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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Oct 1928, p. 1

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| The Oshawa Dail \ ' The Oshawa Daily Reformer . Tanes VOL. 3--NO. 102 TWO MILLIONS INCREASE RRC "as Eco Semis smd oie Thane [OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1928 10 Coos Week; 2 Cents a Copy. Zeppelin Expected in G CHARGE LAID FOR THEFT OF HALF MILLION W. N. McDonald, Former Manager Manufacturers Fin. ance Corp. Faces Trial IN CUSTODY Bail is Fixed in the Sum of Hundred Thousand Dollars (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont, Oct, 31--A new charge of theft of $500,000 was laid today against William N. McDonald, former. manager of the Manufactur« ers' Finance Corporation, who was arrested Monday, charged with ob taining $300,000 by fraud from the Trust and Guarantee Company, The arrest of McDonald was the outcome of developments in the liquidation roceedings in connection with the i Finance Corporation, 'He is in custody and bail is fixed at 100,000, STUART HFTAVIH 1S RECOVERING FROM ACCIDENT Five Year Old Child Run Over By Auto in Front of His Home Stuart McTavish, aged § years, son of Mr, and Mrs, C, E, McTav- ish, 485 Simcoe street north, was seriously injured last night when an automobile driven by Thomas Watchorn, 248 Beatty avenue, Oshawa, struck rand knocked him lo the. pavement in front of his home. A front wheel of the car passed over his stomach and a rear wheel is said to have come to rest on him when the car was stopped by the driver, A Mr, Kippen ex~ tricated the lad from beneath: the car and placed him in a sedan, which 'drove him to the hospital, Resting Comfortably Dr, Grant L, Bird, summoned at the hospital, found that internal injuries were not as serious as a first thought, This morning the lad was reported resting comfort~ ably, It is thought he will be able to return home tonight, Witnesses of the accident state that when Stuart was about to cross Simcoe street, he looked to the south for oncoming trafic, and stepped out from The curbing just as he turned his glance to the north for approaching vehicles, It was just at this minute that Watch- orn's ear struck him, knocking him to the pavement. Watchorn immediately applied his brakes, and witnesses sald the back wheel ih, car stopped on the boy's ody Watchorn is not being held by police, . \ Post. pones Tri C. E, McTavish, the oD father, and parts and service manager of General Motors of Canada, Limit- ed, postponed a hunting trip as a result of the accident, He was ready to leave with a party of prominent businessmen of the city this morning. and the unfortunate occurrence will delay his departure until the lad is well out of danger, ------------ CONUNTESS WILL MARR (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Frew) London, Oct. 31.--The Countess of Northesk, former Jessica Brown, of Buffalo, who recently divorced Lord Northesk, will marry Vivian .Cornel- ius of Windlesham, Surrey, it is an. nounced, od BASEBALLER RETIRES 3 ress Chicago, 1lls, Oct, 31--Walter French, for six years outfielder for the Philadelphia Athletics, has enter- ed business here and has asked Con- hig Mack to put him on the retired ist, DIES FROM BURNS . (By Canadian Press) Windsor, Ont., Oct, 31. --Mrs, John Myers, aged 61, is dead from burns sustained when her clothing became ignited while she was burning stubble on her farm near Essex. The roar of a tractor which her son was oper- ating, drowned her screams, and her plight was not noticed till almost all ber clothing was burned. German Airship Making Rapid Progress, Aided by Powerful Winds Belief is That Craft Will Fly Com, Over Paris and London and plete Trip Across the Atlantic in About 63 Hours --Crowds Flock to Home Port from All Parts of Ger many to Welcome Returning Liner -- Reported By Many Steamers Enroute (By Canadian Press) Speeding over the Bay of Biscay today, the homeward-bound Graf Zeppelin was heading straight for Friedrichshafen, liner made rapid progress during The big the night aided by powerful tail winds averaging 80 miles per hour at times. German experts estimated that she would probably reach Friedrichshafen about 4 p.m, (Eastern Standard Time) today, com. pleting the homeward trip in about 63 hours, as compared with 111 hours she took in reaching the United States, The ship was reported many times by steamers, and a message was picked wu from her by the British Air Ministry, Latest ad- vices indicated that Dr, Hugo Eckener planned to strike the French coast somewhere in Brittany, with a possibility that he might fly over Paris or even London, Boy Stowaway on Big Dirigible to Be Given a Job (Cable Service to The Times Canadian Press) Berlin, Oct, 31.