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Ontario Reformer, 2 Mar 1922, p. 8

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PAGE FOUR A SPORTING ------------ A All Kimmel Retiring From Presidency NOTIFIES SECRETARY NOTT i CAN'T STAND FOR ANOTHER | WILL PRESENT CUPS TERM--MANY AMEND- | © AT BANQUET SOON MENTS, With the {three series Hockey | proper date. clubs would he amendments In early so these be given some consideration annual session, championships of all of League decided, a of the exeentive will he leconrse of a few days to arrange for executive for 1922, Secretary J.(L [a banquet at which the trophies will Nott is in receipt of a letter from |he presented to the three suce A.C, Kimmel, of Cohourg, the pres- | teams, ent president, whieh states he will This event he unable to stand for that office | again, owing to certain circumstances which have arisen. Mr. Kimmel hag proved himself to he an eflicient leader, and under his guidance the league has made much progress. Secretary Nott reports that amend- ments are coming in thick and fast and when the time comes for copies to he mailed to the different clubs on March 11, there promises to he a decidedly lengthy list, The amend- ments must be in the hands of the secretary of each club one week he- tore the annual meeting, so that they must be mailed on the 11th in order that the clubs receive them on the At the annual meeting of the Cen tral Ontario Baseball League here on March 20, nominations will he open for a new president to head the will be looked forward the largest gatherings of hoys whic% time. Two of the and juvenile, © have fand they are on exhibition twindow of D. J. |store, King Street key season, as fa concerned, has heen a success, and it executive to hring n fitting close ned to have group the champions trophies, in the West, The hoe- the activitios photos taken of ADS REFORMER WANT MOTHER The Grandest Name in All the World You Love It You Will Not Fail ~ "Over The Hill" Mr. Fox's Masterpiece of Mother love NOW PLAYING AT THE GRAND You owe it to yourselves and to all those you love. to see this wonder picture that will live forever as the foremost classic of the screen. ---- One Lovable, Thrilling, Powerful Story that You Will hi Forget. "AY To See One Nem whole in York Broadway year Sensational Success in six Toronto at Fifteen Lead- Theatres, ing Theatres. PRICES CHILDREN, 25 CENTS; ADULTS, 50 CENTS Plus War FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Adults, 35¢; Children, 25¢ Tax SPECIAL PERFORMANCE for School Children only at 10.00 a.m. SATUR- DAY, MARCH ith, at the reduced price of 15c. | well advised to have their proposed may uf the the Sunday School meeting held in the assful [prevailed and a large number of sup- to with interest as it will he one of |O. has heen held in Oshawa for some |officers werk elected: junior | heen received | Langhlin. Brown's jewelry ("oad and K as this league 1 | prononneed Hon, is the desire of the! to | It is also heing plan-| i A. Pratt, A. |GIRLS' WORK BOARD | { ence | again | tant | Cedar Dale ! Yeomans | School | capable | wi {ing | protests which may have OSHAWA, ae CLARKE'S TEAM HOLD | PHILLIPS TROPHY The High Schopl Hockey League, which 18 composed of eight teams, all players heoing students of the .| school, was hrought to a close Tues- day night, whan final contests for the championship and the handsome cup donated hy Dr. J. 8. Phillips way played. Captain Wilson Clarke's team defeated Captain W. Luke's ag- gregation 3-0 and the former sex- tette will hold the trophy until next year. The games have heen in pro- gress for some time past and in- tense interest has heen centred in the result. All games were keenly contested and some fine sport was derived from the games, G.M.C. FOOTBALL "CLUB ELECTION The General Motors Foothal inh hold their organization meeting for the coming season, on Tuesday eve ng. A most enthusiastic gpirlt {porters were present. The (GM.C, intend to enter a strong team in the and D.F.A, and make a bid for the McLaughlin Cup. The following President. R. 8, Honorary Me- ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 | gacure beneheial Teslalation at the hands of parliaments, there. must he a unity and strength ot forces, | showing the governments that the Local Women's (Continued from pugs 1) ning," "Information to Voters," "Taxation," ete, The commiites was instrumental in bringing Dr. Reaman to town to lecture on "Canadianisa- tion of the Foreign Born." There are 28 members on the committee roll, " The Ailinted Nocleties The reports of several sucieties federated with the Council were en- couraging, showing what is heing done In various spheres of commun ity endeavor, From the W. ¢. 