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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Sep 1928, p. 8

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\ entered in the \ \ seurrying indoors. PAGE EIGH1 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1928 = INTERMEDIATE RUGBYISTS HERE WILL BE GIVEN FINANCIAL BACKING General Motors to Finance Local Intermediate Team Decision Made By General Motors Yesterday to Give Financial Backing to Local O.RF.U. Entry -- Nearly Forty Now Tuming Out for the Team 7) -------- The good news has come at last. Oshawa will have not only an entry but a fully equipped team im the Intermediate Rugby-Football As- sociation of Ontario. The financial support is to be given by General Motors of Oshawa and the team henceforth is to be known as Gen- eral Motors rugby-foatball club of Oshawa or simply, General Motors, This decision on General Motors' part to support the team was nrade yesterday after a meeting in Gen eral Motors office of a number of the officials concerned in the ques. tion, and following some discuss slon, their decision was unanimous. The outstanding enthusidsm for the game and. the earnestness which the boys had shown in their desire to have a team from Oshawa Intermediate ser. Jes, played a large part in inducing those concerned to make their de- cision to support the team, General Motors rugby team, as it will now be called, following their receiving of this good infor. mation last night, went into their practice with a renewed vigor and showed more pep last night than even they had on the evening pre- vious, Tackling, punting and rum ning were all indulged in last night and all concerned are confident the team will rapidly round into first class shape, capable of taking on anything in their class, Over half a dozen new players turned out last night to bring the total squad up nearly to the forty mark, to show the extent of. the popularity of the game here in Oshawa, Some who have never played rugby in their lives before are coming out while there are others out who have heen actively following the pigskin for the past ten years or more, Among the new players out last night were Boulthy, a promising outside man from Peterhoro, who as shown some excellent tackling work to date, King, a regular mid- dle on St. Michael's senior team last year, Allison, a big chap with some good experience from Camp Borden, and Hobart, Lortie and "0s" Cornish, all Oshawa boys. Full dress practices are being held every night now, and as an experiment, they are to start at 5.15 for the remainder of the week and continue until seven, There Is still room for more candidates, although the squad is expected to reach the fifty mark before the end of the week, With the sup- port now in evidence, there should fie no stopping General Motors' en- try, y EXCITEMENT IN CHICAGO Chicago, Sept, 25.--A bona fide Snowstorm, the first September flurry on record, pelted Chicago for a few minutes today. The cap- rice of nature brought stenogra- phers and presidents to office wine dows and sent mnoonday crowds Five minutes later the sun was shining, and the Weather Bureau prophesied that it would not happen again soon, Little Girl, 10, Eats So Much Mother Amazed "My 10-year-old daughter had no appetite, Then we gave her Vinol, and now she eats so much we are surprised,"--Mrs, W. Joos- ten, Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, ete, The very FIRST bottle often adds sey- eral pounds weight to thin children or adults, Nervous, easily tired, apemic people are surprised how Vinol gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG appetite, Tastes deli- cious. Jury & Lovell, Druggists, PHILADELPHIA NATS. BREAK LOSING STREAK Philadelphia, Sept. 25.--The Philadelphia Nationals' latest los- ing streak which had reached twelve 'in a Tow was broken here today when the Chicago Cubs fell before the tailenders, § to 2. Home runs over the right field wall of the Philadelphia park by Chuck Klein in the second and Cy Williams in the seventh assured victory, Williams* came with Hurst on first. Both Sheriff Blake and Claude 'Willoughby were hit hard but the Phillie pitcher was stronger in the pinches and did not issue a nh . H, B Chicago .....000000200--2 10 1 Philadelphia ,01011200x--5 12 2 Batteries--Blake and Hartnet; Willoughby and Lerian. WITH OTTAWA TEAM Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Sept. 25. Winnipeg. Wellingtons fought back onto an even footing with Ot- tawa Emmetts for the Mann Cup and the Dominion lacrosse cham- pionship by winning today's game 4 to 2, Each team has now scored a victory in the titular series, while one match ended in a five-goal deadlock, The deciding contest