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Ontario Reformer, 24 Jan 1922, p. 5

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OSHAWA, LJ ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1922 PAGE FIVE, BASEBALL BOWLING CURLING THE SPORTING WORLD HOCKEY SOCCER GOLF, Ete. 1anhard Games TuesdayJan. 31 BLUE RIBBON CURLING EVENT TO BE PLAYED IN TORONTO MAKE DRAW JAN, 30, Secretary @. 8. Pearcy, of the Ont- ario Curling' Association, has called the sixteen group winners to play off in Toronto, Tues., Jan. 31, for blu2 ribbon event in curling in Ontario, In the event of the group winners being unable to compete, the run- ners-up can compete if they wish, The draw will 'he made Monday ev- ening, January 30th, at the Victoria Club. Last year, owing to the mild wea- ther, several postponements occur- red, both in the various group games, and also in the finals. This year the groups have heen decided on sched- ule, the rules calling then to be de- cided the third week in January, or last week. Th2 following are the sixteen group winners and runners-up: --- Group 1.--Belleville, winners; Napanee, runner-up. Group 2.--Cobourg, winner; Osh- awa, runner-up. Group 3--Lindsay, winner; Peter- boro, runner-up. Group 4.-- Thornhill, winner; To- ronto Parkdale, runner-up. Group 5.--Tor. Granites, Toronto, runner-up. Group 6.---Collingwood, Barrie Thistles, runner-up. Group 7.--Ont. Hos., Orillia, win- ner; Barrie, runner-up. Group 8.--Hamilton Thistles, win- ner; Out, Ios., Hamilton, runner-up Group 9.--Galt, winner; Paris, runner-up. Group 10.--Brampton, Guelph Union, runner-up. Group 11.--Owen Sound, Chatsworth, runner-up. Group 12.--Harriston, Grand Valley, runner-up. Group 13.--Locust Hill, Agincourt, runner-up. Group 14. Plattsville, Bright, runner-up. Group 15.--S8t. Thomas, winner ; London Thistles, runner-up. Group 16.--Sarnia, winner; troit, runner-up. Don't forget a special train leaves Oshawa for Port Hope at 6.30 p.m. Friday and will return immediately winner; winner ; winner ; winner; winner ; winner; winner; De- after the game. Tickets may be se cured at Stephenson's, 3 King Street East, or at elsh's store, King St. West. 4 d dn o MUCH INTEREST : IN JUNIOR GAME The O. H. A, fixture between Bow- manville and Oshawa juniors to- morrow night is causing consider- able interest among local fans. The first game at Bowmanville was of a sensational nature, going thirty minutes overtime before Charlie Hall's sextette emerged from the wray with the big end of an 8 to 7 score, Despite the fact that the two reams have no chance for the group title, the game promises to he the hottest junior fixture staged on local ice this season. The Bowmanville huskies have been smarting under that defeat for several weeks and they are eager to come to Oshawa to attempt to even matters, A good crowd of spectators should be on hand to see the contest which will be of a high calibre from bell to bell. GENERAL MOTORS AND PEDLARS WIN Two interesting games were play- ed in the Oshawa Indoor Ball League last night, Pedlars winning from the Regiment 14 to 8 and General Mot- yrs taking the other fixture from the Knights of Pythias 9 to 4. Pedlars practically won their game in the second innings when they drove in 7 runs while they added four more in the third. The teams were:--- Regiment Salter. Mercier Green, Metcalf, Truax, Gower, Gib son, Carry, Parish. Pedlars McNeally, Robinson Smith, Kilburn, Woods. Morphy. Thompson, O'Brien, J. Thompson MecInally. The score: -- Pedlars -- 0 7 4 21 0 0--14 Regiment 110230 1--1F In the second game General Mot yrs tok kindly to the shoots served ud "+ ihe Knights' twirler, notching 8.5 8 in the first frame.' How the teams lined up:-- Knights of Pythias -- Horne. Nor- they, Diplock, Salter, Cooper. R Flintoff, H. Northey, S. Flintoff, Mc- Cabe. General Motors -- Dobney, Breck- inbridge. Thompson, Moore, Cornish McDougall, Jobb. Stacey, Blight. Larmer, Farrow, Elmsley, Howett. The score:-- Knights -- Gen. Mot. -- 6 1 00121004 1010 x--% ULSTER'S THAT Kincardine Review: Ireland is a Free State. but no an Orange Free State. HOW THEY DO IT Some people wonder how some men manage to keep their clothes always looking clean and well pressed. The secret is in sending them to Peter McLaughlin Cleaner and Tailor 123% King St. West. Oshawa, We do Cleaning, Pressing Re- pairing and Dyeing. Goods called for and delivered. Phone 509 Rotary Night At Community Rink on Friday FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL--RAC- ING EVENTS--G,W.V.A, BAND TO PARADE Next Friday evening will be Rotary night at the Community Rink, Bagot street, when one of the most attractive and unique pro- grams ever arranged in Oshawa will be put on by the rink committee of the Rotary Club. At 7.30 o'clock the G.W.V.A. Band will parade from Rotary headquarters to the rink, where they will furnish music throughout the evening. Some of the outstanding features will be a grand fancy-dress carnival, a Rotary race and a number of races for the boys and girls. Everyone who cares to come will be made welcome and no admission will be