EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS RESTOOKING WATERS Five cans of small mouth black base (fingerlings) were dumped in Cameron Lake in the quiet waters in the north end and along the a tern shore Monday morning Is the third consignment Whi by Fenelon Falls Anglers' As? soca this vear. It is estimat- ed ht it will take from two to three years for these fingerlings bp Bb to good sized game Han, \ BROOMS Ns COOL, "- Official announcement was made vy from the Denartment of National Defence at Ottawa that Malar Pric 0. Keeler had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in command of the 15th Ar Light Infantry with peel. al headanarters at Bellayitla. ES ) Keeler venlaces Lt.-Col. Vandewater, wha was formerly in command of the Ratialion for saver. al vears. and has heen annainted Trizale Commander ta tha Tth n- fantry Brigade at Kineston, THSA WALLY, WHAWAT Tn these narts of the Tinited Counties 6f Narthumherland and Durham, esnesially adanted tn the growing of fall wheat, most of the farmers ara sowing from ten ta fifteen acres less of fall whaat each than. is menallv sawn. Ona farmer nives As a reason far this the sndden condition of tha eraund which: makes it very diffian't tn nrenare it for a eran, and the Aie- fienlty in sawing hayanse af the hardness of the sail. Other reas- ons riven are tha wneertainty of the eran, and the Aiffianity In sow- fanz enangh later far tha warks on the farm at the present time, HNATN TNATRET That Mrs. Marv Simmons came to her death ahant RAN vards east of Morrish, near Port Fane, nn Sen. tember 17th last as the resnit of an antomohile driven hy 1. T, Onrknm. of Toronto, striking the hnegy In which she was ridinr, was tha ver. flot brought in ate 1ast evenine hv a fury smnenelled hefara Coroner Or. J. W. Diamond, Sixteen wit- nesses wera heard, amone them heing the hnshand of dacensed, who was gerinnsly infured fn the aeel- dent. He testified that tha antn was going at hetween fiftv and pixty miles an hanr when the aeel- dent hannened. J. Markenm will an. pear in polices enurt there today on » charge preferred against him hy the police followine the aceldent. ® has heen at liberty since on 11 of 456,000, DERENTITRES SEV WRLL, Paving dehentures was the fore- most thought in the minds of the Port Hope Town Councillors at thelr vegnlar meeting Mandav night and nrenaratinns were made for the piping of Cavan street in readiness of the, paving of that street next spring, Twentv-year paving debentures amonntine tn 8140.000 were sold to the Wood Gundy On, of Tornntn at 898. POROURG MISSION OTNSFS With a very solemn ceremony in which the men of the parish re- newed thelr hantlemal vows and received the Panal hlescing, the re- newal of the Mission riven hv the «Redemptorist Fathers for the men, closed fundav evening In St. Mi- ehael's Church, Mohonre. For the past two weeks Rey. Fathers Clor- an and O'Hara have heen giving # mission for the men and women of the perish. The first week was devoted to the women and the ser- ond to the men and remarkable at- tendance marked the service. FIND RODY OF AGED MAN The body nf William Gov. 82- weardHld rez'dent of Perev Town- ship, near Camnbelford. who has heen missing sineg he 1oft home on funday afternoon was found yvester- day morping in a» porn field on the farm of Ren Fobhe, ahont halt # mile from the Brighton road, and # mile from his home near CaMmp- bellford. The azed man had feft bis home. where he lived with his brother David, about 8 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. No attention was paid to his absence until § o'clock. and when he failed to re- turn the search was begun, A T---- DODDS KIDNEY PILLS For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. S.