OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, a -------------- LOCAL CLEANERS + FORM PARTNERSHIP Peter McLaughlin apd W. J. Blair, who each have beeh carrying on cleaning and . pressing parlors sep- arately, have formed a partnership. They will conduct their business in tho shop of Mp. McLaughlin, up- | stairs at 12% King streot west, The | premises are being renovated and | | enlarged, and equipped with electric | go wee cmp machinery, ete, They are making these changes with every confidence in the future of Oshawa. All kinds of wearing apparel will be cleaned and pressed. The tailor. ing alterations and repair work will be under Mr. McLaughlin's super- vision, and the cleaning and pressing under Mr. Blair's direction, A staff of six will be employed. . --_-- _ i; England bas recognized Sir 1) Automobiles killed 1,079 people ot Bilchanan's ability to make good|a total of 50,770 accidents in the whiskey by ralsing him to the peer-| cities of New York Stato during age. In America he'd have to raise | 1921. This is ap lperepse of 206 per a heavy fine.---Buffalo Commercial. | cent. over the preceeding year. "The - --_-- SOR To the Ladies of Oshawa and Vicinity Come in and see our splendid showing of Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses, all.the very newest. ; You need not wait till th end of the season: to secure a bargain in any of the above mentioned garments, buy now and be in the swing with the most up-to-date. We have marked small profits, we want quick returns. be fo ' "The prices on our Foods are surprisingly lower -- Suite of Eight Pieces for the wi i han any where else because our overhead ex- a piri 4 Indiv hing . You cannot dupli- wie I small. If you trade with us aot oncert and Danger: Toralte dir bien ta SE LE AGL) oti] of Niheivonine Dlary i gain. fou nm Sn Town Hall, Whighy Hi eturped home i { ry Wednesday" zafter flon went to Toronto. : cate it in Canada, a BE 0 15 dd ending a week with relatlyés and | Coun! Preston 'demanded that tho . Tre 7 iin Bin Hokes " + / Hawaiian Orchestra friends in Toronto. Finance Oémmittee report to the [ ] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 See ur in OWS --Rey. Father Carr, principal of | Council what was done at Monday We have some rare bargains for our customers on Saturday. We are offering you a genuine Quarter-cut Oak Dining = epost ny | 4 | mony a buffet luncheon was served hi at the home qf the bride's parents, d | | Queen Streot, n | | ulation wore received from a num- b) { bor of friends, The bride and bride- I ERSONAL car for the G. T. R, where they took yi' YE | the 1,66 p.m. train for a trip to Buf- tion of 11s readers. in contributing || | return they will reside in Bowman. Mes to this column. Send us & | | ville. Among the out-of-town guests cmap ioc | 0), Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Nott, Miss | { Mingay, Miss Mather and Mr. W. C in Belleville on Monday. | Miss Gladys Naish, of 196 Al-| friends in Toronto. | da 2 p | y y, February 28, the wedding took | --Mr, and Mrs. Richard Nell, Col-| iio FOG Sot Lk PN nan, to a tour of the Southern States, | y patie i The --Mrs, Joseph Mayou, of Chiao, | Rev, C; R, dePeticier officiating, They 8 ERY ; ) d Mr! P, 'C. Carfer. The young PF. BR, Hervienx, 195 Albert? A slaughter created by these modern| Mrs. F, R. AD Aan) 4 a, | Coun ate both of Oshawa, and will cars of Juggernaut goes merrily on, |spent Monday of this week W, het ee Telggrams of cengrat- | groom left later in a gally decorated Ihe Reformer (nvites the co-opera- | | (alo, Cleveland and Detroit, On their posteard oF "plioe 35. y i | were Mr, and Mrs. Reginald MeNich- Mr. George Foster was a visitor McKinnon, Toronto. bert 8t., Is spending a few weeks with | At the Anglican rectory, on Tues-| horne Street East, leave to-day for, Mr. Francis Percy Bathe, of Oshawa; is spending a few weeks wi Mra, | Woif iapisled hy Miss Kate Marshall residg at 115 Ritson road south. -~--Humilton Spectator. son, Arthur Wilkinson, in nto, Apo AA Sad ~--Mr, Roy Blair and Mr, Mgward | a Ld James left Tuesday to acoept, posi- NOUR Council Lelons with the Durant Motor' 94g Co., he ---- St. Michael's College, Toronto, spent Inight's meeting and not spring a mo- Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W.'tion all of a sudden on the Coun- Carr, Simcoe St. North, cil, | --Mr. J. A, McGibbon was called Several other motions were pre-| to Penetang suddenly this week sented and passed up to the chair, | owing to the illness of a relative. |but the mayor ruled that inasmuch He will return on Friday. as they were not seconded they could ~--Messrs. 