OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 PAGE FIVE mmm SNOW IMPORTED FOR SK TING = + z : : - a ; pW : g hs i r ] ONE OF CANADA'S BEST es Comfort, Convenience, Perfect Ventilation, Best Programune Lua Ulli Ld i i Last Showing To-night Move On 00 PLAY BENEFIT GAME a : { ™ i; A . "i The Peak of the Week T 0 Sak ot A AT RINK TO-NIGHT ot 3 : Cecil B. Demille's At Bradley's rink tonight a bene- f r Cad b g : CAA Super Photo Incomparable S001 LIK © WIL 1 |fit game is being played irom eight AL SAIRELY VILL, RE to nine o'clock between St, George's Wed. and Thur, _ Extraordinary in "SH AM" Selected Comedy Latest News and Views Ee Reel Entertainment TRU WM62334 4 2 : 4 Sunday School senior team and a SATURDAY SPORTS BEGIN picked team from the General Mo- Hd | dia or : , ; ' : NIGHT" tors, The WMgney received at the" ! ON " / With the most active program of {door will be presented to Cook. st, sports in the history of the town he- {George's left wing player, who was ing looked forward to this coming jnjuseq Ju eshiniion Fare Hw summer, the need for an Amatear B A 2 st 4.4 . pe ' . RON | Slum er. She peed is being keenly |test department of the G.M.C. Cool For the first time the Canadizn Pacific Railway carried snow as freight when it transported felt. In fact, there is already a move- received Tallies severe injuries an several, carloads from Lake louise to Calgary, where it was needed for the ski jumping OE ------ ment on foot to complete such an [fOr a short time was confined to tue : in connection wi rs bby ] organization, Several Dla have ex* Hospital. A good attendance is an- | ; n ; et ith the Winter Carniy al. ts bbb pressed a willingness to be govern- |ticipated! i . i ed by a sentral or parent body, ae ae | AT THE GRAND ! ® > hi ES 2 : : alos Safir 2 MUCH SPECULATION District Football Ass'n SRSnNEROT0 HzZzER New Martin Theatre News | | will be operating. Those who have Interssted them- . | anize With the annual meeting of the f E t B S n selves in the proposed organizition | ooywg 'Baseball Club Just over u 8 xXpec anner Jeaso branches of sport with a view to ex-| Week away, Interest is steadily grow. | plaining how such an associoiion ing and there is considerable tall)" |B ; ! : : : would be run and its advantages, |3MONE the followers as what the | |} Much Enthusiasm at Annual Meeting--Raise Entrance _| coming segson will bring forth. The Fd ' ! ? : ! When this is done and the clubs on- OO or Te i Fees--Whithy Sends a Representative--Hampton ing will he called to complete the gr-| keenly contested when the election | ; | May Enter a Team This Year ganiaztion. The present time is a :akes place but it is expected that | : . most opportune one to take this step | the executive when completed will} and its formation means much to the {he a strong one. There are rumors advancement of all athletics here, | that one or two new players are in Last season was numbered as - the | town but until all certificates are most successful ever recorded In Heed, twin not he Joos Soauite. Ohawa but had a parent hody heen |ly just what material the local Cen- | meeting took place in the Y.M.C.A. season, the Council is looking for- at the head, there 18 no doubt but tral squad ii be able 1 a7aw from. : ; Parlors, With the exception of | ward to its heing successful finan- that greater suecess would nave ul.) A% faf ds Ie ig hi Pls A Tine | % M Solina and Enniskillen all of last! cially. Last season the organization tended the efforts of the various ex- | time, the Motor Town crew v 4 me | , year's clubs were represented, also | heing entirely new, a small deficit ecutives, up about the same as last year. | a v new club, that of Whithy There is | of $16 was shown by the secretary's a mm ---- rn | : 4 a possibility that the Solina club will | hooks, but, considering the big under- | ys = drop out this season, while Ennis-| taking, the Association is to he con- HOOT GIBSON "Nipigon Trail" St . Greg | SEATS--35¢, 25¢ and 10¢ St. Team Ss are Wi nners AMY CARR "OVER THE HILL I ia ouakey, tha slosiug fave ips FA Th WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION March, 20, when they