. & t, Phone 231, | rd 19 King St. West, Phone 23 _ Lovell's Drug Store each J 4 / ral v4 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, wv / TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1922 PAGE SEVEN L | . T.C. CLEMENCE, D TIST, | ce over Andison's Tailor Shop, a | ' DR. R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD: | ley Block, Simcoe 8t. 8. Phone S031 tid DR. T. 6. KER--DENTIST, OF- | fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948, 1-yr. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery {tore Phone 959. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No. 97. DR. TREWIN, DENTIST trance to office one" door east Detenbeck's Store. TT EN- of Medical DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building: Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR. geon, Acconcher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria 8t.,, Oshawa, Phone 94, DR. L.' J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST. | Bast, Taronto, will be at Jury & Saturday | from 11 a.m. fo 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to b p.m., or | by appointment, 6-11) DR.¥. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Milier's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul] tation and treatment of diseases of | ear, noge and throat only, | mr Legal i JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR-| rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| veyancer. Money to loan. Offiea| 144 'King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phone 445. | D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, | Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- | cer, ete, All branches of Civil and | Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly | Oshawa House) King St. West, Ogh- | awa. Phones, Office 940; Residonec 516J. | GRIEBRSON & CRETGHTON--BAR- | risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-| lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank, | entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J.| F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, | G. 1. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- | rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe st. | South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on | mortgages, conveyancing and gen-| eral practice. Phone 63! i H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, | 113, Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office er of Piano. Pupils now being tak-| en on. Conservatory method. For | Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. | i iF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get] well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86: Simeoe St. North. f Surveyors WM. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- | minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-1 Educational | MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- appointment, 2bone 226. Residence 161 'Athol St. E. 127-6 RE EE a auf Undertakers & U BURIAL CO. directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing: 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Ie: deuce 19 Division St. 26-1 yr I». W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER and Embalmer; private ambulanee, morgue and chapel, motor funeral if desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. 108-r ee = FUNERAL we Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Welli Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean. Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Na AL HENRY, AGENT FOR THE Sun- Life of Canada, also places fire, accident and automobile insurance in reliable companies. Phone 1046w. 9.6-3mo. Tire Revairing | | FOR BALE ™---- PONY AND | excellent condition. Articles For Sale ABROPLUANE ~ LINEN =~ STRONG: ost and best obtainable for shirts, waists, window hangings, dresses, ote. ete. $1.00 per yard while it lagts. - The Army Store, 21 Prince Street, 130t.1, BABY CARRIAGE AND BABY Sleigh ----~ With hood, good as new, cheap for quick sale. Apply 102 Elgin Street West of Church Street, ! 