8. Flintoff, C. Worden (not be voted on. and W. Muckler attended the Gran- Who Runs the Council? i ite-Aura Lee senior 0. H. A. game in' Coun. W. J. Trick and Mayor Sta-| Toronto on Tuesday night, leey crossed swords and indulged in! Mrs. Chipps, of Harmony, and|some cross-firing. With several mo- Mr. I. Williams, visited the former's! tions before him, seeking to bring | brother, Mr. Jt. N. Jamieson, in the Council out of a dilemma, Coun. Bowmanville hospital yesterday. {Trick told the mayor that he should While in town over the week- first introduce the motion passed by | end in connection with Girle' Work, {the joint meeting of the Finance) Miss Nina Yeomans, of Belleville, | Committe, Citzens' Committee and | was the guest of Mrs. E. L. Petlcy, | Board of Works Monday night, a| { Simcoe St. 8S. clause In which provided that the, { -- The friends or Mr. Authors, people should vote on charging 7% | Court St., will be sorry to learn that ec. a foot for old mains laid prior to! | he suffered a slight stroke on Mon-11917. ! {day morning, but will be pleased When Mayor Stacey persisted | that thus far he is recovering splen-| that the Council, before doing any {didly. | thing else, should authorize him and The many friends of Miss Mu- the clerk to sign a petition to the iriel Schofield, will be pleased to | Legislature asking for the private: [know that she is recovering splen-| bill, Coun. Trick accused the mayor {didly from her operation, althoush lof trying to block the progress of] till confined to her 'home, Simcoe {the Council for some reason or other | St. South. {and asserted that the time had pa: s- Coun. A. W. Brown goes toed when the Counell could be run hy Lindsay for the week end where he two or three men, \ \ will conduct special serviees at the| Mayor Stacey replied that he was, > LS Ted a . ! Salvation Army Citadel. Last year! running the Council and would fol-! Phone [F] | WHITE FRONT DRUG STORE | in that town services were conduct=| low what procedure he though was 9 8. Simcoe St., Oshawa {ed by the councillor with great suc-| right and in order. Councillor Trick. rising, told Mr. M. Jones, of the Osbawa|the mayor that he was not sunning Fire Department, who injured. one the Council, that the Council did the of his hands during the fire whizh {business and that the msyor was destroyed the Thornton Rubber Com- [simply there as presiding officer J | pany plant recently. is confined to The mayor came back by declaring his home, blood poisoning having|that he was not seeking to dictat developed. Mr. Win. Culling, lieu- [to the Council but simply secking to tenant of the Fire Brigade, is also (have the business done in a proper confined to his home, following an | manner. He still he'd that before Gentlemen A Pair of Pants Given Away FREE This special offer good only from March 2nd to March 18, Prices for made-to-measure Suits range from $26 up to $36 and with any of these suits you order you get an extra pair of pants, Come and choose from samples of tweeds, worsted or serges. Mater- jals, workmanship and fit guaranteed or money refunded. Come, give us your order and have your suit in time. We also carry ready made suits and gents' furnishings. A call will convince you of the truth. starring ME, JOUNNY KAKALIA Admission to Hall--356¢ DANCING EXTRA Programme Commences 5.50 BEATTIE'S IRONIZED TABLETS A BLOOD BUILDER A_ NERVE TONIC Restores lost vigor caused by overwork, worry and ex- cesses of the muscular system. A vitamine treat- ment, supplying the vita- mines of the blood, and renewing the youth. PRICE 50c Or if you have never used them, we will present you with a full gized box free ot charge. For sale only at the Buffet, Extension Table and Six Real Dining Chairs of Quarter-cut Oak Stock. SPECIAL SATURDAY $99.2 J Schwartz Bargain Store 136-138 SIMCOE ST. S. [J ur Special awa ' A Large Leatherette Chairs and Rockers, wonderful value for this week's selling. SPECIAL ~ $13.5 i Coss 1. » 0 "olor AAIDONN re get 0 -e -e >< they know about it --Try TOD'S-- MALTANA HEALTH BRE Ask the Salsemen what Ask Tod's Salesmen for injury to one of his legs at the same fire DOVE WILSON --KERR. Quietly, at the South Methodist parsonage. on Tuesday. { February 28, the wedding was sol- { emanized by Rev. J. 8S. McMullen, of Miss Alma Herr, 85 Furness