4 x7. 1 : iti a beat wer, carrying \ Ce -- ; EP ! . AT THE REGENT Big World Events | 50.00 nu test ie | Nearby Places al HE REX victors, The athletic, adventurous stunts J an li indulges (Continued from page 7) { (Continued from page 7) in which William Desmond indulg ; {in his latest picture, 'Fightin' Mad" Oo W N { OSHAW tion for the reconstruction of Bur- The Attorney General of Ontario Miss Allie Abrhams, of Toronto, " a Metro release for William Des- T 0 . A . ope, This organiation is to have a has introduced in the Legislature a| was the guest of A. D. Van Dyke's {mond Productions which comesd to { Aeapital of twenty million pounds. Tt | measure that seeks to Abolish the | for over the week-end. ] " ithe Regent Theatre, March 3 and 4, 3 ' The regular monthly meeting of : 'are just the kind to appeal to this is'sald that this money will be forth. | right "of direct appeal from the| ,, "0400 Aja 1s being held at the TAT a gover i {actor of the stage and screen, When 0 coming the moment that the plan | courts of 'Ontario to the Privy Coun- | pone of Mrs. R. J. Luke on Wed: | between Edmonton and Spirit River | he was but sixteen years old he won passes beyond the academic stage. | cil. Of course such a measure, if | nesday afternoon, March 1st, : will be insuguvated within the mevt [8 prize for swimming the Hudson Subsidiary corporations age to be | approved in Ontario, would not af-| Messrs, Everitt Mackey, of Brook. | - formed in every participating. coun~| fect the right of appeal from the [ !n. and Harvey Pascoe, pent Satur-| made b ewan, n : ! . i . day at Solina. of the E., D. & B. C, railway. This | Before he was seventeen he held try. The idea is to undertake the | Supreme Court of Canada where . i Mrs. Wm. Scott, of Oshawa, spent service was authorized by the post. the welterweight wrestling cham- . " financing of trade in countries whoge | ¢a8es are carried so far, But the}, saw days at 8. Conlin's last week. | office department in November lust plonship of New York. He is a skil- purchasing power prevents their tak-| direct appeal which is made in many | © 5 pumber from Here Intend tak-' but difficulties were encountered in ful and experfenced boxer and quite ing proper steps unaided to get back | P18 cases in Ontario to the Privy/ go in the drama, "Kindling the river the necessary equipment, proficient with the sword, in addi- Council sitting in London, England, i" Mpe > cars 'will be read t week |ti i of the finest rid- t i 1- Hearth Fire," at the Preshyterian | 0 ca ady nex | tion to being one th nes io he, loi M national fradmg vol would be abolished: The question | (ureh, Columbus, on March 2nd. | and the service will be started im [evs In the county. Interests in the United States will | [4% fleakt With 15 tiie Ontario Legls- | "The "Go to Church" campaign will | mediately there-fter, i "Fightin Mud" was adupted tom 8 ,. | lature two sesmions ago. There was, continued tor two more Sundays. ! ; 'the original = story o . H. Van' : YAY " Setively Paluicipate io tis plan ie a good deal of opposition to any ney March 5th and © 12th----Let | Montreal, eA1 a Mrler of cone? oan. It was directed by Joseph J. These securities are due March, 1923-1952, Washington' government. measure being passed at that time | (pore be a full attendance. peticas bald grag the lust few 894 jranz and photographed by Harry A. that 18, they run from one to thirty years, and the Government's bill was with- | |v vou want to hear a real good | ® ; tion, at which repre. | orsted. 