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Ontario Reformer, 4 Feb 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOURS News of Nearby Places EBENEZER Mr. Elmer Rundle, 18 spending a few days with his parents, A large number of friends here, attended the funeral of Wm. Cour- tice, at Bowmanville, Sunday after: noon. Miss Payne, Shaw's, spent day with Miss Vera Werry, : Miss Beryl Oke is spénding a week with her cousin, Miss Leta Pickell, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shortt, Tory Hill, are visiting his mother, Mr. Howard Courtice, of Ottawa, was at home attending his grand- father's funeral. Miss Iva Worden spent the week- end in Oshawa. Miss Ethel Brooks: spent Sunday at home. Mr. Walter Rundle was at home with his parents. Our Sunday services were well at- tended owing to 4he beautiful wea- Sun- ZION The league visited Oshawa Simcoe Street League on Monday night and had a very enjoyable time. Between forty and fifty attended and game a splendid program, corfsisting of read- ings, solos, instrumental music, and speeches. Miss Elva Pascoe 18 in with her uncle, Mr, Awde. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Robbins have returned from their honeymoon and have settled on the homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Robbins have moved to their farm on the concession north of the homestead, the prop- erty of Mr. John Copledge. Young people of the neighborhood gave Mr. and Mrs. Russel Robbins a surprise party and presentation on Thursday night, the present being a cnt glass berry howl. All had a nice evaning. Torguto -- ENNISKILLEN Methodist Chureh, officiated. Mrs. Walker visited in Oshawa on Visitors: Mr, Fowler, Kindersley, Saskatchewan, at his Hister's, Mrs, John McGill; Miss Edith Peardon, Kedron, at Mr. James A. Werry's; Mr. William Hamilton, Rochester, N.Y., at Mr. Frank Robbins'; Miss Laverne Grifiin, Bowmanville, at home; Miss Mary Brunt, Oshawa, at home; Mr. Taylor and Miss Nellie Taylor, Blackstock, at their sister's, Mrs. Sidney Trewin; Mr. and Mrs, John Cowling and little son Jack, Hampton, at Mr. Wm. Oke's; Mrs, John Orchard visited ner daughter, Mrs. Fred Heddon, Columbus; Mr, Francis Werry attended Boys' Con. terence at Cobourg; Mr. C'. B. Ash- ton visited in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Reid has purchased a new piano. Mr. Alan Stainton met with a ser jous accident while felling trees in Mr. Taylor's woods last Saturday, He received serious injuries to his nead and chest and was taken to Mr, John Avery's. Dr. Ferguson is at- tending him, He is some hetter at Wednesday. Arrangements are being made by the young people of the Presbyterian Chureh to hold a social in the near future, Mrs. A. C. Courtice, District Or- ganizer of Home and School addressed a meeting of parents Clubs, in the Township Hall on Friday even- ing last. had successful, byterian Chureh. a splendid address on James given hy of Toronto, as a club Her address of last week interesting suggestions ways and means of making to As a result of the meet. ing a social will be held some time in February in the school, when an interesting program will he given, The hirthday of the great Scottish Bard, Robert Burns, was celebrated hy the Scotechmen and lovers of the poet Wednesday evening: in the Pres. Burns I. Hughes, On this occasion was LL.D., The Faney Dress Carnival held at Mr. Strangway, of Clinton Street | They intend putting on a concert in Myrtle on February 20th. The funeral of Herbert Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Taylor, who died in Whithy Hospital on Sunday, took place on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. 