PAGE &iGHY THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 MOTOR CITY ENTRIES PLACED IN GROUPINGS IN O.H.A. Changes Made in Various Groups by 'O.H.A- Finds Oshawa Teams ONTARIO REGT. TO HOLD NEXT SHOW DEC. re -- | ° i: 11] | EF] £1 1 th: iH g i : { 4 BF fo Ii 53 0; i272 ) H } i pe] i £ i i ii 2% te, been sot, is January 10, One of the reasons for the post. povement of the chamnion- ships tournament is that an amatenr hoving show is be ing held in Toronto an Nee, 10 in which... several Osh. awa hovs are taking part, it would not he doing ns. tice to these if amother tonmmament were held anlv three davs after in which thay wonld he exnected to - taka mart, War this reason the fichts this month will asain he arvaneed he Matehe maker Haniman het an ex. ventionally good card Is exe neeted. 4 London Panthers Saved by Gong to Win 2 tl London, Nov, 80.--A weak and| defective timers' gong that gets its mechanism tangled up during every hockey game nearly cost the London Panthers a 2 to. 1 victory over the Toronto Millionaires at the finish of a fast and exciting Canpro fixture at the Arena 'to- night. In the final minute of play with London one man short, the Toronto team was swarming around the Panthers' net and the rink was in an uproar, The timer rang the final bell to end the game, but few in the crowd heard its one jangle before it hroke, The referee and players failed entirely to hear it, and the play kept on, The bell was finally got working by the hand method, but still the play kept on, Fully six seconds. after its first peal, Rice slammed the puck into the Londen net and Referee Hewitson was go- ing to allow it and was ready to start the next face-off at centre ice, The official timer, Harry Abel, informed the referee that full time had been up long hefore the shot went into the net, and Hewitson promptly disallowed the goal that would have tied the score, The Toronto team registered a protest, but failed to get anywhere on it, Joe Primeau had only heen in his new Panther uniform 6% min- utes when he scored the first ena! of the game on a smart play. The period ended in a draw when Dor- atv got a soft score at 18 minutes when a loose puck came ont of a corner mix-up, the Millionaire winrer being uncovered near the London net, After a rough and scoreless second frame the Pan- thers nahhed the winning tally af- ter only 30 seconds of plav in the last period, Voss making the niny at the net-mouth after taking IMi)- more's return pass, A erowd of about 1,800 saw the Panthers break their three game losing streak that thev ran nto on the road, and also saw them main- tain their record of nnt havine been heaten at home. The game At a meeting of the Ontario Hoc- key Association held in the Telegram Bui Toronto, last night, among various other matters of business, the groupings for the teams in this year's ranks of the senior, intermediate and junior O.H.A, were made. Three Oshawa teams, one junior and two intermediate, were among those teams to be placed in their respec- tive groupings. Radical changes were made in every direction last night and all three Oshawa teams will find themselves this year, in surroundings different from those of last season. A 'new entry in the the O.H.A. was made this year, it coming from Osh- awa Sinmeoes, representing Simcoe street United Church, its team prin- gipally comprised of former Oshawa Church League players. The other to teams are well known, the junior entry being from Oshawa Sham- rocks while the other Intermediate entry is that which has now been operating in Oshawa for many years, known as the Oshama Intermediate Hockey Club, Simeoes With Port Hope Oshawa's new entry, the Oshawa Simcoes, arg grouped in division number three this year which is com- prised of Port Hope, Bowmanville, Oshawa Simcoes and Peterboro, Peter Brown, of Port Hope, is the convenor of the four team loop, which meets whenever necessary at Port Hope, The Oshawa Intermediate Hockey Club, the organization which form- erly has operated in groupings with Port Hope, Bowmanville and others in the Central Ontario district, has been 'moved in the scene of its ac- tivities this year and will operate in a five team group this winter com- prised of University of Toronto 11, Willowdale, Richmond Hill, New- market and themselves, This is known as grouping number 5 and Sammy Lowe of Oshawa has been named convenor although all meet- ings of the league will be held in Toronto, Shamrock's New Loop Shamrock Juniors, . Oshawa's age limited entry, is also in a slight ly 'different grouping this year, Their's is group number 2 of which Percy Band of Peterboro is convenor, This also is a five team