will be played tomorrow, The Westerners showed all the class of champions as they com- manded the play for a greater por- tion of the playing time and regis- tered their first triumph of the present cup series, They had a shade on the home team through- out and made the most of oppor- tunities, BUFFALO WINS HOME INTERMEDIATE FINAL Fergus, Sept, 25,--The Buffalo intermediate O. A, L, A, team has decided to play its home game in the finals at Fergus instead of at Buffalo, Last year Buffalo and Fergus reached the finals and in the game here there was an at- tendance of about 2,500. This no doubt influenced the Buffalo team in their choice of a field for the 1928 play-off, The Bisons meet Wallaceburg in Victoria Park here on Saturday afternoon with the return game at Wallaceburg the following week, The Buffalo team is chosen from members of the various entries in the City League this Summer and about half the members are In- dians, They eliminated Bradford and Hamilton in the semi-finals, WINNIPEG MAROONS SOLD ' TO THE PATRICK INTERESTS Winnipeg, Sept, 25.--W. J. Holmes, owner of the Winnipeg Maroons ,of the American Hockey Association, today confirmed the announcement that he had disposed of the Winnipeg hockey club intact to the Patrick .nterests of the Pacific Coast, It is understood the price was in the neighborhood of $30,000, Ten players are in- volved in the deal, half of whom will go to Vancouver and the re- mainder to Victoria, This is the largest hockey deal of the present season, I -------- ALGERIAN FEATHERWEIGHT LOSES TO CUTHBERT ON FOUL Paris, Sept, 25.--Tony Ascensio Algerian featherweight, was dis- qualified for fouling in the tenth round of his twelye-round bout with Johnny Cuthbert of England, Cuthbert was leading by a wide margin when the bout was halted, ~ Primo Carnera, giant Italian discovery," knocked out Joe Thomas in the second round for his second successive KO victory, Car- nera is a six-footer and weighs 269 pounds, day night, Mundy Bldg. Maple Leaf College gives in- tensive training in d (Gregg or keeping (any stage), writing (theory. or speed), and any other commercial sub- ject that might be requested. You may enter our Night Classes any Monday or Thurs- It is never too late. Get full information by Maple Leal Business R. C. ASHENHURST, Principal Book- Type- Pitman), Collge Time is t coasts are dra ng closer each to be carried over the airway an air service between Rimouski, 1 30 far aa the Canadian P gi t factor and, at least is 0 concerned appears g and Calgary. For several Quebee, ontreal, Ottawa and Toronto, The new lin was forged under auspices of Premier Bracken of Manitoba, to be measured no longer in miles, pac! goods, the Canadian Atlantic and Pacific year, Here, Captain Brintnell ia signing for Canadian Pacific express packages between Winni months the Company haa Operate in the air chain CARDINALS 4 TO 3 DEFEAT BROOKLYN Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 25.--The Cardinals carried a stubborn fight through to a successful conclusion in fifteen tense innings here today, defeating Brooklyn by 4 to 3 for their third straight triumph. By their victory the Red Birds escap- ed falling into a tie for the lead with the Giants, who nosed out Cincinnati by 4 to 3, Wee Willie Sherdel went the route for McKechnie's men and kept Brooklyn's eleven hits so scat- tered that he seldom was in danger, The Cardinals got only ten safeties off Douglas McWeeny, and Watson Clark, but Del Bissonette started Clark to his downfall in the fif- teenth by fumbling Rabbit Maran- ville's grounder with one gone, Sherdel then sacrificed, and Dout- hit delivered the winning hit, a Texas league double, which fell uc Max Carey's feet just a few inches from his outstretched glove. Sherdel would have won in the regulation distance, but for Hafey's error in the eighth, This permit- ted Carey to take an extra base on a single and put him in a position to score the tying run on Bisson- ette's one-base hit, The Cardinals got all of their runs, except the winnjng marker, by bunching hits on McWeeny in the third, The Robins launched a sudden attack for a pair In the fitth, moved into a tie in the 8th, as related, and then plunged into a long extra-inning fight with the leaders, YANKEES SMOTHER CLEVELAND 10 TO 1 Cleveland, Sept, 25--The Yankees marched another long mile toward the 1928 pennant by routing the Cleveland Indians by 10 to 1 here to- day in the rubber game of the ser- ies, Even though the Athletics de- feated the Browns 9 to § in St. Louis, the Yankees held their lead of two games and moved into a position where they can clinch the flag with three more victories, Old Tom Zachary, the Washington orphan, won his third