0, Adams condifeted the serv- fee. Burial took place at Utlea. A large congregation attended service here on Sunday evening, The sermon was unusually impressive, The duet by Mrs. and Miss Adams. was much appreciated. The quarterly service will he held on Sunday morning at 10.30. The Quarterly Board will meet in the basement of the Columbus Methodist Chureh on Tuesday afternoon, Feh- ruary 7th, We are glad to learn that Mrs. Me- Caul's sister is out of immediate dunger. We trust wnat the improve: ment will continue until 'a complete recovery is made. Miss Adams' theory class ( gre trying their exams. in Ladies' College this week, them success. Several men are surveying the . musie) Whithy We wish 4 " Grand Concert sbivininieniedeininirodoiesuiesbiminisinisdniniili dis uls dui duiodinirinieiidd Celebrated Artists 4 under the auspices of The Local Council of Women LJ at SIMCOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH - 'OSHAWA Thursday, Feb, 9th, at 8,00 p.m. JOSEPHINE MARTINO Cm fo 0 toss 2. AR - 5 OR joule! 2 3 footed fede ood fede fe 0 PI Ew) PI I I I I a Bd SI ae a a a Je Se eR folede! 2 Seefode eee eode det eed 2 ogee Concert Soprano. Trained under Caruso and other { Brooklin rink on Thursday evening masters. A re-creation artist for the Edison people. | of last week, was attended hy a very *| large crowd and was one of the most main road from Whitby to Manches- ter. This ought to be a good time for our Councillor and Reeve to get Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron enter- tained a4 few friends to tea on Wed- nesday evening. h time of writing and will be moved ther, to-the home of his sister, Mrs, E. C Ashton, as soon as able, PRE X " RR "NORTH OSHAWA The evening services in the Sun- diay School continue to he well at- tended and Mr. Gilchrist ably filled! Messrs. Ted Chant, Anson Bal» son, and Frank Pascoe attended the Boys' Conference at Cobourg and re- port having had a real good time. services on Sunday. Rev. G.T. Mc- did sermons. The choir sang | suecessful aver held here. A goodly number were out to hoth| (her was ideal and a very large num- The following smallest ber were in Kenzie delivered another of his splen=i wore the prize costume, winners: The wen- busy to further the interest of our sidewalk hetween the two Myrtles. Mrs. L.. Tordif entertained a num- ber of her friends last Thursday. Her voice is one of intrinsic sweetness and beauty, of remarkable range and power, ARMANDA LUCI tosfososte EE A a we) » Sy I J I I J 2 Joelolosfosferioiodier] aB~| child on skates, Murray After the guests had participated in various games all the men were put in a separate room, carefully "sheet- ed," then brought out for auction. Talk about 'buying a pig in 1a bag." It was nothing compared to bidding on these disguised beings. Mr. O. Downy acted as auctioneer. This plan of choosing an evening partner caused a great deal of merrimen?. Choice refreshments were served. A { hearty vote of thanks was tendered | Mr. and Mrs. Tordif for their enter» : Robinson; Anson gave an outline of the con- ference at the league in Oshawa on Monday night. We hope to hear the other boys in a speech soon. | ial the speaker's chair at last Sunday's meeting, Many present expressed i desire to hear him again as soon | as possible, The ladies are now busily employ- ed degigning and preparing boxes for | the hox social to he held in fhe Sun- day School Feb. 9th. Sunday being a fine day the people Two members of the community, | turned out to the services. At the Mrs. Wm. Glover and Gerald Scott, | Sunday School in the afternoon 118 who fare at present in the Oshawa were present. Hospital, are now making favorable Mrs. Fred Courtice is improving progress to recovery. They have tha | after 'her serious illnesss. best wishes of their many friends. Mrs. A. F. Rundle is able to he As'a result of falling on the ice |out again. : Miss Myrtle Farley has been confin- Mr. and Mrs. Everett ed to the house with a severely | hahy is still very ill. sprained ankle, | Mrs. Harry Phair is at Oshawa A number from North Oshawa i waiting on her mother, who is very took advantage of the special Dol-! ill lar Day attractions and several as-| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and Mr, pired to capture the Mysterious Miss | and Mrs. Jesse Arnott visited with Dollar. relatives over Sunday. foidoeles them "Grant Us Thy Peace," M18. | most original costume, Miss Vera Cousins and Mr. John Slemon taking! Harris; best fancy dress couple, Bd- the duet in the anthem. gar Croxall, Ruby Kivell; best na- (lad to see Mr. H. Stevens outljonal costume, Mrs, Eddy. The fun again after his recent illness. | of the evening hegan about nine o'~ The Young Men's Class met al the! clock when the barrel race took home of their president, Lloyd Ash- | place. There were a number of cons ton, last Monday evening, when the] testants, the prize winner heing Clar- following officers were elected: prés-| ence RReeson. The young people are ident, Mr, Roy Mc@ill; vice-president, | looking forward to another carnival Harvey McGill; secretary, Gordon!in the near future. Werry; treasurer, Jack Smith. Com-| On Tuesday night last ihe Pi . Hid f 3 is icker- | tainment. Qittees: I, nti inh Sith: Frandis|ing hockey boys invaded BrookMn | rere d ' 4 L, FL owit p | INF a J Walteps' | HOFFing; Convener Sport, Russel Mes wits ther lon Of CAIEYINg hack | pINE BILL OF ATTRACTIONS alters'! Laughlin, -- Auditors: Lloyd Ashton. But theirplans did unt materialize | ATMARTINE THEATRE and Arthur Brunt, {and the final scora was quite the |. Te salt air of the sea blows a reverse, Brooklin being on the long through the powerful story of "Dr. lend of a 7-1 score. The game was|9/M~' the Universal special attrac- TAUNTON "fast and clean, boii teams playing | 10 starring Frank Mayo, which wil i good hockey, On Friday evening |DP¢ Shown Monday, Tuesday and Wed- Mr. Bert Northcott was at Lind=igGiaremont's fast team came to|P°5da2y at Martin's Theatre. From say recently attending the funeral of! grookii ray tan he waxed floors that are trod by the i Brooklin and were defeated by the|,' " H this romantic quality a simple mat- a relative. | Brooklin team by a score of 5-4. four hundred to the slippery decks =~ a quality a simp at-| Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton spent | This was one of the best games play-| °F & four-master in the waters of (el. . : : ekih Sunday with ber mother, Mrs. John ed here this year. Brooklin has a, "oPic seas, the action of a strongj IFrank Mayo has done good work | Lander, Oshawa. ( fine rink. It is right on the mill pond drama of marriage, written for Mr. | hefore, hut this performance is above Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher and and electric lighted and boarded up | Maye hy Stuart Paton, takes es] suyihing Je Jas ever ofiered. Oppo- children, and Miss Beatrice Leach, at the sides. The rink 1s well-light- DRISO: irr s ; | 81 him Claire Windsor is winsome isited at Ashb led and is really a eredit to the vil Dr. Jim" is an eminent surgeon | and quite natural as the wife, while visited at Ashburn, . ol lage, The Fibk this hn oy "| with a penchant for heeding the | Herbert Heyes holds the attention Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Glaspell bave Lon Tost oa or 18 DEINE | 11005 of tiny sick children before | in his scenes as the despicable skip- heen quite ill for several weeks, but Re. patronize . Bach skating night | 4h inking of his wife's claims upon | per are improving. P a large cro present to y . i I p B = enjoy this winter sport. i him. Ww hen he negle cts her, she be- | About 40 members of Zion Ep- «omes dissatisfied, and, in imagin-| at worth League visited Oshawa Simcoe TER ation, is forlorn and neglected presented a high class vaudeville fea- Street Epworth League. and report - MYRTLE. ! A breakdown sends the doctor to} ture 'Murphy's Love Hunters," a having had a good time. Lhe 4 ibe 8 | the Southern seas, and his wife ae-! rollicking musical comedy with fif- Sg Le ie foreman of the Shantymen's | companies him. On the ship they (teen artists. They will 4 Mr. and Mrs, Russel Robbins have, Club entertained the men at the | bave chartered is a crew of Yough|eco b ey wil present 2! ping or any of the other fascinating returned home from a two weeks | ough | complete change of program every : 1close of the actice i char canta si br aE 4 ] *¥ | attractions of the great outdoor life. reddi tri practi on Monday | characters captained by a man with-| evening, with a bushel of laughs in | , wedding trip. Sy jevening. The interest and numbers out soul or mercy. This