circuit and is' comprised of Peterboro, Lindsay Bobeaygeon, Bowmanville and Osh- awa, Peterboro, Lindsay and Bob- caygeon are all teams whose colors will be new to local fans, Other groupings which were made last night and which should he of interest locally is the number 4 grouping in the Intermediiate series which again comprises Whitby, Stouffville, Lindsay and Port Perry, F. A, Martin of Lindsay has been appointed convenor and the league meets at Port Perry, In group num- ber 1 in the Intermediate section the league has been divided into two gettions with Brockville, Belleville and Gananoque in section "A" and Royal Military College, Queens' and Kingston in section "B™ The win- ners of the two sections play off to declare the group winner. t Among those present at the meet- ing last night were Harry Lecky o Oshawa, member of the executive, Sheriff J. ¥, Paxton, Whitby, secre- tary, Richard Butler, Lindsay, pre- sident; and Percy. Bond of Peter boro, second vice president. had a little bit of everything mixed up in it but action was seldom lacking, with the score always close enough to keep the fans on edge. ments? ma flooring best meets these SATIN FINISH HARD- WOOD FLOORING is the highest class hardwood flooring manufac- tured, and it costs no more than other brands, We have it in stock all the time and can service it quick! A Wonian's Rightful Choice - Floors So important a home furnishing as flooring, ,. .the recipient daily of a woman's care , , , . naturally es a woman's choosing when the choosing is to be done. Beauty, durability, and ease of maintenance are qualifications de- any housewife, What require» y, Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Rd. N. Phones 2821-2820 el A PCH 8" Seams |oYsS YALL SEY TOGET TH VANCIWVER bien SS ON MONOAY Vex w Aa) NIN , wl Run FINALS 7 And to-day we ring down the curtain, West meets East in the Canadian rugby finals, and the 1928 gridiron season passes into his- tory, whether amidst the usual medley of mud, mist and flying flakes remains at this writing to be seen. Sad it is but true, that the weather seldom favors superlative rugby at this advanced ' season, though looking back agross the years one can recall several mighty championship battles which have been fought under mellow and al- most ideal conditions, From the spectators' point of view the present year has furnished few striking high lights, The "impudence" of the gritty "Varsity Orfuns', regarded at the ou'set as a bunch of hopeless discards, in wading their way through the stiffest opposition into the eastern semi-finals, probably provided the paste-board holders with their biggest thrill, Eddie Gerard, manager of the Maroons, as a Christmas present. Guess Santa may have something good in his bag for the Men of the Mountain. On Monday eve the Seattle puck-chasers will try to twist the tail of the Vancouver liom, in the latter's own lair. And that's one Pacific Coast Hockey League fixture which will give the Van: couver rail birds something worth shouting over. Those coast lads know how to rip things loose with the best of 'em. Another game worth seeing will be the Maple Leafs at Montreal, seeking next Tues- day to stem the lust for revenge which the hot blooded Canadiens de- mand, in order to efface their recent failure in Toronto. Some say the pro-hockey player is little better than a slave. Poor lads; rolling about in limousines with a pittance of about $250 week- ly salary in their pockets, they have a pretty pinched and penurious Montreal atmosphere continues to be charged with rumors that the elusive DAVE TROTTIER will bestow himself on time of it, palmiest was never like this. If this is slavery, bring on your shackles! Rome at its EE -- SPORT SNAPSHOTS | Lake, petition, for further details. team for 1929, Congratulations, Ike boys won't forget for a while, termediate softball title, pionship. the very finals for the championship The annual autumnal shoot of the Oshawa Gun Club is being held this afternoon at the Clubs ranges, Simcoe street south near Oshawa-on-the-: Unless you're wearing a bullet proof vest, don't go walking this afternoon through the iields to the cast of the road to the Lake, . A particularly 'large entry has been received this year and competition is expected to be the keenest seen for some time, offered to the winners this year, making an added incentive for keen com- Good prizes are being An excellent shoot was also held a week ago last Wednesday on the train coming home from Sarnia, escorting the Blue Devils, Ask Alex Park The prizes, we hear, were pretty good, . A despatch from Kingston this morning announces that our old friend Ike Sutton