victory for the champions, holding the Redskins at bay all afternoon, He gave up only cight hits and was in small danger of being scored upon at any time until Joe Sewell and Hodapp hunched doubles in the eighth after Tom had a lead of ten runs, The Yankees pounded George Grant from the mound under a six- run barrage in the first inning and scored from time to time on Billy Bayne who succeeded him, Babe Ruth was forced to retire from the game in the sixth when his injured left knce began troubling him again. Durst took Ruth's place in right field, Tony Lazzeri also gave way to his understudy, Leo Durocher, a little later, The third Yankee cripple, Mark Koenig, played through the game, The Indians added three double plays to their record, which again is rivaling that of the Cincinnati Reds, duel league leaders. The Yankee scoring was closed out in the eighth with a three-run assault capped by Lou Gehrig's twenty-fifth home run of the season with one man on base. FAMOUS INVENTOR, EDISON, VISITS CAR MANUFACTURER Detroit, Sept. 25.--Thomas A: Edison arrived in Detroit today to visit his friend, Henry Ford, Ford said Edison will rest today at the Ford home, Edison is to lay the corner-stone of a Ford museum, which will house a collec- tion of relics used by Edison in the days when he was working out his revolutionary inventions. These relics have been gathered by Mr. Ford from all over the world, where they were scattered as they fell into hands of collectors, DETROIT MOTORIST BAILED ON MANSLAUGHER CHARGE Windsor, Sept. 25.--Cash bail or $3,000 was allowed by Magistrate W. A. Smith of Sandwich today for Adrian Rosen, Detroit, charged with manslaughter, in connection with the death of Robert Putnam, Detroit, in a crash near Maidstone three weeks ago. Rosen has been confined to hospital since the aec- cident, until his arraignment to- day on posting of bail by Mrs. Lot- tie S. Rosen, mother of the accused. LACROSSE SCORES AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 97 52 .651 .95 B54 .63% .80 70 ,532 8 11 431 «+71 '79 478 67. 82 .450 61 88 .409 53 95 New York eevee. Philadelphia ,,... St Louis yeeros Washington Chicago ,,. Detroit Cleveland Boston Tuesday's Scores New York ,.10 Cleveland ,...1 Philadelphia .9 St. Louis Washington ,.3 Chicago Only three games played, Games Today Open day, NATIONAL LEAGUE ' Lost P.C, b7 .617 68 .611 Chicago 62 581 Pittsburg .., 65 5667 Cincinnat! 44,044.44. 73 .b13 Brooklyn 76 ,490 Boston ' 100 ,333 Philadelphia , +43 106 289 Tuesday's Scores New York ,..4 Cincinnati ,,., xSt, Louis ,,.4 Brooklyn ,,.,.! Philadelphia Chicago ,.,s..¢ Fittshurg ..1 Boson x15 inr .b 3 Games Today St, Louis at Brooklyn, Pittsburg at Boston, Chicago at Philadelphia. Other clubs not scheduled, NEW YORK STATE A.C. APPROVES MATCH OF DUNDEE-THOMPSON New York, Sept, 25.--The New York State Athletfe Commission to- day approved the title match be- tween Joe Dundee of Baltimore, welterweight champion, and Young Jack Thompson, California negro sensation, The fight is to be held in Madison Square Gurden, Novem- ber 16, over the 15-round cham- pionghip route, Both boxers agreed to tne commission's demand that the winner meet Sammy Baker New York contender, within 60 days after the fight, The boxing fathers meted out suspensions of 30 days to Knute Hansen, Danish heavyweight, and Walter Friedman, one of his dis puted managers, on a charge of "practicing deception on the com- mission." The suspension grew out of the discovery of alleged flaws in Friedman's contract, GREAT DEMAND FOR FOOTBALL TICKETS FOR ENGLISH CUP London, Sept, 25.--Although the' football season is still only a few weeks old, applications far tick- ets for the English Cup Final, next April, are already being received at the Wembley stadium, Letters which might almost be described as "begging letters," so earnest are their appeals, are arriv- ing each day from firms and private individuals in many parts of the country, One man writes that he has made unsuccessful applications for seats on four occasions, and wants to know how he can make certain of getting an allotment for next year: A firm asks for 50 tickets. The Wembley stadium authori- ties wish it to be known that no applications for seats can be con- sidered for several months to come. SMALLPOX 'CASE ON INDIAN RESERVE Sarnia, Sept. 25.