~We Delizer party of men combed the em- large BASS | tire alatrict all day Monday, con- tinuing their labors until nearly midnight without success. When the body was found the hat and one boot were gone, and the cloth- ing was covered with mud, Appar- ently Mr. Gow had become exhaust- ed while wandering around and had lain down te sleep, mever to vise again. Coroner Dr. W. F, Loucks of Campbeliford viewed the body and pronounced an inquest unnecessary, giving permission for its removal to his home. NEW KIWANIS DISTRICT Ontario-Quebec Maritimes Ki- wanis convention at Kingston yes- terday afternoon elected A. G. Gaul of Hamilton District Gover- nor and chose Barrie Bigwin Ton as the meeting place of the 1929 convention, Governor-Elect Gaul has heen Lieutenant-Governor of the Central Dstrict. He and Dr' wwis of Barrie made a close run for the chief office. Montreal was also a bidder for next vear's con- vention, R. L. Calder, K.C., the em- inent counsel of the metropolis nutting up a stron nlea for the Wiwanians to eather there a vear hence, but the Western Ontario town won the dav. Tha district was snhdivided. that of the Mari. times heing formed, and Nr. 0. K. Funller of the Varmooth Oluh was chosen Tdeutenant-Governor of the new division. Other Tientenant. (Gnvernors elected were: Northern Division, J. Smvth Carter, Toron- tn (acclamation): Wastern. L. DN Fsnerance. Montreal; Western, Thomas Yule, London: Central, Isaac McNah, Peterhoro'. Notice was received from the St. John, N.R., eluh that it would make a bid for the convention of 1830. During the afternoon session res- olutions were passed extending sympathy to the sufferers In the Florida disaster, and also asking the International Committee to have vorational guidance or place- ment officers aponninted in every city and town in Canada, LORD BIRKENHEAD WAITS AT BEDSIDE OF DYING MOTHER Easthourne, Eng., Sept. 26. -- The loving mother who made him what he is lies dying here within sound of the sea, while Lord Birk- enhead, called Britain's most bril- liant Lord Chancellor, sits anxious- ly at her bedside, The great drama of devotion fs here reaching its final period--on the side of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, the fight against early obstacles and the struggle to push her eldest son forward, and on the son's side, unwavering affection and pride in his mother, While the Cabinet is meeting in london, Lord Birkenhead is ab- senting himself to share with his two sisters the last vigil at their mother's bedside, Forty years ago Lord Birkenhead"s father, Freder- ick Smith, died a few weeks after he had hecome Mayor of Birken- head, and Mrs, Smith was left with a small income to bring up her family of five children, She sent "young Freddie' through Oxford, and guided and encouraged him throughout his career, "He was usually a good boy," she sald many times, and her fa- vorite story is of a "ragging"' he received when he told his school- mates that he would be Lord Chan- cellor, believing what his father had sald: "If you work hard, one day you may hecome Lord Chan- cellor of England." "SHANGHAIED" AT NEW MARTIN THEATRE With unwavering realism one of the iron-clad policies in the filming of "Shanghated," in FB/) maritime picture to open at the New Martin Theatre on Thursday, Ralph Iace, Barbary Coast from actual occur- rences he witnessed while loafing in the water-front "joints" to pick up atmosphere. Many ences are filmed in "Crawley's Hall," a cabaret for sailors in the Golden Gate city, and 'for these, a replica of one pf the most famous of s establish- ments was recopstr detail for detail op the lot at FBO, The types picked to play in e scenes were chosen to resemble as nearly as ble the men who are indel- y stamped upon Ince's memory 2s the inmates of this resort. For the model of the Chinese dive used in the picture, Ince took an obscure joint of such nature which he had happened to stumble on in bis wanderings about San ancisco several years ago. He explains the remarkably accurate reproduction of these settings to the fact that he has carefully train- ed his mind to remember details 80 well that very little escapes his eye. For a number of years he has made it a habit to visit and study any out of the way sections of the world which might be used as the setting for motion pictures. "Shanghaied" is based upon the life of a dancing girl in one of the Barbary Coast's lowest dens Patsy Ruth Miller plays the girl, while other members of the cast include such well known players as Gert- rude Astor, Tom Santschi, and Alan Brooks. LAST LAP (Glasgow Herald) If brevity is the soul of wit, the skint designer has about reached the end of his little joke. IHE USHAWA DAILY 1IMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER R 26, | 1928 Six years ago a similar arrange- ment was made by the Union Castle Line. They built a new ship, and wished to call ber the