3a ivi i . y iti a drawn. It is said to be the inten- | arama come to Kedron on Mosday | sentatives of Military District New. | RAH, TRA, this.giving the investor several maturjties Germany is learning. Dr. Rath-| tion to press it through on this oc-| wvoning, March 6th, and hear, "Dust | ber F pi hogy lov IR THE HILL AT THE GRAND from which to choose. enau, her newly selected minister of | casion. Such proposals always meet | or {he Earth," which will be pre-| drew's Socie Tad St ' Gettpe' | foreign affairs, has = conclyded aj with more or less criticism from the | ganted by the famous Brooklin Dra- | Society iw, Bit, Blais Shad treaty with Switzerland, which the | many who regret to see any of the | patie Club. Ames AW Reichstag is being asked. to ratify. | formal ties between -Canada and the Mr. In explanation Dr, Rathenau states | Motherland * sundered. They seem that it is the first real and complete | to be afraid that such steps inicate tthe' Grand Theatre tonizht treaty Germany has made with the an intent to weaken the bonds of All enjoyed a good .time at the! by consent of the King, to give a OP or ed ye firs object. of avoiding differences be-| Empire. One may venture the|g M. B. 8. meeting her 'riday | series of concerts for the benefit of y 4 H 3 J ) .M. B.S. sting here on Friday | series of concerts for the benefit of | ) JN ke 4 tween peoples. The idea is to re-| thought without being dogmatic, 'that | avening last. A splendid ay the Great War Veterans' Assocla. tut 18 no Strange: in _llerary and f Price on application 4 » the ; ie he bonds of Empi hile invisible : : . tion. dramatic works; but seldom, if ever, move the rifficulties, anticipating | the bond mpire wh nvisible | was put on by the Musical and Liter- ' \ 4 51 on 1b 0 MA Le has the subject of divine mother love them if possible, before they resolve |are nevertheless more firm than | apy Committee. The program was | : --r-- veceived 0 reverent and aignified " e . . * themselves into material for serious | Would be the case were they purely | 4s follows: A magic music contest, | ,vencouver~C. P. R steamshin | exposition as Is revealed in the Munici al Bankers Cor orat on Limited trouble. He recommended the treaty | formal or by agreement. They do, |; sketch on the life and works of | 0fcials report the arrival of the beautiful screened story adapted p P 1 td as one that would lead the country | indeed, constitute a golden chain ot | "Mendelssohn" the great musician Steamship Maku=a" at Vancouver, DHIRUIL Ee har Hauyinld into a peaceful future, and he hoped | love and respect, of mutual support ' py Clarence Werry, and in conclusion Ky id Jrem Ausiralia, New Gealand: cited more in: school To0m 'and on Sir John Willison, K.B., LL.D. Sir William Hearst, K.C.M.G., K.C. that similar treaties could be closed | and consideration, that 1s worth all; ical ins ) 5 is! +3) and Hono u, carry/ng.in acai. i " } President Chairman Executive Committee 'ith otl y ri wu the argh 15 that © "0 {@ musical instrument contest. This! tional to a passenger list of not- (the lecture platfrom than those of pwith other countries. \In other words| the paper compacts that could ever! week, March 3rd, the Devotional! ables, a miscellaneous cargo. includ. jany other American poet. 45-55 Vietoria Street Phones Adel. 2900-2001 -Toronto Germany hopes for a series of arbi-| be embossed or written. ! Committee have charge of the pro-| j 14.200 | ened tn d 'Will Carleton, whose "Farm Bal- tration treaties with other nations | : pros | ing 14.200 carcasses of mutton an " od. 5 4 Field Representatives ' She i = : 8, wn | sram--Be there. 500 tons' of butter. lads" 'captured the popular heart Viney pi : : vil 8 on the right path there. The MARGOT JUST TALKS, | The K. M. B. 8. have received an| Among the passenge-s was Dayid 'many years ago, provided the motif M. J. ROWE, Phone 7594, Oshawa / Spirit. that seemingly actuated the Woodstock Sentinel-Review: Map. PVitation to: visit Zion League next | Clark, sheep and eattle king of Ans. 