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Ontario Reformer, 18 Feb 1922, p. 3

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D ---------- Tr TT ---- ----Tr-- - i ------------------ ------ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 'START SOON GIVIN PORT PERRY HYDRO Over 'two hundred persons Port Perry have signed contracts for Hydro service, This is a good showing, and does not yet complete the list, as several users are out of town At present, Of course it will he to the town's advantage to have the greatest nums her of contracts possible; and it might be added that there is no ad- vantage to be gained hy delaying to sign for Hydro Service, The Council continues to he busy in this matter, and there is every indication that construction work will he started early in the spring. This is another milestone in Port Perry's progress.--Port Peery Star. Zacceus (Continued from page 1) the like of which the world did not know, would Sov Pin a ' oval consequence, the speaker said. On Thursday evening the special speaker was Rev, L. 8. Haverstock, of Century Baptist Church, Toronto. He spoke on the power of the Gospel, his address fitting in appropriately with those of the two previous nights on "Prayer" and "Faith," by other speakers, 'The special evangelistic meetings will be continued next week, begin- ing with Tuesday. An invitation is peing extended to people of all de nominations to attend. in MAY HAVE POULTRY SHOW The Oshawa Poultry and Pet Stock 'Association held a meeting in the Town 'Hall on Thursday night. It was decided to make efforts to in crease the membership, and to have @ large hatch this spring. A poul- try show likely will be held in the fall. LOCAL MAN A DIRECTOR Mr. V. W, Woodruff, of Oshawa, was elected a director of the Can- adian Trotting Association, at the annual meeting of that body in Tor- onto Thursday. THE LIGHT OF LIFE SACRED CANTATA To ba rendered by the Christian Churel (hoir, assisted by hest local talent THURSDAY, FEB, 88nd 8 pom, in the CHRISTIAN CHURCH VOICES 40 . Noy Bennett | People (Continued trom page 1) system was not paying the debenture debt and without gome frontage hasis to draw a revenue from, the town | would appear ridiculous to people! movihg to Oshawa, Thousands of/ | places of little pipes had heen laid, | four-inch Haim A bey jnatatied + MPR, smith | ! In order to supply water to residents | A Dew ing 177 tuo! Bi EB. as cheaply as possible, not thinking thane se veves Mr. Thomas MeDawell | ole . of the future, His Worship stated. | Quarteties, Duets, Solos and Choruses, | SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 196, 1022] Phe town had lost from $50,000 to Ls A. KOCH, Musical Director, | 8 a,m~Holy Communion. gf $100,000 overhauling the whole we. C¢. LeROY NEY, AT.CH 11 a.m.~--Morning Prayer. | terworks system on some : Noted Eoweriainor oF Toroato, | 2,30 p.m,~--~--BSunday School | He felt that those who came under will also render a number of selections in| 4 p,m,--Baptismal Service (seo-' the general rate could well afford to In his inimitable manner, | ona Sunday each month.) ' PAY i frontage tax, ho awside way 4 FIV INTH | | was too much overloaded. Now six- AUMISMON, THIRTYSFIVE CENTER | inch mains were installed, the rate. | | NO mi h sie rary " 4 Al vere et Sn i a ae Choir, Proceeds for OPgan Fund, ? , m.--Boys 3 ' » YH | choice. 'Then the outside man was f \ | ) AMONG THE CHURCHES i ANGLICAN | 8t, 'George's==Cor, John and Centre, | Rev, C, R, dePencier, M.A, 39 Athol Street West, Rev, O, F, Stent, BA,, 40 soprann. . , 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.30 p.m.--Teachers" meet- ng Wednesday, lab. ST. GRORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, ® He Gained Twenty | 'Tuesday, 3 p.m.--Mothers' ion, p 4 | Wed. and Thurs, 7.30 pm--- ID & J€ar cre Clon. CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CHURCH | Rev. Io) Bue Pastor its way and he thought that in time SERVICES SUNDAY FEB 19 1922] it would he possible to reduce water x "11 a.m--"Our Lord's Faithfulnnss| fajen oF allow. the surplus io go to Mr. Carl Boutelier of Mason's Point wer | a sinking fund. After Four Year's Suffering Tuck | COMBonced" Sinday. Seno) { out of the 98,000 He of mains laid the Advice of a Friend and Used | pho ora under the general rate 562,000 feet i he y r-inch pipes and 14,000 feot Poad's Ries Pills, 7. p.m.