120-¢ BUANKETS, MENS . FLANNEL Work Shirts, Riding Breeches, Put tees, Leggings, Grey Greatcoats, un- dyed, $9.00 each. One leather coat and one leather vest. Lowest prices, The Army Stores, 21 Prince Street, ma + 120-1, FOR BALE -- A NEW TENT 10 by 12, also bed couch, almost new, Will sel. at reasonable price. Apply 175 Calina Street. f 1R22-a FOR BALE -- 15 TON OF TIMOTHY hay, A 1 quality, at $20 ton deliv- ered, W., F. Scott, Columbus, Tele- phone 289r16. . 115-tf FOUR PURE BRED PARTRIDGE Rock Cockerels for sale cheap, Ap- ply E. Smith, 97 Colborne East, Phone 639, 119-c FOR SALE -- FIREPROOF SAFE, large size. "Apply Standard Bank of Canada, Oshawa. A22-tf COM- plete outfit, including brass mount- ed harness, buggy and cutter, all in Box 395, Osh- awa, : 119-tt pum -------------------- ° Rates for Classis NOW IN tions, 75 cents. order--No exceptions can be ad Ads 25 words or under: | insertion 40 cents; two con. secutive insertions, 60 cents; three consecutive inser- Over 25 words; 11; cents a word first insertio.., % cent a word each subsequent insertion. The above rates are subject to a DISCOUNT FOR CASH OF 331-3 PER CENT. To get this discount cash positively must accompany With Discount for CASH EFFECT SS / made to this rule. FOR SALE -- FIRST CLASS TIM- othy and clover hay, by the ton. For further particulars apply J. N. Thickson. 119-n ONE SET STAIRS - - GBORGIAN Pine stringers, Bireh treads, one door, half glass. Cheap. 21 Prince Street, 7 120-t.1. FOR BALE --HORSE, DELIVERY wagon and delivery sleigh, set of harness; cheap Tor guick sale. Apply to Henry Wilkins, North Oshawa. Me 120-¢ Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building: Also storage for cars, Day phone 552J, night 5562W. Rut son Road North. 91-t.1, Farms Wanted FARMS WANTED -- WE BUY, sell and exchange farms, town. or city properties. Let us have partic- ulars. We answer promptly. E. Trull, sales manager, [mperial Real- ty Co., 167 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. Tues. & Thurs. to Feb. 16 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -- BRIGHT, well decorated store, can be bought very reasonable, including fittings, eleetric light, ete., ete. Good chance for young man, low price. Ask us. Oshawa House & Land Co. 122-¢ GREAT CHANCE FOR BUSINESS, Splendid store, centre Oshawa, just vacant. Act quick. Apply 38 Sim- coe North: Oshawa House & Land Co. 122-¢ Real Estate for Sale 4 BUSINESS LOOKING BRIGHTER --Expect considerable real estate ac- tivity in 1922. Invest in some gooa lots now and make money. Oshawa House & Land Company, 38 Simcoe. North. WANTED TO RENT ---- FIRST class house or apartment, either fur- nished or unfurnished. Must modern and in good locality. H. Flagg, Commercial Hotel. 12 ~ Show Cases FOR SALE--SHOWCASES, WALL cases and general store fixtures at lowest prices. A posteard will bring our representative to call on you. See us before buying else- where. Royal Cabinet Co., 119 Lis- gar St., Toronto. 119-1m Auction Sale BANKRUPT STOCK OF MAX WwW. Greenburg, consisting of the eatire stoek-in-trade of dry goods, cloth- ing and gents' furnishings, will be held on the premises, 30 Simcoe St. Oshawa, en Thursday, the 26th Jan- uary, 1922, at one o'clock p. m. Terms cash. The Union Trust Com- pany, Limited, Authorized Trustee, Toronto, James Bishop, Auctioneer, Oshawa. = ree i Board and Room UNFURMSHED APARTMENT TO let -- Apply Ropm 7, Bradley Block; or Phone 169, Oshawa. 122-¢ be H. Oshawa for Port Hope at 6.30 p.m. Friday and will return immediately after the game. Tickets may be se- cured at Stephenson's, 3 King Street East, or at Welsh's store; King St. West, - also ensilage, |' : | STOCK =|for this city a stock salesman. Must! | be experienced. "Don't forget a special train leaves |. Lost and Found Legal Notices LOST--A MONTH AGO, BUT JUST recently missed, a lady's parasol with sterling silver engraved han- dle. Finder kindly leave at 52 Sim- coe, South, Reward. 122-h LOST--BETWEEN Road and I. R. taining sum of please return to Reward. 326 VERDUN Steel's, purse con- money. Finder 326 Verdun Road. '1214 Bs bmn WOULD THE PARTY WHO PICKED up. a revolver on Canadian Nationa) train arriving at Oshawa December 27, midnight, please return to Cana- dian National Express office Oshawa and receive reward. 