between the part fous candidates, and one e clares that armored automobiles yatroled the streets near the polls : iz i i 4 L f £2 H i FH ] g ] : : i | ; : i i : jz? i | : & £ 34 £5 gEsiE 2:3 ! ! : i i i f | : x o taining pistols, bullets and k but to whom they belonged is mystery. Federal troops in the :ity maintained neutrality during the election reports state but aided the police in restoring order. & » GRAFT SYSTEM 13 BROUGHT 10 LIGHT Amest 14 Patvolmen at Detroit--Canadians May Be Involved Detroit, Dec. 1.--A clean-up of the entire United States Customs Border Patrol and the indictment of "possibly 100 men" will resule from the eight months of secret in- vestigation disclosed today by the arrest of 14 Inspectors of the ser- vice stationed at Detroit, United States District Attorney Watkins declared last night, "From now on the border patrol is going to be 100 per cent hone est," announced Watkins, *' This is the end of gaft on the river, on a wholesale scale, at least." One of the 14 arrested today confessed when taken before ths United States Grand Jury. Three others testified freely, spending nearly an hour each in the jury room, The other ten were being ques- tioned tonight at the office of Col- lector of Customs Ferguson and will be taken before the Grand Jury tomorrow, Watkins revealed that nearly 100 witnesses are to be called hefore the expected blanket indictment is returned. The investigation, in charge of United States special Jhise of rum-running on the bor- er, it was sald, and has involved in Canada as well as the States. One of the most brilliant bits of work in connection with it has been that of a young Treasury agent, who entered the border - trol itself and worked hand-in- glove with the persons under sus- picion, accepting bribes with them, and arranged with them to allow "right" runners free access to'the river and safe crossings om speci~ fied nights, Ome month's '"'tak- ings" for one man alone, this op- erative sald, was approximately $1,700, and he slapped this amount in twenties, fifties and hundreds on the desk of his chief, to prove his assertion. 188,000 LETTERS : IN ONE AIR MAIL Buffalo, Dec, 1. -- The largest single consignment of air mail sent out in the East was carried from here this week when Colonial West ern Airways planes left with 188, 000 letters from East Aurora, The letters weighed approximately a ton and a half, and 1,826 pounds went west from Buffalo to Cleve- land, and the remaining 1,182 com- ing east to Albany, It was necessary for Joseph Menth, assistant super- intendent of the eastern section of the United States postal depart- ment to come to Hast Aurora to take charge of the postal force Walkerton, Dec. 1.--Legal opin- Bruce, that the vote taken Monday rds oe a ho th ove melon, 1 a two illegal. On this opinion, it ballot set the moment Sr, He 0 LAR) given at the polls, Only property owners were al- lowed to vote im the electors who attempted to cast their who held property im all three wards, voted, it is said, three times on one question. It is now claimed that as the question was in no way a money by-law and has to be followed by a definite money vote, there was no legal ground for refusing the ballot to mon-property holders otherwise qualified, It is also stated that casting of more tham one vote by an individual was il- legal, It 1s known that opponents of the by-law are contemplating ac tion, The situation in Southampton has a direct bearing on the battle being waged for control of the Walkerton Town Council by a Hydro slate, Opponents of the Hydro group are eagerly awaiting results of any appeal that may be made. Campbell Grant, candidate for reeve, and other members of last year's couneil, claim the only dif- ference between their attitude ana the stand of the Hydro party is that they want to clarify the local situation over the private com- pany's franchise before . rushing into an agreement to secure hydro. They state that negotiations will be conducted with the Hydro Com- mission, CONSERVATIVES fon has been secured im Norih|| ty, 1s | | orita will be a ed auth tively, there | battle in the couits to Bave the | Commission takes | | the mandate wa. Other | | ballots were turned away. Men || 3 Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C, R. dePENCIER, 29 Athol Brent West Sunday, December 2 Holy Communion--3§ a.m. 11 a.m.