will he con. | Entrance Fees $40.00 ERNIE MARKS, Manager Musical Review The House of Vandeville See Eddie Collins and his wonderful Chorus of Girlies in a side splitting comedy "BRINGING UP FATHER" | With Eddie as Jiggs That the "Oshawa and District Robinson and George Morgan; Poothall- Association may reasonably | Brooklin, G. Browne and E. C. look forward to having a banner year The O. and D. F.A, is entering during 1922 was clearly shown last | upon its second year, and besides | evening when the annual general heing a success regards the playing ALL THIS WEEK ALL THIS WEEK 3 -- SPLENDID FILM ATTRACTIONS -- 3 FEATURE ; Comedy full of fun | "SURE FIRE" | "Third Class Male" A gripping story of the West sii THE EXTRA | } J ° | p> killen will enter providing the league | gratulated on the efficient way in orY Ss an in ? is divided into two groups. There! which the affairs were conducted, i rig also some talk of Hampton be. The financial statement in detail is coming connected with the 0. and as follows: starring A Trip over the | { sidered and final arrangements de- gistration forms .. .. .. 42.50 AY ------ ered and final arrangemends de- | Registration form 5 CRIP COMMENT i Moria . . | termined. { Collections (3 games) .. .. 19.35 Former Defeat Presbyterians and Win Savoy Cup--Latter | 3#####434434 4334243441 Much Hnthusipon | oliections (3 games) .. 1988) who Montana bachelor tax nas| INDOOR BASEBALL Defeat St Gregory's and Win The Reformer NO OPPOSITION TO A. A. The meeting last night was alive | Plenty Cup .. . . . 31.70 | been declared unconstitutional. LEAGUE STANDING ASSOCIATION with enthusiasm, every representa-| Deficit ITT 16,20] There goes the last of the so-called | h Juvenile Silverware--Good Crowd in Attendance tive taking an active part in the diss! ee. | luxury taxes.-- Norfolk, Neb, News, cussion. Among those present wero: ! $218.75 | The world without the Irish ques-| President Dr. Devitt, of Bowman- | Expenditures tion is as lonesome. as a house when | Williams l ville; Treasurer C. A. Mason, Regi-|0.F.A. annual fees .. .. $35.00 | the children have all gone to school. | Pedlars .... ment, RJ. Telford; Bowmanville, A, | Refreshments (3 games) .. 15.00 ---Great Falls, Mout., |.cader. Regiment naa Frise and A. Argue; G.W.V.A., Il! Trip to Galt .. AE 106.60 | In a Missouri county last year| Business Men .... Humphrey; General Motors, W. O.F.A, rule books .. .. .. 1.20 {there were 160 marriages and 160 |Simcoe Heights .. Cross; Whitby, 8S. Mayne and CC. | O.F.A. registration forms .. 7.00 | divorces. In that section of the| Officers "pa Spencer; « Oshawa. Kootball Club, W. | Cutting BEaSES .. «sess «sess 500 | WOr)d at least marriage is still a tie. General Motors .. Purdy - (Continued on page 8) Burlington News Knights of Pythias § ' | Pts 14 14 10 At the annual meeting of the Oshawa and District Football Association last night, the proposed amateur athletic Association was the topic of a little diseussion The league is composed of teams from Oshawa and sur- rounding towns so that it hg would not he a matter for the ile series and The Reformer Cup.|School hockey this year. Af theend'!y © and D.F.A. council to de- ! I as FFL TE TTR ES A fine erowd of spectators turned | Hall; right wing, Lowery; left wing, 4 out, for the closing games in the | Lott; subs, Allman and Clarke. © Supday, School Hockey League last Referee--P. Canning. Sof KY, as , {hey wepe Towarded by Closely Contested -- od ing She ne a TS The junior battle was exciting all a: 'to 1, King Street Sunday School | {he way, and it was the most closely : - 'won the championship of the juven- | contested game staged in Sunday | LCR RR RR wmsosswel lowed SSeS =I 8 6 6 5 3 N The score on the round was King| qe tne moeorid period and right upto # cide Bit for the local teams el rages A. 4be Si within a few minutes of full time | connected with the associa- 'game ed in a tie 3-3. i 4 4 i There wi s the score was 1-0 in favor of the] tion. There was no opposi , tion to the movement and Si y e Presbhy-| : aints, when Wright, th r "Iq some of the representatives Hd 1 IK OT ITT tr Ir Ie I TY ORE I I A I IN I I I