--Clarence Terhune, the American boy stowaway on the air liner Graf Zeppelin, will receive a hearty welcome to Germany and can have a job if he wants one, He will not be subjected to molestation by the police whether he receives a temporary passport or not, The management of a chain of department stores and the owners of a circus have wired him offering him positions, the circus owners suggesting that taming wild animals would suit so precocious a youth, TALK OF GROP DAMAGE SENDS WHEAT UPWARD Corn is Firm for Future Deliveries and Oats Are Steady (By Associated Press) Chicago, Oct. 31.--Wheat prices turned upward early today not- withstanding declines at the outset, Talk of crop damage by rust in Argentina was a bullish factor, Opening unchanged to 4-8 cents off; wheat sagged a little all around and then scored general gains, Corn also advanced, starting % to 3% cents down to % cents up, sub- sequently showing a rise for all future deliveries, Oats were steady. Provisions went down grade, INSIDE STORY ON MAIL ROBBERY TOLD Mrs. Harriet McPhee Ques- tioned Regarding Money Found in Backyard Toronto, Oct. 31.--A statement by Toronto police detectives of the "in- side story" of the big mail robbery on June 19 and evidence by Mrs, Harriet McPhee, in whose back yard the police found a sum of money, were features of yesterday's hearing of the trial of Findlay McLeod Sr, charged with being a principal in the I robbery, / neidents of the hearing yesterday were that twice McLeod, sittipg in the prisoner's box, appeared to doze asleep during the moments of sensa- tional testimony, and was nudged into (Continued on Page 5) 5 DIES OF INJURIES By Press) St. Catharines, Ont,, Oct. 31.--Mrs, Jane Norman died today from injur- ies sustained in 2 motor accident in Beamsville on October 13. GRAIN OPENING Press) Chicago, Oct. 31--Wheat, Decem- ber 115%: March 120%. Corn, De- France at 2 O'clock Le Bourget, France, Oct. 31--The dirigible Graf Zeppelin informed the Le Bourget flying field late today that she expected to strike the French coast in the vicinity of Nan- tes about 7 pan. Greenwich time pan, Eastern Standard Time). antes is midway between Bor- deaux and Brest on the western coast of France and is on the direct line to Friedrichshafen, Approaching Bordeaux London, Oct. 31,--The Graf Zeppelin was 140 miles off Bor- deaux at 10.50 Eastern Standard Time, the Air Ministry announced Not Dock Tonight Friedirchshafen, Germany, Oct. 30,--Plans to entertain the crew and passengers of the Graf Zep- pelin tonight were called off as the liner is not expected to dock until morning, Drawing Near Europe Berlin, Oct, S1--The Graf Zeppelin reported her position at 12.36, East- ern Standard Time today, as latitude 47.20, North, and longtitude 4 west, about 75 miles south of Brest, and about the same distance west of Nantes, Lighting Facilities Friedrichshafen, Germany, Oct. 31 --Ludwig Duerr, constructor of the Graf Zeppelin, was confident today that the huge airship would arrive at her hangar tonight at 10 pm, (4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time), Lighting facilities for berthing the air liner at night were inadequate he said, but he expected to press into service strong headlights of automo- biles to make the landing of the diri- gible possible, Crowds Arriving Burghers arose early today pre. pared to give the dirigible a hearty welcome on the completion of the first round trip of the commercial flight to America. Crowds were coming from all parts of Germany and so great was their enthusiasm that precautions were being taken for the safety of the passengers of the dirigible who, it was feared, might be overwhelmed by the im- petuosity of the welcome, Over Bay of Biscay London, Oct, 31--The British Air Ministry announced today that a message had been picked up from the Graff Zeppelin indicating that the homeward bound air liner was over the Bay of Biscay at 11.21 am, Greenwich time (6.21 am. Eastern Standard time). WILL DEPORT GARVEY (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Que, Oct, 31.