--Gospel Meeting voy | Were, fou four iy J x Lora moar, Return, the ous MKD} uy, trick and Com. Viekery Tuesd 8 m.Prayer and Praise thought it was up to the promoters day 5, p.m. f this proposition to inform the Thursday 8. p.m. Bible Study. meeting what towns were adopting Special Revival meetings com-| ' the system. Com. Vickery expressed years old and weighed 105 Ibs. In |mencing March 12 conducted by the, AS OT ih on a, one year I gained 20 Ibs." This is |Rev, D. McLeod, Formosa. 0) i the statement of Mr. Carl Boutelier. | BAPTIST jChuitan_ Conant remarked hat if a well known and highly vesperted | : 1X 4 "a ! equalization of rates were not adopt- d. he would suggest that Com, Vie: resident of this place. [It is one more . r ave addition to the great mass of ovi-| Rev, J, L. Marton, B'th, Pastor kery be officially appointed to receive Residence: 18 Aberdeen Street. dence that Dodd's Kidney Pills are applications for water main exten When the local improvement plan Un-. Was started, there was no alternative, His Worship continued. Half the | debt of the town was due to the too | few mains being laid under this sys- tem. The real system was to com- mence with the frontage tazes the Waterworks Department would pay ------ That's Why This Man Praises! Dodd's Kidney Pills and Mason's Point, Head of St. Mar- garet's Bay, N.S., Feb. 17th, (Speec-' fal.)---"When | started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 was twenty-three | | the kidneys. | and well all the impurities are strain. | kidneys. the greatest of all kidney remedics. | SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19, 1922} "Pm. " 'AD G "} was laid up for four years with | 11 a.m.--One Lord, One Faith] Ph og I 'the 8 at it kidney trouble." Mr. Boutelier sta- One Baptism. : would be submitted to the peopl tes further: "Ome day a friend ad-! 7. p.m--"God's for a vote and that the majorit) vised me to use Dodd's Kidney Pills Musts." | earry y and I made up my mind to give them | The adult bible classes will meet] 2% 50 meeting. Coun. Hawkes also a trial. 1 used just six hoxes in all." |again on Sunday in Church Audit- favored the proposed system. stating The road to health lies through {oriam. that what was needed was a cam- If they are kept strong Monday, 3 p.m.--P. M. A. Club. Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. ih spi CHRISTIAN | | Rey. E. T. Cotten, Pu.B., Passr || RECENT DEATHS | Parsonage 169 Athol St. E, Phone! = 847). ; Christian Church---Centre St. King. i Our Leader~--Christ. Imperative | ed out of the blood. But if they are weak and out of order the impurities stay in the blood and disease is sure 10 result. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pills do not make strong healthy ae IIE r--mree LEO. JOSEPH DEROCHER | While on a visit to his sister, Mrs 4 Ass IC. D. Lacombe, 28 Royal Street, Our Name---Christian death occurred very suddenly yester Our Creed--The Bible....... ..|qgay afternoon of Leo Joseph Der- OurRight--Individual dnterpratd-locher. of Ottawa. The deceased wa: tion. : . born in Peterboro 26 years ago but Our Fellowship-~Character. has been attached to the Secretary Wante SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19, 1522.5¢ gates Department at Ottawa fo nL, au-Pablie worship some years. Mr. Derocher has heen To deliver Reformers in | 7 p.m.--pudlic worship, - South part of town Monday, § p.m.--Prayer meeting near: his demise occurred The surviving members of his fam Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Mee! Apply Public cordially invited ny THE ONTARIO REFORMER CHRISTIAN SCIENCE {ily are his father, Mr. J. Derocher | 6 Simcoe St. South. lof Peterbose. tour sisters Mrs. « SERVICES. SUNDAY FEB. 19. 