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Ontario Reformer, 24 Jan 1922, p. 3

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Oshawa and District pret a Sermon' Series "Rev, Geo. Yule, of the Prebyterian Church, has begun a serfes of ser- mons on "Night Scenes in the Scrip- tures," Sunday night the first of 'fe geries was 'Jacob at Bethel ere will be seven addresses in all, Mr. Stinson Honored Mr. T. H, Stinson, K. C., Lindsay, was on Friday night presented with a robe of office by a number of his friends; Mr. Stinson was among the Ontario lawyers honored on New Year's Day by being appointed a King's Counsel. ? TR xt : "w Men on Sewer 'There are now ahout 70 men em- loyed on the Westmount sewer on tho Base Line. The weather has been cold shee the work started, but the men on the joh seem not to mind it. Frosty weather is the best for this kind of work as the excava- tion' becomes deeper. Bight-Day Adjournment A, R. Alloway, secretary of The Reformer Printing snd Publishing Company, came before Magistrate Hind again in Police Court vester- day morning on the charge of per- jury preferred against him by Allan Granel, of the Feldspar Glass Com- pany. The case was further adjourn- ed for eight days, counsel being en- gaged in other cases. Spoke On Taxation At the regular meeting of the Cit- izenship Committee of the Local | Council of Women held Jas evening in the Y. M. C. A., Mrs. W. E. Clark gave an interesting dy on 'he sub- ject of "Taxation," which was much appreciated. Mrs. Clark dealt with various phases of taxation. the singla tax, municipal taxes and how they were divided, poll tax, ete. Follow- ing the paper a general discussion took place. Employ a Night Operator To handle the ever business in Oshawa, the Canadian Pacific Railway has decided to pro- vide a might telegraph operator at their uptown office on King Street East. Miss Mantell. formerly of increasing HONOR EMORY OF LATE CHURCH HEAD Requiem High Mass Sung in St. Gregory's Church For Dead Pontiff At St. Gregory's Church Monday morning at eight o'clock High Re- quiem Mass was sung by the Rel. Father Bench for His Holiness Posey Benedict XV., who passedsaway at the Vatican in Rome early Sunday morning. The church was filled with | sorrowing people who had learned from the lips of Rev. Father Bench at the Sunday services of the Qeath of the Pontiff. At the service large number received the Holy Communion for the departed head of the church. At the Sunday services touching | references were made by Father! Bench to the life and death of the! Pontiff. The news of the death h 1s | been received with widespread re- | gret throughout the parish. . | a | | future. { kins recently. | prehended. | munity can make itself poor "1 TENDENCY TVA 1 SECULARIZATIONOF - THE SABBATH DAY Toronto, will be in charge of tha night service and the office will bs kept open until ten o'clock, This | new innovation will doubtless fill th long feft want and be appreciated by: » hd . the citizens of Oshawa, Growing Tendency Toward Week: | ee i End Parties, Says Rev, Whitby Masons linstall | Mr. McBain Koystone Chapter, No. #5, itoyall Arch Masons, Whitby, on Friday, night installed the following officers: MANY, CRITICS OF CHURCHES Z.. G. N. Goodfellow; H., W, F. Ha/-| den: J., J. W, Bateman; Scribe KE. W M. Jermyn; Scirbe N.,, A. T, Law-. ler; P, 8., Robert McNee; Treas- urer, A. H. Allin. The installing] officer was R. E. Comp.,, W, M. Van Valkenburgh. Variety of Exvuses Are Given For Non-attendance at Church "The problem of non-attendance at! Arvest Follows Inquiry I church services does not belong to On a charge of conspiracy arising! this day alone. Throughout the Old out of the fire which destroyed H. A.| Testament and also the New Testa- Lebar's store at Whithy, on October 'ment, it was a common kmentation 11, Hugh McMahon was arrested on! | that people were Joreaking the altars Friday list and will appear for trinl | of God" declared Rev. McBain on January 30. McMahon was Mr.|in his introductory Or in Sim- Lebar's assistant. The fire was in-"coe Street Methodist Church on Sun- vestigated by the Ontario Fire Mai- day evening, when he spoke at shal's department, and this is the jength about some of the excuses first step that has been taken since gdvanced why people do not go to the investigation, some time ago. ichurch. Taking as the basis for his | address, the parable of the great | | supper, and as his text, "And they all | with one consent began to make ex- cuse," Mr, McBain dealt with the conditions as they are to-day, endea- voring to explain how the situation might be met. In a great Addressed Rotary Club At Monday's weekly Rotary Clu! Luncheon in Welsh's parlors, three! very fine addresses were" given by His Worship Mayor Stacey, Council lor R. Moffatt and Ex-Reeve E. IL. Vickery, members of the Public Works Committee, The Rotarian: were given a good insight into local municipal affairs