--Deporta- tion to Jamaica on November 7 was the decision of the board of inquiry, held by immigration officials in the case of Marcus Garvey, president- general of The Universal Negroe Im- provement Association, Garvey was arrested yesterday prior to his sche- duled appearance at a public meeting, He also planned to speak in Toronto tonight, Today he was required to give bonds that he would not make any public speeches or give any press interviews prior to deportation, He came here from England, PREACHES TO 200 PAIRS HE WEDDED Winnipeg, Oct. 31.--To preach to two hundred couples whom he had united in marriage was the experi- ence of Rev, P. Bruce Thornton, pastor of St. Paul's United 'Church, on a recent Sunday evening, All the brides and bridegrooms who he had joined toge her in the bonds of wedlock were invited to attend the special service. cember B13; March 83%, Oats, De- cember 43%; March 44 . N ASSES PONTYPOOL MAN WINNER OF BIG PRIZE Fred Graham's Ticket in Pool Nets Him Over Eleven Thousand Dollars DREW BAYTOWN Quebec Bank Clerk Wins $35,000, Holding Ticket on the Winner (By Canadian Press) Quebec, Oct. 31.--Fred Graham of Pontypool, Ont,, who drew Baytown in the army and navy vet- erans' pool on the Cambridgeshire Stakes run at Newmarket today. will receive about $11,800 as sec- ond prize. Fred Moore, aged 17, clerk in the employ of the Im- perial Bank here, had Palair Royal, the second, and gets §35.400. Cc - New Market, Eng, Oct, 31--A. J, Whittouck's Palais Royal II won the Cambridgeshire Stakes, Sir. C. Hyde's, Baytown was second and A, Macomber's Insight II was third, POLICE FINDING CONTRADICTIONS RUSSELL'S STORY Man Who Claims He is a Minister Seems to Have a Good Memory Leid hi Seal Sault Ste. Marie, Ont:, Oct. 31,-- Police probing the story told by Edward Buckland Russell, claim- ing to be a victim of 'amnesia and also a Presbyterian minister, say they are finding inconsistencies, Russell stated Monday that he woke in Seattle in 1925 to find his memory gone and took his present name from a card found in his pocket, An announcement that he wrote himself while in hos- pital here, before he was held on a charge of vagrancy, is taken by ot- ficers to indicate that his memory of the past was fairly good, The announcement is as folloWs: Marriage Announced "A marriage has been arranged and will take place within a month between Miss Alicia Dagna Lanby, only daughter of the late Admiral and Mrs. Horance Lanby, of Hea- therton, Cheshire, and the Rev, Ed- ward Russell, M.A,, B,O,, of Thorpe Chase, Neston, Cheshire, and Liv- erpool, England, Mr, Russell is a well known traveller and scholar' and has a distinguished army car- eer, his services in Flanders win- PRINCE OF WALES WILL BE JOCKEY IN HORSE RACE ------ (Cable Service to The Times Canadian A Press) London, Oct. 31 -- The Prince of Wales will wear the Irish Free State tricolor 2 a horse race at Eldoret, anganyika, Africa, according . to a report here. Eldoret is predominately an Irish set- JUDGNENT HELD IN THE APPEAL OF WILLIAM HASKINS Two Girls Make Affidavits That Arthur Ward Killed William Galloway (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont, Oct, 31--Judgment was reserved by the First Divisional Court in the appeal of William Has- kins from his convictions and sen- tence for manslaughter, The appeal was made following statements of two girls that it was not Haskins but another man who was responsible for the death of William Galloway who was struck down by a motorist, Girls Present Toronto, Ont, Oct. 31--When the appeal of William Haskins, convict- ed of manslaughter, was resumed be- fore the Appellate Division today, Dorothy Kay and Evelyn Staley, the two girls who made affidavits im- plicatin, another man, Arthur' Ward, in the killing, were present. Haskins was found guilty of manslaughter in connection with the death of Wil- liam Galloway, who was killed by an automobile, to Secrecy Following his conyiction the two irls 'made affidavits that they had id riding with Ward, and that he had struck down a man and refused to return to the scene, pledging them to secrecy. Ward has since been arrested, Edward Bailey, K.C,, deputy attor- ney general, said that the new evi- dence cast considerable doubt on the manslaughter conviction, STUDENT PILOT IS INJURED IN CRASH Club Seriously Injured-- Sight is Lost Ottawa, Oct. 