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Ontario Reformer, 2 Mar 1922, p. 7

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fp ---- 3 Oshawa -and District 4 Will Preach Sunday Rev. Dunean MeLeod, of Formosa, will preach at both the morning and evening services on Sunday next in the Albert Street 'Methodist Church, Division Court Light There was only a light docket he- fore His Honor Judge Ruddy, at the régular sitting of Division Court here yesterday. 'The cases for the most part were adjourned until the next court while a few minor cases were dealt with, Barber Shop Changes Hands Mr, William Stephenson, who has heen conducting a tobacco and har- bering business at 3 King street east for the past few months, has sold out to Messrs, A. M.' Germond and J. Morphy. Mr. Germond has pur- chased the tobacco business, which he will run together with his present business on King street west, while Mr. Morphy has taken over the har her shop. He will also operate the two shops which he now owns. Must Furnish Name The Reformer is in receipt of letter intended for publication sign. ed "Subseriber", If the writer sends' p, D, D, G.M, of Prince Rdward Dis- his name to The Reformer, not for; trict, was a welcome visitor to Ced- of iar Lodge A. F, & A. puh-| publication, hut as an evidence good faith, the letter will he lished, An Indoor Picnic The regular meeting of the King Street Methodist Epworth League on Monday night took the form of an indoor picnic, Races of various kinds, including a filhert race, pota- to race and bisecnit race, were hald and considerable amusement was de- tived from the events. A large num- ber of members were present who spent a most enjoyable evening, Re- - I ---- The R exal \ « | VO eld ) Our Service Saves You Trouble Stores Our Prices Save Yon Money FRIDAY AND SATURDAY General Williams a A > - Crp dreshments were served by the ladies at the close of the program. Major General Vietor Williams, O:M.G.,; officer commanding Military District No, 2, will be in Oshawa, Friday, March 10th, to make his an- 'nual inspection of "A, and B.," Com- panies and headquarters of the 34th Regiment, The inspection will take place at the armouries, . Visited Masonic Lodge | R, W. Brother R, H. Spencer, M. on Tuesday night. Following the lodge work, | Mr, Spencer spoke briefly. A Jeo gram of solos and readings and short | addresses was also furnished, , | Stork is Inactive : Vital statistics for the month of February, the shortest month in the year, show only 19 births, the small~ est number for some months, The same was true of the month of Jan- uary. Six marpiages were recorded, while the Grip Reaper took a toll of 19. The number of deaths iz une {usnally high. : | { Deputy Fire Marshall Here | According to information receiv | ed this morning from Fire Chief {Cameron an investigation is to he {held into the recent fire which de- | stroyed the plant of the Thornton | Rubber Company. Deputy Fire | Marshal Walsh, of Toronto, Is in town to-day making preliminary :r- rangements, Our New Coats Win High Score in Spring Affairs ' They are a masterpiece of clever style and workmanship. A big shipment of coats have just arrived that will please you both in quality, style and price, the most popular goods of the season, in Greys, Fawns, Pastelle, Elk, Reindeer, Delph and Castor shades, convertible collars, some with the notch collar, both wide and narrow, silk lined to waist, Tuxedo fronts, stitched panels, fancy stitched pockets and belts; in fact they are the last word in style. Nothing has been left undone to make these a garment of the . highest order, and the price that has been put on them will certainly surprise you. $25.00 They are all Velours, PETROFOL (Refined Russian Oil) Relieves Constipation and all bowel troubles. 16-0z. bottle, reg. $1 ............ 69¢ RIKER'S MILK OF MAGNESIA Valuable aid in digestion for children and grownups. Reg. BHR s.ccourinsmmasanionnmaninis 39¢ A COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO Makes the hair soft and fluffy. REE BBE cv .cccaniansssvasssvissins 29¢ -------- RIKER'S SYRUP OF TAR AND COD LIVER OI). Invaluable for Coughs Colds. Reg. 50¢ . HAND LOTION For chapped hands and roughened skin. Regular RA A PEPTONA TONIC TAB. An all round reconstructive tonic. Reg. $1.00 69¢ and 39¢ BOOTS' THE CHEMIST THROAT PASTILES Menthol, Eucalyptus and Black Currant. Reg. 50c ... 39¢ HAND CLEANER Removes grease and dirt and whitens the hands. 1 Ib, tin, regular . WR sip DE PALM OLIVE SOAP Regular 10c each, 90¢ per dozen WILSON'S SYRUP OF FIGS The only laxative for children. Special . ah . 