114-11 Help Wanted--Female WAITRESS = WANTED, -- APPLY Central Cafe. APPLY (120¢) WANTED----LADY OVER 2§ YEARS of age, of good personality, whe would appreciate a position of r sponsibility. One who is not afraid of meeting the public. Apply P.O. Box 302, giving full information. 122-11 | To Rent BY DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEA Assembly hall, suitable for gener purposes. Good entrance, well lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen sink, connections for electric stove H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North. 119-1 TO RENT---SIX ROOMED BRICK house in good loeality, near Kin Si. school. Garage, electric and fixtures. Phone 452W or 8744. 122.¢ T™O FRONT OFFICES AND down stairs shop with good light, suitable for barber shop and baths. H. Engel. 16 Simcoe North, 308. 119-if HOUSE TO REN1.--APPLY 0. R. Hall. 'Phone 252. 97s Help Wantea--Male SALESMAN Wit WA. rang. We have an exce tionally strong proposition in which sales are easily made. Men averag ing $90 a week on minimum s: daily. Strong co-operation furnished. Write for particulars ana give references. Red Arrow Limited, Peterborough, Ontario 1.6 WANTED -- GOOD STOCK SALE men for, geod proposition. giving éxperience and phone er to Box "J" Reformer. WANTED num- 125-a MEN AND WOMEN. Apply to F.- Syms. Room Number 5.1! Standard Bank Building, Ontario. 111-1 WANTED GOOD, HONEST business man, with little capital. to £0 into partnership. For particu! ars apply L. K. Boskoff, Ontaric House, Port Hope, Ont., Box 9X. Oshawa, OH, THE BOWERY! A wonderful singer was Mamie Me Gee, - Bhe never was known te get ol the key. She never was known to get off --aw, gwan'! How could she get off when she never got on! --Vaudeville News. Immediate possession, ! Phone! Tires, i Apply IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT LAUGHLIN, deceased. The creditors of Rohert McLaugh- lin, late of the Town of Oshawa, in Me- { world needs to-day is a vision - | wigion of the need of a lost , Christ to meet the County of Ontario, deceased, who- {died on or about the 23rd day of {vember, 1921, and all others nus claims against, or entitled to in, 'the estate, are hereby notified to isend by post prepaid or otherwise taeliver to the undersigned, one the Executors of the Estate, Christian names, address scriptions, and full particnlirs of their claims, accounts or interoat and the nature of the securities, i any, held by them. Immediate! ter the said 28th. day of Jaunary 1922 the assets of the said T¢ 1 will be distributed amongst ties entitled thereto, havi: only to claims or interests of the undersigned shal! then notice, and all others «ill he eo: ed from the said distribution NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Limit King St.,. East, Toronto, 3. D. Conant, Barrister, etc, Oshawa, Ont. Solictor for the Executors Dated at Oshawa, this 7th day January, 1922, Jan 10-17 Na of their and de whie clad 22 (8) here NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of doha T. Gould, Dec dd. Notice is hereby 1 persons having any ¢ mands against the Ia Gould, who died th day of December, { Town of Oshawa, in the C Provinee of Ontarin, are regan to send by post pre-paid or deli [to the undersigned the executor u der the said will, their an ddresses and full ¢ writing of their claims and. ments of their accounts nature of the seeurities jj LE NOTICE he first day of March, -undersigned will pr tribute the assets o coased, among the | thereto, having re { claims of which he had notice, and that liabie for the said "i part thereof to any person of w claim he shall not then have rece! 19 weed persons ent d only shall then he wil assets or 1, ed notice. 13th day of January, 1422 M. G. V. GOULD, Royal Chambers, Bowmanville, Miss McPhail will wear her sc dress at the opening of parliament i It would be nice now if Mr. Nia zie King would wear his nateh.--Kinecardine Review. Chicago's claim that be uty lors are dens of vice may be a extravagant, but, nevertheless crime what some of them d taelir patrons.