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Ontario Reformer, 16 Feb 1922, p. 6

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I ---------------- a PACE TWO Toe Ontario Reformer (Established in 1871) An independent newspaper pub- Mshed eveyy other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publishing Company Limited, Charles M, Mundy, Presi- dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A, R, Alloway, Assistant Man- ager, GEO, A. MARTIN . - Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered. by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year. United States subscriptions $1.50 extra to cover postage. Single ec pies®s cents, ' OSHAWA, THURSDAY, FEB, 16. FREE BOOKS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS When the Board of Education gets full information as to the cost of furnishing the pupils in the public echools with free books and sup- plies, The Reformer believes the decision will be to Introduce this plen, ~ While such a step will bé an innovation for Oshawa, it has been i in many places for several! cain. The Relormer is not aware that any place which introduced the system returned to the old method of allowing each pupil to buy his or her own books. The cost of furnishing free books is naturally of concern to the Board. In Port Arthur and Fort William all books are supplied free, and in the latter place it is known that the cost per pupil for books in 1821 was $1.80, In Toronto in 1920 the cost per pupil was $1.25 on the actual attendance, not on the total enrol- ment. The enrolment in Oshawa public schools for January was the high- est in history, being 1853, although the average attendamce was 1715, Supervising Principal Garbutt told the Board Monday might. [If there- fore, it cost Oshawa $1.80 as in Fort William, for each pupil to supply all Looks, the total cost for ome year, according to enrolment would be $2407 and according to attendance $3,087. On the Toronto figure of «1.25 the cost would be $2,366, ac- cord ng to eprolment, and $2,143, according to attendance. In Peterboro, books are furnished the clhifldren, but the cost is char- ged back to the pupil at so much a mouth. One advantage of the Dozrd buying the supplies is that they can buy at wholesale prices, so that if even the Peterboro system is lopicd a great saving would. result for the parents of the children. The I former believes, however, that the more satisfactory way is for the Eoard to buy the books and equalize the cost on the geneial assessment. Providing of free books is mot making paupers of the children. Rather is it saving them and their nts money, at the same time in- suring that each pupil has the pro- to DSHAWA, ONTARIO: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 it is jammed through.a weary house, whose members are anxipus to hie themselves to the concesalon . lines in their home constit i News of Nearby Places _--_, When Mr, King was leading the Opposition he urged the Government to call it a day about 11 o'clock at night, so that members would be fresh for committee meetings in the morning,.or for the study of legislar ' ZION r---- Valentine day was suitably cele- brated in the Public School on Tues- day when the pupils rendered a cap- ital program of ERpyhgus, solos, sages! _| recitations, duets and mouth organ ton: Mig am tion: Was not favor musie and riddles, A contest on ably received by the Prime Minlsteri,, ming hirds was carried out also of the day, and night seasions were a post office for giving of valentines, the rule, rather than the exception. some receiving a dozen, (home made Sitting in the House from 8 o'clock [and very pretty.) After the contest in the afternoon until 2, 8 op 4 o- ® treat of Jugated pop. sors, tafty | maple; cream, chocolates al other clock ip the morning, with two hours | gandy and was enjoyed by all. The recess for dinner, is a tremendous losing side of a spelling contest strain, if done three or four days a provided the treat. A number of week, even although those sitting Mothers and young Ladies visited the school and had a real good time. there may never make a speech, Ii!" \GltO Cin 00 held a birth is pot surprising that many members day party on Monday night for those 20 to sleep under such circumstan- whose birthday comes the same day ces. 'as her's, namely Mr. Russell Sulley, ) » | Migse, eryl Glaspel, Hilda Lang- Likewise. Rremier King's plan of | maid gE LA sepe all the fami not having bills rushed through jes celebrated it together and had their various stages in one day, or a very enjoyable time. even in two or three days, is wise,| Mrs. Delbert Flintoff is sick at The reforms proposed by the Prem. | te 21 Jung. Mics. Riva. Paseo lers will be welcomed, and desire to {s' home from Toronto. put first things first, should meet| The young Ladies' Stop OBSERVES JUBILEE § | R egrent Busines in Fores Ta Now Over' Five Hundred | class of the Among the pioneers of- the Can dian life underwriting field, apd more than once during its fifty-one yours of experience compelled to| tread rocky paths, the Sun Life As-| surance Company was not prevented by the extremely trying times of the past twelve months from adding fur-| ther to its several records of achieve-| ment, although the amount of new! issues paid for decreased from| $106,891,266 to $90,030,035, a gen- eral condition already well noted! and appreciated. The growth in assurances in force| is considerable, however, being a lit-| Where Quality Meets Quality tle in excess of fifty millions, and {bringing the total to $536,718,130. | But it is the balance sheet which |is most attractive in progress, total {assets of $129,372.127 showing an| {increase of $14,532,682. The out-| {standing fact here is that after all li ! abilities and capital stock, there is {2 surplus of $10,383,909, as com-| {pared with $8,364,667 at the end of 11920. { From the total cash income or! {831,107,149 there was paid to pol-| icy holders and beneficiaries the sum | of $11,967,069. The total income in| (the previous twelve months was] 1$28,751,578, and payments to pol- icy holders and beneficiaries, $10.