19e RIKER'S LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Will stop that cold in the oo Re head. vee 18€ WILSON'S WHITE + LINIMENT "| For sprains, aches and pains Special ak 19¢ Assorted Nut Milk Chocolate, regular 55¢ Ib. . wip " 49¢c a bb, The Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL Phone 28 F. W. THOMPSON Phone 101 § | formance was given at the Ontario | } {is the conductor of the choir {Dy rstrations in Home Nursing | All South Oshawa Canadian Girls lin Training are urged to he at their ! weekly meeting in Eirra Hall on Friday at 7 p. m. Miss Cross will igive some practical demonstrations {in connection with the Home Nuprs- ing Courses, refreshments will he served and a socfal good time en- joyead. Erecting a Garage Mr. T. A. Chadburn, of 'the Chzd- {burn Motor Company, King and {Prince Streets, is erecting a garage {on Prince Street just porth of the present quarters, where repai wok iwill be dome and a 'service station will be operated in coumection with 'the show rooms. The garage will be | ,a spacious ome and entirely sailed | to needs of car owners. : | Whitby Choral' Society Concert | The annual concert of the Whitby | Choral Society Tuezday night at- {tracted a crowd which filled the! | musie hall to overflowing. It jg the! second concert that the society has given, and it was a very great sue- | ess. The numbers were practically ! all sacred or classical; there was lit- ! tle popular music. To-night the por-| ) C7 fig OPI ail Lulveliy Sy Vo ! Hospital for the benefit of the pa-! |. tients. J. M. Sherlock of Toronto, a line regular u . . { { Mr. Errol Bruton, who has been Bd {manager of the .E. R. Gavin Sloe. lothin Men's Furnishin - Boots & Shoes pairs to pick from at. . . . -- J. e------ ---- Adedebbd hd deb Mbt eb ded ded deddbbed Adhd Ahhh ded dh dred. The following are a few of the many big values we offer: Girls' School Boots in high top in either kid or dull leather, sizes 1102 .............. Girls' Scheel Beets in all shapes, sizes and styles, either black or brown. One thousand .. $695, $4.95 and $395 See our Men's Grey Worsted Suits just ar- rived. During the war they were $5000, $30.00 | ! $2.50 | \ 3 H I {Store at Port Arthur for the past elisa seven years, arrived in Oshawa last! in putting the present Goveroment | jevening. Mr. Bruton is opemimg his! in power." he said. "hut 1 am sur {new shoe store in Oshawa om Satur-| you feel this---that they did one good | | day. March 4. He is thorouzkhly ac-| thing when they appointed Mr. Lar {quainted with the shoe busimess and jis comeptent to give high class shoe! {service to the citizens of Oshawa. in the office of High Commissioner. | | Watch for the opening announce-| and he believed Mr. Larkin would | iment in this paper of the Formal, make everything of that office that {Opening of The Errol Bruton Smart] it was possible 10 wake it | Mr. Larkin suitably acknowledg: 4} {Shoe Shop. at No. 12 Simcoe North. the greetings, and assured his hear-| at League ers that they ° , 'would have a Cana-! | Tuesday evening was Social und dian who will Jalways remember | { derory night combined in the, Canadians in the High Commission- | South Oshaxa Epworth League. Mr. | or's office over there." { umey rendered several muck ap-! pe following is the list of guests | {haciated readings which as usual juiced to the juncheon from exe Well eyed br he South | gi eriet: {Oshawa crowd. ster yalk- ; jer. one of our re gE Albert Wok Beaverton----Mr. D. W. Wallis, Mr. was also present, and created much C- W- King Mr. D. A. Woodward, pe ip Jie come socttatiope. i Me: J0kn J NaC BU OS. nm was { . i aA: Tas solo by Miss Elva FH, od a eta | Givens. Mr. L. J. Cameron, Mr, Wil- quartette, composed of M . {liam Dobson, Nr. W. C. Latimer, |Andrews, Kenneth Oeste. Bob, str. Charles Demister, Ms. Hector {Hollis Hurlbert and Edwin Arpold Losan. At the close of the program, Mr. ©. Oshawa His Worship Johm L. Petley directed some group games, | Stacey (Mayor). Mr. G. T. Morris, and refreshments brought the eve- Mr. J. V. Hill, Mr. F. L. Mason, Mr. (ning's entertainment to a close. | F. E. Hare, Mr. 2. H. James, Mr. A. { F. Hind, Mr. O. D. Friend, Dr. TW. G. McKay, Mr. George W. McLaugh- Mim, Mr. Charles W. Robson, Mr kin to fill the position in London." | There were great potemtialities 'Sacial Evening Local Men { | Charles F. Schofield, Mr. Fred Ball, Colonel J. F. Grierson, Mr. W. R. ikie, Mr. R. M. Millichamp, Mr. A. Morson. lieve he will see rien pet gtd Whithy--Mesars. E. R. Blaw, Fred Canadian High Commissioner is car- Hatch, Joseph King, 8. H. Trees. ried on in a business way, and that | Uxbridge -- His