I IY Pr IT IY I EY IN TY I EY Tr IT ANNAN ANA NTT 'Bt. Gregory's captured the junior championship and also the Savoy r _|terian defence player, started on a be Fa Mo. vi UL trom the Treshy. corkscrew expedition. He meanderac |# expressed a willingnes to link re of 3-2 on the round The through the Saints team including | 4 mi Te eration % entered the fray on even terms, | the defence, drew the goalie out of y A idles .. : t the | ® ' nesday night's game resulting in she bet. pn seared Mig Mb Rat Abt d hihi BE "God Couldn't Be In Every Place ETE [Ea br pe orANG, |E At Once-So He Made Mothers" "The juvenile fixture was fast from | and the game was over. St. Gregory's | MPN SHARE TOP RUNG |Z88 °° SO RUNS A SPLENDID OLD'PROVERB a a sree ULL start to finish, and while the winners | have turned in some stellar hockey, | had the edge during the early part of | and they earned the championship of = i 3 the game, Saint Gregory's, hy mak-| the junior series. The Presbyterians There were many exciting mom- |S ing a special effort, narrowly missed | have a dangerous aggregation, and | ents at thé armories last night when | evening the count. An excellent | they lost out by a very narrow ma:- Pedlars and Williams, the two lead- brand of hockey was displayed by |gin. The teams are about on a par, | [MF teams in the Indoor Baseball | both teams, which shows the impor'- | and it is rather difficult to select the League, met for the second time this | ance of such an organization to pro- | hetter team. segeon. 1 the hast Meeting . Ped/ore perly develop players, The score a! The ¢ i s are we ic. | Rave the Piano Tuners their firs the close of the first period was 2-0, | wie Fasmplonshibe ate Well Le: i defeat and last night, by again de- while each side added ome in the | ing out on feating them 7 to 3. the two teams : top, with King Streel | second. King Street secured the j,venjles and St. Gregory's juniors ul ni nnn EAT ATH CL CELI CL LLL CLI LLL UL LL LL MOTHERS AND FATHERS -- IT IS YOUR DUTY To take your children to see this, the world's wonder picture of Motherhood, which breathes the very spirit of the sacredness of the home. are tied for the first position with only tally in the last twenty minutes. | gividing the remaining honors. 14 points each. It was good fast] YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELVES--TO ALL THOSE YOU LOVE--TO ALL WHO LOVE YOU Every player on the ice played well, The teams were: baseball and the spectators saw 2 and. although defeated, St. Gre-| g Gr a. Fair: 4 | game worth watching. Williams bad | To go with them and take this unique opportunity of witnessing this beautiful and remarkably successful production, hailed gory's put up a fine argument and Circe Jui mg Sibel Rene, | one bad innings, the Metal Workers by critics, ministers and prominent leaders of the day as the crowning artistic triumph of the motion picture world, and as the they are deserving of much credit | nor: right wing, H. Domald; left) touching them for four counters in Sg film which takes its place for all time as the premier classic of the screen. tor their splendid showing. The | wige, Gorman: "subs, Marks and | the fifth. Their three rans came io : HIRING ULUUU ULL ULL ULL LLL at King Street youngsters, who have {gn if} the first, sixth and seventh frames. : A . 8 10000000 IA000NARNRNNINYZ: Z0be through the season all alone | BL ivtoiinns .-- Goal. Luke: de The teams lined up as follows: SHUR' 66 " IA . - thout any assistance, have had (ence, Wright and Kennedy: centre, Pedlars--Clarke, McNeally, Smith, | = From i With MARY CARR their "efforts rewarded by winning | pyrdy: right wing Jamieson: len | O'Brien. Kilbourne, Morphy. Jim = the Greatest Mother of T the cup and the honor of being the | wine Browne: sub, Clarke. | Thompson. Wood, Cruse and Joe | S49 Will Carleton's the Screen, in this Lov first champions of the juvenile sec-| Referee--pP. Canning. Thompson. = able, Thrilling, Power- tion. lin i | Williams Piano--Southwell, Fish- ; World-Famous ful Story that touches « The teams lined up as follows: STICKS TO LINDSAY leigh, Carlyle. Snowden. McConnell, 4 uf, WH y the heart of all human- Ww . arm Ballads Bed It was reported here last week | uj * fence, LeFave and Kennedy; centre, | Missett. . s = LUTTE ' Masterpiece Mother Lov TAI left wing, W. Conlin: subs, D. Con artist, had signed a contract with the | pedlars .. .... 