-} 1960.402. It is 2 noteworthy faet that {the company has paid to its friend: 'the sum of $114,155.003 since its in- ception in 1865. { Last year policy noiders shared in {the company's prosperity to the e jtent of $1,849,089, while préviousiy | the cash profits paid were $1.563.- 1954. ! Returnin to the balance sheet sec- |tion of the report reveals the inte- LAST EVENING 8. 8, are doing some sewing for Bowmanville Hospital. The Ladies Aid presented two new warm quilts to Oshawa Shelter ra- cently. Keep the 17 of March in mind as the Ladies' Aid expect to have En- niskillen young people give their play on that evening. KEDRON, ---- The Brooklin League visited the Kedron Mutual Benefit Society here on Friday evening and deljvered an axeellent program. Rev. BW. Row- land very ably acted as chairman. Nuets were nicely .sung: by Misses Cubbage and Roptley and Miss Laura and Mr, Everitt Mackay. Splen- did readings were given by Mr. How- ard Arksey and Miss Routley., A linlogue entitled "Jumbo Jum," which was of a humerous nature and caused a great deal of amuse- ment, was well given and every art- ist did his or her part well. In con- clusion the League favored with a medley which was well rendpred. The social committe of the K.M.B.S. hen put on a guessing contest, fol- 'owing which refreshments 'were served. The evening was brought 2 a, close by all joining hands and 'inging "Auld Lang Syne," and 'Blest Be The Tie That Binds," and | he repeating of the Mispah. The at~ LINDSAY GREYBIRDS GETTING ANXIOUS -- | Lindsay Greybirds are getting] rather suspicious in regard to *e| baseball situation for 1922 as the following despatch appearing in a Toronto newspaper this morning would indicate: "What will the Central Ontario Baseball League bring forth this; season. There will he many changes, and it is stated that Harold Dainty, the left-hand wonder with Oshawa last season, has left the Automobile City, and that Gallagher, pitcher of the Kingston Ponies, is lopated in Oshawa. Belleville has lost Goyer the strike OPPORTUNITY Local representative wanted in our town, We will give liberal contract and every assistance to energetic man. Character and energy more essential than experience. Apply: SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE C0, 603 Tmple Bidg., Toronto out king, who will line up with the Maple Leafs of Guelph, Cobourg promises to make | strong bid for league honors, and, if | is said, have three new men on the job, IAndsay, Peterboro' Hope are saying nothing." ---- ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR BUCK JONES, F@X STAR | and Port scenery, are found in the Fox picture "Get Your Man," which begins an engagement at the Grand Theatre tonight, with Buck Jones of ranch play fame as the hero. The star has his work cut out for him in generous meagyre. He a pears as a hero on two coninent: He has two love romances---one on each continent. But in both romaine endance numbered nearly one hund- 'ed and a thorough good time was| >njoyed by all. | Mrs. John McGregor went to Port) be with her daughter, Marjorie, who is in Port Hope General Hospital and who underwent an operation for are pleased to report the operation was successful and that she is rest- ing comfortably at the time of writ- ing. The K.M.B.S. meeting will be withdrawn this week owing to the annual meeting of the Adult Bible Class at H. P. Werry's on Friday is extended to the K.M.B.S. tend. We are sorry to report that MF. .. Hancock has la grippe. A speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. and Mrs. James Crossman, f Hayden, former residents of this icinity, were in the neighborhood for a few days last week renewing !d acquaintances. Mr. Ross Lee is taking a short course at 'Toronto University Mrs. Everitt Mountjoy and two of her children, Bessi®@ and Percy. have returned home after spending v few days with Grandma Langmaid at Oshawa. Misses Luella and Jean and Mr Arthur Hepburn were guests of re. 'atives at Enfield recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wh. Batty are vis- iting at Frank Batty's, Brooklin ONE ACOOMPLISHMENT Otiawa Journal: At this distance me is hardly competent to judge Mayor Hylan, or New York. His newspaper enemies, however, sum- marize his accomplishments by sa)- ng that he wields a wicked wrist with a corkscrew. Hope on Thursday of last week to] appendicitis Thursday afternoon. We | Jones drama. evening, to which a cordial invitation | to at-| the way, proves himself not only & icoward but an unalloyed scoundrel] and crook. The story, opening in Scotland, is shifted to Northwest Canada. is filled with deeds of daring, « course--or it would not be a Bug It presents exciting pursuit, fierce personal conflict, and the triumph of law and love. i entertainment of the liveliest {most engrossing sort. As details--see the picture. feel repaid rived. You wil in the enjoyment d=: There was a fine time when it was | thought dueling could never bH brought to an end. Ridicule fia ished it. That has never been tried on war.