has been clected captain of the Queens University senior rugby , you are certainly the man for the job, You showed the Blue Devils a thing or two in a pinch which the local It should be a source of much pleasure to the local team and its execu- tive to see the letter elsewhere on this page from George Hill in far away Regina, congratulating. the Blue Devils ontheir success, he likes Regina fine but we've a hunch that by the time the softball season for 1929 rolls around, he'll begin wishing he was back with his Chevrolet softball team, again associated with them in their hunt for the evasive In- George reports George Hill is one of those who can appreciate an Intermediate cham- He has been with a team--the Chevs--twice in as many years in and both times his team has lost out, The Port Hope Times (this is twice in the same weck we've had to mention this paper) carries a news article to the effect that Oshawa Col- legiate will be playing basketball this year in a grouping comprised of Co- bourg, Peterbero and Lindsay which we doubt very much, Oshawa Col- legiate is entered with the Toronto District High Schools basketball league and won't be going anywhere near Cobourg or Peterboro this season for league fixtures, so once again we'll have to tell the Port Hope scribe to get his signals uncrossed ples except the hawa Intermediates. year and we predict, group, sock on the jaw right away self states. that he could casily be in shape to ¢ | being played. The status of the Oshawa Simcoes is still coes, we believe, intend making Bowma with the added instance to Bowmanvjlle and the long trips to Peterboro we have a hunch right now the proposition is going to take some real financing agility on, somebody's part, , Today would have been the day, if the Blue Devils had decided to journey to Montreal to do battle with the Canadian National Railway team for the Intermediate rugby championship of the Dominion of Canada, But the Blue Devils didn't make the trip and so that's that, It's funny however, just what the week's lay-off AL r Alex Park are now practically back to normal, while Park him- has done for the team. All the crip- get into the 'game--if it were But now we can direct our thoughts to hockey and after passing over the unhappy recollection that Oshawa | sible, we can take a glance at the artic [ Oshawa's new groupings in the O.H.A, which doped out last night, as no arena, as quickly as pos- le to the left in connection with All the groupings include some pretty hefty jaunts especially for teams whose prospects for gate receipts are still a matter of uncertainty. Shamrock juniors especially should find the sleighing rather rough this winter, especially if the team runs into a losing streak, ore uncertain, The Sim- nville their stamping ground and To take the optimistic viewpoint however, we believe one Oshawa team at least is going to raise some dust in O.H.A, circles this year, They shape up like something good this pardon, we state right now that they'll win their If we predict they'll win the group we would 'be giving them a but when we state they'll win their group, we mean it, which means Oshawa will be bringing home the turkey, We mean Downpour Causes Sloppy Gridiron 'For Title Game -- Hamilton, Nov. 80,--Tigers and Regina will ave to claw their way through a heavy field tomorow when they clash at the H.A.AA, field bere for the Canadian senior rugby championship prize, A steady downpour today trapsform- the gridiron into a sea of mud, and there is no certainty that the big game will be fought under any- thing but dismal eonditions, Rain was falling in a drizzle to- night and it will be impossible to do anything with the field except to eliminate some of the worst spots. Regina's hopes arrived here this morning and at 11 o'clock depart- ed for the H.A.A A. field and a strenuous praetice. Much of the stiffness caused by the long train ride was worked out, and a good rest for the boys this afternoon helped considerably, Tonight the Rough Riders and Tigers were guests of a local thea- tre. : . Regina made quite an impression on_the raflbirds at this morning's practice. The team is lighter than Tigers, all the way through, . though there are several men who compare favorably with the heav- fest of the Bengal *tanks." The Rough Riders' backfield is big and strong, and showed consid- erable speed this morning, but the light Moe will only stand up pgainst the Bengals in the event the field is heavy enough to pre- vent the Cats from getting started properly. "IKE" SUTTON NAMED CAPTAIN FOR 1929 Kingston, Ont., Nov. 30.