-- Buffalo Exp Great Britain is a suceorer of the weak and ressed. again promised to come to the Belgium if the latter is wm ably attacked. --Gudiph ler Christmas is gone, but there i reason why its spirit should nat con {tinue indefinitely. Star. It Indianapoiis | {| preaching to him than she has now. | RELIGIOUS RALLY LARGELY ATTENDED Visiting Clergymen Deliver In- epiving Messages, Sunday and Monday---Concludes Tonight The convention which opened Sun- day morning in the Christian Work- ers' Church, Athol Street, under the wugpices of the Christian and Mis- wary Alliance, is heing attended with great success. Sessions werg held on Sunday and yesterday after- noon and evening, while the closing and erowning meeting takes place to-night, and will be devoted. to foreign mission work, The Christian and Missionary Al Hanee was orgenized 30 years ago by Dr. A. B, Simpson, a noted Pres Hyterian minister, the president be- itz the famous Paul Rader, late of the Moody Church, At this conven: tion two prominent officials of thy Alliance, Rev, A. W, Roffe, super. fntendent in Canada, and Rey, Os wald J. Smith, of the Alliance Taher: nacle, Toronto, are the speakers. An other prominent speaker, and a wo- man with a wonderful message from the Indian mission field, is Mrs, Cut lor. The latter has spent 30 years in India. A Visicn Is Speaking on Sunaa; Mr. Roffe declared that Needed morning Rev, what = the th world provision made in that need. the evening Rev. Mr. Roffe rge congregation from d Reuben Lived." nc hare. must he a quiek of the profes- 1o-dav the t to Christ. Oswal and the ample In spoke to adne i that « 2 of the mi he story of the great country roat reg GRIFFITH AS IRISH LEADER \ v3 1 Stery ) te The prison for While Griffith personality enters the n s Michael r cabinet as ed { Hite to listen ript. F: rs e opposed by a Methodists. Naturally average man doesn't want to give man any more opportunities ' L:o? { Jackie (Continued from page 6) you?" thought Bowman. 'You wait a bit my Pago friend!" A day had heen lost in transit ow- ending yesterday. It was Thursday to-day and the time was ten o'clock. Bowman had promised to take Milly Winters for a joyride into the country. Without troubling to let her know of his change of plan he mofored to London instead, hiring the car and chauffer for the day. With Jackie in view he was indif- ferent to the «expense, Moreover, he thought he saw a way of making Sas- soni pay for it. _.As a showman, Bow- man knew all about getting back on the swings which he might lose on the roundabouts, He would teach the greasy blighter to blackmail him! Five pounds for just an address? Why, a private detective wouldn't have the face to ask all that! Not that detectives were much in Bow- man's line, For reasones of his own he had an instinctive dislike of the professional sleuth. As for Sassonf, when he had served his purpose he could be ignored. Greasy foreigners weren't meant to he treated straight, didn't expect jt, didn't deserve it. Sitting beside the chauffer he whistled blithely on his way up to town. He felt sure he was at last about to run Jackie and Benny to earth and he felt very much as a fer- rot must on approaching a rabbit warren. He promised himself good sport, the hest of sport. They shonid scvieal, those two. As for Milly, silly, faithful Tittle fool, he'd take her out for a jaunt to-morrow, or maybe tell her to go to the devil. He wasn't guite sure which, Sometimes her slavish devotion flattered him; at others it mérely hored. For many weeks now Milly had { since that night. walk | marry 1 on { man, it | believe that he me | spite of the splendid ring on her t} ! finger ++ 1 of Bowman's intentions, just as some- ! man. | ring | huve afforded real of | been living in a fool's paradise. Ever with in Poole Park her world somed afresh. She had heen able to overyule her father's objections and cautious when she proudly flashed a diamond ring before his eyes, and convinced his it was a sign that Bow- man was at last about to.make repart- tion for his past treatment of her Not that Winter wanted Milly to him. He would far rather geen her the wife of young But as she scemed bent herseif away on Bow- was some faint consolation to nt to act honestly hy her in the future. Sometimes, in hin he found himself mistrustfu! have Measurer. hrowi | gage like My. , Bowman | had blos- | good enough for a cheap littl e bag- It happened to be her birthday that day, and the proposed joyride 'was to have "been Bawman's oblation to ° it. As it grew later and neither he nor the car turned up at the appoint- ed time, she started for the garage thinking that he might be waiting there for her. On her way she met (leorge Mea- surer. 