--A case of 'the most virulent type of smallpox on the Sarnia Indian Reserve was re- ported today by Dr. T. P. Bradley, medical officer for the reserve, and Dr. J. A. Bell, city health offie- er. Emergency measures which include the vaccination of every resident on the reserve and the clos- ing of the school and church have been ordered. Sarnigus were ad- vised today to keep as far away from the reserve as possible, The victim is an Indian who has been working at Port Huron. Goodrich Scores a Technical Knockout Ovr Sammy Mandell Flint, Mich., Sept. Goodrich, of Buffalo, scored a technical knockout = over Sammy Mandell, lightweight champion, in the second round of a scheduled ten-round non-titular boxing con- test here tonight. Mandell suffer- ed a broken collarbone in the ini- tial session and was unable to con- tinue, Articles of agreement for the fight provided that Goodrich must weigh in over the lightweight limit of 135 pounds, and as a re- sult Mandell's title was not involv- ed, Goodrich weighed in at 140 pounds, The blow that caused the halting of the fight came early in the first round. Mandell led with his left and Goodrich countered with a looping right that landed on the Teft collar bone. Mandell finished the round, peckinz away feebly with his right but was unable to respond to the bell for the second, Dr. F. T. Tupper diagnosed the 25.--Jimmy w|injury as a fracture of the middle third of the left clavicle, NEW YORK YANKEES AVERAGE ,320 AT BAT New York, Sept, 26. -- The in- field strength of the four clubs still in the thick of the major league pennant battles offers a wide range of contrast in figuring the world's series dope, The Yankees have the heaviest hitting array of the lot and the most experienced. The Giants have the fastest and youngest sel of inner workehs, a brilliant quar- tette that averages in age only 25 years and hits for ,308, The Athletics . are another seasonel group, with a young firebrand in Jimmy Foxx, The Cardinals re- ly chiefly on the twin stars of the right side, Bottomley and Frisch, On paper the Yankees, averaging .320 at bat, present the most for- midable array, but their defence has been wakened by the removal of Joe Dugan and the long absence of Tony Lazzeri, now back at hi¢ post, but not up to his 1927 form. The substitution of Gene Robert- son for Dugan at third adds more punch to the quartette, all the oth- er members of which are well over the .300 mark, but jumping Joe's skill in the field is missed. Much of the late season spurt of the Athletics was due to the infield shift that first put the hard-hit ting Fox; on third base, then mov-,| ed him to first, with the veteran Jimmy Dykes at the far corner, Bishop and Boley form a great combination around second hase, while Max has taken a new lease of life at bat. TOO MUCH RAIN Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Sept. 25, --Farmers are viewing with alarm the heavy rains and continued cold weather, Scores of acres of grain ere reported to be rotting in the fields, and many potato patches not planted on high ground are practically inundated, CHANGE IN Canadian National Train Service EFFECTIVE Sept. 30th, 1928 EASTBOUND Train number 30 will leave Oshawa at 6.47 p.m. daily except Sunday, instead of 5.47 p.m. Train number 8 will leave Oshawa at 12.25 a.m. daily instead of 11.49 p.m. WESTBOUND Train number 7 will leave Oshawa at 5.45 am. Daily instead of 5.09 a.m. SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S The cold weather won't make The last series with Toronto Irvine in to liven up the play. after the game. noon and see the scarce their annual field day. referred to are all boys, Cincinnati New Eras, winners of the Belleville out of the argument, pionship of Ontario, ons in the play-offs Saturday, Oshawa picked a few aces out of on the same staff, lingers in the lacrosse final, played here yet this year, teams graced Alexandra Park, assured, for General Motors' rugby team, With the mercury hovering between 40 and 50 the a tendency to smite the apple with considerable gusto an their hands warm at the same time some unexpected errors usually creep Any way you care to look at it, r { a good one, in fact we expect it to be the best with no exception, of any If the cold weather doesn't scare too many away, there should be 4 bumper turnout at Alexandra Park tonight to see the first of the cham- pionship final games between Chevs and entworth Radios of Hamilton, - difference with the players however. eats showed this fairly well, layers have quite unless they keep If the play-offs were prolonged much longer someone would be mak- ing that crack about bringing your skates along and we'll have some shinny But if you figure it's real cold, go up to Alexandra Park Friday after- clad athletes from Oshawa Collegiate ou're right next to nature these days when you've only got a pair of trunks and a gym sweater to protect you. erform at For fear we've caused any misapprehension, the scarcely clad athletes Th Interscholastic Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby field meet is to be held this