--"Ike" Sutton of Hamilton, Queen's guar- ter for three seasons, was elected captain of the sepior rugby squad for 1929 at a meeting yesterda; Formerly an outside wing in 1927, i Bill Hughes converted "Ike" into a quarter-back, and one of the best in that position playing the Cana- dian game, He has the whole- hearted support of the team and student body. At the same meet- ing Harry Batstone, Toroplo, was elected manager, Strikes, Spares, and Blows At Local Alleys A gentleman yesterday, whose name we have a good mind to pub- lish made a few notes for this column and addressed them Strik- es, Spares and Wash-Outs, Now we ask you was that premeditated? Any more cracks from the gentleman in question and we'll publicly expose him the next time he bowls under 100 in five pins. In fact we'll start that Lemon League and make him honorary president, There's plenty educated fowl toddling around at the Motor City these days, what we mean to say is that Poker Ducks are much in evidence, Next to playing doubles in five pins where you draw your own partner by lot -- for special prizes, chasing the afore mention- ed ducks is the most popular pas- time of the diedsin-the-wools at the northern academy, There's an element of , uncer- tainty in the duck game even when the ball hits the king pin, which makes the game worth go- ing in for, especialy for these who want a little variety from five pins and who don't want to be bothered heaving the ten pin agates around. Speaking of ten pins, the big fellows were toppling for a fair down at the Recreation last night where Ollie Code's newly formed ten pin league opened with a dou- ble barreled broadside, Again speaking of ten pins, it's seldom you see a ten pin cracked or hroken through the smack giv- en it by a powerful shot down the alley. The worst came to worst however the other night when Jack Purdie let nis very first ball of a game sail down the alley and a pin broke clean down the centre when the ball connected. A few more like that and Jack will be hanned. Jen pins cost money to replace, the cost comes out of the Club, which is O, K. one way, but too bad the other, A year ago, we haven't heard if it has happened this year yet or not some particularly strong boys rollirg five pins hit the pleces so hard they flew up and broke sever- al windows at the Motor City, and we believe some wer: alse, broken at the Recreation this way until screens wer put up, Also a way of making it tough on the profits, Hart's Dalry League at the Re- creation continues to be one little league in which the competition is usually keen, Only offle team out of the six is below par while the remaiping 5 are all in a heap with only five points dividing them, Mat Sutton, captain of the Strik- ers who elaim the ten pin champ- ionship of Oshawa, are reminding all and sundry at present that they crave opposition and are willing to take on their weight in wild cats, if need be, in order to secure a little fun. They're even extending their challenge to make it wide open for the whole province and apy team wishing to get their fue wet only have to put in an appear- gpce any Tuesday or Thursday at the Motor City, It Eddie Goodman and his Black Diamonds or the Five Pipners read the above we look for war. Another challepge is hanging out at present, this being by Gord Creamer and Ernie Kirkup who state they'll take on amy pair in five_pins and beat them on the to- tal. We haven't merely a hunch but we know this challenge will last to about Monday noon before Creamer and Kirkup will find themselves dated for matches for two weeks to come. Walt Phillips and another guy have already de- cided to try the mettle of the Cream-Ketchup pair. The Black Cats having been un- questionably acclaimed champions of the first quarter in the Ladies' Major City League at the Recrea- tion, the: league is now veuturinz forth into its second quarter with a little better start than it got in first division, The Black Cats went through the first division like a steam roll- er and had the enviable record of not having suffered a single defeat nor'of having had a single point scored against them, They have al- ready fallen from grace however in the second division, one point be- ing alerady chalked up against them with only three series of gam- es having been played. Somehody made a mistake. and anyone of a dozen people could he desponsible, in stating that the Centrals only had one point in their standing of the Ladies Major City League which was published last week, The Centrals have two joints instead of one and there being a great difference hetween ils Local followers of sport particu- larly softball enthusiasts will doubtless remember George HW former manager of the Chevrolet men's softball team