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Ontario Reformer, 4 Apr 1922, p. 2

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a a Any YORE RET IRR Se ent ~ PAGE TWO OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1922. rr mn congo -- Tye Ontario Reformer Big New Industry rsp ------ pp ------ AMOUS COMPOSERS WHO IMI. ing of the cock in he Seasons anu Lr . TATED ANIMALY IN MUSIC [the roaring of the lion in the Cre RECENT DEATHS ALL PEOPLE FACE ; i . \e e 1 the cuckoo Many of the composers have sought jation; Beethoven imitated gd J 1 to imitate animals in their music. | the nightingale and the quail in the {Baatistot io 35714 Will Manufacture Allo Scandelll (1750) wrote a part song | Pastoral symphony, while Mendel. An independent newspaper pub: i _-- " 5 to imitate the cackling of a. he ohn imitated the praying of tne lighed every other day (Tuesday, FLORENCE SHELLEY LO apr (1667) wrote oe fy Midsummer Night's Dream. Nande ana Saturday SET er Steel In Canada Altef 6 lengthy illness the death - - : which the subject is the imitation of | et > Oshawa, occur: y i p ; ah i : Ji ATL a eo & nh, Printing "nd Publishing Company courred at Oshawa Hospital Satur-| Mr, J. W. Hopkins, Metropolitan the chromatic meow of i cat: foo many Supporung ine Bove: v.imited, Charles M. Mundy, Presi-| dent, Managing Director and Treas- Dominion Alloy -------- day o o aged 42 years, wile of Albert Shelley, Steel Company will Supply Requirements of Auto-|1 sg midon Avenue. morning of Florence Shelley, ment expect it to support them,--St. . buzzing of flies in Israel "wy" Secretary Speaks in By Paul News. Handel imitated the in Egypt; Haydn imitated the crow: The deceased had urer; A. # Alloway, Assistant Man- motive and Other Industries. New Plant will Be Located ad heen 111 since last August, and with Simcoe Church | rrr mem mm---------- BEer. * great fortitude and courage endured : RE . tiwinnia. Rives | ORO. A. MARTIN - Baitor fuch suffering, The husband, 1s ly KA ie) ei ------ : ) SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; : Undergoing treatment in a London}, vppe Challenge of yesterday," Mr. | seltvered by Carrier | Osh The announcement of the forma- | company's initial output of 60,000 hospital for a disability caused bY | 5 w. Hopkins, metropolitan rotary layered ny Aare er ps vo -» tion of the Dominion Alloy Steel | tons per annum, At this plant will|overseas service, and was at his wife's of the Y.M.C A a. again i by mal deg in pana a 33. Corporation, Limited, has attracted be constructed the electrical furn-| bedside during her latter days. De ape he hurale Dos can: ar ne States subse 4 ons | no little attention both in the trade aces, rolling-mills, machine shops, | ceased had been a resident of Oshawa | ans en In 'he late war und "the | $1. 0 extra to cover postage. Single and in investment circles throughout laboratories, etc., required for the for 11 years, coming here from her | gays of sacrifice and itoring through copies 5 cents. {Canada Jad is an indication that the production of alloy and high carbon |native city, Leicester, England, Prior | which ve have "in r passed They: Be steel industry, a basic one, is on the steels, It is claimed, however, that |to the war her husband worked at the! THE on da dS valry. service - : AWA R TUESDAY, APRIL ¥ 4TH. jup grade. {in addition to the home demand, the| factory of Fittings Ltd, Besides her Yore the are Ur chivaln Hii i! tot develops that the Dominion | company will be able to produce al-|husband she is survived by four wis the at enge of 2 duys | BAR WHITE GIRLS FROM | Alloy Steel Corporation is concerned loy steels in the Canadian plant at daughters, Hilda, Edna, Mrs. Bint and with Which wo iin ronfronted toddy. | {in the production of grades of steel | | not heretofore produced in the Dom- | CHINESE RESTAURANTS The action of the Local Council of Women in passing a resolution call» ing upon the Town Council to enact a law forbidding local Chinese res- taurants employing white girls rhould have the sympathy and nid port of the great majority of people. | Canadian girls ought to be able to make an honest living without ac-| ¢epting positions where they are subject to the orders, and perhaps! from the yellow race. worse, Qi! an the While 1 water will not mix, and ! ud yellow races should allowed to mix, Bastern <lmost nil of the yei- inion of Canada, and for which a big , , and let us hope it may demand has sprung up in this coun- me as eonversant with it try during the past few years. Alloy . a the Pacific steels are employed in particular in {ie residents on the the automobile industry, which, as is is increasing in leaps While on this point, it that the operation not .