8he would have passed on with a word and a nod, but he stop- ped her. Milly's preferenéd for her burly, bullying manager as against this young, clean-living man, who in addition was a gentleman, was one of those queer feminine perversions which haffle the psychologist and keep the divorce court bisy. Here was Measurer, pleasant to look ou, honourable-minded, engaging, at- tractive, to whom she could give nothing 'beyond a lukewarm liking; whereas Bowman, Heaven knows why or how, had lit a furnace in her heart fal too fierce for her gautle temper- ament, one that would never go out until it had consumed her. "I was just coming to wish you 'many happy returns," said Measurer. "And also to tell you that I met the guv"nor just now in a car. He sheut- ed that he'd heen called up to town and asked me to let you know. He says he may not be back to-night. His understudy is to take his place If he isn't." TO BE CONTINUED JOHN BULL STEADFAST Simcoe former: Our ®merican neighbors are long on talk of grati- tude to France, and flush with prom- ises of what they are willing to do for her. But apparently the only one in sight willing to turn a prom. ise into a negotiable security 4s Uncle John Bull. Say I with Flowers F. H. COX Florist. Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs a speciality. 36, Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. © Phone 886 times even doubted value of fhe ring itself. were g0 dead white no magic lights. the intrinsic The stones They gave out They were in truth paste of the most specious kind. Bowman, in {love or otherwise, was not the man to | bestow genuine jewellery on any wo- | solitaire in hiz own and as he himself The huge was a sham, between the real and the cour he assumed that others were equally unenlightened. If sham jewellery was good enough for him who eould it was. certainly | | S-I-G-N-S | | | High Class Workmanship | Assured | E. H. TANE | 91 Wilkinson Ave. fr Travel Talk on India The Great Empire within the Empire. LYMAN B. JACKES with Wonderful Pictures and the Latest Facts. OSHAWA HIGH SCHOOL Jan. 27th, at 8 p. Tickets 35c¢. Re-organization Meeting J. Beavis C. Hubbel H. Weed E. Gillette The committee accounts aga requesis al! nsi the Association Ali members and, ex-members of the G.W.V.A. are requested to attend a de-organization meeting THURSDAY, JAX. 26th, at 8 pan. in the Club Room. Signed by c¢ommitiee pro. tem. E. J. Fraser E. Humphries C. Broom A. Gower merchants and others baving to send them in immediately to M. McCrossam, Sec'y pro tem ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- | age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for| sale. Jamieson Bres., Prgprietors. Phone 786. 11-tf BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS & Seymour, Engineering. Architecture and Surveying, 61 King St. East, wa, phone 793. 40 Jarvis St.. 'oronto. Phone Main, 2897. 39-41 Piano Tuner Phone 274J, will tune your piano so | that it really will play. 'Satisfaction' guaranteed. Pianos tuned singly or! annual contracts. 106-2m | Musical Instruction FRUITY Se ON TREENER, ATC. ] organist and choirmaster pod ad ing St. Methodist Church. is oY 10 accept a limited num of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etel, a en Saturdays at King St. M Church, or Phone 807]. 73-ine 30 AC. AM. TEACH- 4 BEEN A HAPPY DAY - CARE FREE AM NOT ' BY COLLY- THIS HAS VA CROSS WORD FROM. THOSE LE NOL MAILED FOR i ME LAST WEEK { WERE INVITATIONS TO A TEA PARTY I'M 3 SIVING TODAY -BUT MNO ONE HAD SHOWN TTERS | 1 i=NEw woz Cy HAPPY TO HAVE IT LAST I KNEW 10 FER - WAT THESE WHEN © 1921. or darL Featume SERVICE. Inc. cs © > L) By Geor=e McMaaous ---- - rs i a a