31, -- R. A. Mae- Lean, a student of the Ottawa Fly- ing Club, suffered a triple fracture of the skull 'and the loss of his right eye when the Moth aero- plane in which he was completing his sixth solo flight crashed near the Lindbergh Field aerodrome iyesterday, The plane was badly' smashed, MacLean was flying at a height of 700 feet, when, in executing a ning for him the Military Cross. Mr. Russell married in 1916 Miss Augusta Grenfell, who died in 1925 and he'is accompanied by his only : son, After the wedding, which will take place in this city, the party will proceed West, if Mr, Russell's health will allow. His friends will be glad to know that he is pro- gressing favorably and will soon he able to receive visitors at the Plum- mer Memorial Hospital where he is a patient," To Chief of Police Graham, Rus- sell is said to have stated that he lost his wife in 1923, and to the press he said that the boy was adopted by him from an institution at Pictou, N.S, WILLIAMS' APPEAL Toronto, Ont., Oct. 31--The appeal of Wilbert R. Williams, Picton school teacher, from the death sen- tence imposed for the murder of his wife, was adjourned till Wednesday, The case was on the list but no one appeared for Williams, MANAGE NIAGARA TEAM (By Canadian Press) . Montreal, Que, Oct. 31--Newsy Lalonde announced today that he has accepted an offer to manage the Niagara Falls team in the Cana- dian pro-hockey league. REPORT SIR HERBERT HOLT , "COMING ALONG NICELY" Montreal, Oct 31.--S8ir Herbert Holt, president of the Royal Bank of Canada, is reported as "coming along mnicsly" at the Royal Victoria Hospital, where he is suffering from a minor ailment, the nature glide preparatory to landing, he apparently pulled the nose of the Moth too high and lost flying speed, The plane went into a spin and crashed to earth, burying its nose in a farm field, An official court, composed of officers of the Royal Canadian Air' Force, will conduct an inquiry n- to the crash, McLean's condition was reported fiom hospital tonight as being ser- ous, 252 INBICTED (By Canadian Press) Pittsburgh, Pa, Oct. 31.--Indict- ments were ordered today against 252 persons for liquor dispensing, po- lice graft, gambling and other offen- ces following the grand jury inquiry lasting several weeks, WILLINGDON AT KITCHENER (By Canadian Press Kitchener, Ont, Oct. 31.--Viscount Willingdon was welcomed here today on the second day of his Western Ontario "tour, - BUSES SUPPLANT RADIAL (By Press) - Hamilton, Ont., Oct, ene elec- tric railway from Hamilton to the beach and Burlington will be discon- tinued and a fast bus line substituted, it was announced today. ACALDS PROVE FATAL (By Canadian Press) St. Cathariges, Ont,, Oct. 31,--Zo- phi, two year old daughter of Mrs. Poulik, of Thorold, died today from burns sustained when she fell into a of which is not announced. / tub of boiling water prepared by her mother for 'washing, S Member of Ottawa Flying " ermany This Afternoon GOVERNMENT IN NEWFOUNDLAND IS VERTHROWN. Opposition Party of Sir Rich- ard Squires Has Safe Majority (Cable Servite to The Times by The Canadian Press) St. John's, Nfid.,, Oct. 31.--The Opposition party of Sir Richard Squires overthrew the government of Hon, F, C. Alderdice, In the gen eral elections on Monday, it hecame known when the results from 27 lof the 37 districts were received. Squires now has 21 out of the 40 seats and nine government sup- porters have been returned. Move Galns St. John's, Nfld, Oct 31---With fourteen districts electing candidates position party led by Sir Richard Squires had cighteen members elect. ed to the government's five. Squires' election in the Humber district was declared today. Voting took place cn Monday, Government Vosine St. John's, Nfld, Oct, 31.