7. Ut information that there before the tgking of the referendam 1800 names on the voters' kf, The U'nion had $68 put on and worked hard to have others register who would not The dry' majority was 564 in Oshawa, and for this the Union took a share ofl the eredit, The Catholic Women's Leagne ye- ported a year of snecessful oparation, There ure 148 members, and the work! has heen confined to vigiting the sick in the homes and in the hospitals, with the provision of com- forts Mrs. IR. 8, McLaughlin, reporting for the Educational Committee, re- tive of the women of Canada. She hespoke sympathy and co-operation | for the new presiaent and new of-| flcers, { In accepting the office of Prosi- | dent, Mrs, R. B. McLaughlin promis. | ed the best possible service, and she ization represented in the Connell would give of their support und seek to uphold the hands of the officers The Council endorsed a resolution presented by Mrs, R. 8. McLaughlin | that the National Recreation Com- mittee of the Council in Canada should inglude in its program propers ly supervised movies, musical choral, societies, and the various church or- ganizations furnishing recreation or amusement for the people of the community { An important matter ro he gop-| sideran by the Couneil in the future is that of taking some stops to solve the problem of providing accommo- dation for women eoming into Osh. awa, who ure unable oftthnes to secure rooms at hotels and boarding houses, aud are therefore very much | inconvenienced. A guggestion to be considered was that the Coupeil or | came the wus found vice w President 1°, 1st viee Honorary presidents ---W, A Drew Chappell. | president WW Rahert- | Bergoey. | A. Mclean. Sullivan, 2nd viee president M 3rd vice president N Secretary-treasurer--J, fanager---J. Morgan, iner-----B, Sheridan. Assistant trainer--H. Smith Execntive---A. Smith, T Cook and H. Jayes, Norris, PLANNED LOCALLY afte 'rnoon last ig Sim- Rchool On Saturday Street Methodist Sunday room, Miss Yeomans, girls' worker, of Belleville, held informal confer- with some of the Methodist 'teen age workers of Oshawa Miss Yeomans spent the week-end in Osh- awa sizing up the situation, and pos- sibilities for 'teen age girls' work in local Sunday Schools and schools n the vicinity In three weeks Miss Yeomans will he in Oshawa, when an ate tempt will be made to organize a Girls' Work Board to head up all 'teen age girls' work in Oshawa, Two representatives from every Protes- local Sunday School, including Thorntou's Corners, Har- mony and North Oshawa, with pas- tors and Sunday School superintend- ents, are asked to meet with Miss in Simcoe Street Methodist Sunday School room at 4.15, on Sun- day. March 19th. Ar this meeting organization of the Girls' Work Board will be instituted. and officers for such a board elected On Friday evening. March 17th, in | the Simcoe Street Methodist Sunday room, there will he a mass for girlg of the teen age from all Protestant local Sunday Schools, including the Sunday Schools in the vicinity named above. Miss Yeomans is experienced girls' worker. trained for in Canadian Girls in Trailing and the girls have a treat in Good rousing singing will be a part of the program. as well as group games It 1s hoped in this it that the Cirle' Work Board can be completely organized, =o that all teachers Sunday School classes and ladies of Canadian Girls im Training groups will have -a govern- body which to tyra, and a clearance ground for all ®heir work. 'Teen age girls are urged to he pres- ent at this conclave Secretary J. G. Nott, of the Cen- tral Ontario Baseball League ig pro- posing the formation of an independ- ent sub-committee handle any tg he con- during the Central League race. The suggestion is being looked on with faver and it will no doubt | be adopted at the annual meeting. coe meeting "au Vears work Slore of to to sidered { PONY AND BUGG oY AND HARNESS { for sale. 29 Mill Street 138-¢ { their aim NEW MARTIN TEATS NEWS ERNIE MAR KS, Manager The House of Vaudeville "Two Weeks with Pay" Capitol Comedy Presents NEAL BURNS in | of the rest room at some organization affiliated with it make arrangements to have several rooms kept fu private houses in town' for women travellers, that organiza- tion to reimburse the owners of the! houses at the end of cach wonth it! { the rooms have not heen rented, ferred to the splendid work which the various Home and School Clubs lin the town are doing. Something like $2,000 had already heen raised hy five clubs providing musical in- struments and many. comforts not supplied by the Bowed of Education for the various school Above all wing to cultivate eo-opera-| tion between the teachers, scholars and their parents, without which school work could not be made a! (Continued from page 1) real suceess, The work whieh the | yreacher with great skill unfolded clubs were doing waz worthy of thelihe other details of the gtory leading! Suppo of all citizens and of the Lo: {up to the grand eltmax when Jesus | al Council | rovealed himself unto the woman On behal? of the Hospital Auxil- | with the startling words I that fary Mes. McLaughlin also reported ' speak unto thee are He" hat last year $1.000 ak raised more Was It Worth While? than the previous year An import-! might ask, one might wonder, | ant project undertaken was the er-! the disciples doubtless did, ection of un addition to the nurses' whether it was worth while «pend: | residence at a cost of $14,000, of ling £0 much time on a mere woman, | which $9.500 had already been uid, | and one who had sunk as low as it! the hope being to raise the balance | was possible for any human being this year In the hospital, to show |1o gink, But there was no Hmit to' the need for more revenue and the ithe possibilities when a man or! work being done, it was reported | woman looked into the face of the that 243 cases were handled tree ofl 30n of God. and the sequel proved charge, and 212 indigents for which [that it was gloriously worth while $1.50 a day ouly was recelved, notlin this ease. The people who form- sufficient to cover expenses erly shunned the woman because of Mrs Schofield, Sr. reported for (ber evil character were impressed | her mission which she =o faithfully | With the change 'in her and stopped! carrieg on for the