122! Lacombe, and Mrs john Bouck 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. -Public Wor- Of Oshawa, Mrs. M. Cass. and 1 {ship Subject "Mind." W. O'Rourke, of Pet wo. and tw { Wed., 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting, | brothers, Fred. of } Cathoriges when testimonies are given of heal- and James of Peternoro. 'ing through Christian Science. jocher was prominent in You are cordially invited. circles having coached the St. teams. Reauiem High Mass will he sau at Su. Gregory's Church on Mond' morning at 8.30 o'clock, after whic! the remains will be taken to Peter-| boro for interment. KING ST. METHODIST Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A, BD., Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19, 1922 11 a.m. Public Worship 3 2.30 p.m. --Sunday School 7.00 p.m.--Public Worship 'The boy Scouts will parade to the 'evening service, Everybody we! come. ! WHEN WE TEST EYES IT Is DONE PROPERLY YES IT Is THE TRUTH will he here sure. with hor company and playing in ti Martin next Monday. Tuesday aw Wednesday. Feb. 20, 21, and 22. anc | ! promises her patrone ome of the best | stock companies on the road this! | SanEam = mam # _. season. Miss Marks has just aloseu! |SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19. 1922], yecessful twenty weeks' run ower 13 ad ~Patiic Warp. the Trans Canada Jaeatres im On- 3 pa. 4 pl i ER got Worstip. ¢ is Company waich was eighteen ! Jasty) charge Of! eople strong was piloted through | o | Ontario by Mr. Lindsay Perrin who a | Peports the season so far par excel lemoe. Miss Marks has played all | principal towns and cities in Oataric including Hamilton, London, St. |SIMOOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH Catherines and is scheduled to play ¥ | Rew. 3. Hi. McBain, B.A the Grand Opera idouse, Toronto She own PRESBYTERIAN {Stmooe St. South, Cor. Bruce Street. JURY & LOVELL Isd Gee 5E JURY LOVELL LTD. | 52 Simcoe St. South. Phone 148 | oF one entire week beginning Mou- | SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19. goss | 9a¥, March the tweaiy seventh, Arlic} 9 TES jis a daughter of Tom and to meet! 19 am --Fellowantp Meeting. {her personally, yom are well aware! 11 am. --Subject The way | of {that to attend her show she will be | 1 Salvation. {sare to give you what you are iook { i 3 pm. --Sandar School and Men's|ing for in the line of comedy. as her | Club. | pleasant smiling personality T. pan. Subject "Home Life™ like Tom's. Monday £ p.m. --Epworth League Miss Marks has a cast of capable Wednesday 7.30--Prayer Meeting. [people and a ood clean line of mod- -- arn plays, and intends to keep up the MEN'S OWN SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19, 1922 | Brotherhood Federation of Canada Branch South Oshawa Methodist. Meeting with Class "EIRRA™ 2 30 pm. Bible Study, aise Special snd Vital Subjects, up-to-date. GOSPEL MEETING AT THE GRAN THEATRE Speaker, W. BR. Fremoh : /SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 19, 1822 Ne More Dandruff Subj. --*"The Decalogne is God's! i . {A leading hair dresser said she has € i Parisian | bol phy aS luna stein so Sod at | mentist.® 2? { Along with Miss Marks is Miss Dasy aas the power to see, hear, know and | tell exersthing. This little lady is a great in herself, so ladies ask hex 'That you want to kmow. | 4 - Monday might Salvation meeting at 8 pam. | Taeesday--Lite Saving Scouts and hk + AND | {meeting at £ pam. \ p Saturday--Praise EW. THOMPSON IE yal 720 pm --Alse cottage prayer meeting at 3! dh. er i ealled on to pay for others' mains, |S was stated that al | This met with the approval | paign of education. He thought every | | mamma { the | Chairman Conant intimated that it seriously ill for the past two months | Tuesday uight for discussion of th having undergone an operation auc | proposed Act {came to Oshawa to recuperate when! b | to Police, -{ the members of the Corinthian and | id's Fgotball. Baseball and Hockey | Phoenix Lodges for their {in taking over the burial of her late husband. and realizes the frieadship existing between members of these lodges i | WIGG { sife {though he were dead. vet shall he | } ieveth in ------ There is a Snap and Style in the Misses New Models for Spring HE Spring Styles are certainly captivating, with their touch