--With resu'ts from thirteen constituencies definitely known, the Opposition party, led Sir Richard Squires, had elected¥ten members to four supnorters of Hon. F. C. Alderdi-e, leader of the Government party in the Newfoundlanfl election held' lately Twenty-four constituen- cies, electing a total of 26 mem bers, were yet to be heard from, including 8t. John's City east, where Hon, Mr, Aldprdice is run- ning, and Humber,, contested by the leader of the Opposition. Sir William F. Coaker was e'ected ;in Bonavista East. W. J. Walsh, Minister of Agri culture, and H, N, Burt, Minister of Posts, were defeated and W, FE! Howley, Mjnister of Justice, a:V parently was losing in the count in St, John's West. The returns: St. John's West Extern--Frank Bennett, Government St, John East Extern--John M, Tobin, Carbonear--James Moore, Bay de Verd--John C. Puddasater, Opposition ' Belle Island--J. M, Greene, Bay Roberts--John P, Parsons. Harbor Main -- Philip J. Lewis, Albert J, Walsh, Harbor Grace--F, Archibald. Port de Grave--Robert J. Smith, Bonavista East -- Sir William Coaker, Trinity South -- Edwin J. God- en. Trinity Centre--F, G., Bradley, Ferryland--Peter J, Cashin, BANK ROBBERS FAIL TO SECURE ACCESS TO SAFE Spend Whole Night Trying to Force Cashier to Open Bank Safe (By Canadian Press) Argyle, Mich, Oct, 31--Henry Prentiss, cashier of a local bank, and his wife, are in a hospital today as the result of all night encounter with would-be bank robbers, Two men and a woman called at the cashier's home and spent more than half the night trying to force him to open the bank safe. When told that the assistant cashier, Mrs, Herdell, had the combination, the robbers, after breakfast in the Prentiss home, took him to Mrs, Herdell's home. There they met opgbsition and shot Pren- tiss in the lef. Mrs, Prentiss is suf- fering from nerve shock. Sabbath Deal ; is Held Regal London, Oct. 31.--Coun- ty Judge MacBeth gave an interesting ruling in dismis- sing the suit of a local mu- _sie store that sued for 2 piano purchased for de- faulted installments. The defence was that the deal had been made on Saturdsy night, but that it was not completed until the piano was delivered et about 1 o'clock Sunday morning. Being a Lord's Day deal it did not hold in law. sixteen {property liable yet to hear from, the op- i¥ yo, City K Increases All Along the Line in Values of Buildings, Land, Business and In come, Noted in Report of City Asséssor James-- Building Values Lead the List With an Increase for the Year of Over a Million Dollars --New Population Figures Placed at 24,174 An increase of nearly two million dollars in the assessment of this city, taxable for all purp is SMENT Total Assessment For of Oshawa is Near Seventeen Million Mark 3 Famine Likely in China During the Coming Winter (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Shanghai, China, Oct. 31.-- Famine conditions are likely to prevail during the winter in the provinces of Jupeh, Hu- nan, Kwangtung and Kiangsi, according to advices from Canton and Hankow. The population is more than a hundred million in the provin- ces and the rice crop is 40 to 60 per cent, under normal, shown hy the report of city asses- sor R. H. James, issued yesterday afternoon, The assessment liable for all taxes totals $15,385,565, and with the additions of the total of exempted property, $659,970, for school rates only, $273,720, and property liable for local improvements only, $432,- 820, the total assessment of the city 1s given as $16,752,075. Buildings Assessment The four divisions of assessment, land, buildings, business and in- come, all show increases, The larg- est gain is in buildings, the figure for which this year is $9,422,965, as against $8,142,315, last year, a gain of $1,280,650, or about 15.7 ver cent, These figures cover only buildings which are liable for all taxation, thefe being, as well, buildings as<essed at $493,400, ex~ empt from all taxation, buildings assessed for $352,650 that are li- able for local improvement rates only, and buildings with a total as- sessment of $153,895 exempt from all except school taxes, This brings the total assessment on all build- ings in the city to $10,423, 810. Land Values Land values have increased con- siderably, as shown by the assess- ment figures. Land, liable for all taxation, is this year assessed for $3,372,710, a gain of $336,100 or about 11 per cent over the 1927 figure of $3,036,610. Totally ex- empted land is assessed at $166,- 570, land exempt fromr all except local improvement rates, at $80, 270, and land exempt from all ex- cept school taxes, at $17,180, bringing the total land assessment of the city to $3,636,730. Income gssessment which is Mi- able for all taxes showes a gain of $201,535, or about 32.8 per cent, the new figure being $815,015 and the 1927 total $613,480, Business Assessment Increase in the business assess- ment liable for all taxation is $176,385, or about 11.3 per cent over the 1927 figure of $1,598,490, The new 1928 figure is $1,774, 875, With the addition of $102,- 645 of business assessment liable for school rates only, the total busi- ness assessment for the city this year is given as $1,877,520, Exemptions Totally exempted property whicn is assessed at $659,970, is divided hus: .government property, land, $25,175 buildings, $59,350; total, $84,626; municipal property, land $82,290, buildings, $56,800, total, $139,090; school property, land $67,870, buildings $351,070, total, $408,940; other property, land, $1,235, buildings, $26,180, total, $27,416. : Improvement Rates The total assessment on proper- ty liable for local improvement rates only, is $432,820, This is di- vided as follows: churches, and ap- pertaining property, lands, $46,085 buildings, $226,195, total, $272- 280; seminaries, lands, $11,000, buildings, $11,770, total, $22,770; other property, lands, $23,185, buildings, $114,685, total, $137, 770, School Taxes Property liable for school taxes only is given as land, $17,180, buildings, $153.895, and business, $102,645, totalling $273,720, The total assessment in the city liable for school rates is $15,659,285. Population Figures The revised population figures show an even greater increase in population than the figures re- leased one week ago, The new population figure is 24,174, an in- crease of 3,665 or 17.3 per cent over 1927, when the population was given as 20,609. WEATHER Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay --Moderate to fresh south-west winds, mostly fair today and T hisrsday, and compar ativ ely m QUAKES IN ALASKA (By Canadian Press Seward, Alaska, Oct. 31.--Two dis- tinct earthquake shocks were felt last night and this morning. No dam- age was done, BROCKVILLE YOUTH 15 GHARGED WITH WOUNDING CHIED Lad of Nine Said to Be Ser. iously Injured By Boy of Twenty-one (By Canadian Press) Brockville, Ont.,, Oct. 31.--Bernarq Dooley, aged nine, is in the hospital in a serious condition from wounds on the head and body, and Joseph A, Purns. aged 21, is under arrest charge» ed with inflicting the wounds, The ciild disappeared yesterday from the house of his grandfather, Charlés George, and was next scen at the door of the house streaming with blood and clad only in his under clothing. The child's condition is serious, CLAIMS HE WAS DRAGGED INTO U.S. TERRITORY Alleged Alien Smuggler Tes» tifies in Habeas Corpus at Malone, N.Y. Malone, Oct. 81, -- The case 0% Howard James King, of Glen Elm, Que. charged with smuggling aliens into the United States was adjourned by Federal Judge Fred» erick Bryant today until Noveme ber 7th after the failure of Johw See, a witness, to appear, See, a Canadian living across the border from Chateauguay, was ex- pected to testify for King, Defense attorneys told the court that See previously had tried to cross the border to appear in the case, but had been stopped by immigration officers, An order subsequently was issued by the United States Commissioner of Immigration at Montreal permitting him to cross, King was arrested by immigra- tion officers on Sept 13th. He told the court that he had stepped out of a door of a stors located exactly on the border, and was dragged back Into United States territory before the arrest. He was held until October bth, when he was released folowing & habeas corpus action. ; He now seeks permanent lease, At two sessions today eight wit nesses were heard. One explains ed a map he had made of the scene' of the arrest, another identified snapshots he had taken of the store on the horder, three gave evidenca in suport of King's testis mony and three were character witnesses, LIVESTOCK PRICES (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Oct. 31--Livestock re= ceipts, 607; trade fair, Heavy beef steers $8.50 to $9.50. Butcher Steers, good to choice, $8.50 to $9.25. But» cher cows, medium, $5.50 to $6.50, Calves, good to choice, $13 to $15, Hous, select, $10.50, Good ewe lambs, 1 . res FAMOUS SCULPTOR DIES (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Paris, Oct. 31--Paul Albert BaP: tholome, distinguished French sculp- tor, died today, aged 80. He was a member of the English, Scottish, Belgian and Spanish Royal Acad ies. JEWELRY ROBBERIES (By Canadian Press Chicago, Ills, Oct. 31.--Jewelry valued at $40,000 was seized by armed men in several holdups last night and three women were kidnapped for seve cral hours in one of the r i 5 5

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