APL IRL ME in mn Sh Paves Twn Alloway, Secretary, . 1a a member of the Cana~ The Oshawa Daily Times rel a year; United States, $5.00 a year, TORONTO OFFICER Bond Building, 4a Temperance Street, i" Adelaide 0107, H. D, Treaidder, ropre- sentative. : REPRESENTATIVES IN. 04, Powers and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicago, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1928 a NS ---------- A PEDESTRIAN THOROUGHFARE NEEDED ------ Even in the "Motor City" of Canada the poor pedestrian should be given his dues, City Council and Board of Education have an opportunity of greatly helping him by co operating in putting down a suitable walk across the collegiate property, This would give an opening through from Simcoe to Mary Street which would be greatly appre. ciated by many residents of the north-east ward who would like to take a street car to the collegiate and then take a short cut home, instead of going away around by El. gin or Aberdeen streets, These two streets are over one-third of a mile apart; 'Not much for an automobile but quite a long walk, Of course the walk; if constructed should be well lighted, so that it would be just as safe as any street, Some co-operation from the Board of Education should not be hard to secure as the walk would be an advantage to pupils, especially those coming and leaving by the rear entrance. We would suggest that Council appoint a gommittee to confer with a committee to be named by the Board of Education with a view of determining how the scheme could best be worked out, ; CITY HALL ARCHITECTURE 'London, Ontario, and Edmonten, Alberta, are two progressive Canadian eities that have adopted the idea of a city hall similar in ap- pearance and general lay-out to a well ar. anged, substantial office building, Both cities have city halls, or more correctly municipal office buildings, that are. the last word in efficiency and convenience, but which' look no more like the old type of civic build- ing that the old stage coach resembles the modern automobile, London is the latest convert to the office building idea, having formally opened its new civic offices on Wednesday of this week, Commenting on the new order and with par- ticular reference to London's handsome new building, the Hamilton Herald says; "London has had the good sense to under- stand that a city hall is a place of business + and its now building has been designed simp- lyasa. ome business block, The sav- ing in e., ...e for the frills that are absent and the increased space and accommodation will amply recompense the city for any sacri- fice of sentimental considerations, We have grown into the habit of spendipg millions on what are not always attractive or artistic decorations of a more or less aesthetic char- acter, and have forgotten that the greatest beauty is use, and that the utility of a city hall can be made beautiful and demonstrated on lines of business a swell as on lines of ornament. = London's new city hall is a very handsome block and its solid but well-propor- tioned design will offend neither the citizens . mor their visitors from other places." Perhaps Oshawa may find the gnswer to its city hall problem by adopting Something of the same nature as London's new edifice or the one not unlike it erected a few years ago by the city of Edmonton, At any rate we would much prefer to see a clean-cut,busi- ness-like structure of the office' building type, than the old time city hall, with tower, clock, gables, big auditorium and other things that were once regarded as essential parts of a city hall. By all means let us have 8 building that is good to look upon but let "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1928 us also keep in mind that a city hall is more TH = H g i jh He did not threaten the delinquent with the terrors of the law, but his mysterious hint might easily suggest all manner of trouble, and so the cheque was sent by next mail, Very often it ia just as important te know how to say a thing as to discover what to say. EDITORIAL NOTES Some persons run up bills and then have to be run down by collectors, The only way to protect some personi from themselves is to put them in jail, Heads may be some thicker out in "the sticks"; but the milk is also, The reckless driver is a criminal and the careless pedestrian is his accomplice, Irony: A judge looking up the law, igner- ance of which in a defendant is no excuse, Originality: Doing what some other man did so long ago that people have forgotten, Suppose you lived in Africa where ther- mometers drop way down to a hundred every winter? *".Free Country:One in which 100 people have 100 different ideas of what constitutes wickedness, Apparently some people think a careful driver is one who toots his horn to let the train know he is approaching the crossing, Bit of Verse RRR RRR IN ANSWER TO MY CRY As I lay so near the crossing Of the line of worlds again, Such desire to be with Jesus, Where the light everlasting shines; For I reasoned with my Saviour For my loved ones would be best, As I seemed no longer needed, And I long to be at rest, 0, for a vision of Jesus, When roll the billows of grief, Over the waters of sorrow, Saviour, Thy smile brings relief, One look when my eyes are opened, Sweet peace when I can see His face 0, manifest, Lord, to our gaze, I was homesick; O, so homesick, Just to see His blessed. face, Beyond this earthly veiling-- God of wondrous grace-- " yearning reached to Heaven, know my cry was heard, And I wait to see His coming When I can see His blessed face, 0, for a vision of Jesus, When roll the billows of grief, Over the waters of sorrow, Saviour, Thy smile brings relief, One look when my eyes are opened, Bweet peace when I can see His face O, manifest, Lord, to our gaze, _|MONTREAL BlG FIGHT 1S BEING . Power Groups Mixed in Situation Ottawa Authorities Intimate Public Hearing Will Ven- tilate All Aspects _ Ottawa, Nov, 17.