Worship J. W. he will reflect glory not only on him- | 'Gould (Mayor), Messrs. Geonge i | (Continued from page 1) Ge in London, . {Applavse ) | on Not only do 1 believe W. self, but on the whole Dominion» w, Wm. Hamilton, Dr. M. H | Mr. P. C. Larkin, who was given |C008bS, W. W. Johuston, Dr. Shier, a wers cordial meception, mage a A M. MacPhail W. S. Ormiston, W_ | suitable reply. {G. Gilfillan. i "A few evenings Yeod wg i Bowmanville--His Worship Mayor Public. servant and woos {@uinu, Mr. C. B Rehder, Mr. M. | dear old friend of mine asked me | Blliott, Mr. R. E. Yates, Mr. William to dine with him, and throughout the | Thickson, Mr. William Merritt, Mr. meal he was cautioning me in regard | C: S- Hallman, Mr. A. L. Milmie, to the very many things 1 must he Mr George W. James, Mr. John caveful of in London. so as mot 10 Lae, Mr. J. W. Alexander, Mz. J.B. embarrass my masters at Ottawa. | Mitchell, Mr. Moses A. James, Mr. When he was thoough with his cau. | liam B. Couch, Mr. J. A. MeClel- Hoax lan, Nr. Jom McMuotry, Mr. J. L into® | Morden, Mr. D. Burke Simpson. as, Pickening--Messrs. ». H. Rich- d 1p |Avdson, John Forgie, Adam Spears, ap- |G. M. Forsyth, Lorne Puckrin, WG. | Bornes, Edward Willson, Thomas ; Gregg, A. W. MacKay, R. J. How, { Donald R. Beaton, Dr. N. ©. Me- Kinnon. A New English Golf Caps, all sizes, the very $2 0 latest AAAARAAR ARS AAA AAARARN BEAR ASSRAAAS I ---- ---------- -- C. Mc 3 12 KING ST. EAST { Port Hope--Mis Worship Foed IL. -,Cantis (Mayor), Messrs. Norman S. More New Curtain Nets Our Spring Stock is in, and con- tains fabrics new in texture and patterns. They are delightfully appropriate for the new season, and will give your home a spring- time atmosphere. For a special introduction we are offering you to 75¢ yard Friday and Saturday for §f¢ vd. {EM One Yard Wide Prints This has been very difficult to obtain in the past, but now we have a nice assortment of patterns in dark blue and light grounds, fast colors and a soft finish. Friday and Saturday 29¢ yd. House Cleaning Time is At Hand New Curtains Will Be Needed And here is your opportunity of having ready made curtains to put up. Marquisette Curtains, with lace inser- tion and lace edge down side and across bottom, Filley Net in finished design border. Reg. $4.00, $4.75 and $5.00 pr. Friday and Saturday $3.49 et tn en TOE Three Only Lace Panels One panel for a window, 48" wide, 21 yds. long, wide figured bottom panel effect, very beautiful. Regular $6.50. Friday and Saturday $4.68 each Choate, J. W. Sanders, W. J. Colwill,] Maher 1. H Chisholm, ¥. W. Wilson AJ 0 . John A. Hume Fi Wicket iT SY lvester, MW. Roper. 4. R. Bunting, H.R. Boulton, Thurbur, A HC. Long Port Perry-- Messrs. Charles Run-§ dle, W. H. Harris, X. Ingram, Dr |¢ Arche: and Plunkett, F. ; McArthur, | liam Prait, J. W { John C. Ruse, F Dick. Township Thorah Messrs Ross. Chas. Dukelow, JJ. Morrison, Peter MoQuaig, B. C. Jude, D. Mc-{C rthar, F. WW. Rilance. Dr Jas. In salloway. George R. Yule Ogbourg His Worship John Bort. Sproule; Glendinning, P. B Mayor | Neil McPhaden Sr M. i Brock Township --Messrs H. Francis, Lorne M. Pinkham, Jobn William Brethour, Frank Deble, EW Interesting Silk Values Two numbers that will solve your Spring frock problems. Black, of course, as it is still the Paris rage. silk with a touch of color, such as Pais- ley or some other contrasting shade, for trimming. First we would draw your attention te a beautiful Black Duchess Satin, 36" wide, a heavy Swiss make in a very rich deep shade. Regular $3.25 yard. Friday and Saturday $2 68 yard Then there is a Black Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide. Best Swiss make. A wonderful quality very moderately IN MEMORIAM F. 3 wil- WW. MH. A.4 Four years have can tell, passed and Har- Bat % b= Messrs. W. J. Corbett, | Boggs. Henry Fullerton, . Odell. . Bea Ewing, Edward Doody, Field. W. I Floyd. T. J. Turpin, John Dick. David A. C. Kimmell, graft and Nelson Tait LENTON --- In loving memory of my dear husband, John Lentoa, passed away March 2nd, 1918. who none The loss of one I loved so weil. while he lies in peaceful sleep, His memory I will always keep. Thomas a No oue has yet said that at William | cass Mary's wedding Viscount James | celles "will be dressed in the John. and | ventional black." ---Brockville cerder FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Tec FE vicina hail por donem Choice Creamery Butter, per Ib. All kinds of Fresh and Smoked Fish for CHOICE BABY BEEF FOR SATURDAY HARPER & CLEMEN \ IPHONE 66 Sadly missed by WIFE. Prin- Las- cone Re-

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