--Moraning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--2.30 p.m. 7 p.m.--Evensong, Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month St, George's Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts REV, R, B PATTERSON, Incumbent, 503 Masson St. Sunday, December 2 10 a.m, -- Confirmation Class, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon, ° 8 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 pm.--Evensong end Sermon, 7.30 Wednesday, o.-- Lantern Talk on "India", OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 The House of Friendship Rev. Ernest Harston 82 Simcoe St. §, Church Office, Bagot St. gressive, Phone 3128 These rary Church, A Hearty Welcome Awaits You, GOOD SINGING FINE FELLOWSHIP HELPFUL SERVICE EE = Sunday, December 2, 1928 A . ,. 11.00 a.m.--~Theme "The Symbol of Roman Despotism llluminated" splendid Young Men's Class, Young Man--You are invited. 7 PM. THEME "THE CITY'S MOST POPULAR ATHLETE" THE MINISTER Phone 148 Famous Violinist Miss Mignon Telgmann Of Toronto, at Evening Service MONDAY , - First Baptist Minister: REV. GALT Sermom Topics: = hoy reds Second Cen ~--"The Penitence of Sunday School, 3 p.m.-- Tlasses for all ages. B.Y.P.U, Monday, 8 p.m. vited * All fa Prayer Meeting, Wed., § pam, Choir Practice, Friday, § am. b The Ladies' Mission Circle will meet in the School. at § pm, room on Tuesday | Full attendance is request- ad; important business, tion and Fun, Young People's League, : 8 p.m,, Devotion, Instruc- CALVARY INDEPENDENT Athol St. Ww. MR. W. DYNES Will Preach 11 am~'The Father's House, 8 pm.~--Sunday School. HOLY TRINITY AE -------------- King St. United Church St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of the United Church of Canada REV, F, J. MAXWELL, Minister Sunday Services, December 2, 1928 11 am. ~--Topic: "Dead, Yet Very Much Alive"s 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes, Men's Class will be taught by Mr, E, J. McGirr, B.A, v pm, | 'PERILS AND SAFEGUARDS OF YOUTH," 7 p.m.--"The Dream of Dreams." Illustrated by MUSIO beautifully colored lantern slides, The Minister, Anthem---"Great, Marvellous" --Turner----Duet--Mrs, Farrow y and Mr, F, Herring, Duet--*"'Come Holy Spirit"--Jerome--Miss B. Walker, Miss Irene Winter, Male Quartette--*I Could Not Do Without Thee" -- Treasury agents working out of handling the mail, The postage cost Detroit, has entered into every was approximately $10,000, BANK OF MONTREAL Annual Statement Statement of the result of the business of the Bank for the year ended 31st October, 1928, t and Loss Account, dist October, 1937. viiiaarairisrines $ 1 y Sites falance of Profs fr © ber, 19 pA BL Rp a hone] ents 5,847,307.3 ' (EE aba histtihid CHURCH Cor. Cour uy Barrie Sts. REV, 8 C, JARRETT * umbent 30 Fairbanks St. Minister: Rev, Chas, E Cragg, M.A, B.D, 11 am, "OUR GREATEST TASK." MUSIO Anthem~--"0 Give Thanks'~--Smart, Solo--*The Plains of Peace'---Barnard--Herbert CO, Treneer, 2.80 pm~Sunday School Session, Classes for all ages. 6.45 p.m.~--Song Service, REFUSED LIQUOR FOR A BANQUET The Montreal Supporters of Mayor Houde Become Political Foes Montreal, Dee. 1,--Conservative organizers of a monster banquet for Mayor Camillien Houde, at which 6,000 are to dine, have post- poned the affair from December 8 3 to December 15, because the Que- . bee Lighor Commission will sell School. them no wine for the 8th, and be- Sunday, December 2 Ra ---- 8 am---Holy Com- munion, 11 a.m.--Matins Sermon. p.m, -- Sunday and Monday, 8 p.m.