and importam municipal subjects were treated hy the speakers. many cases people do | not appreciate what the "church means to them and to the world, Mr. McBain stated. It occupies a place unique and pre-eminent above all (others. Probably one of the out-| (standing reasons for non-attendance at church was because of more active! material progress, the lust of the eye | 1 and flesh causing people to forget God. The subject with whieh he wished to deal, Mr. McBain said, was not an original one, but one which had been discussed over and again, there were scores of reasons being given why people forsake the House of God. The speaker divided them into Miree classes; firstly, who blame the preacher; secondly. those who blame the members, and. lastly. those who blame the people themselves, Inspiration "Some people say. not abreast of the times or not up-to- i date and that he should study more ahout and modern ideas. hut A box socia' under the auspices of jon the other hand," Mr. Me Bain sai d, thie Unity Ciub is to be held in the "there i hi a short time Sunday School on February 9th. A the rutl to the people 2vod program has been arranged a pr ries to Gerald Scott is improving after hi littl time unfortunate accident and hopes t« ich or most be out of the hospital im the nea: 1z& which comfort rather than disturb. y business to try and s from this church Choir Entertained The Baptist choir was entertained at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hurst, Louisa street, on Friday evening, January 20. Al- though some were unavoidably absent, there were about forty per-! sous present to enjoy the first soeial gathering of the year 1922. After refreshments were served, the part) joined together in hearty appregia tion of the splendid liberality of Mr and Mrs. Hurst in throwing open their home and also joining in with the choir to make the evening onc of extreme pleasure. over those do Better the preacher jis to NORTH OSHAWA : select for hen Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcinadly's baby 'who has been rather seriously il. 3 for the past some tame, 48 now re- spiration to do better overing. the tundamenta "hicken manhood." able number cise tian Another excuse modern ideas WETS into the pulpit was injected minds of the people. but the greatest problem of all was the inconsistency m the part.of those professing to he Christian members of the Church "We as Christians must be very! guarded that we the enemies of the Church no opportunity to bl pheme or reproach methods." Mr. MeBain advised Lack of Cobdiality thieves stole a consid: of hens from Mr. Jen It is to be hoped (hat guilty parties will soon be ap fered w thet £ ntrodn bein d the mue claim that doubt ug into the Mr. Fox, of Oshawa, has purchased Mr. Lisk's farm. GOOD SPENDING Meaicine Hat News: No com- by ex- give pending money on education; 2 expenditures return in profits tem thousand fold Educational works are in the most true sense produc- tive public works its Other excuses advanced lack of cordiality and friend! ou the part of members, while pew rents were also a great objection. he were Ideals kill some men in politics, but politics kill more ideals in men. pointed out. He thought that pew cent was out-of harmony with the | church, and proved to be antagoni tic to those who would otherwise at tend. Scowme were strongly prejudic od against the church because so member had by lcok or word ms: them feel they were not welcome leerzin pews All members shoud be glad to give all strangers a most cordial welcome, Mr. McBain phasized. There were prejudices awakened against the church whica must be dispelled. Another great reason tto attend church was to em tor a be There Are Few of Us Know What Health Really Is To eat well, to sleep well, to feel every breath of fied "ait, eluetrily, yous whole. cytes; -to-eop 2 clear, ruddy complexion, to of your body that you are feeling of satisfaction and contentment--in other words to be glad you are alive, this may truly be called Health. What a welcome change it would-be from that _ run-down, tired-out feeling, sick of everything, ready to give up, from nervous exhaustion. Nature works slowly and therefore must have aid to build up, stimulate, and make strong--A Tonic and a Blood Purifier. We have a combinatiop-of the two in PEPTONA 4 . | We need mot air its qualities, we know what it iH has done, and you know waat it ed done. : ask those who have used Peptona and have profitted by it. For sale at The REXALL STORES They with people themselves Y. other tham | begun 10 care more for religious things, the frivolitier of] life. theaires and novels atiractiez | their attention while the reading of ! the Scriptures or services of wor- ! ship made no appeal 0 them the ! speaker continued. Some thought | ! eragh, the regulations | erossing. | he j utes late, | rate of i have heard both former | foet i that (ducting a bakery at 2 for | Mele: a speedy