-- Behind Ahe here, a fight between | 'company is headed by Frank with E. R, Wood, and a neial a ia enor "the other hand are the olt interests, having Sepbort of powerful bodies ailied with in one way or the other, or influenced by the friendly association of inter- locking divectorates, Plan's Approval Where "the matter now stands is that action ia asked for the approval of the plan as authorized by the Quebec Legislature last winter as af- fecting a navigable waterway -- the St. Lawrence~the sanction mnomin. ally of the Minister of Public Works, but, in reality, of the Government is necessary, + A public hearing, it 1s intimated, will take place and all aspects of the case will be ventilated, While behind the opposition are the present power companies who would hold what they have, marine interests are more con: spicuous, They urge that the har bor level of Montreal and other fea: tures of the St, Lawrence navigation might be adversely affected by the huge diversion in view, The com- pany asserts on the contrary that its compensating works are adequate to any new conditions. Departmental engineers are re porting on the plans before any ac- tion is considered, It is said that their inclination is favorable to the new project, The argument is ad. vanced that, because of the existing situation as affecting Dominion and rovineial pewers, nothing. should done, but a report published that for these reasons the project will not he dealt with hy the Government, finds little reflection here, It is a big fight with capital, business, so- cial and political influence all in conflict, but the seeming disposition is to let the argument be heard and to make a decision on the merits, 1S. INPORTS FOR OCTOBER INGREASE Canadian Products Head List at Vermont Customs District St, Albans, Vt., Nov, 17--Despite the presidential elections, which usu- ally have the effect of slackening im- ports, the U.S. Customs Distriet of Vermont, collected $176,690 during October, according to the report is sued by Harry C, Whitehill, collector. Imports from Canada were again headed by cream, which accounted for $88,614 for 182,670 gallons at 20 cents. Maple sugar to a total of 606,708 pounds, accounted for $24, 274 standing second in the listing. Turnips from Southern Ontario to New York, had a total weight of 1, 861,800 pounds, and a duty valua- tion of $6,682, By ports, Newport, Vt, stood first with a total collection of $86,262; St. Albans, second, with $66,338.22, and other ports as follows: Richford, $10,060; Island Pond, $9,072; Alburg, $5,764; North Troy, $2,640; Derby Line, $2,337; Beecher Falls, $3,317; and Burlington, $1,817, NEWSPAPERS GIVE | BEST VALUES IN ADVERTISING London, Eng., Nov, 17 -- Sir Charles Prederick Higham, author and publicist, speaking on "Scientific Distribution," said there was no ad- vertising medium so useful as the press, and nope that was responded to with such speed and profit. News- paper advertising paid better today than it ever did, Most of the goods now consumed by the public were sold under a branded name, and rhe most economical method of distrii ut- ing these was by press advertising, properly. done, The desler would always stock an article which was nationally advertised ly in the daily press, because he was convinced, first, that the article must be good or it would not be advertised at all, and, secondly, that the public would keting Board, Sir Charles said. COSTLY DRESS ' Aguas Calientes, Mexico, Nov, 16 of the most remarkable art- icles to be placed on exhibition i» the Mexican bufiding at the inter- national exposition of Sevilla fis a dress valued at $22,000, so flimsy that it can be passed through a ring. The dress once belonged to the wife of a President of Mexico, WAGED OVER HUGE! (BEAUHARNOIS PLAN H £ 2 ier : i ih H i i 21s, wd § EL Mexico City, Nov. 1T-=Arrest of two school teachers in a suburb of Mexico City Tuesday, On Wednes- day they led to the capture of Jose Gomes: Gardune, insurgent chief- n, The school teachers, Elena Her nandes Gellegos and Maria Bland Calderon, were arrested when pals ice raided a dchaolroom in the sub urb of Tacubaya, Police announced that they had found a letter which led to the cap ture of Gardumo, /|HIROHITO OBSERVES New Japanese Emperor In. tercedes With Gods for Prosperity 'Ways celebrated following the formal enthronement of an emperor of Ja- racial religion of Japan. go, acting as the high priest of the nation in communion with the gods 'who are believed to have given the elpive birth, In the enthronement ritual 'are from Chinese and borrowings foreign cultures and usages, but in the is preserved intact, ngship were taking form, uniti son of a ruler-priest, who consid divine, None but Japanese participate in or witness any part of this awe-in- spiring ceremony and indeed none but the Emperor himself is witness to its most solemn moments in the dead of 'the chill November night. Alone, unseen, unheard, he offers to the gods of his people the first fruits of the first untainted harvest of his reign and intercedes with them for Kyoto, Japan, Nov, 16.--The Datjo- | Sal, or "Great Thanksgiving" al |' A.L. HUDSON & CQ, "8% : N 3 | the fruitfulness of the land and the Rrosperity of the nation. This is the rst "untainted" harvest, for last|was still other { Year's, grown while Hirohito was ac-| the late tually reigning, was sown during the year in rata ; a wonder why, Here's 8 six that the world has waited Smart , , swift , , sparkling, ferent . . original, all of the luxury , , sll of the beauty ,:, all of the performance Svorybedy wants , ; and at a lower price than an y Seven beuuitiyl new Bodies in which Fisher us again su: teelf, genie ager i 80 new larger Carryin All Before It, NTHUSIASM for the New Oakland Six is sweeping Canada, Never did Olympic mpion receive such an ovation as is being accorded this "Olympic Series", See it, , drive it , , and you'll cease to waited foe: Il of the roominess , , ody expected to pay, brake horsepower , , top. Ll) -- Private Wire System Ent, Ochawe Phones 143 and 144 Ye -- speed 'of 70 miles per hour , , pick-up from 10 to 25 rubber: en buretor, mph, in six © mountings. ew intake manifold, Dozens of seconds flat, Exclusive New, better care other. refinements, Ne Ogkland internal e rakes, Improved easier steering. New, ding Four Wheel stylish instrument panel, Lovejoy Hy Covers, draulic Shock Absorbers, Spring romerplated radiator shell in the wheels exclusive. chevron design, And base P--117 inche These. are just the sep this great new ear yl [ N , Come in and 0A-430 SroBiEFhRrIONG 8@ 11 King Street - ) SIX Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. OSHAWA, ONTARIO $4 "a Ld PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED.