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Ontario Reformer, 16 Feb 1922, p. 9

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 PAGE FIVE ---- a -- _-- Dental «Articles For Sale Farms For Sale . PR, T. 0. OLDMENCE, DENTIST, FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLBAN| ABROPLANE LINEN + STRONG: | FARM FOR SALE---ABOUT SEV Bonspiel Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, dry building. Also storage for ears. | ost and hest obtainable for shirts, |enty-five acres, five miles from Osh- 4 " gS WwW (Continued from page 4) * 19 King St. West. Phone 231, |Day phone 5562J, night 862W. Rit | waists, window hangings, - dresses, awa, Good buildings. Land all hoe X 5 sun Road North. BILE) ote, ow. $3.00 per yard while if (plowed. Apply A. W. Wh Ormerod... 3, § By l 5 9 " SE. ======| lasts. Th | R.R. No, 2. 81- b DR. R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- | To Rent ate. e Army Store, 21 Prince R.R No. 2 = 131-1 Moore shoB. MaEwhll Tak 10 ley Block, Simcoe St. S. . Phone 504. | EY DAY WE iT, 1201.2, 3. Mazwhil 89-tt| BY DAY, WEBK, MONTH of YEAR |BUILDING FOR SALK---SUITABLE Farms Wanted MeLAUGHLIN CU¥ N | Assembly hall, suitable for general |for garage, twelve feet by ninetecn FTARMS WANTED -- WB BUY. Third Round DR. T, 8. TUCKER-DENTIST, OF: | purposes, Good entrance, well |feet. Matched siding, two windows | | ois WANTED -- WE BUY, f | Peterboro Takefyeld DG &l v " : fice over Hogg and Lytle's store, ' lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen, | metal root; Price $50. Call phone ol Sud, exchunsy. Jurme,. ova Sf |H, Foote sk 3 J. Ridpath sk 16 ¢ 25 CuT OFF PRICE OF EVERY Phone 948, 1-yr.| sink, connections for electric stove |280r1-4. The Canada Flour & Seed i J ; ulars. We answer promptly. 1, |Oshawa Nupuance 3 PLOT WE OWN ANYWHERE DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; | o. bngel, 16 Simcoe North, 119-1m (Co, Oshawa. . 131-0 | Pryll, sales manager, Imperial Real- Johnston sk 10 C. Maybee sk 12 ne's G ftore, HOUSE T0 RENT--FURNACE|FOR SALE -- A CHAMPION RANGE | ty Co., 187 Yonge Street, Toronto, | Agincourt Agincourt Phone 959, Grocery Sloe: light and water. "Apply 676 Mill St. [coal or woody in good condition hc: | Ont. | Taos & Thurs to Fen 1 [R. Greene sk 11 Thompion sk § ' Phone 959. 4-1 yr. ' if Beli JME adit A on t e ay | cme ririevielosiesdadeddorieddedonioforieds - Joofecfocte de K 3 tos! 2. 0 2. v ». foie os} foudosleed foul eS jo. - hie ; EATON CUP--Consolation DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE OFFICES FOR =RENT--A SUITE 182) Houses Wanted ries TI ound Lovell Stare, Of three fully modern equipped of-| FOR SATE -- 7 PIRCE PARLOR | WANTED TO BUY FIVE OR--Six | he ) TR foi ' Quer Jury. and Lavell's Drug. Stare | fices for rent. Above Standard |syite, "Apply 201 Bond East, 132-a a o ok -- Ris ». Henly 2k. 10 Campbell ok 3 We are co-operating with the Ontario Gov- Bank, Phone 89 for particulars, NEW PMRFECTION COAL OIL |iculars in first lotter, Apply Box y+ | Btouliville ernment in an Honest Effort to Reduce Prices, to DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- KN- | pas Lan 23--1m gi ve for sale, 3 hurners and oven. | Reformer. 131. | Banders sk 15 W, Crowle sk 13 make Employment and bring Prosperity for all. trance to offica one door east of TWO FRONT ~~ OFFICES AND |cheap if sold quickly, 0 | = ee | UNhawa Ouhawa The wonderful growth of the export busi- also sOmA| =m EEET Tes RH ; ; ) Detenbeck's Store. [down stairs shop with good light, !cooking utensils. 227 Dearborn Ave, Rug Weaving YA Cont wks A Lambere'sk 9 ness. of General Motors, added to the splendid business the town has enjoyed of late years in the sn itabl . A hie TTR ca scasemat: 1 JEONG Hope Oshawa | suitable for barber shop and baths 131-b RUG ~ WEAVING OLD CARPETS | p. a RD a 18 | home market, makes our REAL ESTATE the best investment possible. Your. values are secure and Medical | M. Boge), 16 Simcoe North, Phone BLANKETS, MENS FLANNE], re-woven into reversible rugs by well Oshawa Oshawa your gains good. 119-48 | work: Shires, Riding Breeches, Put ! " » = known Toronto firm, Leave your am Va DR. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN HOUSE TO RENT.--APPLY O. R.| (ces, Leggings, Grey Greatcoats, un. [address with C. 1B Aldsworth. as |F: E- Bllis sk 14 Hodgins wk 19 Your profits will not be subject to Income Tax. and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, | Hall. Phone 262. D7 | dyed, $9.00 each, Ono leather coat |Athol St. East, 'Phone No. 549, and | Oshawa : ok 4 og ak 14 Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110-1yr S RENT; o] 3| and one leather vest. Lowest prices. (representative will call on you with | Moore = s + Sith 3 [light and water.--Apply, 576 Mill St, [The Army Stores, 21 Prince Street. sample rug and supply information, | Oshawa Locust: Hill We may withdraw the offer at any time at 7 days' notice by advertisment in the local news- paper. Atotiindth hol AEN Se YT [Phone 1017], 131-b | Apply 113 Simcoe St. N., Phone 8 | == RRTRN Jedd I BBE DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- or 'Phone 1017J. 130¢ 120-1, {3h { Germond sk i Regio sk 14 geo, Accoucher, Office and resi- =------==gz== SS - EGGS FROM HEAVY LAYING a reser: | Aberdeen or ope ; dence, King St. East, corner Victoria | : Work Wanted White Leghorns Headed by prize Brandon sk 12 Morrow sk 13 Bt.,, Oshawa. Phene 94, YOUNG LADY (ENGLISH) DESIRES (winner, especially mated for winter MR, METCALFE WILL SELL hv | Claremont Stouftville : BB 73 BLOOR ST u position, in Oshawa, as Children's |layers. $1,50 setting. Dickie. 339 auction at the market Saturday at 3 R. Besse sk w. Mather sk 6 DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 B o (Nurse; experienced. --Address, Miss King Kast. 131-¢ (1m, cash register, fruit counter, groc- Searboro West Toronto East, Toronto, will be at Jury & @awards, Port Whithy. 129g | 7 SALE ; REE Lob aon : CRS. R | Crawford sk Halliday sh 11 Lovell's Drug Store each Saturda 4 Wi EB FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, |er counter, large show case, smal} pu- | 4 p 3 'eg *eterboro . . POSITION WANTED -- REFINED !in first class shape, $350 cash, per bag holder and shelves. Horse and | Scarboro Pe 2 from 11 An. lo 4 pp. for sonsilia girl, junior stenographer, desires posi. Apply 458 Albert Street L31-tf outfit, Terms cash. A. C. Lycett, auc- | Paterson sk Morrow si tion in disease of the eye, iy tion with business firms, doctor or den: 131-1 tioneer. 132-a | Unionville Colborne DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & list. Avply Bos 208 Whithy, _ 132«: FOR SALE --- FIRST CLASE TI | =o b= roo ==== Davideon sk 7D. Coyle si: 1 Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat, == othy and clover hay, also ensilage, Tenders Wanted i A EATON CUJ Office over Dominion Bank. Tele-! Board and Room by the ton, For further particulars | TE A} --FOR PLUMB. | © ili Second Holud.. 55. 8 2 t .m., or - ~------ | apply J. N, Thickson, 119-n jing. Apply 30 Simcoe St. for rticu- | Moufiville : Phone nin eniours 2 to 4 p.m. OF LOARDERS WANTED_NICE COM. | Lbl¥ ' pa my i or on [H. Sanders sk 12 Dr. Henry ppointment. 6-1 : FO R SALE; I} iad RR dediod h : BR 3 ponte. yoom, for two men, with... "apply, R. C. Henry & Co. |SEALED TENDERS Will lic Toceiva] | Ohawa Oshawa DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR 'board. Apply, Phone 561. 131. ape _--APDiY, 1B C ' Si be recelved IA. Lambert sk 5D. M. Hall Street West, Toronto, will be at his i, onry ---- 0 | King Street East. _____130tfIby the undersigned up to noon Mur. |g Awa shawn pice. over Milie's Aveade oach Bil. WANTED-- TWO GENTLEMEN | | ADTs MODEL FOR DRESSMA R- 1st, 1922, for the position of Road A "Elis sk 14 H. Smith urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- boaders to room together. 146 Athol {,,g, size 36 or 38. Adjustable to any Superintendent for the Township Ol | Locust Hill Port. Hope tation and treatment of diseases of St. EB. 131-¢ ize, Apply 31 King St. East, 129-¢| East Whithy dor the Year 1922, Biste PP. Reesor--sk--5--T. Morrow ear, nose and throat only. : Lost and Found PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITCRE -- | Xperience and salary. Salary to be, gearhoro Colborne Ea y Ea mmr F | Consisting of parlor suite, bedroom) Omputed by the hour. : ie: iVaterson sk 11D. Coyle = LOST -- THURSDAY, FEB. 9, CLASS | suite, easy and fancy chairs, parlor P. G. PURVES, iScarboro _ Oshawa Legal 'B. service badge, No. 43575 Blue en-|cabinet, Axminster rug. Call Friday aa eb. 7 Sovusbip Clerk, Underwooy sk 7 Southwer; sk nn Tre AR. amel. Finder please return to 329 aud Saturday evenings between 7 aad | Columbus, Feb. 7, 1922 | Peterboro Oshawa JOSE! B Lu aNGaN, BA "BAR| slieit Sued, pen 132)'9 at 136 Simcoe St. N. 132 120-132-195 (George sk 4 L. Clifford sk 10] » BOL » 4 ? ' £ ne FR het fs rt vd 2] 7, n a 3 rir - 4 alliday o 'est Toronto, de- Tok ro LOST - iOL ; 5. SET BIRCH STAIRS. 14 TREADS, LW Hal 16a) ] dy Jevancel. YOST to loan. Oles [OST PA GOID WATCH LIE 101 inches wits, covcral sat min l FARM VOR SALE BY. AVCTION inated 10 1 okie, oF Cleon, 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone tween Cedar Dale and Tooley's Mill. | { Third Round 445. Adi ? : {Finder please phone 289r14. Reward. | <!itable for poultry house or garage,! (0, Tuesday, the 25th day of Feb- ay ne ihe Adana a : 1 132. | one 5 ft. electric ceiling.fan (new), ruary. 1922, at 2 p. m. there will he Oshawa Stouffville D. A. J. SWANSON---BARRISTER, | ~ orp ~| 1 table, 4 ft. by 7 ft, suitable for | offered for sale by muction on the |: M: Hall sk x - Sanders K Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- | LOST ~ A SMALL BUNCH OF KEYS | store Cheap. 21 Prince St. | p Port Hope Oshawa cer, ete. All branches of Civil and |, Monday night, probably on Simcoe be- | 125.4] remises, subject to a reserve bidily,,,,y k H. E. Smith sk N tw Ath { " Rr cr i | t act OC Claremont 1 Criminal Law. Loans arranged. eel thot and BiBg or on Ring be yyy METCALF WILL BE AT! Coucession, Whithy Tp., known as| "igi i +R. Besse sk Io} Office, King St. Chambers (formerly yo suitably rewarded Box "J" Re.|™arket Saturday to sell balance of the Coombe farm. The soil is heavy | : Osha i Oshawa House) King St. West, Osis Torters © . 1324 | groceries, also beaus, «ges apples. jclay. There is a six roomed one and ' ithe north 36 acres of lot 15, awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence! { 131-b. [a half story brick house. with frawe Southwell x Ser oki 38 Simcoe Street North 516J. | r---- - - = Fa rR j kitchen, a bank barn 36 x 60 with F. Gilding = 2 Thompson sk 10 K K GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BALL | : Help Wantega--Male Sane. Jaro sere uma gu Sherdem 1) PHONES 464J AND 464W he, ic. "Goi ver Sindura sank (| Sy 16 with Flowers | KANT us. vif onie cats mood rasa at sie |, Wren of Quen C5. actin | EH. A. Butt, President. A. Lewis, Manager entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. ! £0 into partnership. For partieul- miles from Oshawa G.T.R. and C.P ¥. Waddell. of Peterboro, de- eed SEE THE PRICE {Phe upportunity 'you "a REDUCTIONS Lo fuse will never do you $375 buys $500 lot ol, $300 buys $400 lot : | | $225 buys $300 lot Act Now $150 buys $200 lot dtd Buy Where You Like--Easy Terms if Required OUR LIST PRICES ARE PLAINLY MARKED AND WELL KNOWN, S80 THE VALUE OF THE REDUCTIONS CANNOT BE DOUBTED edeoledenles i ® ieee dee tole etme defo -- -- Iroddeedonlsdedesdondend-d i COUPONS GOOD FOR 25° DISCOUNT MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION EITHER IN PERSON OR BY LETTER i by y--, loo} too! eotedeed QE LTE Tn Se oN Medel leeds) le 120-5 TERMS OF SALE: 2 . Fourth Bound pe 8 m-- comm CT D CONANT , 3 SRMS OF SALE: 20 per cent. fo Abendee: | 3. D. CONANT, B.A.. L.L.B.--BAR- Sd ad pata aia EATe | / orl per cent. loshuws Aberdeen "a ews: 10 WholtSomE ) 2iven to ibis Drastic BAe. TD. tw gb. Boller Mot y Patne jp {DELIVERY *' BOY WANTED ~ ONE [on day of sale and balance wit MniG. Evans k 7 F. Gilding sk 12 Port Row al New L " oi oh Solas RINE n oh k so practice broughy, up two slghperraed Bai ilds Soma Wedding Bouquets, Funeral who has a bicycle and knows the town {30 days. Further terme and condi-| aperdecn Claremont practices, kissing and spankivg, keep | preachers out of three children. and Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. . well. Apply to Peter McLaughlin, tions can be secured on day of sa'* {Ormerod _ sk 16 Bingham sk 11] many a lad on the right path. Love | they were good preachers, without South, Oshaw Loans asraited va Designs a specialty. Cleaner and Presser, 121, King Streei or in the meantime from W. EK. N. | -- ae and obedience are the important | any milksop about them. In our high MOrtgages, conveyan an gen- West, Oshawa 122 b Sinclair, Oshawa. solicitor for the H ont | principles in bringing up a boy. Love schools and normal schools. these . . | st, Ox 4 32 Sin A sl d | Bu Ide and ( on ractors principl a ging 3 1 1 schools, hes eral practice. Plone 63. 36; Simcoe St. North | : A seem BXecutrices of Emma Jane Comin ANC Ie au OR BUILDING 5} is not all in all in the home. "To obey | cardinal principles should be taught. : MORPHY RB RARRIST | | Katat aE. - Ax ENN, J ar a sacrifice s 1¢ y at ity EE a1. E. MORE HY, b A --BARRISTER. Oshawa, Ont. i General Wants ne Feb. 13th, 1922. at Oshawa. | #eW home. or repairing your old one, | 5 ett J tae: uli Rice pi rus or love and authority prope rly unit 31% Simcoe St. South, Odi a. Phone 386 WANTED -- SMALL FURNISH #0 Ww E ~N SINCE AIR . me. [| alsp have fine building | every whi . Jere a iu an Sark > od will conquer the world. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office Fray a, a Baal for the Exeentrices 11018 for sale. 1 can give You easy | vXists we love that ki the lad Phoues---Oflice 210, Res: 160. a Li "Ke ----: modgrs, AP b JAN ES BISHOP, the -Esecwiriees. payments and save you money. | before ne goes to hed will detect the If you want plenty of pep, strength 2 N ain. 4 o> , " ; as habia Theberge a Sob ta HP F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, {ars apply L. K. Boskof. Ontario |R. stations and 3 miles from Whithy fauited to Bingham. of Claremont, a a a a EXE Mol B.A. . H. COX | House, Port Hepe, Ont,, Box 98. G.T.R. station. 4 Florist =e | . mr 1 gi oo Figg | Auctioneer N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, | odor of tobacco on the first offenc: and energy, take Tanlac. Jury and Chiropractic I | Mz | : Feb 16.23,52% Park Road South, Box 550. | Oue mother of our acquaintance | Lovell. dealers, Oshawa dibtiidod ul i". Miscellaneous i {Phone 557. 130-3 mos. | { IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- || 200 More Men [31.000 TO LOAN ON FIRST TLASS | com sess was practic Spinal Adjustments and get | |mortgage. Apply 182 King, Eas, | : well. Fxaminations free at office. | {corner Division St. 131, Dr. S. M. Jones, $6 Simcoe St. North. || WA NTED H : : in, * Swvenrns = Help Wanted--Female | _-- | To Fill Positions in Kay Spring || STENOGRAPHER WANTED: MUST | M. M. GIBSON---ONTARIO AXD DO- | CAPOTIONCe Mecessary, $125 10 #200 {he well experienced.-- Apply. Refor- | minion Land Surveyor and Civic En-, , oul, operating Eas tractors, dev. | mer Office. { | gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- | or trucks, cars and fama power | WANTED A YOUNG GIRL 70 is { cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Mery, or auto wraclor wachinery. [jst with housework. Apply 70 Celina | er sf * yay cil) and country garages. Steady work. | qe rn Perry. 3 we have 1 whereny you ean work 1] AR Eo > : =i in our shops io pay for pant of your || WANTED A GOOD GIRL TO AS.) y i traning. Under this system, you ean | gjst with general housework. "Appiy | Educational | s0um be tramed, ready fo accept ome of Tag Tn Se McKay. 58 King Si | re --------- 1 these DIE paving Jobs. Dax special offer 1107 St. | MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- | is good for a shart tine only. Day ana | |B 131-b1 P er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- evemng sessions. ut delay ; w rite | WANTED STENOGRAPHER AS en on: Conservatory method. For || © cdl for Tull particulars immediately. | {gant Services 4o commence at cnet. | appointment, phone 226. Residence! Hemphill"s Motor School {| [Apply to G. D. Conant, Barrister, ate, | 161 Athoi St. E 127-1 a | Oshawa. 132-3 | = | 168 West King Stroet, Toronto || ---- ad Undertakers & Embalmers | _! REFORMER WANT ADS. PAY | BE EE i | -- FUNERAL = . . _-- -- . " directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel © mection; picture framing; 11 3 Booey YOU'LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE i St. South. Phone 210. Residence y { 19 Division St 26-1 ¥r E Wi . Divis a TELE ith « TOBE Silo MALF-POU TIN, EIGHTY CENTS . W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER ; . ( ND ) and Embalmer; private ambulance. ! ! HANDLE the Toronto tomgued and grooved staves morgue and chapel, motor funeral if \ Hip Roof Silo becae I of selected spruce Impreg- desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St if i want to give my customers' nated with creosite, they South, Oshawa. 108-r i the biggest value. give adeguate protection p= FH ll coe ics you havea good E00 air and fos. Their | | 0 ITY A 2 gus o ¥ of fides Insurance Agents silo. Aud Toronto Pecid Mip Rod provides 71 i 3 more = for fillin FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN } . Silos are good silos. pac 4 4 ) add I can show vou where a Tor- | or " Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Ry] Mati 8. So ie AE wn ot oe 4] Mellow Yi n Tobacco "lig v4 i Insurance Society, London, England. PL, S| 4 heat and cold. Stur- ductive cattle. bigger profits. a EZ LG g N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 | RAR dily built from double TOT Valuable fatm--dollars in mr 2 ad 24 Zz me epg - ! . your pocket. Let's talk it over. CEH NES \ cosine | EE TW ce om _------k reliable companies. Phone 1046w. ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | ' LL a Idea! Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- | . § ha Vita BY oLL yr SONS age, Simcoe St. Somth. Tires for | SAN! WAKE UP- | § MOWL HOw z " LIKE A FOZ HORM ON sale. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. y CANT SLEEP YwiTH 4 AM 1 GONNA | pe TE. - A BAT TLE - I= . Phone 766. THAT RACKET- GAT ANY C1 3 TE | § LE SHIR? s A a oma VE A LEER" WHAT AN | COMMA - BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS & | ' ; Seymour, Engineering, Architectave | Cy : ig and Survering, 61 King St. Eas. ! Oshawa, phone 792. 490 Jarvis st. {1 Phone Main, 2897. 39-ti Sr og pn Ey ™ WILL T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Live Stock a specialty. Phone 167r1-¢ Bowmanvilie. 124-6mos Mus HERBERT C. TREENER, A TCM, organist and choirmaster of the King | St. Methodist Church, is prepared to | accept a limited number of pupils in 1 Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, ete, apply on | Saturdays at King St. Methodist | Church, or Phone 807]. 73-ine 30 MONICA McNEIL AC.AM., TEACH-. er of piano and theory. Pupils pre- | pared for all examinations, 282 Jar-| wie Sirens. War EE Ee i A ry vm . pe oh ey chp Ds a OG 14D a A FRIAR 8 nn

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