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Ontario Reformer, 4 Apr 1922, p. 3

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au Sri SRE. li pi I 'Oshawa and District Free Cigars at Lakas New Store Will give away free 500 Bachelors cigars to every one of my customers, who comes in my new store to-mor- row at half past six o'clock in the morning, so every working man come in and get a smoke on your way to work, Yours George Lakas, 15 King 8t, West, Dies At Whitby Mrs, J, B. Powell, bne of Whit- by's oldest citizens, died 'suddenly Tuesday after a few hours' illness. 8he had lived in this district all her life, Her husband, James Bradford Powell, who died some years ago, was prominent in Whithy circles ror many years, Mrs. Powell is surviv- ed by three daughters and two sons, Cupid Busy in March The vital statistics for the month of March in Oshawa show the return of the birth rate to normal, the total birth registration for the month be. ing 36, This is the biggest number this year. There were 16 deaths, only two of that number being infants, and both prematurely born. The death rate for the month was high but not unusually so, Cupid made the best showing for many months, 11 mar- riages being recorded. £ Riding Bumpers----Fined Elmer Lachance of Beacon, New York, and John Anderson, a sailor, of Calgary, made their appearance'in Police Court yesterday morning, both charged with trespassing on the Grand Trunk Railway, The arrests were made by Special Officers Booth and Foster, who found the young men taking a ride on a freight train bound for Toronto. Hach of the ac- cused pleaded guilty, A fine of $6 and cosets or thirty days was meted out by Magistrate Hind along with a warning to keep off the railroad unless there for some legitimate pur- pose, Over Exposure Ray --- I just adore the way your raom-mate dresses. May---0h, dear! Has she heen leaving her window shades up again? ~"Topics of the Day" Films, There are some men who think that all things come to him who waits, That is the ouly reason for many failures.--Dailly Okla- homan, A philosopher is one who con- cludes that fat is fate and reaches resignedly for another piece of choe- olate cake ---Birmingham News, lle Rexall Stores ADAS | AOR DRUG STORES Lack of Sleep Loss of Appetite Tired Out It is nothing more or less than a run-down system mak- ing itself known to you, Nature has her way of notify- ing you when the organs of your body are not working properly. These are the. system. To build up those symptoms of a worn-out worn-out body tissues and regain that normal health and strength a tonic is neces- sary. We recommend to you our Best Tonic-- PEPTONA A Blood Purifier and a Body Builder. Ask those who have used Peptona. TRY A BOTTLE TO-DAY The REXALL STORES JURY & LOVELL WE ARE HERE F. W. THOMPSON TO SERVE RORY, | pointed out. HEE ----_-- a x aa 5, dal Tam an] ed FINE PROGRAM BY PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR One of the Hymn Writers The choir of the Preshyterian Church Sunday evening presented a special program of music, for which the church was filled to the doors, and whieh in the opinion of many was one of the hest ever given hy Organist and Choirmaster Geo. W. Henley and his choir of thirty voices, HKasily the best number of the evening was the anthem, "By Babylon's Wave," (Gounod) render- ed in a manner that reflected great credit on leader and singers alike. The voices blended well together and the different parts were well taken. Mr. N. Mecllveen sang "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," the choir sang the anthem, "Watchman, What of the Night," in which R. Henderson and J. Gray wera the Pastor Sketched Life History of | goloists; Mrs. W, M. Robertson | sang "Lead Kindly Light'; Mrs, R.| J. Bale and Mr. R. Courtney ren-| edered a duet, "My Song Shall Be] Always Thy Mercy," and the choir! gave a short cantata, "Gallia," by | Gounod, tn which Mrs. J. A. Brand | was the soloist { The singers were well supported | by the organ accompaniments, Mr. | Henley excelling himself in this re spect, and in fact in all numbers of the evening. The pastor, Rev. Geo. | Yule, gave a brief history of Dr. Ho- | ratius Bonar, the writer of the| hymn, "1 Heard the Voice of Jeeus Say," and several lessons from the words of the well known hymn were Familiar hymns were sung during the service and ar op- portunity given for the choir and men and women of the zongregation to sing the different verses. The! members of the choir are to be con- | gratulated on their excellent work ST. GREGORY'S SCHOOL REPORT FOR MARCH Senior IV.--Doris Kennedy, Mary Donald, Louis Arcand, Madeline | O'Connor. Norman Dearborn, Ceeilia Pearce, Dorothy Conlin, Leone Piet: rasiak Junior IV.--Helen Kolinko, La- verne Mullen, Catherine Burke Senior IIl.---Blanche Lesniak, Ed- ward Turner, Franeis Turner, Geo. Toppings, Victoria Lesniak, John Kroll Senior 111.--Brian Gifford, J. Guil- tinan, M. Gorman, L. Kennedy, D Craddock, E. Leveque, C. Delong, M Bawkes, J. Toppings, A. MeAdams Cecil MeCabe, LL. O'Donnell. Junior IIL.