EPPO ERES PEEPLES ONE'S TONGUE NERDS WATCHING! Thous shalt "not speak falsely Of thy fellow man Lest he spaak the truth of you, ! Which might be worse, Look out for your tongue Jt's in a wet place And liable to slip. Ld +> * Ld > Ld > Ld + LJ Ld + Bhd bbbbbbdd phddddbd C. Johnston (Continued from page one) Mylchrest stated that he was looking directly ahead as he was just pulling into the station and did not notice the automobile approaching. The first he knew that an accident had taken place was when he heard the He algo stated that he was travelling slightly over cight miles an hour and that when he hrounght the train to a halt the engine was standing where the last coach gen- erally stood when the regular stop had been made. He claimed that in sounding the warning had been complied with. The whistle had been blown a quar- ter of a mile from the highway and although not compelled to do so, he he had again sounded the whistle when about fifty feet from the The bell was also ringing, said. Fireman Norman that the train was about ten but thef were not ling above eight miles an hour. He Keith stated min travel- had noticed the car when it was about eight feet from "the train and | thought that the driver had atte mpt- ' ed to swerve to the north He also stated that the proper warnings had! been given as they approached the) crossing. Conductor W. Abbott, who was in charge of the train, did | not see the accident take place | Accident Unavoidable When seen hy The Refornieye, yes-! terday afterncon, Mr. McLeese, whol was not seriously injured, described their escape from death as nothing! short of a miracle. He stated that! when a mile back from the crossing | they had been travelling at a. good: speed, but had slackened! pace and when some distance from the railway tracks they going well within the speed They had not heard the tr: first warning they appearance of the front part of the { engine around the corner. "We were! more or less dumbfounded," Mr. Mc Leese 'said. "as we were about twoi car lengths aw I thought that the ear might be stopped hy applying the emergeney brake as were going very fast The question whether or not we would be set past but Mp Jol d to turn north twe he train 1 the be might have done had not roads been in an icy condition. cor slewed against the resulted in the acc car gone straight a it have heen hurt." Thut proper the train statements given and a resident son. who platform their i were | limit. | in and the received. was the not wi able 1s0n evident ind pass store whieh the | The which Had hoth of If not f lecid he- 11 warnings ew by 3 was standi at the tir 1 by is supported witnes Mathi station) 1k £ on the ne, claimed whistle and bell 1lso. to have witnessed the dent Mr. Robert Buck, few doors from the tracks on wrth side of the road. also claimed! ve heard the ringing of the belt! train near the corn 1 \ and ace who resides the d Other Motorists Escape A 2st told The another motor car the crossing just a fe ow | ahead of the engine hefore Mr | Johuson's car struck the tender ang | few days automobile | scraped against the coweateher. nar- escaping being struck as 1 | passing over the crossi Johnson whom over marr e children. H Ie | that had { passed over a ALO an 1 it is thought] ed man has bec Court Street well known runs a tax wth his busi request of Mr nav | £ thre nm oon time, and is in Oshawa He - also erviee in connection ness and it was at the se that was going to Pick ering His many friends win regrel to learn of his injuries and wish him recovery some he The Night and Day bank in St Lowvis has been closed becamse of a defalcation of $250,000. Too much night and not enough daylight De- troit Free Press 'they had outgrown the meed for | church, but he assured his audience | | the church had not vet had iis day The learned people of to-day wh | were confronted with the Fords | problems realized that the only hope | j lies in the church ! In conclusion, i. | "Our attendance at i an imperative duty. sent ourselves without bringing veo- Mr. McBain said: | God's house We cannot a b feel in"every movement walking on air, to enjoy a is Stop lching Scalp Rub Parisian Sage on your and you woul have to seratch dandruf! off; stops itehing scalp gives a luxuriant head of beautiful hair or money refunded. At all drug stores. head the {proach on our lives. We shouid | come to seek His blessing, not to ! be instructed. but impressed with thn {atmosphere of a holy place. People: 1 who megleet doing this will deterior- | ate and degenerate, their moral power and influence will he lessencd. | There is a growing tendency toward | ' week-end parties, 2 secularization of | '1 | the Sabbath Day. We must set our | 4 | faces against these things and abe | * {that the old-time love for and the | sanctification for the Sabbath Day! wm come Again.' 