of color here and there; perhaps it is a bright ornament or maybe just a peep of lining, showing some place, of a contrasting color, . ~ We would call your special attention to a few we have of Tricotine. The designers have left no stone un- turned to make these a garment of not only style but beauty as well. The quality is excellent; the price shame- lessly low. Braid trimming runs riot with ornaments of cubichons or fancy buttons. In some cases fancy stitch- ing is the only trimming, and you will say that is all that is needed. Of course, they all have girdles, either plain or fancy. The loose-fitting back is the adopted idea in these Spring garments. Just to break the monotony, some are gathered at the waist. Sleeves in all lengths, from the very short to three-quarter length. Even the price is interesting ............. ceeeene $19.65 A -------- CASE AGAINST LOCAL dertakes to par into Court with - { e days p « ( MAN ADJOURN ED | dollars to secure the plaintif's claim r---- herein in event of sucess and in de- The Dowinion | fault of such payment the defendant Limited. and |agrees to judgment being signed by Oshawa b Juried on consent, immediately on ; . | the expiration of the said five days---- Whitby | this matter to he adjourned for at McGillivray, ad- | jest ten days and thereafter date journed for ton days, the plaintiff 101 of trial to be fixed by the Judge of pay the' costs of that day. Several | this court---costs of this day to the one should be in favor of it if they thoroughly ndergtood 'the dQdtails was beyond his comprehension how any intelligent man could oppose such a reasonable aad ieasible plan A vote was then taken to anthorize the clerk to forward the petition t« the Legislature A public meeting is being held in the Town Hall The Brewery John County civil case of company Rainish, of Court at before Judge last week or Wi prominent barristers appeared in the | plaintiff in any eveat." case The Brewery Company were! the plaintiffs and Rainish was the CARD OF THANKS We are sincerely grateful and wish 12 convey our warmest thanks | defendant. The occupied School Teachers and oth- | whole morning their sympathy and: kindly Th Tor to find our daughter. Helen. and Mrs. Thomas Willar Possibly the Germans hare found out how to make gold. They didn't anything about it - untf after they got the reparation moratorium. Cleveland News case the : : | sg rs, » folowing is the substance of | S¥Y agreement fnxiy the adjourm- The defendant hereby un-! the ment Mrs. Sarah Lee wishes to thank | rr | CARD OF THANKS | BE A dioy oven wi Ap You 132a IN MEMORIAM i In ever loving memory of Wesley J. Wigg, who died in To- route. Wednesday. Feb. 18. 1920. "1 am the resurrection and the He that believeth in Me, ive: and whosoever liveth Me shall never, 25-26.) and be- | ohn 2 = 05 Sry £2 Lowell, F. The Cough Killer is Busy! Coughs and Colds destroyed by the thousand every day. lustamt sole from your suffering guaranteed by taku 's Bronchitis Mixture The zemedy which is twenty times stronger tham any other ou the market, Money back if it fails to give solief AD Doses (or The Sold by oll A ad a WK UOKLEY. LMMTED 142 Mutua! St. letesle Sold in Oshawa by | W. Thompson | Kam i and W. H. Lecey, The Woman of Mystery. | = Gallaghers Blood Purifier Here's what a Brooklin gentleman has to say about it: When | commenced taking Gallaghers Blood Purifier | had no appetite, 1 felt heavy and drowsy, | was constipated and my stomach always felt overloaded. But after taking ome bottle 1 began to feel different and 1 am glad to say that | can eat anything. My bowels are regular and 1 feel like 2 mew man. Gallaghers Kidney Remedy when taken with Gallaghers Blood Purifier ive wonder- ful results. - ep Hexbal Cough Syrup is one of the best preparations on the market, Does not injure aids digestion. 25 cents and 50 cents. 2a Gallaghers Life Drops. the Wonder Liniment. : vv ES * Gallaghers Golden Drops. the Great Healer. x. zaw pl RICH wuiBA inv -r gg a. 37 RICHMOND ST. E--237 BURKE ST, OSHAWA J. S. PRINGLE _ Brooklin Distributor ~ For Sale at . *

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