skipper is|every act 2 ugh: The February issue is now on sale { Mrs. Elizabeth Bowins has been|are growing from week to week. Be- | handsome enough, however, in the y y ; = a the hook stands. Rod and Gun In quite ill, but is much better, at tima tween thirty and forty responded to | light of a yellow moon---and the hus-| Chauffeur Harry----Let's hold | Spada is published wionihly by W. {of writing. {the roll call at the last meeting. | band's illness makes the emphasis of | that week-end party UPJ. Taylor, Limited, Publisher, Wood- WwW A Quite a number in this neighbor- | J ? e ne ay, e PY hood have sore throats. and. yery bad | .| stock, Ont. | colds. | Mrs. Elizabeth Lander. Oshawa,' spent Sunday with Mrs. John Corn-| ish. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lavis, and { Donald, visited at Mr. William Lav-! | 8's, Whithy, on Sunday { | Mr. William Fice has been busy | | Violinist--A pupil of the greatest teachers Miss Florence Jane Stage Accompanist and Piano Soloist of marked ability and with "an artistic understanding of her music, which, combined with a lightness of touch and excellent phrasing charms her audience." TICKETS--75¢c and 50c--One-half what you pay in Toronto for the same class of Concert--on sale by members of The Local Council and at the door. Pro- ceeds in aid of National Sanitarium at Gravenhurst. COME AND ENJOY THIS TREAT SoA A A A Ae A rele beaten] " outed i " COURTICE. * Bb " - k RY o L oy * k L » ' - o o " +] K R " E RB " k o o k p " 4 R E LC o o K " " RB " p " ¥, K 3 d 3 J o oe to J 3 3 bo o . 3 3 3 J 3 . 3 gq 3 3 3 3 3 " 3 3 3 3 3 b 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 ootededd " Sofood Sostodfonlosfoslonfoslodefolefedoded Joulentedoalonfeels a Joo " 3; L " # ", L k rk " " * ' N . . v 3 . 3 3 . 3 3 bo 3 3 EE EE oa | & 3 BD Solel le pp lp AA dots Ca a at ae 1 | "ROD AND GUN" OUT. me Readers of outdoor fiction will ex- amine with interest the February Rod and Gun In Canada, This issue of the popular sporting monthly con- tains stories by such well-known au- thors as Harry M. Moore, Raymond Thompson, George L. Catton, George Gilbert and the regular contribut- ors, Bonnycastle Dale, A. Bryan Wil- liams, J. W. Winson and F.V. Wil- liams. The various departments are up to their usual high standard and there is a special department for every sporting man whether his hobby runs to guns, fishing, trap- A PUBLIC MEETING OF LIBERALS Will be held in the Council Chamber, Whitby on In addjtion to the film program Martin's Theatre, there will be il at 2 p.m, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Great Liberal Convention IN TORONTO At which a Leader for the Liberal Party in Ontario will be elected Ine Tr ---- --------", mma LTT LT i I i | cutting wood for his neighbors with] his sawing outfit. Mr. Joe Chinn entertained {of their friends recently. 2h a few mu $+ o0 boat, Street Car, [Tadial ; or by Train -ItsAlithe Same! » Thousands of miles of first anniversary of their marriage! ce {on Sunday last Alt the childrea Fr Travel are now ) | were present and presented their ' : parents with 2 gramaphone, 4 good being given by 14 progressive Oshawa Merchants through themediumo FREE TRAVEL | Mr. and Mrs. Wilson many happy re- "See Canada First" SERVICE turns of the day. { Mr. H. Reynolds and Gordon mot- ored to Forrestville to make arrange- The installation of this new service is an honest endeavor on the part of 14 progressive Oshawa merchants to en- courage in a tangible way the spirit to "build up your community" by shopping at home and growing with the community. Local and out-of-town customers may now share in the profits of these stores, through the medium of Free Travel. which VRS Onl. ir A | BASE LINE WEST | Mr. H. Reynold's sale passed off| | | I | very successfully on Thursday, of last | week. A good crowd of leading far-| LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED | mers attended. Auctioneer Maw cone; {ducted it in his usual able wanner, | ! Mr. Reynolds will move to his new! {farm as soon as possible. Mr. R.! i Hoar is moving this week to thie | { farm and will oceupy a part of the { house with Mr. Reynolds till he | leaves it. Farmers around the Marsh strong- !1ly object to hunters trespassing om ®: their premises with ferrets and guns. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson. of Port Whitby, celebrated their fifty-! South Ontario Liberal Association W. A. DRYDEN, J. C. MeGILL, President Secretary / 2 p- 3 b Cdn. 7d ~ abi Sout Vil i lig, When You Buy a Battery A little thought before you buy your bat- tery may save considerable worry afterward. The subject of insulation is wortia special Study because it is the principal point of dif- erence in automobile storage batteries. . i : . : On Tuesday evening, February 1, . Wood insulation- -used in many batteries: -- the Mission Band of the Methodist' ~ 18 a matural product and is never strictly uni- | Chureh will give an entertainment in form even after the most careful chemical ithe basement of the Church. Be treatment. Threaded Rubber Insulation is j sube lf manufactured in a standardized way from 1. On Bupea¥ : z ala. A : will be admipistered in coupmection ions. materi and every piece is ex- with the morming service of the actly 4 Methodist. Church. In the evening; If you assure yourself of Willard Threaded Rev. E. W. Rowland will conclude" Rubber Insulation when you buy your battery his series of sermons on, "If a Mam " you have taken the most necessary step 10 | Dies Shall He Live Again." ; secure battery value. We'll tell vou On Monday evening, February 6th, gladly y the Official Board of the Methodist why Threaded Rubber Insulation returns most miles of uninterrupted service for every " BROOKLIN ments to move onto their farm short you will reeeive with purchases at these stores and TRAVEL FREE There is no limit to the number of miles of travel you may receive--no red tape--no strings--no extra cost--you pay nothing extra for these travel coupons in one way or another--they are free--absolutely! You may travel free anytime, any distance, any direction and on any railway line, or upon any steamship line through the medium of "See Canada First" Free Travel Service. : Shop In The Following Stores and ask For Cou These stores present Free Travel in the form of coupons, there being two coupons--a one-mile coupon, which is given with every dollar spent and which entitles the receiver to a mile of Free Travel when redeemed; a half mile coupon, en- titling the holder to one-half mile of Free Travel, is given with every fifty-cent purchase or over. Each store issues and redeems its own Free Travel coupons. When you have the necessary coupons for the trip planned, . take them to the stores from which they have beem issued and get your fare. There is but one condition in the distribution of this Free Travel YOU MUST ASK FOR YOUR COU PONS--~that's easy enough, isn't it? Coupons are redeemable anytime at place of issue. Eventually you'll take a trip--Save the coupons. W. HB. EARN HENDERSON BROS. Migh Glass Stationery The 18 King Street E. morning Sacrament Church will meet at 8 p.m. in the basement of the church. . battery dollar. Dr. Jawes 1. Hughes was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratcliffe while in the village. Mrs. McCombe has left to join her husband in Ottawa. . ! Mr. Rewben Hortop. of Oshawa, | was home last week for several days, 1amtending his father, who is quite ill. Ontario Battery Service Station or + 7 CHURCH »T. OSHAWA. Official Service Station of the JURY & LOVELL: Established 1856 ARTHUR O. FELT 4 . Blau Sieur dewellor and Watchmaker King Street. Fast 22 King St. F. LUKE BROS, Complete Bome Furnishers 63 King Street East Established 18:8 - " A. L. HAVERSOX C. W. DETENBECK biosihin musical numbers. The doors open at 6 p.m.. when there | Sl F. FLINTOFF & SONS a of plain and fancy ar- | Hardware Merchant icles and home-made candy. Bw-} 15 Ming St. Ww. yone come and enjoy a good com- Men's Clothing & Furnishings 6 King St. E. THE JOHNS PIANO STORE Jone WW. ATKINSON MEAT MARKET Phonographs, Records. Fic. Simcoe St. NX. of | at Groveside last. Rev.

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