® Canada K! J. J. MAHON Low proble ever hee 1Ve cael, In many places, particularly well mall towns, ae only known, it is often found that and bounds, restaurant in the place is '8 worthy of note a cost which will permit it to export | Bvelyn, all of Oshawa. United States|tender years. other world's|and one England, The present capital of the com- terday afternoon from the late into $3,-| idence to the advantageously to the and to Sheffield, and markets, pany is $7,000,000 divided Two are ol |p we speaker gave The mother, one sister lid Wm brother are in Leicester! pigks, of The funeral was held yes | strong men. res | puginess men, a forceful address, that today was a day of | responsibilities and for It was a challenge for the church, the home, wv. CO J 13 ¢. Rev. Clin fact every phase of life. Union cemetery, 500,000 common, and $3,500,000|R, de Pencier having charge. 8% cumulative preferonse shares, Ee ------ Phe whole attitude of those bravy and on this capitalization there is x $ | men, many of them who gave thei avery confidence that the company ROBERT JOHN BALDWIN Vives, was one of chivalry. Their will be able to show large earnings. Very suddenly at his residence, 44 | bravery at the fiercest battle would The Dominion Alloy Steel Corpora- Bigin Street East, the death oceurred never be forgotten, Mr. Hopkins de- tion is pecularly forlusate in having | Sunday afternoon of Robert John | clared, but there were some battles M as its organizers an promoters, men Baldwin, aged 67, an employee of the | being fought at the present time whose experience {s second to none General Motors. The deceased wus which were equally as fine us any of S1 ALL ACCOUNTS in the industry. Prmoinent among ill for three days only, coming Bind Bw tought on Flanders' field. He the directors, 18 Mr, Harry R. Jones, from the factory in the middle of the ustrated his remarks with several who joined the United Alloy Steel | week, Jones in making a commercial sué-| hy all who kne Mr. Wills! gon, Sydney Beh cess of Vanadium Steel. holds patents on molybdenum steel | gaughter, Sunday morning he was up| instances ol 'bravery, sacrifice and the | Corporation of Canton, Ohio, injand around. In the afternoon he | generous spirit of giving right in our i | would lilze to take the 1904, and whose qualifications may |nagsed out very suddenly. Deceased | mids! he speaker paid a BOWINE : : perhaps best be indicated Ta the | had been a resident of Oshawa for five tribute 10 the late Sir John Eaton, opportunity of stating that statement that during his manage-| years, coming. here from Solina, He! who, he said, nevel ailed to respond i ment and presidency the capital of|was a native of Kent , England, com- | to any good cause, making it possible we cordially welcome small the corporation increased from theling to Canada 11 years ago. He was a iin some cages for certain important - al} fics." original $500,000 to the present|member of St. George's Church, and in| work to he done accounts at a 1 our otnices. $27,000,000. : fraternal circles a member of the! "The challenge of L0-AMOIIOw to Another director 13 Mr C. Harold | ancient Order of Foreheis. He was 8] men of action, men ol general worth wills, who was associated: with MT. imap who wus VOY highly respected | aid men with a consciousness of God Sir Trederick Williams Taylor, him. His widow, one General Manages, at the annual dwin, of Oshawa, one meeting of the Bank of Montreal. {who will go forward 10 meet the ba | tes which are to come, fearlessly and Pen anti oi Mrs, Ockenden, Toronto, | M . ins <aid in closing onducted by Chinese. In such o the Beal Protoronal duties |) processes Which will be available t01and one or in