Windsor NEWC.P.R. INR DUCHESS OF YORY Arrangements Made With Owners of Small Ship to Use Name RE --. For the second time in six years a great liner has "exchanged names with a small ship, tho latest instance being where the Canadian Pacific new 20,000-ton liner, the Duchess of Cornwall, a non-existent lady, because of the fact that there is no Princess of Wales, has chang- ed her title with 302-ton passenger steamer, the Duchess of York, and the real Duchess will christen the big ship on the Clyde on Friday next. The Board of Trade regulations forbid the owners of any vessel giv- ing a ship a name which already appears in the Registry, and Cana- dian Pacific Steamships, after cali- ing their third Clyde-built ship ten- tatively the Duchess of York found that they were not entitled to the name, the Southampton and Isle of Wight Royal Mail Steam Packet Company having a small steamer of that name on the Register. They called the new liner the Duchess of Cornwall, but as this nameé does not signify any living person, an arrangement was ar- rived at where the companies changed the names of their steam- ers to sult each other, showed them that a 40 ton wooden vessel was still afloat with that name, registered im Glamorgan- shire, Wales. Arrangements had already been made for the Prince of Wales to launch and christen the mew ship, 80 a hurried trip was made to Gla- morganshire, The little ship adopted a mew name, while the Union Castle liner was able to get the mame which associated the Prince of Wales with the launching. FAMOUS BEAUTY SPOT IS MARRED LONDON, Sept 25.--Ome of the [fi famous beauty spots of Great Bri- tain near Ventnor, Isle of Wight, where Queen Victoria lived hem happiest years of life, is being mar- ted by a gigantic landslide of 50 acres of woodland into the sea. The land is moving very slowly and now and them thousands of tons of cliffs and falling trees crash into the sea amid clouds of spray. It is feared that it may be sev- eral months before the landslide finally stops by flatteaing out into the sea. The biggest single crash occurred on Friday night when it was estimated that 1,500,000 tons of earth, covering an area of about half a mile, erashed on the pletur- esque undercliff drive between Castle, but a look at the Register |by & and Niton, burying the [3 road for 30 yards. 20 human power can halt the Side which was caused upper soll gliding seaward om an inclined substatum of clay made by abmormal rains last winter. SUGGESTS HYPNOTISM IN MURDER TRIAL Edmonton, Sept. 26.--This morn- ing's session of the trial of Vernom Care and Strain EYE PROTECTION, BY © W TUCK, OPT, D. COPYRIGHT 1926, PART "@" Some conditions comtributary to growths of a more serious natsre are due to trouble in the interior of the eye being of such nature as will cause sufficent outward irri tation to lay the eye open to im- Booher for the quadruple murder |fection, at Mannville on July 9 resolved it- self into a trial within a trial to determine whether or not the com- fession which the Alberta Provin- cial Police allege that Booher made on July 22 was or was not the re- sult of hypnotic influence exerted upon the accused by Dr. M. Langs- ner, who assisted the police in finding the rifle that is believed to have been used by the murder- er. While this battle was in pro- gress the jury was excluded from the courtroom at the request of the defence. Constable A. Baynes of the Al- berta Provincial Police, who was in charge of the guard-room on the day Booher made his alleged confession, was put on the witness stand to tell of the events leading up to the confession. Fame is relative, and Bill Shake- speare is known to thousands of moderns only because he is a friend of Gene Tunney. -- Beloit (Wis.) News, Infection of this nature may lead to wicers of the cormea of these there are several kinds and it must be remembered that while the con- dition may be due to an outward infection it is in many cases true that a diseased condition om the interior of the eye or a physical condition of some remote part of the body, by the ill effects it has upon the system leaves the eyes in that weakened condition that they are at any time open to infec- tion and a foreign body that would at one time mot cause trouble may be the means of starting something of a more serious nature later