who left Osh- awa some weeks ago for Regina. The Times was very pleased yester- day to receive a letter from George which with his consent we are here- with publishing: Sports Editor Regina, Nov. 217. Dear Sir: Would you kindly give the Gen- eral Motors Blue Devils my heart- fest congratulations on their win- ning the Intermediate rugby champ- lonship of Ontario. I have just read all about it in your paper and of how they have pulled themselves through. I was sure pleased to learn of their victory. T am fine and like it very well here in Regina. Remember me to all the boys of the Chevrolet team and once again, give my regards to the Blue Devils. Yours truly, (Signed) George Hill. League Leaders Squabhle Quer Net Guardians New York, Nov. 30, -- Nothing 'clears the troubled air in sport like a good squabble, and a regular Don- nybrook is brewing over the goal- tending troubles of three clubs in the National Hockey League. The most troublesome situation 1s at Pittsburg, and the most desperate in the camp of the New York Am- ericans, The Pirates at last have sigmed Roy Worters, anne of the leading net-tenders in the circuit, to a con- tract after many weeks of dicker- ing. But neither Worters nor Benny Leonard, the retired light. weight champion and owner of the club, have any expectations at all of Roy appearing in a Pittsburg uni- form, Both parties are emphatic in their declarations of mutual dis- approval, Now the New York Americans want Worters, Every indication points to an agreement to trade the star to New York In exchange for Miller, a goalie who just can't stand the Americans, and a bundle of cash to the amount of about $20,- 000, The big fly in the American ointment, however, is the declara- tion of the league president, Frank Calder, that Wogters will play in Pittsburg or nowhere else on the pain of permanent suspension, she is offering this to the team of Hello Girls which makes the best showing in the Major City, Madzas to date are in the lead with 7 pointssto their credit, to date: Harts' Dairy standing one and two, we hasten to rectify | (Recreation.) the error, Pld very 18 18 vesrrnseey 18 The Centrals are Bell Telephone employees while twa other teams from the same establishment also vererrreey 18 bowl in the same league, A cup has been purchased by Miss Greor and teerraneey 18 Number renee 18 ERE] The monthly Sy Agnes Club of Toronto is the high spot of amateur boxing in and around Toroamto, Last month the best boys availe able were used and a big crowd en- joyed a good show. Boys from Buffalo and Cleveland were on the card. Which more or less means the St. Agnes Club uses only the best boys available. Frank Finate is not siow when he picks Leonard and McKenzie the tw local boys to decorate his next card, We hope a good crowd of local fans will take in the show and lend some real support to these boys, Hygla Hall, 40 Elm street Tor. onto, is the place, December 10, is the date. . We are informed that Jimmie Leonard (This 1s not our boy.) but his name sake, the well known Point judge, who works on all Play- fair Brown's Shamrock club's pro- grams, picked Leonard out as a real crowd pleaser. It was on his say-so that Tinute picked on the local boys. ------ This show is only a forerunner ta many more such calls for the locals. ® We are expected to he well re- presented at Hamilton's next elout- ing bee, Our colunm is still open to sug- gestion for our next show. What have you of interest? HOCKEY RECORDS Canadian League PW.LTF A. Py Petroit: ...... 6 6 0 20 12 Niagara Falls. 7 15 Windsor 15 Kitchener ,,., | 20 Toronto ,...,. 17 London ..,,.. 9 20 Hamilton ,... 14 20 Buffalo ,...... 5 0 § TH Today's Game Saturday--Kitchener at Detroit, Results last night: -- London, ,...... 2 Millionaires .., Junior Essex Blue Birds Chicklets International Amateur Hamilton Niagara F, N.Y, Exhibition Pt. Colborne Int.6 Twin City sen. = 1de de COLO EO CA = 8 13 14 14 16 Teddy Oke, owner of the Toron- to Millionaires, is out to bolster up his elub. The Milllonaires have several classy hockey players, but . | it appears as if the defense is weak, An effort is being made hy the To- ronto elub to secure Harold Hicks from the Montreal Maroons. Hicks was with the Stratford Nationals last season and is a hard-hitting des fense man, COAL @ Cleaner COAL The Famous Reading Anthracite More Heat Per Dollar More Heat This Coal is Sold On QUALITY not PRICE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Less Ash Wood 110 King St, Hamilton By-Product Coke The Faultless Fuel Good Dry Body Hardwood also Hard and Soft TERMS CASH McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Wood Slabs Limited, Phone 1246