--~Young People's Meeting. cational Moving Pictures, Tuesday afternoon--Sale of work, Edu. uare corm . wn bis LBL i MAAR AAR a 000.00 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward. , ooo sprrsrsrrsenssnsssnrsessens _§ 713,988.67 CHARLES B, GORDON. GENERAL STATEMENT PERS" serresevens Notes of th |] ulation , epost tb NOE ine. feria Pe hr! te Advances under the PELE ces due Bills Payable Lett Liabl Pr Government Securities not exceed Co 3 DS, Sade Sm RS seers 8 pra rriasrrprnrsiss FREDERICK WHIMS TAYLOR $29,916,700.00 ig 33,10,154.74 § 63,055,854.74 Pr) 4 HRA "BE seen 138,065, 19892 son, a07, 018. 79,704,087.20 3,693,024.06 pr anad go ans gy: Ara] oe ' SRRRIPIRRREIIRIRRRIRRPIIIIRPISS rn and the figures are ove business of the, in , France and in San Francisco, 1.5.4. Is Ni the the ee Een nem CHARLES B. GORDON, ~ hind it all, the Conservatives see their ancient political foes and charge a raw trick, The Mayo'rs banquet is to be held in the new stadium hall, and since is an unlicensed place, a special permit from the Liquor ommission was necessary for the caterers to serve wines. December the 8th is the feast of the Immacu- late Conception in Quebec, when taverns and liquor stores are clos- ed, and the permit was refused, Another banquet is being given on the 8th, for Hon. J, E, Perrault, Minister of Colonization, Mines and Fisheries, in the Taschereau Cabinet, and there, the Conserya- tives say, there' will be wine en masse just because the banquet is being staged in a licensed hotel which does not have to get a liquor permit for the occasion, WILL HAVE PLACE ON COMMISSION Part in Work for Equal Rights Washington, Dec. 1.--The Inter- American Commission of Women receptly announced the appoint. ment of a member for Salvador, South America,--Senora Gulllen- Rivas,--expressing its satisfaction in having obtained the co-operation of a Salvadorean of such intelll- gence and prestige in the task of Investigating the legal status of women in the Americas, with a view to abolishing all discrimina- tions on the grounds of sex. Senora Maria de Gulllen-Rivas, wife of Dr. Joaquin Guillen-Rivas, present sub-secretary of State in the Ministery of Health and Wel- fare, is an expopept of the fn- tellectual and moral prestige. en- joyed by the women of Salvador. She was born In 1899, of Colom- bian parents, In 1914 she was married, and is the mother of five children, to whom she devotes the greater part of her life, in the pleasant harmony of ber Salvador- ean home, Senora Guillen-Rivas devotes her free moments to works of social welfare, She has written much, but has only pub- lished a comparatively small part of her writings on subjects of so- cial interest. A movel of hers, called "La Hija de Casa" ("Phe Daughter of the House") was wwarded a prize in the competi- tion of Regional Novels, organized by one of the daily papers of the 'ountry. Senora de Guillep-Rivas fs enthusiastic over her appoint- mission of Women, and has de- clared her intention to work for equal rights for women. . Salvadoran Women to Tels 7 p.m.--Evensong and lermon, Baptisms first Sunday n the month, Messrs F, CO, Hoehn, C, Staples, ¥, R, Walter and Herbert C, Treneer The Minister will preach morning and evening. Wednesday, 7.80--Prayer Service in charge of W.M.S, Wednesday, 8.80--Monthly Meeting of Official Board, Lesson discussed, SEEKS TREATY T0 PUT AN END TO RUN RUNNING United States Would Halt Flow of Liquor Across the Border Washington, D,C, Dec, 1--Through Hon. William Phillips, its Minister Plenipotentiary at Ottawa, the United tates is seeking a radical revision of the treaty signed with Canada in 1924 designing to. curb smuggling, and particularly border rum-running. . The United States desires to have incorporated. in the reveside treaty a provision similar to that its eement with Cuba, which provides that clearance of shipments of mer- chandise by water, air or land, from either coyntry, shall be denied if the shipment comprises articles the im- portation of which is prohibited or restricted n the country to which it is destined, Present Trick Fails Continued prevalence of rum-run- ning across the border has caused this move to make the convention of 1924 more effective. The. treaty was otiated at that time between