year in Oshawa at Alexandra Park a week from today, Ex-students at least, as well as all the present scholars, will find no trouble remembering this date--it's a big one. October Walkerville, who play Belleville National in- Belleville today, are al- ready beginning to number their juevnile poultry production be ore it be- comes hatched, and their management is trying to arrange a series with United States amateur title, for the amateur baseball championship of the world. The idea is a good one and we'll sanction it as soon as Walkerville puts Walkerville, if they do win the championship of Ontario, can be justi- fied in getting a little bit chesty. Besides their senior team bringing home the popular breakfast accompaniment to eggs, their juniors, the Walkerville Chiclets, duplicated the feat by annihilating Timmins for the junior cham- The following appeared in yesterday's Mail and Empire: Although the almost monotonous monopoly of Weston and Bramp- ton meeting annually in the senior lacrosse finals has been blasted by the wrecking of the suburban club, practically the same stars that have battled for several years in championship lacrosse, clash again this sea- son, when Oshawa and Brampton play the titular round, for the best of the Humber River twelve helped the motor men dispose of St, Sim- In the pre-season shuffle of players the Weston pack and, while they smashed the five-time champions, they built up a winning combination for their first year in the major ranks, The finals this Fall will see for- mer teammates opposed and bitter rivals of the past working together Ted Reeve and Kelly Degray, former Excelsiors, now with Oshawa, oppose their old team in the championship round, while Bob Stevenson, "Toots" White and Red Spencer, ex-Suburbanites, who fought against Reeve and Kelly last year, will now help them, With several of the main cogs of the once great suburban machine playing with Oshawa, a good deal of the old Brampton-Weston flavor the game here next Saturday will be To come down to brass tacks, all the really exciting games in which Oshawa has played have been contested either in Toronto or Brampton, The only game that brought the fans anywhere near talking in a whisper afterwards was that 6-5 affair here with Brampton the last time the two The Intermediate rugby team now has some backing and it is from General Motors of Oshawa. The team, to be known now as General Motors of Oshawa (not Oshawa General Motors) should now step out and show something real, As said before, the material is present and so is the spirit, When any Intermediate rugby team comes out and practices with each i i y i i i vhen this man supplying his own uniform, the right spirit is present and w is in evidence, you already have about 50% of the success of the team It won't be long folks, before everyone is out cheering their heads off "MADEMOISELLE FROM | ARMENTIERES" COMES TO REGENT THURSDAY Sn Just as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's spectacular war epic, 'The Big Parade," brought many old war melodies of the American forces to mind, so does the new M-G-M re- lease, "Mademoiselle from Armen. tieres," which come to the Regent Theatre Thursday recall many Brit- ish wartime airs, Produced in England by the Gau- mont Film Company for Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer, the new film is based on legends connected with the old song which gives it its intriguing title "Mademoiselle from Armentieres" {is a British army song and had its origin dur. ing the days of the great retreat from Mons, The American army on arriving in France took over the old song, added its own peculiar tia vor to the words, changed several verses, and adopted it as its own, This song provides the key melody for the musical accompaniment to the filth, Other British war songs, not as familiar to the American public as "Mademoiselle from Armentieres,'"' also have their place in the action of the film and in its musical ac- companiment, One sequence, pers baps the most heartrending of the picture, deals with the song "Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away." This song is the veteran's song of the British army. "Where the Worms Creep" "Lying out where the worms creep, waiting for the sergeant to sing me to sleep." This is sung at Whizz- bang party which provides a com- edy sequence for this new war film. Another song which has its own special niche inthe film is & comic ballad that begins with the words, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," "Plceadilly," Pack Up Your Troub- les," "Dear Old Pals" and "The British Grenadier" are other pop- ular English marching songs which give the film its strong rythm. Maurice