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Ontario Reformer, 30 Mar 1922, p. 7

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TTT TTT TRY Z Oshawa and District |: to Rochester j acd large number of Oshawa Roter- , went to Rochester to-day, and will follow to-morrow, for the " international convention being in that ecity. Tite ey prtant matters, however, are ing up. Members of the Sani- ad Relief Committee of the cil wil] 'be present. Bargain Sales Prove Successful i. Engel's inauguration of 8.30 ofeibck bargain sales, offering a Jim- ed amount of goods at nfueh below cost to induce early Sopping, have proved very success- © Oh Wednesday morning, the it morning of the sales, a large d was on 'hand waiting for the ening of the doors. xi Ly ---- Faneral of Late Mrs, Hare Arrangements are being made to pid the funeral of the late Mrs, J. +. Hare, who died at Rockford, Til, op', March 11th, in Whitby on April #h.: The remains will be brought to Whitby on the Grand. Trunk train at 2.37 p.m. At thres 0'- 1oek a memorial service will he held #8"Ontario Ladies' College, 'to which Be public will be at liberty to at- d, following "which interment win take place at Union Cemetery. BR Consider Paving iMembers of the Manufacturers' ommittee, Board of Works and En- 'Blueer Smith on Tuesday visited the of W. B. Phillips Ltd., former ¢*the Thornton Rubber Company, &nd met Col, Phillips to consider the question of a pavement to the fac- a price! mp, ,'|' Mr, Hopkins. is one of the most gifted exception 'of the Schofield Woollen Mills, have pavement, to their Rremises, The pavement . to the Schofield" property was consider ed last year and laid over. The re- sult of the conference will be pre- sented to the Council, 3 For the Teeth . Peroxide Tooth Paste, none bet- ter. Price 19c¢. Saturday only, at Beattie's Drug Store. 150-2 Another Adjowrnment In Police Count, yesterday morning, the case of Alfred Robinson who is charged with selling liquor on Jan- uary 13th, was resumed and further evidence was taken. At noon a fur- ther adjournment was made until Thursday, April 6th when the case will be concluded. with the exe . Hopkins to Speak W. J. Hopkins, metropolitan see- retary of the Y.M.C.A. Toronto, has been secured as. the speaker at the: Sunday afternoon meeting for men in the "Y" next Sunday afternoon. speakers in connection with the YM, C.A. work 'in Canada, but his t3lk will not be on this work, but a straight talk to men and boys, one that no father should miss. He will speak at 4715, Collapsed on Street ards for the erection of a hrick | dwelling on the east side of Church "-|onto during Faster week. = TS ---- 4 --- -- -- for Dwelling. ) - A building permit has been issued y oer 'Smith to James Rich- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922 r-- PAGE THREE Street. It 'will cost' $3,500, . -Centre. 'Street Home and School Club . held their regular moatuly meeting: Wednesday afternoon 'wh sub-committees were appointed and a delegate selected for the Provin. cial convention of the Home an School Federation to be held in Tor- Three Months In Jail Joseph Powers, who was convict- ed recently on a charge of 'selling li- quor to two Special Officers, in the employ of the liquor license depart- ment, appeared before - Magistrate Hind in Police Court Tuesday after. noon .for sentence. A fine of $200 and costs was Imposed or in default three months. Powers accepted the latter alternative. Will Address Scouts EH) On Friday evening, Oshawa Boy Scouts, Troop No. 3, will hold their, regular meeting at Scout -headgquar- ters and it is expected to have a large attendance as Capt. F. C. Pal- mer will give an interesting talk, | The Troop has been steadily increas-! ing in numbers since Scout Week, and boys wishing to. join, are sold out before. Just Two Days Left of the SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE No time to lose if you want to get in on a good thing. The next two days, Friday and Saturday, will be the final clean up of these truly wonderful bargains. Every number is a special purchase and resold to the public at actually less than the regular wholesale price. This is an opportunity that does not come very often, so be sure and make the best use of your time. Here we duplicate a few of the special items mentioned in our bill, but all special purchases are at same price as advertised till Saturday night, unless asked 'to do so before April 28th as on that date they begin their mew charter. It is desirable to have as mahy names as possible on the roll, GIRLS Board of Works 'Met | While walking along King Street East, in front of the Regent Theatre yesterday afternoon ahout - 1,30 o'clock. Mr. J. W, Williams. 