dofl- ies--V. S. Binstell. Teg Cosey--V. 8S. 8, Hooey, Runper--Mrs. FF, Mrs. Binktell, - MeKitrick. - Fancy Work Bag--V, 8. Binstell, Mrs, J, A, McKitrick. Fancy Laundry Bag--Mrs. Weir, Mrs, J. A, McKitrick, Centerpiece, white emb. solid-- Mrs, A, L. McDermot, Vera Cook, Centerpiece, white eyelet--V, 8, Binstell, Beth Hooey. Colored Centerpiece, emb.--V, Binstell, Mrs, McKitrick, Card Table Cover--Mrs. Kay, V. 8. Binstell, Peneil Drawing--Mrs, Mrs, H. Sonley, Oil Painting--Mrs. Mrs. A. L. McDermot, Water Color--Mrs, L. N, Hutch- inson, Five O'clock Tea Cloth, style--Mrs., McKay, V. S. Day Slips--V. 8. Binstell, China Painting--Mrs. McKitrick, Vera E, Cook. I ------------ KIDNAPPERS FREE UNION OFFICIAL Detroit Secretary of Movie Operators Returns Unharmed -- Detroit, Sept 25.--Max Ruben, business agent and secretary of the Motion Picture Operators Union of Detroit, who was kidnapped from his office by four armed men late last Wednesday, returned to his of- fice unharmed at 3 o'clock Sun- day morning, Ray W. Gagnon, pre- sident of the union, announced. According to Gagnon, "not a single cent" was paid for Ruben's release. Ruben, he said, had been held captive not more than five miles from the city limits. Gagnon refused to disclose Ru- ben's present whereabouts, saying he was "resting" at the home of friends. At Ruben's home, it was said he had not appeared there, but that friends had reported his safe return to the city. "I got in touch with two friends of mine in Chicago Saturday after- noon," said Gagnon, "and it was through pressure they brought to bear that Ruben was released. I was sitting in my office at three o'clock Sunday morning, waiting for a telephone call from my Chi- cago acquaintances, when Ruben walked into the office. It was a complete surprise to me. I didn't expect his release so soon." RODENT KILLED IN ENGINE OF CAR J. 8. Me- Colleran, H. Sonley, any Binstell, Belleville, Sept. 26.--Loathsome diseases, including bubonic plag- ue, are carried around the world friend rat. Outside of these minor things and a few bushels of grain eaten each year, a few fires start- ed because the rhodents have a taste for sulphur, ete, and infini- tunr, mankind hasn't anything else against the beasts, But when a 'rat" tackles the inner workings of an automobile he goes a little too far. On Saturday a motorist, whose vehicle had been parked in the garage all morning, Patsy Miller finds her perfect role In a Glamorous Love story against the sweep of the seven seas. LET'S GO! went to start it up in the afternoon, the engine started all right--but that was all. The balky auomebile was taken to a garage and when it was examined there it was found that a rat had tangled himself up in the fan, Needless to say, there wasn't much left of the rat, ureday, Friday, Saturday