on. (Continued next week.) WHEN PEOPLE WALKED '(Detroit News) Many a man and woman in Michigan has walked five miles or value on all education on that a2- count. Twenty-mile- walks to the nearest doctor were once commun and no doubt contributed to the recovery of the walker. A recent Phone 262 DIRECT LINES Buy your Coal from the TO Dixon Coal Co. CENTRAL All Coal thoroughly screened and loaded on vehicles for delivery with electric automatic loaders to avoid 'Solvay Coke" Gen. Motors Wood Jeddo Coal Forked to Insure Cleanliness Bone Dry--Speaks for Itself The Best the Mines Produce QUALITY AND SERVICE ASSURED DIXON COAL CO. ER biography of an actor mentions a |him dislike those who are having 32-mile hike to see his first circus. |a good time, it is a good religion to let alone.--Quebec Chronicle. And if a man's religion makes | Telegraph. 3 50 'to school and puts a larger |™ 3 Piece Fibre Suite A new Fibre Suite consisting of Set- tee, Chair and Rocker in new shade grey, The cushions are covered in smart chintz and are of spring con- struction to ensure com- eg 42, 50 fort, Curt: Seal PEs Ie LAST HALF OF WEEK: the Star and director, made all the | scenes of life on San Francisco's | cheerful, Axminster Rugs with rich Oriental designs, copied from Persian, Chinese Master Bugs, yon learn the low prices for three days' special sale, Size B4 x 27. Regular $5.75 for .....o00+...84.95 Size 63 x 36. Regular $8.95 for .......es»,.$7.95 Size 4-6 x 7-6. Regular $18.95 for ......,,.$16,95 Size 6-9 x 9-0. Regular $32.95 for,..,,,..$29.45 Size 9-0 x 10-6, Regular $49.50 for..,,,.,.$42,50 Size 9-0 x 12-0. Regular $569.50 for...,,,..$49.50 iy Inlaid Linoleum, splendid de- well seasoned. The patterns go thro. ESN Fone he nile e £2 off, This fis the best floor covering value on the wake, mt 2 yards wide in fancy car, ck patterns, ze, 18 W%k am, $1.45 Extra heavy English quality, sq. yard $1.85 A guantity of remnants in tile, carpet, floral and fancy block in printed linoleums. Some are large enough to cover a room. 7 While they last, sq. yd 9¢ Here Are Values You will be requiring # new Rug this fall to make some room more We have a fine range of pew Axminster Rugs in deep heavy pile Egyptian snd The beanty of these will amaze you when THURSDAY, FRIDAY an Outstanding You Need d aba LL i New Atwater Kent price, $215, Sale Price .,,.,.,,.. New Atwater Kent New Atwater Kent, table model. Reg. Sale Price ...... . Al condition. and many others. price, $260, Sale Price ............$185 Bosch 6 tube Table Model. King 5 tube, Table Model, $160. Sale Price ,,.:::,.11111:++.98 These sets are all battery operated, and in Prices include full equip- ment installed. Don't miss these bargains We are also headquarters for Federal "Or- tho-sonic", and Radiola new electric radios. Luke Furniture Co, H. E. Armstrong, Sub Agent, Console, 6 tube. Reg. .$165 Console, 6 tube, Reg. 7 tube. Totally shielded price, $260, Sale Price .$195 Reg. price, $184. 145 see es see Reg. price, TTR IRLIRIDIR TRE Cor, Brock and Mary do AVON QAVOVACM® Shop At "Lukes" and Take Advantage of Our Easy Payment Plan-It Helps Try It! . $220.00. Special Luke Furniture Co., Oshawort hone f8 or 79 TH | & Plece Breakfast Room Set | Here is a good buy in a smart Break- fast Room Set in a new shaded putty color, consisting of Buffet, Drop Leaf Table and 4 $52 50 . Ll] SATURDAY Bh) are A) ow I LES A eh ls | Sin . J rr Ta ho Wie: HE Bed Outfit Simmons' Bed Outfit comprising walnut finished bed with continuous posts and strong fillers fitted with Simmons' Link Spring and a pure felt $ mattress, Reg. $24.10 for ...,se0000+: 19.75 Ll Simmons' Bed Outfit Simmons' Bed Outfit, comprising walnut finished bed- stead with 3 panels in head and foot, fitted with raised frame link spring and pure cotton filled mattress. Reg. $32.50 for ...,v0 sss se $26, 95 Real Scotch Wool Blankets of fine weave and guaranteed pure wool. Thoroughly scoured and shrunk finished with blue line border. Reg. $12.95 BOF 2rrrrrrrr Prpris $10.95 Large size Flannellette Blankets of extra fine quality with nice soft nap finished with rose or blue border. Size 72 x 90. Reg. $2 69 $2.00 Sor, per PAF ..0rrrrip rs Fine Down filled Comforters fn smart sateen coverings. Large size 72 x 72, filled with down. Colors rose and blue predomin- Regular $16.5, Special -.».-. $1495