'of the story, which Paul H. Sloane, I. D. HEADLEY, Colnmercial Hotel, Oshawa Government in preparing and pre. rot' AsQuith 5 Bpl-Review: Mar. week. | tralia. Practically all the mut*on a well-known young screen writer, senting the treaty With Switzerland : 4 Su " seems to have changed | omar and butter carried was from Mr. has worked into one of the strongest would have saved Germany from the | her mind in regard to prohibition in NEW MARTIN THEATRE | Clark's ranches in Australia. He picture plays ever devised. | madness of 1914 and her present the United Sates hor few days ago | - owns countless thousand« of sheen The remarkable exposition of the " v she was quoted as being in favor of |... : . |-and cattle on hic many ranges in the ir'a life s in find Te aha te Ie Eddie Collins Co. ¢o a ! ' EMany ranges | little mother's life story will fine it. Now she is quoted as saying| . uy. Bddie Colle Be the id Commonwealth. and although decid. jis way deep into the hearts of men that wine and beer must come back | fo 5 "Jiggs" iu "Bringing Un edly modest shout his a-comolih- und women alike. "Over the Hil" and that prohibition is making crim [ Father," assisted by Miss Florence" ments as a cattle man. he is consid has scored a triumph here, as it did inals of many young men. However Wilmot Miss Mae Ps le M Grifti ered one of the most prominent men our American friends don't seem to | aries vae Bale, Mr. Griffin i, the business in Australia, during its run of one solid year on be paying a great deal of attenti {and Mr. Jud Bennet has played to - Broadway, New York. E to what MarEot Sis en on |crowded houses all this week. The | RBanff.---The sleigh dog and whip T_T ----- the reason that neueh X what "she asic) *osiedy Is fory Juma na 1 pet races at the Banff carnival were CHOICE OF VOIUE, Ard chorus o Iris go 0 ma * a review | 4 Or 2 tainin saying to them fs not worth much | (ha is ge Sle po among the most enteral u of the t i sports programme Th rares ware Boston Transcript "Here comes attention. : 4 3 » ogramme. '® TACPS . "i om CN | clean. As Mr. Jiggs, Mr. Collins has a run down the main street, ending in Mrs Gibhons think 4} have Nora u ea < . ---- . task of changing his entire person- front of the hotels. tell her I'm out : ; "tality, and he does it well. Miss Wil- Several ladies entered teams "Won't the still. small voice of mot is possessed of a very pretty | among them being Mrs. Drummond ' conscience reproach yoc?" | ten days agcording to a statement {River from the New York to the 0. C. Coleman, president Jersey shore, - The local screen never has pre- is Pp a vari y 3 : fm ris Ye i A BBR rr sth pel i There is also a variety of denominations and Mrs. (Everett Mountjoy | forthcoming visit to 'Canada of the |; ore beautiful than the William Fox running approximately from $200 to entertained a number of their band of His Majesty's Scots Guards, 'picture, "Over the Hill," which $1 000 friends on Tuesday evening. ! who are coming to Canada next Mav | 4 Diy is the place where you get the best satisfaction. . voice, and other members of the Davis. Mrs. Jim Brewster and Mrs "Yes, but I'd rather listen to the « . 4 ¢ . Sa ICan Save You 36 D 'company are well talented for their! William Brewster. There is nlenty stil, small voice, than to hers." Jur meat is bound to give satisfaction for it is ays a ear respective Parts. of dog life in Banff. Fvery yo. mio ------ always the best that can be had. The delicious | Jebe Daniels stars in a strikingly | ster seems to have a dor. Many w 5 : . . : : . You know from laborious experience that you [funny feature film, "Two Weeks ' of these faithful and uo :i~l'p ani. The man who harnessed Luck and kind you enjoy serving. spend at least an average of one hour a day in { With Pay," in which as a chamber- mals draw their little masters round Lazinoss lo Js Wagon soon , found { pumping water for use about your farm, | maid at a hotel she has curious ex-| in little cutters and seem very nrond himsell in the ditch.