benetit of thelto listen "because of the saying of needy Mrs Schofield said that pot !the woman." But it was no "second much sickness and very Ritth real | hand religion" that the people of poverty was found Things. were |Sychar acquired they saw und heard looking up, she tound. the conpphn- (Jesus themselves ity nurses also bringing iv similar report Dr. Green closed with a strong ap- peal) to his hearers 10 bear witness for the Master 'People are wait- ing in Oshawa" he said, "for some-' one to speak to them about Jesus." Meetings to Continue The meetings being continued for the balance of this week inelud-! ing Saturday an dthe first four days of next week, The week night meet- ings are held at ® o'clock, and on; Sunday Dr. Green will preach at both morning and evening services. C'onant There will also be a special meeting for men and oider boys in the ¥. M. | C. A. at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Dr. Green has been in Moncton for nearly six years Previous to that he preached in the New Eng- land State for about thirty years,: three of his charges being in Boston. ' Providence, R.I. and Portland, Me. | in the latter two places the churches | of which be was pastor were the , largest in the particular state in! D Conant, in a splendid | address, ich the ofties were situated. In| outlined that much 'had been AC his eaplier life Dr. Green visited | complished by the Counerl in the oy tralia. New Zealand, and Europe. | past year. and since organization two ago. It was hard for an or-| ganization of two years to he fally understood and its aims aud policies! appreciated. but she felt that the) Council in that time had made its influence felt in the community and} in The Officers The oticers who will gaide "tines of the Council for the 142 + as follows: Honorary Presidentsss-- Mrs les Farewell and Mrs. GD President--Mrs. R. 8 Ist Viee-President -Mas. Mundy 2nd on ard Vice Myers Recording Sew Bull Corresponding C. Youug Treasurer Miss Joss The various committees arranged and apnounced lat Urges Unity and Action The retiring president, Mrs, G Years' the year Char- Are Conant. Mclau<hlin M. Vige- Mrs President- Camer- President M1 retary Mo in KReecrotary Mrs. J. Dillon will be years i (Continued from page 10 500m as weather permits, with a view | to using up the balance of the lots! accomplished much for community |.;d money on band. Mr. Gliddon welfare. The appointment of Mrs. (states that these could be sold many Young to the Town Planning Com-!yimes over before they are even | MISSiOn Was au important move, 88 completed. That this plan for fa-| { this in the future promised to be one | gucing and making it possible for | of Oshawa"s most Goportan! mul- | residents 10 own their own homes is icipal bodies with its object of (own ia popular one is shown by the rap- { beautificatiog: The auxiliary 10 the lidity In which they have been taken | Y. M.C. A. a real necessity, had over done splendid work. The furnishing ! the lake was also | another accomplishment of the year. Mrs. Conant made an appeal to the! Federated societies to carry back to} their vespeetive organizati ions the aims and objects of the Local Conn- | cil of Women, the principal aim of Nurse fa. which was the prosecuting of any | fre whe work of common interest. and bring- ing all the women's organizations to gether in one big union for more of- | Hapoel fective work. Amiliation with the | Council did net in any way detract from the work which any organiza- tion was seeking to carry on. There was much to be done in the days that are to come, including the con- sideration of such subjecis as the Unmarried Pavents' Aet, lmmigra- tion, ete. The retiring president al- | so poipted out that in union there | to |W. was strength and that in order WILLIAM DESMOND The Film Star that took Toronto by storm vocontly in "FIGHTIN M Nomi theill till yom tingle with excitement 22 ATTRACTION Nomar THOMAS MEIGHAN CHARLIE CHAPLAIN in "WOMEN" in "A Prince Theve Was™ NEXT WEEK AEXT WEEK The Bart 1 of Qatheart got a divorce | Craven from the of her indiscretions with the Karl of -------- the 'wlth it~ Perhaps names something to do Commercial. Lady of Cathcart because | Local Council was really representa-|* expressed the hope that every organ- | Advance Announcement We're No obligation on your part to purchase just come For the past few weeks you have heen constantly reminded of spring and spring clothes. We Have Been Laying Low We have been planning and are soon ready for the greatest surprise of the sea- son, viz.:--The most beautiful collection of Canada's best made stoek of ladies' and men's ready-to-wear, which are being laid out and will be ready for your inspeetion within a short time. We do not expect to have models, birds, music and flowers to help make vou be- lieve ours is best, but, We Certainly Will Have The Very Latest The most Up-To- Date And Highest Grade of Ladies Ready-To Wear Made In Canada. And the main fea- ture of them all is "The Price' There ar thfee features to a garment--QUAL- ITY --STYLE-- PRICE and in our assortment you will find everything high but the price. We have a new club plan open to those who are unable to purchase their garments just now. We will explain this to you upon request. "We are outfitters to the whole family" men's, women's boys' and girl's Ready-to- wear, Boots and Shoes. The stove where your dollars learn to have more cents. 16-18 Simcoe St. N. Phone 308 Oshawa Bufld

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