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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Dec 1928, p. 12

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PAGE I'WELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 U5. DEVELOPING SPLENDID TRADE x= IN WORLD MARKETS Larger in Volume Than In Any Previous Year-- Far Greater Values New York, N.Y, Dec. 1--Uncle Sam's salesmen in the world market are developing am export trade which, on the basis of reports cov- ering the first nine months, is larger in volume than any previous year and greater in value than any year since 1921, the National Foreign Trade Council reports. The council says that wholly or gary wanufactured goods Wade wp '3 per cent. the highes ion on ify of the $35563,000,000 worth "of s reported to the end of September. Valued at more than $2,600,000,000 they exceeded the exports of all commodities from any other nation! except Great Britain for the entire year of 1927. During the fiscal year just ended, the council's reports show, there were gains of 16 per cent. to 2 to- HIGH GRADE EQUIP MENT KEPT IN FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLE SERVICR Phone 82 TIME TABLES CPR, TIME TABLE, Schedule taking effect 12, Ihedun, hairy efet 1201 am, New Sunday, West 10.05 a.m. Daily, 2.04 p.m, Daily except Sunday, 8.03p.m, Daily except Sunday. 11,10 p.m, Daily, 12.09 a,m. Daily, 3 All times shown above are times trains Bepart from Oshawa Station, s------ ( de CNR, TIME TABLE bi) Effective Sept, 30, 1928, Dail; 4 except Sunday, Sunday only, . Daily, . Daily except Sunday. .m, Daily except Sunday, p.m. Daily except Sunday, p.m, Baily. . p.m, Daily except Saturday. a.m, Daily, a.m, Daily, eee BEER East ed ATL di © = oe maa 82 a.m, Daily, a.m, Daily, 45 a.m, Daily except Sunday, .20 a.m. Daily, 5 .07 a.m. Daily except Sunday, .06 p.m. Daily except Sunday, p.m. Daily. p.m Daily except Sundty, .14 p.m. Sunday only, 45 p.m, Daily except Sunday, 2Vyowm I3LRERs NEWEST TELESCOPE 1 WORLD'S LARGEST Instrument Being Built In California Four Times as Powerful as Present One (ie Gh i present greatest instrument, will be ted on some yet designed Cal- ports came from Kingdom, Germany , Japan. t. in the years between 1921 and 1925 and 46.3 per cent, between 1910 and 1914, MINISTER HOLDS REUNION (By Press) Winnipeg, Man, Dec. 1--To preach to two hundred couples, whom he had united in marriage, was the experience of Rev. P. Bruce Thornton, pastor of St Paul's Uni- ted Church, on a recent Sunday eve- ning. All the brides and bridegrooms whom he had joined together in the bonds of wedlock were "invited to attend the special wedding memor- ial service. In his sermon, Mr, Thornton based his remarks upon a passage from the marriage ceremony, _ emphasized again the obligations which they had taken when they appeared before him to be united in marriage and urged them not to lose sight of the fact that the admittance of Christ into the home was the one source of true happiness, . T0 av MN WIHLVIM aT00 MI ATLLNVLSNI JUVIS SAVY Loans on Automobiles OF ALL MAKES Quickest Service and Lowest Rates Avail- able, Solve your ready cash problem, Greer & Humphreys 24! Simcoe St. N, Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Bankrupt Sale of Men's Wear at 79 SIMCOE ST. N, France, as compared with 39.5 per fq 200-inch reflector. This announcement was made by the California Institute of Techno- logy, to which the International Ed- ucation .Board has made an appro- priation to buil the telescope, lab- oratories and shops for its operation. Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington and the Mount Wilson Ob- servatory are cooperating, The present world's largest tele- scope is the 100-inch reflector on Mount Wilson, California. The 200- inch reflector, as large as the floor of a good sized room, will have four times the power of the 100-inch. For tiornia mountain top. It will be a|© Sxmple, the of Mars in the ew lastrument show twic diameter of the 100-inch mages, but this doubled diameter means ed 'hope _-- ith the we to Wd new telescope," the annormcement says, = She render possible the explorat many island erses beyond the milky way, nn. two or three of which are now but slightly known, It sl us something about these spiral mnebu- lae, millions of Tight years distant, development the stars of our owm Galactic sys- "|and four times as powerful as the |i one of which is the sun with enormous masses or temperatures, or upon the immense density or ex- treme tenuity, exhibited by celestial in which titanic experiments exceeding the capacity of any ter- restrial laboratory are constantly in progress. Incidentally it should re- veal hundreds of millions of stars and hundreds of thousands of nebu- lac beyond the range existing telescopes." The present most remote seen nebula 1s estimated to be at a dis- tance of 100 million light years, a light year being the distance light travels in one year, There are fifty OUR SPECIALTY WATCHES Jf your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time \ awa Railroads, 10 King St. W, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Ofticial 'Watch inspector for Canadian Naticaal and Osh- , end x Phone 180 ments," new