1 GOING THE Loar § Woodstock Seantinel-Review: At the suggestion of Rev. Bem Spence , the Brant county temperance organ- | ization passed a resolution the oth- | jer day skiing for legislation making | pit un@winl to serve liguor in a pri- | vate house where there are more | ol than three people other than the | members of the family. It might seem as ¥ some enemy of | temperance legislation were at work. | : {Those whom the gods would destroy. | | we ave told, they first make mad. | Those who wold destroy a law first | j make it ridiculous. There is always danger to reai banesaiue from a veaction brought about by temperate legislation. If mot, F. W. Thompson ed | of our meats make their appeal to the happy family civcle where quality foods-are apprec- | iated. Nothing but the best and lots of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- isfactory service. Our tele- phone is your friend. ILA. 5UBDARD SIM JOE ST. SOD PHONE 527 { even if the thet s { would have | would like | success | ion | however, did not think that this wae i ze REA AEE Tn ' from Ontario county. Mr. PAGE THREE A Clean Up of | i SERGE DRESSES Regular up to $35.00. The season's best styles, in goods of the finest texture, You will be proud to own any one ty trimmings. of these delightful garments. Special for a quick clearance All the newest novel- & ceeenn $17.90 = To Clear ...... As a M . : Kiddies Serge Dresses Another exceptional line for a quick clear- ance. Sizes 6 to 12 years, Beg. up to $7.50. + $4.95 Saturday Is Dollar = A day on which all the merchants of Oshawa have concentrated, and it will be undoubtedly the biggest day Oshawa has ever had. Be sure and see our special adv. for the occasion, also the windows, as the geods will be on display two or three days ahead. "Progress" (Continued from page one) and 1dstand The $100 towards the new band paid but $300 more in prizes, ore for attractions, and also 10 re-wire, all the fair buildings v cost of $500, and fix up the ost of Taking cv consideration, sht the society lly fine year. and pat themselves on plus at the had heen red gave stand, $900 a1 society ha atl a « " the had an excep- its members the back, begin wed into thoug tion: ald { the President Sinclair the financial statement, ciety in of la ould not saved mey The night a good thin tinued. The year commenting on said the year's nee any more he thought, 1g. and should be con- cattle show was bigger than usual With regard to aceom- modation, this had always to be provided in anticipation each year of ame required. Night Show Mothersill did not think that last year's night show, the first the society had held. much from the standpoint of furnish- ing amusement for those who ai- tended. More money, of course, to be spent to put on 2 20- view st i ave show, was being Improve Past President was bigger show Managing Director D. M Tod thought that last year a foundation nad been laid for a night show which would grow in years to come. He to see night show con- tinue. A suggestion was made by one member that driving before the | grand stand and in the ring should he made a feature of the night show. | The idea had been carried out with | elsewhere The suggestion | was favorably received and may have the comsideration of the directors. President Sinclair pointed out that special attractions and the night show were essential to the Fair, as the people of the town came in large numbers 'whe might not be iater- ested in stock The latter also was essential for the benefit of the far- mers who came and who might not be exhibitors. The aim must be to improve the show in all departments, having something there for all classes of patrons. Mr. James Grant. of director. deplored the show last year despite the fact that the prizes had been inereaspd. ile went 10 Grand Valley lust year where the prizes were lower than in Osh- awa and they had a splendid horse show. Mr. Job White, of Myrde Statian, 11 ithe Brooklin, a poor horse i ition the gute admission to no reduction in the prizes A suggestion that not only good prizes be given for beef « but that forms should be furni free for exhibitors to give the istered their anima to be advertised, with approval. and may adopted. ittee of Messrs, | . Wehber. Hall pointed to coun- should | ttle, | reg sires of 1 met be special com Dyer, Grant, Gric and Webster wers sider the holding « standing field crop competition. h ,a compet-! has pot been held in this, sec-} tion for years. due, it was said. 1 lack of interest and the diffieulty { getting farmers to compete Prizes for same are given by til of soci on and Department culture. The committee was instrac- ted te report directors soon, as the eatries to be in by the | first of May a competition, | one member held « fully the adjoiu- ing county A motion spring stallion ireld this year The society Depariment this year. A hearty vole sed to Secreta splendid service lust and former years Pr Sinclair in putting the motion that the secreiary had been untiring in his imteresis and efforts for Fair io the : have Such reported year in Durham. wag passed that and »d show 5 SUC every ol no he S01 decided not Agriculture to judges use of of thanks was pas-| y Chas. Davis { | rendered dur The retiring ed that he would this year as last tie exhibits. The well received. The following is the complete list of the new officers who will guide the Society's destinies for 1922: President---Hiram Gifford. 