street, Toronto, to Mr. Herbert R. Wilson, 527 Albert street, Oshawa. The bride | was assisted by Miss Mabel Collins, | of 36 Metcalf street. Oshawa. and the best man was Mr. Frank Wilson, brother of the bridegroom, of 527 Albert street, Oshawa. | The young couple Oshawa DOO OO00 So 00 -~ Oshawa OO SESSA OU will reside in BOOOOOOO0 DOC GERRY --DUSTAN {the Council could do anything to- {wards having a bill preseuted in the | Legislature. the Council must first {pass a- motion authorizing the wmay- lor and clerk to sign a petition. It {was further pointed out by the may- 'or that every day the petition 'to the, Legislature was delayed, if it were, 'the intention to presemt such a peti- tion, the town would have to pay a' ifine of five dollars a day. The mo-| {tign passed at the committe: meet- {fng of Towu Council and Water] {Commission members on February | | 17th, when the original petition was! [first presented, authorizing the {Mayor and Council to sign same. was | {uot sufficient as the solicitor had au-| !vised that authorization come frow | {the Town Council im session. His| {Worship maintained that if such a| 24 Mattresses Full size, heavy casing, clean sanitary filling, regular $15.00. SALE PRICE $10.75 Special Bed Springs and Good Mattresses For Saturday Buyers St Johu's Church, Bowmanville. | tion were passed now, the Coua-| ws seldom ever looked prettier than of could go on and deal with the | an Saturday last when the marriage | racommendations of the joint com- was solemnized at 11 am. of Miss nittee passed on Monday might, and Mary Madeline Dustan, daughter of (a40y other matter which might come Krusty Rolls and French Sticks Every Tuesday and Fridays. Orders 50 | Nya res Guiry, son of the lake Deputy-iReeve Mason #gain are el oe | MT. an Mrs. ames Lerry. ew- " i taken up to onday and Thurs- A Jame Gory, Vig. vu deicnd tt sadtioy. sade b7 Rove BEE day evenings. Phone 500. DOC 0 LR RRR nn SHOO0000 wy wvodding music was played by Miss [tending that it was perfectly ia or-| Gertrude Cawker, organist, and Rev. |der and was oanly authorizing the! C. P. Muirhead Rector of the Church, | mayor and clerk to sign the petition ofliciated. The bride was given into the Legislature. The details of narriage by ler father and wore athe bill would all have to be arrang-| navy blue tailored suit with flowered |ed later. | hat to mateh and corsage bouguet of Mayor Stacey tld the Council violets and sweetheart roses. Mise | plainly that under no consideration | Elsie Mingay. Toronto, attended the {would he go to Toroutv and father 2 | bride wearing brown beaded crepe{bill which provided that oue-third| with homer dew taffeta hat and car-|of the ratepayers would pay for all] ied sunset roses. Mr. George Weir | waterworks frontage costs, and tle of Toroute, assisted the groom. The |others go free. Tie bill must pro- ushers were Mr. R. R. McNicho! and [vide for an egualized rate tor every- | Mr. T. A. Dustan. After the cere-ibody;: otherwise he would have | nothing to do with it. Umnavoidable 500 ae aaa ae es Ask your Grocer for Tod's Krustys or French Sticks ! Tod's Salesmen have Maltana Health Bread EVERY DAY. SOO000 0 PAPAIN OVOC OOOO DOCOO000C * * TT RII ------ _- ROYAL NAVY CUT PLUG BEST VALUE FOR 1S¢ (MALF-POUND TIN, EIGHTY CENTS) FINEST OUALITY -- TTL LMG = Opposition Deputy Reeve Mason's own per- sonal opinion was that mo matter {how bill was drafted oppostion ito it could mot be avoided. He mox- {od a motion that inasmuch as the {day for presenting private bills to the Legislature is passed, that me {bill be pr ted at this jon and that the mayor and clerk do mot sign [the petition. | This did met meet with general approval, and again there was a de- | mand that the Finance Committe | |ropont on the meeting Monday atght. | A lot of arguing, hot discussion, dur- | jing which the mayor again ruled proceodings out of onder, followed. | ar. was a out of cl Only a limited number to sell. This is a Coil Spring, Iron Bed and Clean Mattress. SPECIAL $19.30 FOR THREE PIECES | A moment later Doputy-Reeve Ma- | . |sen announced that the committe, _gentrary to the expectations of some "ae it would retire for about 15 "|minptes and return to the Council : | with a veport, would report next . |and the Councillers filed out. | The petition will undoubtedly come up again at the regular meet- ing Monday evening, when the Fin- | lance Committee will peport. Those present at the meeting were: --Mayor Stacey, Reeve Morris, |