39 Bruce Street, 'was suddenly overcome, either with a mild stroke or a faint- ing spell, and collapsed on the side- walk, Pedestrians who were passing at the time. assisted in carrying him into the: theatre 'where he was attended" by Dr. McKay. ' An ambu- lance was summoned and after con- Thé Board of Works had a meat- | ing last nght when a number of mat-; | tors pertaining to street improve- {iments for 'this summer were discus- {sed but mothing definitely decided upon, The Board does not contem- |plate an extensive program, but it is possible that some paving will be lald. A pavement in front of W. E. Phillips factory is under considera- {tion, while there are on hand a num- | ber of petitions for sidewalks. { est pattern, made on most stylish lines, sizes FOR THE BIGGER Gingham and Chambray Dresses in the very dainti- 12 and 14 years, worth as high as $3.75, for $1.49 veying him to his home, Dr' MeKay | ordered that the patient be refnoved ! A Syllabu Newest Pattern Voiles Suitable for blouses, girls' and women's dresses; self-striped and dainty figured patterns, 27 inches wide. Special .............. 35¢ yard the 10, tory. "All 'other factories in town, -_ ~ NOTICE - Owing to necessary changes on the system, the electric service will be off from 4.30 a.m. to 5 a.m. Friday, March 31, 1922. y : ; we : : "THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSIONER to. he resting comfortably, to 'the hospital, where he is reported | : (Continued fro page 1) more strongly, convinced than ever of its need. The secretary of the 'YM,C.A. and the Boys' Work secre | tary, baving a lttle time ,at their {disposal each day, had kindly offered {to give same to the Board in giving supervised pjay instruction at all the schools and preparing a scheme for| irecreation, In order that such an| {offer might be taken advantage of, | | Trustee Chappell moved that the secre: | {tary be instructed to write the secre: itary of the Y.M.C.A. thanking him for | his interest in community work, par- | .. LADIES to save money. OF ONTARIO |i ticularly in connection with the public | {schools; that the secretary prepare a | | syllabus and submit same to the] HOGG & LYTLE, Limited We are increasing our acreage on Contract Peas and have a few hundred bushels to place with good. growers, " SBED and SEED GRAIN Our stock is complete. Quality the best and prices as low as good goods can be sold at. Come in and look them over. : . > ia FEED : Bran, Shons, Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Cake Meal, and Ground Feed are in demand, with prices inclined upwards. Nothing will be gained by waiting till you require these be- fore'you have them in your possession. det is quote you prices. 5 J " PHONE 203. USE IT. * | gregational canvass bé made to ln- HAVE ARRIVED To those who have been using Melsids we wish to an h nhounce we Juss veceln a shipment direct : To thost who have not yet heard of or used Meloids : 3A i r led $ wold over gil ifeada ; singers... There are none better. = The REXALL STORES ' = | + Fire Damages 3 (Continued from page 1). ! LETTE "ithe congregation contributed $1,271 {m t committee, and if the | same is satisfactory that the principal | be instructed to put same in effect, i | The only other comment on the| motion, which was carried unani-| | mously, was made by 'the Chairman, i who opined that it was a forward step SUMMER VESTS FOR Moody's high grade seconds, equal to many first quality makes. Short sleeves or strap shoulder. A wonderful opportunity Reg. 35¢ to 45c, 4 for 98¢ Reg. 50¢ to 65¢, 3 for 98¢c Reg. 75¢ to $1.00, 2 for 98¢ top, THREE BIG CORSET - An exceptionally fine fitting corset, spoon clasp, with five hooks, same quality as our regular stock at $1.75. Now 99¢ A well-boned croset, strong white coutil, four hose sup- porters, trimmed embroidery $1.50 value. Misses' strong white coutil, lightly boned, button front. lar $1.25. SPECIALS reinforced front, LADIES' SILK HOSE Seconds to be sure, but even then they are not meant for street wear, but are just the thing for round the house on the hot summer days. Cooler and more comfortable than cotton. time to lay in a supply. 25¢ PAIR Now is the 18-27. Regular Now 79¢ made of sizes corsets, Regu- Now 75¢ New Ginghams and Chambrays 36 inches wide, regular 50c quality, in plain, striped and fancy check. Special ... 33¢ vard WASH SUITS FOR BOYS AND DRESSES FOR All in the most approved of styles, well made .and very neatly trimmed. The boys' sutis are from 2 to 6 years, and the girls' dresses from 2 to 14 years. All at one price .... GIRLS 98¢c {in the right direction. _-- { ' | (Continued from: page 1) Education for business Wednesday morning at! (Continued from page 1) the usual hour, and the task they action must be taken at this meeting | had was no sinecure. Manager if schools were to be built this year. | Hicks and his men had to sweep out Important Improvements gallons of water, wipe off desks, The principal improvements in public floor. stock, ete., to make the place schools as adopted include the enlarge presentable. The books and records ment of Mary Street School grounds, were in the vault and suffered no!which has heen advocated for some | {time both by the public school inspec: | Need Large Chemical Tank | tor, medical health officer, and pro-| Speaking to The Reformer after minent local citizens, A new heating the fire, Chief Cameron declared em- | system in King Street School is also phatically that never before was the provided for, the present system hay- need for a cheniical tank of sufficient ing long since outlived its usefulness. glze demonstrated more than durin® | Another important improvement is the this fire. The small tank at present erection of new stairways in Albert on hand