1st wi resideut--D. M. 2nd viee-president---Ilunnis Secretary-Treasarer Chas. vis Directors president announc give the game prize for Shorthorn cat- announcement was Todd Grant, | Da- H. Webber. Whitby; ' R. McLaughlin, Oshawa: 8. G. Pic-! kell, Bowmanville: TT. E. Trail. Osh- awa; Oscar Downey. Myrtle Sta-. tion: Rebt. R. Smith, Celunmbus: Waa. Elliott, Oshawa: Robt. Brooks, J. S. Kyle, Dr. T E. Kaiser, V.! Woodruff, Oshawa; E. Webber. Brocklin; J. E. Disney, Whitby; | R. X. Johns, F. L. Mason, Oshawa; T. £. Hall, Brooklin: Dr. Henry, Oshawa; W. A. Dryden. Brooklin: H. A. Ross, Whitby. Associate Directors -- W. D. Dyor, Columbus ; D. Wadge. He wa Fred Rowe, Whithy:' Ewart Mey Laughlin, Oshawa; M. Tipper. Uxbridge: XN, White, 4 { having committed leading gan, | mobile sterjes in which Mr. Reid has { "Too Much Speed." 25 cents, ES ASKS TO BE TRIED BY JURY When William » Blair appeared { in Police Court here vesterday morn that he would ) two charges him. that of forgery and at- shop-breaking. but nothing parently farther from his b that, for when asked by His Worship how he elected to be tried, he requested to he tried by a jury. Conséguently his trial will he held at the spring assizes to be held in Whitby on Monday. March 13th. The preliminary investigation will commence here in Police Court on Tuesday, January 31st. Blair i= al- ged to have forged the name of the IL. R. Steel Company to a $90 check made payable to himself ie is also ged to have attempted to break into the. office of the L. R. Steel Service Corporation with intent te commit the indictoble offence of theft. Police Con + MeGee, who brought the prisoner to Oshawa, states: that Blair admitted to him the crime with is charged it ad inst w thought to the mind which the prisoner LOIS WILSON wiTH w ALLY REID IN FINE FILM Lois Wilson, leading » three notable William De Mille productions. "Midsummer Made 8s," "What Every Woman Know . "The Lost Romance," ys woman's role opposite Reid in his latest Paramount "The Hell Diggers." which 1 be shown at the Regent theatre woman im LB lace pig . Wednesday and Thursday. Both the original story and the scenario were written by Byron Mors the author of the series of autos starred and the last of which was ~ The story centers around the big | dredges which are employed to dig gold ore in Northern California and which, because of their colossal size are known as "Hell Diggers." Frank Urson, who has handled the mega- phone for Mr. Reid in his last twp croductions, directed. LABORIOUS SUGGESTION Kincardine Review: Hon. James Murdock has solved the industrial problem. He says capital and labo must get together. The suggestion i= capital but to carry it out- that's dabor. If you are feeling badly, troubles away by taking dry & Loxet. ¥ put your Taulac. thought the trouble bere was that when Oshawa Fair was held all the good horses of the county were avay in Toronto. London and Ottawa. Per- haps the changing of the dates of Lhe Fair would help the situation. in a gemeral disoussion the opin- 1 prevailed that mething would be gained by changing the dates. The feeling was that horse breeders should take an interest in the Fair here and endeavor 10 bring in their horses. Mr. White said that although he did not attend the Fair last year, he 1 | had heard that while lots of people attended there was nothing to see. The majority of those present, the case, as the showing of cattle iv some of the classes last year, and special attractions. were the best! ever seen at the Fair herve. The opinion was expressed by one | member present that last year's showing of beef cattle was the best ever seen at Oshawa Fair. He thonght that it was only a question of gei- ting the people educated regarding what was to be seen at the Fair here. Some of the best prize winning stock in all parts of the Dominion came Mothersill favored veducing FEEDS GETTING SCARCE Some lines of Feeds prices are advancing. in ton lots at $30.06. This Cotton Seed Meal are low. Poultry Ma PLE sa) been reduced. The 1 PHONE 8. x dust Sonth of Pas are getting scarce, and as a result We are still quoting Corn Chop is a remarkably low price. Our prices on Gluten Feed, Barley Meal, Oilcake Meal, and Buy your reguirementis mow. sh is the cgg-producing feed. will not give heavy cge production. Our prices on Fiour. Sugar, Pot toes and Turaips have Grain alone of these is unsurpassed. Phone your orders and pet quick delivery. Cooper-Smith Company 16 OBLANA SK. Oface.

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