England, ae. Robly,* Me, Hopkins bd " ii ng: aces it is filling a real want, but in ing products of other portions of the i The funeral was held this afternoon] Adam had one advantage The so place, ho it big or small, should Empire, has been an jmportant fact- | a1 tue Talo} Cemeierys Rev, XC, Rist robin didn't fool him into tuk- | R «d 2 ew instances in the past to open factories in Canada, in as / BO { You'se go 10 Hi gown gh virls working in Chinese res much as from these factories can be Some of the statesmen who think gy Potato st I th Yon i 8 working ia Chinese 0 5.7% fu. with geosiont advpntefs | Some of the watcamon ho ova oor dove to sesh BANK OF MONTREAL celfreapect or reputations by doing the export ou Sytomoblice to the | simply wind instruments. --Ricl- until after the Irish settlement. J gato Od tolice court records in Tor- countries include in the pre erence. mond Newsleader. a die in offfee--Indianapolis St ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS -has heen found that alloy stesle| | How trivial would problem seem An low coda \ 2 CF et sto and other cities reveal harrow: attain their highest perfection when | when we reflect that soon we shail clover that grow i saven Tof H. S. LANGFORD, Local Manager ng stories of Canadian girls becom: produced through the operation of | eel ihe crack of the BON EaInST & i] {Pia EI Aldi A Sow Total Assets in Excess of $500,000,000 ng the prey of unscrupulous Chin- elesthe furnaces. TBO KE of | fast one.--Akron Beacou-Journal { York Evening World : ; Tucre are exceptions to this considerable extent against the de- | -- _-- »oed ctatement, as there are to velopment -of this class of furnace in| | most things, but the only safe way the Tnited Brates, and yet, practical ] y § F H steels cons ned n an- - rotect all our girls is to have a yg Bio 4 to Hy eed in face { jaw allowing mone of them to Work disadvantageous duties and rates SIR WM. MACKENZIE | for Chinese employers. of exchange. the Canadian Mr. Willsi The Dominion ation, Limited, by a number eee TUBERCULOSIS PREVALENT IN CATTLE of expert steel men whose experience with the steel trade | building the company. Alloy Steel Corpor- designed and built the Ford Motor, has been ofganized | Car, and was associated with Henry | Ford in its production. He is now Wills Sainte Claire car, Ee ---- of the United States and Canada has | known as the "Molybdenum Steel | N Ur ro Z resulted in the conviction that Can-|Car." | bX ued ban residents wno may be skep- aqa's abundant supply of hydro-} vet another director is Mr. J. J.1 AN a J cal of the reported prevalency ol electric power and low-cost electric | yjanop, who was formerly Chie | = : J tabhbreulosis among herds of cattle current places her in a commanding | Engineer of the Crucible Steel Com-| ds throughout the country will be sur- position in 80 ih as Sonsere ig] uy of Newark, N.J. Mr. Mahon: rise 3 a production of electric furnace Steel. was prought to Canada during the! y ised to hear that Dr. Frank Wood. pis steel, it should be added, is anlyar by the fmperial Munitions: nspector under the Federal Depart- absolute necessity in the production | Board,, and supervised the produc-| ment of Agriculture, last week of high-grade automobile parts, 501 tion of shell-steel throughout Can- found that 34 head out of a herd of that an almost unlimited field awaits | ada. \ 3 { a 3. OW ant. | 62 at Peterboro were afflicted wits [1° product of the ».2w plant Another well-known steel man} \ ¢ni« disease. They belonged to Mr. | i he is on the directorate is Mr. | Alex: > \ | George A. Simpson. Mr. Simpson . } a ander Matehett, of Peterboro, | | was formerly associated with the! and most of them were pure-bred | Alloy Steel Corporation of Canton, | Holsteins or Shorthorns, with excel-| Ohio, but during the past eight years | . tent records. a bull which was con- | { has been Sales Manager and special | iH dorined Wit 4 i \ representative of the Steel Company | i wartisn] ith the others having a) of Canada. In this capacity he has | if articularly fine pedigree. Before it been a close observer of the needs of | if was purchased by Mr. Matchett it] the Canadian steel industry, and| was held at $1,200. Some of the brings much strength to the new in-{ cows were heavy milkers. dustry. | a 4 \ On the directorate are many other |' The 34 cattle were shipped to Tor-| well-known Canadian names, includ-| onto to be killed in an abattoir. | ing W. Wallace Jones, President of | rite meat Was 1 in-1 the Ontario Steel Products Company; | srected and 30 be Setousy in | Ww. B. Boyd, Consulting Engineer of | 1 Eped and wha ever did pot show | Toronto; Sir William Mackenzie, tubercular infection will be sold, the | well-known financier and railway net proceeds being returned to Mr. | HARRY R. JONES man of Toronto. who is also a direc- i Matchett. The owner said he had| After due deliberation, and taking tor of the British Empire Steel Cor- | ! entered an agreement with the gov- [0 consideration all the require poration; Bert H. McCreath, Manag: | J g P wn + und ments for economical production of | 1n& Director of the Dominion Bond i ment under the accredited herd this new steel. dea ets, of thei& Dehenture Corporation, and Col. | to 21 scheme for the testing of the entire Dominion Alloy Sicel Corporation, william McBain, President of thel He = serd, and he intended to carry out ; Limited, decided upon the selection | Windsor Securities, Toronto. i 2% #2 nis part of the contract to the letter. of a site on the St. Claire River, It may be doubted if any steel | £1 y |mear Sarnia, as the most advantage- company heretofore organized in! it was only a few weeks ago that ous for their purposes. This site| Canada has had the benefit of the' the Oshawa Board of Health heard tions in this district. A notice moiion is before the Board of Health | now, having been given by Dr. Me- Kay, the purport of which is to have a competent veterinary employed to devote his time inspecting the cows from which milk is taken to supply! Oshawa consumers. Statistics such as come from Peterboro, where the malority of what was thought to be while the e high grade herd showed signs of | tubercular infection, are alarming. | They should convince minded persons are needed to protect the health of the public. EDMORIAL COMMENT | Agnes MacPhail, M.P. says she has not moticed much manifestation of religion around the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa. Surely Agnes arrives in time for the daily prayers! The Legislature is expected to break a record this year. It is now admitted that it will not finish its work before the first of June. It is hardly a record of which the Govern- ment can feel proud, considering the fittie business that has been trans- | acted to date. | The offer of the two ¥Yy. MC. A. | secrétaries to give their assistance | in Adirecting supervised play in the | public schools is commendable. Such | ces should be quickly | talon advantage of by the Board of Education. | A gives the company of low of | shipping rates electric time, it is more ------------------ T0 ENJOY YOUR MUSIC pest way to arrive at enjoyment of music is to give one's to it and enjoy it as it passes to understand experience of HOW The self up without merely i freight-rates some startling statistics of condi- and Ww iveighi-sates current costs. to a market which than sufficient to absorb the » is close wurying sensuous, jae both express something which as much as seeing a sunset or any scene, any hig Fond id iis ] image. Geni § lor its own rea je. us that safe-guards {is the art of so com all the advantages | from the coal |ience in the CL -------- guidance of so many men trade .,and it is a together with low | of the utmost significance to the and most favorable | future of the Dominion Alloy Steel | At the same Corporation. that these men have | the fullest confidence in the success | of the new industry. of exper-! matter | a real who hear aright. it. hearing is |of such writers as Tschaikowsky it meverthless the bining tones that Tit-Bits. and genius felt at tne moment and also | are incisive enough to a jlar moods and ple Bach, other ---- Hobson--®8ir 1 am 2 n. Dobson--Who interrupted you?----- waken sim- asures in those It is this which constitutes the essential mas ership \ { ] Beethoven. great | self-made nmermy

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