--St. A Wonderful Hoir Sever. If your hair is fai color, dry, wispy and range, you should ir.m Parisian sage. The {rst removes all dandruff and hair and scalp look and better. Parisian needs. at, losing dicult to ar- liately Is applica makes ths feel 10 all 1 exact sage supplies It contains the and lustrous-- to save it-- make it grow long, thick and beauti ful. Parisian 'sage acts instantly one application stops itching hcud jand freshens up the hair. You wit i {be surprised and delighted with t! {helpful toilet necessity, for nothi |else is so good for the hair an |scalp, or so quickly beautifies t {hair giving it that enviable charm |and fascination. { Parisian sage is inexpensive and easily used at home. It is guarsa- freed to you. | An exceptional appeal to the lov. ers of good drama, plenty of a i | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 218T and instructive as well is beautifu!| willian: | es he has the same rival--who, by | for the] Louis Globe Democrat ments needed to make the hair soft and to} Public Meeting A Public Meeting of the ratepayers of Oshawa will be held in the Town Hall on . aL 8 p.m, fcr the purpose of discussing the bill now before the { Ontario Legislature tu authorize the collection of water rates | by an equalized frontage tax in the Town of Oshawa. As this Is a very vital question, a large attendance of ratepayers is | requested : JOHN STACEY, Mayor. | I | EE | a ----_---- : THEATRE i Grand FEBRUARY 16 - 17 - 18 William Fox presents Buck Jones "Get Your Man" Story by Alan Sullivan SUNSHINE COMEDY The greatest picture té amuse the old as well as the young SEE THE BEST { (LLL PR | emma. rer ev ARLIE per equipment with which to work. resting fact that on the invested re- One suggestion at the Board meet-| sources of the Sun Life there wa: ing Monday night was that if there ©arned an interest rate of 607 per were any pupils actually handicap- ped by inability to buy books the board would assist in such cases. If hat were done it would most nly cer single out the pupil! in a mos: rable way. PUTTING FIRST THINGS FIRST According to articles appearing in the press both the new Government at Ottawa, and the Drury Govern- ment at Queen's Park, are going to endeavor to have important legisla- tion given the consideration which it deserves at the present sessions remicr Drury has announced thal the debate on the reply to the Speech froin 'he Throne will be curtaiied thus enabling the real legislation oi the session to be taken up almost at once. Ottawa has intimated that legis- lation is to be enacted in an ovderly fashion. Premier King has decreed that no more will the most import- ant legislation of the session, or at least a goodly portion of it, he rush- ed through between 19 or 11 o'clock at night and suarise, whon few mem- wndesi an Mr. King might well try as ds Mr. Drury, and curtail the debate on the reply to the Speech from the eight days which was granted. Secretary. Gananoque, Ont., February Sth, 18:2. jcent. Investments are represented | chiefly by bonds and guaranteed and | {preferred stocks. Policy loans show | {a considerable increase. ! | 'The low mortality rate experienc od by the Sum Life adds furthe weight to the fact that from the health standpoint, 1921 was a good year. As is pointed out, this lowe: | montality rate experienced by most | companies, is by no means due to ¢ {more discriminative selection of lives for assurance, as the great life insurance organiatzions have, if any- thing, been opening rather than clos ing the door to protection, especial- REGENT THEATRE SPECIAL ATTRACTION For Children's Matinee SATURDAY, FEB. 18 The Reid Twins iy im view of conditions of the past year. No Means of Supont Fred Jenkins purporting to come from Montreal and George Johnston claiming the Queen City as his usu' place of abode, paid a visit to Osh- owa yesterday but their presence was not desirable here. Local G.T.R. detectives placed the two men under arvest and in Police Court this morn- ing they were charged with being disorderly and not having any means --Mrs. H. E. Tylor is visiting such other business as before the said meet- J. H VALLEAU, mm ------ Oshawna's popular juveanile cntertainers NEW Tiare NEWS E . M ] Mer. Published for our patrons Vincent O'Connor, Editor | fi ® i fl rt | i feel good to he have the latest songs § | MARKS NEW STOCK COMPANY Martin THREE DAYS. Starting Monday FEB. 20th LINDSAY E. PERRIN Canada's Geo. M. Cohan { NEW PLAYS, NEW VAUDEVILLE, NEW SCENERY, SINGERS, DANCERS, MAGICIANS, MUSICIANS OPENING PLAY MONDAY, FEB. 20 The Girl from Killarney The Play of today, Full competent acting company. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Geo. M. Cohan. Big New York Success 45 Minute from Broadway WEDNESDAY: FEBRUARY 22 The Lure The strongest play ever written Children under 14 years not admitted on Wednesday might Extra Additional Attraction . Ladies this will interest you. PRINCESS ABDI HAMID She tells you what you want to know. C 5c, 35¢c and 50c EEFORNER WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RESULTS EE Rs Log FE] (VE I. OP

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