they | Millikan's discovery of rays thousand of these mnechulae now known. the "titantic experi- is expected space which he from the creation which this world and other c bodies are made. announce~ A possible auxiliary, the ment says, A Michelson stellar interferometer mounted on the telescope. is instrument measures the diameters of stars, Existing tele- scopes have just been large enough to permit measurement of a few star diameters, and doubling the ca- pacity via the mew instrument opens a field of spectacular possibilities. One measurement hoped for is the binary stars, which are two, suns close together, revolving about each other. Such measurements are be- lieved to hold one of the secrets of how worlds are created. CHINESE PUGILIST LIKELY OPPONENT TO GENE'S SUCCESSOR Nanking, China, Dec. 1.--Some of Gene Tunney's successors may meet a Chinese champion one of these days if the aim of China's boxing promoters is achieved. The govern- ment has organized a boxers' bureau and elimination contests are to be held in various parts of the country for a tournament in Nanking. Pr. C. T. Wang, minister of for- eign affairy, has taken a great inter- est in the mew national institute of boxing, of which General Chang Chi- kiang, former military governor of Charhar, is the director. The gen- eral plans to preserve the old style Chinese boxing, which originated here about A.D. 500, and at the same time introduce the Western type of fighting, which would make it pos- sible for the Chinese to meet op- ponents from other parts of the world. The Chinese system as probably of the elements of elestial of boxing, as | ELLA CINDERS--The Missing Boots -- UN SS va | Do YouOwn Your Own practised thousands of years, is more of a graceful exercise than boxing as it is known in the 'United Stites, and no blows are struck. General Chiang has requested the provincial authorities to send®candi- dates for honors as well as experts in the sport to the boxing tourna- ment here this fall. May Achieve Record © In Building Industry New York, N.Y. Dec. 1.--Mark- ed improvement in business during the latter months of 1928, in contrast Phones: a71 931; 687W. to the slum which came toward the end of 1 , has centered in the steel, automotive and building indus- tries. Indications are that production in these three lines will equal or surpass all previous annual records. Total ireight car loadings, as re- ported by the American Railway As- sociation, were below last year's to- tals until September. This widely ac- cepted barometer of business activity indicates that the upturn has not been altogether uniform, due to de- pression in the car industry and the delay in the movement of cereal re- sulting from lower prices. The steel industry, reflecting heavy automotive and building trade requirements, has made one of the $5,500 to $4,500 Disney Real Estate Opp. P.O. Phone 1550 most unusual showings in its history. The normal sum in ingot production was apparent in June, but instead of continuing during the summer, was checked in July. The ton for August was the largest in his- tory for that month. - "1 7? DAT For bettervalues in DIAMONDS TIME DHE SANG IT TO ME OF THE MIDDLE AGES, WHO DECLARED THAT THAT FINGER WAS CONNECTED BY AN ARTERY DIRECTLY WITH THE HEART, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE | Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince, Cash or Terms WELL TOMMY, NO ONE KNOWS EXACTLY WHY THE THIRD FINGER OF THE LEFT HAND AS CHOSEN FOR THE WEDDING RING WEEK DAY SCHEDULE WiLL HAVE TO MARRY THAT SCOVCHMAN 7 Arrive Hospital bd 10.50 a.m, 12.45 pm, -= » Rd it ad dat Bd ad ------ roLmoONAWNNDS rE COAL-- Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT | Yard--89 Bloor Street, E. OT Foriy 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, ESoNngns ws BEaBRBRERERRF S582 khRRELGERS Popp p POT RERRE BhuREa8RBABE! PTPTITTITE EEE BBEEBEERRES 10,55 p.m, - - -- - -- THE WEDDING RING UPON THE THUMB. THIS REMINDS US THAT THE PURITANS TRIED TO ABOLISH THE RING IY MARRIAGE, Fur " ony A 4 : " BUNER © 1920, by King Fapivmms Syndicate, Ine. Gros Britain rights rwrved.| ] i ] Arrive F s E i § £ TYP TEPYTTI EERE Poo REASONS HAVE BEEN SUGGESTED 0 ACCOUNT FOR THE CHOICE OF THE THIRD FINGER OF THE LEFT HAND FOR THE WEDDING RING, THE MOST ROMANTIC BEING THAT ADVANCED BY PHYSICIANS Bis / J) 88g ROE GN AW = Ola -- ANN ORG i=3 & . Don Hy BERRRRELE 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m, 4% pm. 6.50 p.m. OPT POePhey BeBphEEs W.A, HARE RIST 8 KING STHEET WEST Hund eds of pec)ile wesr with utmost comfort Hare's Fa "tic - Lenses EE PN I BEREPEERREERES wT 58 Ben ® a 11.00 pm. 1L10 Time marked Whitby Hospital. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Whitby MUMSY, I'M OUT. WWE STARTED AT LETTER BYE SONG : 8 BEEERE] - « 11927 Chev Sedan HUDSON £0. ial ag Added od Sra X-2-2-3 eTTT?® oT '§ pio ad " ( | IL % Vi " tot a 3 832888 5 V47 y / a Ww Ri ---- 4 BB verTeOOe 343 . 8. Lm, 11.00 pm. 11.15 .m. Time marked ""x" are Whitby Hospital. Special Busses For Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON. Proprietor Bowmanville-- Phone 412 or 34 Oshawa Wi Room, Prince St.~ a rasmeaum-- au

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