--Youths' Com- Stop losing: this valuable time. Save vour | perieneps. Neal Bigrns keeps « + Of themselves. One small hov drjves Danion strength, Instal a Toronto Windmill and see how {laugh on every lip in a Capitol com a team of two, and come: gallonin~ quickly it will pay for itself, jedy, "The Fly jn the Ointment." down Banff Avenue in thrilling " wv _-- _ Toronto Windmills are quiet, efficient workers, | Ten Nights in a Bar Room, com- | Style. ; ' Cost nothing to run. Require practically no atten- | ing to the Martin the latter part of Whippet vacing in Western Can, u 00 a tion outside an occasional oiling. next week, is a photoplay which has | ada is a comparatively new snort ~ Our customers always receive courteous service. 5 And when linked up with a Toronto Pump anc a gripping moral for its plot. Th and lo Bante BelGEE the Ered ib Do Three Thi Toronto Water System, a Toronto Windmill il | picture has been well adapted from starting It'S few years ago #* fhe Ings | WwW T give you a city water service right on your farm | the stage version paki --stop Headache in 20 minutes | . ) ha soholareh ips | sod Col i H. J. OGDEN--Oshawa, Ont. ADDING TO ARISTOCRACY. | | coutring four vesrs: inition ranch, | + ne Aah acins of momen, || 12 CHURCH STREET ~~ . ~~. PHONE 938 Border Cities Star: In the past 8iX | tecture, chemical. civil. mechanical stop Monthly pains ol wome years 94 peers, 235 baronets and | or electrical engineering at MeGill There is one thing they will not | { 2,016 Knights have been created in' University, are nffered by the Can do--they won't hurt you. Great Britain, which is said to be a. gdian Pacific Railway. subiect to { record. And they all have to ac-| competitive examination, to appren. d _-- TT knowledge a plain mister as their tices and other employees enrolled political leader. | on the permanent staff of the Com. | it Bere en pany and under tweniy-.one years of The fact that a father refused to age. and to minor sons of em- | - oS... east = SE -- -- a { spank § wayward son. but wanted! Diovees, aC pra if > 22 = = -- Torr ~ - oo R----_ - : S ri a policman to perform the task, The competitive examination, Ab may throw some light on the cause Which will be the regular entrance , : - of the lad's delingnenicy.-- Toronto Matriculation examination provided { Wail and Empire for in the Annual Calendar of the Police Women: are now declared. a { niversity, will be held at the Uni. | failure in London. We thought so versity, Montreal. and at vthey cen. a long time back. hut didn't dare Se throughout Canada, in Juve. { quite say it aloud.-=St. Catharines! : The candidates making the Julie highest average and complying with the requirements of admission will be awarded the Scholarships. snd | have the option of taking any of the { A Doctor's Vision Realized a will be renewed from 1 hrough the Medium of ¥ Toronto Product ia World Wide Demand vear. to year, te cover a period not How much Ground Peas, Oats and The very month that the great *Yceedin. four years, if. at the close J) y | war broke out, Dr. Robt. G. Jackson of #ach session, the holder thereat é€ Corn do you want at placed ROMAN MEAL, made in To- is entitled. under the rules, to full | ronto, on the Canadian market, Be- Stoning in the next higher rear. % Pp cause it was a balanced food made ~. '0 case a schelarshin halder finde \ : 00 from whole wheat and rye cut into : Recassary io. intervunt hi= conree Re £ | little granules and blended with bran + °" # Yeu ov more 77 ice mnst he | Cr Cl Re: FREE TRAVEL SERVICE ® seeing it sold all over the English- Xailway Comnsuy and to the | 3 y y Dean of the Facnlty of Applied | speaking world. But war came ard Some . ph a0r Ap { per ton substitutes and wheat contro! swept Seinen of the Hutineraity, » order | 4 J = : JE { ROMAN MEAL for a time almost , ., ( SC I2'2eC Hi may he open Thousands of people are taking advantage of this Free Travel Service We have a limited quantity at this | from She mather | Yo he demand In order to establish: prior claim by patronizing the sixteen Oshawa stores issuing and redeeming their own "See - . hod - = F4 . h I i la i » special price. to Britain, South Africa, Australia, 1'oiice" of the stadent's intended mm | Canada Firat" coupons. and Hong Kong. Glasgow, Scot- . Ho & L tl Youu, havecesiy fad severgicheinues avait diey iver So The Railway What You Have to Do--- gg yte .: on A 8 Faculty of Applied Seience. not later | organized to market this Canadian han Janmary 1st. preceding the | With every dollar ypu spend in cash in any of the 16 stores a "See Canada First" i product in the United States. Its rening of the session in which such Free Travel coupon is given, entitling you to the value of one mile of Free Travel Canadian sales are coming back by cholarzhin will he availahle, anywhere you wish to go--with every 50¢ cash purchase you get a coupon entitfing | leaps and bounds, and Dr. Jackson's Am tinns for certificates en- you to the Value of one-half mile of Pree Travel, Each of the 16 stores issme and | dream is fast being realized. 5% titling eligible persons (0 enter the redeem their own "See Canada First" coupons. Start saving the coupons now. When omuatition shau'd be sddrezead to you have sufficient for the desived trip, take them to the stores and get your fare-- BES fr. C. H. Buell, Stoff Rowictrar and} that's all. = p-- --- er ---- Sacretav:, Papgian Nopnart ment, Can- | ZQ====20 ain Pacific Ratlwsy. Montreal. | ; 'owies of the Annual Calendar com. 3 4 ] taining the conditions of admic<ion HERE ARE YOUR STORES: and announcement of conree. may be | ohtained umen apolication t ! DRL PURPA +4 Tt bei TO Ph IEWELLERY PIANOS--RECORDS GS ih cre urine] Arthur 0. Felt The Johns Piano Store Jury & Lovell * not later than Mav 10th, 1092 45 the KING ST. E. SIMUOE ST. N. py tied ¢ Romiztrar of the Univercity. Tor ad. | SE AY . = NG . KE. mission to the examination. and ELECTRICAL' GOODS =h amelication must he peanm. The Purdy Co. Limited ° F Flintoff : . FURNITURE : a . - - red & Sons panied br the Company's certificate y Lake Bros of eligibility. - : SIMOOE ST. SOUTH KING ST. W. - | circular making above ane' STATIONERY, EYC, KING ST. E. | ! GE Bi RA Me. : H i rson Bros GROCERIES ; GROCERIES Les Pacific. Ratwby, ea RISG ST. E Puckett Bros. & Scilley A. L. Haverson : i -- i DRUGS RING ST. WW. GOOD TIME FOR WALKING. | W. H. Karn , Providence Journal: Spring and KING ST. E. . + MEATS, KETC. MEATS, ENC the late autumn are undoubtedly F.W. Tl R. Neill W. Atkinson most popular seasons for walki SIMOOE ST. sou HURCC But at this time of the year whens SIMCOE ST. SOUTH oe SY. ™ CHURCH SY the snow crunches with weird sound , IN CY \G. ETC under the heel and the winter win Jury & Lovell MEX: « MITHSG, : has a vigor-stirring sting in it. the Lianited . C. W. Detenbeck walker may experience joys that have " #1 SIMOOE ST. SOUTH KING ST. EK. a meaning all their own. The man 3 whe walks the trodden and uat - | dem paths these days for the love it need not worry myeh about hig MACDONALD'S | Cut Brier') DREW ST. health. § { Yes, Lord Shaughnessy would do very well as the first governor-gen- - eral of the Irish Free State; and) vet it it rathef late in life for him {to learn the Erse language. Hamil | top Herald, : id RC sp mb ee sc MINIS din