Elvey and Victor Saville are the co-directors of *"Mademol- selle from Armentieres," which deals with the adventures of a little estaminent girl of Armentieres and other English soldier' lover. Estelle Brody has the feminine lead and John Stuart plays opposite her, Many unusual war scenes have | been taken from the archives of the British and inets. These scemes, actual motion pletures made during the war, show big and little guns in action, French and English infantry advancing through no man's land, and a com- pany of tanks on their way to the front, These scenes have been so skillfully woven into the picture itself that one cannot tell where the real film begins and the fiction film ends. In Europe, '"Mademoi- selle from Armentieres'" is being hailed as the greatest war epic of all time, Perhaps the easiest way to keep in touch with all of your relatives is to own a cottage at a summer re- sort,~--Publishers Syndicate, That California woman .who swam in a pool for 60 consecutive hours, without rest, has at least won the title of the world's cham- pion human gold fish.--Hamilton Spectator, WALKERVILLE EXPECT TO WIN RIGHT IN BELLEVILLE TODAY Windsor, Ont., Sept. 25.--Proe vided that the Walkerville Chicks win the baseball game at Belle- ville tomorrow and thus cinch the senior Ontario championship, and both the O.B.A.A. and the United States amateur baseball authori- tes are willing, the Chicks are hoping to open an International series with the Cincinnati New Eras, the United States amateur champions, here on Saturday after noon. Immediately he learned that the Cincinnati New Eras pad vanquish- ed Detroit in the final game of the United States national tourna- ment, Manager Gordie Fuller chal. lenged on behalf of the Chicks. He pointed out that the series would be for the unofficial amateur base- ball championship of the world, with the O.B.A.A, winners repre- senting Canada. George Moran, president of thu Detroit Amateur Baseball Federa« tion {is conducting negotiatons with Cincinnati for the Walker ville team. The New Eras, it Is understood, are willing and anxi- ous to make the trip here. If the O0.B.A.A, authorities and the Uni ted States officials approve, it is almost certain that the series would be staged. The Chicks are not forgetting, however, that they must first hum- ble 'Belleville again before they can quality, They boarded a Can- adian National train at 4.50 this afternoon, with every player deter- mined to score the second victory tomorrow and to make it as de- cisive as possible. Walkerville swamped the invad- ers here, 15 to 4, but for the af- fair at Belleville, the Chicks will face different pitching, Gibson, the Belleville ace, held Toronta to two hits and he is expected to give the Fuller sluggers plenty of trouble temorrow. Eddie Marchand . will probably oppose hing in the mound duel, with Bill Bufnie in reserve. The rest of the Chick line up will be unchanged. BELANGER HARD IN TRAINING FOR BOUT Toronto, Sept, 26.--That "Frenchy" Belanger is training hard, appears to be boxing in his best form, is the substance of a telegram from Matchmaker Play- falr Brown of the Shamrock A.C. to his assistant in Toronto, Brown made the trip to New York with Belanger and is enthusiastic over the former world champion's work. Belanger is training with the best boxers in the lighter weights and should be in fine form for his match against Marty Gold, hard- hitting Philadelphian, at the Col. iseum a week from tonight, ATHLETICS DEFEAT BROWNS BY 5 TO 3 St. Louis, Mo., Sept, 15--The Ath- letics defeated the Browns here to. day, They batted both Ogden and Hoffman out of the box, while Earn- shaw was replaced by Walberg when he was hit freely during the first two innings, Dykes, Philadelphia stortstop, got five straight hits, driving in four of Philadelphia's runs. Bill Killefer, who was coaching at third base for the Browns, was ore dered off the field when he protested a deeision of Umpire Guthrie, Brannon, St. Louis second base. man, was injured and was taken from the game, LEGION MEETS THURSDAY Post 43, Canadian Legion, will hold their general meeting on Thursday evening next at 8 o* clock in the Legion Hall, Some important business is to be broughe forward, All members are urgec to be present. LET into ft. ed in our UALITY MATERIAL YOUR BUILDING SALES Many a house is sold on the rep- utation of the materials that go Home buyers are fast becoming familiar with the durability and steadfast service of the nationally advertised building products stock- & SON ROOFING. GENUINE GYPROC TEN/TEST INSULATING BOARD Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Road North Phone 2821

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