is practically useless, be Street school, to replace the present stated, adding that if the department steep stairways considered a menace bad been in possession of a fifty gal- for a long time. The removal of the lop. tank not ope half the damage pelfreys from ge two schools is also would have been dome by water. important, likewise the general im- The firemen regretted having to turn {provement of the lighting system in on water but there was nothing else ali puildings. The amount for the to do under the circumstances. The | School includes the fire escape many fires already this year in large already installed by order of the Fire buildings which the department had Marshal. to fight was proof positive, he! "Op the question of making any ex- thought, that Oshawa's fire fighting EMARKABLE EE. 24upmen; was not what it should |- King Street Church i {to isgoge. og year it was ex- plained that the congregation had | {been asked to raise 25 per cent. | Woman Recom- Canadian more. v Mr. Larke said that there Jas mends Lydia E. Pinkham's room for improvement in the offer- / t bi C | ings through the duplex envelopes, and a resolution was passed suggest- Winnipeg, Manitoba --*"I can too highly of what Lydia ing to the official board that a eon- 's Vegetable Compound for me. § crease the number of members using the envelopes. Superintendent 8. Gummow of the Sunday School re- ported an average attendance for last year of 388, and the total amount received for all purposes $1,- 235. There are 143 children on the cradie roll. It was stated that the Epworth League had an average at- tendance of 60, and that it had $149 in the treasury. Mr. F. Herring re- ported that there were 46 members in the choir. The Boy Scouts, Troop 3, which is undenominational, but which uses the basement of the TROT, i fi i ; < 58 H HH musie: Anthem, "By Babylon's Wave" Solo, "I Heard the Volce of Jesus N oh 1 | tensive repairs to Albert Street school, the Board was divided for a time, but {voted unanimously to have these in cluded in the list. The item of replacing the stairs and improving the lavatory accommoda- | tion in Albert Street School was not included in the recommendations of | the Property Committee, and Trustee | Drew, claiming that they were in the original report, objected to them being left out, as he figured that they were | the most necessary repairs in that | school. | Chairman Nott, of the Property Com- | mittee, explained that the items had | been scored out by the Committee, al- | though he was in favor of having | them proceeded with. | Trustee Knight thought that to! make repairs to Albert Street school | was to throw money away. ~The location was not right, and when the repairs were made the Board would | not have an up-to-date school, | Trustee Drew stated that the fise of | this school would have to be con-| {tinued for years to come. It was a good building with the exception of the steep stairways and the closet | underneath. He wanted to see all the | { schools brought right up-to-date, \ That in a year or two the school | would be in the Centre Street class | and unfit for use, was the opinion of Trustee Chappell. He objected to spending $900 for wiring, believing it to be money thrown away. if *Chairman Henry---The question Is, will we be in a position to replace schools with the expenditure we are now facing? The Chairman did net think so. Trustee Mrs. Cornwall was of the opinion that the school would have to be used for 10 or 15 years yet. It wgs a good structure and should be re- paired, Chairman Henry remarked that the stairs were bad and the lavatories also, and it was not fair to either the scholars or teachers. « Improvements The improvements to the public schools in detail are as follows: -- High School--Stairways to be re- system with fan; roof to be given two coats of paint; stairway, seats, doors and locks to be repaired; one new section of Haskhoard to be put in; the one taken down; grounds to be 4 change main in steam pipe; salary of caretaker to be increased to $75.00 a month. six - portables; 225 adjustable seats and desks; and efficient lighting system in each school, The March lion was mistaken if he thought saw the word "'wel- come" on wa"s door mat, -- pas EE EE - - | The old-fashioned widow who spoke | of her late husband now. has a daugh- ter who speaks of her latest husband, ---Stubernville Herald-Star. f(r J. C. McGILL A Clothing " Tlen's Furnishings Boots and Shoes SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY . AND SATURDAY SHIRT SALE Tooke Bros., Arrow and W. G. & R. Brands. Sizes # oo 14 to 161%. New goods, neat patterns, fast colors, BARGAIN No. 1 200 Arrow, W. G. & R. and Tooke Bros. Shirts BARGAIN No. 2 25 dozen Extra High Grade Shirts in® fast colors and splendid qualities, Friday and Saturday ..........soensasTassrasis $1.89 We are glad to announce a reduction in our higher grade Bopts for Men, We are show- ing a large assortment'in the newer lasts, andl the prieeist,...... 0... 5.44» $6.50 Tre + ---- " -- cam-- 1,300 pairs of Men's Fine Boots and Oxfords in the new and shades, sizes 51, to 11 ..... $4.95 J. C. 'McGILL | Small Profits and Quick Returns

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