charged. - Prizes will be given for the best costumes as follows: Girls fancy dress, 1st prize, a sweater; 2nd prize, a hox of can- ) dies. Boys' fancy dress, 1st prize, { a sweater; 2nd prize, a pair of stock- ings. Girls' comic dress, 1st prize, a scarf; 2nd prize, a pair of stock- sings. Joys' comic dress, 1st prize, a pair of hockey skates; 2nd prize, a pair of stockings, The Rotary race will be the event to _be run off in the rac program. It is open to all Rotar- ;ans and the winner after going four times around the rink will recéive 1 box of cigars which is the only; rrize offered. The entries to datel are, Art Germond, George Miller, D. M. Tod and J. L. Whattam. The ther races with the prizes are: | Girls from 14:to '16 years, nine times | wound the rink, 1st prize, a toque; 2nd prize, a box of candies. Boys, | from 14 to 16 years, twelve times] around the rink, 1st prize. a hockey | stick; 2nd prize, a pair of mittens. | Obstacle race, open to all ages up| to 16 years, 1st prize, a pair of! gloves; 2nd prize, a box of candies. Girls, under 14 years, twice around the rink, 1st prize, a pair of yub-1 bers: 2nd prize, a pair ofeankle sup- | ports. Boys, 12 to 14 years, nine | times around the rink, 1st prize, a pair of woollen mittens; 2nd prize, | a pair of ankle supports. Boys. un- der 12 years, lst prize, a pair of ankle supports; 2nd prize, a box of candies. The judges for the evening will! be Messrs. Fred Bailes, J. Stacey. | Geo. Miller and J. L. Whattam. The | races will be open only to those who | are in costume i SPECIAL TRAIN FOR PORT HOPE GAME A special train has been secured by the Oshawa Hockey Club to con- | 'ey the local intermediate players with their supporters to Port Hope | on Friday night. for the deciding | | game in this district of the O.H.A | intermediate It is expected that nearly one ethousand rootet will make the trip. The train wil leave Oshawa junction at 6.30 anc will return immediately after the | { zame. Tickets may be secured at | Stephenson's barber shop. 3 King | Street East'or at Welsh's store | King Street West. series MILLBANK : dich and. Mellow PORT HOPE FOLK WEAR BROAD SMILE In speaking of Friday night's game the Port Hope Guide says: Badly battered up, but still in the ring, and with a glorious victory tucked away under their belts, the Ontarios returned from Oshawa this morning and aye receiving the hearty congratulations of their many friends. There is always genuine satisfaction for Port Hope in trim- ming an Oshawa sporting organiza- tion and every person is wearing the glad smile to-day. Last night's game was the most important one in the series. Oshawa had gone througn without a loss and a victory lasl night would have given them the district honors. That they were con- fident of winning was shown by the odds offered in betting of three ta one. But Port Hope has never ac- cepted a bluff from Oshawa, and as a result a whole lot of nice crisp green-backs from the automobile town came down to Port Hope. The Oshawa press has been talking of this big event for several weeks, as- suring its readers that the Oshawa team was at its best and travelling at top speed. The result was that the rink was altogether too small for the large crowd and hundreds were turned away. You have seen a Tresh- ly opened tin of herrings; well, they S. Oshawa Have | ; Strong Sextette DEFEAT ST-GREGORY'S---- LEAGUE DESERVING OF SUPPORT A goodly number of hockey fans turned out to witness the Sunday School league games at Bradley's rink last night and they were well pleased with the hrand' of hockey dished out by the several teams. The boys deserve every encouragement as the Oshawa's future O.H.A. teams are to be found in their midst, The treat of the evening was the senior fixture between St. Gregory's and South Oshawa. The two teams are evenly matched and the Boys in old and White led all the way un- til the last few minutes when Capt. Hutchinson, the star defenee man of the junior O.H.A. squad, who has thrown in his lot with the South Oshawa stalwarts scored two goals, winning the game for his team bh to 3. The first game on the card was a juvenile tilt, the Preshyterians go- ing down to defeat before St, Greg- | ory's 7-0. The game was better than the score would indicate but those birds from St. Gregory's are going great guns. They have applied the white wash in each of the two games they have played, much | _ looked loose compared to the crowd in the rink. There was no danger of being tramped on, because you . Asi b couldn't move; it was just one solid South Oshawa juniors administer- DIOCK. 