1 0 0 1 4 1 0-7 " ey I = Wm. Fox's J of . Hn and Archang Subs. D- (90 picton Club for mext season. This | williams .. 10 0 0 0 1 13 E FOR ONE ENTIRE YEAR NEW YORK CROWDED TO SEE IT Wind finom = Goal B Bais; Se | tion as The Post wishes it to be gimcoe Heights in the second clash |S Created metropolitan record at two dollars a seat throughout phenomenal yun. Most successful picture ever shown in Can- : # ©emr® | known that Qulette is still receiving | jy 4 22 to 6 score. It was a regular | Sf ada. Played to packed houses in fifteen Toronto theatres by popular demand. St. Gregory's -- Goal, Fair; de- | Legge, Flintoff, Hurst, Peacock and | ity, O'Connor; right wing. H. Donald; that Jack Oulette, Lindsay's big slab | The score: rumor is seemingly without founda | General Motors romped away with his mail at the general delivery in| patfest for the Motors and there was | Rd a Aad i a I ee Lindsay and will continue to do s0.| no doubt as to who the winners =3 G T BELLEVILLE & FALLS I" . aa i | would be after the first four innings. | SPECIAL EN AGEMEN TI E D ON ROUND DITORS THRIVE ON KNOCKS |G M.C. took three in the first, six in | Ss is Cowichan (B.C.) Leader: "We've| the second, ope in the third. five in | : AURA ERA AAAS AAADA AAAS LEARN RAAOMARRARAN RAINED IMIOY SAMA REHAEAARMRAARARMRAARIRERARARIMARIIMAADZ thought it over a lot, and we've about ! ADDED ATTR ACTION STUDENTS! PREPARE Y 0 U R ESS AYS the fourth and seven in the last at The beautiful ballad "Over the Hill," inspired by th : ul 3 o 4 yi On the observance of Mother's Day in Ontario and win Niagara Falls was beaten at Belle-| come to the conclusion that there's no | tempt. ville last might by Belleville in an| profession on earth in which the work-| The teams were: --- divine theme of mother love and dedicated ot the ex- quisite story, will be sung at every showing of the special "Over the Hill" prizes. O.H.A. semi-final in the fastest game | or gets less appreciation and more General Motors Breckinbridg«. | picture. VULUUUUYUILL EN of intermediate hockey of the seasom | knocks and abuse than im the mews | Thompson, Belding. Legge, McDous- by the score of 7 to 5. the round be- | paper game. And we have also reach. | all, Cornish, Jobb, Blanchard ed the conclusion that the reason why | Dobney. all newspaper editors go to heaven Simcoe Heights Cole, Dell, | - "when they die is that they get su | Small, Cook. Baldwin, Smith, Saow- | much of the other place while they're | den. Holden, and Hele. on earth. . The score: ' "Ni itor | General Motors 2 6 1 2 to 3 in favor of ot ris mathe, bol mobly the ui Simcoe Heights 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 Belleville ouiploges town and community, no matter how - -- a to 1. The locals | o¥ally he sings the praises of the al © 1. town belle about to be wed nor how gently he lays a wreath of kindly i Buchs oi the grave of a departed cit- . seldom hears the magic word + by ig Sn He sound. aud "Thank you' And few times in life | =5 minutes of the game. Her- does he catch a whisper of that cheer- = a | 82 jugton starred for Ni 1s, | IDE sentiment 'Well done.' andsimilartroubles = Vv F t while Whelan and Arastt Rb "But let him make a slip in the 's Cap~ : er or e the best for the home team. Mayo, | Paper--let him say Bill Jones did AT THE yuct GRAND 43% game, stopping many shots, while | sald something she didn't say, and Boland, for the home team, gave a a: ADVANCE SALE OPENS ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, AT 9.30 AM. PRICES +. CHILDREN 25¢c; ADULTS 50c; 8 Plus War Tax rida id Saturday Matinee = 35¢; CHILDREN 25¢ 50 0 72 Special Performance School Children only, at 10 a.m., Saturday, March 4, at the reduced price of 15¢c. DOOO ATA TAT TA game everywhere in the world. the game. The line-ups were: -- Belleville--Goal, Boland; defence, Green and Hollway: centre, Arnott; Whelan; subs, AAA AA TAT