Sec- retary Hughes and Hon. Ernest La- pointe, and it is claimed that the agreement, then arrived at has failed to meet the rum-running si mn. The United States Government there- fore believes that the treaty's bar- riers against : 4 of liguor, can be rendered more effec- tive thr » an amendatory compact, US. ister Phillips at Ottawa has been carrying on conversations with the Capadian Ministry of Ex- terpal Affairs in connection with the treaty's revision, He also has to the Canadian the difficulties that have been en- countered by both countries in the administering of the smuggling laws. Conference Delayed For Year The conference was suggested a Canadian Goyern- ment to the Inter-American Com-|been made Wednesday, 8 p,m.--Bible Study, Sunday School Everyone Welcome, You Will Enjoy This Centre Street UNITED CHURCH (Formerly The Christian Church) REV, W. P. FLETCHER, B.A, D.D, Sunday, December 2 11 a.m. -- Communion Service, "God Is Fair', 2.80 p,m,--Sunday School 7 pm. ~-- A Root of Bvery Kind of Evil." Monday, 8 p.m, ~--Youpg People's, Special Pictures, Wednesday Prayer Meeting, Fourth Chapter of Jue Program of Christian- ty. , r Unity Truth Centre 8. 0. B. HALL, KING §7 B. Sunday, December 2 11 s.m.- Publis dervice, Everybody welcome Albert Street UNITED REV, R. A. WHATTAM, Minister 80 Elena St, Phone E87F Sunday, December 2 Rev. Walter Oldfield of China Will preach on Sunday snd lecture Monday night, Gospel Hall 40 NASSAU BST, SERVICES Sunday, December 2 11 a.m.--'"Remembering EVERYBODY WELCOME, CHRISTADELPHIAN "The Desert Shall Blossom As The Rose", When Jerusalem is the Throne of the Lord, "And there shall be no more curse'. Read, Isa, 85; Jer, 3: 17; Rev, 22: 3, some time U.S. officials have been cpdeavoring to bring about the con- ference with the suggestion that it take place in January, Several clauses in the treaty be- tween the United States and Cuba, igned in 1925, it is believed by U.S, cials, might well be included in the proposed revised convention with Canada, IRON OCHRE FOUND IN SASKATCHEWAN Regina, Sask., Dee. 1, -- Discoy- ery of deposits of iron ochre, esti- mated at fifty thousand tops, has been made near Makwai Lake, Sask., by William O, Nell, of Ker- robert, Sask. who bas staked claims under the Dominion quartz mining regulations, The ochre yaries in depth from three to five feet and both the quality and qauntity are sald to warrant commercial devel- opment. Iron ochre fs used exten- sively in the manufacture of paint, and for coloring various articles. a Stocks are skyrocketing, but fx ought to be remembered that there. is slways a stick going up that Guelph Mercury, North Simcoe St. United Church Rev, A. MANSELL IRWIN. B.A, B.D,, Pastor 89 Greta St, Phone 3263W 11 a.m,~Morning Wor: ip, The Pastor, ,80 p.m.--Sunday Schoo) 7 pm. -- "Youth And Spiritual Progress." The Pastor, Monday, 8 p.m.,--Young People's League. A Cordial Welcome To Everyone bas to come down with a had Penteco stal Assembly 200 King St. W. Sunday, December 2 Sunday School, 10 a.m, 1) a.m.--Moring Ser- vice, i 7 p.m.--Evening Ser- vice, Tuesday and Thursday services at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 3 p.m. All Welcome, the Lord." 8 p.m.--8Sunday School, 7 p.m, --Gospel Service, Wednesday, 8 p.m,--Bible Reading, . Friday, Meetings. ALL ARE WELCOMB 8 p.m.--Prayer -- Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Street Esst Sunday, December 2 "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism Denounced." KNOX Presbyterian Church REV, A, C, REDVES, B.A, 84 Brock St, W. Phone 1488 Sunday, December 2 3 Pe My == Sunday ] School. 7 p.m.--""Our Idols." Cordial Welcome Always To Knox Church Morning Service at 11 am. | GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, December 2 WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m.~Sunday School, 10.30 a.m. ~Public Worshi Rev. A. C. Fn: 265 Athol ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME Wednesday Meeting 8 p. Including testimonies of for. from 2 to 5 p.m. and Tuesdays, Thursdays snd Saturdsys