2d a 5 to 1 defeat to the King Biseet| lads in one of the hest contests stag- ed in this series since the league wus organized. The south enders how- ever were too fast for their oppon ents. - Clapper for the winners was | the star of the game. Simcoes jun- for team failed to appear on the ice | for their schedulel game with St George's and consequently the latter Oshawa will be here next Friday [team gets credit for a victory. | night, and if you want a nice ¢om- | fortable seat you had better he on | the job Thursday morning. H { while scoring 106 goals themselves. Who's next for the kalsomine? The game was one of the hardest fought ever witnessed in this section and it is admitted by all that the better team won. The referee may have tried to be impartial but he was very weak and in our opinion Port Hope was at a great disadvant- age by several of his decisions. WHITBY LOSES AGAIN In a junior O.H.A. game at Port Hope last night Port Hope deleated | Whitby by a score ot. 7 to 5. joth teams played good hockey. ! WHITBY TEAM HAS FILED NO PROTEST | n Port Ropes Goal Ham; Re Harwood anc agerman; A + was" mircuiated . abot | Ware: wings, E. Merson and Rob- | A rumor was eirculated abOWl{...q. cups, Hutchings and Rowson. town last evening and again this san : 4 | morning that Whitby juniors had | Whithy--Goal, Nobe; defence, Ste- | centre, Hall; | entered a protest against the Co | Wart and O'Connor; pourg Club of Nicholls, the right! Wings. Charlton and Pascoe; subs, | wing man being over age That | R. Hall, Sleizhton and Blow. there is no foundation for the report Referee-- Farlow, was learned this afternoon during a -- conversation with Sheriff J. F. Pax- The fact that France, even with ton, treasurer of the O.H.A.. who isthe addition of Alsace and Lorrain, | in.close touechsawit thes seceetary- hage lost some=200 000 population. onstantly. Sheriff P'axton has n« s very good reason why she doesn't | snowledg of any protes another War. Bostcn Trans- »een lodged in this d | defence, centre, | ayine | want eript 0. H. A. STANDING Cobourg Defaults Rest of Games OSHAWA AND PORT HOPE INTER- MEDIATES HAVE THEREFORE WON SAME NUMBER GAMES, Intermediate Won - Oshawa .. Port Hope Whithy 'ia Bowmanville ., Cobourg .. Carb atabennad ier i EE a W. B. Bulger, secretary of the Cobourg Hockey Club, has notified the O.H.A., secretary, and also the Oshawa Hockey Club, that Cobourg intermediates have defaulfed their's remaining games in this distriét, 2 Cobourg was scheduled to play in; Bowmanville last night, but default ed. Oshawa's only remaining game . at home was with this team, and now, unless Oshawa wins from Part' Hope in the latter town on Friday . night, local enthusiasts will see ho ' more intermediate games this seaspn on their home ice. # With this game counting as a win for the locals, Oshawa is now on even terms with Port Hope, each tedm having five wins and one defegt, The race is a close one for the gropp leadership and which ever team? comes out vietorious, it will only fhe by a close margin. Fans are looking forward to next Friday's game with ! intense interest and what the resfilt : will be no one seems prepared to: state, Oshawa has not lost a game | away from home this year in the ; intermediate series and should giva: Port Hope just as hard a battle bn their own ice as at home. As many : supporters as possible should accom-~ { pany the team to give the players ea re | every encouragement. : " LOCAL COLLEGIANS | TROUNCED WHITBY cwndeead Junior Won COhONEE «vv viive Suni Oshawa ,.- '..... va." 8 Whithy i 2 Bowmanville .. Port Hope .. PELE aadd INDOOR BASEBALL LEAGUE STANDING hl 2 y » Williams .. .. Simcoe Heights Business Men Pedlars Ont. Regiment Knights of Pythias Officers shies General Motors . a ooo Ll ee TO LWW Wu OS Oshawa High School got away; to a good start in the local group of the Central Ontario ' Interscholastic | Hockey League on Saturday morn- ing last when the local students trounced the Whitby Collegiates :16 !to 2. The contest was a runaway for the winners, and scoring goss a mere matter of form. The score at the end of the first period was 4 to 1 and at the end of the second. 10 to 1. The Oshawa team lines up as follows: goal, R. Clarke: defenee, Bouckley and Wilson; centre, Flin. | toff; right wing, Wright; left wing, | Luke; subs., Browne and Mason. Referse--C. Luke. RETURNS of the WHITBY OSHAWA GAME Don't forget a special train leaves Oshawa for Port Hope at 6.30 p.m, | Friday and will return. immediately afier the game. Tickets may be ise- | cured at Stephenson's, 3 King Street [ East, or at Welsh's store, King St, Received by special service TO-NIGHT EE = Le Store Closed Next Wednesday Afternoon to Prepare for the Final Wind Up of our Inventory Sale Here are a few of the Specials we have to offer for WEDNESDAY MORNING Ladies' Undervests, either round or square neck, closed or button front. Priced to clear at each 35¢ Bilance of Flanneleite Night Gowns in White, that we reduced from $1.50 to 89¢, will be cleared at... verrnrie JOE In Our Ladies' Wear Dept. we offer 19 only Flan- nel Kimonas in beautiful flowered designs. Reg. Flannelette Bloomers for children in Grey or White. Reduced from 75¢ to ............ 40¢ Woollen Scarfs for women and children in a beau- tiful assortment of light colors. Reg: $1.50 . . 49¢ SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN HEAVY WORK BOOTS IN OUR GROCERY DEPT. ARE MANY Quaker Oats, large size ... Club House Olives, pint size Benson Prepared Corn : Furnwalls Pure Jam, SPECIALS AT GREAT SAVINGS I rl ATIVE Te

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