--B. Stezik, C A. Dionne, A. Czarnomaz, dock. Senior IT J. kinson, A. Paconick, M. Cooper. M. Lacombe, ella Yow, J. vitz, B. Graime Cooper. R. Crad- Peitrogiak. V. Wil- Bella Cayley, Biggar, B. Tucker, J St Wichorcka- Awgwn' accident in the day." reported Willis "What was it?" "A woman had her eyc and a man sat on it!' (N.J.) leader. Awful train to- on a seat Westfield | All The Clothes Out By 9 am. onday morning just started and your washing 2ll done! You think it sounds impossible, but just use Rinso and see. Really, the clothes soak themselves clean in the Rinso suds and the dirt runs away freely in the rinsing. Why? Because Rinso is the new modern method for the family wash and it is fosolutely different from every other soap or washing powder you ever used. Do not pour the Rinso granules direct from the package into the wash. it this way as it guarantees the best results: Dissolve half a package of Rinso in just enough cool water to make it like thick cream. Use boiling water. happens: Add two quarts of boiling water and stir. When the froth subsides you will have a clear, amber coloured liguid--the famous, Pour it into your tub of cool or lukewarm water, then put in the clothes and let them soak one hour, two hours, overnight or as long as convenient. Then give them a thorough rinsing and they are clean without any hard rubbing--with- At Al Grocers. soap; 11 pours out, Rinso i > R High in chemicals If You Use a Washing Machine: Soak your clothes for the usual time, then add more Rinso solution and work the machine. Rinse and dry--you will have a clean, sweet, snow-white wash. Certainly Not a Washing Powder: The fine granules of Rinso may look like a washing powder but just make this test. Dissolve a heaping teaspoonful of Rinso ina little hot water. In another cup dissolve a heaping teaspoonful of washing powder in When they cool, see what Absolutely harmless. $0 rich in soap it "Jolla ~ mer. been decided to build a mew six-room {Ormiston on north. Queen Street, not | far from the station. jap to date im every way and will be 2 boon to the sections where very fem, i children attend. vy ---- wan OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1922, Bhi Sida SS BELA Just a Little Over a OO To E aster OO YENI, PAGE THREE Week White dresses, 9 1.3 . NN values / never in better shape. already sold. Nun's Veiling, 38" wide what is nicer than a plain either Green, Rose shade, 50 inches w The b blue striped centre. we ever offered. inches Chamoisette Gloves for the Easter event. V5. domes, sizes 61%, 7, $1.00 pair ......... Mercerized Repp Side curtains are a necessity, and Blue or a nice rich $1.88 7 Christie's Bath Towels Extra large size, cream with red or Size 42 x 20 $1.00 = Everyone will want new Gloves for This is a very special line, with fancy black and white stitching, natural color, two We are all ready for the last minute rush, Our stocks were New arrivals take the place of goods Among the newest arrivals are CHICKEN SUITS, which are in so much demand this season. The new high-fitting collar with ties. somely embroidered. Averaging about $35.00 in price. The sack back all hand- Dress Goods at Prices that cannot be Compared in Quality specially suitable for little children's Navy Lustre, 36 inches wide, coming back to pre-war TTI 89¢ yard Jumper Mannel Jumper Flannel, more popular than ever, 54" to 56" wide, in Sand, Paddy Green, Navy, Brown, Black and Red, all pure wool $1.95 yd. several Pure Wool Panama Pure Wool Panama, 50" wide, all ready to be made up into stylish Spring Suits, Brown, Navy and Pure Wool English Serge Pure Wool English Serge, 50" wide, a beautiful bright lustre finish, Navy, Copenhagen, Brown and Taupe Greymane $1.10 yard Repp in ide, and wonderful bargains. window. est value to mention. All for Easter Sizes 56, 58 and 60. money. Regular Wednesday Morning Specials Manufacturer's Samples 19¢ Each | An assortment of odds and ends, among which there are many and exceptional They will be in the Included are imany dainty Col- | lar and Cuff Sets, Separate Collars, Lace | Fronts, Vestees, Baby's Veils, Detachable | Sailor Collars, Windsor and Middie Ties, | Dust Caps, and many others too numerous 19¢ each WHITE COTTON NIGHTGOWNS A very fine Nainsook., round or square neck, with short sleeves. a dainty beading round neck and sleeves. A value well worth considering, as it means a real saving in Wednesday Morning Only A New Wool Silk--Mix-Floss For Summer Sweaters, also suitable for those dainty little embroidered flowers that one sees so often now-a- days, and they are so easily made. All the popular shades, Henna, Nile, Peach, Mauve, Copenhagen, Jade Green and Golden Rod. One-ounce New Curtain Nets Beautiful fine Filley Curtain Nets, with very neat conventional patterns, exceptional double thread mesh, ivory shade, 43 inches wide. Specially priced ...... yvirsd 58¢ yard Trimmed with value, $1.18 handles. thing for School Umbrellas Natura ing to school. clearing out price $1.00 = WE CLOSE AT 12.30 NOON 1 crook Just the girls go- A Fine Curtain Panelling 90° Wide The width is the length of your curtains. panels to the yard. if you wanted a curtain just a yard wide, why you would only have to buy one yard of goods. beautiful fine border in Basket design, with a neat small conventional pattern running to the top. third more than price we quote here . They run four A Easily worth one- isd $2.95 yard News of Nearby Places 1 Bennett, ance able. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Me- on the birth of a (Continued on Page There was a large attend- | and the service was very profit- | Kinsby son. BROOKLIN of Brooklin have for a dance 10 Masonic Hall, Fride¥ evening, proceeds will be Football Club ! { { The bachelors issued Invitations be held in the Brooklin, on March Sth. The contributed to the and Russian Relief Fund Mr. Fred Skinner, of Duluth. been visiting his mother With: the opening of spring, building operations have started r Walt Rogers will shortly | move to Epsom, where he will start] a garage. { Mr. Joseph @Garbutt spoke to the members of the League on Thursday evening. Last week Mr. Agar gave an interesting and instructive talk on "Bees." He illustrated his talk with lantern slides. The School Board met, together with representatives from other sec- tions, on Saturday evening. It has has Consolidated School: High Sched! combined. during the summer. The site likely 10 be chosen will be tae five acre field owned by Mr. Wm. This will be The system will tak in sevem sectioms. TYRONE Master Willie - Little is grandmother, Mrs. Littie. Mrs. Hatherley is the Mrs. Hovey, Bowmanville . { Miss Margaret Moore, spent Sunday at home. ! Mrs. Dawson, Campbeliford, | visiting with her daughter, Mrs. |W. Clemens, i Miss Mary Brightwell is visiting | {in Toronto. { Mrs. W. R. Clemens' sale was well attended in spite of disagreeable 'weather. Glad to know she is re- maining in our midst for the sum- with his guest of 2 Oshawa, is} A { Mrs. F. GG. Byam is moving to | Bowmanville, where she has bought {the Cryderman Home, on Church Street Always a good meighbor and {triend, she will be a loss to both the .chureh and community. Epworth League was in charge of Mr. C. Stinton. Misses Mary Rich- jards, Mable Wight, May Gardiner land E. M. Werry also assisted on the program. : Miss Virtue entertained the Adult jday evening offi social Sixty members, cers and teachers enjoyed a time together. An admission Tec 10 cents was charged to heip reach | the class objective of $25 Jor mis- sions. A good program and several well arranged contests were the method of entertaining and were en-| joved by all | Tyrone Farmers' Ciub will their regular meeting in Sons' at 2 p. m. on April 5th All bers are requested to attend. BETHESDA Mr. Hareld Hoar is indisposed. Glad to report that Miss Dorothy | Hoar and Mr. Silas Hoar are improv-1 ng Miss Ethel Hoar was removed to | Bowmanville Hospital ou Monday . Mr. Floyd Dudley sang very ceptably at Tyrone League Mrs Howard Couch visited her father W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. and other friends in Bowmanville. Mrs. Bradd and Master Floyd re turned to her father's, Mr. W. J. Dudley, after spending a few weeks in Bowmanville and Whitby. { Mr. Bradd. Regina, Sask, pected this week. Miss Phena ville, is visiting her sister Mrs. 8S. Hout. LO hold Hall | mem- is ex- Westington, Plain- v Mary Locke and friend of Torofite spent the week-end atMr. W. Lock's. Mr. and Mrs. Lock en- tertained the Bethesda young peop- le in their daughter's honor and all report a good time. Mr. W. J. Virtue Hampton and his nephew Mr. Will Staples. Tyrone, canvassed this district Monday sol- iciting onders for the Hampton Creamery. Plan to attend "Life Stock Im- provement Campaign" meeting to be held in Sons Hall Tyrone, on Tues- day 4th April. We expect Mr. F. C. Patterson. District Representation Port Hope, and other speakers. CEDAR DALE Mr, Chas. Pearson has purchased Mr. Jas. Gibbs' home, Annis Street. Mrs. Nelson has moved to her new home in Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Sqamuel Johnston are visiting Mrs: Oke in Port Perry. Mrs. Goodrich is visiting friends in Trenton. Mr. Gordon McGee, of Port Perry, is visiting friends in Cedar Dale. The evening service at the hall on Gentlemen We have a big stock of Men's Suits, all sizes, all colors, finest quality of ma- terials and in up-to-date styles. Prices ranging from $12.49 to $2690. It is worth your while to inspect our stock: we can suit your needs. Also a big stock of Pants, Spring Coats and Boys' Suits priced within the reach of every- one. We also make suits to measure, fit guaranteed or money refunded; free pants with every suit. adies Why not buy your Easter Suit from us? We have them in the latest styles and finest of materials at prices which will surprise you. Also a big stock of Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses at moder- ate priees. Schwartz Bargain Store 136-138 Simcoe St. S. Phone 725 Bible Class at her home on Wednes- Sunday was conducted by Mr. Ande:- son. A solo was rendered by Mr. Roy

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